OCR Interpretation

The evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, August 15, 1914, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Oregon Libraries; Eugene, OR

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn99063812/1914-08-15/ed-1/seq-3/

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HATtlRDAY, AUO. IS, 1814
Scene ot Coming Battle for Naval Supremency of
z 1
t J S' JS A
O J o
lucuirt Tl V. I
rho trMt naval bslile
v ;,,..,. mutt bo fuuabl within a few
il. rllber In lb HaKlf or lite North
U Tbo HrllUh till", pofbepi only
portion of lb" whole A5'. '
llio ttralr.l Url er tbrd lit lit
hblory of the woril, reiv4 !
Threatical Business
Has It's Troubles Now
lir l'.t!l
(Written for tb
NKW VOIlK. As, J& It I
((r4 on ff4X thai (lenetal
Hhtrmitn mutt h ln a lh
trlfl tohirr. OllicfwU" h ould
bat tt- txn able to 'fr In urh
ctflkll Uncuace utt wbal r W
At uu i( it! btm and trad ar
tf, and hate tlor. of Kalior Hill
(ballrattnc tlto ortd lo ncht, )tu
mr not ibtnk that (hi lord of ar.
bo It sow In Ihp role be ha Innc
ntcl to Ujr. U tnui(nt up jour
ibtrfo lr for lh winter. Wrll
bo l.
KUef mil not not)' U trhlnc
lulifltiwl tit isum np tbe whole
InMantly Clear Air !' .Yo
llrralit Kreely. NaMy MKtMrc
hto-I Hr4 OokU atMl Stall
eel VaaUlt
Try "Kly'a Cream Ual."
)t a amall bottle anyway, Juil lo
try It Apply a little In the NoalrlU
itd In.tmitl, our clogged noee and
loredub air pataagea of the head
III open; you will breathe freelyj
IuIIufm ant) headache dlaappear. Ily
"tortiliig. the catarrh, rold.obead or
catarrhal lore throat will dlaapper.
Knd urb mltery now (ltt the
mall botiia of "Kly'a Cream Halm"
an drug atore, TbU awl. fra-
tram balm dlaeolVM by the beat of J
Prompt Service
Good rrinting
Fourth St., between
T ff!f
E 11
irucilott rlr U'(1umJ tuurnlnc,
'.Ink or retuurt." i vl vr.
..!. of flerwanr.
.... .,
At ibM llwf lb- lliltl.h rhli.
tff) OMe
offlrUI. of
h-te In Ibo North Ke. bui
rour. oulil tot
(?nltrl Vtv)
of llorot', but Ihroucb bl bolo
to btoadaldn butllnc of dtxlara
llou of ar W rauttnc Httt old
lftadr no eud of ort.
No on ba b-n boutlnc during
tbe Ut rupl of )rar otr on
drfut urreMM and tba outlook fot
the roiulng t-oti vblfh wn good
until alt tbU outrrabk ol a ralam
itou war ba glrcn a dull grar
dtruri)t(orballle hUr
In the nmi t'Ur", rehwral for
manj bo mar be delayed becau
tho tirinrlaU ar hld In KumiKi,
Whether ihrr are unable lo ge a
tteamer home or baten't ibo roonr
Ibe noeirllaj peneiratea and heal tba
Inflamed, awollen membrM which
Usee Ibe bom, bead ltd throat;
clearvalr paaaagee; fopa uaaty dU
cbaatea and a feeJAg of eleanalng
e Iwniedlately.
wake tonight atrur
, with head Bluffed;
oeed, hawking gad blowing.
a cold, wlU IU running
ul mucoua dropping Into Ibe
. end raw dryneea l dlatraalM
but truly needleaa.
Iut your faith Jual once la
"Kly'a Cream Ualut" and your cold
or catarrh will surely disappear.
(I'ald AdrertUment.)
Reasonable Prices
Main and Klamath
oorblav relief afm
Aton't lajrt
ailng for JTeatb
L'alaraa or
h -. L,
or fc STOCKHOLM'S 4? 1 doAt1"
M V fir JT .'OIAMB . y a ..,...
e V
,. .- HA1I7 r; w
l ba Un aaid by ciperU that tbe
Ocrmane ?uia Irr to Oeetrojr tbe
" ' ' .' . " "
a y ojteo for Umlloi trooj.i near
L, ,.elof.bur, Ltfofo ,. woutJ B.
