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.f,' m 1 ill M F?A PROFESSIONAL CARDS MAXWELL MLONG .He II uliKWUIt BallilM CITY an: ABSTRACT COMPANY Amuon uvamujfoa Maaksn OrW&a iwoidatt Tttto Ma A.B. OBIBOf aaaai 1 flrrtNatfaaal KUaurtfc Palla, Or. OBca aai Keatdeaca, HVwr, OLA (Satan Traataeat) OBce keaaa: t to 11:10 a. ; 1 to l p a; vraalaaa. 7 to I BTHMTBI WMMIM SM Qaaraataaa waU aa It yea aaWaeiarfaa to aaak. Wood! W WoadL (Bxtraamkni) P. C CARLSON WOOD Block wood, doable. lf-ajMh Oraa Stay . X..BB.7S ltudaah Bit BUk Dry Wab, 4-tootl.X. SB Bay year greet ale early imuiTU mrrrr rm """ wjj Wfl ararbn,M 17. We furalak a)jAmU ot help at abort aotleo. If yon waat work register at MB. A. PIBTEBBTBDfMB 198 Stala 8. FkMM S44 HHk ' 41 COUNTY JL nnm JmIU 7Bi aa Malay YW s. WBl !. lfk alaswar aa raaslalal aajflt attar' . aoaavUi MSB. A. FBTBBtfmHBBrS CAFS f Mataairtafc raratMMtlaaar CMb MbpQbmb nraffi awji lwHesa away vaaar IMb liaA wyf MLBadi Wajdf ML IM1M . . US-mi M load dead p . ea,se BXAMAxa covytx Mtruoamfovvicu I and OnwuVsr I I Swift'. Pridt I I Washing Powder I I It brighUaa tbe boaae, I I Pleaeea the wife, I I TlekUa the ki4s, I I Makas waafaJas easy, I Mafala Blao Moaday, I flalas Nat for Friday I Waaaia oa had I J Yai liplLVit. The Evening Herald W. O. SMITH Bdltor ruhllshed daily aieept Suaday by The Herald Publtohlat Contpaay of KlamU ralto, at US fourth Street Eataraa at tha postoBee at K1a- atk rallt. Oregon, for traassauoloa through the nalli aa eecoad-claj. attar. SabecrtpUoa Ursa by mall to amy ad draaa Is tha Ualted Statae: Oat yaar Oa.asoBth 10 KLAMATH FALLS. . . OBBGON SATURDAY, ACG. 15, 19t4 AND STOP AT KLAMATH FALLS VALUE OF TIUCKS IX ADS (Copyright, 1 9 IS, by Geo. K. Patterson) The purposo of adrertlstng is to oil nwiii. Goods can be sold through advertising by giving a clear and concise description to arouso the Intoroat of the reader in the goods. Then after the reader has become favorably impressed with the goods give the price, aa thU Is a vital factor la convincing the prospective buyer. Everr oerson is more or less lnter- Mted In the orlco of Roods. Care- fnllr ramDlled itatlsUca show that over 75 per cent or tho people or tne United States live on a salary of ?l,- 300 or less per year. It is very evi dent that most of the people in the United States must be economical. They must be saving and careful In their expenditures, and they are care ful. Ther count the dollars, and when they read as advertisement in tbe paper they want to know the sell ing price of the goods so as to do some figuring ot their own. Someone has said that "money talks." That is true, and lowering the price of goods is always a, most effective argument. Whether the ad vertiser lowers the orice or not he ahould never omit the price of the separate Items he describes, unless possibly tho advertising space at his disposal does not permit him to des cribe sDeclfleallr so the reader caa . . thoroughly understand tbe merits of iuc uuucB. til. tuts miier czu u is frequently customary to reserve the price for the caUlogue which la sent oat on Inquiry, or until the customer rislts the store. It la generally better to state the price after glilng a careful and con- die statement of the goods. If tha price la a resl Inducement It serves as a climax. Good headlines and illustrations to attract attention and secure interest, good description to Interest