CD -C u. SEE ? BookCoupon SATURDAY. CAPITAL &IVE CENT JOURNAL, "-ssa- SATURDAY. J. VOL. G. "THE PEOPLE'S PAPER." SALEM, OHEGON, MONDAY, JUSTE ia, 1893. "TO-DAY'S NEWS TO-DAY." NO. 187. JULY 4 And people will bo made CASH And when . you find how little money it Suit of Clothes, a Pair of Shoes, or a You will surely smile, and say: "WHAT FOOLS WE MORTALS BE" That we have not always traded with J. W. THOMAS, 297 Com'l, St., SALEM. Keeping Pace With Have your business accounts kept in PERFECT books, such are The FreyPatent Flat Opening Books. Books that are worthy of the patronage and praise of the Government Of ficials of the State of Oregon, aud the greater portion of the merohantlle men of the 8tate, are surely deserving of a trial by everyone. Manufactured in Oregon ONLY ly The Meaton-Dygert Book Mfg. Co., Proprietors of THE CAPITAL CITY BINDERY. Binders to the State of Oregon, Printers and Lithographers, Salem, Oregon. 500,000 OSWKGO - FALL. 1892. We would call the attention of dealers, and large and small planters, to our large and varied assortment of Fruit Trees and Small Fruits, Ornamental, Shade, Nut and Evergreen trees. Our trees are clean, smooth, and first-class in every respect. Send for catalogue and price list. Address, Walling & Jarisch, "Mention this paper. Oswego, Oregon. H. W. COTTLE & CO., General Insurance Agency. Representing the following well-known and reliable Cempanies: BTATE INSURANCE CO., JEln Insurance Co., Traders' Insurance Co., Bun Insurance Co.. National Insurance Co., Westchester Klro Ins. Co., tilon Kire Insurance Co., Imperial Klre Insurance Co., Iondou a Lancashire Fire Ins. Boa, London Assuranoe I orporatlon, Alliance Assurance Co., Norwich Union Fire Ins.Ioo. Oldest and Leading Firm in the City Devoted Exclusively to Insurance, I W. TflORNBORG, THE UPHOLSTERER. Recovers and repairs upholstered furniture. Long Experience in the trade enables me to turn out first-class work. Samples of coverings. No trouble to give estimates. State Insurance block, Cbemeketa street. CHURCHILL Spraying -Outfits, B I 103 - BURROUGHS State Street. F. T. HART, 247 COMMERCIAL STREET. ESTABLISHED 1876. WILLIAM NILES & CO., Los Angeles. California. BREEDERS AM EXPORTERS OF Ed. C. Will happy, but in the,meantime if call around at the the Times. TREES ! NURSERIES. SPRING, 1893. STORE LEADING MERCHANT TAILOR. INCORPORATED 1891 FINE , CATTLE, HOGS, POULTRY. Berkshire k Poland-China Pigs a Specialty. Fancy Poultry, All Varieties. Eggs for Hatching. Incubators. Niles Pacific Coast Poultry and Stock, illustra ted, 60 cents by mall. J0-HEND FOR CIRCULARS.-! Cross, Wholesale am. Retail Bealer In Freak, Salt mmI Smoked Meats rallKIads 95 Court and 110 State Streets, Choice Meat be Celebratec at Salem you wish to oure the Blues, takes to buy a Dress for the Family HOTEL ARRIVALS. WILLAMETTE. Mark Solomon, C R Tilly, Chicago. E L Simons, New York. L. 0. Roeber, Richmond. E L Rector and wife, Gervais. Fred H Dayton, St. Louis. G W Carr, Chas H Lane, W H Ray mond, Toll Thompson, Portland. Geo. B. Cramer, Philadelphia. From Friend to Friend Goes the story of the excellence of Hood's Sarsaparilla and what it has accomplished, and this is the strongest advertising which Is done on behalf of tblb medicine. We endeavor to tell honestly what Hood's Sarsaparilla Is and what it will do, but what It has done is far more important and far more potent. Its unequalled record of cures is sure to convince those who have never tried Hood's Sarsaparilla that it is an excellent medicine. Simmons Liver Regulator cured me of general debility and loss of appetite. Mrs. Jttdmund fitton, FranKford, ra. New things are an old story at Clark & Eppley's. Good Enough Fob Us. Loyal Sa lem housekeepers who have used Sa lem's "Pride of Oregon" flour for years say it is good enough for the king's ta ble, and will use no other. e Hawks & Levar, wall paper, 97 State. HOHN. BENOIT. To Mr. and Mrs. Adelor Benoit, of South Salam, June 10, 1803, a teq pound boy. MARK1KD. FLEMING-HERSE. At the court house in Salem Saturday, June 10, 1803, Miss Laura