OCR Interpretation

Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, October 03, 1888, Image 3

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Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn99063952/1888-10-03/ed-1/seq-3/

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Bv the Reporters on Their Round
' the Tom.
Legal Lights To the Pen State
Items and News.
Stw Notaries.
Gov. Pennoyer to-day
Issued uo-
tarj- public
conmilsslous to J. F.
Tinnthe of Portlnua unci A. it.
Thompson of The Dalles.
Commissioners Court.
Tho county commissioners are this
afternoon in session as commission
ers court This term will perhaps
continue for two or three days. No
business of especial significance Is
before them.
The Hindu is III.
Pundita Ramabal will not be able
to till her engagement hero on Frl-J
day night. A telegram to the presi
dent of the W. C. T. U. says she is
prostrated from overwork ami will
uot be able to visit Sale.m.
Belere the Keeorder.
Brought up before tho rccordor
yesterday afternoon under the
vagrant act ana semenceu to mo
county jail for terms of from ten to
fifteen days wero "Win. Greene,
Frank "Wilson, Pat Sheridan, Geo.
Daly, Richard Wilson and Edward
Chamberlain. The big half dozen
are merely tourists who were left in
our city by the freight crpv prevent
ing them from boarding nu outgoing
m .
They CUI(W
Last night as J. C. Cawood was
returning homo in his buggy iiiid
had just passed tho electric light
line beyond tho depot, ho had au
accidental collision. After leaving
the electric lights ho was blinded
for some time, aud before he could
tell where he was himself, horse and
buggy and Dr. Rowland and his
horse and buggy wero in a heap to
gether. No Berk-us damage is to
report other than tho demolition of
wheels, shafts, etc.
.Not Too Many, However.
Farmers tell us there are more
grasshoppers in Oregon this year
than at any time since 1855. When
you get to talking nbout grasshop
pers thoy all figure from, 55, for In
that year the sun was nearly hidden
from view by tho vast swarms of
them It rained, hailed and snowed
grasshoppers, as It were. This year
thero are not enough to do any
damage. Perhaps they are sent to
encourage some wild song birds tr
come and partake of them, who
The Wooilburn 1'robi Rally. .
On Saturday Gth there will bo a
prohibition rally In the grove .at
SVoodburn aud all are invited to at
tend. Every dilort is being put
forth to make the event a success.
The O. & C. have given a half rate
between Albany and Portland, and
Oregoniau Co. between Aunisvlllo
and Woodburn with .perhaps a
sneeial train. 'Prof. G. M. 'Miller
and Clark Bmdcn are tho speakers;
J. V. Webb president of the day.
The Silvertou band and gleo clubs
will fnrulsh music. In case of rain
a hall has been secured.
The Supreme Court.
Upon Its-ro-assembly thld morning
the supremo court passed upon the
applicants, as examined yestorday,
for admission to the bar. Tho fol
lowing named gentlemen were, ad
mitted: II. H. Emmons, J. P.
Booth, C. F. Rupcl, J. S. Bcal, A. C.
Williams, J. H. Cannon, J..M. Car
roll, John Dltchburn, 'Ij. F. Conn,
J. N. Browu, Samuel Haydon, M.
W. Hunt, F. D. Hasbrouck, C, R.
Fenton, Gilbert McGinn, A. C.
Smith, J. E. Klrkland, Sanderson
Heed, Harry W. Hogan, A. W.
Oowan. T. J. McClary, G
. P.
Howand, Harold Pllklngton J.
Hamilton. Court adjourned
meet Monday noxt.
!artlty of Sou Blrdc.
