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l! t 4k n i. -, v jl kmmmk ------ - - wiv V i. .J.., .J.i'" .4, IF YOU'RE WIST YeaR taw baa mm MM .1 , - - .-"! ' . I .. J----j .wevma , Lab wmwlwy 'to flnv"' , ' -... H , m t yeaWaaVeVa veyJa7"eeTaaaaa, " . vqgARMR RAaLT A Bile) ' W. a). BeHTR, ... MIMr aaaM. Faejea MM Bee'flBBe' R) resejaea 0Oier ejeejea ammeae v t"4T ilM.iiuulim.jWttm MmM Pabeeial Of W uVtMauaJiiL' llujl "aaa Palm, at lit oSarta H. fa-Mi MejM MVt JP8 MM HI IB) MHW M MM M4Aw m 0 Ik MM. Mb. sRaasOaef aha KiSlUt f lfi.1 I'M DAHCTNG jf 22j Bve NT mamaBBmaEaaamgmm THE EVENING HERALD vHp as erSBBaraaaaYeY) PJM Baa BaeaiT leata M iMtoikwt paa lb teller, : i ", lv !"'. M POLK'S- K BBltMlWAaMpraTONl -.aa gaBaaaVeaaaeaaBaal Ba9BBVeaaf4eleaBa B A aaassmr, af Qaaycwr. I BH fJBBBea Bamaaja, eaaaaaeaaj Bmpm?aaemeeai eww"" aaj Our Ciilimn are Pee df TOM Wlll'S wood - BrfvtafeWMvySei Because dur Groceries mreOood 4 r "v , MWHMMM)t,Mto WtbV coevteee yee. MIWM M U WiM KUMrtll AM, OfMM. (W HllWllH MnvvT abcrtpllon ttrna by nail ta Mjr td- 4nm la ta HUM Mai: Oaa ytar .. 9ft90 Oa aioatli ............. S9 U.UUM rAU. OHBUUN MOMMY. OCT. ai, lain HORSE THIEVES ARE CAPTURED I laiarch W t- I Ctl8Si Itnl i TryaaaaWaar -mVa oorraar fracery Where? . hi: r-4 w n ''S :fl: tA -r "? . i- j i FwPtete a.4r i If toil mr, raUIMra War. rar m u T aVMaawrir MTSV ON MK.V HAVE MtKX OTKRATIMi IX CBOOK AN LAKB OOVXTlkM AUK MR FOR TMAIi fW a aaaiaar a yaara aaat aa or' af aaraa talavaa aara kaaa aaaratta la Hartaara Laka aa4 aataara Craak aaaaUaa. Maai' it (arta aara aaaa aw4a ta aallact aa- atoat avMaaaa ta wamat ariaala taaraai aaalaat taa toara t laa aaac. kat taajr aava aaaa taa aarawa. Daaya taa Laka Caaaty Baaailaar. am aava aaaataatly araaaa anaat aaU aaatlaaai ta aly Ualr traa aaaakat auawa wara raauani. Taar wara wall aaaaatata with that iauaaaaa aaaattlaa eaaatrr. haaw whara ta aaaha, taa atalaa araaartr. aaa waaM aathar la a aar toa4 at a tkaa. 4rlra thaai ta.Baa, aU than ahlattaa to aeaM aalat la Washing taa aa4 aall thaaa. Thajr iiaami rich at tha haaJaaaa, aaa t tha toaaara to raaartaa: ta ha warU f IB, a far- taaa aMtfa la aaraa ataallaa. Thajfha- iMar aa4 haMar, aafrlac " la hath aaaaUaa. factorial lir waaM aet ha takaa wHhaat traahu, iat aiattog thraata agalaat aaeaa altaaiattoc Ualr arraat Oaa 4ay toat waak wharlf W. B. aaato4 hr Aaaaaaar A. J. Faatar, aaaar tatof raahto teatracttoaa fraai Craak aaaaty. waat ta Marthara Laka aaaaty ta arraat twa af tha warat aiiaihara at taa aaac "Faak" ttahlaaaa aa4 "gaarty" Altoa. On raaihla Mhrar Laka M waa laaraai Paak" aa4 hto hrathar. Mil waa arraata4 tour. at tha Hartto raaah. MarlC SaMar aa4 Mr..raatar raa ta tha Harrki raaah aa4 arraataa "Paak" PrMar aftaraaaa. la tha BMaattoM AHaa waa laaata-l la tha, TtolaMy af Walttar'a aaMa. aftr-Ta atUaa aartk af SUrar Uka, whara ha waa takaa lata caatedr ht Daautjr P. D. Raaiar, Oaa Sckroadar aa4 W. H. Haras, ahaat t e'deck 8at aNar atarala. ' 'Jaaaa imm'tL a aMttoav ' H-r' a7 tol arafl.aaaat 'S-: Clmtt STIIKt' atoat aaalataaihaa m ta hal aaahaa rat at tha . , A Van Riper Bros. SCIENCE BRINGS GREAT REWARDS Immense Increase in Crops is Noted on the Forms Where 0. A. C. Methods Have Been Put in Practical Use CORVALLI8. Oft. II. An avtraf ylald ot 10 par cnt to SO par caat mora la cropa raUo! on farm of (he O. A. C. aiparlairnt atatlon than oa othar farata In tha locality It rrl