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p M ' 'I Jt' J. ' V 't & ,(. I : imutsr T - " I I Tto lmpt TOtMrr tVAun . war. jafrMgf otmhs LsaBBhweaaW UUcACeeaedy. Mefcettoaal. aexMi IF YOiTRE WIS W(H NBSjS iMI 4Mb) IB ' waewi THE EVENING HERALD W. O. UltTM. PS aaJSSj VMM 1MB SSj IM BSBje Mi late jk a Bwrte e taMfVttVMAli ta M sakasakkwwys yMtfc vaMef A "New "O Lahfcm Waaler. Mary CeaaMy-Draaaa bm,. faTaWMaaaaM flakkM KaleM Comedy. TMmk rama. HOM MiMM if (ALL UCKNSRM riCIOTUB iASlLCAyfffcflM dacing. SJIAtk, " MNT M !, TOOK WBRU't woo BryttfcWWi, 1 ci Oar Itaahsess la Snil Oar Caalsaui are Otati BccMuse Our t Groceries MreQooil A cemptlmaetary ardor wui coavlace yea. f YMra, tO BeeBBB Trr a.eM-MM MALTAOMmnr KB I H !M447hrtM MmM PaMtoMa 0mv Ktuaett fM. a 111 atered at Ua peetsffise at KmmbU reile, Oregea. fori tranamUerna tkroagk tke Malm BB ftubcrlptl6a ttrme by malt to Mr ad- 4rw Ik Ik Ualtad sHhtea: Ob year . . . . 11.00 OaeMoath .50 KLtMAWJ rAUA . . OIUPUON SATURDAY, OCT. IN, 11)1 OTTERS NOW SAFE TRAPPERS FROI NMkWtoMJtloi c L PoJaMaWBiWLMntiF ml 1W TavJ B lNLBOUa,MJr. t. Leave mm at n InMBMtaa dfceesw, Irkmao MM Wher? w I Way? AftttPUtt fram a dear trleae1 or relative I a praeteee kaaake. War aet aaa4 aaa taJe year aa a 7, BMaMWiVHlT oevMtMucvr ifcroaa to ouwk MMSON ON nm ANIMAL IN BKTINITBLY ALL OVKR THK 8TATK OKHQON Tke aaaaaa far trapatac alt far kearlat aawala mm Ua KUaMta Laka raaartatlaa aaa aaaa aaertaaa4 twaa ty' 4ara aa taa lattar aa4. -daalac Marea lat laataaa of Mareh IMa. 0 aaaaaat at attar aaaaaUas rar. aet aaly oa taa Klaawta Laka raur vattoa. aat all arar Orataa. tka gn araiaat aaa 4acMa4 ta daaa taa aaa m m tkat aalaul far m taaaaalta aaria4 a aU of taa Otaaaa raaarra MEASURE CREATES ANOTHER OFFICE .JMM.M FISIIN6 TACKLE aara fan at tk far COmiESTlWO u 1B .HMaMiMiMI.HMMM .. af Ml aatvMaaaalafa. VanRiper Bros. f 1111 '- aa Tkaardar faHaa: "To Wkaai It May Ceaaara: "It la karaky aHaraal tkat tka fol lawtac traayiac aaaaaaa ara ta ka la farca oa tka Ktaaiatk Laka raaarva Uoa for Ua aaaaaaa of lilt-IMS. aaalac Marek lat. 1I1S, at wklek dat. all traaa aiaat ka raatOTai froai tha raaarratlea. "Mlak. akaak. waaaal. raecooa aad eayato, Noraaiaar 101k to Marck lat "Ottar eJaaad ladataltaly. "Crary oaa traaatac aiaat kara a aanalt froai tka daaartaiaat of agrl aakara, a4 aiaat okaarrt all raga- latloaa af aaek aanalt. "AaaMaatlaa far aamH auy ka kad ky aaalytac to. wardaa ta akarga ar afaaa af kartaa of kUlaataU aarray. PaaMk atrlt,vM0 Toaa tilMu, Pantaad. Orataa. "Datad akla lat day af Oetakar. . v i 4 IL. ALTA UJWW. "AaMO aMaaaataaf tarrty; LaaHaa, aMaaa rlatakadau UMttlaAaMttlM lac. Oatakar M Had. aad doa't f I, ftatarday aaa- rarykody la krlac kaaketa. It-It Wa kara ararytktas you aaad far tkat Aaklac trip. Moak, Um. roda. rat, aaakala. tc. Wa mi t.aata,aM aad aaaiflvg TH1 GUN 9.B. ITOIE IIITAUIAMT i a X WAAil . 4 $Ub Wftal Mta! IrySMfMl m Ala Look mt this . : Mr. ' fiomeseekerf m'tutA I2.SM t M 'a ffrffvl UCi v z, LiamV Mi lirt Wifti bmw. aMPMVfMr OWVU v r BP"M' IMLmI ' v' LfaBVd) dHafl alt feaa-rta:.