,-, ,, , ..rlM -.,,., mt..
injulm the lirllltb commattder to
round Denmark and mtr the Ilaltlc,
I to far for a ticket docan'l make aor
difference, Tho chance are agalmt
, Itiflr mlurnlug In llmo for rebearaal
on the datn tber were thetlulel to
Tim t'fr agenta hato jumped on
the war. Incidentally, aa a meant of
bringing the to marooned acton and
arireir Into print again. If any
one ha been overlooked, they were
Certain!) in iota such placvs a
7.iYrlulitictt and the cable t
tuiel to carry tbe name of the town,
the cnor fearing the combination
might mean aomethlng or waa In
tended to be calling the king name.
At the Churches
llrmta MrtbodUi KplacofeJ Cttnrcit
Corner Tenth and High eueeta; U.
iiicnaraa, miBiiier.
t 10 a. m.. Hunday acbool. Ceo. J.
Walton, auparlntendenu
Morning aenko at il a, m, MU
otunary ermon by llrr. J. A. Davit.
iplal mulc.
MUrtl Quartette 'The l-ord Is
Mindful of HI Own" Mra.
i; II Henry, Mr. A. J. Vore.
Wrnoti MoUcbenbACher. Harold
jjoltt "Tho Urd 1 Mindful or 111
I Own . MUn LouUe iicuion
Kvetiltig aong and termon at $ p m.
Hxclal tntutr,
Kolo MIm Ida Motnrer
I'rayer meeting Wed net day crenlng
a l K;00 o'clock.
Judge Ilenion't clau meeta at 10
a. m.
Kpworth laguojit ? p m. K, M.
Chtlcote, prettdent.
Fire PrrelryierUa Church Cor&er of
Third and Pint StreeU. J. 8. Stub
bledeld, patter.
Huparlntendenl of Sunday acbool
J. U, Maaon.
Clerk or Beattona C. C. Hogue.
OrganUt Mitt Vera Houston.
I'roaldent Chrlitlan Kndeayor Koy
Sunday acbool at 10 a. m.
('reaching at 11 a. in.; subject,
"Ood Ural."
Itev, J A. Darli of UX Angele
will preach at I p. in. Sunday.
Christian Endearor at 7 p. m.
I'rayer meeting Wednesday at
S P. in.
Mis Marjorlo McCluro will alng
at tho morning service and Mis
Edith Wllion will sing Sunday even
tag. You are cordially Invited (o all ct
them service. A ipoclal Invitation It
given lo atranger.
Uaptlat Cliarch Corner Eighth and
Canal street. nv. A. P. Simmons,
Dlble school at 10 a.m. every Lord's
Day, C, R, De Ip. superintendent
Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. in.
very Lord's Day, unless otherwise
Woman's Howe and Xorelga Mis
sionary Society meet Brst Thursday of
each month at a: 10 p. in,
Prayer (lag every Wednesday
eveulug at 7: SO p. m.
Choir practice Friday avMings,
Kveryoat cordially Invited lo all of
l bete servloas.
"1 was glad when Ibey said unto
me, Let us go Into the aoute of tt
Lord." Pan, ISM.
Church of U Bacred Mean Corner
Worden aveaut and Donald areeta.
the World
Out tbe iltuatlou wat such that the
lirltUh Seel could bardlr fall to tneet
the Otrmaoa, It would be impoulble
for them to I tare tbe Ilaltlc without
blnc ifn. Derond that tber can da
much more damage there to Ituaalan
rill? than tber can ouc- tber leave
The old time mixture or Saga Tan
and Sulphur for darkening gray,
streaked and faded hair la grand-
,' mother's treatment, and folks are
again using 11 to keep their a good,
even color, which Is quit sensible, as
J we are Ilrlag In aa age when a yoata-
ful appearance Is of the greatest ad
vantage. i Nowadays, tltougb, e don't have
jibe troublesome task of gathering tba
age and the musay mixing a horn.
