OCR Interpretation

The evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, January 31, 1916, Image 3

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" "m
iulds Begin Fight for
Wow; Women Grow Fat by Swimming
. . Hervlce
! ,d The receivership nskod by
PDu.b, receiver for tla.8t.UuU,
uuin ft Southern railroad, li
" al0 be one of the most holly
P" . ......... i.. .nriinriitlon
Mtl !' "
u The Million wusMed Decern-
.tTtb and l'o licurlnK l to benln
K Son .....ore. by lh. .tank.
Vz.r. .nnnv of New York al-
VwV.K.inU.ri.ito.. 86,OUO,000
rT mnrlMKO bomlH. iMIIUti ll
lukM b ,fuIt l,,c? "!!T
i mil Intercm mm i - ...
hTA to amount lo 114,000,.
" . ... .i.i... nuka nn nccount-
l, Tnepei' " f
r of the earnllIKH nil" imu.v..,
nilrotd, ppllWf to the w
Li f i hi bond.
iTta complaint allogw that for a
Later of rears the I""1"1" fro,n OD
U0D, lMte or uems hiijuibu i
nent of Interest on tny "'. "
for Improvement, nottorinenis,
Id ether purposes.
TM petition nlo Include tho Now
4M Railway company, a icxaa
tilt property In iouimnn. i no
n Mountain It ttio owner, auujoci
l ttit. of now than $23,000,000
I the IJ5.000.000 bonds lulled un-
kr the mortgsKO. T,1 business war
ItvecB the Oouldit ami rortnln nntag
(inlNtlc lutcreit uro said already to
Imvo been iceponiilblo for tho Inter
national A (Irent Northern nnd (tut
Missouri I'Jtlflc receivership.
Ait agreement in to tho Texas &
Pacific property fa I led. Ooorge J.
Uould U president of the Texas & 1'n
clfle, which him been ontrolled by the
(lould fninlly slmo tho days of Jay
Gould. It operates under u federal
charter Krnntvd March :i, 1 K7 1. The
company wan reorKnulxcd without
foreclosure In 1 KHK. Ilocunt llgureH
hIiow tho Missouri Pacific, also In tho
hands of n receiver, and allied linen,
owned $0,555,000 of tho Texas ft rn
ciric'M outstanding share.
Weekly Schedule
to 9:30 p. m.
Clin I to 9 p. m.
to 9:30 p. m.
7:30 le S:30 p. m.
What' rheumatism? I'nln only.
!ltoi drugging' Not one cum In
llfty requires Internal treatment. Hub
soothing, peueiratlnK "St.Jacob's Oil"
I directly upon the "tender iipat" and
relief co men Instantly. "St. Jacob's
OH" Is n harmlcim rheumatism nnd
sciatica llnliuent, which never disap
point and cannot burn tho ukln.
Limber up! Quit complaining! Oct
A mnall trial bottle from your drug
glut, nnd In J tut n moment you'll bo
A largo crowd gathered at the Hen
ley school houio Friday evening, and
'enjoyed an excellent program and af-
jlcrward a basket social.
Tho program was rendered In a
manner creditable to those In charge,
Mr. Sexton and Mrs. Johnson. Its
'hucccsh was tho result of their careful,
efficient training,
( After tho program the ladles'
"ahadowfl" were sold. They sold read
ily, tho bidding being brisk and In ex
cellent spirit.
A "fish pond" and a "candy booth"
I were patronized with spirit, and their
Huppllcs were soon exhausted.
The receipts for tho evening were
Komethlng over $100. ThU shows an
.'xollent school spirit in the Henlev
and neighboring districts
Tlif Kelscjr rooming house haa
uli i n Rod ImndH. Nice clean room for
1 1 1 finnfctitH or light housekeeping at
riiiworuible rates. 031 Main. 24-tf
If you want the best brand of can
'fruits In the market, try our Well-
man. Their asparagus Is the best yet.
