OCR Interpretation

The evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 10, 1921, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of Oregon Libraries; Eugene, OR

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn99063812/1921-12-10/ed-1/seq-2/

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1 .,
Tago Two
I- .
' I
The Evening Herald
City Bdltot
rabWsked daily eicept Sunday, by
tht'HwtMiPoblUhtnjr Company of
Klamath FIli, ai ll Eigntn uircei.
Entered at ihi poatotflco at Kla
aiath Falli, Org., for transmission
areata lb malls ai ocond-clau
The Awoclsted 1'ress ! excluslrel)
MtttM to tho uo (or publication ol
aM Bw dispatches credited to tt
or.Mt otherwise credited In thli
paper, and also th local news pub
llsher herein.
mni ! mi eag3wcee im ir
X Ij I mmmm
Social activities tbis month are
lowing up, out ot deference to
Christmas. Club, for tho most
part', fcsWe suspended their meet
ings until after tho holiday to
allow1 their member to attend to
personal obligations ot the season.
A few dance aro bolng planned
and the usual number ot dinners
being' glTen.
The Assembly club, which Is re
organitlag tor the winter, will hold
Its first meeting on Monday ot
ant week at the White Pelican ho
tel. The affair Is to bo a strictly
formal dance, at which all old
members are cordially Invited to
ue present. The Assembly dance.
were'among the most popular social
veati ot last year, and members
are looking forward to repeating
their former success.
Mis, Mary McClure entertained
at a neighborhood gathering on
Thuradar afternoon at her homo on
South Rlrerslde street. The honor
guest on thl occasion was Mrs.
Anna Friable. The afternoon was
spent in visiting and sewing. At
a late hoar in the entertainment a
dainty luncheon was served. The
guests were: Mesdames Frlsby, C.
P. Mason, It. J. Bheets, J. F. Ooel-
ler A. Carleson, O. Metz, K. O
Cummlngs, Don Zumwalt, Harry
Richardson. U. M. Fitch, Q. Van
Riper and Harry Gallagher.
Saturday evening of last -week
Mrs. James Exell entertained the
teachers ot Mills school and a few
friends at her beautiful country
home. The evening was spent play'
Ing cards and with music At i
'late hour dainty refreshments were
served by the hostess. Present
were: Mesdames Bryant, McKlm
ens. Misses Bernardino Hannon,
Ruth Dixon, Madgo Dixon, Messrs.
Bryant, McKlmens and O'Brien.
Friday of last week a most en
joyable dancing party tor the
younger set of the city was given
by Misses "Waive Wlthrow, Jean
McDonald and Dorothy McAboy, at
the home of Miss Wlthrow. The
rooms were simply and artistically
decorated In flowers and greens,
and light refreshments were served
throughout the evening. Present
were: Misses Ruth DeLalx, Fan
nle Stoops. Mammle Harris, Alice
Hansen Emma Fylllng, Letba
Humphrey, Jean McDonald, Waive
Wlthrow- and Dorothy McAboy;
Messrs. Clifford Hogue, DeLos
Mill. Lester Payne, Chester Shrlv
er, Charles droves, Robert Ooeti,
Roger Montgomery and Pat Mont
A great deal of time and work
are being devoted t0 tbe prepara
tlon of' a musical program for the
coming recital at the Presbyterian
cbureh, on Friday of next week, as
a dedicatory servlco for the new
organ, which has the distinction of
being the first pipe organ to be In-
stalled In Klamath county.
The church choir In co-operatloh
with Miss Dorothy Elliott as one
Don Zumwalt, and with Mrs. Cbsrles
of tbe soloists, accompanied by Mrs.
Wood Eberleln acting as organist,
assisted by Mis Margaret Worden,
has planned an Interesting and
worth-while program.
Mrs. J. Fred Qoeller was hostess
on Wednesday for the Art Needle
Work club at her lovely home on
South Riverside avenue. The af
teraoon was spent In sewing and
Visiting, and" dainty refreshments
were' served at ihe close of the day
by the hostess. It was decided by
tho club members that all meetings
would be discontinued until after
the holidays. Mrs. J, H. Carnahan
will be the next hostess. Quests
present besides the members were:
Meedams Evrett Geary Harry Ooel-
lsr, Harry Richardson and" R, J,
A feature of this week's socleiy
Teats was the surprise golden wed
ding ealearatloa for Mr. and Mrs.
Ja Warflta. who were married
R. Van Camp, John Totten and A.
Wickstrom, who hadMhe principals
In the affair spirited away to their
daughter's homo while the hos
tesses prepared the house with gar
decorations and loaded tho tables
with a wonderful dinner. When the
bride and bridegroom ot fifty years
standing roturucd they found many
lovely gifts and a large number ot
their frlcnila awaiting them.