A. Fleming and H. L. Herse, Judge Hubbard officiating. DRA?UH. ROSSITER. At the family residence In the Waldo Hills, two miles east of Whiteaker, on June U,1893,at 2 p. ni., Walter Rosslter, aged 45 years. Deceased .leaves a wife and seven children, and was a brother-in-law of Geo. S. Downing, superintendent of the penitentiary. The funeral was held Sunday from the residence and interment In Union Hill cemetery. MARTIN. Sunday morning Jnne Utb, 1893, of consumption, at the borne of bis brother, S. S. Martin, in Salem, John M. Martin, aged 67 years. Deceased was a farmer, living near Macleay, and bad a family of grown children. He waa raised in Decatur county, Ohio, and moved to Oregon from Kansas 18 years ago. The funeral was held this forenoon at the church in Macleay, where he had many friends, all of whom respected him aa a good citizen and honest man. AUNSPUGER. At Portland, June Otb, 1803, Geo. Arnipuger, father of Mrs. T. P. Burt, of Salem. v CURES v Rising Breast "MOTHER'S njm9&2JG2 feted child-bearing woman. I hate bees a tnld-wlfe for many yeart. and In each cue where "Mother" Friend'' baa been need It ba accomplished wonder and relieved nuefe entering. It la the beet remedy for rUfawol the breaat known, and worth the price) Tor tnataloM. MJU.M.M.BiwsTsm, Hontgoiaery, Ala. Bent by erprew, charge prepaid, on receipt of preoe, alio per bottle. BttABTIKLO RMOULATOH CO.. old by all DraiU. XtUltu, Oi. THE PACIFIC DETECTIVE AND (ELECTING BUREAU SALEM, ... Oregon Private work a epecUUy. O. B. CLMaBHT, Xaaafer. BLOODY FIGUT WlTB BANDITS Tlio Famous John Sontag is Mortally Wounded. GOOD WORK BY A FOSSE. Chris Evans, 'Soatag's Partner, Escapes in the, Mountains. Visalia Cal., Juno 12. Deputy Sheriff Rapelje, of Fresno county, and Officer Fred Jackson, of Nevada, and others who are in the mountains near bere, looking for EvanB and Sontag, tbe noted Collins trafn robbers, came onto them Sunday night. A general light ensued, in wbiih Jackson was wounded in the leg; and Evans was probably mortally founded If not killed. Sontag escaped, apparently unhurt. The wounded officer was brought here, and tbe aberiil of Freeno was wired to send a posse to tbe scene. Later. Visalta, Ca, June 12. The posse arrived at 10:26 this morning from the scene of last night's encounter with tbe notorious train robbers, Chris. Evans and John Sontag. At day break it was discovered that the man who had been shot by tbe officers last night was John Bontag instead of Chris Evans, aa was at first reported. Sontag is mortally wounded having been nhot in the abdo men. Sontag was brought here by tbe posse and Chris Evans escaped into the mountains. THE FORD'S THEATRE INQUEST. Exciting Scenes Among the Witnesses and Clerks. Washington, June 12 The In quest over the bodies of the Ford's the atre accident begau here today. Col. Ainswortb, chief of thejrecrrd and pen sion division, aganlstwhom are Im plied accusation of responsibility for tbe accident is made, I present. Tbe first witness, BanjanilaiReiss, testified be had not see a the arena roped off as' dangerous inside the building, particu larly tbe rear part, which did not fall, as unsafe. Charles Troutman, a olerk, testified he had been warned by J. W. Webb in charge of the first floor not to approach the area or floor roped off while tbe excavation waa going on. No other warning of tbe building was given. Smith Thompson, a clerk, tes tified that tbe messengers of Colonel Ainswortb stationed on the stairway frequently notified clerKs with bated breath, that it was tbe colonel's orders that employes should walk on tip toes up and down tbe stairway. Witness was an engineer and examined tbe building. There were no props where excavation was going on. He declared the feeling of tbe clerks towards Colo nel Ainsworth one of abject fear. At afternoon session there was an ex citing scene. Charles Barnes, a brother of one of the men killed, walked for ward and shook hh flat In Colonel Ainsworth'8 face, shouting "You mur dered my brother and shan't sit thero intimidating those witnesses." Colon el