We happened this morning to be
talking with an old farmer about
het and goneral eropa, when rhe,
tonarked that ho had always
noticed there whs a great warelty of
wug birds In our forests here. It Is
ket that thero are vory' few vflld
x'Ugsteru here. Whether It is be
ue there are so few IhmjoIs or not
t known. A person might
Jnd a day in the woods aud lie
wuld not see above a down wood-
-. . ... . .- I
rKer. roWiis and all toceuier. ei
"wuKienootiragft WrUs hra. iwuier
n shoot the rebia? flw mtlag
J'ur cherries yoti tthould et out a
eH i Tf is. inuu c. (tuun Tii tiipn
r-.f1(.,hh ,-ver et in yoar apple
ir . ,i. ui u tii in
A New Version.
Cleveland wears n seventeen collar,
Sullhnn wear the earns,
Harrison is no pugilist.
But he'll get there Just the same.
Bridges & Bozarth havo just re
ceived a full Hue of wools, zephyr,
To-night at the opera house Clark
Braden discusses tho Issuo of the
The Oregon Farmers' Congress
mecta In Salem on Monday, Janu
ary Sth, 1SS9.
The Boyd-Maubury company play
I In Albany Saturday night and come
to us from there. t
The wood team of Wui. Wright
took quite a little run yesterday
evening. They were scared by a
swlch engine.
The Woodburn prohl rally comes
on tho last day of the Butte Creek
fair (Saturday). Tho error was not
noticed In tinio to change dates.
This morning several Kansas am)
Colorado farmers were taking a look
at our splendid fruit lands, with a
view to purchasing and locating
Kelley Bros.' restaurant and lunch
counter. Everything new and
clean. No Chinese employed
West Commercial btreet near tho
Already the hops are cornng jn
quite rapidly, ready for shipment.
In one warehouse thero are nearly
150 baleg wl)iah uyorago 180 pounds
to the bale.
Ifyouwantafine suit of clpthes
made in the latest style, go to E.
Schocttle, Salem's fashionable
tailor, two doors south of c white
corner, Commercial street.
Tho taxable property of Baker
county, as shown by the assessor's.
returns, is $1,540,000. Tho tax levy
for county purposes Is twenty-two
mills, to which the state tax is to be
For tho benellt of neighboring
cities that aro now wrestling with
tho "cow ordinance," we will say
that Salem has found it desirable
anil practicable to keep them off" the
"Unknown," at the Boston Thea
tre, has been Increased in business
from tho first wight. "Standing
room only" Is a favorlto announce
ment now, and those who would of
disappointment be themselves "un
known," had better go early or
secure their tickets during tho day.
Thero aro calls and recalls at the
close of every act, land applauso
rings in uhnostcvery scene. Boston
Artlrles of Incorporation.
Articles were to-day tiled with tho
secretary of stato incorporating the
First Congregational church (Of
Oswego, Clackamas county, with
Oscar Eaton, A.J. Thompson and
M. K. Shipley trustees, and Darwin
G. Eaton, clerk. Oscar Eaton,
Darwin G. Eaton, A. J. Thompson
and Mrs. Ella A. Thompson aro the
incorporators, and WOO in the ap
proximate sum for which they
Incoqioratc. Also tho Astoria and
North Pacillo deep sea ilshlng com
pany of Astoria, Isaac Bergman,
Ludwig Mortensen and Thomas 11.
Loughery Incorporators. Tho term
of incorporation is for twenty yours,
with principal otlloo wand place of
business at Astoria; the business in
which It Is proposed to engage Is tliO
catching, preserving, packing and
selling of allikluds of fish found In
the waters of tho Vaclfio ocean and
tributaries, and to that end may
purchase .vessels, real estate, etc.
Capital stock Is' f0,000 divided Into
200 equal shares.
G. A. Peebles Is In Portland.
TVT. Geer went to. Portland .this
Dr. Greouo orGervaU la Intliocity
for a" few days.
Hon. John Burnett of Corvallls Is
attending supreme court.
Hon. E. Sklpworth, the demo
cratic candidate for presidential
elector -was in the city yesterday.
U i4 0rr.