All drug store sell the raaJrHo-use
product called "Wyelfe's fage and
Sulphur Hair He
about 60
cents a bottle.
pular. ba
cause nobody ca
it has bees
your comb
applied. Simp'
or a soft brut
draw tola
one small
through your
strand at
morning tba
gray balr d
rs, but what da
lth Wyeta's Saga
lights the I
and Butpbu
that, besides bsautl
tbe hair after a few
fully darke:
It also produces that
toft lustre and appearance of abun
odece which Is to attractive; beside,
prevents dandruff. Itching acalp and
falling balr.
(Paid AdverUaasMnt)
Kev. Wm. McMillan, 8. J., pastor.
Tirst Mas at C a. m.
High Mas and Benediction
lu:S0 a. m.
Catechetical Inttructlona every Sat
urday and Sunday morning at 9:30.
Week day Man every morning at
Services at Merrill on the third
Sunday of each month.
Church of ChrUt ScleaUata Services
art held on Sunday morning at 11
o'clock and Wednesday nvenlng at
7:10 in Christian Selene Hall, in the
Jacobs block, corner Third and Main
streets, upstair.
Lesson for Sunday, "Soul."
Christian Chnrvh Corner of Ninth
and Pine street. Kldar 8, D. Har
lan, minuter. Kealdamee. cornsr
Tenth nnd High streeta.' Phone 147.
Dibit school at 10 a. m., C. C. Col
vtn, superintendent
Preaching at 11 u. in., subject,
"Duty of Faultrlndlng."
Preaching service at 8 p. m.
Wednesday at 20 p. n Mrs,
Christian Endeavor at 7 p. m.
H. S. Fox, president.
Wednesday eveulug, prayer meal
ing. You are welcome to all the ser
vices. .New School
ork i
e new pub-
lie scaohl building
art ne
meat walls
1 Bob Hall
says they
y for the car
Of this weak.
pentara I
rapidly being put
out at lb
ell In all
the work
to the
of tho public.- La Pine
pasdy" fa
li Is Tryo
Wwlth y and
dtair, mvauaa;
auiev w
? y
llcturn lo Ashland
Mr. John flunn left this morn
ing for Athlaad, af(r & visit of tome
length with her parent, Mr. and Mr.
Mote James of Lorella.
Subscribe for tbe Herald. (0 cents
a to oath.
Legal Notices
in tbe county court of the state of
Oregon, for (he county of Clacka
mas. In the matter of tho cntate of Aguust
W. Neumann, deceased.
Notice U hereby given that by vir
tue of an order and license heretofore
granted by tbe above-named court to
the undersigned administrator of tbe
estate of August W. Neumann, de
ceased, I will offer for sale, and on
and after tbe 26th day of Beptamber,
1914. will tell at private sale, for
cath, to tbe highest bidder, subject
to confirmation by tbe said court, tbe
following described real property, to-
The east half of the sonUtweet
quarter of section tfleem (II)
and the northeast quarter of tbe
northwest quarter, and tba north
wel quarter of the northeast quar
ter of section twenty-two (22), In
towmblp thirty-eight (21) south,
rango eleven (11) east of tbe Wil
lamette meridian, being In Klam
ath county, tute of Oregon, and
containing one hundred sixty (1C0)
acres, mora or less.
All bids may be mailed to me or
to ar attorneys at Oregon City, Or
egon. OEOUOE L. 8TOKV.
Administrator of the Estate of Aug
ust W. Neumann, Deceased.
Gordon E. Hayes and Earie C. Tal
mouth, attorneys. 10-17-24-ll-7s
Hum moat
In the Circuit Court of tbe Bute of
Oregon, for Klamath County.
Cbarlee Wesley Judktna. Plaintiff.
