OCR Interpretation

The evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, June 01, 1912, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Oregon Libraries; Eugene, OR

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn99063812/1912-06-01/ed-1/seq-1/

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lMn it i'in:ss i:wn niiiimci;
Hlilli loin " 1 .771!
Kia.MATii r.i,i.s, omxioN, hati uu.w, .iri. i, wet
Tin. ni.w I, .,i,. fr ,,. !,,,, Hii(i
'I olograph nii.l THephi.1,1. ...i.,,,,,,,, ,.
ItKll Hill. J. I..II
"iii.iiiniii jimi a,.
ii 1 1 ml) fur
Price, Flro OeaU
"ii ns
In- ItHW
Mitt hSfc --;t-r
I" dill.' SVSlOIII
i mi ihmiiiovh hxapp mii
TIhi.iikIi ll' '
i Phth'i r ''"' l.n'i'l'1'!' Vnnl mill Suit
Mill i.l tin' Long l-Jit l.lilulier
i.iii.iii) hikI II"1 I'iiiIiii) An
lnj.., Clhiinlnl hi IN, mill,
Willi KIII,IHMI IlKllmllH'.
Hplolllllll prilgrnM t. biilnn m.iti. ..
n iiiiillon fur llio now building lol
!' i.ei.rl.., ,y (I, v Wlr. Just east,'
- i ui. American Hunt! and Truiil com.
i". mi Tin. iHiiiiiitiK i. ... i.-.. - ..
Wink r riM.i,.,i f,,,.,, .,, '-"
...i iri.iii. nn.l l in h .i,,,.,.,-
i.u n si vi is ,hm
IMillillli.il. In Hi,. Willi lint
Hawthorn, timl rliiili'ti l.y a young boy
whoso name wnH nut given V. C.
I 'Hi' II 'mm. Ill Hcroiiil mill Jolm
' '.i.olniul llilnl
other uti'iitn for Hid nftimoon
"lug nirrlcil out successfully ni
rnlO koch to press. Tim til.
tendance Is probnlyj;oo. Jargcr.thani
Friday. It In nre.Mcl,..! n,i i,:,',S?l
l i, ' --T'-'r"- ' ...--4.,.i.,i-
.IVH I row mom lliim 3,000 people will nt-
tftin the. Rodeo. All of tho IlimU will
lio lifiltl tomorrow, -irnl Hid winners of
i In. rnrloiiH prlres determined.
111. IIAItltV liA.VII (HVhS
vinwsox ciiaiiti:ih
lleiir Hkiihiii In m Hi rlty from (Hi
rnnrli nonr Hluhol bridge. ,,,
li'il In ii largo nn-agv of potato and
turn til,- i.r.B.1,1, ro fin,. fnr n good
'""" "' " "' I'll! It) Hint tlii.y brought noma to the gr,l-
I'lMi-r Uiul. in IIuIIiIiiukIiik .si,,., ,in"''K Mo mi. unit nix. to the publl-
i (ffinfn1Ii f Iia h.,...Ii.. . .
lli.nl. 11.1,1 ,,,11.m. Vli.-ii(cliooli,mlrollM.
IIiiiimI .i I, imI.iih . N I !m -, I in Follewing: tho commencement ud-
Win,., H,,ll r .,,.. t";,.T,, '"' J"V W. K. Wordcn,
, ".m it inn- won cuoscn romarKs, tire-
ri,r Mm.'.. .-.III w. entlrel, ' l. M H..l.l..,u .. ... Ibo.lir from ' -. 1,,'uirg.. km,,,, stand TS Z,t wllon!".",. u!
j, ,r,..ml i,r fir.. IM nlRlil. Tin. ...Ill I"- . iDr 3f..rtill. II- ,amo up ''"I wh-n ili . vrhU l tli.-ti,. ? iiy limn 'in , i
.. ...i v... u,.. ...r i l ml... in 1 1.- u'-t. . i .. .,.,, .i... . ... ""liny iionru .in.I wntclitil tlio
a. ...... ......... ...... ,. .,.., i.i.runi;, -" iiiu ihiiii'ii mnriuii. i no i.roirrMn of tho rln nlil. . ..r., .i.,
. .. . . . -i i n i... i ..... i Im..l uiil iv .... ....... ii.-. .-... I.. ... .. ... i't.rw"oi uio cms- Willi a Krcat ilnl
0, l' Hlll.l . ....'. I. ...... 1... ...'I'll. --" ...... i.f .. ituiii.fi
ul(, ii .niii, Tin. itrlK.n of tin.