N'unn Leah)
of Hi. Iotil
LouUe Di Inn.
of IMillnilelplilii
Hose I'ltonoff
of Boston
Hern Is the proof of what anlmmlnK and n!ie will have a figure lllco the
Mill do for women tot tho stout
third lady of tho picture.
free from rheumatic nnd sciatica pain, My boWnr.. despite tho fact that It I- " " ""ra,MQ.a a? Ba",""
!ihl nlcture ns 140. and sho doesn't
ought, iterhapa, to vnlno her healtli ,n()W ,,ow rauch nB10r Bj,0 Wll go.
more than her figure, nnd therefore Th4J ni08t conVncing proof of the
Mftlm ns rauch as sho can. Hut If sho 'affinity of fat and water water taken
Ih of supromo inv.CMcrnaiiy as wen ns miernauy
iu the enso of Miss Rose l'ltonorr. six
ureiiow. stlffneis and swelling. Don't. (ho nnogt exorcjBO jn lho world.
auner: iienet awaus you. uia, nou
est "Ht. Jncob's Oil" has cured mil
llous of rheumatism sufferers In the
last half century, nnd la Just aa good
for sciatica, neuralgia, lumbago, back
ache, apralnt and swellings. Adv.
Of Great Importance
to Both of Us
Wo consider the tattrwU of our patrons aa a matter of great
Importance, and eadeavor m give racli depositor courteous,
paiattaking attealloM.
Wt welcome new accoawts, no matter ho sutall, and try tu
make you feel at hone through Hie simplicity of our methods.
Ulirn )ou open mm account with tlita batik It la your bank
sad our duty tu see that you am satisfactorily served.
First National Bank
Always Complains of His Tools
This is not always true- in
some cases where he tried to
Iniy too cheap he naturally got
inferior quality.
It pays to buy the BEST
lie may be a good workman
with inferior tools.
Be a good workman with
good tools.,
We sell' the BEST IN EV- .
BRYTHINGtools and all
kinds of HARDWARE of the
thinks her figure
portanco sho may as well understand
that she cannot tako off weight In the
water. I
Nena Leahy waa it little slip of a
girl when sho bogan to swim. See hor
now In this photograph. 8uo Is u
i.ouorful young woman, and ane is yei
very young
A tow years more of It
)cirs ago when bIio started tho public
by her feats In Boston" harbor sho was
a fill) of a slrl. She was strong, of
c?ur8C, but sho weighed only 180
pounds. Tho other day sho tipped the
ccalcs ut 180. Sho had gained sixty
pounds In six years, and she Is still
iiudor 25 years of ago.
Men's new dress shoes, button or
blucher snoclnl $2 65 J. P. Ma-
Kiilre Inc. S8-tf
Tho winds of the lust two weeka
have drlftod tho snow Into our oast
and west roads badly.
"Hill" Choyno gnvo his frlonda and
nclghbore a frolic last Friday oven
Ing. Klamath Falls talent furnished
excellent music, nnd a largo crowd of
friends and neighbors enjoyed them
aolvos, dancing nnd visiting well Into
the night.
Miss Mary Schubert of Klamath
Falls la visiting hor parenta near
Spring Lake.
Alex Cheyno's baby ua been very
sick tho past week, but Is much better n
l.'fe insurance makes you worth to
day nhnt you hope to be worth
fut uro day. See Chtlcote. 16
Tho Sunset Grocery.
gjaajjj-. Wi .mwmm , ejSMaw
t Written for the United Pree)
Sleeveless nighties, ankle short,
Are tho now alluring sort;
In them Suo'a so sweet a sight
Tfs a shame to doure tho light.
shown on all the smartest models.
j Narrow lace edgings outlining the
larmholes and low neck line; briar
I stitching in pink or blue, touches of
smocking or embroidery In pink or
., ,, . bluo aro all the ornamentations per-
NEW YORK, Jan. 31. The newest Visible on these chaste little sleeping
nighties are bound to be a source of garments of the moment.
vexation to those unfortunates whose' They must be highly hygienic, al-
vacclnations are thus laid bare either Mowing a3 they do for so much fresh
by tho lack of sleeve or the lack of a,r' but one 8hudderB to think how
. ,, ... soon these ducks of nighties will be-
length. But who can deny they are . .,, " ., ,.