Adra Beatrice Judklnt, Defendant
To Adra Beatrice Judklnt, tbe Above-
Named Defendant:
In the name of the state of Oregon,
you are hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against
you in the above entitled suit, on or
before the 12th day of August, 1914.
that being the last day of the time
wltbia which defendant Is allowed to
answer herein as fixed by Ibe court
for publication ot summons herein;
and ir you fall so to appear and
answer, tba plaintiff will apply to the
court for the relief prayed for In the
complaint Sled herein, to-wlt: For a
decree ot said circuit court ot the
state of Oregon, for Klamath county
rorevcr dissolving tbe bonds ot matri
mony existing between the plaintiff
and defendant, and for such other re
lief aa to the court thill appear meet
and proper In the premises.
This summons is published in the
Semi-Weekly Herald, a newspaper
published at Klamath Fails, Oregon,
by order of tbe Honorable William S.
Worden, county judge ot said county.
made and entered on tbe 1st day of
July, A. D. 1314, directing service of
summons herein to be made by publi
cation thereof In such newspaper for
six successive weeks.
Dato of first publication hereof.
July 2, 1914.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
'.-2 8-13 aw
Notice of Sherir Sale
Uy virtue ot aa execution and or
der of sale duly Issued by the clerk
ot tbe circuit court ot the county ot
Klamath, state of Oregon, dated the
Tth day ot August, 1914, in a certain
action in the circuit court tor said
county and elate, wherein M. V
llutcnik, as plaintiff, recovered Judg
ment against Long Lake Lake Lum
ber company tor the sum of twenty-
seven thousand four hundred and
forty-nine and 94-100 dollars and In
terest, and costs and disbursement
taxed at thirty-tour and 35-100 dol
lars, on the 7th day ot Auguat, 1914.
Notice I hereby given that I will
on the 10th day of September, 1914,
at the front door ot tho court house
In Klamath Falls, In said county, at
10 o'clock in the forenoon ot said
day, sell at public auction to the high
est bidder, for cash, the following
described property, to-wlt:
Beginning at a point 1804.2 feet
south, S9 degree S3 minute weal,
and CO feet north of the northeast
comer ot lot 10 In section 19,
township 38 south, range 8 east ot
tha Willamette meridian, la Klam
ath county, Oregon, thane aouth.
S9 degrees 33 minutes wett.849
fuel to the shore ot Upper Lake;
thence following the shore ot aaid
lake south, 41 degree west, SS7
feot; theac aouth, 19 degrees west,
196 feet; thence leaving aaid lake,
north, 88 degree IS ruinates eaat,
306.5 teat; theac north 181.1 Seat;
thence north, 89 decree 81 min
utes east, 184.6 feet; theac north
214.8 feet to tbe plaoe ot begin
ning, together wttb the saw mill
of the Long Lake Lumbar com
pany, situated on the above des
cribed tract, and all the machinery
thereat; also an easement ovtr the
following described property; be
ginning at the northeast corner ot
said lot 10, thence south, 28 de
gre 46 minutes watt, 2,076. 1
feet; thence north, 78 degree SO
minute west, 404.2 feet; Usaoe
north 1,109.3 feet; thane north,
89 degree 23 minutes east, CO feet;
thenco south 1.062 feet; theac
south, 78 degrees 30 minute east,
690.1 feet; tbecco north 28 de
grees 46 minutes east, 1,984.7 feet;
thence north 0 feet; thence north,
89 degrees 22 minutes east, 141
feet; thence south 10 fast; thence
south, 89 dsgre 22 minutes west,
102.2 feet to tba place of begin
ning. Also a right to build and
maintain a public drawbridge on
the easement above described,
across a canal constructed along
tbe south line of the above des
cribed property, but extending Is a
direct line 600 feat from the lake,
and also the right to sac aaid carnal
for boating purees from said
bridge to Klamath Lake, hot said
canal it to remain unobstructed nnd
not to be need for floating logs, by
tbe Long Lake Lumber company,
ite successor or aaalgaa.
Taken and levied upon as the prop
erty of tbe said Long Lake Lnmber
company, or as much thereof as may
be necessary to satisfy tb aaid Judg
ment in favor of M. L. Rateala
against said Long Lake Lamber eeea
pany, with Interest thereon, ftsjeUan
with all costs and disbursements that
bare or may accrue.
C. C. LOW, Sheriff.
Dy Geo. A. Haydea, Deputy.