Alnswor'b started to speak, when the excited clerks began shouting for blm to sit down, shut up: and tbe like, followed by cries of "Hang blm" "bang him," and men sprang forward as if to execute tbe mandate. Tbey finally quieted, however, and the Inquest ad journed. A letter from Secretary Jjamont was read at the Inquest giving assurance that no clerk need fear dismissal on ac count of bis testimony. Insane Drowning. Zanesville, Ohio, June 12. Yetcr terday, three miles south of Fulton, Mrs. Clara Weaver drowned her two children, aged 4 yenrs and six months, respectively, and also herself, In shal low water, In Buckeye creek. Tbe woman was undoubtedly Insane. A Big Loser. Corvalub. June 12.-J. H. Wolff of Salem had about tO.000 deposited In she bunted bauk at Corvallla. Mr. Uolfl Is a recent arrival from tbe East and had purchased laud In the neigh borhood of Corvallis, making a small payment at the time of purchase. Bhaffner's Body Found. Milwaukee. June 12. The remains of an unknown man, recovered from tbe river Sunday, are believed to be tboae of Herman Sbaflner, tbe missing ' Chicago banker who disappeared on tbe third instant, Just previous to bis failure. Railroad Bold. Kansas City, Mo.; June 12. The Wyanotto and Northwestern road was sold under foreclosure of a million dol lars mortgage to the Farmers Loan and Trust Co., of Boston. It ia bought In by tbe Gould interest. HABKISON AT THE FAIR. Officially Entertained Other News from the White City. Chicago, June 12. The forty-first annual convention of the international typographical union met hero today with 800 delegates. Ex-President Ben jamin Harrison arrived at the world's fair grounds shortly before noon. He was entertained at luncheon in the ad ministration building by the world's fair officials. World's Fair Failure. Chicago, Ills., June 12. A receiver is appointed for tbe Howey World's Fair Hotel and Howey Home Improve ment Company. Assets of former 85, OuO; liabilities $00,000. Assets of latter (141,600; liabilities $00,000. canal trouble ended. Under tbe protection of militia work on the drainage canal waa resumed this morning. But only one-third of the workmen took up tools, fearing a re petition of last week's violence on the part of the strikers at Lemont. Ford's Theatre Investigation. Washington, D. C, June 12, The military court of inquiry to investigate tbe Ford's theatre accident will meet this afternoon, but taking testimony will not begin for a week as some wit nesses wanted are in attendance on the coroner's inquest. One Plum. Washington, June 12. The presi dent appointed Charles E. Norrls, post master at Hailey, Idado. Cholera Victims. Calais, June 12. Nine deaths from oholeralo disease occurred yesterday. NEW PENSION RULING. Commissioner Lochran Benders a Very Important Decision. Washington, June 12, Judge Lochran, commlnloner of pensions, with the approval of Secretary Hoke Smith, has issued tbe following Impor tant order as to adjudication and fixing rates of pensiens: First A claim for a pension under the second seotion of tbe act of June 27, 1890, can only be allowed upon proof of mental or physical disability of a permanent character, not the re sult of clalman's own vicious habits, (capacitating blm from the performance of manual labor in sucb a degree as to render him unable to earn bis support. Second No specific injury or disabil ity cau, as such, have a pensionable rating under tbat act, nor be considered otherwise than as it affects the incapa city of claimant to perform ordinary manual labor. Third Proof that tbe disability Is not tbe result of claimant's vicious hab its Is requisite; therefore, the causes and circumstances of the origin of tbe disa bility should be shown by evidence fur nlsbed in support of tbe olalua for a pension, so far aa can be done, and by persons other than tbe claimant Fourth To give tbe claimants a pen slonable status under this aot, tbe disa bility must be such as to Incapacitate blm from the performance of manual labor In such a degree as to render him unable to earn his support. PERSONAL AND