Newspaper Page Text
'wt rifjfrv" ' & ' "- .ii. t"M , - ONy " v ?-. uvn y "'wr ww.iw wrru u JOURNAL. SALEM, OR., TUESDAY, MARCH 20, 1888. VOL. 1. NO. 17. CAPITAL u 'ivi '' ' r-"" r PROFESSIONAL CARDS. 1EO. W. BELT, ATTORNEY AT LAW Ur and District Attorney. Offlco ut court house. RAMSEY A BINGHAM, ATTORNEYS and Counselors at Law. Business In the Supreme Court a specialty. Sulein, Or. TILMON FORD, ATTORNE AND Counselor nt Law, Salem, Oregon. Onice, up stairs In Patton's block. GEO. II. BURNETT, ATTORNEY AT Ijiw, Salem, Oregon. OlHce over Ladd & Bush's bank. CHAW A GREGG, ATTORNEYS AT O Law, Salem, Oregon. Otllce Jn I'atton's block, up stairs over Bolt's drug store. O T. "RICHARDSON, ATTORNEY AT 5. Law. Office oer Capitol National Bank, 249 Commercial Street, Salem, Or. T W. SPRIGGSrATTORNEY AT LAW, J . Salem, Oregon. Office in England's block. Legal business of all kinds. Also both life and flrd Insurance. WM. KAISER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Salem, Oregon. Office with Tllmon Ford, In I'atton's building. Will practice In all the courts of Oregon. Collections made. Land office business a specialty. PH, D'ARCY, ATTORNEY AND COUN . selor at Law, Salem, Oregon. Having nn nhsirant. nf thn records of Marion coun ty, Including n lot and block Index of Sa- lem, lie nils special muuiica ivi u.iiiiiii(us titles to real estate. NEW ADVEKTISEMKNTS. salem: baths. H. DIAMOND, Proprietor. Com St., bet. Ferry and State. s HAVING, HAIR CUTTING AND OUuJUl"JUiUK llCiHJ uuiitrt LADD k BUSH, B A N K K R S ! Salem, - Oregon. mRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING X business In all Its branches. WEST BROTHERS' MEAT MARKET, 300, Commercial St., Salem. CHOICE STEAKS A OTHER MEATS constantly on hand, and delivered to any part of the city at lowest Ing rates. Please give us your patronage. CITY MEAT MARKET D. C. Howard, Proprietor. STATE STREET, SALEM, OREGON. tfJ-All kinds of fresh and cured meats always on hand. Full weight and a'squura deal all around. The SALEM MARKET 93 COURT STREET. Constantly on hand the best quality of Fresh and Salt M ! And all kinds of S AUS AGE. S-The CLEANEST kept market m the city. Call and see for yourself. McCROW WILLARD. s! 43-Go to J. O'Donuld'ti shop on High St., between Court and State, Salem, and get one of J. M. Coulter's patent Improved LADDERS. Lightest ladder made In Oregon. Kelly's Old Stand ! ! HAVING PURCHASED THE HLACK' smith shop known as Kelly's Old Stand, I will hereafter be prepared to do all kinds of In the best style known to the trade at short notice. The bett of workmen em ployed, and all work guaranteed to give satisfaction. Horseshoeing a Specialty! i. J. JARNIGAN, Kelly's Old Stand, Salem, Or. H. W. COX, lias constantly ou hand n well selected stock of Bcericke & Schreck's ! H innnii UK A NEVTI.Y PRINTED OUIIJB TO UK HAD UPON APPLICATION. The B. fc S. PREPARATIONS Are the Purest and Het. H. W. COX It the 'only authorized agent. jr-Call for the B. A a Homeopathic Pre parcUoa and accept no otbr Afiei Ill T luumiyj NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THE.'. BEST Woven Wire Bed I ON THIS COAST! Is Manufactured by GEO. M. PARKER, 1SI Fifth Strejjt, Portland. Or. t For wile by A. T. YEATON, ' SALEM", OREGON. STRICKLER BRO. -DK.VI.KKS IJJ- STOVES AND TINWARE I Roofing and Spouting a Specialty. 3-AtJthe old stand of lien. Strang, Com mercial Street. M. M. MEAIl, PRACTICAL CUTLER Filing Saws a Specialty. Shop on the alley, opposite Mlnto's LIv cry Stable, Salem, Or. M JUST RECEIVED, A NEW STOCK . OF NEW STYLES IN WALL PAPER! A FULL STOCK OK Fancy Goods, Moldings, Bracks, Picture Frames, Artists' Materials, Etc., ALWAYS ON HAND. W. M. SARGEANT, U07 Commercial Street, Salem, Or. F.J.8ABCOGK, Cabjnet Maker! -AND- UNDERTAKER. FAURAR'S BLOCK, STATE STREET, Salem, Oregon; All kinds of Furniture made to order. A full line of Caskets always on hand. J. J. JENNINGS, D. DS. DENTIST. Teeth Extracjed Without Pain by a .New Process TEETH FILLED WITH THE LATEST improved fillings.