w -", "lffln T lfTWT in'"" '1, A f BVBXISO CAPITAL JOUKNAIi rt'HMMHI' - EVERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY. MY THK Capital Jwfwl PuMWiing Company. f IJKWMWtHATBM'l , Hi Cwrt HwMjiti M Wl TBKMB OK HUB-CKIITIU?. lltfLT) oeymr, imii y 1'SrwwS .leMeml by awrter IWJWKWJ w oiMiytw - - no. Ttiiw month M,Mtmnt',r mr nttlhmlieJ Ui rr UlMTlrtlU. AdvrtfMiMC ft no appl'""0 " Wll.l. II. IMHIIV. S'HliHer. -Bmit1 Mt the Hutom fttM hwiHMl-tilMM mutter. TJIIJIWIUY, MA1KMI 22, 18W. ANWM,m..NT8. lU-tmbllwn l'riiiwri-MHrrli3L wIIImii I'otmty (VHiventkHi-Mar. AuhhmI lion Hlmw-Mitrch HI. WllhnnHK1 MiMiwl KiKHfly (inrt Aprlll. KU'IIH.ICIN KH'NTI 10W.IIO IC.ir Murlnli COtllllV Mill Ih! llt'ld ! lit the ojM-nt houw in Halcin on Tliurwliiy, Mareh lth, hW, at M o'dm-k ii. in. for the iurK-o of iillHitlllK 11 doIi'KiiteH to the Mate convention to I hi huld in I'ortliiinl tho 11th day of April 1SKS, miiiI lo noinlliiite ile eandldalOH for the UwlHlalure, eonnty elcrk, hherill, rwordi'r, trewHiirer, nehool Mierlii- tondent,twoi,iiiiiiilwtloiii'rM,ii'fir, MiirveyorHiidiniiior.aniltolnuiwiPl any other hiixlnuwt tlmt may prop erly eoniu before llio convention. Primaries will le held on Hiiturday, Mari'h'illh. AHIlHTION'JIBST. The M-veral jirwliii'tn are untitled to the followhiK number of deli-KiilM: HhIiii 15 Unwell I'mlrlc ... il W HhIkiii .. W HIKitIoii II JNVIIiMhIoiii (iHrllt'til 2 H.hiIIHm1iiii .. 11 Alilntm A JwltHrwia . 7 IiliMi fl Mirim i (ivnnlit A SIhIuiiiIh .1 Wmwlltiirn U Il4n4 . .1 MuMwril I KIhJ'Uhi . A AuniiH .1 HiilfllHilly IliilUnlllc 2 WiMorili . A CIimiiii 2 irtier u HI. 1'miiI I rnrilfM u Tumi liw D.VVIH KlMl'KOS, Clir'ii. Co. Cell. Com 1 1ll! WAV IT LOOKS AIIIIOAII A rvprtfrdiittillvu of theC.MMT.M. Joiminai, not longKliicit had an Inter iwtlug talk W a ut tiMkil, well traveled and keenly ilservlng gen tleiimn, who has k'i( a Hirtlon of hU lime hi AuMrullii, Ne ealmid and tin- other Ocetiule eoloulcr, and tlieeonveoallon Is'chmIiik Hlltieal, h lwd wiiue ei.v lu(enhtliiK thmiKhlH whleh wore mikh(IcI hy hl .s'rienio hiiioiik (lie ailtlHHiw. HowmhIii Aiislralia in l.vil, when thoeynofilie wmiI grow ew of tlmt WMliitO were overly tuiniil on tlie Ultllwl Hlati, Hiixloiwly walehlng ftH the vory nwilt whleli tlie deuiu--lie niidorlty In cmigrem u now IOHg to hriim slKMll-ftiv trade III wihiL I4il.i Hint .Mr Hlr Jlenry IVrkio.MvortliD klm'wde.1, HbliJt iimm In AujitrHllH, made h trip to this MWMtry looitUln the drift of Hibllc ltUtlbU Ml( maj,! M fHr HM latUflKfofHinlMUinrH frw trade jHttrj. lie r'(urliil Ikhih h tJmrt urn rltir to the iihiIihim! etiuveu UtMi. mid rtmsl the (ssiple theiv tlmt better lluu. were oihuIdk for tWwHi; (Imi liw fhe trade oUmiwii! WM tkmillMUt III Hie ditloeratle purtx mmI Uint m elnuiK of aduiint- tmtlMI WN IIMUV tlMII Mm4h1iU'. tVvvbiiid'n llollllllMtioti folUiw tsl, wd Ibe r'J.4eiim in Au.iralU wh ftf HMMV Clltlllta4tie thnii It wm In mMklt. Hlr lenr lnrkw pruphwv ..f ehKim- wwk fwlrtlksl, CWwUml WM kIm(v1 himI liw mtft tlf tlHMi DtlltMlWt w w tkll II tiwtrju.v. upnirt.K-litbWr.Wltnht. Now liw hour IumI