LOCAL. Try the one cent Journal dally by mall. E. Shepherd, of Stay ton,was a Salem visitor today. Strawberry social at tbe Christian church tonight. Judge Weatherford and Banker Cuslck, of Albany, are in tbe city. E. F. Parkburst returned from Alsea today, where be bad been on business for tbe State Insurance company. W. W. Brooks went to Portland this afternoon. J. S. Prunk, of Turner, was in the city this morning. Hon. J. F. Brown, son-in-law of Prof. Z. F. Parvln returned to bis home at Heppuer today. Prospect Hill people will have a school plcnlo next Saturday at their picnic grounds. The friends of Prof. Al. Peebles are pushing blm for tbe prlnelpakblp of tbe North Balem school. Tbe board elects teachers Tuesday. Ous. Iloefer and H. A. Snyder, of Aurora, were Balem vMtors today. Preserve your fruit with SBtlferaen tine without eoeklsg. At Gilbert, Pat terson & Co., Balem. dw-lt The Bew6toaair chamber fertbe Salem water work will be up ea the Highest of all hi Leavening Power. Latest U. S Gov't" Report RoYal m&m ABSOLUTELY PURE steamer Elwood tonight, and will be put up at once. Mrs. J. It. Falrbank arrived from Nebraska last Saturday and is now comfortably Bottled with tbe Judge a few miles east of this city, which they hope to make their future home. August Smith committed an assault and battery Sunday on tbe person of another. Usual fine. Monday, Juno 12, 3 p. m., concert by conservatory of music 8 p. m lecture before the literary societies by Rev. J. W. Busbong, D. D. Two convicts were brought from Umatilla county today, Mauuel Cocon ado aud J. G. Richardson. Jack Robinson of tbe Salem Water Co. force, started for Lebanon today to lay several miles of water pipe. He is a rustler and will do a good Job. Phil. K. Fretz, of this city, will here after be known as a District Deputy Grand Master, W. T. WilllamBou, Grand Ksstor of Oregon Jurisdiction, having this day appointed blm such. Salem is a good town in one respect: The wind is slowly but surely let out of a fraud if be will Just stay here long enough to let his real character become apparent. Elmer Woriok, who was bound over after a farcical trial before Recorder Edes for firing blank cartridges at W. A. Sbaw, to drive him away from tbe hallway to bis room at ten o'clock at night, has returned from his surveying work with Alonzo appear be fore the grand jury. THE ANNUAL BOSE SHOW. The City Will Have its Flower Festival June 16th and 17th. Tbe society has adopted tbe following rules governing tbe rose shew: 1. Tbe superintendent sball.bave gen eral chargo of tbe rose show. 2. Judges shall be appointed by tbe executive committee, and all adjust ments not covered by rules or pub lished action of tbe executive com mittee shall be referred to tbat com mittee. 3. Exhibits not at the door by 2 p. tu. on tbe first day of tbo show will be debarred from competition. Exhib its will bo received from 0 a. m. till 2 o'clock. 4. All flowers may bo banded to tbe superintendent or assistants at tbe door, and subject there to their ar rangement. Flowers must be marked with the entry number of the owner. 5. Receptacles for premium flowers ' will bo furnished by the superintend ent, but flowers for display may be arranged any manner desired by tbe owner. 6. All flowers entered for premiums must be distinctly named, if incor rectly named tbey will be excluded from premiums. 7. No Inferior plant or flower to receive a premium. 8. Flowers of any one variety entered for premium must not consist of more than six. 0. All plants must be owned by the exhibitors and bave been in tbelr pos session at least three months before the show, and all cut flowers must be grown by the exhibitor. 10. Plants or flowers cannot bo re moved until tbe closo of tbo exhibi tion exoept by permission of the sup erintendent. 11. "No flower can bo entered for more than one premium. premium list. 1. 2. 8. 4. 6. 6. 