(I, i. i.kiuinil, hilt tin. iiili.i.alt.iiii
U tin n 'IIH' I't lilltHliiiiil nun
tii in.: TIiitii wim tin nni. nl II,
mill' ij th fln ntnrlr.l. Tim Itiiltli'ii
rr' ''.-. i''ii lif tint wnli'liiniiii
On. I iik l.ak mill. l'rotii..l i.'m.h..
In thr nil for lnl. kfil I Im itntiiM
runri ' t tin ICimi, mill. Hint
ll.r i ..i.c l.nki. I'lnnt. whirl, niljolim
It i,.ir. r,.. no Iiim pxrt'pt mil. (rum-
Ar.-..iiiii: to rrpnit tin hip m
fitit -n li th wntclitnnii nt n lw
iiilniit- i.i'f.iro 12 n'cliirk Tim rail
for ''; llillil.-illiil.l) rt itiinn
limii i In. lion IIium i'ii. ImldliiR .1
turf .s 'ii tin I u. Ii h Imll, uiul a
.1..I.-H iiiitoiiinhllrii went to
nf Hi.
,tl, nrxtiirn uiul rttln-nii
" '""-" " "' I'roi;rniii r micron, nnil wnnlil tontlnuo to
rr a n notltlon ,.f y.-Mtonlny. Tl. wllh . rMpccVl, mcrnucrg M thpy
ir...l ni,mai. .in lnrK.,lyf .oil.. ,,,,( , ,, R. wort, , ,mt0
!,.. l.n.t ,,.,! i.o.. t. nni,.,,, xlil- will, tho prohloms of life, whirl,
I.III..I.. of l.or...in,ilil. nn.l n.o wonhl provn murli noro .llnicult tlmn
ti-ti.,K timktng tl,u ,,ua,lrlll miil'tl,,,,,. f tho MkIi icliool. He iirRcl
' f.mt) r..... liunillliiK ttroiiK nt- tin, Krailuatoa to no aliapo tholr
'"''''T.. niroorH Hint thoy will rofloct cro.llt
Hi-follow liieiiumuurwnn tin. wild' upon the educational Institution of
1 r,.ro witnthirtro,, omrioH. Nov. Klatmith roiinty. which now rnnkn
r hmo honor ohlliltloiinf iMirkliiKninmiK tho hot In tho tnto and
I--ii ..t. .in n ran. rnurno JncK which. If th plan of tho county
v " " '- no wnariinoi tjoard do tint mlicarry, will
rnilunl cloioly by Hot. A.lmn mid noon In. ranked ni tho bout In OroKin.
' w "tiro ramo in third Humor Aflor honodlctlort l.y I)r. Collin., of
.-.,... B. .uniwii iroui inn norno nf- tin. i:n biriiiiiil elmrrli. H... i-ri.,iMn,
lor Mlrklng on Hirnucli miuin oxcop- r.-coUod tho oo,iKrnlulntlonii of tholr
i.nnmi) iinru DiuKinB Hit wan nllKht- frlonilB mid nrounliitni,r. ........ .
or umi win im- Mini- l injuiod. but wa rHoii Hmiiodlatoli.tioroiiriillv nchlovlm; ono Important
top In life.
Tho nliiuml hnnnuot In itm l..i
..... .... .. W.L..... ... I .---
ii.ii PiruiK BUiiiium and tlio " huiiiiukkiuk nt iiiomoor prood
addition Tb unit romurluMl Kr,'a' ntiiurtlnn. Vordiiiio niticht
I II tl'MW , ONslltl (HUN t mi.