nnm w tttn (Mr HtKll, HllMl U (tXIWII Ml IUMX HuhiIimI , oould le thntn a uptm Um UMrkHi. iif Utf l'ultd sm,w i I ftw cuiiiHttUMi with that if ouri'" ,H,r frw'1 m""- 'llwlV tho WHnmulfj-.Mttllh) Hnuhtmiiii,(tu,l,irMU,ltllMkti lrty Uw ! lich hrvt Mm. iluuik iiIimw, 1 1"M,,,J,M HH'1 '' lb- luvrwhr Ixvit iUiMaiitnl ' ' M It will Mill to miovm wt MmHIk- v lit tw a. Umui M tiJ Nrt"'Wr AMMicn aknt mWr utm mm Uuit vtbkb kkW hU ttiwd U bttthiHt. TV mm vNitWnuiu iuMri! ttei ti liiKir thai m iwolw i MMrUMallMiKvikiWIteMMwsi mm 4 WMkautn. m wU Httidtkmwmtima wMVtf,l tsntftti.trrtHi b Kr frhuv Mtd rS 1JriUah ,, ! liome I empire- and in her colonic, win Hpenri inlllloiwof dollars If necwwiry to t-wHire CIcvflHiid'n rc-t'leetlon nd tin- entabllfliHiuiit of free trade; and I wo mn very naturally cxjx;cit it, after the exprewlom or ,uie it-iis"" urn. UIKHI the Iwtuancu 01 t;icvi- IhihI'h nif-K t the present Con- rew. Fanner of Oregon, do you want an adiniHlwlratlon In control of our ailklns whoe xroat aim i- to build up the lndiitrlw of other oountrW-. at the exiKiiiMJ of our own? That U tiw noliey of the demoeratie jinny of tolay, ol-f 11 vmM ml '' M heartily einlorhed hy the foreign emintric that dwlru to compote with you In our marketn. "When your iicIkIiIkx'm hoiw U on lire, Uike care or your own," has lonjr Ik-oii reo oiiled as a Kod maxim, and It aj pllc to ii whole iKiipk- ax well as to Individuals. Do not be misled hy the hophlstrlw of the free-trader. You w ill have to raise the revenues necetwiry for the expenw of the country In home way, and it is far iH'tter ti obtain it by way of protect In our IndiistrieH, than it in to cripple them, and then ) compelled to uo down in your pocketH for tlie nocoH-ary fund to keep the wheels of Kovernment running. l.irrTIIK I'lIIII.IC KNOW. As the time drawn near for the holding of the republican primaries It behooves tlie voters to obtain the run af the "slates" made up, m as to vole Intelligently anil make every vole tell. It Is the duty of tlie party leaders, nlM, w ho llgure in making up tlioie slates to make them know u so that the general public will have no oxcuo for kicking afterwards on account of having had slates ttprmig on them tlie day of the primary which had lieen cut and dried In some back room by a few profession als. .Star chamber pioeeodliigs are contrary to the spirit and genius of republicanism, and every attempt to lead them blindly to the polls is sure to meet ro-oiitinenl from the masses of the party. Any attempt to puck delegations In the Interest of any one candidate should be eliectually siiuelched, and they nhould bo oluwon with a view nolely to the nomination of a whole ticket that will meet the hearty approval of the voters lit the general election. Lot good citlons be M'lit to tlie county convention men who wear uo man's collar, and men who hold the success of tlie party iiImivc tlmt of any Individual member of it. To the end above suggested, the Cvl'ti'AI. Jor UNA I. oilers (lie lice of Its columns (o-moirow evening to publish the tickets (hat are to Ik prcfculcd at the primal