-isv hu vaviuvt D)VUCII aiuu Waiu
arc adorable?
the Dodo bird and other rara avis, If
It takes little material but lota of art they keep on dwindling away to noth-
takes little material, but lots of art ,nB ln this reckless way they have be
to evolve them and a little nerve and.Kun'
lots of charm to wear 'em. About the j As for caP9 to t0P the dishevelled
only way you can tell a nightie from maluun,u ,oc" ol m"y air. "X
, , .. . ...... arc getting reckless too. Time was
a chemise these days and nights Is bywhen a boudo,r meaQt ft u
inches. The cnemlso Is cut Just above ti8n nttie mor8ei of rlbDOn and taco
tho knee and the nightie Just below It. ! and net, or at most, pastel tinted bits
It Is true that most of the nighties of chiffon or crepe de chine. Nowa
actoally blush for their own short-days ono must be colffed like a gypsy
comings, and this beautiful blush pink. or one of the Russian ballet ln vivid
dyes them, whether they be of sheer hued silks twisted In turban shapes,
batiste crepe de chine or the new j or wlerd and oriental head dresses.
wash satin. It takes lots of sibilants .One model that turns you Into
to describe them and but little else 'a rosette on top of the head and top
sheer, short, sleveless and simple will ped with a fluffy ball of swaasdowa.
do tho work, and there you have It. Huffs of swansdown alternating with
Just to be consistently short ln every tiny French ribbon roses frame the
respect the new nighties are also short face. These swansdown trimmed caps
wain ted, and the empire waist line Is are also charming when combined
-jwlth satin of delicate tints and are
verily far more fascinating when on
Glass of Hot Water
Before Breakfast
a Splendid Habit
Open sluices of the system each
morning and wash away the
poisonous, stagnant matter,
Notice of Sheriff' Sale on Execution
Notice is hereby given that under
nnd by virtue of a writ of execution in
foreclosure, Issued out of the circuit
court of tho state of Oregon, for
Klamath county, ln tho case of George
McCubbln, plaintiff, vs. Rudolph Mad
son, Helen Torrcy and W. N. Wood
son, defendants, which said writ Is
dated the 28th day of January, A. D.
1916, I will on the 4th day of March,
A. D. 1916, at the front door of the
court houso of Klamath county, Ore
gon, In tho city of Klamath Falls,
Oregon, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m.
on said day, proceed to sell at public
auction to the highest bidder for cash,
the right, title and Interest of the said
Rudolph Madsen, Helen Torrey and
W. N. Woodson, In and to lots nine
(9) and ten (10) in block 97, in
Klamath Addition to the city of Klam
nth Falls, Oregon, or so much thereof
aa may be necessary to satisfy a Judg
ment rendered ln the above entitled
case on tho 25th day of January, A. D.
1916, which said Judgment Is for the
sum of eleven hundred and sixteen
and 65-100. with Interest thereon
from Bald 25th day of January, A. D
1916, at the rate of 7 per cent per an
num and $100 attorney's fees, and the
further sum of $129.88 with Interest
thereon from said 25th day of Jan
uary, A. D. 1916, at the rate of 6 per
cent per annum, and the sum of
$20.40 costs and the costs and ex
penses of this sale on execution.
Dated this 28th day of January,
A. D. 1916.
C. C. LOW.
Sheriff of Klamath County, Oregon.
at this writing.
Tho now 8prlng Lako-Lakl telO'
phone lino Is In working ordor, and
will soon bo completed to mnmain
Those of us who are accustomed to
feel dull nnd heavy when we arise;
splitting headache, stuffy from a cold,
foul tongue, nasty breath, add stom
ach, Inmo back, can, instead, both look
- .i. --. i fin law Kw ursiah.
ix j.i Ht ira itnvA ifnnn'iiuu - . - w --
to Ch.cc Team who rir. Dodd haailng the poisons and toxins from the
to Ghloo, calif., wnero Mr. ouu phosphate! hot water each
a position. .
r Ininrninir.
Mrs. Ward Dolan visited Miss Maud
Bcnrelner Wednesday afternoon.
There Is a great deal of sickness re-1
We ahould drink, before breakfast, a
Klnss of real hot water with a tea-
npoonful of limestone phosphate in It
tbw a swwi ""--- th0 Btomach( Uver, Wd.
ported among tne norsos oi me v..r. , y(nj9 of boweU tho pre.
Frank Stowart had bad luck while I vlous day's Indigestible waste, sour
in Klamath Falls Wednesday. Ono of
his horses booamo sick and bad to bo
left In town under the caro of a vet
erinary. Miss Zelma Folsom visited friends
near Olene the,lattor part of tho week.
Ward Dolan, Mrs. Schrolner and
son Arthur, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stow
art and Mr. Carl Schubert were Klam
ath Falls vtsltora this week.
The attendance of the Spring Lake
school has been 95 per cent for the
last month. We feel this Is an excel
lent showing, when we consider the
weather we have been treated with.
Nice, bright dried apricots, It Ho
per pound at The Sunset Grocery..