miiim:i nuiiit wii.i. in;
IN MII.Ls Miliums
I lie l.t
from tho oat branch to Poo Vnlloy,
Tho Orimth lateral will nliio be start
ed as noon n tome of tho npparontly
'Immaterial defect In titles can bo
Tfl llllr PlininriCuro(I' '"""kclytlmttliUworkwIU
III III AIM arlllafL, ,0"o by force account, an only tlio
IU lllnllL UIIUIULiupper portion of tho canal can be
built uut.l a right of way can be
curod ncroRR tho Doyna,mtate, which
l Involved In HtlRntlon. Tho icaVon
In already pretty well advanced, but
Mr. Patch hopes to KCt tho Poo Valley
extension and the Orimth lateral built
this year. Had It not been for tho
condemnation proceedings and tho'
now ruling by tho Interior depart
ment the government would novr bo
working a largo force. Tho local
utricu Is welt up In Its work, and has
long since made all plans for the cur
rent year. All that Is needed Is the
.approval from headquarters. When
mis is received bids will be adver
Used for and contracts lot.
Kii). Ur Would Holut One Hint Sult
oil Him mill Toll tho Pouplo It Was
1 1,0 l.mt l.'nlll Tlioy Miimiil llllll to
ll.c Cmitrnr) Wuiilil Sl.iy Willi
Ono t'hnrtor L'nlll .siipicmo Court
Knnrkoil t Out
...... . ... ...... . ... .. ...,. ....... ... . i
... i .......... ...... .- i.ii'i.ii lima. i ii mi i KniiM.i u. iiia in.niirHi niioniiiiii fl.tn ill. ii.iu.r.... '
.'.im. ... llll'lll , lfl','l ', ,,7 - ' ..-- .. ww .Hw .-.- ..... ...J..,.-..
ii ..r liolp. mid lii nditltlun """" '""' -" coinpruoa pnrnons " inunu to uo iioiiiiiir serious
' r,iri,,i,nioh im ttlml wiik liliiw Inc. ,ay"T s-" el. ntttl was built by Iho too animal while It a on n doail
ml " . i.kmIIiIo in k.op tin. llro t''ll,ni ''"nslrurtlon nunpau). Tb ru" r,' horns worn too short to
trn.lr. ontrol systoin will bo turuod uvor to tin. rlty Kitv hi in good Ivomko. and It ro-
Tho linapn mill was lomtod nd- M,",,ln-
qui rod II'.- itMlMiiiiro of Arord to gel
nil will llollhtlrM riiillt ill
nor iskliiR wiino nrllan
jjltunic ".o Inrgor Iiiik l.nko plnnt. i
llt.l it.o nninos sirail In thin tlio tio
fj.i.ir. aMi, also hay boon .lout toy.
tj i i oitliuntod Hint th t- In
,'Jr Imsoi. i. iipiirinliimtoly IIS.OOO
villi j .rnnro In Iho mil of I lll.OO'l
Tlir,. i on tiro piutortliiii nl Ship.
r'nr' cii.d tlio ilottriirtlnti of thr
l k- R n ostein thai woul I ,1,,,,," "J u.pllo.l
. Hi rhxkllm nil, I koopltiK
ii.. tit r.il Tho rlly wnli"
1 " lint boon oitoiidod til Hlllp
ii. It would bo n dlltlrult
do HiU until thoro l i
t'lotnont thorn Tho ilmiro
in mills has uln)s boon u
i.rntilnm, and all nf tho liiifm
mid about this rlty tm. i
a.llrhlllnil. nllOSK tint Ii Is l"
I'.so lookout for tiros
I'lllll tho tangle owr tho rhaitoi. "" or on liU bnok VitiIiiro show.
' t
Is .ottlid It Is llkolv that romlilrr-
ntilo trinihlo will l.p oxporiouroil In
Killllir. IIOW work Started Most nf
Hi thickly sottte.1 portions of Hi
aro now supplied with sowers, mid
Jut nt soon as tho work ran ho I. nil
lv lot stops will b lakoti to col a
si" or systoin In Mills nddltlnn. and
aim. in tKirtluns of iho Dot S.rini
llorl Cb.ldnrs ramo in fi.,in
Ij ngoll Vsll.y homo lst nlglii
is''., in tin. Itndon
cd .mil ho understood tho gnmo (!,or
..i Klil Hi- prt-d an oiport nt pro
ii.tliic liiuisolf Hlun In n bad iix.