Dated at Klamath Fall, Oregota,
August 7. 1914. 7-14-21-28-4 h
In the Circuit Court ot tb Stat ot
Oregon, In and for the County of
Klamath Iron Works, a co-partnership
composed of E. O. Beardsley aad
W. E. Piper. Plaintiff,
W. B. Kyle. Defeadaat
To W. B. Kyle, Defeadaat:
In the name of the Stat of Oregea,
you are hereby required to appear aad
answer the complaint of plaintiff Sled
tn this action against you oa or before
tbe 19th day of August, 114. that
being tbe date set in tb order ot tb
above entitled court for your appear
ance and answer In the order tor
publication ot summons issued ha this
action; and. If you fall to so appear
and answer, plaintiff will apply to
said court for the relief demanded la
told complaint, viz,: For a Judgmaat
against defendant In the sum of one
hundred fourteen and 3-100 dollar
(1114.03). with Interest thereon at
tbe rate of ten (10) per cent per aa-
nura from and after the 22nd day of
May, 1914. and for plaintlff'e coat
and disbursements herein, and that
the following described premises, to
wit: Lots nine (9) and tea (10), la
block ten (10) of Railroad Addition
to the city or Klamath Falls, coaaty
ot Klamath, state ot Oregon, upon
which plaintiff has levied a writ ot
attachment, be subject to tbe pay
ment of said Judgment
This summons la published la the
Evening Herald, a dally newspsper
printed and published and of general
circulation in the city ot Klamath
Falls, county ot Klamath, stat ot
Oregon, under and by virtue ot an or
der ot the Honorable Henry L. Bea
ton, Judge ot the circuit court ot the
state ot Oregon, In and for the coun
ty ot Klamath, made and entered oa
the 6th day of July, 1914, the first
publication under said order to b oa
the 7th day of July. 1914. and the last
publlaction to be on the 18th day of
August, 1914, being for six consecu
tive and successive week.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
211-4 Wllllts building. Klamath Falls.
Oregon. 7-14-21-28-4-11-18 b
Order to Show Cause Why Sal of
Real Estate Should Not B Mad
Probate Index No. 3, rage 151
In tbe county court ot tb etate ef
Oregon, In and for the county ot
In the matter ot the estate ot Pren
tiss S. Puckett, deceased, Kittle
E. Puckett, administratrix.
Kittle E. Puckett, the regularly ap
pointed, qualified and acting admin
istratrix ot the estate ot Preatlee 8.
Puckett, deceased, having filed aad
presented to this court her regularly
verified petition praying for an order
for the sale ot certain real estate, be
longing to the said estate, tor the
purpose ot paying debt aa therela eat
forth, and It appearing to the court
that It la necessary aad lawful that
said premises be sold, bow, therefore,
It la hereby ordered aad directed
by this court that all perseaa later
sated la aaid estate be, aad they ar
hereby directed to appear bf err tale
court on the 27th day of Auguat.
1914, at the hour ot 10 o'clock a. m.
oa said day, la th couaty court room
In the court bout la tb ett t
Klamsth Falls, state ef OVsjtew asvd
then end there to show cause, If aay
there be, why aa order for the sale
or the following described premise
at private talo for cash should set
bo by this court mad aad catered.
Tb property to b sold la des
cribed as follow, to-wlt:
Tbe homestead of tb aaid Preav
tlss 8. Puckctt, deeeaeed. I
tb south halt of la sta
east quarter (8ft of ),
aad lb southeast quarter ef
the southwest quarter (SB 14 ef
SEfc) of section twenty (SO), aad
the north wait quarter of tb north
east quarter (NBfc ef the NIK)
of scticts tweaty-aia (89), all la
township thirty-aiae (89) south.
rang Iv (6) eaat WUleatett
meridian; that tale u aa enlav
proved homestead upoa whJef
thsre is cbaaiderabl Umber aad
some meadow lead.
It is hereby farther ordered that.
la addition to the jtereeaal aerrle
of th resident heirs at said sdate,
service of this order b mad by pab-
licatioa thereof for a parted ef few
coaaoeutlv aad saiisaair week g
the Evealag Herald, a newtar
priated aad eircaUted la th eoaacy
of Klamath, state C Otegjea.
