MtlDAV, JUNIJ , BI PACK POUR THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON il I q Special Hosiery StHttlcH Purchase We are in receipt of a 60 dozen case of Children's Hose which was bought at a very attractive price through co-operation of our various stores, and, as usual, offer our customers the benefit of this saving. This Hose is a lxl rib, beautiful luster black, all sizes from 5 to 9 1 -2; a usual 1 5c value, while they last, special at the pair, 10c f&l Local News Happenii fcftgsa in and about mm B B B I lli'iti for VMl. Mlsi 1'ornl Outer, formerly In the Kiunlov of iliu Klnmntli Development roiiipnii) hfio, Is ill) from Sim Krnn-1 clmo lo hiioiiiI moiilli Willi Mr. mill , I Mrs. Hubert A. .lolnuoii iiiul her lirothcr-ln-lnw and sister. Forest hiiv pervlsor J. M. Hertford mill wife, nt1 iliu Kliimiitli Agency. Home From S'Iih) Claude Maxwell, wlio Ih HltulylliK Pharmacy ill tin' Oregon Agricultural College, In lifio for tlio summer. A Hliort tlmo ago Mux. wlillo plnylng In mi Inter-fiat baseball game. IIi'I out n three sucker, mitt In attempting to stretch It Into his first homo run. ho full down, liroakliiK a HlimiMtr. t'liil houis will liv mntlo at oiuo Up per l.iiku olnl to nllow tlio pmiitm jgl'I'S to picnic, IJim-h ! Auvury. Mih. Ororgii Downing uiul children left lotlny for Klnmntli Agency to remain until school with Mr. Dowii Iiik, who In employed thuro for tlio Hiimmor. STEEL BOOMING SINCE DECISION .W7IIOX OF fKIIKII.ll. ,t)URT n IIKFimiNU TO IHHMILVK HTKKt TRUST IIF.NUI.TS IN B(J FINA.M'IAIi FI.UItltY Itronii-ltlthlU. Miss Minerva Itliltllo. u grand- (daughter of tlio fumoiiH "Wliiomn," mul llnrry llrown, tho foremost vac- iumo on tin' Khimulh reservation, worn married yesterday afternoon by Justice of tlio Pence (lowen. L fc. znijym mi NICEBROffiEE Wnw fm& SUES TO STOP ROAD BUILDING AI.IIKUT MARK, IN KOl'ITV I'llO. (F.KIIIMl III. KM TODAY, K.IVH VIKWKIt XKVKIl MADE A UK I POUT IX Till: .MATTER A hi Society Srtlf. Tlio Ladles' Ahl Society of the 1'lirlstlnn rhurcli will hold Ub month ly cooked food snlo nil day tomorrow nt tlu Shustu. I.ndles uru imked lo bring tlnilr food stuff ns early In the foronoon iik possible Morn Excursion. Now Hint the weather Ih settled, Calkins & llnmllton will conduct ex cursions to Kngle Itldgc, lliirrlmnn Lodge, Kooky Point nnd other points on the I pper lnkc eery Hiindnv The Klnmntli Transfer buses will pick 1 1 nKtKcr :it 3(1 unit hlilll I hem (o the Imp.U landing A stop of siV- Suit to routrnlu the county nnd ItoAd Supervisor Short from estnb IIsIiIiik n rond throiiKh his property hns been started by Albert Mnrk, whose pluco Is on the route svlerted for the Merrill-Poo Volley rond. V. II. A. Iluuuur Is attorney for Murk. i In bit eomnlnlnl Mnrk iiltcpex Mint (the rond wns never oltlclnlly eslnb- llshed. ns the reviewers never report ed ut the limn sol for hoiirliiK. uiul he sns there Is no other record In the county court Jouriiul of their tutting ever met lo rstiihllsh I lie roiiti n't ImIIiIiik mul (lotek. "il "iiiiio" i e I be Hue ill K. K. K. More. Ulilleil I'ichs Hervii.. , NK,W 1VOUK- ' Th. dKU slim In I he uteri ciik wtu ,,,, J" cause to boom the simk iimrkn to point rlvnlliiK Unit ur mui Wh' prices skyrocketed ni,n ' " sight.. ' On Vlmime tbu moini,,, ( . renched .U. which I. i lltlovo ,, lilalil'u .l,.ul.,.. ...I.,.. . "" "" """ """ rMIKeiited n lucrense of I'Jo.ouu.onu Vnlu of steel shnres. j liilernntlunnl lluifMer jMuiDtd Uilxteetl points l : ti i uii lio StiiMi, WAHIIINIITON, 1). o.. Jun. 4 KollowliiK lodi's uililmt mot,U1 j Attorney (Iviiernl (In-Kory slated hi the KOVeriiment'N iilitl.lrn.i 'nualnst the h!i-. roiporuiioa W un. oouuiemy lie ukeu to Um hupr(II court. Komnli) nrrhllecu Increaied om 2iM) ht cent In iln Iiihi int jetm. I'hllndolphln rtnplojK &:.S WOi(.n who eomo under civil n'rlr,. rule. There lire 23N,0ui),onn Christian Diinieli In I lie wnil.l .Mr' Wlllhim II Iti.m a wc-.ui,) womnii of ClilriiRo Iiiih npnrl a umiiKc In Now York rlt Pendleton has ordered four ad ditional streets paved with gravel bitullthlc. 