Tho iow pony riir,. was won by .
ln.r.i' naiiUMl Slolom entered b) Jack
mil Mum), in mi rmiii in-
laiuli t. I m I. . ..i,l in Iho l(...i
I' reported that Mr. Ktuipp l-
I'Ddrriitril ns In whether bn will ro
1,1)11,1 Ins mill
OF lift
i.i i'. mi. ii -t iinni. lilt Mil its i;r.
i.i i. iiii'i.oM.is i.i:i.i.i:nt
I'liot. it m is m:ni. m:u. roi..
i.uwcii in n.i.Ngi'CT
;'tiiiiiiii.ui'oiiuiit oxorclsui nt
Srlionl nudllor.iim followed
ill) the nluinul l.auquet slosed tlio
'till, tho si'honl .'Will for tho past cm. Tho
It. ..too Hall, Saturday night flrand mU rmiio arrnss llehrliu: Son' llnw 4tioiidanci nl tho Dual exerclnes wni
msrn. ' p m I'm Won. Fourth mnl many luno soon mi open fair beiioAtu xotlnimll) largo, inuu'iitiiig timl
Kl.inmti, nvouiin Tickets on sale nt ll" ml.llilKhl sun mi thn long, toiiKil.'-It'"' high srhool I steadily lurre.isllig
.. ui.itii mo faiiilliai-
was served In the domestic science
department. It was largely nttended
and every class, since tho first county
high school wns established some
olght years ngo. was represented.
Principal W. K. Fought presided as
toastmntser. and called upon a tium'
her of the students and members of
the faculty The affnlr proved to be
a delightful reunion of teachers and
pupils. The high .tiool Is still In
Its Infancy, still It hns already many
students In the various walks of life
who nrn speedily coming to the front
and are reflecting credit upon the In
stitution which Instilled In them the
principles of good manhood and wo-manhood.
Dr. Harry l.nnv, who .vciil through
Limu turbulent tline.i a tiinvor of
Portland, In Mpcaklng ol our local
Curler muddle, said:
"Of course, I am not fumlllar with
your mlx-up. From what I have heard
I gather that you hae two charters.
It places your mayor-elect In a rather)
perplexing situation. If J woro In hU
place 1 would go out both charters!
thoroughly, nnd then select the ono
Hint suited me best. Then I would
say to tlio people, 'This charter Is law
until you show mo to tho contrary.' I
would gel onto that charter, and I
would stay with It until tho supremo
court knocked It out from under me."
The. suggestion of ex-Mayor I-anc
looks like n mighty good one. Ho Is
the man who has had the experience
or guiding tho destiny of a growing
rlty. His administration was success
ful, oven under tho most adverse cir
cumstances. Mnyor-Klect Nicholas takes over
the reins of the city government Mon
day night. Ho has not allowed tho
grass to grow under his feet slnco
election, nnd tho people of this city
may rest assured Hint the best efforts
of Mr. Nicholas will at onco be put
forth to get tho city on a business
i:vcsh;iit is kkstoiihi) to thk
xi:ss of iioo hoo M.v
ll ilr.ie stores
llko spit nf laud which marks Itus-1 In popularity, and Is gelling closer to
.Us terminal point In the northern jih" people nf Klamiith county.
itimii" In this market place strange' In r.llng the salutatory Miss Mar-
iioopln iissoiiililo mid strange funds Jnrln Mct'luro shnwed marked ability,
mo bartered, mill stranger still, those1 is did al Miss Florence Short, who
iinlalod spots are in.il.lni: history. ! chosen n xnledli'lnrlan llioniu
sli'iW) hut surely moulding the dos-lsli.il numbers mi the program, con
itiiios of polltlinl unity, ii Iwiailor (listing of solos b) Mrs. Don J. Zuiu-
federation, which oslabllshes the fail wait uiul a plauo solo b) .Mr. (Jenrgn
Ti iinty lourl hold u legiihir Hint man) iinlral people nrn Indeed! A Wlrtx. wein groati) appreciated.
iiifi'i iir today to settlo up with sev- ei largel) dipoiulenl upon distant
erai . mi homo from Iho different pn" f the glol.e for commndltlni
raniio Hplendld prugress Is report- otherwise tiiinhtalunhln. No nun who
'l In oinldlng good roads. Houin ox- ha. been prlvllegod to see Iho unique
ri'iitiminlly good work hns been done imiiai.iniii nf life In the polar zone.
