Newspaper Page Text
x--v -V CAPITAL SALEM, OR., FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 1SSS. VOL. 1. NO. SO. JOURNAL PROFESSIONAL CAKDS. GEO. W. RELT, ATTOUNBY AT LAW and District Attorney. Olllco at court house. rAMSEY t BINGHAM, ATTORNEYS rv, anil Counselors at Lnv. Business In the Supreme Court a specialty. Salem, Or. mlLMON FORD, " ATTORNEYAND I Counselor at Lnw, Salem, Oregon. Olllce, up fctnlrs In Pntton's block. GEO. II. BURNETT, ATTORN KY AT Lnw, Salem, Oregon. Otllco over 1 .add & Hush's bnuk. 01 HAW & GREGo7 ATTORNEYS AT O I Jw, Salem, Oregon. Otllco In I'atton's block, up stairs over Belt's drug store. o t. uichakdsonTattouney AT O. Iw. Olllco over (iipilol National Hank, 21!) Commercial Street, Salem, Or. r V. Sl'niOGSrATTOKNEY AT LAW, l . Salem, Oregon. Olllec In England's block. Legal buslncst of nil kinds. Also both life anil lire Insurance. WM. KAISEIt, ATTOItNEY AT LAA Salem, Oregon. Olllco with Tllinon Koril, In I'atton's building. Will practice in all the courts of Oregon. Collections made. Land olllce business a specialty. PH. IV ARCY, ATTORNEY AND COUN , sclor at lAXt, Salem, Oregon. Having an abstract of the records or Marlon coun ty, Including n lot and block Index of Sa lem, ho has special facilities for examining titles to real estate. SEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SALEM BATHS. H. DIAMOND, Proprietor. Com- St., bet. Kerry and State. MHAVINO, HAIR CITTINU i AND O Shampooing neatly done. LADD & BUSH, K A N K K R S I Salem, - Oregon. mRANSACTS A GENERAL RANKING 1 business In all Its branches. WEST BROTHERS' MEAT MARKET, ."100, St., Salem. CHOICE STEAKS fc OTHER MEATS constantly on hand, and delivered to any part of tho city at lowest living rates. Please give us your patronage. CITY MEAT MARKET D, C. Howard, Proprietor. STATE STREET, - SALEM, OREGON. erst All kinds of fresh and cured moats always on hand. Full weight and asquare deal all around. The SALEM MARKET ill? COURT STREET. Constantly on hand tho best quality of Fresh 'mid Salt Meats ! And all kinds of S A.U S A.OE. AdVTho CLEANEST kept market in the city. Cull and see for yourself. McCROW A WILliARD. Ladders, Ladders 3-Go to J. O'Donald's shop on High St.. between Court and State, Salem, and get one of J. M. Coulter's patent Improved LADDERS. Lightest Ladder wade In Oregon. Kelly's Old Stand ! f HAVING PURCHASED THE BLACK smith shop known as Kelly's Old stand, I will hereafter bo prepared to do till kinds of 1 1 f 1 IIIIIIIIP iimifl ailing In the best style known to tho trade nt short notice. The host of workmen em ployed, and nil work guaranteed to give i-ntlsfaetlon. Horseshoeing a Specialty! J. J. JARNIGAN, Kelly's Old Stund, Salem, Or. I-I. w. cox, His eonslnntly on lutnil a well selected Htook of Boericke & Schreck's I lomeopatliic Preparations NKVTTV 1'RINTKD UUIDB TO I1K HAD Hl'ON APPLICATION. Tne B. & S. PREPARATIONS re the Purest and Rest. II. W. COX ir the only authorized agent. .OfJ-OtU for the R. A H. HonieoKathle Ire- paruii.ins and accept no other. llUII NI1W ADVKKTiSHMKXTS. THE.