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.ij&fi "1 ' '"-' i "( fU." "V THK intgtf NKWMSaWVIU- Sttie tuning IfefaUi. .evening xnn PRINT TMH NBWB, NOT ,v,,er ' I. KMMATM MUl, OREGON, Kit I DAY, OCTOBER IS, 19111 Mm, Five OmM ase Germs Will Play a Part in Battles in Balkans lleeping Sheep Herder Slips into Boiling Hot Springs ROILS OFF PLANK INTO NILING WATER rnj . r v gaggaw if liucn aeeics rastures 'BREAKS A RIB IBig Deal in Live Stock !00CT0RS START nVT... xi m . .. ...... . i f new m me wonnwest fj j HARD FALL is Consumated in City, FOR THE FROKT WITH WEAPONS iV Ml Ml V IgOtXKSHKtK MKKTM WITH saBJOCtf ACCIDENT lrMajOMetat Hrrvico (Mtii Herder Uye Bwara to . nsthHuoe Awabewrd Whew I It lawrrr.l la Hut MoM. , p Beaked M llHal. Where MeCUreuFw-. i rMIsbk, a aheep border, at tat bolllag water at hot ill Hot Spring addition In tttU swat 11:10 tnli afternoon, and (iteMiM a cooked almost to several people who were In ere attracted Dy ibo laflaelajsred Win, sod ruabed liakuac. Ha waa Ukn to ibeseltat, where Dr. Wright lUoaealrat attention. M employed by Day at In charge of a band Idamsyajlag ou tha eatsblrta of b a StaMlag thlpattBL Ma had laaaajual dutr tor some flaw, Ikrismaad a great daal 0 eleea. HollenbeCk Ml to Itorrtt llelelddowa i.U)IUashat wa Former Klamath Falls Shoe Dealer Under $1000 Bend!. Goes to Can ada. May Not Return Here I.. II. Rich, former Klamath Kail.. Itlcli la now out of l.ll on II nnn ahoa daalor. la bow In Canada. i ,,,. . , ... a, Word to till, effect waa received' " . . """"' b.ta today, and It .. at.ted that Mr. "n """ "" "M " ' Rich found tha Canadian country toicitr "r hti ""'d ne'r" ,0T om' full of opportunity that tin haa enn- l1""". but It developed that the young eluded to remain In that octlon In- woman who ho clalmad aa bla wife definitely, and doea not Intend to rr. hern waa not legally entitled to that turn to Ihla country for a lone tlmr.ldUtlnctlon, Inaamucli aa nich had pro aot aftn whan the bigamy caaejvloui.y married a young Kan Prancla agalnat him la called for trial In co woman, from whom ha had not ae (Iraata Paas. cutej , divorce. B : ,!. HENRY NKWNHAM FELL FROM ONE BOX TO ANOTMMt, AND MHOCK CAUSES HIM WlIK MK HIOUBLY IIX Henry Nawnhaaa, who had tha mto fortua to break oa of Ma ribs a few Uaya ago, la recovarlag slowly. Ha waa ataadlag oa a boil and la acme manner fell and waded oa the edge of another bog. Tha shock waa ao great aa to make bias quite alck. J. G. Mitchell Hands W. G. Dalton a Check for $46,968.80. Two Steers Bring Record Price 'Msaaf Tr fit' Tiffti off ratter ha rtSac oat tba th bliiU.p aatfeH hitirtta IBM Hated at the hoeaUal tbU i Uat while llolleabeck waa trnad, hi Injurlea would wait fatally, FT. ROCK VALLEY 6000 FOR SPUDS f. K. HU1UUCM, TKUM ( THK CHOtlt R.IHKI .VOKTH UK MNlaV--JIOAD TO HILVKH UKII NKAMXO OOMrI.KTIO.V IIAIIVKV DKMI'M URAI-T RKPOIIT alted I'rria tlarvlc WAHIIINUTON, I). C.. Oct. U. (Irorgc HarTey, editor of Harper'a Weekly, waa a wltneaa before the tea! Mortal probe committee today. If denied that be had aought financial I aid for Woodrow WlUon from Thoa. Ityan or anyone alae. An adjournment waa taken uatll Moaday. CITY WILL HOLD WATER FILINGS The larceat aale of beef ciule mad la tbla aecllon. la yefcft wtoaflletod when J. C. Mltebrfl handed W O. Daltoa a check tofriii.ilt.iy. in pay meat for MI bead1.. '' " The cattle wrNetartd for draea Iake 'tbla morning. , Tbey win oo loaded on can at that point and ahlp pad to California market. Two a tee re In tbe bunch