- t Pi- CCiMHl A NEW -raoai kaaaa dEar aka aaw court kaaaa; at Uraa. airy reeaM, largo katk roaam, riaaala I tka tkraoiod raoau' Plra plaea; atoM.waadatlM Md fall kaaaaaaM; ilagaat via-, la faot, tala I om Of tka Meat daalraata kamaa la tka ally. rTtaa. Maaaj A MOOMN HOMB af 4 raaaaa oraaarMk. Raaolrad. ky tha Saaata aad Houaa of Rapraaantatlvaa of tha SUla ot OraffMi That aittloa 8 ot Arllcta V of tha Coattltulloa ot tha Btata ot Oragoa ka aad tka aama t haraby amended aa aa to raad aa tollowi; Sactloa I. la tha caaa of the liu- paaekMaat ot tha governor, hU death, raalgaatloa, aaaanca from tha itata or Inability to perform tha dutlea of hit ofdca, tha aaMa (halt devolva upon tha llautaaaat govoraor, who ahall aerva ualll tha disability ba removed or a govaraor atected. Tha lieutenant governor akall be elected at tha aama tlMa aad la the eanie manner, ahall aarra far tka aama length ot time aad akall aaaaaaa tha aama quallBcatlona tha governor. He ahall aet ai preatdeat ot tha senate, aad ahall en joy aaek power aa May ka conferred aaa ktM ky law, but akall hate ao rota apoa tha passage t kllla or rea alatlaaa. yHa shall receive the same eaMpeaaatlaa aa tha speaker ot the kaaaa dariac tka aeaaloaa ot tke legla latlra aaaiMMy, kat akall receive an etker aotapaaaatloa aicapt wkaa eaWad apoa ta aerva aa govaraor! wkaa ka akall receive tke salary ot Uataftce. la caaa at tka Impeackmeat, death, raalgaatloa, absence from tke state or taablUty to aet ot ketk tka govaraor aad lletiteaaat govaraor, the prest doat are tarn af tka aeaate akall aerve aa govaraor aatll the disability be re moved or a governor elected, aad In caaa of tke iMpeachmeat, death, res IgaaUoa. akaaae from the state .' laablllty to act oa the part ot the gov armor, lleateaaat govaraor aad tha preatdeat pro tarn ot the senate, tlic spaaker of tke kousa akall serve ax govaraor aatll tha disability ba ro Moved or a govaraor elected. Vpoa tke adaptloa of tkla amend meat tka preatdeat of the aeaate shall aat aa llenteaaal govaraor aatll tha people at tha geaerat electloa la the year 111 4, akaaae a lleateaaat gov I of Article of the state CeaatHaUoa voata la tha secretary ot etaie tka tMtlaa at tke goveraorsklp aa tka ovaat.otitke death, removal, rislgastloa'ar' laablllty to act oa the part of tha govoraor. Tkla proposed Meat oraataa tka aalce of Uaa raor. daCaea the pawero aad datlea of tkat oBeUl aad pro vide for aa orderly aad buslaea like euceeasloa to tha governorship la the oveat of tka deatk, removal, reslgas- ttaa, etc., af tka eklef aaacatlv. Wa vkaUava tkat the proposed amendment should ba adopted foi the following reasens: 1. It will prevent the secretary ol state from holding two offices at tlu same time nnd having two votes out of three oa the state land board aud other Important board and commie sloas, as h does now. The pre-M-nt arrangement I unwholesome, almost uuprecedent and not In keeping with the principle of good government. No public official, however trustwor thy, should eisrclae the power ami authority ot two Important offices. S. It will rellveathe secretary of state from doing double duty In tha event of his succession of the gover norship. Klther position carrlee with It duties and responsibilities sufficient to fully occupy the time of a moil rapablo man. and It la not In the In terest 'ot good government and sound business policy to continue the preseat arraagement aad undertake to require a man to do work which It la Impossible for him to perform. 