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w lit vpplibo by run vntau raMW rawa bhviob . 'grrentli Year No. . KLAMATH PALM. ORBUON, HATtHUAY, OCTOBSH 10, IBM il fBjeeVeJaBaV '"' vi '.B Colonel Roosevelt will go to Oyster Bay Home Monday Heavy Wind Storm Causes Great Damage in Northwest ,. , j i 1 ' iDY WILL NOT 6IVE UP BULLET TO HIS ASSAILANT rOUIKKL DKCMHUH THAT LKAII Hi MM OWN NOW IMiM Beclara That Thear IMaUa. at! PetWnt U New KaUrely Out of All IImx Ariaag'iMl Are Mad lor Ml Leaving Ua Chi. tan HoaptUl Mea flay for Oyan-r ht-bii Hearty aVeakfaat ARSENAL FIRE EQUALIZATION IS GREAT LOSS! BOARD TO MEET UNITKII HTATKM AMMUNITION l)K-llHOTMMT AUA1NHT ANNMHMMKNTM POT AT HKNIUIA IM DMaTHOYKD MY FIRM LONM TO RKACH A MILLION DOLLAR I tixti I'rmi Wrlr CHICAUO, Oct. II. Itooeavelt iiaet Ttry comfortable night. Iln tatt la aleep at 1 1 o'clock and alt pt MM I o'clock tkU moralag. Ill piat, Wtnptratur aad raeplrallon (aornal. Ill phyeleiana agree that la eritla I put, aad Ikar sow pra- tct i apaedy recovery. Th Cotoeal at a hearty break feat. Oa kearlag that ckraak, hU aa aaaat, bad bequeathed tk a New York Hlaterleat Society, lha CkaalMM: "Tie oulUt belonged to achrank .hm M la ika revelvr and while -j aa ea roata to me. But aftn It -BMed me It waa mine. I've a par-'-WTtaLrtat la it. aad Intend to IIKNIOIA. Calif,, Oct. It. Tha United HUtaa araaaal at Into point waa deatroyed by fire laat algkt. It la aanouocad that tha loaa will raacb 11,000,000, WILL. BK RNCK1VKD MONDAY MOHNINU AND FROM THKN ON FOR THIRTY BAYH GARBAG ECANS ARE TO BE USED Tha coaaty board of eoualleatloa will maet Monday morning and re- maln la atatloa (or thirty day, dur lug which time protaaU agalut a- amat will be conaldarad. TtlA ttAAPd Mlllfll rtf fc.A I www w wwwww. w. mw WMMk Judga, tha county dark aad tbe a lataaor. WINDOWS BLOWN SCHOOL WILL OUT Bf WIND ! GET NEW BOOKS JORTLAND --... - LIL AWTHUR SOME PEEVED tf tKtHouAnaa mimtjnioatmn IN NORTMWlaflt PARLYI COUNTY aWrWUNTBNBKNT OF I avawia wan, if aaaarauKAT Or WattX MUBtTBU WUaalM ON CaVHOn Mtrawt Oar la Nr lj.i .Tha Coloatl will atort (or Oyatar NfMaaday moral ag. hVhraak Kurctaaa , itMiH rrata Harvlca MIIWAUKKK, Oct. 1. Schrank Hat tb day running about lha bull M In tha Jail, taking oiorclio. MKMHKRM Or THK WOMKN'H CIVIO MCAOUK AKK ANXIOVN THAT THtft HK CXKANKK CITY. TWKNTY UANM IN VNK Tha twaaty garbaga cana racaatly provldad by tha Woman'a Clrlc Uagua ara now la noaltlon oa tb dlffaraat atraaia aad ara balag uaad. "Wa boagbt Ua caaa and put thata on tha aaraat la Ua ha at aacoarr Ming a claaatr city," aald oaa of tb mambara of tha laagua Uu moralag. "Wo do not want aaapla to ba back ward about ualag tham." R. C Klappar, tha local agaat (or Wood-Curtla, loavaa tomorrow lor la Angalaa. whara ba will Uko cbargo of tka Wood-Curtla warabaata Ha waa lorcod to aeak a ckaag oa ac rouat of bla wKe'a poor haaltb. A civil aarvlca etamlaatloa U In prograaa at tha poatoBc today (or tha poaltloa of foraat aad laid Clark In Iba (oraatrr aanrlca. Tha aiam Nnallaa U uiaf lha dlrctlna of J. U McAUtaUr aad Jaaa Rlamana, who compoaa tha civil aarvlea aoard bara. Ba Triad Unltad I'raaa Barrira U8 ANQRTC8. Oct. ! Judga