- piatow made on short notice, and at rensonablo terms. GoliMHllngs a specialty. '- ' tf9-An"r and all work in the Dental line. Office in Breyman's block over J. M. Rosen berg AC'O'H. . ' ESTAIILISIIKD IN 1879. PACIFIC CIDER, VINEGAR AND Fruit Preserving Co. SALEM, - - OREGON. Manufacturers of Cider Jelly, Currant Jelly, Apple and Pear Butler, Sweet and Champagne Cider, Cider Syrup for Mince Meat, Currant type or a Superior Quality, Tomato Catsup, Plain and German Pickles. PURE CIDER VINEGAR. SAUER KRAUT A FEATURE OF IMS. For Sweet Cider, ieuvo orders at Fac tory Offlce, drop a Postal, or 8ee driver of our deli ery wagon. We keep gallon kegs ank gallon demi johns that are loaned to customers for a term of six days. All orders promptly tilled. O. HTOLTZ, Business Manager. i Oregon Peach Bitteirs About eighteen years ago I received a hurt In my back from a pile of lumber falling on me, and ever since had been troubled with weak kidneys more or less; and the last year very mueh. Through the recommendation of Henry Keene, I bought a bottle of If. Klas's Oregon IVaoh Bitters and before I had taken half (he bottle I found a great relief from it. f believe It to te a splendid remedy for the kidneys, and heartily recommend It for the same. J. If. rORTKU; Aumsvllle, January 12, !. TI VARIETY NEW ADVERTISKMKNTS. MISS JULIA L. CHAtyBERLlN, TEACHER OK Voice Culture, Piano & Harmony Music Parlers: 'MUTfltX Bank lock, SALEM, --- - OREGON. KSTABI.ISHKD BY NATIONAL AUTHOHITY, HI T J ;a nttuumuua OF- SALEM, - - - OREGON. Capital Paid up," - - - - $75,000 Surplus, .---.- 9,500 R. S. WALLACE, . - President. , Vice-President. .TH. ALBERTO .. - Cnshler. !' ' DIRECTORS! W.T.Gray, ' AV. W.Martin, J. M. Martin, R. S. Wallace, , J". H. Albert, T. McF. Patton. IvONS MAqE To farmers on wheat and other market able produccj'oonslgned or In store, either In private granaries or st in privaio grnn ipubllo warehous State and County Warrants Bought at Par. COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted at reasonable rates. Drafts drawn direct ou New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Portland, London, Paris, Berlin, Hong Kong and Calcutta. H. W. COX, (Successor to The Port Drug Co.) 100 State Street, Salem, Oregon. ,. A-ZZ'&i - ' Drugs and Medicines CHEMICALS k PATENT MEDICINES Toilet Articles, Perfumeries, Druggist Sundries. Physicians Prescriptions and Family pecipes a Specialty. AGENCY KOH THE CELEIHIATED FULL HAVANA KILLEH Red Letter 5c. Cigar. 45Tlio best fle cent cigar In the mar ket II. W. COX, 100 State Street. Salem. Steiner& Blosser -DKAI.KKS IN- STOVES, RANGES, Tin and Copper Ware, HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS. 130, Sttr Strtct, SALEIVI, - - OREGON. 3Agenti for the Iloynton' furnace. A ijpeclaltS' made of rooting and xpouting. Hutlsfactlon guaranteed. A. E. STRANG, No. :! Qommerciul Ktrtft, SALKM, OREGON. -nr.Ai.Kit in- STOVES and RANGES Plumbing, Gas and Steam Fitting. Tinware and Artistic Metal Work a Specialty. -AaJt for the mcHAlUMM. fc OYJ"TO?r COMl'ANVH Kurnaew. tt tablMhed In i. T ho Capital NationalBjjnlf LATEST DISPATCHES. News from all Parts of the Worltf. THE SANTA KB 8TK1KB ENDKl). No linusnal ISlorkade of Freight DeldyeKl Mfcils Forward. El l'A!o. March 20. Trains are running aslisual to-day. Tho stop pajro did 'mot last lone cuoucrh to produce any unusual blockade of freight. Mexican freight goes promptly forward i all delayed mail has been forwarded. Atlantic and Pacific ritiike. NKEDLE.(Cal.), March 20. The strike on the Atlantic and Puciilc ended at 1 o'clock this morning and all trains arc moving on time. All Trains Molng. Los Anoelks, March 20. All trains on the Santa Fc system start ed, out on time this morning and are running as usual. Trains in San Diego county are also running on time. Murdered. Tor Their Gold. Phoenix, (Arizona) March 20 News has just reached hero that Cy rus Grabble, superintendent of the Ventura mine, and a young man named Johnson, were killed while on their way to tlds place with bar bullion valued at seven thousand " --. . demurs. Snon-Joke In Arizona. Holbkook (Ari.), Mar. 20. The severest snow storm of the season Is mgiuT here to-day. Cannot Accomplltih Anything. Winnepeg, Mar. iiO. A telegram from lremier Green way says ho will leave for homo to-day, having accomplished nothing. The