Ion next dii, so lluite cry voter In the city may mv them and doliU'rale as to how lie shall vote. Lot everything 1h okii and utovo Ihsinl, and the re sult will Iv far moiv satl-factory than If hroimht hIhhiI by xecret niovoiiionts. .i imiitv or (U'rosiTios. Our democratic neighbor wiys the ropublloHii )wrty hasewludliMl into simply a jwrty of oiHwlllon. Well, theatijiiMof ilwlndllngarc not mtv prtHiilneiitly vMhleat prevent writ hiK, but hs to Mug a wirly of opsv hltlmi, yc; amlaiiilKlitystunly op- ptMttloiidoiiiiHmicy has experienced fnuii it tin' iM thirty ywrs. Yi bretliivii, It Is m mrty of opposition -ippoltloii to IraltiHvi nml toovory tivawumblo feelliiit; oppoitlou to eer, InfriiiKomeutof liutiiHii rights and liuiimn llltertle; oi.itloii to cwry fraiHl n tbelllot U ; opisv sll Un to every dwilv Um to foreign neatly; opp.Mtloii to the Mirren iter of Aiiieriwn liitlii-trlo to tr elifU eiMiiHlltois ; o)Million to all scheiucM tltat wmild ioperi!' our prmlueerm our ImImmvm mihI our tin oluuilo ; o(nUifti, in Hik, i cwry iliH-lriiio ivf tleiniHfHoy that l cak'H- ta,wl l" lwt Uw -' lrtHHi4 CUI. liHVNT J'i. W Ith rvfrlVIHV Ui Dm uit of (fen. lUdtvau Air iwvW-v upit Oram's tiHMtiotra, that lUdMUl Wi4hiii1v nil iitiminii-iiilii .-. .',?;. C W. KMirw.v. HMilMaw.i to Um j-ubtbtrtoaM ax vahmmMmmt AafcMfa tiiaeaAl liMBnluc (a ran Wl 1UV thk Mk. .1. Ki.i.kn Fo-iTKR, of Davcn jwrt, Iowa, one of the ahlwt lecturer. and temperance workers in the whole nation, my that the third iwrty movement is full of peril to the chum- of u-iiijienincc. Mrs. Foster has been a prominent figure at every jxiint in the temieranee lwttlos of that atatc, and she dow notsieak from whim or speculation when ihe makes the alove a.sMrtioo she know it to be a solid truth. Sam Giliso.v, one Polk count republican who hiw never known defeat, is a prominent candidate for ii.,. uiirli.vnllv of that county. John Bones, of Hallston, who came with in two votes of getting the nomina tion la-U convention, is alo named as a probable candidate. P. F. Clark, of Zena a staunch republican and a warm nupporter of the Capital Joimisai., was in the city to-day. Uo in a close political olwcrvcrnnd when he progntHticato good prosieet of republican micccss in old Polk this year we feel encour aged. - Ik J. 1). Iii:i: lends the republican ticket In Polk county, the success of the entire ticket is doubly assured. Attknii the primaries. NEW TO-DAY. Real Estate Agency I AM AGENT FOR THE SALE OF AU OF THE Uiiiiiltti MiirtKHRo (')iiimn' furnis la Mnrlou nml l'olk munlkw. I hmoon will n kimmI water ixiwit til HiiIimii: also rlty tiroiH'rtt r nil klnil, nmnll plnco near SiiU'in, line fruit ami mirden land or cruln nml (.liK'k fiirniH In (liireront parts or tlie vn Ik'. Mone) to lomi fiwn two to tle j win. mi farm iiutrlenevH. oilWi'inerCiipltiil National Uank,8iilera, (Ireizoii. H. V. MATTHEWS. For Sale. A cooil Iron frame Horse 1'oHcr. Good for nil iimh, fnmi one to full cuimclty. All for tholmt price of fro. cull at the l'nclllc I'lilcr, VlaoKiir A Krult I'rehervlng Com. paiiy's otlUe. Hiilcni, Ori'Kon. