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ff. ' '' i ? ft itiuHttnn Wzvvdh WEAtHER FORECAST Tonight niul II ii ml ny, fair. Iliiln In (tin Northwest portion nt the, Mate, NEWS OF THlWOM BY THE ASSOCIATED Member of the Associated Phkss. Fifteenth Ycni- JS'o. (II It-!. KLAMATH I'AIM, OIIIIOON, HVrUKDAV, JIIX.'J.MUKIt Hi, 1JKJI. A-a.xmaa.ffi DISARMAMENT AGREEMENT IS ,. attre hi ih h ajaj -am bjb i F , -Y &. -I 'i .- ' " -. I FOUR NATIONS FORM TEN YEAR NIL TREATY Draft of Proposed Pact Formally Laid Before Arms Parley WAHIIINOTON. I) l Dec 10 A draft of I tin propound Irmly be tween thn United Males, Ureal llrlt- In. Franco ami Japan, whlrh la In supplant I I.D AliKlo-Japsnrsa tlt ! Mtirn Mini pavn llm wax tor Hit no rKptanrn nt llm Aiuei.ean proponiln for. a naval reduction, was formally laid bnfnro llm arum conference to day liy Senator I.oiIkc TniYmr Agrr-rnirnt ll la n tenynar agreement. In whlrh llm four natloni hi ml them nnlves In respect their existing rights In Inaular ponrxloiu and dominion III llm Prflc, ami In irnin nf dlnputrs wh(rh rannut lin settled liy illpliiinary. It I asmed t,i Imli! u Joint ronfereiir,. ninnnK thniuelrm Any una of llm partial may withdraw nu : iiionlh' no tiro after Ilia eiplraltou of ten ynar. I.eulrt-i Coiifliiualloii Thn trraly requires confirmation by senate. Presenting thn treaty Henator I,odga aalil he was gratified to lay the: draft before, tha conference, de claring It full (,f meaning and tin portanrn to tha world's pcaro. WAHIIINOTON. I C. I)c 10. llnnn Vlvlana, hiad of tha Kratich ilclrcallon, ilix-larnd today that thn ronferrnrn had "fully and rnllrrly urrai'drd," that Kranra had ad hered to tho pact prnM'llInd liy Hen ator I-oiIkh without rmrrratlon. Arthur J. Ilalfour, head nf the llrlllah deliiKalea. anaiirlrd that thn now arrangement would hem fit In ternational rvlatlonahlp Henator Hchanier IxNipokc llaly'a atlafaetlon Mlnlaler Hi, of China, rxpreaaed "(treat aallntnctlou" over tha new treaty. Thn cunfcretim adjourned today without dlKUaaliiK tho naval ratio qunallon AM, HKAIIV Milt I'AHT lUI.XINO M.T'IIM TiiMCIlT Promoter McDonald stated that ev ery dotall was complete for Ilia 21 round holing card which had been prepared for tha sporting fraternity I of Klamath Kails tonight at Mellon aid's hall l.cry fighter waa ex mined by physicians and pronounc ed to bo lnlhn pink of condition. I.'very man wan eugvr for the time to coma when tho gong would announce "limn" and that the Injunction of the boxing commission, "fight or no pay" would bo lived up to hy each and ovory one of them Thn first bout will shirt ut ! 30 o'clock sharp. ENJOINS LABOR BOARD Order Proven! Decision Against Pennsylvania II. II. CIIICACIO, Dee. 10. Judgo l.andls today Issued 'a teinporury Injunction gainst tho 'United Htutes Hullroud Labor Hourd restraining llio hoard from Issuing decision against the Pennsylvania railroad In thn recant railroad shop controversy. Tho board had cited tho railroad to show why It had not carried out tho board ruJInK dlroctlng tho mil road (o hold negotiations with em ployees over shop rules, This Is tho first legs! action In federal court against tho railroad labor board, WKATHKIl PHOIIAIIIMTIKH Tho Cyclo-Htormogrnph ut Under wood's Pharmacy recorded qulto an even pressure during tho last 24 hour porlod, buthfts' fallen it little this morning. However, Iho readlnr Is well within Iho. "fair, weather" zono and no change In weathe'r con ditions eeoms Imminent. " " , Forecast for tho next 24 heurs: Fair, with modorate temperatures. The Tyeos irocordlog therraomster registered th following maximum and minimum; tomporatures today) High iinu 42 . , i I-OW ii...-... ....,.-. 19 ' ! AdltKCMKNT IIH.U'ltl'lt I in i'ivinci: c().mmhti:i; 1 ON IICITMIIMJ (!' 111:11 r WAHIIINIITON, Dr ID .An intrmnii'iit una riniliml tnitny by I tin Menutii flnim i ri.iiiinltli.o mi thn hill fur re- fiinilliiK ll fiirelgn debt lulu obligations whlih would ma- turn nut later than Junn I.". 