brought 1100 each, and the average for the herd waa IC8.7C. Mr. Dalton ia Interacted In the Tutu Lake Land and Ltveatock company, wltb headquarter la Merrill. Mr. Mitchell I a prominent cattle buyer. and I well known In tola section. MAYOR AMD CJTY KNWNMKK VIS IT Aancjf lakk, wrncbtK it fH iiioohicb to sactms tkk nTv watkr nurrtv I'ORI'IRIO IIIAZ AtTKK OLD JOIt Mrkraak I'lraavd lrM 8erl( lelVAl'Kp:. Oct. It. Hchrank ln4tputy iherlRa today that be fntua bla will. He beqaeatbed i WUet bow In UoeeevaK'a body krrolrr to tba New York III.- I Mdety, j n Kkeaer Bta'kn, aUeaaveH mm Ma told that the Colonel MrlBf he eipreaaed aatlafac- kt report the birth ye- 1 Mralag of a boy to Mr. and L H Howl. I. Wright reporta the birth Thur. ' llrl to Mr. and Mr. C. A. II CLUB IS ORGANIZED Klamath Loag No. 117 meet to night. There will be work In tba Sec ond dearer. Vlaltlng member are cordially Invited to attend. Mayor NicfcoUa and CMy Bwlaaar Zumwalt raturaed Uat Bight from a trip to Aapen Lake, waere they la apeeted ta Mtog aCctlra aaVLfor a waUr aapprj. The mayor waa ahowa tbe Improve- United Free Berrlr MEXICO CITY. Oct. 18. A battle between the Madero force and the follower of Dlai I eipectrd joon. Two federal troop train are now u route to Vera Crui. MEXICO CITY. Oct. IB. It U be lieved here that Porplrlo Dlaa will re sume the presidency If hla nephew. Falls Dlai, succeeds la tbe revolution h recently etarted. He now control tha .port of Yera Crn, and baa no dIBcuHy la ImperUns ana and ammunition. Tbe chamber haa rejected a reaolu SWINDLER SAYS LIFE THREATENED HOMIC8TKADER 8WEAJW TO A COMPLAINT AOAINeVT TMRKK OF HIS MdOHROHS KOAU M IXDUPCTK TYPHVM AND CMOLKRA WILL BK TURNED LOOSB t.'nlted I'reaa Service ATHENS, Oct. IS. It U aeml-o- clally atated here that Turklab aur geona are en "route to Janlna oa the a reek frontier, armed wltb tube Blled with typhaa and cholera germs, which will be1 turned looae oa tbe enemy. United Pre Service Tike BeteatteeV BELGRADE. Oct. II. DUpatcae from tbe front aay that Ira eataSM of Servian and Bulgarian troope nave met and defeated a Turklah army. . menta already made, and la satlaled that 'tbe city will be able to hold the'tlon demanding the resignation of the filing. Madero cabinet. Accordlag to I). K. ilurrarr, who la I the city on builneaa. Fort Hock aHey blda fair In develop Into a grant potato ralalng country. Mr. Burrell, who own a farm In tba valley, says that one of hla neigh bor eiperlmenlnd tht year In rala lng potatoes with audi good reaulta that nett year many othera will put In crope. The Brat crop comlated of Ave tona, and the quality la aald to be eicellent. Tbe road work between Chtloquln aad Silver Lake ta progreialng rap-' " ' '. b.v., computed ... of Mother Charges that the Black Pugilist Abducted Her the heavy work," aald Mr. Uurrell Claiming that bU Ufa tbreataned by three of his nelgbbora. t'Blted Fraa Servla ' litumnK (Vm i a vr.. k . -- ...' '--1- '"Vt'WVMi WM W. VVM joanua u. awiaaier same to tkia city mtr, thlBkUTMaVj a last night nnd a-ore to a cosanUtat Wmln thV'aggrwaalTa haa aaririaed charwlew thraa blb with thr tnlnr' . ' ..i .- .. J... iaa amee. jrwo were net preparsa.a.T o u. i I vifmmi iicfc m . urawa Ticwry, . I awHUW, WBO U DTIBBJ OB B BOBr"1Q( It I Eager for White Wife, Jack Johnson Gets into Trouble stead south of Merrill, claim that .the land all around hla bomeatead baa recently been taken up by the 'three 'men against whom he baa sworn to a 'complaint, and that Thursday mora- ilng they notlded btm that they wpuld t:ulid lru .