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. III tliel'ouiitj Court of tliuMuteuf Oregon, lor Mnrlou Count. In the matter of the cMnto ol Andrew Helii, ilewiisvit. Notice Is hereb) kImmi tlmt I have tiled m) llual iiccount, and that .Mimitin, the Tllula.x of May, lSnS at 10 a. m., hax been M't for hiHirlni; objeelluus to the same. JVI.IA HKI.N, Kwutrl. SOUTH SALEM PRIMARY, The icpubllcaiiii of Hmith Salem l'reelnct will meet In primary eonventlnn at the m'IiihiI Iioiiko In Kuitli Kileiu on Saturda, Mulch 31, ut one o'clock e. M. ll order of . OIIMAUT. 1'reclnct ('oiiiiultteemaii. SALEM PRECINCT PRIMARY. The republican prlmar. for Sulcm pre tlut't will be held at the(lH'ni 1Ioum',ou! .iiHrcn 3i, at one o cioi k r. m. I- i:. I'ltVTT. ('omiulttet'inan. EAST SALEMPRIMARY. The ri'iniblleHii iirlmarliw In KnM Salem preeliutuUlhc held at IlieoldCourt IIoum', on Vtareb 'Jlth at oiu'o'clmk I' M 1!! SIMI'MIN. Coiiiiiilttit'iuaii. .ILLIS i m u Real Estate Agents Hit.vHititd m4 iarni and elt) property. A lunie iiuiiilH'rordwImblefHriUhHUdelty iniHi1 miwotterlnic on miMiitHhle icrms. lire Insurance! W rite pollcln. or lumiruiuv amln.t lire on Mil cUaMfe of vnsrt In tj(ht reliable MMll HCttltll) IVtlpHllleo. B n. Ice rage ! Will neotlte (nun oh vh1 eUtt or per miumI MHurlt oi lni or htuHt tliuw, and for Intov w kNUVll Mllll. G rang is Store ! Salwn ft-Opewtin mikm, of II. HK.VLKHX IS CIkmc GrtKrhu, FrovitavK, Fruits, W Vf taWm, CcvkVw)-, GlasswiN, i4 Land. All Kinds of Produce Bought. JIUIK UTKL. IM. MmI .u, I-l,.. Or ""fir' Just Arrived ! THE IIXIBI LINK OF ! iii p Alillinci1)' Him raocyij EVER IN SALEM. ; jjtJmtiOmtmmi KM umv j CH VK CAXVERT. NinV ADVEKl mffiJBIaSSiaS ni : En Jl w tliwIH Bnl I H ill 'ii 'it . o WtakmaamStmaBSB M"L' J. D. McCtally, IS RECEIVING A FINE LINE OF SPRING CLOTHING!! H JTSr -AND- FURNISHING 4 COMMERCIAL STREET, WM. BROWN & CO. -DEALKK IN- BOO SHlO KJS M CASH PAID FOR Wool, Hides, Pelts and Furs. No. ai Commercial Street, SALKM, OREGON DON'T YOU FORGET IT! THAT T i aim (Willi m At the Opera House Corner, JOT ARE DAILY RECEIVING New Dress Goods, New Prints, New Clothing, New Everything, And arv filing the same at their usual Low Prices. CALL AND SEE US; Bring your Families and Stay Awhile ! ! V Room tor everybody, nnd the mt ohllging olerla In the city. Will take Chickens, Butter and Eggs on Account. S. Friedman, Bcsikbu Manaorr. ggg? I -EW ADVERTISEMENTS. ADVEUT1SEMENTS. Rirst. NatinnaL BanK SALEM, OREGON. . . President. JSMlfevSBEixi - Vlccrreshlent, WM-.NhADUE, JOItN MOIIl, v-a GENERAL BANKING. sWin.i bouKUt and sold. State, County and C lt vnrmnta boueht. Farmers are cordially rnuVedWptim,! transact busing with us. l.ioerai nuiuura """"j;", wheat wool, hops and other property at ki mtm. Tnsnrnnce Oil FUCn e- fSritj : be obtained at the- bank In IllO'sI rXMliilJM WIU1m"' GOODS, ETC. SALEM, OREGON. T S in?!" '4 nfflf H. J. MlNTUOItN S. FAKRAK H. S. Cook C. B. MoonBS President Vlce-I'reaidftnl Secretary Treasurer The Oregon Land tomp ny CAPITAL STOCK, - - - $20,000 AT7-IU. BUY AND SELL ItEAL E8 V tate I" now