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A JS.'. A" '&, LOCAL AND - MM M ciibbciic rnrFT ' -aHM i aui nwi"' -..--. a i Tfaaaa - -.' -.-- MlUb l Itwizri 1 ef Pii is fit) ad I'mlt). PRATH 1'MIER TK VIIKKIA A Foruifr SiUrrton Man Killed till- UlffflpliiiR to Croi lictHffn Can at AIMna. IIIHIl from Mr. WIIIImiii I)M'rt, of AlMim, wtowiwvWlliiKfrk,I,Riii1ri'lMtlvi-H t rttvcrloti, I-t evwilni; rm-lwd llii'Htd Information tlwt liurlni-tHinl liftri rwl HUiliIi-n mik! tfrrlliU' Iulh liy Mil run oit liy frfijelit ral" t AlMllH. DcxTt, wlio N HrixMitiT liy trwlc, mhiIciI from Ills limne I" Albltm for Portland to ilo wine work. An ho nwmd the ferry lie lird tin- ft-rry lt wliitk'Hiid lie ftnrtcd to run to cwtfli It. At thin moment a freight train hi seed In Mwecii him anil the ferry -ll hiiiI bliM'kwl hit A fellow workman who uuiultli lilm limn- MKt-d to JuniiU'tw'ii tuomritiid landed hafely on the other hide. Desert filmed the Iron liuliler on the Mile of one of the earn ami mmhik himself arouuil ux)ii the liimi'n. The tniln wiim still moving, and, while Dew-rt kish1 for a mtoihI to Mtwily himself prewnitory to iimi llIK to the Krouuil on the other side of the truck, h Midden jerk of the wrx tlin-w him oil his feel anil he fell on hi- lfk ami ncek miller the whivN Ih-Iom, wlileh ietl over Ills htwd, ami Ixfore the train could U Moh'I hit brahiH iw wnltered nIouk the track for a dlhtanei of fll feet, iiiHkliiiCHKliaitly trail. IWtI'h head and face w en eriished Into an uiireetiflulwdile iiihmh. lie witn hImi tliJtinKl hImmiI the ImmI.n. I liver I had h Ihix of (ooli In 111 hand at the llnu', which were run over and Iiesort wat raised In Sll- vertmi and hi uvii!k tlll reside tlieie. lie l cKikeii of by jmlile in Suleiii w ho knew him well, a an Imliifihotin ami eiu-rxetle ymniKi iimn ami h good fellow . j An liupieM will Ih held over IiIm tvtiMlim to-daj and tln'y will bo bntuxht to Sllverton for Interment to-morrow. WAMS HIS PRISONER. Thf Shfriff of Clarke Conntj. W. T.. fltr Requisition I'apr. S N. Secret, -hcriii 01 imw iwu'ntv, V. T., arrived here Monday night with requisition jwi-erH from f5ov. Semt.le, of Washington Terri tory, fortlie cu-tody of John Haine, w ho w ah under arre-t at Pendleton. Hani-, It will Ih- remcmUTed, in the u who i-mwjiwI wniie montliH ago n the Clarke eminty Jail at Van couver, W.T., when lieWHHWiniiiiwi awaiting trial for an u-ault uinm the jH'ixm of a young lady nhool tiwher, mr that city. I le managed to Ket aen- Hie rier Into On-gon ami went to Pendleton, where lie whh taken down with the mea-le and for a time It w thought that he would die. In hi" delirium he fjwke of having menu ai Vancouver, and his phylclan wrote to the ot-iiiiittor there iLk. lug him to Inform Haim-t' folk-x of hit condition. The ixmt-inahtor gae thin information to the authorltlee, w ho telegraiihed the city marshal to watch HaineK, and in w f his rccouTing to arnt him. Last week ho U"eame eonvaleM'eiit and uuMiirnxteil. The sheri II' left here yixterday morning for Pendleton, with u warrant ofnrn-t attached to hN remiMtion iniihtk, and by this time .Mr. John Haines Ih nrobably on his way back to the Vancouver lull. -. IUIIrU Work. The Oicironlan wiys: I tail road Contmetor ('. W. Hunt n-turnwl yesterday from a btislm. trip to SetUtle. He my that the ten miles oflhe Seattle, I.ako Shore t Ijis lerii't. line, iK'gliinlngiil a line forty miles east ifS4-ttle