Mr .and Mrs. Worden have -five
children living, thrco ot whom were
In attendance nt tho celebration
Thursday evening. They are Mil
ton Worden,, Colorado; William
Worden, Midland; Mrs. Mary Roe,
Shlpplngton, Dave Worden, Klam
ath Falls ,and Mr. Clara Ktrkpat
rick, Shlpplngton. The guests were:
Crls Davidson, Mr. and Mrs. Heifer
anil daughter Ninon, Sam Roe Mr.
and Mrs. Grant Roo and daughter
Ella Mae, Mr. and Mrs. Leigh and
son Roy, T. W Perkins and daugh
ter Hilda, David Totten, Hubert!
Totten, Dave Worden, Mr. and Mr.
11. Bernett, Mr. and Mrs. A. Wlx-
from April 37, 1921, nnd coats
and disbursements taxed nt Thirty
riva and 85-100 Dollar, nnd attor
ney's fees In tho sum ot Two Hund
red Fifty and no-100 Dollars, on tho
17th day of November, 1921.
Notice Is horohy given thnt 1 will
on tho 17th day of December, 1921,
at tho front door of tho court house.
In Klnmnth Falls, In said Count)', nt
10 o'clock In the. forenoon n( said
day, veil at public auction to the
highest blddtir, for cash, tint follow
ing described property, tt-lt:
1919; and for the furthor sum ot
$'400.00 as nttorneyys fee and tor
llin costs and -disbursements of this
And for a decree of this court ad
judging that plaintiff's mortgaga set
tortli In snld complaint constitutes n
valid first lien upon tho premise de
scribed as:
Situate In Klamath County, Ore
gon, west halt ot southeast quarter
irf section 30, township 40 south,
ran go 10, east ot Willamette Me.
i.ois j, a, ami or uiock m. ot AnJ ,tlftt Mtll mor,K8l,0 ) , .
Second rarvlow; Addition to the CHy ,,lir t0 i olh8r uons. claims nnd
ot Klamath Falls, Oregon. Interests of defendants nbovo named
Taken ana let led upon as the prop. I Aml for n ,,ccrc of ,h, f(mrt f()rej.
'rlrJL,ho iM ,1, A,Mltc,,e"' ,,r n closing plaintiffs said mortgage lien,
much thereof a may bo necessary to ,, freeing thnt the premises
"V?rT. '1? al,yu.,Uwcn,1 ,n fttYor ",,l described be sold In tho man
of llutlo alley Stato llitnk. a corpo- ,,cr ,,r(n(,0ll bv mw nm, ,no proc((,llt
rollon, agnlnst snld R. A. Mltclio . 0, ,,.,, , ,,,,, t0 , wtmM
with Interest thereon, together will. nf ,hn M)0T(, nlcnMonri, ,,, rtp
all costs nnd disbursements that have vnmtti nni that said defendants,
or may accrue. ...-and each of them, and nil persons
.. . .(,,' '.. i ,; ' hcr'"-i claiming under them bo debarred
Dated nt Klamath rails. Oregon, from all right, title. Interest, or claim
November 2Bth. 19S1 ,A ,. , ,ln to. or upon said premises.
. 0Y' ' cc V ' ' ". This summons Is served upon you
NOTICBlNVmNOI'ltOlSAl.S ; ',,' V Vu yhrndall JmUe of Vho
Proposals will be received by tho ,. .t.i...i . ..i .i ..
Common Council of tho City- of Kla. ,prri, on Novcmlr i.'iaji. which or-
Z;km::::"1 ,U,J""" I Ur.rfaulia that th summon, he
trom and daushter Esther. Mr. m! ....". ...i. VI". ".. J"."....'. tillMlstied once a weeK for SIX wees
Mr. K..n,j, .-i - V.. ,'n . i "I ,V ' '",' "m In the Evening Herald, a dally news
Mrs. Normsn Doudcn and son. Cap-.P M. for the cons nictlon of a ma- p,Wr printed, published, and of gen
tain and Mr. J. E. Van Camp. Mr. thlnery shed 60 . 16 feet In site ,, nrciMio,, tn Klamath county,
and Mr. John Totten. Mr. and MiJ&EBhe Oregon.
Jame. W Jonrr Midland- Aiidr.1 ??'" S'.t0 ,?i'Tftr.0n 'n.0.,n. ,h Th date of first publication of
James W Jonry. Midland, Audrey0ffce of the Pollc Judge. aU striie, IW summons I. November 5. 1921
ancy and Clara Klrkpatrlck. Mu- lure to be erected on Block S oti n p oilOKSUKCK,
sic and a social evening were en-' Klamath Addition. ( Attorney for Plaintiff.
i.jr oruor ui inp yunimun wuiincii Kl.tmnth Kails. Oregon.