Advertising U Brotacttoa, tdestlA
calls, warrant? of aualky aa of
bile and poisonous toxins; thus cleans-
Inc. swoctcnlng and purifying the en
tire alimentary tract before putUng
nioro food into tho stomach
Tho action of limestone phosphato
nnd hot water on nn empty stomach is
wonderfully InvlKorntlng. It cleans out
all the sour fermentations, gases
waste and acidity nnd gives one a
.niAniHid annetlte for breakfast and
it Is said to bo but a little wnue unui
the roses bogln to appear In the
cheeks. A quarter pouna or umeaiouo
phosphato will cost vory little at the
drug store, but Is sufficient to make
anyone who Is bothered with bllous
ness, constlpatllon, stomach trouble or
rheumatism a real enthusiast on the
subject of Internal sanitation,, Try It,
and you are assured that you will look
better and feel better In every way
shortly. Adv.
Yon can believe la thatanwtar of
.ay oalahllaluMat that , regularly
sata aaesey to ereato
bbbbm mmms Sa
my lady's
head than when on the
Tender Meats
Are necessary to a whole
some meal, and those who
want cuts from a selection
of the very finest stock
should buy at the
Mission Market
West of Orpheus Theater
Quality and Service
Our Motto
Advertised Letter List
- The following unclaimed mall mat
jter advertised on the 29th of January
i will be sent to the dead letter office at
Washington on the 12th day of Feb
ruary: Bell, Mrs. Kate
Connors, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Ebesteln, F. G.
Griffith, Mrs. S. B.
Islck, George
Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip
Mausf. Rev. H. F.
Preston, Hugh K.
Van, Mrs. S. F.
A charge of 1 cent will be made on
all letters delivered from this list. In
leaning for letters, please say adver
tised. W. A. DELZBLL, P. M.
Morning Glory Coffee, the best yet,
35c, 3 pounds' for $1. Sold only at
The Sunset Grocery. 29-2t
Be sure that your are lamiaac
policies are correctly wxittea. They
I cannot be changed after the fire. See
Ylillcote. IS
Let us take care of your baggage and cases.
Auto Trucks for Freight
Western Transfer Co.
PHONE Office 187; Residence 2S6-R.
Auto Buses for Passengers.
Notice of Sheriffs Sale on Execution
Notice is hereby given that under
and by vlrtuo of a writ of execution
on attachment, Issued out of the cir
cuit court of the state of Oregon, for
Klamath county, ln the case of J. G
Patterson, plaintiff vs. Riley Woods,
defendant, which said writ is dated
the 28th day of January, A. D. 1916,
I will, on the 4th day of March, A. D,
1916, at the front door of the court
house of Klamath county, in the city
of Klamath Falls, Oregon, at the hour
of 2:15 o'clock p. m. on said date,
proceed to sell at public auction to the
highest bidder for cash, the east half
of tho southwest quarter of section
ten (10), the west halt of the south
west quarter of section eleven (11),
township thirty-seven (87) south,
rango eleven and one-halt (11H)
east of the Willamette Meridian, and
the southeast quarter of the north
west quarter and the east half of the
southwest quarter of southwest quar
ter, of section thirty-three (33), In
township thirty-eight (38) south,
rango eleven and one-halt (11) aat
of the Willamette Meridian, ln Klam
ath county, Oregon, or so much there
of as may be necessary to satisfy a
Judgment rendered in the above en
titled case on the 20th day of January,
A. D. 1916, which Judgment Is for the
sum of $534.85, with Interest thereon
from said: 20th day of January, 1916,
at the rate of 7 per cent per annum,
and 1100 attorney 'a fees and the fur
ther sum of f SS.60 costs and the costs
and' expenses of this sale on execution
Dated this 28th day or January,
A. D. 1916,
O. O. LOW,
SUriftot Klamath, eounty. Orefoa.
', tl-714-tl-tl
The winter air chaps your
fure and nips yonr hands. Try
every day it will effectively re
lieve the trouble. Rob into the
pores gently morning and even
lug. Removes soreness, gives
positive relief, and acts as a
perfect skin food. 25c.
I puiitS
niwwrs PharnwrY
WHCRg wurricuu .rop-
You may do so it you start in
time. Let your munlUons of war
be a savings account with us a
dollar starts It. Adding to it week
ly with the accrued interest will,
In a short time, place you on the
side of the victors. It Is the wis
est move you will ever make.
- -i-t ,

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