for which lie has the contract, Isiuiirlyall graded, wrt of the piling has Uvn driven and lumber l U'ing cut for the tn- tle. lie exjKH'ts to complete his coutmet In fifty or flxty days. Mr, HuiitNtys track has Ihcii laid on the Seattle, I jike Short A Eastern to the eiiniHmy's ctwl mines, forty inllixeHst of Seattle, ami irepara tlons im Mug made to t-lilp cool. MV. Hunt Is shipping all hl Oregon Pacllle plant to Wnllwln for ih' on the t)re)pin t Wasliinglou Terrltorj rimd, on which favorHble progress has UtMi made. Iland concert to-night, lee cream at A. Strong & Co'. Fresh oysters nt A. Strong &.CV-. i HerlK-rt Wilson is reportel a quite ill. Al. P. C'hurcbell, of Eugene is in the city. S. A. Clarke has returned to Portland. Hev. S. P. Wib-on, of Eugene, I in the city. Lewis Pettyjohn ha returned from California. Sts-ond Hegiiuetit Band eoneert at the tijK'ra Iioum; to-nigm .Ai.EM, March 21, 1888. W. B. Walker, nppellant, vs. IxuLs GolcLmith, et al. respondent.". This is an appeal from the decree r ri,o circuit court from Multnomah county, in the mutter of taxation of co-ts in a suit for partition oi mc eri-t half of the Balch donation land claim. Tiie appellant who was the plaintitr below tiled his cost bill which included an item of $2.59.00. The decree of the court below iliviillowiiiL' said item is reversed and the same is allowed and ordered For Booh. Stationery & Fancy fads ! GO TO Soda water, milk tdiake and lem- to be taxed as disbursement in iu onade at A. Mrong & C9 s. cjiu-e; opinion by Strahan, J. Frank McClure, of, is, (jeo. Aiuslie fc Co. appellant, vs. now druggist at the asylum. Bertha Kohn, respondent and Two little daughters of Hon. W. ThomD.OI. DeHart kCo. appellants Holnu. are down with the ,.-. fj Bppall J,' Mult. 'Mrs Frank Baker, who has been noniah county; argued and ub verv i-erloasly ill for sometime, Is mltted. NichoLs & Deady atty's for convaleM'ii g". Ainslie ik Co., Emmons & Emmons Hev. Filler J. S. lilte is auenu-, aU ,b for Thompson, DeHart & Co. ingthpiUerjubik-e of Archbishops , Mallorj. & SImon iim in Portland. ' , After the lxin.1 coiKt-rt take your , atty' for Bertha Kohn. ,U',y "'...nn.S'8 Wlf.r.1. tor. cream and oysters. " Ernest Webb, miii of Elder J. W. Anybody can catcli a cold thi Webb, who has tieen (pilte ill with kind of weather. The trouble is to lung fever, is getting better. let go nkethe man who caught the John West's little daughter w ho We nilvjfce our reaiiers to pur- wstraIKSr,",,, 'hzi D- :rthcwLti,Coof Matt Small, after quite siege of 106 State street, Salem, a bo tie of V. S. grand jurv duty, returnwl to SANTA ABIE, the California Sllverton from Portland to-day. King of Consumption, Asthma, Henry Ankeny, who went to I Bronchitis, Coughs and Croup Stiuthern Oregon some three weeks,, j k it handy. "Its 'train n'tUr U ,1,0n,,,,g,,'pl.luB to the taste and death to Tin". Iurirct audience that has a-1 the above complaints. Sold at $1.00 M.inlilctl in theOncru House for sev-1 liottle or 3 for W.oO. CALI- enil years will greet the band boysj poHXIA CAT-K-CUHE gives im lo'"i,1, , , mediate relief. The Catarrhal virus Mrs. Hev. Newel ' fV ,s MK)11 displaced by if, healing and from attendance on the Woman s . ., . ,-. i. .. 