Qwett Ilartlott was arrttl this
afternoon and examined .yurt
Justlee Goodell for the lareetiy of a
slrawl from tlie house of Mrs. KU
OeeMu-. He waa bound over to
await Uieactlon of tlw grimd Jury,
and beJuir unable to. give bowl uw
" '
During UiU month KirflwASoas
will irlve away threw haniUoine
P I'"' rurnlturva- prU to
their nw Iiking Powder. uk
their nw lKing
Jackson County qnthful Fiend,"
brought to the Fe nitenttary.
John McAllister, the Jackson
county patricide, was brought to the
penitentiary this morning by Sherlft
Birdscyc. Ho stands convicted of
murder in tho tlrst dogreo and Is
sentenced to Imprisonment for life.
He is a mere boy, being but sixteen
years of age.
The crimo for which he is paying
the penalty was a most heinous one.
Early one morning while his fathor
was yet sleeping, the boy entered
the father's sleeping room up stairs
placed a revolver of large calibre to
his head and fired. Death was In
stant. Tho boy seems not to feel tho
weight that hangs over him, and is
gay and free.
Sheriff Ross of Clatsop county
also arrived from Astoria to-day with
two prisoners Thomas Potland and
and Charles Jones. Thoy are each
sent up for larceny, the former for
one year and the latter for two.
From the lhany HualJ au J Democrat.
The city marshal has collected the
tax on 50 dogs thus fur, and expects
to catch that many more.- Dogs of
high and low degree aro gobbled up
alike and will bo promptly cremated,
unless thb required tax is paid.
Albany's cow orqMnapce provides
that each family shiill allow to run
ut large no njoro than twq cqws
during the day, aiifl npiuj frpnj 0
o'clock p. in. to 0 a. m. The man
ner of enforcing tills ordinance Is to
arre3t the owner of tho cow or cows,
take him before tho recorder and, on
convictioi;, lino him two to ten
Wm. Reeso left yesterday for
Portland whero he goes to act as?
assistant engineer on tho pregqu
Pacftlc eoinpauy's river sjeann.'r; the
Three Sisters. rfhe bout, buying
been completely remodeled, will
leave Portland iu a few days to ply
on the upper Willamette. She has
been made very light draught and
can run on the upper liver, it is
said, at the lowest stage.
Yesterday was tho ".v-dicet day
among the cannerymen at Yaqulua
bay yet experienced. Williams put
U)300cuses, cousuiulugl,501sahiion,
of alt of which one Chinaman cut oil'
the heads. Parker canned 100 cases,
using about 700 Sidmmi, ,and Baker
,& Hayea canned G4 eases,. -TUe J.un
last night was nearly as good, and
as a result tho cannerymen are
quite happy.
Ralls have been laid twenty-eight
miles east of Albany on the Oregon
Pacific. The rock cut was finished
yesterday, which will give an oppor
tunity forjfust rail laying as,there is
a oleur.lleld beyond far it.venty-llve
hmeu. U'lie contract was .let yester
day for building the tunnel, which
will be worked during tho winter.
It is thought that fifty miles of rails
will be laid down cist of Albany be
fore work coues, besido soino grad
ing beyond.
How They Ml mi In Ahuku.
Wlion the Yukon river fre'ozos to
a great depth, ice ou tho banks and
bars generally frcoIng solid to tho
bottom, the miners cut away tho Ico
and then dig up the gravel, which Is
also fro7on, and carry It to tho banks.
This process is continued till tho
river breaks up, for a couple pf
mouths, when tho dirt Js carried
back again and washed for gold;
iu this way ono man took out $1000,
but it is hard work. Tho gold is
principally coaive, tho largest
nuggets weighing not over f-10.
Provisions aro pretty dear. Flour Is
t$17,5Q par 100; bucqn U 40 cepts per
pound, beuii9 .'SO cents, sugar 0
cents; dried apples 80 cents, of all of
which thoreJs.li falr.upply. Tho
Indians on the Yukon aro jieaeoable
and willing to work.