10c barton $1 a rip, Dotchess Troaaen, at K. K. K. Store. TODAY'S ODUKST STOItY United Press Serylce Subscribe- for cents a month. the Herald, fifty Houston's Metropolitan Afflnsements HOUSTON'S OPERA HOUSE STAR THEATER CDKIO. & HART In Songs, Daaeea and Comedy Acrobatics MAJOR HALL, The Midget In New Songs and Monologue "THE LOVE ROUTE" Famooa Players Production In Four Partt "Herat SeUg Newa Pictorial" In Darkest Africa" , :i ; PUKDLO, Colo., June 4. A ! patient at the state asylum Is ! suffering from an unusual form of insanity. He believes that the wireless stations through- out the world are preying upon him and sapping his strength. He wants to form a union for the purppose of elaborately at- i tempting to abolish aerial com- munlcatlon throughout the en- tire world. So f&T as known this is the first time this peculiar halluci- nation has come to notice. 4 A LITTLE SPORTING GOSSIP By HARRY FAltl-S (United Press Staff Correspondent) NEW YORK, June 4. John Mc- '(Iraw has his back against the wall. under loug-timo contructs. Now he hasn't room for the youngsters that he needs in order to build up n club for the future. Obituaries hnvo been written about The doughty little manager of the til0 old Master Christy Mathewson pennant winning Giants is year after yoar. Already ho has J at last fawl with the prospect of K.en consigned to the bonoyard this That the' piloting a trailing team. outlook doesn't set well "Little Napoleon" is denced by the cyclonic shake-ups that he hands his lineup. He hasn't quit yet, year. But he Is still out there on the Willi me ftlnntH' henrh nnd h will hn on I Ik. plainly ovl- irinK iino many times this season. And when the hot sun of July and August molts the kinks out of his The word quit arm, the "Old Master" will chalk up I doesn't appear in his vocabulary, many a victory on the (Hants' slate. i Tomorrow Chas. Hlchman in "THE MAN FROM HOME" Matinees Every Saturday and Sunday at 2:80 TEMPLE THEATER "Timid Mr. Toodles," Two Reel Vltagraph Comedy "Wben HearU are Yowag," Blograph Comedy "Tte Boarding House Feud," Vltagraph Comedy Admission Always 10c. MATINEE DAILY AT 2t80 ALL LICENSED PICTURES MERRILL OPERA HOUSE Mtrrlll, Ore, IMITION PICTURES TUKMIM J sUTFSDAVa I Dearest Public Since summer has come I want you to see some of the seasonable things I have in jewelry. We'll be tickled to show you. Which is the nicest, Louise, day or night? Day breaks and never falls, and night falls and never breaks. It's lovely to be broke, and I know. If one falls one should seek a soft place. Don't you think 511 would be a nice place? Twinkle, twinkle, little spat, Hugging ankles thin and fat. Far below the dress so high Like a magnet to the eye. The pearl or the moonstone, Amelia, is the birtbstone for June. I have a bunch of new diamonds for June brides. What size, please? yy u r yy u b 1 c u r yy 4 me Hurry over, dear, I'm starving. 'The pounding that his club Is getting from the others In the Tener loop' will only serve to make McGraiv fight ' harder than ever. But even his most1 ardent supporters admit that this' year his fight looks like a losing one. To many It looks like the old Giant machine has crumbled. Moving Pictures "The Love Route." the four nai-t And it is aniPumous Plovers uroductlon of Kd. odd circumstance of fate that the oncej wurd it.,,ea. fam0Us story, which wua powerful aggregation Is withering ! presented at the Star theater last away just as two famous machines ofnglltr la woM worlUy or mention as other days that cracked a few yearsl,eing a superior offering. It Is a story ago are getting back into power. of ranch llf nnd Wmtnrn mllrm..i These two are the Tigers and tho;(onHt,.uctloili wh tbe gtorjr ln tn6 Cubs. The Detroit outfit Is run high j main is of dramatic