Wilbur rafuaad to dlamlu tha Pddl cat on motion today. The caio wit: ba rcaumad Monday. t A n Coast Steamers are Helpless in the Storm Pie Veiatl ii Aihore off Point Ar- gucllo, WhUe Another It Floun dering' in the HeaTj Sen Oraat Oaty Wbad am Mmar af 1' at by Unltad Fraaa PORTLAND, Oaf , Taw heavy wind etarm wblah,naa pravallad tor ma haara baa damorallaad talv graphic eaaHaanlaailoaa la tha North weaL Straat ear tradaa bare la paralyaod aad maay ptata gaaaa wladaw bava baan Mawa oat. . Haavy damaga baa baa cauaad oa tha atraat by tka kit wlad. Naw beoka (or tha dlaTaramt aeboata la tka county wara raealvad yaatarday by County Bcbaat aparlntandaat Bwaa, aad will ba dbMrlbatad at oaea, Tha aaw beoka ara wall aataetadj aad eoaalat of wotka oa Ua adaaeaa, klatory, achool, wKk aoma etloa. Tha coat of Ua volamna to f 4IS.7I. of whleb ameaat 1101.11 waa ralaed by aatartalrmaaU glvaa In the dlfr- at aebpota durlag the year: Malt waa atarted la Ua circuit court taday by J. N. Maataa Lumbar com pany agalaat T. C. Robtaaoa. C. r. RrHagtoa, A. J. Da Pay aad Jaa. L. Raago to (oraclaaa oa a mortgage. Mote Barrett ara attorseya for Ua plalatttT. Bd Court t Midland la la the cHy on bailaaaa. Allies in the EWkan States Said to be Winning the Fight NBURO raUHVIGHTMR BKNIBK MM MAM BBBN MMT TAYH HK WILL MAVK MOMBTMI.Na TO HAYLATBM CaJtad I'raaa aervtea .CHICAOO. Oet. It. Jaak Jobaaea Ulapheaod la Ua UaHad Praaa Uto moralag aad daaled Ua report that ba had baaa abet. "Tkat'a aaeUer Ha Ikar haw baea tlaT abawtf'me." ba aaMU H vW bava aomeUlag ta aay later regard lag thaae etorlaa." ... i'i.M ?'ia r V i ' . 5.1 eAanmme ' ma a a; ' ' ' ', ,'il niKaira nuiLr j-jj &.- , t. . " ,. ' AtA'Tai fc ' r ' I T." Itl t ' aM WITNESSES FOR M-' to'. OFFICER TESTfft --'-- I- -I . 08M DIAZ GETS ALL OF GUNBOATlH Fearing that Former Sultan may lacape, He la Ordered RenioTed From Hit Present Prison. Fierce Fight ing la Reported in. Progress on All Frontiers INdLBIAt aaVJB TMA BATVOLT 1 (Tailed Praaa am lOUOaVCfTJL Madera' taete UataevrrlaUaa,fc aramMlas. Taa DIaaMea. am laa etk- er haad. elabm Uat Ua Marat treepa tka are denning j eaaiarbag Yera.Craa. teak all of the gaakaaaa Jrf Ue Memleaa navy aaeaat aae. - CaanFetaaaaaa ate4v9llkr.aaaaaar a) hfh anv avwgai amea aaa aaam the Bedy llm,,i,, nam Oaataa', ' ' fl !- .- '," u, -.& . '.. aBrBa.aamuMK. v . jy, , , j, - UaHed Praaa aarrtaa ' - fy j i , --- -mt "" i. mi'j: , t-t! r , ' . A.. -. a vmmmr, inaHliiai attaa7 .aafcapaa :aa..Wa ramam fa mm ef.'.akaar (eeaaaaalaa;'. akn mltted la Ue trial mtji aUSVMSMaataC BaMaMI SSaffaffaaal Tafaataal eaaat : ;i'tjaM,tmMal.taat k JbJ netted. Baaa "at aaa .Taaaa. - aaaal aaat Baas araamM, aa.taa.aaavm ami aatlaS&''7 tTtifei laaymjaVt- -V.'i 'iu 'St'rfX . TbiwHaaatamaJamTiaWaMS W. H. Bkav wttl laave'Ula evea lag for aacrameate aad oUer Cal ifornia polata. i jaama-aaaaVA ed Uat he bad at aaa Matraaabi Uat' be aeaM eat1 aad.Uea 'aaraawa'aa eMafcf Bto.beaf.aal aajbi TIB'iFrS'- aaiap aleae! - UN PltANCIaCp, Oct. !. ThP r J, J, Loggia, bound from hrtka to Han Padre, la aahore la a fcf off point Arguallo. She U a Mtl loaa, but the mambara of the tw ara aafa. Tha ttaamcr Camlno, bouad from Portlaad