; ort) T.rjlth Thsn I'iMry.
An eastern exchange says a man
who spent some time In China uud
epeakw the language fluently, while
IKUIHJf H JJHiwtiilg jp.HB.jr ... -,..- .
t .. .1 41 ....ll . 1.. 1'..1. "
If ... .. :f... .1,... ..rt r..l.a.l, II 1
limll, c VPJBi B .."VP"I "
vwVd (A Cliliuiiien trying their
skill iu iimrkiiien. UtupiHiiK "
tint H-erj'i 1m found that tlie
ChlnuiiMm were quite xprt. II
wm on tlie io4nt oC ouiigrnxubtUitg
Umiu In thtftr own tmtxtie, but
MNiMfUilntr kejrt tlie wortU Irnck.
PrtaMitlj' oine ww UI, "Jwtn you
a m u at?.. . .-..1
ara goou mmh:" "iw, gw
enough," replied tlie (1iliuiion,
himI turtlDK to hi whijiiIw b
iraki, In bb own totigu. and in H
MM9fiNK Uw, '!, w wrn. Wi-W
thate AMit-ricnus wiuat wt urn tlo
ith u ifuh Iw-fure nuuiy .r lutve
The pumpkin plo It j ellow.
The tmpkTTheAt cwke Is brown.
The former's grey, tieck whUkers
Are mil of thistle (low n.
Tf. ' e" nre crip and ruet.
The simiftcV blntlng red,
The butternut riesvvmlliuc
Is craekej upon jour hnul.
The rabbit is cmortlng
Alone the Bloomy slope,
TheshotRun of the sportsman
btlmlmttes hi lope.
The butterfly- deimrtnl,
I.lkcw l-o the bolt wt bee.
The small boy in the orchard
Is up the apple tree.
The county fhlr is blooming,
The circus Is no more.
And ou the jnilUhed brass dogs
make ihe hlflkory rour.
The trees enrloely colors,
In bemitlnil excess;
All nature seems to rustle
Jut like a new vllkilr.
The sausage soon w ill ripen.
The poiMvrn soon will jop,
And Christum thlmr cults en
Tho window of the shop.
Sine hi! tor merry autumn,
Miir ho! for autumn gay,
hose pretty potplo iulrrel
A minis the branches ptuy.
For now no merry bluebird
Upon tho rose tree tools.
And Autumn, KoUton Autumn
tiercnely up and veooto.
Harper's llHMir.
The Box of Old Buttons.
Tls a box of old buttons I hold in my
To you, It lixks faded and old
For 'I is only ol pasteboard, with coincri.
mi torn
It scarcely tho buttons will hold.
Hut before mo, whltoKnzIng on each cluster
.Komi pictures will often nrlso;
Kacliouc with n story ery simple, per
haps, ' I''
Uut cacli brlnp, tho lours to my eyes.
Here's a cluster of white ones; they 'ro
cheap ami M plain, '
That you noer would look on them
Hut because of tho pictures they bring to
my low, '
To me they nro far boyoud price.
Wo mourn with the parents whose chil
dren l)n lulled;
lhtt for tho-so w hosn babies havo How n
Farnrty out of Bight, niihosibut of hitind
Into happy homes of thelrowto, T
We hn o n't a word of comfort to clve,
To the parents left ' sad
i L'b uui niijmn isiuni up lue cost
Hi the' desolate
piuauyono tell what they
vo lost?
So each cluster of buttons n story could
tell. v
Ho you think you could buy them of mo?
think youc
'ro mlnu:
No, tlicy 'rp qilno; thouj;h tlio children
that woie them aro cone.
And tluMr faces no longer I see.
Ah, tho parents alono in tho desolato
Who lonrfor them day after day 1
May wo all bo united in heaven at last,
Is the praj er of ti mother idway.
Mil.. I.. M.Mlopcr.
.Sti'l'l llalluny Couches.