reaching hundreds of thotiNinds of eastern people by extensively ndertl"lnK m all of the. leading news mS of the United States. Their faclli. ties for finding buyers of real estates are un. excelled It Is to the Interest of those hav lng real estate to sell, to place It where bujen. come to buy. g cQ0Ki H. J. MlNTHOKN, Assistant. Olllce: front room up stairs In the State Insurance Company's building. A of Pconle .. . T-CT.T.TTW ARAM1 The Grocers, and making purchasos from their large stock of goods. In teas and cSffeesyoucan buy a fine article, whUe in sugars you i b" -" i lated, iwwdercd or CRUSHED. We are sure we can please you In price, quality and quantity. Convince yourseu Byleaung a samplo order. early every day A FREIGHT TRAIN Comes steaming into Salem and has more or less goods for us. We keep everything in the groccrv, crockery and glassware line. When the price of any article FALLS We give you the benefit. Our stock Is now complete. We have a room 80 FEET By 23, which is filled nith new goods throughout. Gl e us a call. KELLER & SONS, The Grocers. Evaporated Apples, Evaporated Peaches, Evaporated Nectarines, Evaporated Apricots, Evaporated Pears. Dried Peeled Peaches, Dried Peaches, Dried Apricots, Dried Currants, Dried Apples, Dried Grapes Oregon Petit Prunes, Imported German Prunes, Smyrna Figs, Raisins, Persian Dates, Weller Brothers' 201. Commercial Street. " Live and Let Live Paint Shop. HUNTLY & McFERSON, House, Sign AND General Painters. Kalsominers, Paper Hangers and Decorators. All orders will receive nromnt attention. Kstiiniites on nil kinds f work In our line cheerfully given. Satisfaction guaranteed. nnop in uia court. House on i oun sireei, Palem, Or. COUNTY DEMOCRACY. Primaries,Conventions and Precinct Clubs Tim Mrirlmi Pntir,.- nnmnnpntln ifVntrftl Committee met in Halem, February 11th, lsss, and set the time for holding tho prt nuiricb on jiarcn i.tn, at i ociockp. m and tho county convention on Friday. th 23rd of March, at 10 o'clock,, m., In Balem APPOItTIONaiENT. Thff ftlfrnront nnutlnnl. nHi ....mwl!ti tht I ! , "rll",i..vLiiiii.vu - .uHumuii uumuerux ueiegaiefe; Salem 10 Gorvals - outh Salem.. a Howell Prairie I . I ... i -I North Knlatti 10 r.., ..,..-- ---- .minim Knt Salem n tlartleld. . A.UI3U 7 Hllverton ?,V lul 8 lluttcllle - V odburn 5 C'hamnoeir AmnsMlle 2 Aurora . 11 I ... 1 Sublimity 6 Ijiblsh KtD.Inn m ... --.j.u.. 4 Jieiiaiua ' Turner 6 " :"-"- 1 Total 1 Hubbard 2 ..Wei Ibe committee, would recommenl the formation of democratic club lu eaci precinct, and the nanie of the officer i eaOn ClUll hp tnnt In tl.A n.l..ni tf 19 county central committee at Halem, i. u. uuhikin, inairmau, J. F. BKUWN, Secretary T. U. DAVIIWON, W. W. ELDKU, T. F. IIAYKS, County Central Committee BENSON'S EXPRESS. LEAVE ORDERS AT LANCET 141 .J Stb'e. comer of htate and Froe Jreeu. or on slate at corner State and Co Jaereial itreetc Prompt atwntlon W. A. REN80N AWl Tk nir,Tv.rT ..A..n nnirflA lr , "vjymiuft, wuuii iijw'i Specialties in Fruits l 1 I &Z?5. .lu Vfft. ff iJ?5ww. ri wed to any lenith dwlred. ln n -.-vu.vujr u oraert