to thli city, I batpltM of Hecuba Heads, Hbe loot hr propalUr, aad U wl lowlag In a haavy aaa. Tug have baea aaat to her roller. There am eighty pMngr'aboard. Alderman Has Series of Hard Accidents Following the Breaking of his Leg. .State Superintendent of Schools , Gets Hurt in Rail Road Mix-up ,1 Ht.ta Superintendent of School Alirraaa I bavlag aU klada at bard ". following Ua breaking of bla V iill riding (rata tkls olty Into lik county on R metortjyal. ha wat Riud In railroad aoatdeaV wklla en Jte from Lakavlaw to Raao, and l hurt hU lag. County BupwfeteadearofeeSe a rMtlvad a leiier laat night from brotherta-iaw, '. . Carlton, wba ompnld Mr, AMerman oa Ma M County tMn i okUk dmtMOmtai -' 7'. - ."?, "f V, Tfi rV the troubtea of Mr. Alderman wore given. following ha aeeUeat while rid lag the motor cycle, Mr. Alderman received medleal attention' In Lake view, and aa aeea aa he waa able to ba moved ha aUrted oi hi return to hla'hQma In tattm via Rene, Nav. Tha trata la whkh h wu'rldlag raa late a frelgkt ear. aad theempa threw Mr. Aldermaa oa kit tojured toot. Ha waa Ukn to tka United Mate "hoaptUI'la aaa, Pranclaeo. aaa aeerdlng to laat reparU waa doing V-& e aakaa Worrlaa e Ualted Praaa aarvlea CONSTANTINOPLE. Oct. It. e The government Ua decided to aj anag es-aanaa ambi Hamia a e from the late ot Salonika, (ear- lag Uat. aa attampt may ba O made to releaae him. ' ! cording to a meeaage received from Coaataatlaoplo. A meeaage from Bona aay that thy Bulgarlaaa have captured two Tiirj klah town. VI IIKLaRADB. Oct. II. It to re ported that Tarktoh Irragulara Invad ed 8ervla near Kraakevata aad aua aacrad the InhabKaata of Uree rtl Ufa. VIENNA, Oct. II. Tbe Turk ara advaaclag toward Soda through Jura . Another Turhtoh army I lo approachlag I'hlllppolt, Ilulgarla, an VaaaTaaal GaaaatiaaaJaat SOriA. Oct II. Balgarlaaa have occupied the frontier jtewa af Mua tapha I'aaha, capturlag acTeral hun dred Turk. FtoJhUalala Ualted Praaa aervtea CONSTANTINOPLE, Oct II. It la aaaouaeed that Oeaeral Betad Paaba reaaleed the Meateaegrlaa near Scu tari. Terka aad Oreka are reported ta be bettltag aear Mlhiaa. v LONDON. Oct II. Dtopatebe la- dleato Uat Ue eUlee la Ue Balkaa aUtea are luceeedlag. TheTarkaare daaperalely oppoalag Ue combined Bnlgarlaaa aad ervlaae aaaraaeklag Uaklb, Tha raoalt la uacertala. Tbe Turk oaMallr deay that Uey ara plaaalag to teeee typhaa aad chol- ara germa. ML LAKI IS TO HAVE A SCHOOL BONIW ARB VOTPJD AT AN BLKO TION HELD YK8TKRDAY A HTORK AND PKBD MILL TO HU KATARLWMRD NEAR HOMOOL ny unanlmou vote tbe elector In Ulitrlct. No. 41, Mt. Lakl achool, da elded Prlday to laaue boada to the amount of $1,600 for the erection and furnishing of n achool houa. School haa been carried oa la a church la Ua ML Lekl'dletrleL It I the Intention' to ruak work oa Ua new achool bulldlag. It wlU ba erect ed on the eait aide of Loat River. Near the alta of th aw aekael J. S, Gletlea will ooa ereet a etora building and feed mill. County CammlMleur Ouy Merrill arrived la tha olty UU morning from Merrill. Ho will leave tbla atUraoba oa a huotlag trip to the vicinity ot 4 .Judge Draka'a raaek. C. D. Milter, who for'eo loag haa been a popular chef