A company lias boon organized
with amplo cash to mumifucturc
railway c-irs constructed entirely it
sheet steel, under patents of C, V.
Math, of San Francisco. TJio com
pany Is negotiating for tho purchase
of a largo tract of land near Chi
cago, where tho cars can bo (built.
It is claimed for tho new vwtibuloi
cars that they aro absolutely In
destiuctlble, uon-combustlblo ami
can bo built as cheap as wooden
Kateu lly An Alligator,
Tlo mystery of tho sudden ilitsppoar
ance at Savnnrali, Ga., recently of Murk
Jnluisun, a bright l8-ear.olil nivro, hn
bcu splveil. Ho w.i3 in iwjiiiiiurv with
other Ixtyy when lio uildcnly give n
letentn and diiappeaicil Imneatli tho wa
ter. Juhnxin'a urent thought the boy had
oratnpa and wa( diuuned, 'lliey iot tome
neiehhora to drag tho creek anil aeveral
hours ware spent in searching for tho body
hut it could rot be found. AX laat acme
hoys found a aunpiuioun looking apvtou a
lur looking out iuto thn oreek. Tho
sand had hecu terribly dlalurlied hut the
trotlta were too larga for tut tie's. They
bsgan iligK'nK tho luote eaud aud were
horrifiei to unooer a human body. When
all '.liu sand had beeu roiuoved the trunk
of the misting boy waa Men. The legs and
arim were yone and Ihe body waa horribly
mangled. The story waa plain, Au al
lltfator had drawn linn beriMth the wa
if r, catena meal off him and then hurled
the Jetnajnder in tho said.fnr another nual,
IVIitkIiih fllte A Itejuon.
1'rofMter Wlna wya the muk f Vaf
In fvr iu the wutli im purely airorn.
9. On Juris 10, 1881, ha u)i th
l!nt were on llio aarns line, iixl the
oarUi had yilileil to the leodnuoy to aj.
proa oil the uu, awl aiuee tho aylonef,
arUiquakitr, AnoUa, ebolera ami filw
fever hut ilevaaUtwt our jlanet, The
adraooM had beR only a few mile, but
.. Mllp ...,.. 1,1 MntrJl
" m 'W'-W '" " - -- ---
Jm Mfjli'i turiM. AHHinc lleodi, Tb
mxmil i4hhKp tmt artbaliea.
Tb atfttoipjwr Hail btrome ilH,
and ooo.t motly holt! mora oirboo uwl
iu ouw'Wwl in waltiUfNi, itrotli mi
cfobw, and tk ettolara aatl yoUew faw.
Hulawlbe for tlieC'Ai'iTAi. Jook-
PululwH uaUl ofwrnUons ut Dr.
T. 0$ MiiUi, 9K 8UU nUmL
KKll -W.K- lMa4sMi rr,)l-niui t"
.r 1 pwa. ulue alfr ! " K. Kraur, a
Direct fi-otn tho Kst, e cry garment havlnitlHen nmde loonier air us.
riNK Nt:w sixicic or
Dress Goods anil Trimmings, Flannels, Rlankcis; New Slock of Jrgjils,
Hugs, l'orliers, Shades and Lace Curtains.
Tho public aro cordially lnvlleil to lnectour mammoth stock.
Vvlilte Corner.
Evaporated Apples,
Evanorated Peaches,
Evanoratcd Nectarines.
Evaporated Apricots,
Evaporated Pears.
Dried Peeled Peaches,
Dried Peaches.
Dried Apricots,'
Dried .Currants,
Dried Apples,
Dried Grapes'
Oregon Petit Prunes.
Imported German Prunes,
Smyrna Figs,
Persian Dates
W.eller Brothers'
Commercial Hlreet
. M. M. MEAD,
Filing Sws a Specialty,
Hlmpon tho alloy, ujiimi
ry Rmble, HAIem, Or. '
wllo .MIiiIo'm l,lv,
rjor Sale,
A ipoxl Iron fmlnu l.loro I'ouvr. (IimiiI
for nil UHta, from one lit full imiwoUy.