Dated at Klamath Falat, OresM.
this 15th day of Jaly, 1914.
WM. 8. W0BD8W,
Judge of th eematy a-art eC Us
conaty of Klamath, state ef Or
egea. 29-6-1S-19-S8 a
for FabtJsatlsm Xa Fsw.
Ccafty C9t.
(n th circuit Ceart at the State ef
Oregoa. for th CswaaTy ef aTlamstb.
H. J. Loekwood. PutatMf.
Fred K. Merrlu (a
Fred MerrKt).
To Fred K, Meerltt (a
hailed Fred MerrKt). the above i
la th aam ef th State ef Ore
gea: Tea are hereby swotted that M.
J. Leckwod. th balder eg
of delUguemcy aambrd 48T,
Bpea th 26th day C lawaary. A. o.
1914, by th tax eaitoster eC aUaae-
atb Coaaty. State f Origin, far the
smouat ef ala aad 49-199 filiate.
th aam twin- th asaeaat thea da
aad deUae.eat far tax far th year
1910 together with psaalty, later eat
aad cost thane apoa th real i
erty asaaasad te yam. of
ar th owaar a appears ef retard.
situated la'aald coaaty aad etate. aad
particularly bounded aad daaerlbsd a
follows, te-wlt:
Lou tour (4) aad fir (6) la
block two (2). Bueaa Vfcrta addKlea
to Klamath Falls. Oregoa. (formerly
Llnkrville. Oregoa), accordlag to th
duly recorded plat thereor aow apoa
file in the otflc ot th couaty dark
at Klamath Fall. Orsgaa.
You ar further aotlfled that aaid
H. J. Loekwood baa paid tax est
said premiss for prior or aakssquaat
years, with th rat of lateraat am aaid
amounts aa follows, to-wlt:
Year's tax. 1911; date paid. Feb.
26. 1914; tax reoeipt No. 4817; rat
of interest. 16 per ceat per aaaum.
Year's tax. 1912;; date paid. Feb
ruary 2C, 1914. tax receipt No. 47S7;
rate of Interest. IS per eaat per aa
aum. Year's tax. 1913; date paid, March
31. 1914; tax receipt No. 8410; rata
of Interest, 16 per ceat par aaaum.
Amount paid for the year 1911,
Amouat paid for th year 1911.
Amouat paid for th year 1919,
Said Fred K. Msrrltt (sometime
called Fred Merrltt), aa th legal
owner ot th abov described prop
erty aa the same appears of record.
aad each ot th other perseaa abort
named are hereby aotltwd that H. J.
Loekwood will apply to th Ctrealt
Court ot th Couaty aad State afore
said for a decre forecloateg the Ilea
a gamst the property abov described.
and mentioned In said certificate. Aad
you ar hereby summoaed to appear
wltbia sixty daya after the first pub
lication ot this aummoaa, exclusive ef
the day ot aaid first publleaUoa. aad
defend thla acUoa or pay the aawaat
dm aa abov ahowa. together wjta
coeta aad accrued lateraat, aad' ta
case of your failure to de so, a decre
will be rendered foreclosing the ttea
f,t aaid taxea aad cob ta 'a met the
land aad premise' abov aemad.
This aummoaa la pnbllahed by araer
of tb Hoaorabl Kaary L. Beam,
Judge of tbe Clreelt Court ef H
State ot Oregea far th Ceaatyef
Klamath, aad said order was sae4e
and dated thla 8th day ef Jaly, A. D,
1914, aad th date ef tbe first fia
UcaUoa of thla aummoaa la ta'9th
day ef July,' A. D. 1914. ABspeje
ceaa aad papers la thla preeed)lag
aiay a srvdrapa the aawseJasaMd
reclaJag' wltbia tba State ef Pwaaa
at the aMrcas arceJter aMstasmf.
Attorney fr WshttsW,
Address. Leeesla BalMlac. Ktoav
ath Fails, Orefoa. Tetial
r I ' ) ,1
I tPft-
r. -'

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