A. L. LKA ITT, Police Judge , 6-12-19.26.2-10.17
? IV 1Z
Joyed and souvenirs presented to
each guest attending.
The dance at Lyceum hall, spon
sored by the Catholic Young Ladles'
socclty, was well attended by the
young dancing element of the com
munity last night, and another sue
cess wss added to the number al
ready gained by the young ladles
this season.
Tho Library club meeting on Frl
day afternoon was attended by i
largo group ot ladles who enjoyed
toe extremely line program pre
sented by tbe Music club at the
social session. After the program
the club held Its regular meeting.
Mrs. J. It. Lents entertained at a
dinner party at her home In Mills
addition on Wednesday honoring
Mr. Lents on his birthday and also
Mrs. Charles Cox. The guests were:
Mr .and Mrs. Chsrles Thomas, Mr.
and Mrs. William Sandham, Mr.
and Mrs. Alvln Hammell. Mrs. M.
A. Hawkins. Miss Enola Hawkins
and C. B: Johnson.
On Wednesday evening, Decem
ber 14th, the will be a. musical at
Sbepherd'a Music house, at which
Mrs. Don Zumwalt will present
Dorotha Elliott, voice, and Beatrice
Walton, piano, and Mr. Harry Borel
will present Katherlne Walton, vio
lin. The program follews:
1 Trios for violin, "cello and piano
tw0 old favorites
a Barcarolle from Love-Tales
or Hoffman ...... Offenbach
b A Dream ..... . Bartlett
2 a 8e Florlndo e teedele
. . Scarlatti (1683-1767)
b O Sleep. Why Dost Thou
Leave me . Handel
c II Baclo (Kiss Walts) Ardltl
Dorotha Elliott
3 a Prelude In C sharp minor
. itacnmanlnotr. Op. 3, No. 2
b Valse In D flat
..... .. Chopin. Op. 64, No. 1
Beatrice Walton
4 Adagio from Concerto In D
minor for violin-Rlchsrd Strsaes)
Katherlne Walton
6 a Ave Maria .. . Schubert
b Fiddle and I ...... Ooodeve
c O That We Two were May
ing ............ Kevin
Violin Obllgatos by Mr. Borel
'Cello Obllgato by Beatrice Walton
Dorotha Elliott
6 a Valse Caprice - -
Joseph Hoffman, Op. S3
... Leschetlxky, Op. 24, No. 2!
Beatrice Walton I
7 a Air for O String Frlml
b Serenade . . rierne
Katherlne Walton
8 Autumn..Chamraade Op.X3 No.2,
Beatrice Walton I
9 a Morning oiey Speaks
b Just Before tbe Lights Are I
Lit ..................... Brarscombe
Dorotha Elliott
10 All Are Sleeping . Tasmore'
Ensemble I
This recital is open to tho public; I
all who are interested will be wel-'
come. As there has been fmo mls-j
understanding about tht In the!
finmt 1ra 9t,mwalt v.1.1... f.. .1.1.'
that Invitations are not being Is
sued, other than this general one.
It Is desired to open the program
at 8:15 promptly.
Mrs. C. It. Underwood was bos-'
teas on Thursday for Ihe Bridge!
club at her lovely home at 320
North Seventh street.
Miss Margaret Smith, -who teaches
In the Lower Swan lake school, Is
here to spend the week-end with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. I). M. Smith
Equity No. 1360
In the Circuit Court of the Slate ot
Oregon, for Klamath County
Mrs. L. n. Albln, Plaintiff,
Glenn W. MtCormlck. Gertrude Mc
Cormlck. W. C. Lehman. Trustee,
George Bowmsn, E. U Whlslor,
and First National Bank of Klam
ath Falls, Oregon, a corporation,
To W. C. Lehman, Trustee and
George Bowman, ot defendants
abovo named:
In the namo of tho State ot Oro-
gen: ou are hereby required to np
County, Oregon,
Terms and conditions of sale! Cash,
In United Rtntea gold coin, or, not
less tlmn 1300 In cash, In United
States gold coin, and tho balance In
flva equal pnymonta on the 1st day
of December of each year, all deter
red payments to bear Interest at 6
per centum per annum, payable an-
nnaiiy. saw uererreii payments in ho
represented by note of the pur
chaser, with a mortgage upoa tks
property to setura the payment
thornof; abstract and deed at ex
pense ot estate! taxes for 1111 and
thereafter at aipon" of purchaser.
Bldi and offers must be In writing,
nnd may be loft at the office of Ren
tier, Manning A Oanong, attorneys
for said guardian, or may he deliver-
ad to said guardian personally, or
may be filed with the elerk of aaM
eounly court, at any time attar lb;
tint publication ot thl notice and
befora tho making of snld sale.
