Newspaper Page Text
i s t v a J i VOL. 1. SALEM, OJR., MONDAY, MARCH 19, ISSfe. NO. 16. CAPITAL JOURNAL PROFESSIONAL CAKDS. 1EO. W. BELT, ATTOItNEY AT LAW jT and District Attorney. Office at court bouse. RAMSEY fe BINGIIAM, ATTORNEYS and Counselors at .Law. Business In the Supreme Court a specialty. Salem, Or. mlLMON FORD, ATTORNEY AND J. Counselor at Law, Salem, Oregon. Office, up stairs in Patton's block. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. EO. II. BURNETT, ATTORNEY AT Ladd& Bush's bank. T Law. Salem. Oregon. Office over QHAW & GREGG, ATTORNEYS AT O Law, Salem, Oregon. Office In Patton's block, up stairs over Belt's drug store. RICHARDSON, ATTORNEY AT aw. Office over Capitol National Bank, 210 Commercial Street, Salem, Or. O T. J. Law. JW. SPRIGGS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, . Salem, Oregon. Office in England's block. Legal business of all kinds. Also both life and fire insurance. WM. KAISER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Salem, Oregon. Office with Tilmon Ford.ln Patton's building, in nil the courts of Oreet made. Land office business a specialty, Will nmMn I1U. H o VU...b. ., ... ..,. in all the courts or Oregon, collections THE.'.BEST Woven Wire Bed ! ON THIS COAST 1 Is Manufactured by GEO. M. PAEKER, 183 Fifth Street, Portland. Or. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. For sale by A. T. YEATON, SALEM, OREGON. STRICKLER BROS. -DEALERS IN- PH, D'ARCY, ATTORNEY AND COUN . selor at Law, Salem, Oregon.'Having an abstract of the records of Marlon coun ty, including a lot and block index of Sa lem, he has special facilities for examining titles to real estate. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. s SALEM BATHS. H. DIAMOND, Proprietor. Com St., bet. Ferry and tetate. HAVING, HAIR CUTTING AND Mnampooing neauy aone. LADD & BUSH, . BANKERS! Salem, - Oregon, rnRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING JL business in all its branches. WEST BROTHERS' EAT MARKET, 300, Commercial St., Salem. CHOICE STEAKS & OTHER MEATS constantly on hand, and delivered to any part of the city at lowest living rates. Please give us your patronage. STOVES AND TINWARE I Roofing and Spouting a Specialty. 4S-At;tho old stand of Ben. Strang, Com mercial Street. MISS JULIA L. CllAMBERLlN, 'LutT DISPATCHES. -tkAciier of- Voice Culture, Piano & Harmony Music Parlers: 8U' 8SrUI Bank Block, SALEM, - - - OREGON. M. JVt. MEAD, PRACTICAL CUTLER Filing Saws a Specialty. Shop on the alley, opposite Mlnlo's Liv ery Stable, Salem, Or. STOR u CITY MEAT MARKET D. C. Howard, Proprietor. STATE STREET, - SALEM, OREGON. 3-AU kinds of fresh and cured meats always on hand. Full weight and a)square deal all around. The SALEM MARKET 98 COURT STREET. Constantly on hand the best quality of Fresh and Salt Mcate ! And all kinds of S AUS AQE. JUST RECEIVED, A NEW STOCK OP NEW STYLES IN WALL PAPER! A FULL STOCK OF Fancy Goods, Moldings, Brackets, Picture Frames, Artists' Materials, Etc., ALWAYS ON HAND. . W. M. SARGEANT, 07 Commercial Street, Salem, Or. ESTABLISHED BY NATIONAL AUTHORITY. ThfcCapitalltiollBanl OF SALEM, - - - OREGON. Capital Paid up, .... $75,000 Surplus, ...... 9,500 R. S. WALLACE, t - president. News from all Parts of the . Woria. . . FKBItiHT TRAIN BADLY WRECKED. All The Cars Crash Tnrongh a Trestle Twenty Pett-Valnaoje Stock killed. TWENTY-FIVE PERSONS KILLED. Vice-President. - - Cashier. W. T. Gray, J. M. Martin, V JH. ALUERT, - - DIRECTORS Wf W. Martin, R. 8. Wallace, , J. II. Albert, , T. McF. Fatten. LOA'NS MADE To farmers on wheat and other market able produce, consigned or in btoro, e(ther in private granaries or ipubllc warehouses. State and County Warrants Bought at Par. COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted at reasonable rates. Drafts drawn direct on New York, Chicago, Francisco, Portland, London, Paris, Berlin, Hong Kong and. Calcutta. PJ.BABCOGK, Cabinet Maker! -AND S-Thb CLEANEST kept market in the elty. Call and see for yourself. MCCROW & WILLARD. UNDERTAKER. FARRAR'S BLOCK, STATE STREET; Salem, Oregon. JH. W. COX, ' (Successor to The Port Drug Co.) 100 State Street, Salem, Oregon. Billings (Mont.), March 10. Word has been received that the rl&th boiuid freight train Nc. 13, with the