Int ween this rlty nnd Olenn. Hoornl iMi'blleil through the iiirilltnuot the
of the steeii irnidos liuvn boon cm tnnfM'llous iiiotlou pictures ttemon-
.'n mid low nlnros tilled In Tho Hated b) lleverly II. not.ln
work in in
will .fall
llm linnds of cnnipplenllio npprerlnln the truth nf the above
"in nnd Klnmittli county will soon Unlenunl Mr. Dobhs has, nfler sumo
- able to boast nf some of thn besl.lin Jars of almost siperliiiniaii or
""iililit thn stale. Most of the work! fori, nocuriM a series of lllms alxo
' lieljig ilnuo by the furiners nf thn lulely uueuiial.d Arctic life, human
Klamath llasln. t inl ferlox. Is ileplrieil with nmailng
""' .. .Udollly. The old Ksklmn lad Ush-
Iti'bokiili,, .tii....il..,i lug IhrniiRli a punrliiro In eigui reet
1'hi're win bo n mooting for prnc-lof sea Ice. playing nnd llnallv lamllmr
Hfe of tin, door work In I. O. O. !'. her llsh. which freezes In n cine no
"ill on Monday evening, .luno 3. All .Hie lands It on the be Iho ii'itlu
members of llm in.ni., iiii.t nnv nihors hunters In the llorrn Insl.iught upon
Interested In Uio work tiro toqliestoil Hie bonis nf walrus, the paiil.- of the
' lut i.reiiil to begin work promptly 'gieat brutes, the open set u see'hltig
limns nr roam as uiej iiasu ,i'....i. in
their froim.constliitto pictures which
am required U. be ncen to be tpnre
i luted, uiul even then holil spelll'pun.l
lie nlnerer.
No line should fall to visit Ibis
Clio address of the een.ug was to
Inne been delhered by Pi of. Joiep'l
Hlufor of the PnUerslty nf Oregon,
l.ut nil lu'cnuiit nf Illness he could not
iiiiiio. mid Professor Herbert l
ll.n c. the lif.nl of the Kugllsh hlstorv
ili'ii.iiliueut or the same Institution,
.nine In his Place Ills subject was
".I..- I Munition of a Free People."
Mr. Howe gave a masterly address nn
tlilt subject. He Is a forceful speaker
mid a .loop thinker. He brought out
niiiiii mind wholesome truths In cnu-
slnro it lias become known that
xotiio of the limber on the Klamath
Indian reservation Is to be inld h.H'
"al mill men hnve been on the
,! ion ml to look up tracts suitable for
mall mills It Is evident from the
tl, (.rough Investigations being made
Siat when the Umber Is offered In
small tracts that the bidding will bo
Main street, between Tenth and
Twelfth streets. Is being gre.itl Im-
iiroved by cement fldewnlks. Sev-
. I hundred feet of walk is being
I ut down on the north side of the
Poll ItHNT s-rooin house, bath uud
toilet. Just across from the post.
oltlce. J2.1 per month. Seo II. P.
room 220,
Odd Follow s'
At the regular moling nf Klamath
Lodge No 137. I. O. O. F. last evou
lug n now set of o Ulcers woro elected
for the term beginning In July. Tho
new olllrers chosen are: Thos. Drubb,
Noble Uraiid; Fred Ilremer. Vlco
tiox smvici: has ih:i:.v m:.
i.ayi:i) PHXDi.vc sirrri.i:Mi:.T
tlriind; (leo. I,. Humphrey, Secretary,
i.ni will, the neressltt nf ediicii. ami P. I.. Fountiilu, TreiAurer. Tho
linn In oi.ler to maintain a free roun-lnew ntllcors will be Installed on tlio Olene.
nl L ..... .
' " oi'lliCK p. 111.
H onlor of tho Cnplnln.
It'luili to Pilviite Dellwiles
Van lllper llros,. thn grocers, Imvo
'tallllshod mi niilnnwil.llo ilnllvoI'V.
The svstnninii.i .iiiu.,fv i.n,infnr. ileiiinnstrntlon nf polar llfn nt the op
""Xutnliied by all of the grocery eta house Sumlay nlKt. wlieu Hover
""ro In thn city litis boon abandoned, ,lv H. Dobhs presents his Tourograiih
' eory business hoitso Is now- run-'olng on Alaska uiul llio Great won
"lug Us own wagons. It Is llltoly that Iderlatul.