7. Largest collection of varieties. Beat exhibit " 1 " rosebuds rose Introduced in '01 and '02. Premiums will consist of blue, led and white ribbons. Special premiums will be offered for the finest display of tbe following named varieties: Marecbal Nell, Vis countess Folkstoue, Nephltos. Papa Gontler, Catherine Mermet, Sunset, Marie Van Houte, Meteor, Jauqueml not, Rlene Marie Honrletto, Wiu. Al len Richardson, La France, La Marc, The Bride, Malmalson, Anna Olllvler, Hermosa, Laurette, E Y Tees, Perle du Jardln. Beet collection of wild flowers gath ered by child under 14 years of age, each species arranged separately. Free Lbotukbb. Clark Braden will lecture la tbe Christian church at 8 o'clock Tuesday and Wednesday even ian. June 13tu and Utb. Subjects: "What CbrfoUaalty baa done for the World;" "The Relation of Christianity te Politleal, Social, Domestic, Intetect Hal, Moral and Religious Life." raking Powder CIRCUIT OOURT SESSION. Call of the Docket Grand Jury Oases Set for Trial. Judgo Burnett called to order at 10 a. m. and appointed following efficers: Court bailiffs : Jesse Maoy and H. A. Johnson, Jr. Grand Jury bailiff, D. W. Morrla. Ho then proceeded to a call of the docket with following entries: SET FOll TRIAL BY JURY. B. E. Robertson, assignment, June 15th, 11:30. Charlea Burton et al vs. R. B. Plow- J!) man, damages. 4 Stay ton Hall Co. vs. Grant Lake, et al, action for money. State of Oregon vs. H. B. Blmou,offer to bribe. M. L. Jones vs. L. M. Hensell, appeal from Justice. Joseph Meyers vs. Samuel L. Lovell, action for monoy. Emma Simmons vs. D. W. Edgar, aotlon for money. Thos. Holman vs. Thos. P. Welc'tf, constable, appeal. SETTLED. , John Weltz vs. Rankin Edgar. i r G. W. Woodworth vs. John Knight. Chas. S. Welter, Salem LandCo.j Willis Bros. & Co. vs. Capital City Railway Co. ' Ellis Leeson vs. L. A. Walker. j. Zeuaide Durette vs. A. Choquette. . Coolldge fc McClaln vs. Oregon Mill ing uo. H. A. Thomas vs. Geo. Crabtree. jcuzaueiu josepu va. w. a. ouaw. a T,. n. Hrnnhnr vl V. M. T.nftlJi . J. W. Warner & Co. vs. Capital City Railway Co. ' " M. T. Rlneman vs. G. C. Hogan and Mary Hogan. DEFAULTS. J. J. Duffeler vs. Demaeon et al. Louis Rau vs. T. Grim. W.T. Barrows vs. Morton R. Gay lord. , t Goodman & Son vb. James Barnes et al. Coolldge & McClalne vs. same. Ben Forstner vs. Phillip Gllham. Ex. Horace Leach oat. vs. Goodhue & Canlll. - -T Coblentz & Levy vs. J. Scbarbaob , f Elizabeth Ebcrhart et al vb. Charles I L. Kester et al. Bel'o CbnmncsB vs. Marion Cham ness. 4 AFTERNOON. Court met at 1:15 and the following grand jurors were drawn: Geo. N. dcroat.U. "D. Gabrlelson, L. W. Reed er, E. A. Thompsou, P. Lucler, John R. Wbito foremau, J. A. Motbern. Tbe grand Jury were Instructed and retired. Humane Society. Mrs. Bupt. Grubbe has made all tbe arrangements for tbo Humane Society contest, for $16 gold prizes for best essays and pieces spoken, to come off next Saturday evening, tbe day after the closing ex cises. Place will bo announced. Strongly Endorsed. The advertising of Hood's Sarsaparil la appeals to the sober, oommou sense of thinking people, because it Is true: and it Is always fully substantiated by endorsements which in the financial world would be accepted without a mo ment's hesitation. They tell the story HOODS CURES. Hood's Pills cure liver ills, Jaundice, bllliousness, sick headache, constipa tion. , You linrdly realize that It ! medicine, when UklDjc Gartor'a Little Liver Mill : tbey are very mall; no bad ttreoU; nil trouble txom terpl liver are relieved by tbelr ue. To be free Irom ilek headache, bllloum 1, ooatlatloa, etc, ue Car er1 Little Liver MIU. Htrletiy vegetable. They gently etlmo late tbe liver and free tbe itomaeu trota bile. Not one la twenty are freo from acme little ailment cauied by inaction of tbo liver. Vm Carter's Mttle Liver Mlb, Tbe reeult will ke a pleuiunt eurprlte. Tbey give poaltlve relief. VIGOR of men Caeiir, tuMtir, r 9veWMfl(IJf NlllOrvfle WCAKNCM, NIRVOUSNEM, DEBILITY, and all lb train of erile (romawljr rronor latar BIOMHJ. Uui rtulli overwork, ilokDei m et trorrr.tio. ruu devtlooniMil wiiwr or pi,Bal awa RaaFvoSj ss sHirrL, p, y, &S)A Inluwln lyll))) ft MrMoa of Ike few. LI SSMliM a4 jwiwSl Ts. ,' ! ; f ' 1 M i J ' '! 11 s - v ?