nature. oackio me tore as a contender In the .There are many big and beautiful American Leaguo under the same SCf;nt.B ,n tll0 J)Icture and a cast that nuuui mui puuieu ii in mo winning days of tho past "Eee Yah" Hugble -Jennings, ino unicago gang is being iiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmimiimmimii...i. - "7 -ww - - w - -ww ,$$ffiL, Just Arrive'd and Now on Display Most anyone knows that the R. & G. Corset is very es sential for a proper fitting gown and is used extensively by the best dressers. We are Klamath County's distributors for this popular Corset. All sizes in the new styles. We carry them from Price, $3.50 $1.00 to $5.00 I 1 Price, $2.00 Women's Silk Hose. 50c A new lot of Silk Hose just received, in colors and black and CAf white; will give excellent service; all sizes JVv hi seen to excellent advantage, Harold Lockwood, Winifred Kings ton nnd JupW Pllcfnrrl nrn Bun In tlin pulled up the ladder of fame by one .leading roles. A "Hearst Sellg News w. .wa.y u,u neuienanw, uoger pictorial" and a pic uresnanan. rrank Chance guided Tho Company Will Pay It Mr. Jas. A. Bushong, near Klamath ath Falls, needed J1.600. The Mutual Life promptly let him have It at 5 per cent. Dividends on his policy will more than pay it. 4-2t p, m. Priest, Agent. Suits that suit In style nnd price at K. K. K. Store. tho destinies of the old-time pennant copping Cubs and he was there when they hit the skids, too. It is the indefinable "something" which 1b missing from the Giants' ranks that "something" which a club has to have to stay on top of tho heap through the long, hot days I bo presented or August and September, when the! Home." weak sisters who flash in tho spring! wither away. The old stars are most ly with the club, and seemingly they stlll deliver tho goods. Their batting averages all look good, but when you watch their work day after day you POIt PERMANENT IIBNTEK Have l"" lno pUDCu ,8 one- They a small, cozy house, newly painted ""' "Ul BU, lo r,B0 up nna cru8n lne and papered; modern convenience; u""os,l,on c""s any more as close In; at reasonable rent. B. W.!they U8ed to do' Qowen. 4 .tf ' Probably the hardest individual ; I blow McOraw got was a wallop by the I National League owners. They re- 'diiccil tho number of playors any nlub' 'could carry to twontv-one. McOruw v.nA the hatdest hit of any National j League manager. Last .year, when the Feds wore raiding tbe ranks or organized ball. McOraw. to protect 'himself, signed most of bis veterans picture from Darkest Africa complete the picture end of tbe program. O Dell, Hart & Hall are pleasing the public with their comedy, singing and acrobatic Btunts. "The Lovo Houte" will be present ed tonight for the last time, Satur day and Sunday Charles Rlchman will In "The Man From YESTERDAY'S COAST LEAGUE SCORES Elinor Glyn's THREE WEEKS At I Angeles Venice , j a Salt Lake o 1 Henley and Mltzo; Laroy, J, Wil liams and Meek. At San Francisco San Francisco 4 & 2 Los Angeles 2 3 1 Hiium and Illock; Ilyan and Ilrooks At Portland Portland 5 g j Oakland 1 g 2 Covulcskl and Carlsb; Prough and Klllott. Women's Summer Underwear Our line of Summer Knit Underwear is now in Vests, Pants and Linen Suits. vest. 10c to 50c Union Suits 25c tO $150 Special Values in Men's Trousers All good patterns and made of cloth that is constructed to give the best of service; medium, light and dark colors; all n f tfE ff sizes, including extra large size for big men . . PfiAw lO PJV Men's Underwear for Summer We are showing a big line of Summer Underwear in Porous Knits, B. V. U Balbrigan and Mercerized Lisle in Union Suits and Two Piece Garment. Special Prices on Mesh Underwear and Athletic Union Suits. llulhrignn Shirt and Dntwers . . 25c ISalbrlgpin Shirts and Drawer . 50c MorrtilM-d Union Suit, $1 to. $2.50 Allilclld Union HiiIIh 59c ()Hii M(h Union Hulls 50c J. F. Maguire Co. Main Near 8th The Store That Sells for Cash uJ