and con vince, accompanied by the price of the article make an ad tbat Is bard to beat. SCATTERED SHOTS "Home, Sweet Home" Is a popular song with marooned Americans abroad. In the meantime our bumper croos continue to annex more bumps. Man proposes and woman lets blm propose again. Europe Is recovering from Its ennui. If we can't pull off a war of our own, we can at least Indulge In the peaceful occupation of watchful watching. The man who never advertises Is like the general, who goes Into battle without ammunition. Our distinguished citizen, General Depression, has departed for an ex tended tour of Europe. Icrald's Classified Advs. 1ksjassajsa ,,.,-,.,., VWW(VulnM FOR RENT ... .--,-y,-,--u-j-ruT-ru1Ju FOIt HENT Two-room furnlnhcd house on bill. Electric lights and city water. Inquire W, O. Smith Printing Co. FOR SALE IM" - FOR SALE Prnctlrjitlv ni v.n... , .. ,-, aenger auto. Make fine truck or family car. Owner will aacrlfice. You will -.. j .,.. .. . ..... uifci uuu nan liui inii iriln 30J Hotel Hall. U.zt FOR SALE 5-borseower Ford Garage. motor. It Panama Canal Now the Commerce of 1 Hlspp , BBBBlBBBBlBBHBB9Bil'aik.Hi?ail li rjBBBBHBBBml BbVbBBH!K2bBBBBbVKw fiBBBBftiilBl BHHBBBBVIjmiiBBBBBBBBVi:r,-r.,BiaBk msmajihUL: -- .. - z)M:? United Press Service WASHLSGTON, D. C Aug. 15. Messages of congratulation were ex changed today between President Wilson, and Secretary of War Gar rison and Secretary ot the Navy Dan iels and Governor Goethals of tha Panama Canal zone upon the open ing to commerce ot the world today of the "big ditch." Officials expected the Informal DY MARGARET MASON (Written for the United Press) w,th fMh,0M and ,ore t0 All our minds, Wars and suffrage and seem petty: strike, So Betty smiles In her basque of black- And I bask In the smiles of Betty, veil- vnnt- .. . r m .... .trvi tuna, au. io.iuo OiaCK basque plays aa Important a part in .,- .-... . ... ft . the sartorial make-up ot tbe aalnty niald who follows tbe fashions is tbe black masque In the sartorial inake- up of the taking person who follows tho dark lantern and the jimmy. Preferably and almost invariably of black velvet, this newest Vaaqu. la worn with a fluffy and manflouaced skirt of white organdie or batiste. Of- ten tbe skirt, while It baa al organdie foundation, breaks out In flounces ot either tullo or chiffon. Bollcate or chid and sweet pea tints e also used for these skirts as weltf as the all wblto and the effect of jibe froth of many ruffles bursting ofct below the closo sheath of rich ilack velv basque Is charming eniugb to co pensaie ior tne rather! obvious dis comforts of such appafe) on amid summer day as a concession to the. h-et. vnri tlons of those basques are shown de veloped In either black taffeta or black satin, but tboy lack that In describable air of chic of the velvet brand. Hence, they aro not much favored by tho fashionably elect, whn have long since bowed to the Inexor able mandate of the mode tbat one cannot bo truly smart and mm. fortable all at tho same time. Tho velvet basquo is always low of neck and long of sleovo and h.itin,i either up the front or back with vls- ie bullet buttons. On some of them sheer roll collar nr o,--i lulle frill softens the effect about tbe mrom. The run on velvet u h -... conllned to the basque. Already the " v,01, hat- "cy and perky In Ua miniature pronortinn. t .... tfe fragile straw om L'l" ""!l . .. " "tau VI . u uux ana clou D'ng are they that thv .. .... 