1917 mill Interest, which rwnuld bn five per rent, pay- nhln npiiil-iiunimll) LIQUOR HEARINGS j SWAMP OFFICE OF U. S. COMMISSIONER Aridity nf Halillng Kqiiml lit ItiRt ltuli of lluliie-,- In Hell ('. TliiMlin-. I'nllpd Hlulm I'uiiiiuU'iloiiiir llnrl Thuuiaa l nvnrrrowded with work and till officii now. III u fmlilon. n aemhlea thn Portland loiiinilnloncr'n officii from Ilia awaiuii'd rondlllon dun to hearing of aliened ilolatura of thn prohlhltlou and other federal lawa Hlnrn thn lieKlmilna of Decern her. ironern havn fllid Into IiIn of flrn foil and thn plan l ne.incll cleared KlW ii nnotlier hitch of nlli'R rd vlolalora arn turned In hy llio rnld lug niuail tliarRi' htrlikni AiiiunK Hie rat dlnpoaid nf yen tirday by thn ronimlulonnr. thn rhnrre axalnat Mr MnrrU Johnea bnrit waa atrlrken from thn do'ket Hotti Morris Jolinctbcru abd Mm 'Johneaberx ero tnknn In n raid le rrinber I, near Kloenth and Main aired on a chance nf nianiifarturlnK tl'iaor ronlrnry to federal atatuti's A barrel uf fernientlnu rorn tnnali, concealed on tho hack porch with an electric titular near ll, n copper roll, and bottles In larnu quantities were sel'et and the pair ur rented. Tho coiiimlnlnnrr dUinlimid Mrs Johnes borK after hearliiK Ihn eildenrn hut bound her hunhanit ovrr to the feder al nmnd Jury under fl.ouu hnndii Onn boniUmnn win aarured and an other one was holnc unuRht thin af ternoon Itl'llNlMlt OH lUlllll Karl Davison of Chlloijuln was re Irascd on tSSO rash bond and Ills hoarlnc set for January 10, I92S Marshal Hwntland arrested Davison on a federal warrant charKliiR Mm with tho Introduction nf liquor Into Indian territory Palon waa or Liisod pf itlvlnie Ihrra minor Indians liquor at Ohlloquln In Ortuhrr. WATER USERS MEET - l-nrge Nu tuber of Farmer (lather to I'nitoJt Taxes The meotlng of tho Water Users' association today In tho city hall was called to order by Chairman Kberleln al 2 o'clock, and tho plarn was well filled with peoplo from all oer tho county who are customers of tho Klamath Irriga tion district. Chairman Kberleln announced that a committee report on tho district's financial condition was to bo read to the Water Users' asso ciation showing that tho budget law was not being compiled with. Levies established, ha said, for construction charges, whlrh would have to bo returned to thn United States government; 'also operation, maintenance and tho general levy for district purposes wero not In accordauro with Iho law governing such IuvIch and changes should bo made, Tho lory of 10 per cent for delinquencies was Illegal, Khorloln said, nnd l' stated that w rocom mondalton had been niado by Iho committee that suit bo entered In the rourt to enjoin further collec tions under tho 1920 roll, hocnuso of nllcgod Irregularities nnd tho Illegality of Iho nssessmont. Thn sanio allegations wero recommended In enjoining Iho collection of tho 1921 roll. To allow tho collection ,to procood wonjrt work n hardship upon tho wator usors, as tho de linquency would ho extondod gainst Iho property and become n Hon. t RAILHOAD PUnCHAHKD BT, PAUL, Dee. 10 Purchase of the Portland, Astoria & 'Paoiflo railroad by the Oreat Nprthern and Northern Pattflo waa announced to day, The "price was siren at a p. proximately IliSOOiOOO. - I I Seize "Snooze Medicine" Concealed in Stove; Two Arrcitf Tho raldltiK squad hist nlKht axalu esecuteil n siirriasful (novo ajcalimt llm Illicit liquor traffic whlrh Is beliiK curried on In tills county and city when they nwopimd down upon the shack, ocruplnl by LoiiU I'louf and Patrick (Irlffln, bark uf tin- Klamath creamery riii rim guitii. A search of tho hoilsu revealed that flvn quarta of nllmad moon- shlnn whiskey was on tho place, Onn liot tin was found Inside a bed, whlln tho other four wero concealed In thn nven of a small rook atom When askml why tho liquor was In Mich place una of thn men u muted thl...l IhAl Him li.ltlln ll. llm licit RADNG SQUAD G 1 AGIST BOOZE waa "anoom medicine." whllo tho Amrrle.n profession, and hopo they other four in thn stove wero for the!"' 00 