All lur thn low prliiMil t&). Cull iiUluiHi
elite Cider, Vlmmur .t. I'm It 1'iuHirvlUK
Comiwii) 'n iMIIrii. Siilem, UrKOn,
SKlirir ACO,
Olllce iKwir t h o
Operu Iloiiw.
Tcolh cTtrHeled
by thumluliwipn-
11 kH.
SiiJi's iiidion
otpctftM' ouTi'irrfW.-
(Jooils Oil
tho inslalliiioiil
neO ACR1243
. Wall iralawal a
jalMiljr ut timtwr. IVp
rwrav Uood vbiwiL
xavaa a4 lau launa. (lund lavll
KtfuJh,Jliaal aSJ
banaBHhiuriolL. WlUtlanvemlU-
rfdw.utlM.o ( .K.U. Aluiiil.
... .
tnoj re at Oftite of Cioilal Journal,
Mis Knox
Will continue Her School for tho en
suing yjac" at tho LITTLE fEfiTtfAL
SCHOOL BUILDING',' CoV. Chujch and
Marion bis., bee
oil u i-r 'if
3oy Oii7Cl .Gjlrg;.
The M'hixd will oncn on tlie 'Jllh
of Septk'iulicf. Tlioiouiih liixt i no
tion In tho prlmmy unit
' mi,.iici'd
English JSraijjches.
utix ,ixii mum f 3iusic
' . ' r ii i
TKll.MH tttnl furtliurllifilrnmllou umj he
hud ouiipplleiillou U
' ituv. i'. ir. I'oS-r.
Cor. Chiimukelii nud HUiIhSU.
WilliimH IIiilM'rsll.v.
M(wl auucoaaful aehiKil of iiiualo uu the
northuetouiiiit. About
.iro sT,unj;x'is last vka.k.
Coup.! Ill
I'lnnri, Ornnti Hlrii;ln, Violin,
' l'liirmony, wild (SoiiiitMr
DIpliMUMOoti eompletluu ill oouixi.
Twiehi'n.: M. 1'nrvln. I'm II l In 1'.
Jom. KMii'-n.i. AlUiit,l.uliijJl.HiiiUli.
l'lmt term limtiix .Monday, tmplenuutr
U.I, im. hk-ud for cii In Ion un. t'orllirthnr
Htnii'UiirH riiiuruaK
lliihl IHrwtor, ftHlein, Or.
Ormluufw Htuitanla In
asslcal. Literary, Sciciililie,
Normal, J.liiHineiis, hiwv,
UU tholilK.t, lnrnat nuil lwt XH
v IfHKIItitMHi f lHrriliiK In th Nwlli-
HoluKtl iiiwiuillrol .Monily In HaptMtilxrr.
m num. van htov,
IT) Hllil, OrKn.
ixciiANiiKti ytm ukkuux, v.mi-
JMnfUTr orCullrnrnQirNil MfaM. Iar
inltwnuttlon itdilrM ua at Hthvr uf the tot.
i lowing nki. l'l.llii. III.; KuimmUIV.
14o.:il.i4..iir , I'..rtliMl, Or. uloui pHtM
at 0alurr' nuM-bliery AmuH. nay liui
i-fly hall.I.lluHy lrwt: IHirtfana olfli la
, the rariuinhf Minir Immigration Hoard,
i aoraar t I'mot ami Ah atiwato. tTWf
MNK,,,' llli- ' "r I VHI 111
M1MW,U In tlw Uu. Im.i ni iimu
faUn Ij..-. .t.. k ,il lli.u.k. n
tumi.u.a 'IUimkoi .li...uni. r,uu.r
r , ii,, f, i, ,TTi in., nut 'I u
l.llUn.k. K M SVMII
niwm irm. i k.i.hi.iim
U-IU ijj.
out fur future lotlx.

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