-rie 'lilt kl. I. IT. - . - ; to feared that this will not end... thetroaate. f Russia and Aaatria are ready ta In lervent. If they do tha other powers will be Involved. kill him If be ventured to croaa a certain line. "We will be entirely weak or tan daya." through In a McNAMAKA I'HKI) MODERN DKVICI." 18 Year Old Daughter. Girl is Held in Custody at Police Station. Mother Hysterical l (.unuu.-t, vrci. ia. ab unconnrnt !ed renort received here today amy. , The warranu were aent to Merrill i,h,t a Ur,e TurkUh warahlp atruck a thla morning for aervlce. mlM an(j wai blown up nt ,he n ' trance to Varna harbor, . 8ult was started In tbe circuit ." The ahlp waa maneuverlna for a do. court thla afternoon by E. W. Btreetjaltlon to shell tba Bulgarian port. against J. V. Wright, to recover ISsr . due on a note. W.iH. 8hawU attor-i ' Balgariana Deteated ' aeyfortbeplalntur. ratted Fraaa Servtee - C VIENNA, Oct. II. It la reported ATTORNEY KDDIK United i'rasa Service INDIANAPOLIS, lnd Oct. IS.-- Mary Dey, former confidential atrnog- rspber for John McNsmara, tratliled to day la the trial of tho labor leader. In tha federal court here, tlmt Iter employer dictated latter Into a die- Unbone while she waa cranio) el It was Indicated that the government baa tha records. I United I'reaa Service CHICAGO, Oct. II. Mrs. F. Cam- It Is charged that tbe black pur ;d Johnson, tried in vain to secure the; detained the girl In hla apartments. release of Miss Cameron on ball. j In tbe presence of her mother the IS IN ibere that Turklah Irregulars creased TROUBLE the frostier near MuaUpha and.d.! featod tba Bulgarians. ' ' .... LMMii.t nr Ulnnannlla mnlliAl- PllinAOn. (let. lft. jAhsaAn mi of l.ucllc Cameron, aged 19, a white taken before Judge Welle In the co.',1'1 toW P0"" Johnaon . girl, today obtained a warrant for tbe arrcit of Jack Johnaon on a charge of abduction. Ike court, and hla bond was fixed M,Pted her to marry him. Tha moth- er was hysterical. The girl spent the 1100. Attorney Ueardsley, who represent- morning at the police atatton. AROOSE nXOi WIM, iik HELD FROM "l UNTII, KI.BCTrON BAY. UXMBAUY OF MNK IB TO RE , Tl 'srtkir Ihe, caiidM uiun. K""1 Mi '. Harry Una for siatca senate, a damocratlo Uoraanlt..,! .. .u. . . v MM. Kollowln. tk. .Uii.. .f i laprOUIDtU talk. mrm .I... ' teaa .niim.i.. .... . I, l. ,: " waa laaioatea. tk Intention of tha club to a2r. n,tlnM rom Urns to yWUct!0n day, tha aait meat It h.du;od for WadBssdav cara nr it. is " I01 r'w4aaBt iin- . . lMi.: . ,w " wreasBoeg, gVHrenaursr-w. A- aU, rn. . -" ueo, ubbsuio, - nu aj, m. OklMvU. SPORTS SOME ENMITY Doctors Believe that Teddy Roosevelt is out of DangerigK United Press Ferrtoe LOS ANQELES, Oct. 18. Alleg- lag that Attorney Eddla Insulted Mrs. , I'nlted Preea fervMa. Christina. Cbrlsopberson. a beautiful CHICAQO. Oct. lS.-Oavarnor Dane, another atld'avlt has been made Johnaon arrived here this mornbaL, and sensational charges of the third 'and went at once to the Blackstou complainant against the attorney are I hotel, where be disappeared, eluding are made. tha progressive who went to me. him to tender a reception. ! J. R. Hayes Is In the city, today ,from bis timber claim neir Wordea.l HKJH SCHOOL CLASHES ARK VIK ING WITH KACH OTHER ron( MONOHS UAHKIIAI.L TKAM IH CHALLKNQED Former President is Allowed to Sit Up for a Couple of Hours. His Running Mates Make Him a Visit ' No Politics Discussed is the Report "We. tbe Senior-Sophomore team, do hereby