exception of the engine, was completely demolished by 150 feet of trestie giving way at Rose bud yesterday, tumbling the cars In aMieap twenty' feet 'below. Two cars containing 40 head of valuable attack are .smashed into kindling wbod and'itll tlic stock killed. En gineer jBieS3onheard the bridge giv ing away, opened the throttle, and the engine jusl reached the other side aiid leaped over; yhIIo the balance of the train was precipitated' below. No lives were ldst,"but-the engineer was sUghtly Injured. " FULL LINK All kinds of, Furniture made ta order. A full line of Caskets always on band. Hf"f&B; j. J. Jennings, d. ds. DENTIST. i WGoto J. O'Donald'sshoponHighst., between Court and State, Salem, and get one of J. M. Coulter's patent improved LADDERS. Lightest Ladder made In Oregon. Kelly's Old Stand ! ! HAVING PURCHASED THE BLACK smith shop known as Kelly's Old nutim, i win uereauerue prepared to ao an kinds of Blacksmithing Repairiu. In the best stylo known to the trade at fchort notice. The best of workmen em- piuyea, ana an worn guaranteed to ele satisfaction. Horseshoeing a Specialty! J. J. JARNIGAN, Kelly'h Old Stand, Salem, Or. Teeth Extracted Without Pain by a New Process mEETH FILLED WJTH THE LATEST I improved fillings.. Plates made on snort; notice, and at reasonable terms. Gold fillings a specialty. S-Anv and all work in the Dental linn. Office In Brey man's block over J. M. Rosen berg fc Co'b. H. W. COX, Has constantly on band a well selected stock of Bcericke & Schreck's Houicopatliic Preparations K NEATLY PRINTED GUIDE TO BB HAD UPON APPLICATION. EstAblisIied jn 1879. PACIFIC CIDER, VINEGAR AND . Fruit Preserving Cb. -OF SALEM, - - OREGON. Manufacturers of Cider Jelly, Currant Jelly, Apple and Pear Batter, Sweet and Champagne Cider, Cider Syrup for Mince Meat, Currant Wine of a Superior Quality, Tomato Catsup, Plain and German Pickles. PURE CIDER VINEGAR. Drags and Medicines CHEMICALS & PATENT MEDICINES Toilet Article Pelftinieries, Druggist Sundries. Physicians Prescriptions and. Family Recipes a Specialty. AGENCY FOR THE CELEURATED FULL HAVANA FILLER Red Letter 5c. Cigar. 3The best five cent cigar In the mar- A Cooler For German. ' Beklin, March 10. The whole ,northcrn and eastern portion's of Germany-: have been visited by a bevere silow storm. There is so much ice that communication with Sweden has-been suspended for. ten days and with Denmark for six days. Disastrous Hoods are reported throughout Hungary. Thirty vil lages have been ruined and the town of Szaltmar Weinoh has been partly destroyed. The towns of Bekes and Czaba are menaced and the inhabi tants are struggling for their lives against the river Kortz. Many places have fallen. Chinese Murderer Commits Suicide. Red Bluff, Mar. 19. The China man who attempted the life of his employer ul Oflahd on Friday and who has been iniprisbned here, cut his throat with a razor Inst night and died this morning. President Villmr's Private ear Destroy ed and his son Killed Death List. Savannah, (Ga.,) March 17. The llrst section of the fust mall train froiii New York for Jackson ville went through a trestle at a pblnt twenty-live miles south of Sa vannah this morning. Tho entire train, except the engine, is demol ished. Nineteen people are report ed to have been killed, and between thirty and forty injured, feu of whom lire expected to die. The private car of President "Wil bur; of tho Lehigh Valley road, with Mr. "Wilbur, and George Gould and wife, and otllers in it, was 'one of tho train. President Wilbur is reported to be seribusly Injured. George Gould is unhurt aiid Mrs. Go.ild is slightly injured. Relief truths have gone out with physicians. The accident was caused by a bro ktfri rail under lh6 bnggago esir. Tho Uaggago car got off the track about a qunrter of a mile before it readied tho bridge at the Hurricano river. Tile train passed safely over tho bridge. Tmlnedintely on the otlior side of the brldgo thore is a trestlfc severar hundred feet long. "Wlion the baggage car struck the trestle- work It gftvo way, and the" entire triiin, with tho exception of tho en gine, dropped throltgh, and with the exception of oilo car was com pletely Wrecked. i lr 'ThetranV consisted ofh comblna-' tlon car, three baggagd" care, smok ing