govern ment kept putting him oil" from day to-day under promise of conferring with the Canadian Pacific, until he concluded the government was humbugging him with a view to gain time. The Slugger 1'unUlied. Senelis (Franco), March 20 Sullivan and Mitchell were sentenc ed yesterday each to six months im prisonment and $10 line for prize lighting. Neither man was present. They cannot enter Franco for one year without danger of being ar rested. Small-iiox In ltrookl.ui. New YoiiK, March 20. Small pox has again broken out in Brook lyn. Seven cases were reported yes terday. Defaulting Deniocrutlo Treaxurur. ' 1 ". .' ' Frankkoht, (Ky.) Mar. 20-Gov-ernor Buckuer thin morning hup peuded Treasurer of State James W. Tate, charged with being u defaulter in his offlce, and who Is said to have lied. Ho has leon state treasurer for 25 years. It is thought tlieshortage will amount to about one hundred thousand dollars. Morn Hlorum Hack Kant, Hastinub fNeb.), Mareli 20.' The second relay of the severest snow and wind storm of the year Is pre vailing hero. Will 1 Caahlered. Pamh, March 20. It is roiMtrtetl to-day that the government will cashier General Houlangor. Still Snowing In Oeniiuiij. Uhjilin, March 20. Tho snow storm still prevails In central Ger many. There Is a complete sus pension of highway tralllo and In many district the railways are snow bound. CAM, FOB BKrnBMCAS CONVKXTIO!. A republican convention for tho state of Oregon Is called to meet at the city of Portland, Oregon, on Wednesday, tho 11th day of April, A. D. 1883, at 11 o'clock a. in., for the purpose of nominating can didates for the following ofllcers, to-wlt. Representative in congress, three presidential electors, supremo judge and district ameers, and to select six delegates to attend tho national republican convention, and to transact such other business as may properly come before tho convention. The convention will consist of 209 delegates, apportion ed among the several counties as follews: Del. Del. Itakor . ... 5 lAko 2 licnton 7 I,aue ............... 1Q Clackamas 9 Linn 10 Clatsop ..... 7 Malheur . .. 1! Columbia Marlon It Coos 7 Morrow 5 Crook it Multnomah : Curry .1 Polk lkuiglas 0 Tillamook It Ollllnm 6 Umntllliu. 10 Orant.' 0 Union 8 JackKon 7 Wallowa 4 Jowphluei 4 Wnsco 0 Klamath 3 Washington .... 8 Vamhlir 9 Total 209 The same being one delegate at large from each, county and ono delegate for every 150 voters and one for every fraction over one-half thereof, cast for Hon. Dinger Her mann, congressman, at the last general election. The committee recommend that tle primaries be held, March 31, 1888, and tho county conventions April 4, 1888, unless otherwise ordered by the county central committee. Republican electors and voters of the state, without regard to past political amllatlons, who believe in tlu1 American principle of protect ive tarlir and diirnifvintr American labor, giving freo, popular educa tion to the masses of the people, effectually protecting all human rights In every section of our com mon country, and who desiro to promote Iricntuy reeling anu per manent harmony throughout the state by maintaining a government riltidged td these objects and prin cipled, aro cordially Invited to unito in selecting delegates to the repub lican state convention. Respect fully submitted. Joseph Simon, Chairman. I.ETTKR LIST. Following Is the list of letters re maining In the postofilee, at Salem, Oregon, March 21, 1888. Parties call ing for them will please say "ad vertised:" All letters published as non-do- livered will bo charged with one cent In addition to the regular postage. Andre, Edwin AudcrNon. Mrs K Hallcy,M Iks' Ida Hennntt, Vurt Coshow, Hubert O Denny, MIssAllle Auduion, E K liaab, .IiicoIj Ilerry.J I.