ad by lrof. li. I. Scuddar ot tha aaroaoar daeartrntnt. who hat Jutt rataraad froa an Intpactloa tour of tha Sharaaa, Crook and llarnay county aaaarlaMat (arms. Ho attrlb utaa thaaa raaullt to tha aclantlnc ntathoda la caajunctloa with uaut- ually favaraMa wealhtr coadltloat Cera, laid paaa. alfalfa aad Turkay Ited whaat hava tuccaadad oa tic toad t a aanhar ot Baitara Oraaan (araMtra. laaMaatlaf a praaatolai tt turt far thaaa la tha dry raraiiaa acaaa, Flra yaara ago It waa clalaicd that thaaa araaa coald aet grow thara wkh aar raaH ta tha faraaar, hat tha aoUaga laatotad lhaa. aa aew, aa Ualr tatara taaaortaaea la tha data! at dry famlag. That tha tarawra, aatabty la Bharaiaa aad Craak eaaattoa, kara a growing rati aaaa aaaa tha wladoa of tha cellaffa ataatla la aaawa hy tha fact that aoro taaa half tha whaat aeraaga la aow la Turkay Rad. 'Oa taa Hero Branch aaaarlaaat farm thla rarlaty aaa con atotaatly aravaa lla auaarlorlly la ylald arar athar rarlattoa. At MataHaa aad Radaoad, aa wall aa at Mora, tha ralua ot cora to the dry faraar has beea proven by Its aucceaa, hath as a grala aad aa for age. Tha rarlaty which aade the hast ahowlag to a college bred corn which Praf. Eaaddar has beta Intro dualag to kuadreda of fnraara, aot la Baatera Oregoa atone, but throughout tko western part of tka etate ntoo. Aa aaaal sMMstt kas bean gained with leM aaaa, area batter reaulU thaa esaaetad halag achieved at both Mara aad Metallae la the aatter of aradaettoa far seed aad hay and for aaetarlag plaa. Ketaraa la park of III ta ft Hr sack acta of aaaa ware ebulaad at bath sUUoaa. Thla aakas a better area far laaaetol gala thaa wheat; as thara to aa harveetlag xu nneiRreeaa JJ 4.11 . I I oxpcnie, and, att lit mora Important, It Inrraaara rather than dapUtaa lha toll frrtllliy. The llrorn,nald paaa prof ail far lha belt, end will be grown for dlttrlbutlon at faat aa poatlble. Alfalfa groan In cultivated rows for ed production gave the greatatt aureate ot all, and proved utott grat Ifrlng to I'rof. Rcuduor, who hat an vocated th(t particular form ot pro auction, and now ftalt that the col lege It wall Juttlrlad la puthlng thtt form ot dry farming work. A variety which be Introduced from tha Dako taa la far superior to all othere not only la drought reatataace. but In seed production and remittance to rroat. former eetlmatre of a poatlble pront af ft aa acre each year from tha seed crop. It la believed, will ha el ecadad eaaalderabtr. The seed to of uautaal value, both for Ita bardlaaaa aad vigor, aad because of Its eavlroa aaat It, has already provea ,lta aupertorlty to wheat aa a moaer aak er. aad Ita value aa a aoll builder It uaeueetloaed. More than a loa of bay to tka aero was alto obtalaed Ibto year la tha alfalfa flalda at Moro, aad Improvement la methode ta espected to brtag tha ylald up to a tea aad a half. Certain varieties ot poiatoea la troduced la Bhtrman aad Croak roun tlee by the collage have alto proven tuperlor In yield and quality, and at potatoee are alwaye of unutual qual ity on tha dry faralng land, tha varl etlea aow being developed on the ei perlmeat tUtlon Helde will prove prott brlagers. Ample demoattratloa oa Ibe eiperl meal farma haa beea made of tko greater prolta that may be obtalaed from more lateaalve matboda of farm lag where cora, potatoee, laid peat aad alfalfa replace wheat, aa rotation ttopa used with It. The Improvement of the soil aad the maintenance af fertlUty. always tha ultimata abject of tha callage la Ita work, to eeaeM Mad tka greatest result of each a system. LOCAL ATTORNEY TO BE MARRIED Cat lowers at No. a Waat Mala at. Paid II FIST BUY " I a-aaaammal 1 i,eaapaBaaBaBaaaaaBaBaewnaTnaT--eaawaBBr fl gmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmm. & aa"a"e"aWI HrV l KIlTAlflAlfT 7 'gaaaR gaaat M99J&UeiQt0e99Kff l"'V '"" ' 1. ! " i ,iJ t;,.