ciir, oho conolfy twd Pullmans aiid tho private car of the Lehigh Valley. Tho engine ran to Black Shear, a mile distant; for assistance. Soon all tho physicians in the place were present, besides, many who were ready to render usxistance in getting out the dead and rescuing the wounded. Superintendent Fleming, of the railroad, as soon as ho heard of the accident, left Savan nah for the scene with physicians and nurses. All tho afternoon and evening ho hud a full force of hands clearing away tho wreck. About 400 feet of trestle was carried away. JITf WIT A Fast Mail Train Wrecked Near Savannah. AX MATE SHERIFF. He arrests Two Newspaper Men Threatens Two More. and ii. w. cox. 100 State Street, Salem Li.. Steiner& Blosser SAUER KRAUT f A FEATURE OF 1888. -DEALKRS IN- STOVES, RANGES, Tin and Copper Ware, HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS. 130, State Street, SALEM, - - OREGON, A3-Aeent8 for the Boynton's furnace. A specialty made or roonng ana xixnitlng. Satisfaction guaranteed. The Santa Fe Strike Ended. Kansas Citv, March 10, strike oh the Atchison, Topeka & Shrita Fe system has been declared off and tho engineers and llremcn in all directions are returning to work. The B. & S. PREPARATIONS , Arc the Purest and Best. II. W. COX V tne'only authorized agent. -Call for the B. & a Homeopathic Pre paration and accept no other. For Scct Cider, Iwive orders at Fac tory Ofllce, drop i. Postal, or bco driver of our delhcry wagon. We keep 5-gallon kegs aii' iHrttfon denil. jonns mai are loaned 10 piikmiiihth rnr u term of six days. All orUtux promptly filled. O. 8T0LTZJ linsInesH Manager. Oregon Peach Bitters About eighteen yeara ago I received a hurt In niy back from u pile of lumber falling on me, and ever mnce had been troubled with weak kidneys more Or, 1; and the lout year very niuoh. Through (he recommendation of Henry Keene, I bought a bottle of II. Klas's Oregon Peach llltwrn andoefon, J had taken half the bottle I found a great reircf froih 1U ' 1 believe It to be a splendid remedy for the kidneys, and biartlly recommend It for the same. J. H. POKTBlt. AuumlUe, January 12, 1888. A. E. STRANG, 'a :1 Cqmmeojal Street, SALEM, - - OREGON. nr.Ai.Ki: is STiDVESand RANGES IMainbing, Gas and Steam Fitting. Tinware and Artistic Metal Vork a Specialty. -Agent for the UigilAUDSON A BOYNTO.S COMPANV8 Purww. Es tabUsbed in 1849. irishmen and I'ollce Fighting. Dublin, March 10. AtDrumlish, county Longford, Ireland, there was a riot oil Saturday night in which quite a number of persons were in jured by buckshot flred by the police. Want Him to Step Down. CojffcTANTiNOPiiK, March 19 The Jtuwsiun Kmbassador here urges a naval blockade of the Bulgarian ports to compel Prince Ferdinand to abdi cate the Bulgarian throne. Can Scarcely Hpeuk. Bum.iN, Mar. 10. The Emperor's speech is so indlstlifct that only the Emprowythe physicians and a few others constantly in attendance are able to understand him. He is un able to urtltuiltitg vowels. .V "flirt'iiieniMl liriiptlmi. City of Mexico, March 10. The volcano of I'opocatapetl Ih giving Higiw of activity. I'Aititf, Mar. 19 1 1 is reported that Gen. liQulangur hay iHteu permitted to resIdiTnVI Know htorm In l-'ranre. J'aiub, Muroh 10,A heavy snow storm Is raging here. A Djnainlti) Outrage. Nkvada, March 10. Last night a dynamite bomb was exploded under the large pipe that carries water to the Providence inino quartz mill. A portion of the pipe was torn away and a largo volume of water poured down hill, sweeping dirt, boulders and other debris before It into the hoisting works of the Champion mine. No one was In jured. A can filled with powder and with a fuse attached, was found under the water pipe at the Moun taineer mine to-day. Tho peoplo are irreatlv agitated. A citizens' Jnceting will bo held to-night to take some action. A Steamur Wrecked. Astoiua, March 10. Passengers on the Gen. Canby Saturday after noon report passing tho wreck of a steamer between the Columbia river and Shoalwater bay. It was a small steamer, with a white cabin. Much uneasiness was occasioned by the report, asCapt. Babbldgo wrote from Yaquna that the steamer Gen. Wright would leave there for Astoria Marcli 15. The description of the reported wreck corresponds partly with the