7" "aues. bo tiny and close ciutely to dispute the n,ni,. ..1 Inr -I. - . . --. Ull - . vuauenux or nirtllr n. , are coming to tbe top a.atr, " , Anrt ti . .. . " " .T u"uw, we immutable law that everything com th. nu v.." t chain, aad thing, ar. ?.. THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON WBS1???. fl m Jl mT.IL-aw ' t S if program ot unojtontatlou to be car-. Dewey, cabinet and rongreu mm rlcd out Iters will hi-ad a gtcantlc let. A war department vwuel. tho. Today active operation for cum steamer Cristobal, loadd to the gun-1 mrrclal vrrli drawing not ur wales with Isthmian, war and naval officials, and a hefty cargo of news paper men. was gtven the honor of being the first "otQclal" vi'iuol to go through tbe Inter-oceanlc waterway. The formal opening of tho canal will not occur until March 4, 1915, when President WlUon, Admiral i worse before they are better. lbI!K.n ptiri1M August crop of wee velvet hats may be to prove the rule that they have only gotten smaller, to get larger. The narasol Indeed nractlcet belnr useful as well as ornamental this Kinanrt nt mst1 httti mA nvn ihitv . -. , ... ,v . are now belor ihnvn n vl fin f -" " I ' vv ""' """"f iuaunc igr thta rlrh nnH ItntrrJt f,h,ti !. mm. ..w ..... HH .,. aww.iw uu, UUI only gone to lovely "voman's head, but over It as wjfl There Is cenblnly nothing half way about fashloil and from the extrem ity of no yeeres at all, or at least none to aKak'of, tbe long sleeve Is now bcldg the dernier crl. For af tcrnoomnd street wear they are ab solutely tbe only nurmliiabl iIaacai as tmb total abience of arm cover IngAtlll holds good for evening toBettes It Is ilmnlv a. run nt Inn. :eves or none. While tho velvet nd satin basques all show uncom promisingly long, tight sleeves of tho same materials long sleeves of lace and tullo arc very smart In com bination with tho silken bodices of many of tho dressy little afternoon frocks of taffeta or cropo. Tho lln gorlo gowns aro all showing the long, sheer, small artificial flowers be tween the elbow and tho shouldor to peep through the mist or laco or tulle. Hracelets of sparkling Jewels aro also given a welcome haven In llko position and many arc the raro fortunes in gems that one fair maid Is thus ennblod to keep up her alcove. As a Sort of roartlnn n-nlmi ,. multi-colored strand, of beads that "bvo an summer decorated the bosoms of both Judy O'Grady and tho colonel's lady, that latter per sonage Is now going In exclusively for strands of pearj,. Heal or other wise strings of these luminous tear llko Jewels show to best miv.nt... atop the background of tbe black vel- voi oasquo and contrary to the long- r T aecro 'hat, Pearls hoforo breakfast were aa hA .. nn,i t.. fore swine. petr, t now beln flaunted In the fae of tradition and me rosy dawn. The present penchant for the chaste pearl ha. by no moans com Pletoly done for the bead, of many color, however, A. brilliant beaded baad. for dreM trimming, and at fringe and garnlahmeat on purses Open to the World IV I i&M' Jji ,w. , , jaw. a?ss7srv Kv , thirty fet of watr wm twgtia, al inoucn uiuiior vmucu, including a lighter service, ham beon tMlt6 through for a couple of monlhi. Some of the smaller fruit Hear are expected to establish a rrgular schedule of traffic through the ranat. brglnnlug today. and bags ot silk and velvet, thoy will fulfill a different but an equally rromlnent sphere thts fall and winter. YESTERDAY'S COAST LEAGUE RESULTS II. .3 II. 10 0 Oakland 3 1 0 Uaum, Fanning and Schmidt; Klswltter, Mitxa. II. Los Angeles 1 II. 3 IS Venice 5 Chech, Holes; Illtl, IJIUi It K, Portland 11 1 8 2 Stewart, Sacramento nigglnbotharn, Klsber; Arellanos and Itohrer. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB h.l, H MJ rf ''BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBM L.1 3 Bk U I ir 9 d BBBBBBBBBBBBBBrJ It. II. K. Los Angeles 6 9 1 Venice j ( Hughes, Brooks; Koottner, El liott. Bubscrlbs for tba Herald, 60 cents a month. (bl AjbVV t ErfraBBlil-BB7i ARE V i LET VH M K A H U, FOR A FALL H funcuwt Wo ca the moot com- pleto sU iVoolonu to be found at ywherand only need a trial to convMo) you 'hat our tallorlni r superior to that to mull order or oih.r be had so-called tailors. Loewe Bros. Tailor. ou -a In p. vnff MIT OR Ail try one of iks of Is (i tcln Hotel Arrivals Whit tVllrtui Aleiander T VogeUab. M WHIIanu, W. J, Ctiunltigham. W r'arlrj". fan Krnuclifoi V Vl, IVttUud, Mrs. r. II. ". Htt M lio. V. DeMaraU and wt, Cltlcoj II II IMuiutuer. lorkly; Jum IH)UkIi. IKmk ranfh. ! Hotel IU1I Paul llroniell, Oakland, Mrs. . Holron. Vtw HtuKel. Krauk lllooiU' lugcaiup, John Colwell, Merrllli Win. Ck-r. Ralph II, Cakr, llaruld II Ckr, U ll. Kleraor, I'ortUndj Dau Joller, Kugene Keller, I'raltle Cltri Mm. 1. . Ilouto, Mlt Jane tltattord, Hn FrancUcu; C 1 HollltUy, Uu Kll Valley; W. CorrUau, Tht. Connor. O. I'llerlnt. llornbrtHik.C. C Campbell, t. 0. ISiHer, Waltrsvlll. ; Arturale tafurtwaitvn about the Klanwtlli llaata. Ne Cttllrut. U.1 lala. Today', bshs today la The llsrald, With the recent cut in the price of Fort) cr in effect, we are now offering thU popular car at the following prices, f. o. b., Klamath Falls: Touring Car Runabout - fully We are alto agent for ' Tire; and can outfit you 30x3 30x3 1-2 35x4 GEO. B1EHN, Agent PLAY BALL Any time, afternoon or night, with a lichor VTt lxu th Ut every time. It's the automatic wy, nd lyfjaitlotj in the fun, It develop the muscles and Improtrn yulr hjatlitg ability Tin: iti.i. i'vkiwt i.iki: it t'4h Prlso l.'vrry Kvrntng for lllgli Korp. Next to Klamath Stables, Main Street There Is No Kodak Save the Eastman Kodak We are the ONLY ath Fall, having dales and Easti Beware of Some firms advei but, have no UNDERWOOD'S PHARMACY Corner Main anil 7U Hlreeta, KUmaltt KmII Orvgoa On Your Way bi j j . mBiiH JBB). I . i I i lawVIg I iw numv iuts 'WPjLrr i I "?, la Aj , V in i').. I inJi -BBBBBF f "'W SsU V I FIRST STATE and SAVINGS BANK KLAMATH PALLB. OMWON HATlllllAV, ADO, in, luit Herald want ad. brlai result. COME IN AND HEAR THE NEW MACHINES j two or tiii: v:itv I ITI'i.T I'lllUllU I'HONtKHUI'IIM JLHT lOlfKIVKIHIV UM'ltKM txmi: in am iiiuit tiii: (iiu.t x).ci:itr i:v:itv :yK.'iNo I'llON 711 KlaiuIkFilbMisicHouse II. Olttm. Proarietnr cqui celebraJld Rrettone in folloylng siiea: 1-2 drug store in Klam- thi to the Bank to make youyrirsl deposit you inuiiyyfiien bound la tba 'Ctlotimsn whoso ronipoBT you will be clad to be Y reprieui Ilia most igrusHlvo limine, men In i li community, nm yourself In tlmt clan by atartlai your "count today, Tha amount 'lotiiii't mutter, Hart with what ru hay.. TO UlM u': wiii. hi: imxhku TO llNTf ItTAIV OU - $590 540 toed 32x 1-2 344 j genuine No- nan Films nitations. Itise KodaJta. j rfs for yfe. u. fa.