challenge tbs Junlon-Fresh- man team to play a gatno of football at tha baseball diamond on Saturday, October llth." The above challenge appeared on tha bulletin at the 'high school this Bjoralag. The Junior-Freshman team has tba matter up for consideration and wll probably accept tbe chal Issga on condition that tha game be played tha Id of nut month Instead of the tltb. Meanwhile good deal of bltterneas exlata between the classes on account of the Juniors de feating the Seniors at a track meet laet earing. i United Pre Service CHICAOO, Oct. 18. At 1 o'clock It wa announced that tbe physicians wore p.eaaed with the condition of Colonel llooaevelt, and no bulletin waa laaued at noon. The Colonel waa permitted to sit up an additional hour. Governor Johnaon, on entering the hospital, refuted to comment on the shooting. He said: "You may say that, although! am not a prophet, Judging from tba re ceptions I hnv received everywhere I am coaadent that Roosevelt will be ejected." Mr. Johnson accompanied her hus band Into tba sick room. llooaevelt told Johnaon to keep up tbe fight. Tba conaulUtloa waa brief and It was said that the two Bull Moose candidates did not dlaettas pol itics." J6hnson said that tha Colonel looked fine. At noon Johnson addraasad a meet ing In derrick theater. United Prase Servtee CHICAQO, Oct. 18. A bulletin la sued at o'clock 'this morning la as follews: "Colonel Rooeevelt's pulae la 70,; temperature (8.4 and respiration 18 Pain In tha chest has dlmlntabsd. Hla breathing ia easier. He will be al lowed to alt up an hour today. It Is expetced that his recovery will be rapid." Tha crisis occurs today. It there la no Indication of pus by midnight the danger will be practically gone. Dr. Terrlll aald that the bullet would doubtless remain In Roosevelt's body for Ufe. The Colonel ate a hearty breakfast. Tbe doctors have practically agreed that the Colonel may leave tha ho- ipltal Tueaday far Oyster Bay. WILL DENY CHARGES ATTORNEY FOR FORMER POLICE LIEUTENANT OUTUNRS THK DEFENSE MAN WHO FLED TO ENGLAND RETURNS ATTORNEY GETS PAY FOR WORK JUDGE GRAVKH RENBaVM A aB CItUON IN FAVOR OF W. M. aOHC SEE AGAINST MARGITKHITS PITTS United Press Service NEW YORK. Oct. 18. Attorney Mclntyle announced thla ' afternoon that thirty witnesses won) be 'sailed to testify In tbe defease el farmer Lieutenant of Police Beekar. Thomas Coupe, an e-a witness of the killing of Rosenthal, at who fled to England attar tha tragedy because ha believed that hla life was la dan gar, waa brought Into iae oeurt room. Attorney Hart for the defense told tho Jurors that Backer would prove that tha testimony of the conspirators wit k4 eoafasssd was fata. That a lawyer aa wall aa a earnest ter or a bricklayer la entitled to re muneration for aervlcea rendered wai demonstrated In tba Justice court tha morning when Judge, Oravea gave a decision for tbe plalntIC In tha ease oj W. H. Keeaee vs. Marsmartta Pitt. .Tbe. suit was brought to reeovat IS attorney fees alleged, to have been due for services rendered men than a year ago., The defease wm that the attorney tad aot been regu larly retained. It waa showB. however. Uat tha advice given by tha pleiatlf had beea acted, oa, and a ordltt for tha amount of the fa waa g4raa. '' . i-1 e?l m ' - 14 i i 1 ': . I Serlom Charge la Mad Ian hist Taw kkh AnthoriUe Several BaMles . Have nw Fongfat Tbe Tataa Ajw yrsH "Relieved to Have a Utile tho Real ' of the Encounter One Araay fc) -. Defeated i . s 7 v'ssiss'-ssmMikjmmk:' ,l.'Uwli( ;'..',-fea