reconsider ami .crept the chills- or shaklnr Bun." the"erl bAnd .f """.Wp w lib rrrs reported OIrm Mini) Vl'llor, Members of thn raldlnc. squad stated that for a week past numer ous paopln havn been observed Ko ine to tha shack, and yesterday a cherk upon the visitors showed a number of Indians Kolnr; there Thn Indians warn reported aa visit ors on three, different times ilurlnfi the day, thn officers said. Tho two prisoners will ho ar raigned In tho federal court soma time today if thn United States commissioner ran arranitn to side track nther hrarlnxs scheduled for tha day. KLAMATH TAX FIXED PrrrrnlRr fur till-. Count) Olirn nt .III I ICO KAI.K.M. Dec 10. -Tho state lax commission today fixed Klamath county's percentage, of the stnte tax at 011020. Tho rnmmlsslon announced that until the supreme rout decided on tho validity of tha bonus act. tho rommlsston will be unable, to mako Ihn annual state toy tax. The per rent uf sttto tax Is based n u perrentugo of tho equal lied value of tho taxable property In each county to tho total taxa ble raluo of the state. GROOMING THE OLD FAMOUS SURGEON I AGREES TO STAY v DESPITE DOCTORS (IIiiIin for 1'iMir ('rlppl)M Will II. CoBllniiril; llrrtlvrs n Of fir I'runi College I SFfW VOIIIC, Doc. 10. Although kicnly hurt hy thn cokl ahouldcr I which ho nalil thn mod Ira I nrofes sion t America had turned toward, "" vwoiph i-orenx. famous 'Australian, Indicated tonight hoi I Wfintit fnrrv on llU frml ellntrM for cripples here. Til stay, .If they don't throw mc out," ho said. Dr l.oreni attributed 1hu tcellnK aKalust hltn to animosities bred ny the war. Thn peojilo an n whole, tliouxh, had boon wonderful beyond description In tlmJr reiepllon of hU work," ho added. "Whether I K home to Vienna or I stay Is entirely up to thn health ' commissioner of New York ' hu de clared, , I t Health (.'omtnlarfloner I'opelanit said ho would sen to ll thai Dr I.o re in remained. llarlMir .No MaUrr I "I harbor no malice, aiulnst tho their Austrian brethren,' said Dr. !orens In a statement "My groat mission wax to thank the American paoplo for alt they have dono for tho starrlna: little children of Vienna. I did not fall In this" Dr loreni did not disappoint 75 crippled children who had KatheroJ at Health Commissioner Copeland'a office today, leaking hliT'atd. Ho wgnt through with tho examina tions, dlagnoilnr; and mdvlslne modes of treatment for tho little unfortunates which will bn carried out by American doctors. When Dr. Iircnt stopped t0 rest and sip gomo tea, Dr. Copeland said to him: "Wo have. In America a typo of rllltens wo call 'damn fools.' Don't be disturbed by them." Olfrr From I'lilvrrrUj "I have received word that my lunlierslty. tho University of Mich- lean. Is open for you Tho health officer of Newark. Dr, Charles V Craster. Is here, and hu wants you to go thero and assist In raring for tho crippled In that city" Dr. Loront replied: "I have done what I could with a clear conscience and a good heart. I will continue. If Ood assists mo." MAHKKT HKPOIIT POIITI.AND, Dec 10. Wheat, $1.03 and $109. Livestock steady Kggs weak. Duller steady. NAG FOR THE GREAT ANNUAL FREE-FOR-ALL 1 I See WHecelrie'ie JocKeY-S Siioe me "Ragged m i $ i i .-Till j n-z ,-r ss w I ,. NiCHOLBAIR. ! 1 IMPLICATED IN I: iniifin lliiiim LIUUmt fflflMHb:: Two 'Charged With Robey of Uperatinjr Mill on Midland Ranch A now -niiKlo was Injected In the rase of tho federal government against, Itlley Tobvy, commonly rail- cd "Crooked Jack Riley." charged with unlawful manufacture, pou csaloii nnd owning of property de signed for nse In the manufacture of liquor contrary to tho fideral ntututcs, when J M. Nlchol, pro- rlotor of thn Hlxth fltrert liakcry, nnd l.'d Dalr, nf Midland, ware col lectively luarmd iby tho traldlng squad with tho commission of the aboin named trlmu yesterday In United States Commissioner Ilcrt C Thomas' office. Itobey waived examination and asked to Iw taken to Portland at once whern ho could pload guilty to tho charges preferred. He will Icnie In thn morning with Marshal Hwct land. Itobey was bound over to tho federal grand Jury under 11,090 bunds Hair's story referred to an alleged potato deal between Nlchol and lUibey IlaJr said the two men rented ten acres of ground, also tho bssement of his home for ISO a month He denied that ho was Interested In the moonshlnu plant When ho discovered It In operation thre-u nights before tho Tald, he or dered Itobey to desist and remove the materials from tho farm, he said Commissioner Thomas set his hearing for January 11. 