1 Missionary meeting of the Presby- penetrating nature. Give it a trial, terian church in Portland. Six months treatment $1.00, sent by McF. Patton 98, STATE STREET. ASK TO BE SHOWN : . BOn,-,,nsEnv PLAIN AND FANCY. ASHTO& GAL CAP PLAIN' AND NUMBERED. TYPE WRITERS MATERIAL. ACME WRITING AND SCHOOL TABLETS. FABER'S PENCILS AND PEN- LE- llntn! fc) Mr Oomeor. I luvornor Pennoyor has made the follow lug apMilutmunts simv our IiMit report. Commissioners for()a- t'tklMU SUl r !);. ICldcr.l. W. Webtt retunied hume l4MUy friMii PortUmd, whtm he had tn-cll Mtlelldlllir the .Multnomah tswnty inhibition Mluwrk andjI", l-'lerick A. ftrmmrin w llli the tate executive rlml "Utt'l. New tsuniiilltee the rmlixand ilatw for j N'l",r. Clnelimttl, Ohio. Notaries rfc.( i eiiitu- M. John hihI Walter ' " ' I lohiii. Warm Springs Ageu T. MI1U. He rejiorlti that iwtht''.V w- t.'illlland. Portlan.l vult if thlsetHiR'rtiiuti tlio ndlou. Jhn It. Wheal, Portland; Waliaiv State Treasurer U. W. Webb and wife left this morning for their old home, Pendleton, where they will remain alxuit three weeks. Secretary of State Geo. W. Mc Brlde is e)eetcd home from Cali fornia in alhiut eight dajs. His health is greatly improved. Mls Delia Brey, who has Ik-cii a contlrmtsl invalid and -ullerer for nianv years, ih reiMirieu as ueing considerably lower than ever before, j Alfred (iobalet, the surveyor, has returned from California, where he went to locate last month. The country did not suit him and he is glad to get back to Mucin. Elder J. W. Webb, returned from Portland on the morning train, and will gotosccralKiuts in Iuie ami IJ1111 counties, attending the county convention at Eugene on Friday. Mr. Fred. Masher, of Silverton, has been down very low with lier Burnham, 1H' complaint for sum' time, and at last York Gabriel accounts whs unaiiie 10 uirn niin- uue mail $1.10. doiii! lfraihr' Litriait Trof;raranie. On next Saturday evening at 7:30 o'clock, the following programme w ill be rendered at the regular meet ing of the .Good Templars' Lodge, and all members are requested to be present: Speech, Bro. Frank Davey; solo, "Some Day I'll Wander Back Again," Bro. Boyer; reading, Bro. Baker; instrumental duet, Bros. Bar tel and Ainistrong; recitation, Bro. Buyer; quartette, "The Old Home Aint What it Used to Was;" speech. N. It. Gaylord ; es-siy, Mrs. M. J. Mcl'lier-on. TATIT.KTS HOLDERS. RUBBER BANDS Aisu ERASERS. SPENCERIAN COMPASS PENCILS, ONLY TO BE SEEN TO BE AP PRECIATED. McGILL'S STAPLE PRESSES AND STAPLE BINDERS. Tissue Paper of all Shades, and Materials for Paper Flowers. M VBIE TODD'S DIAMOND POINTED GOLD PENS-ALL WAR RANTED. VIRTS FOUNTAIN PENS-BEST IN THE MARKET. CAMBRIDGE BIBLES, CHEAPER AND BETTER THAN THE OXFORD. BROOKS' NORMAL TEACHER. PAGE ON TEACHING. TRACY'S TEACH ERS' RECORD. NORMAL QUESTION BOOK. Roberts' Rules of Order. Sf'tHTlVKU T.OR BOOK. GILLCHRIST'S .MA V&L. Ui 1XS- FANTRY OFFICERS, (PRICE $1.00). UPTON'S TACTICS AND REED'S REVISED EDITION, ($0 CENTS. For Fruit Growers : PEAR CULTURE FOR PROFIT, (fcl.00). DOWNING'S REVISED NEW EDITION FRUITS AND FRUIT TREES OF AMER ICA, ($5.00). INSECTS INJURIOUS TO FRUITS, (3). ' THOMAS' AMERICAN FRUIT CULTURIST, PRICE $2. HOP CULTURE NEW AND REVISED EDITION, 40 CENTS. 98, STATE ST. SALEM, OR. OF His recoerv is tit( lUttt were lived fur Marion ciKinty: KvUoxcrnor Mt. John will Hk lieiv on lcniHrmnv, Sunday, April 1Mb, ami on tiie xlltliU ImutwurtbciUiy on MmuUty, Atrit llttli, amlat StUertontMt the 17th. Waiter T. .Mills tlw llttk- KlMiit" ftmi Ohki, will Uher April 4th, at T) p. in. lMng Mt'ivlMry trf tiie lutcnwtnml ('nikRt l'mhtMlloii AkMMtUtMi, Ih will pi4wbly ad tin llrt i4hlenl of the I'nlvcHty ml tMr frtemls mi t p. m. of ilu "hi day. VMUUit.Ut lt.r.fMWw Im eveiilim In i-hhk e.