-.BES'J Woven Wire Bed ! ON THIS COAST I Is .Manufactured by GEO. M. PARKER, Ml Fifth Street, Portland. Or. For salo by A. YEATON, SALEM, OREGON. STRICKLER BROS. -I1K.VI.KIIM IN- STOVES AND TINWARE I Roofing and Spouting a Specially. tT"At!tho old stand of Hen. Strang, Com mercial Street. M. M. MEAD, PRACTICAL CUTLER Filing Sdws a Specialty. Shop on the alley, opposite Mlnto's Ltv ery Stable, Salem, Or. rn w, JUST RECEIVED, A NEW STOCK OK NEW STYLES IN WALL PAPER! A STOCK OK Fancy Goods, Moldings, Brackets, Picture Frames, Artists' Materials, Etc., ALWAYS ON HAND? W. M. SARGEANT, JOT Commercial Street, Salem, Or. K.J. BABCOCK, Cabinet Maker! AND UNDERTAKER. FARRAIVS HLOCK, STATE STREET, Salem, Oregon. All kinds of Furniture, made to order. A full line of Caskets always on hand. J. J. JENNINGS, D. DS. DENTIST. Teeth Extracted Without l'aln liya New Process mEETH FILLED WITH THE LATEST I Improved fillings. Plates nlado on snort notice, and nt 1-casonablo terms. Gold fillings a specialty. 3Anyandall work In tho Dental line. Olllce In Ureyman's block over J. M. Rosen berg & Co's. ESTAllI.lHIIEn in 1870. PACIFIC CIDER, VINEGAR -ANI Fruit Preserving Co. OF SALEM, - - OREGON. Manufacturers of Cider Jelly, Currant Jelly, Apple and Pear liulfer, Swc'ct and Champagne Cider, Cider Syrup for Mince Meal, Currant Wine of a Superior Quality, Tomato Catsup, Plain and German Pickles! PURE CIDER VINEGAR. SAUER KRAUT A FEATURE OF 18 Kor Sweet tlUer, leave orders nt Ifcio tor' Olliee, drop a 1'twial, or see driver of our delivery wagon. We keep frgalkm ktti xnk Jhralbtn demi john that are loaned to ciuiomerx for it term of tx day. All order promptly Ailed. (5. 8TOLTZ, RiMlne ilaiumur. Oregon Peach Bitters i AlMMit eiifhtcii veam turn I reoelVMl n. hurt In toy baek from a pile of lumber fiillliigon me. and ever hi nee liad leen ire or lew: troubled with weak kidneys more or lem: and the hut year very much. Through the rvouHiiiHHiuaiHin oi iienry Keeoe, i bought n bottle ofll. KlJt' Oretton I'eaeli Itlllern and Urfbre I had taken half the bottle I found a great relief from It. I believe It to be a ipleRdkl remedy for the kldney,and heartily reeommena It for the ame. J. II. POItTBK. Aumivllle, January IS, lasa. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MISS JULIA L. CHAMBERLIN, -rKACHKK OF- Voice Culture, Piano & Harmony Music Parlers: :m- Bank Block, SALEM, - - - - Cnnimrii'inl Street. OREGON. f USTA11LI1HEI) 11V NATIONAL AUT1IOIUTV. mi...n IK (Will! 1(11 U(l -OK- SALEM, - - OREGON. - - 75,000 - - - 9,500 aiil up, - R. S. WALLACE, - Provident. Vice-President. - - - Cashier. .1-11. ALHERT, h - DIRECTORS: AV.T. Gray, W. W. Martin, J. M. Martin, R. S. Wallace, , J. II. Albeit, T. McK. Patton. LOANS MADE To farmers on wheat and other market able produce, coiislKUed or In store. lo nr eftl tor In private irmnnrlctor public warehouses. Stale ami County Warrants Bought at l'ar. COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted at reasonable rates. Drafts drawn diicct on New York, Chicago, San Kranclsco, IVirtlaud, London, l'arls, Berlin, Hon;; Kong and Calcutta. H: W. COX, (Successor to The Port Drug Co.) 100 State Street, Salem, Oregon. FULL LINK Drugs and Medicines CHEMICALS 4 'PATENT MEDICINES Toilet Articles, Perfumeries, Druggist Sundries. I'liysifiaus Prescriptions ami Family cs a Specially. ? AGENCY FOR THE CELEBRATED FULL HAVANA FILLER Red Letter 5c. Cigar. air-Che best live cent cigar In the mar ket. II. W. COX, 100 Stato Street, Salem. Steiner& Blosser DKAI.KIIS IX STOVES, RANGES, Tin ami Copper Ware, HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS. 180, Slate Street, SALEM, - - OREGON. 3-ARonts for tho Ilnynlon'x furnneo. Hpeeialty mado nr roofing and xpoutlnt;. nauKiauu Satisfaction guaranteed. A. K. STRANG, No. :M Commerebtl Klrwd, SAIiRM, - - OBKOON. 