-'-' P Elmore. Sam'l parens, .inn Fcllar, John It l.'niitlipriimn. Iln leel Ford. Frank (laugh, !; (larttijod, Mrs Hell lloiifdlnv. A 1' till I nijiiuj .MIR ili-initii, .iwii.i llnudghlon, David IjiHkln, K Lincoln, Lottie 'i Leathers, P Murphy, W L Moj or, Jiwenli Orsham, V i' Pady, Ida Py hum. Charley Hi't'd,MItS Motile ItobliiMin, (Jeo Htaullcf, David HaiiijiHon, L P Hteele, Mrs lllll Teller, U V Thornton, John K Waldou, Mrs Mary While..! M Hemingway, J Isaacs, Engune-rii IjirkliiH, MrsMnry Leathers, Miss K Miller, Miss M Morgan, Harry McHeynolds.BP Page, Wesley rraycr, airs Hlclmrds, W W llentschler. Nlles Htnnley. Jitines Htniln,.! H Hlmpson, Ada 11 Klnirmvalcl. (ieo. Thornton, Mary inxgau, i u west ley, .Mrs r t. Williams, Llnwood W. II. ODELL, P. M. Callfomla I'atU Cuir. The only guaranteed cure for catarrh, cold In tho head, hay fever, rose cold, catarrhal deafneHsand sore eyes. Restore tne sense oi taste anu unpleasant breath, resulting from catarrh. Kasy and pleasant to ute. Follow directions and a cure Is war ranted, by all druggists. Send for circular to AIMETINK MEDICAL COMPANY, Orovilio. Cal. Six months' treatment for 1; sent by mall, 5.1.10. For sale by D. W. Matthews & Co., 100 State street, lllt'lll. Now Ik thr rlnir. Now that the iMilltical wimpalgn is approaching it Is seasonable time ti HuiHcrll)e for tlie Capital Jouhnal. It will contain full rejKirts of all iolitlcal conventions, meetings and elections, inula cordial discussion of the questions at issue, ami will Ihj delivered anywhere In tho city fr Ifi cunts per week, or will bo sent by mull fdr frB jxir year. Leave orders ut tills otllce or with the route agent. miiT linn i i tn The Supreme Court Sustains Bell's Telephone. BIiAINK COMING- 1I0MK IN JUNK. Will not Participate Personally in the Presidential Campaign. London, March 19. James G. Blaipo writes from Italy that he will visit London in May and will reach Now York about the first of July. Howlll not takq jwrsonal part In tho coining presidential can vass and his return homo has no political significance. The ItoU Telephone Gets a Decision. Washington, March 10. In con sidering tho question of tho alleged anticipation of Bell's Invention of tho telephone by Reis, i Germany, the U. 8. Supreme Court held thto morning thqt Reis only diseovorod the moans of transmitting musical notes, nothing further. PACIFIC COAST. The Salem roto(lce. Washington, March 10. Sena tor Stanford to-day, from tho Com mittee on Public Buildings and grounds, reported favorably the bill for the construction of a public building at Salem, Oregon. Tho amount appropriated Is reduced from $100,000 to $76,000. A Kleh Strike. Spokane Falls, March 10. Es ler syndlcato, of Helena, to-day paid $7),000 to secure Goldschmlt & Bar Iter's interest in the Emma and Last Chance mines in the Tiger district, Coaur d'Aenecouutry,in which a big strike has just been made. The Tiger is owned by S. P. Gulden, of St. Puul, and Is veiy rich. De velopment will le niado by am ple machinery with all possible dis patch. Murderers Sentenced. Colusa, March 10. In the superior court this morning Mart Dixon, the murderer of William Hopkins at Grand Island, receiving a life sentence, and David C. Pear son, the murderer of William Sex ton near Little Stony, received a sentence of twenty-llvo years. TKIiKOKAI'IlIC SUMMAItY. A Dublin iHiiier asserts that Mit chell lias challenged Sullivan to tight In a 10-foot ring for 1,000. Jas. J. Watt has been appointed jKistmastcr at Scappoose, Columbia county, Oregon, 111 place of Win. West, resigned. Pensions have been granted to Jas per Jennings, Salem; James Douglas Dayton, W. T.: Frauds H. Harris, ortTownsend, W. T. A motion to strike wool front tho free list in the proposed turlH' bill was defeated yesterday ill the ways md means committee by a strict arty vote. Tho IT. 8. Supreme Court lias de clared invalid tho section of the Iowa prohibitory law which prohibits rail road companies from bringing liquor Into that state. The Central railroad of Iowa closed down on all Its freight business yes terday ami discharged tho employes, tho business being crippled by tin boycott of tho "(J" road. Elbamon Hats, at the corner or Klghty-slxth street and Madison ivenue, New York, was burned yo erdav. Mrs. Francos Westland wan killed by Jumping from a window. ,A German named Swelghart, crazed by Jeulously of ills divorced wife, at Denver, Colorado, yesterday shot at her several times without effect, thou shot and killed a man named Krelnar, whom hosuspuctwl of impro(Hr relation with her and then shot liim-k'lf. Nli lfiLKUUAMS. il