(io ertHtf Moody 'h r-4dcmv uitd KftwmU ihi PMy hill Hk writur self ill U'd doubtful. Catterlin V Hicks, the photogra phers, this afterniMiu took a tine lihotocranh of the Second Itenimcut 1 r . ..A . ... .1 Yale, Misti P. (., Tillamook conn-1 l"l- '1m'1l,,l,,1ulv1' 'T1', f", ,,ulr tttiih, iii lit iiiici iiiiisiitHi ami ty ; It. M. luulMrd, Piirtlaud ; Geti. Noland, Astoria; I.. (I. Ittv, Itke iew , J. E. Aiken. Portland ; (J. F. RilliiiKS Ashland ; J. K. Snow, Dnyvllle ; W. W. Parker. Atori t II J. Halght, Portland ; John I.iml Hy, l tirninle;S. Sherman, TYtlent county ; Win. McKinucll, Pine Valley, Union wmnty. J.uillf ILrffir. Vrili. t nljjht the gang of JummiIK' artistic in even rc-iiect. A gentlemiin, whose name we fallisl ti learn, was struck by the aj HHrHiuv of Salem as he (Nissotl through the city on this morning's train for California, and stopod o er to take a good look at the tow n. Mr. and Mrs. Matthieu were uilfcd to Butte ille Friday aftermxin by a dispatch ctniveying the sorrow- mi iiiteiugeiuH) that tlielr tittle child w as on its Reporter. death bed. Yamhill jtst nlKlit the gang of Jueuile . .. .. ,.. lairxk t.W hae K,u iim.tting &tt WMiS'SS tlviHVtlatkHi oil Mmi along Com- to Portland to assist in the service, iiHelal street fur Mime time, entertsl I eoniuvttsl w itli the Silver Jubilee of Martin A CoxV grocery Mnv b re- ' Archbishop (5 ross The Benelii. imulKHiW.e.rfglfram one of Vn"' """ '"" fr ,,U, the tr windows and carrletl I 1 'v,...,., , ..... . MdrMtUMMNll trv,.. hWI ns Uway Hft cl-nrs eiBHrvtttw . ft- Cl . p. . 1. ? . " ..VJl...- ... ..1.1 ..1 I.. .,. ' . . . --- --- - S...J. ....... F IV ......p, r. t,ri wll imiv mi miiiMmte cwwiiiic Bum. cmiuIv ' Mime ineir ns.itioniv Mord to Tscomi. Mr. A. F. McCIaine, fonnerly of Siherton, who has been cashier of the National Bank of Commerce at Taconia for some months, has moved hi, family to Taconia, where they will reside in future. Among the stockholders of this bank are a nuinlnTof wealthy Oregoulans, who are lene.lttiiig by the more liberal laws in regard to money which pre vail in the territory. bhttMtl, M cmervd w lib Iswuliml ' ett ywltow ttoHit usm OMi the tw Wi tWiltUK. A fUrtlMH- ex MMiHMtkHt of Mr. .Ms' pnotMss HoMltvtl hi hit. llHtl.M M'etl IH.W 4hhU mim! i4ruU. hvfWtiAirr u Know u to Hw H4MN ttf Oft.!, all of clawing nuiii, ami a few im wiuly, keK in clutiih tlwt lutd Uvn kft in the till. Nothing of hIuv whs tMkeii ami at tlHMigh tin- deMfvlatrs are well ktiowit imkIiImh; will W tlone with tHsm. 'llw Uiys will jty tld MfMI)k tmv too often Mhd mn up ill tills cite. Mr. Vierick arrived here vttninv. hU fHinllv liaving stoppetl otf to visit In flnviks, Mnrbn tHintv. AlUny Herald. ... WkK.w.iHlkwl,.tfUirirt Mud aoiiuM Ow Uw if Uwj ikm't ks.k k. r. siii. I Follow in is thepixgram rentier. tsl ktit evening in the grange lwtll ftr tiie U'lterii of the W. R. C: I liis(ruiiKtMl tlnvt, Mlssts Hvhis and SltelttMi; jKHSin eittitltsl "Wihii- an HeUemirps" Mrs A. K. IMii HegUwent ltMitd, j Hre ; rtvltatkm, M rs A. A. TIumii tMrt vmIuk we ; l du, Mr. ainl Mrs. IwMimtHt. to ssttuitMHTu CvUtlUtttM I HUI "W14 ' "' l"i I Jwm MMto : 1 -. MW Lulu iv antumi tlu. MUM,t- ! . JmwI tbe uriuoiil . I wittim. tmi uniH ih Ih lht HMCttultm tntttor