1IH.II.KK IN STOVESand RANGES l'lumbiiig (las aoil Steam Fitting. Tinware and Artistic Metal Work a Specialty. J-Agent for the HICIIARDHON - fc 1MJY NTON COMPANY Kurnaee. Km- tabllilUNl In 1816. iJLu: i n i. lllUWIIllilllMlUOIlalDilllK hi PAT Canada Threatriicil With llalf-lirocil Oiilliixak. Another CHIHF JL'STICK WAITKIJKAI). Ho Dies After an Illness of a few' Ihijis nt Hie age of 75 years. Washington, March 12,!. Chief Jutice Wnlle, of tho United States supreme eourt, died this morning. He had been ill since Saturday even ing, though the fact was not gener ally known. J is illness was due to liver and spleen trouble, complicated with very painful stomach dillleulty. Justice Walte's homo was at Toledo, Ohio, where lie enjoyed a lucrative law practice up to his ai pointment as chief justice by Presi dent CiranL in 1874, after tho death of Chief Justice Chnse. He was about 75 years old at the time of hi doatli. Murder In New Mexico. ALiuio.rnuo.UH (X. M.), Marches. News lias just reached here from American valley, Socnrro county, of the murder of Al. Shipnian by Joseph Adkins. The latter some months ago shot and killed a Mr. Slaughter, and it was supposed he had left the country, us the author ities were unable to llnd him. A posse of deputy shcrills is now in pursuit of him. No Hop1 of CoiiijironilM'. 1 Chicago, March 23. Thestrlkers on the Burlington &.Quinuy road have lost all hope of favorable com promise, and those who are in the councils of the Brotherhood say that by tho end of the month the strike will beolllcially declared oil'. Canadian Half llrccd Troubles. Winnipeg, March 12!!. The Saskatchewan Herald again gives a note of warning this week of im pending half breed troubles hi tho Northwest. It says: "Indians are becoming much more communica tive and talk freely of a coming revolt." Well They Won't do It. Ni:w York, Mar. it. The Bead ing company announce to-day that they will take back the old men wlio apply for work if they will leavo the Knights of Labor. A Railroad man Killed. San Diimo, (Cal.) Mar. -Mi Bieh- ard II. Blair, a railroad man, was instantly killed hero to-day while attempting to couple cars. !- ' Jlake no MUt.iUe. By dispelling the symptom so often mistaken for Consumption. SANTA AIJIK has brought glad ness to many a household. JJy its prompt use for breaking up the cold that too often develops Into that fatal disease, thousands can bo saved from an untimely grave. You make no mistake by keeping a bottle of this pleasant remedy in your house. CALilKORNTA CAT-K-CUUK Is equally ullcctlvo in eradicating all traces of Nasal Catarrh. Both of theMj wonderful California remedies are sold and warranted by I). V. Matthews & Co., () State street, Salem. $1.00 a paukage, .'I for .'.o(l. Suit Won. T. B. Wnito rut it n km I lat uiijht from Portland where he had been attending a suit in .ludtte Sliattuuk's coiift, whuruiu lio was plulutiU'aud Btistwll ib t'o. of MimmIIIIoil.whh de fendant. The suit which was for 3K), costs and ilUbiinHiinoiits and interest on the principal for live yatira, wnw won by Mr. Wuite. - KlrLM by a Hon. A Hon of Ifuury JJnrlo, who llvtw alsiut a mile from town, over in Polk county, wan kloked by a horso tills afternoon and seriously injured. y I'll.!. Kill! liKrrill.H'.l.N I'OXVKNTION. A republican convention for tho state of Oregon is called to meet at the city of Portland, Oregon, on "Wednesday, the llth day of Apr!', A. 1). 