3. It will not permit one man to bold two Important offices, draw two Urge salaries at the name time, when by tha very nature ot thlaga ha can not do the work, aad therefore hi not entitled to the two salaries. It will provide for the carrying oa of the work ot the goveraor'a office la the event of the death, reslgaatlon, etc., of the governor, without demor alising the work In tha office of the secretary of stale. 8. It will provide for a logical and orderly succeaaloa lo the goveraor shlp, such as practically all other state la the Union now enjoy, The succession will be aa follew: First, governor; second, lieutenant gover nor; third, president pro lem of the senate (which office will be created by law); fourth, speaker of the house. I. It will eliminate the biennial struggle for the presidency of the state senate, and will pat aa end to the political trade, secret deals and combination that have frequently been witnessed la this connection, for the sovereign people will elect their lieutenant govaraor, who will act as the preeldlag officer of the aeaate. It baa been stated by oppoaeata of tha proposed ameadmeat tkat Ike people et other state have eomettMea elect ed taferlor mea to tha office of llea teaaat govaraor, aad therefore, It Is argued, the people ara Incapable ot eleetlag a goad aama far tha office In Oregon. We are coaddeat that the people ot thl state are Just a compe tent to choose a lieutenant governor aa they are to choose a governor, sen ator, contTMsman or other public official. ggl&V WmWMm0B " -8awr a-ajmM-MjMjpMMn.,,-.. 1 nMKIC55SaH5523CaS255?5,,J--MMMMBW l"1 ' wi.i.aaMiiSI refracting io Mfe awaitia. ...-"tla H.atluiuwl,.hul.2,l rtv kPPolnted .affiW In. " .... una modern " of HU " like, for fewpuSafi limit. luordwhatwM:EjV o an almost prlc.ietTia!h Ifyoudeelr.toK,". bat a i aodarit . I! bela.tall.d.e.ii-"!'' -'"nagLtv A Clean Scalp And Healthy flair Mauy of )t.ur frfends have louu.l it,r u lumrii.,,i .. imir from tli use of u '!, I'TOM': rut ar nnd a ,UI, , , , ':'.. -kppiy, ; nfl urf aluui.aail a ar.iln r,. 4 vll lie use of ' '" NVAI.'M sllHtrt'Tt litis Is die I'Mxeilur Wash the hair with wru uuihlvruli lha aralu with a lu a,il and dr the hair hi or-aWla. " ,,",u,'""-'.t 1. I'leasa uadcrstaad that Iflrenioa U not tuertir k l.i )l Is I'jBlr hi food. r ,Mk (MiNlllMftHMpMi tlraaaea. It utm, U-. wUI artlea yaHsaAa a.l atlmuUUa il. moi, , T ilr reaeevr all; aoMraaT pretrat. Mo rvtara aa preaorvea the smseaal kaaaay aa4 mkir af the hair Nyat'a Hirsute, akiald ka oa your dreaslng t.ble It sail, at It cwata aad II fo tha bottle. UNDER W O O 1) i WESTEIWTRANSrER CO. iMca raoM MI. NraMrat fhuae ,1.0, ii t'H mcnvict .MAtKMUK fllKKHIT H4IVIIHI ANN IlKNMritl, ttd MO tt4 A ariSCULTr I'aeseMera Itckow kkji asM Bellvrml aay I'hre la Tea. JOB MOORE rroirletor ININ J. Xl'NWALT. lreaMewl. K. M. HI lilt. W,ve. eadTei IIKItT K. WITIIHIIH'. Knmar), Klamath CountyAbstract Co AB1TIXACT1NG 9wyn tMMl tVrlAiiori Kntfactn i w mai i-MNg, mA!urmHtm nv. KtaMitli falto, OmJn atdrac. A koaMforaaaMllfaaaMy.aad oaly fear .Mecka froM tka eormar of Watk streaU. I latsrset a' pea iF.iUUIlE iaVMMl AMMJI (Paid AdvartleeMaat) . Importance of Hoahhy Kidnoys MlhSasMMsam -SBBaVaaBBaJadl wwMaWWMf4WMBj To Eaep tko sTIdJeaa Wall Tka kldaeya kava ktg work u smj AH tko klood la Ufa body la eeuraiag tkroagk tko kldaaya aaaataatly to ka fraad of poawaeaa Matter, klsi kaavy .aoagh tiak wkaa Ue