"iner stores will soon put on niito-
t'ut flnwors, 41 Main Bt. Phono 8311
T.-inple ll.ealer Mnltnre dntlv J:Sn
n, in, livening, flrrt perfoi inane
t ir. contliuions
tr Ills lemarks were so directed llrst Friday In July.
There nrc now pending before the
Interior department offers to com
promise both tho Albright & Mlckl
mid Olene Livestock company rlfl
of wuy suits. It wns Impossible
the owners of tho lauds and tho
reseutatlves of tho reclamation
vice to come to nu understanding
gardlng the value of the lands n
by the government for rights of
foi tho extension of the east bra:
canal. To forco tho matter to n
elusion the government several w
ngo brought condemnation procee
Ings In the federal court nt Portland,
rioth parties have submitted compr
inlso propositions, and It Is Ilk,
that amicable settlements will
reached. While these matters
awaiting adjustment tho local o
Is curing minor defects In other rlfl
of way deeds. The ruling was
by tho secretary of the Interior
no work could be undertaken until
titles to rights of way were porfi
has mused considerable delay In
ting work on tho Klamath pro;
started. In speaking of this pn
Engineer W. W. Patch said that pi
nbly by the 1st of July conslde
work will be under wny. Tho
work to bo undertaken will bolkt
A steel flume will bo'..SHJf.
After nine days woudorlng In dark
ness through tho land of Hoo Hoo,
thoro aro fifty young kittens abroad
In Klamath county today with thslr
ces opon. Truo, somo of them aro
barely ablo to keep their eyes open to
day, but nevertheless their eyeslgh:
was restored to them at tho greatest
concatenation of Hoo Hoos held on
tho Pacific coast this year. Tho affair
was held In tho Odd Fellows, build.
Ing, and It was something after mid'
night when tho Dlack Cats anally
concluded their session. Refresh
ments were served In tho banquet
There are about fifty Hoo Hoos'
from San Francisco and outsldo
points, nnd today with local members'
they made an excursion on tho Upper
I.nkc. A banquet will bo served to
the Hoo Hoos this evening at tho
Whlto Pelican hotol. This will begin
ibout 7 o'clock, nnd ns It Is kind of In
the nature of tho fell no tribe to enjoy
Project Knglnccr Patch Relieve That
Pond Formed hy tho Dam at Olene
Will Recome One of tlio Greatest
Hunting nnd Fishing Resort In
tho County Private Land for
Dcap.to tho fact that the prediction
waaqulte gonoral that the Lost RWtr
illverslon canal would not stand, It Is
proving a success. The water has
now been running for more than two
weeks. Tho canal Is carrying prac
tlcally the ontlro flow of tho river.
nnd there are but a few places where
the banks need watching. At tho
head of tho canal, whero tho pressure
is greatest, somo damage ha been
done. In speaking of this PriJect
Engineer Patch said that it would
likely bo necessary to pave tho canal
for a few hundred feet just below
the Intake. This wa exocctud. but
It was deemed advlsablo to turn In
tho water to determine where the
banks would havo to bo strengthened
Racking up tho water In Lost River
has mado a largo pond, running from
tho.dam back to Olene. At tho dam
the water has an average depth of
about thirty feet. Tho depth grad
ually decreases until at Olene it la
about three feet. The beadgatel are
now open about three feet, and will
remain this way during tho greater
part of the year. This permits the
trout of Klamsth River to run Into
Lost River. In tho course of a very
few years the pond should bo well
.Jaupplfed with trout of all kinds. In
ract, fishing Is already reported .ex
ceptlonally good at, Olene.
4 In speaking of the Lost Rlror pond
as a future fishing and hunting resore
Mr. Patch said:
"It Ii my opinion that tho pond will
be one of the finest resorts In Klam
ath county. In order to protect the
government property wo are not go
Ing to allow hunting or flshlnc right
n fight, It is probable that a number
will attend the boxing exhibition atlllt the da,n' D"' "r restrictions will
across the river to carry tlio
.... Mil lavSi
i.,v itninsnv'8 winning tonm, Third driven by Jolm Johnson. ThN team ovents
Xiumunl All-Alitska Sweepstakes Dog holds the world's record for HiU dle-ir.ico will bo
... tnn II.... ,l... T , .,..(... Um.11,' AlllMI llpllA. fill M CIl I Allllfl fit thl,
rave, distance, - iiiues. umo, . .,i.i,. ....,, ....v.., ,..v. ..-. -..-.(- -
hours 14 minutes and 24 seconds. Ned Darling, winning tho last two night.