19S3, and rvleased him upon $500 bond. NIcIioI'k for. -al hearing was sot for January 11. 19S2, and bond was fixed at f 1,000. Harry Poole and Curlvy t'nderwood signed Nlchol's bond, and tho latter was released OIU'IIISTIU AT HEX CMFK n SUNDAV KVKN1M! Through -alt error the advertise ment of tha'ltex Catering company wan made to read that the orchestra would bo In attendance at tho ITcx Cafo this Saturday evening, from 5:30 to S-30. Instead of readlDK 'tomorrow evening." the advertise-, mvnt should have read "Sunday eve ning." It Is the plan of the manage ment of the Ilex Cafe to haavu tho orchestra play there between tho hours Indicated, and this correction Is mado to remove any misunderstand ing that might have arisen through tho advertisement of last evening 4,3 1'AIIMKIW NATIONAL (XJlI.tClfj WILL .INK I'Olt OIIAI.ANTKI-: O.V WHEAT WV8II1N(JT0N, Der lo The Farmers National Coun cil today announced that Con gress will bo asked to revlvo tho United Hlstcs drain Cor poration with a government guarantee, probably of 11.50 a bushel for wheat BUTTER PRICES HERE TUMBLE TO 44 CENTS POUND Indication-! Arn That the ProM-nt Wholcalo Quotations Will Ifulil Wholesale butter prices have fall en In Klamath county,, according to Jnck Furbcr, of the Klamath Cream ery nutter here now I quoted wholesale at 11 cents a pound and Indications are that It will remain al that figure, lluttcr dropped in Ban Francisco and Portland following the shipment of 375.000 pounds of butter which arrived In San Francisco last week from New Zealand and Aus tralia Another Milpnx-nl Ktp"rtil Another shipment Is expected in before Christmas from the same place and one more shipment In January. The butter Is landed, duty pxtd, at 3C cents a pound at San Francisco, Furber stated, and tests better than 93 per cent It Is said that over 1,000,000 pounds of Australian but ter will soon be onjhe Kaclflc coast wlillo a like amount will be dumped on the Atlantic coast from Tv'orway and Denmark In January. The cause of the butter delivery In this country Is due to the value of the American exchango rate, the highest In the world, Furber stated. CHARGE IS SERIOUS William lUnUy Held for Alleged Attempted Outrage This afternoon, William Uarkley will bo given a hearing before V a Commissioner Thomas on the charge of attempted outrage upon an Indian woman at the home of Mrs Kmma Duvnll on tho reservation on October 29, and threatening to murder Mrs. Duvall when sho Interfered In the Indian woman's behalf. Had llc-n Drinking Uarkley had been drinking liquor, tho arresting officers stated, und took tha Indian woman to the tluvall home. Whilo Mrs. Duvall was out sldo tho house, the attempted outrage was made and the screams of the assaulted woman caused Mrs. Duvall to return aud Interfere., Maddened, Uarkley Is ulleged to have tried to shoot Mrs. Duvall after muttering theruts against her If she did not "get out." Uarkley was recently released from the penitentiary for a shooting crime committed teu )oars ago. the officers stated. AUTOMOBILE WRECK W. C. Vau Kmoa last night was a victim of an unfortunate auto mobile accident whllo on his road homo from his office. Pressing work forced him to remain In his offico until utter midnight, and when he drovo past the Klamath 1 Laundry on Main street, tho steer ing gear on his Dodge Sedan buck- I led. ho said, and the noxt bo knew tho car had struck a telephone pole. i Tho car bounced from tho lm pact w.lth tho pole and ended Us ; career In