- JnafpapamV gMaaaaal x 'WJafk W ML NI.'WfM : ',... if 'v S2.SIC. bath 3JtCm fr,m nci . i ': Look mt this Mr, Homesmeker if a naw aroea aew eeert, airy rssaa. toeetolaaiaMhaa . . Ptre ptoee; gtaaa f k,tmA -.- - -f T11 xWm .TL view, U Met, Uto to oaa of .. tkamaat J-'- -- Imm la 'Iha'elt. ' j rrara, aaj.iag A MODBRM HOME t i maaf tfjgkAat gtlaBmat taataj Baaaaa. aajaaaaa- aad ooM-storage. A daady noma far a aaaH family, aad ealy four Maaha from the corner ot Math aad streets I IAII SB IF Iff KAHTWAYTO AL COLOR or VR MAVCR AJW kara toat remedy,) made from qalaklr taatsrea gray hair to aatural color. laaaareotUf hair, toreveat It froei toatag 1U eel er aad laatre.ito laataa laaertaat aa ta keepxtnem Several palra ot wora-out ladlea thoaa draped over the oRce ilea of W. H. Shaw Saaday "tipped of" the fact that the young attorney to about to he married. Mr. Shaw left thla city Saturday ulght, otteatlbly to attead to some tiuilncta In Sacramento, Calif. It leaked out Sunday that he bad goae io Stockton, Calif., where ka will be married tomorrow algbt to Mtot Josephine Doaegan ot tkto city. Mr. Skew la very well kaewa la this city, where ha has practiced tow for several yaara. Mies Ooaegaa has taught school hare, bat reecetiy haa beta employed la the couaty or'a hr la aare far the freea gtesetorlap. far tesaitlm aad araaaa ta Improve lha aeapleaiaa, aad ret aegleet year whoa gray, hair to area aero mm eeggaetlve ot age taaa wrlaktoaer vroor comptoaiaar Of tha twa, t4to easier ta preserve tha aaUral oolar aad beauty ot the hair thaa It W to have a good com- P. CCrUon ' v maarasa at Ryaa eaaftt. All that to attassary ta the stoaal aaa ef'Wyeta'a Sage aad Sal pfcur, eeaMawo wHhafher vahtaale raaedlas for; dry, bajah, faded hair, daadraV, ttealag soalp aad falltag hair. .Attar a few.appltoatloaa of UU ilmplakarmlass reaadr, roar hair will gradually he roatared to.ltaaatur al color, la a abort tlao the dsadruif will be rcaaved, aaiyour hair will aa toagar eoma aat, hat wUI start to grow as aatare lateaeed It aheaM. .Ooa't aocwet rear halrfor H goea farther Una aaythtag etoe to aaka or aar yaar gaad laafeg. Tea aaa bar taJrreaadyat aar drag stare for rear drag back If raw are aet sattoRad after aetag' Pur chase a bottle tadayt Tcu'wlU aaaar ragaat'tt wham pea raaUat'tha tfatacv tftr eeatsNa'balUo. atot wttl rVear a Whit la A contest case of eontlderable In tereet waa heard before the oflclala at tha United Statea Uad offlce thla waak, aays tha Lake Couaty Kua laar. John a. Morgaa coatestad C. Pltch'a desert toad, eetry oa the ground that the laad was aot of a desert character. Tha toad la ques Men. la located north of. Ukavlew la seetioa 21, la towaeelp 17 south of raage 20 east. o;C. Ulbbs sad C. H. Combs rspreaeatad Mr. Morcan. wniie l., r. Cobb, reareaaaUd Mr, Pltea. Coaalderable lastimeny, both direct aad croee-ciaalaatlon, was la irooacaa, ana while ao decltloa haa aa yet beea made by the oRclalt, yet It la qulto certain that the case will be taken, up to the secretary of tha In terior before a flaal deeuJoa Is reached. The weddlag will take plaee al tko home of Mist Doaagaa'a titter, Mrs Ana Campbell. ''' ' - 'J. - If R'a worth tothnaf Me euriag. aaa CbHaila at i street, or ahoVg. 