of Medford, haa been engaged by the mnnagmeat of the Hotel Hall grill. Mr. and Mra. E. B. Hall, who thU week took charge of the Hotel Hall grill, have eagaged Mr. aad Mra. O. M. Pratt tocoaduct tha grill for them. CANDIDATES GO ' TO HILDEBJIAND BANCK AND KNTKRTAINhfR.Vr l ' GIVEN FOR THK BCNBtTT OF THK PBOPLR WHO WANT TO MKHT OFFICE HI , Tka county caaildai ally, aataruiaed at alght at tb ball j aa that tha reatdeata eeme aetualated wRhj laapeclally i might be- i whaaeek ; Ther were four auto lead of peo ple' from thli olty who made Ua trip, bmlda a,aaaber,ki!i-aBi. HOLLENBECK IS GETTING BETTER BATH IN MOT BPRINOM WlU, NOT BJhHILT FATALLY FOR 8HHKP. HMROEH DR. WRIGHT HAYS MR WILL RKOOVKR Car of Fish Will do j .- -- . -'.. t ,Ci ft Direct to OiilotraiTi i DiMtrKtiWaidtnlUwm ceiyes Wordof the iai-rivai Here xisi'.f of a Car Tomorrow IrenlBtg Xi , A ear eaatoialag 100.000 trout will arrive ia Ue.'eKy tomorrow evealag, aad. altar dropping off a few cana of aaa here, will proceed Moaday ta Cktlaaala. Dtetrict Oame Warden C. M. Rama- hy will accompany the car from Uto city to Chllooula. aad will arrange for the dlatributloa of U tab' la tka atreame la that vletalty. A aamber of the flany youagatera will be ptoat ed in the Wllllemeoe River aad la :i V l t V t'J ' ?Aff t r ik- .tf 1 John Hollenbeck, the aheepherder who fall Into one of the hot apringi anr here Friday, ia reported to be getting along very wall by Dr.Wrlght, who to attending kirn. "Mr. Holleabaek ta not entirely out tt danger," aald Dr. Wright "He waa literally oeokad from head to foot oa bla rlgkt aide. C. Wiley, aa employe at Ue I. P. at Ashlaad, la la Ue elty laektag (oj a reaMaaaa. Ha eapeta to kaitraa (erred to Ue depot here aaaa. J. W. Prlagle aad Jud Lewi leave ht far a kuattag trip oa Upper toalgk Una. Black Pug From iprtag Creek. "Tka aaaaiae wiHga ,. . lata Ua emaltar nbriimi M? taw'waaWf Ry Jf rart r lam Mb: ??! Sx -i Tkta will be the ear. it lea aT , be aaat to Ue Pert Btomadk iiaaaaa." A aamlw'afak''kav...kaeavalNa.- north In the peat, bat aejaer aafaeWl able coadltloao. . New laat 4t ' to Me to toke tka' flak aa,aaia;t;at u atreama In whWtkar, wUI la peaatod ' by trala. R to'aaaaetot that the "ra-i' ' auHe .bettor. , ' . 'I ' ' Ba-w-waaB-aBaBaaTaaaBaaBawaBBBmawaBTaaB-'.' '(-' r..- t 1 . Jm " "( W'i -1 VI f women aeeK 10 inive 1- - T '--' 1f ftM' Mf HW'W K Jack Johnson's Bail is Raised rroni r,v f800to $1,500 on Charge v 1. kV W dnctinl a foist WhiU Girl $ i Called Praaa aervlea CHICAOO, Oet, ll.f-4aek. Johnaoa appeared la Jadga Map'klna' . ceurt tkUmWtoSaftoUe,ahar,; ott abduetloa. Mm .beitfwae rataed (rem tl.f M, ad''Ua'aaM eauaaea nam . ueiaaaf ' a ra.' young womaa ke la aoeaaed af abdaeti lag. IkaiiaraHm: r.frv, .All "I ... a..kK. I wwJII'W't . u r! I Mtoe ,ff aimi;aa'aeaaai'ka i tiaued KU. ! Jakaeea" aa4 arraMmi . mmjga llS.Mt.aailM M ahVbe baa daakaaAad.. -A1VvTV f. r, : rrr.TTTv. - .. -(.-. mAmr- ed by J;.WeU''iH4R;hmakar hamaam aim almmma'al mi 4 maa .aaattaaaaaam M-'..a AaaMraarea1lfCaMrW,-Oiaj' TU''i&mmV'9)lto'0tmp K, "Si" . J .; v ' U;drlvetae;i nr iln .". 'f.My .. -x;aw .-j. BBBBaaaV afdBBBBBBBBBBaV' 2Xh "fj ' t. '7 tVJttbb1 WfifflBktfl .y i':.''-24b1