Dated, October 11, 1011.
Guardian nf the Person and Estate ot
Clifford H. Humrn, a Minor.
Xotlre of GunrtlUn's 8sle of Ileal I
Kafntr. I
In Ihe matter of the Guardianship of
tho Person and Kstato ot Clifford
S. Dumm, a minor.
In pursuance ot an order ot the Coun-!
ty Court ot the County of Klamath,
State ot Oregon, duly given and made
on tho Sth day of October, 1931, In
the above entitled estate, Jessie
Dumm Eldred, guardian ot tho per-
inn Atlrl fat.itA nf Pllffnril R. Dumm
pear and answer tho complaint filed ! a rano. will sell, from and after the
against you In tho abovo entitled ' 9(h day of Novomber. 1921, In the
cause on or before December 17, county of Klamnth, State of Oregon.
1931. that being the last day of tho I to the hlehrit nnd host hlddnr there.
urao prescnoea in mo oruer ior me for, nnd upon the terms and condl
publication ot this summons, and If
you fall so to appear or answer plain
tiff will apply to the court for the
relief prayed for In her complaint
lions hereinafter mentioned, at pri
vate sale, auitjeet to confirmation by
said county court, the following des-j
cribed real property belonging to the '
filed herein, to-wlt: For Judgment estato ot said minor, to wit
sgalnst defendants Glenn W, McCor- South half of southeast quarter of
mlck and Gertrude McCormlck for .section IS and northwest quarter of1
tho sum ot 84,900.00, together with 'northeast quarter section 19, all In,
Interest thereon at tho rate of 8 per 'township 39 south, rango 12 east of
cent per annum from October 17. tho Wlllnmetto Meridian In Klamath!
Grow All Winter
Money is one thing thnt known no ttenson ;
it grows nil tho yenr round WHEN DE
There are various paths that lend to
fortune, but the only SURE road is the
This Dank is u growing, progressive,
and up-to-date institution, but we will
never be satisfied until wo number YOU
among our depositors.
Klamath Falls, Oregon
By virtue ot an execution and or.
der ot sale duly Issued by the Clerk
of the Circuit Court of the County of
Klamath, State of Oregon, dated- tbe
25th day of November. 1921, In a
certain action In the Circuit Court
for said County and fitate, wherein
Butte Valley State Bank, a corpora
tion, as plaintiff, recovered Judgment
against R. A. Mitchell, defendant, for
the sum of Ten Hundred twenty-
eight and 71-100 Dollars with Inter
est thereon at th rata at if. nr
Mftv vaara asr vMtardav in Klrk.lsnDUn 'rom Apr" 1B' I'll the fur-
-!!: n!f. f yarr in Kirn- tbtr iUro or Flve Hunjrtd nlMtMa
Pwnbtor 81
WaraWffulIr Altmrtli
TWlWMf ToMttf
Ttw WmU's Bcm ToamK
ataflLBatf PK
asr i
IUihImM Im
MMfl IWIvatMl
"71m Ira Ital Wi
r m"u7m
ToMtn Btov.
Don Domo Thins, W.0
Wtter Ibttn
KiptcbUy in th. NuTKry
Cofft. rriccUtor
Mktt Oood CoCTtc Otttcr
JkwHblK vM , 1.1! 1 1
.BsjLJfBP. ti iPsaiaJsaBsawsVal saiaiaiaiaiaiasai Vta VCjr MjsHlaiBiBV
iHP HULsKuBf DtPJS'nBBngSBBaLiaV "1 llBBlBlBlBlBlBlBlBr
Electric Ware for Worth-While Gifts
Look for the window like the one above and you will find the electrical dealer who haa a
New Idea for you about Christmaa giving. He ia ready with a rather unusual suggestion
that will help you solve the problem of selecting Sensible Giftt, in a way that is intelligent,
tasteful and in perfect keeping with the spirit of the season. s
gives you this New Idea in the "1921 Christmas News". All you have to do it walk into
the store which has the Westinghouse Window and ask for this little publication on worth
while giving. It will tell you of a plan for giving gifts of real and lasting value, Electric
Ware, for Christmas. There is good news for everyone in the "1921" Christmas News.
Ctf Osnr SUdUw
MawUm WbcUvt. ni
Ut t Udlw Hundl
tm CtmlmX and for IImIik
Btw Motor
aawy KouMkold V
Traveler's Iron
Wcthl but S pound.
FOBES SUPPLY CO., Wholesale Distributors, Portland, Oregon
UM, Coovtolaot and Clew
w, ui.H, ,oa party wasjand 60.100 toietotr wan Interest at
Umif fr,t.M tr VatdtMtf J.'tht rat ot 9 ptr annum

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