9 VOR ALR'at PRANK M. OPT pi,', I. XII t. .1,1 !! aaaa k wttl tafBHrlaBWavaaJU W i awfgTaaaaajaBaaaa, . LX Rarrawa Ran aheap4 Bart Sarrowa rataraad Monday eve from bake couatr. where ho waat aaaa time ago wltk FrankJ .I. w areaasa .soma sheep,. He says that-he aad Mr. Meoalageamp purchased 1,090 head from different owners la that aart of the eeaatry, aad that they will bring the' here before long. Mr, BJoom fagaaap will ratura la a few days. FISH1N6 TACKLE aaaaaaaBaaaaaaaaaaaamm' We have avarytblsvyea "w or aat seaiaf trtff I """ "" roaa, .aaaHa, atc.We teats, suae jwd ea 1J'V' ' cutm STOIE ' ' afaUaVaatl LffaaV atPwal aVafVe raat A' 6V' U. : ,'i w t'kaaa' -t.V P.; tSrWISaeti&'V tAW I .,auu:l" it -A, ; ajaj an rr mim -"i. "' ' ' -S-3Bgmrtif' niiiuiiuAuyuS toturalahava,a.u...rl; ratreaata. .i. " ..,l IM k.r;awaiuM xTS 4t lasary which eat..!?1. 'Kl, appalaw'J ' dive.. Aad modara?1 Plaabtag hM JJ fi1" m'TV ' -iTtoll alike, for few mm 72 a so ,m .. noitTui to afford what wM,JV to au alaaai prlc,,M j, belaitallad,callUDop.ty A Clean Scalp And Healthy Hair Mauy of your frlaada bare tound that rimutUat tm.n . i.ulr -sou aad glossy aad a sculp fre frein ci.n.lruB. ni"' Irom the use of " ' r"' NVAI.'M MIHHUTO.NK l'l,U It the protedure Wiuh the hair with warat n ami a pur ,Mv, ... oulilyrub lha aralp with a HfbrMilia.l,y lllraui6.r-i! !! in h and dry the hair before eemblag r,v I'lmie undarataad that lllrtiitnne li mil k.i. . . II U a fnlfa toed., ,r u''- WliUr M ihsisafPAi rlraaara, U .1., p,,!,. , tt'lel art taaaoai tolas aal atlmalatta tNr roots of ta inlr raaaivaa ah) iaadaaf aratrats ha rrtara m praaorvaa tha aa4atal haaaty aad raW af Dm hair. NyM'a Hlraataaa'ahaaM he oa your dressing table It sellaatfa aaals aad It Hi the bottle. UNriBHWOOD T WESTERN TRANSFER CO. leal. RrelaVaea l-hoM i;u. Ill' aajRvafii MOOAOR ' PIIKH1MT MtlVINU AND UHftRRAI. TK.t.Hfi:il PIANO MOViNR A aVRCULTr raaaeaaaral-lehed VsT ami allverel mj I'Uce la Teas JOED &KiH?p& Proprietor ININ J. Sl'MWAIT. Prtaldnit. K. M. Hl'ltli; Vlrf,r,. m Twm IIKItr K. WITIIIIOH. Narvrtsry. Klamath County Abatract Co ABtTlACTlNG y Urnnn laMl Irrifjttlo. KiglReen HAPa, PLAN, aRAIBpaj Vra alafafaLa Kiaaatk 'ills, OrH We Welcome Small Deposits DM yea ever, atop to thla that a hundred, small acceuate aart . a beak stronger taaa a deseo 1 rga oaeaT That - o' eur t ror urgiag ma aaa at uaiiea moans to iraaaact bu nuiinatt aaa a. Urge aecouata are welcome, too, tWit It our purport temne ALL tha people. M ' It mattara aot wkat ameun af Money you have totdtpseH at will accept It at Uto beak. W vatoome the small depositor, asm tend ta hla the aaaa toaeldera lea aad courtesies sctordsd to sM at cur petreae. ' Our eaateaars all kaow tats. v THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK: Giftta. 9100.0001 r IR .-VBR aaaMrl Amateurs Notice .. vf-1 ( 1 Wc art now prepared to do expert developing Have your beat negatives enlarged it minimum cost All prints made on Velox . Paper. , Satisfaction Guaranteed '3 - ; .v: -" a iTervthlng In the Camera line WH1 .in si . ' . .1, mAH ttSL DRUG CJ IN BUWNEtaTOR YOUR HBALin lr' a". K) , i' ,(. . '"S-:;a1, . V- ' ' iij