general description of tho Gen. Wright. No additional paitlc ulars are obtainable. Oltti lal Corriiptliin ut I.oh Angelm. Los Anoi:m, March 10. Con siderable stir Is caused In olllcltil circles by the statement of Chlna mon that the sum of $810 jkt week has been paid by them to be allowed to run games. As tint sums never went to tho city tieusury, an ex planation is ordered, and it Is wild the mayor Is making quite an in vestiuation of the whole matter, having taken a full statement of the game owners In shorthand. Frightful Fall of u Child. San Kuancimx), March 10. Blanche Lowls, 5-year-old daughter of Mrs. Ida Lewis, of Seattle, fell while sliding on the IjoiiImU " f-mi the fumtli Ilcxir or a lodging .loiiae to-day. The child d.roppu! forty feet to tho floor bolow, and sus tained uonuumlon f tho brain and spine. She was taken to tho receiv ing hospital, whore physlcluns pro nounced her case hojHilewH. Seatti,k, March 10. The admin istration of Sheriff Cochrane, of King county, has been a Btibjeet of reports In the Post-Intelligencer for some days past. Saturday tho sheriff met one of the reporters of tho paper, and told him he didn't want anything more said about him. Some discussion followed, during which tho sheriff denounced tho reporter as a thief, vagabond and scoundrel, and upon tho latter say iug ..that he supposed tho sheriff would, iike to incarcerate him, ,tho sheriff said he ,woqld, and Inv mediately took him into custody, and led him to tho Occidental hotel. Another reporter coming up and o'fferlng to go bail for his fellow journalist, was promptly arrested. A third reporter happening on tho scene, and asking tho eauso of tho trouble, was told by tho sheriff that he would also be arrested. Tho manager of tho paper at this point camo out of tho dining room of tho hotel, and upon remarking to tho sheriff that ho had no authority for making an arrest without a war rant, was also threatened by tho irato official with arrest. Tho sheriff, having ills hands full delivered his prisoners over to a poliuoninnL and later made complaint against tho Uvo neVspaper men for assault and buttery. Two hours later tho two reporter. made complaint against tho sheriff on tho same charge. Suits for damages will bo brought against the sheriff, Till) ltrothci hood'K FillidM. Kansas City, March 10. At 10 o'clock this morning Fort Scott & Gulf trains were all moving prompt ly and with regularity. The situa tion is unchanged. There is no switching being done in tho yards. Chairman Carroll speaking in re gard to published reports of tho fi nancial strength of tho Brotherhood said: "It is true there is about three hundred thousand dollars in tho contingent fund; but in addition wo havo a building fund in our treasury amounting to Ave hundred and six ty thousand dollars. This can bo used to pay the expenses of tho strlko if nccesuary. There are 127,500 members in good standing and each of them can put in a hundred dol lars at a moment's notice if It is nec essary, and you see wo would then have $.'1,010,000 for fighting capital." lluitvy ChlmiNu Failure, San Kkancihgo, March 10. Chin Kit, one of tho largest Chinese Taney goods merchants In tho city, doing business under the name of Kwong Shew Sun & Co., lias made an as signment for S.70,000. The assets aie estimated at $40,000. Tho fail tiro Is said to have Veen caused prin cipally by speculation In grain, by the failure of Ma Leo & Co., in Port laud, ami by the forced exodus of Chinese from Seattle and Eureka. A number of other Chinese firms aie involved in Chin Kit's failure, among them being Sing Kce & Co., whoso liabilities will reach $i!0,000. The lioiml of trade appointed a com mittee to examine Chin Kit's affairs. A MHk Aterti'd. Mi.NNKAPoMb, Mai eh IK. Switch engineers on tho Manitoba toad have struck on account of "Q" cars, ami it Is Mild tlieeiiglueeru will walk out to-morrow. The engineers on tho St. Paul, Minneapolis fc Manitoba will go out at 10 to-night. Tho whole system, 200inllon, is Involved. St. Pafi,, March 10. Thoio will 1 e no strike of engineers upon the St, Paul, KiniHHipolls & Manitoba railroad. A oonfurunco was held lxitwcon General Manager ManvII and tho grievance committee of tho roatl, anil all differenced were am icably Kittled.