1SSS, at 11 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of nominating can didates for tlio' following olllccrs, to-wit. Beprescntative in congress, three presidential electors, supreme judge and district olllccrs, and to select six delegates to attend the national republican convention, ami to transact such other business as may properly come before the convention. Tho convention will consist of 20!) delegates, apportion ed among the several counties as follews: Del. Del. Uaker d Ijiku . lloiitnii 7 10 Claekanias it Llnn 10 Clatsop 7 .Malheur 'J Columbia I Marion II Coos 7 Morrow A Crook . :i .Multnomah :0 Curry a iNiiic 0 Douglas Tillamook ;i Gilliam 5 Umatilla 10 (Irant 0 Union 8 .laekson 7 Wallowa - I Josephine I Wasco II Klamath ;i Washington 8 Yamhill il Total . . -Mi The sjime lielng one delegate at large from eacli county and one delegate for every ICO voters and one for every fraction over one-half thereof, cast for Hon. Bingcr Her mann, congressman, at tho last general election. The committee recommend that the primaries be held March :il, 18SS, and the county conventions April I, 1 888, unless otherwise ordered by the county central committee. Bepublican electors and voters of the state, without regard to past political alllliations, who believe in the American principle of protect ive tariH'aud dignifying American labor, giving free, popular educa tion to the musses of the people, cU'ectually protecting all human rights in every section of our com mon country, and who desire to promote friendly feeling and per manent harmony throughout the state by maintaining u government pledged to these objects and prin ciples, are cordially invited to unite in selecting delegates to the repub lican stato convention. Bespcet fully submitted. Joseph Simon, Chairman. CIIKMKKKTi: liom AIII1IVAI.S, Kill DAY .march i':i, 18S8. Mr. ami City; A. J. Mieh.;S. V Mich.; (IN). Cavanaugh, Mrs. Scott, New York litiltoii, Kast, Saginaw, Haskell, Hast Saginaw, V. Neis, Dallas: L. C. Turner; K. Thoijip- soii, rortland; A. O. Hour, Nebraska. City; M. T. VoolIal, Union; S. O. Nicholson, Cornucopia; A. Potter, Turner; It. II. Scott, Scott's Mills; ("V. McCown, Scott's Mills; L. Maulding, Scott's Mills; J. K. Kerns, Stayton; (J. 11. Beebe, Hub bard; 8. W. YVraner, Hubbard; Vv. M. Clitir, Mt. Angel; V. S. Todd, AYoodburn; H. Warren, Siiverton; V. M. Smith, Siiverton; U. AY. Morley, Siiverton; (.. Morley, Sii verton; A. D. Yrorgain, Butteville, J. It. Kiuyon, Butteville; ,Ios. Scheer, Jiutteville; V. Feller, Butte ville; I). V. Yoder, Siiverton; .J. II. Marchbanks, Siiverton; O. l Pox ton, Portland; .las. It. Coleman, City; I). Holm, Eugene City; A. Jl. Iluddlehon, Jellerson; S. Harding, Fairlleld; Clias. Miller, .Icllerson; C. Farlow, Marlon; V. It. Bilyeti, Albany; S. C. Jolinson, St. Paul; John, Chcniewa; C. J), (.'ole inan, St. Paul; F. Lambert, St. Paul; AY. Murphy, St. Paul; M. McCor mick, St. Paul; ('. K. Cleveland, agent Haverley's Minstrels; John Johnson, (Jervals; Win. NYestacott; City; Dick NYestacott, City; V. H. Cook, O. S. r. A.; .Mrs. Klkins, Dallas. I'AllikU'n lMlll0R. Y. H.ByarsiHsurveylngParriHli's addition to tlio city of Salem. Tho work of plotting the addition will bodouo by Mejrs. Byars it Walton and till very desirable property will Imj thrown on the market in a few flay. Steamboat Diiartlun. The lutlleu of the WoiiutVtf College ' Association will give, about the middle of