A remarkable picture nf this
be Bhown by P-overly U.
opera house Sunday
tho opera houso nftor the conclusion
of tho banquet.
Tomorrow seats have been reserved
for tho members at the Rodeo
grounds, and they will attend In n
body nnd witness the Wild West exhibition.
AU ,
5 -
of the old directors wore rv
nt the. annual meeting of tho
ldcrs of the Klamath Water
(Association held Friday after-
Thcro woro no oposltlon nom-
agahi8t tho old directors In
hlrd and Fourth districts and
;Ady. C. 0. Merrill nnd C. A.
g received all but a few scat
votes. In the First district J.
n nnd J. R. Elliott wero norl
and In tho sccoud John Irwin
Hans Nylander. Tho vote was
lews: Dixon 6.400, Elliott 2.-
Irwin 7,118, Nylander 1,511.
directors meeting was held this
oon, and the old officers wero te
ns follews: Abel Ady presl-
John Irwin vice president nnJ
JElder secretary.
communication was considered
tbo department to tho effect that
ttti!a nf WAV nn tha Anal hrnnoli
joe Valley had been practically
UHi and the department expect-
bo able to commenco work on
7nal In tho near future. On nc
lot tho lateness of the season it
iiobable that this work will havo
t)H done by force account, as It
QtKd consumo too much tlrao to go
A'JLJ.. ... . .. ....... ....
V'tyswu mo lorm oi auvernsing tor
run only a short distance. I hardly
bellove that tho government will al
low the erection of boat homes on tta
property, but there Is any amount of
privately owned land between Olene
and the dam. The pond should be
come the best hunting and fishing
ground or the Klamath basin. It will
bo an tdenl place for a summer out
ing. The shores nrn ulronrlv 1ln..l
Iwlth willows, making amnio shade for
'picnic and camping parties. The wat
er Is cold throughout the summer, a
most of It Is supplied from large
awarding contracts.
Fanning District Deserted
Judging from tho number of coun
try people in tho city today to attend
business and to tako In the Elks
Rodeo, the farming district must be
deserted. It Is safe to say that 75
per cent of the farm homes In the
Klamath Basin are represented In the
city and at the Rodeo today.
J. W. Latbrop, who was Injured a
few day ago, Is Improving .
The winners In the events of ibu
first day of tho Elks' Rodeo are ns
Men's Relay Race Fort Klamath
1st, tlmo 6:52; Klamath Falls 2d.
tlmo 7:40; Merrill 3d, tlmo s:10.
Men's Cow Pony Race Wm, Dal-
ton 1st, tlmo 26 seconds; .Tack. Haw
thorn 2d, tlmo 28 seconds; John
Copeland 3d, time 29 seconds.
Ladles' Cow Pony Race Miss
Graham 1st, time 28 seconds; Miss
Crlsler 2d, time 30 seconds.
Mon's Wnrdrobe Race Hosley,
Merrill, 1st, 2:35; L. C. Slsemore, Ft.
Klamath 2d. 2 30 Harry RtlHs.
Klnmnht Falls, 3d, 3:36 .
Maverick Raco John Ivory 1st.
Steer" Busting Contest Ray Pick
ett, 1st, 1:19; Ren Pickett, 2d, 1:46.
Champion Rucking Contest Those
who qualified; Harry P. Drown, Ray
Plckott and Dob Adams.
Daly and Morrison, who own and
operato tho mill pn the West Side
formerly owned by the Innes-Clarko
company, have shut down for a few
days, to give the employes a chance
to attend the Rodeo and to help cele
brate the Hoo Hoo concatenation.
AA CHICK8 $8 per 100, shipped
anywhere; 33 varieties thorough
bred chlckons, ducks and eggi; free
circular. Inglestde Hatchery, 8fT
Mt. Vernon ave , Ban Francisco. Cal.

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