ir, rutiWr Uaitt, )Mnus a wry cum, 'fbe tlVtS tttitutlo l4lUtti(w l tsrwttUfUl Nltd' OWt. Yh totfiHttt UNk,Kua MiMty utber pUul J Seil txnteert BollJInc UtK Kor Sale'! Willis & ChamberUn have a few desirable building lots in East Salem for sale on reasonable term. Parties, desiring eligible building sites would do well toexaniinetliem, as only a few such lot are to be had in the city limits. Also, p. lots in North Salem at special bargains. Mrimboit Excnrfioa. The ladies of the Woman's College Association will give, about the middle of April, a two day's steam boat excursion to the Cascade. They propose making this the event of the season, so far as genuine pleasure and enjoyment goes. i..t. rrnjtT. The week of prayer at the W. C. T. lT. rooms, each tlay from 2 till 4 is well attended. Revs. W. Rollins, A. R. Medbury and other pastors will take part on Sunday from 3 till 4 o'ekvk. Everybody invited. L. S. SKIFF & CO. NEXT DOOR TO OPERA HOUSE, SALEM. Vitalized Air Given for the Painless Extraction of Teeth. Cffi-The person awakens from a pleasint dream with the aching teeth gone. Also Gold Crowns Set. GREAT REDUCTION IN- i OnUsUi. By an oversight the names of Rev, J. M. IMok, pastor of the Evangel. Wlehuruh ttf this eitv, and Mrs. T. V. I)HveHrt. of Silverton. w.r. 110 Oi-i Pi 1 tMfnmi the 1U of delegates to ' W Oireei, MMtMekkwnvaiMuttHtbeMiiMiU I01 . PwmM tb uriuciiwl , wl' TWw pkiiU tev nHiitMMi b- Mlv. MVM l," , rtsl lu 1 were )e-tu hUhii tw Mtultt M4 durttm lirr Mtuihrra trip ud ,llrtr tMM,lw te n.l di-' HutttirM ami Afty. AM seewkil to ! tw Pn4iiliitiou State ivuveutkni lltU cMMiy t tile bMMity f t"uahtttlt eveellent wu4e. tWy eqjqy tHMlve-, - tfcrtr rutk if ittrv thru . -n wriwnuHs m, well their wmi tu ttank Uioe who 1 n lestent lm iKMninatwl FINESETS! Set Dickens, 15 Volumes, half Russia, Usual Price 32.50, Oar Price $20.00. Set Ljllon, 26 Set Thackeray, 11 Set Waverly, 12 Set E. P. Roe, 15 Cloth, Gilt top, Half Morocco, Half bloe Calf, Cloth, Set Capt M. Reid, 10 Vols. Cloth, " " Fine Line of Papeterie in 22.50, 32.50, 22.50, 15.00, 23.50. 15.00. 17.50. 18.00. 10.00. Latest Styles, AT- J. BENSON STARR'S. Salem, Oregon. Ml MkU rl4Mi. The hmii who H mMea IMmu vl Iwviim nfcmhux bunkrt.. tniMMtuw alMM thr )rvtr rMhlMMUHil at X. y. v tttt m letmard nvui ,Mtlt PKtetKT. ptHtmtUkUtv. enmiml very favu. "Mwi u. hk. uut4u. mm( euMiiliiM)lM-y ! e, ra Ui tot u KZ --.. iwinimwwi HHtckt Thr OMHJIXAI. H1 lx mtHf IMurihle ryvH than nlXTUvvrii -,-........ iuh pnimM. imw mi Nask and I mm m . cuiv tot okt lUr.mMMbto of sJlMthMI 11 Ha. "sK brother M. StvksUer. of IntiUtu. cuwmwsMHter trf the general land , Hv, utt TJx J. AiMlersoa, of VKI vn v "","- " eiNnuii-tMiter. Ill i wax M smvs hurue. HH baud,, nj , -vK. thr aullttthll. telHtiKlu W4M eiiuM4n vh.nW m0- kui ,H'oto. Will oUKvly IM rtB.l ute.v to .xmtt.1 wul "". veUi al Aluaaj, ,T " Hk A for tW M-iM Urn. - TMrly u. v iralttk. KIU I N A L A Kl KTI X K Ol XT. . 1-- W-U-w HaWin. ii. k. MKNT SuM b a W. Matik. ir mtmmmt r taa tlMnk tW iVrO .wmImm Ami ,w K" bsa-k mall M,-, virr) r uw mw Umtmke kw u. iak. -k -.l S.. . - . s. ill Vs I i Just Arrived ! TIE HSEST USE OF IjCapital Lumbering Company! Even' MANVFACTTKERS OK AND DBAI.BKS IN Variety of Oregon Lumber, Dressed and HnHrDcon AHIIuierrand Purr tioodsl v ,., ' " - ever in-Salem. -(Shingles, Laths, Pickets, Fence Posts, tlwUto- . in! K BOXES, Etc. cak. cuLmtr. 'SALEM OREGON.