a ditch near tbo railroad j bridge. Despite showering glass and crumbling woodwork, Van i:moi mnnagod to escape with but 'slight Injuries. Tho car cost $2,400 I lat.t car nnd was Insured for $1, 500, It was reported to bo a total I loss, I m 'U. S. MARSHAL LEAVES United States Marshal Swetland I plans to leavo In tho morning for Portland with Manuel Rivers, Tom I Martinez, Riley Robey, Gerry Harlow, arrested In the present cloanup ot the Illicit liquor traffic going on In the county. A number ot other, prison ers waiter In the federal court at Portland, from the Indian reserva tion, will be taken alone when they are .brought In this, afternoon, the authorities announced. ' 1L STRIKERS WOULD MEDIATE i t WITH SHERIFF Spokesman- InforaMti That Bread and Water Dial Will Contkua The strike of the ;County OawU' Association" bar been off.JIljr de clared oft following a cew ot nine ot the leading expose! of the recent strike declared aaatBei workng on the county wood ! Under direction of BnerKf Loir. This action was taken yesterday morning and aanouncesaemt ! to Strikebreaker Low. eat Uo, tet ter was In no mood for eoaclUaUry measures, owing to the prean of other matters. Jailer Mark Howard iBfonaed the spokesman ot the aMoeteUea of the status III wtilck they were placed .and that their ration were) t0 be the same i In tho' Met plenty "of wholesome bread and gal lon of refreshing water. Htorm of Protest Storms ot protest broke forth, from the members, and t one an other caucus wax called to consider the new phase which, had efrnag up. Each member of tea aaaooU tlon 'stated hi beliefs oa tha mv ect .and when the heated orator ical outbursts wera erar, oa of 'the well-ted unconvicted gaeat ot the county said: "Welt, what are you birds going t0 do about M Yon can't get ont to get eat, and none can be given you by frieade. Hot air doesn't fill empty atocaaeas, and our cats today were better than ever." IIIovv Shatters Hebo That blow shattered tbo remain ing hopo of the strikers. Three members then more dtbat tho asso ciation bo disbanded, and that word be sent of a full acknowledgemeat ot surrenders to the terms outlined by Sheriff Low, "Work or no eats." A pounding on tha cell doors brought Jailer Howard and tho no tice of absolute submission was conveyed to "headquarters." Bhcrifx Cheesed When Sheriff Low appeared taia noon and stated that he would ac cept their surrender and put thata to work this afternoon on tba aaraa old Job,, sawing wood, tha asaa cheered the news, and even gave an added "tiger" tor tha "bully boy, our sheriff." "llo)s, you honor me, but let xae tip you off. If you get your stom achs full and then rebel, I deubt whether the Jailer will bo strong enough to carry oven four lovaa ot bread to you. Watch your step. that's all I can say," tbo sheriff told them emphatically. Rules for Winter Sheriff Low stated to tbo Braes that the rulo ot working prisoners would bo carried out all winter, and that whenever rebellion took plaqo as In this last case, tba days ot the "strike" would be coualad In on the prisoners' sentencav, Two men lose ono day each who wera to bo released this evening. Tba two aro Indians, and they planned to witness tho boxing matches at McDonald's hall. "Won't those birds grunt when thoy learn that they wilt not be releasod until tomorrow." tba sher iff reflected. BOX FACTORY STARTS i . Pelican Itey Plant la G4ve Tryeat This Mornksg . , W.Uh tho completion of tba 'blow pipe system by a crew of pipe' men from Seattle, the Pelican JJay ,Box factory was given a test tryout this morning, according to,H. W.tBrtdg ford, manager of the plant. Tbe'pUnt has been under construction for the, past few months by tba eltean Sa Lumber company in conjunctiva. wita( their mill at Pelican City. t ; Other tests of thevoprtlag ifa-, chlnery will ba made and it r,e-T , !leed regular work wjil beg'lnjs) tai,. new plant Jn about aweejj.riaff I the remainder of (ha yeafa asssir sf-" ju men aro eipecisa le aw empssjf-aa turning out boxes. v v !l "ia A y