kMaera ara wen. eui a osid. oklll. favor or omt Ueagktlaa exposure la likely to rrltata.l.alaaie Md aeageot tka kid- MVI 'aaa' ! Mill lha .U4. work. , Tke. tka aakJag aegtae. aad la aa- ually aaaoMdMlod ky bomo Irregular- Ky at tka kriao too froaaeat pas sage, sodlsteat or rotoattoa. Tkoa- aaad teatlft to tka woadorfal Merit ot Doea'e KJdaey Pill, a nmtr tc lha kldaeya oaly .that aaa beea used In kidney trouble 71 year. Yob will make ao mistake la followiag tkla ad vice, it eoMse froM raaMeat af tkla locality. Mr. Oraaa Mtaatara, I W. Jaekeia atraat, Medfdrd, Ore., aays: " aaa imaai.1 iru.i.'i.. -- mwt rttm ear ta tka kaatx aad etharHVMptatM of kldaay troalla, TblsreeMireedaMwkMraaad H. aad I MvevlaM waH over etaee." aaaara. Prie o aaala. Faatar Mfabaia Oa;, Vvlalo, bT.w Terk, aole ageata far tka DaHed -Doaa's aad Block Wood The economical fael fer win ter use. Uave erdeaa at Lawreaee's Cigar ffiktre. .Pkoae 1111. i BATM NmmmmmB Maavv-' GEN ERA I NOTICES ' We have bought the entlrastock of music formerly sold by the Muller Music company, lloila'a Caady .tore and Caln'a Variety stare. The complete Mckflaley nad De Lute edltloa'of lOe au4te aow la stock In addition to allof tko a.w popular music. . Seed far catalog. Maele Mailed en receipt of pro la Mamps. 17-11 siRADNACK MUBIG CO X r- CHOCOLA J ru. .' alb nlpuNX m. err ReasaMker tka aap. lake m ether, 4 I Do Not Take Up I Your Carpefs I to cIcim thin. We I rtmt an Ilettlic Vaci- I nUal'ClCsUlcrthat dnsi' im wow Mickcr aid I belter wlti Icaa wear I I ad tear on the carpet. I m - A ' u. awai aaaaau. fjaaat . a bm ac ffiMcrncai turn I tlOMllR V lltal 1 y RAISINS A faacy kraad of aaedad rale la. dipped la chocolate. Rome thlaaxjeed, aad 'aet taa awoel. Regulars-price See a pouad; aa sale aow iVmc k poaavd. Tlaei? k)kaC.Mttm MlUhBt. Tkrea departataata: NerauJ, Ra aaaa aad Bagiaawlag. Tka Naraial furaJakea'a atroag course fer Weak en, aa well a. teeckera' ravlaaelaa. a every Moalk la Ua year; ate Rael- aasa aMraacoaUlM keetkeaalag, skortkaad, typewrltlag aM all ea Mcrelal work; tka Rcgiaaartac eeara- ere elvll, electrleal, MeckaaUai and mlalag. , Tiia eellHe la opaa tkeeatka rear i iwaive Moataa apaelal teaekira for. each aepart awat. f Taoreughaaa. la all Ugga af wark. Oradaatewlll ka aided hi aaaHU P'tltlea. i Let veaag mm aid reuMiwesaaa. get ready fer tke weaderfal oemlea. neat af tkla aeotlea af Ua Paai.. rer(lafofMatlea addraaa POLYTECHNIC COLLEGE ffwfM We Welcome Small Deposits, -' Did you ever atop lo tkla that a hundred smIJ sccouaU suit a bank stroager than a dose.- Irrge onesT That U uas of oar r.eieM for urging the Man of limited mean In transact hri builnest with a. Urge account are welcome, too, for It U our purpose to asm ALL the people. , It matter aot what amoun of money you have lo deeesH will accept It at fcje kaak. We welcome the small dsposltor, lead to hlM tke aaaaa. aaaalaora lea aaCceurleele. accorded MaMof our patragja, - I , ,.' h our eaefMr. all ka. Ule. ?" , ux -" -' " THE FIRST MTIONAL BANC Capital l00t000 f. jfrii Amateurs Notice a We are now prepared to do expert developing Have your best negatives, enlarged at niimmum cost , All prints maiie on Velox Pap-ir. Satisfaction Guaranteed "i ' EvervtMklln the Camera Ua WHITMAN IK! UlleIIJCaT.Ct Ct i- aakratiar NDRl I FOR YCrW uacft ncflfi k ji vv M I, U .. j.