April, a two day's steam boat excursion to tho Cascade. They projose. milking this tho event of the season, ho far as genuine pleasure and enjoyment goes. MORNING TELEGRAMS. Liglilniu' Hashes of What the Woilil Large Doing. FlltK (IX TIIK SWITCH-BACK. Tlic Northern l'licillc Hound House a Dt'cnpiiil Kngine lliiriiiMl. anil l'lr on tint Snltclilmeli. Portland, .Mar. . The North ern l'acilic round house at Stampede Bass, on the switch-back, was burn ed last night. One of the largo De capod engines was badly burned, and its loss will cripple the service on the switch-back (bra time. What Crimen I'liipiiM-s. Paris, March 2:2. The- senate army commission, presided over by Do Freycicnt, lias prepared a new recruiting bill. The hill subjects all citizens alike to service for twenty live years, but provides for various partial exemptions in the case of students and others, Imposing, how ever, taxes, upon persons tints ex empted. These taxes, it is calcula ted, will result in a revenue of 'St, 000,000 francs yearly. The bill also provides that all sons of parents born hi Franco are liable to service whether naturalized or not. Aiiii-iiiliiient of the 'la i In' ltl. yVahiiincitox, March 122. Tho Mills tarill' bill will be reported to the house on Saturday by the ways and means committee. It was amended as follows yesterday by the democratic members of the com cem mittee: The twenty-live per cent, duty on tarlatans, mulls and crinolines is changed to the present duty of forty per cent. The duty on putty is fixed al one cent per pound. Whiting and Paris white are stricken fiom the free list, and the duty is lixed at twenty per cent, ad valoicni. Unseed oil is removed from the free list, and the duty lixed at 10 cents per gallon. Fire brick was also excepted from the five llsi. WHAT DDKS IT .MKAN. A Note l'liiuiil in a Unfile in u Will iiiiii'llc Ih'IVi's to tlie Siiiciilc. Mr. 10. J. Frazler, who returned this morning from South Prairie, In forms us ol tho following strange circumstance, which may throw a little light upon last Saturday's sui cide. On Wednesday Dick Sawyer, tho well-known farmer of South Prairie, wliile at Simon's lauding on the Willamette, ten miles below this city, discovered floating In a dead eddy a small llask with a piece of paper enclosed in it. He llshcd the bottle out of the water and on open ing il lie found the paper lo be a part of a leaf torn from a diary upon which was written the following, which we give verbatim: Kaliim, Sunday ii., 'KH. I have determined to commit succlde (suicide) to-day by Jumping from the Salem high bridge. Family trouble is the cause. (iKeittn: COLLI.N'H. The Under will please inform my family. It Is possible, and quite probable, that this note was written by the man who jumped from tho bridge pist Saturday. The fact that the date of tin; note would indicate next Saturday, may bo explained by the theory that In dating ills note he refurred to tho calendar In the diary for which .the leaf was torn and got the Idea that the Sunday, the ila, following tile Htilcldu was the iloth of the mouth. Again, tho whole thing may bo a foolish Joke put up by viiiiiu one to create a wiiHiitlon. Srlal )lttlnK. Tho executive committee of the Stale Board of Agriculture- will hold a special meeting on Apiil 2nd. It is not known for what purpuric the meeting Is culled. Thu executive committu conaiHtH of Muwirw. Apper son,Wllson, Loonoy, Oalloway, and DeLashmutt.