OCR Interpretation

Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, July 18, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Oregon Libraries; Eugene, OR

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn99063954/1893-07-18/ed-1/seq-4/

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i lli Mii(i lliiinT "ilfi f'l H l
i5VnjLNO uaiajj JOtni&AL, 'jroi&XA.1, JUL i&, ioya.
what more cool and light to wear than a silk, sateen, or Swiss
BlouRe Waist?
Evidently many ladies agree with this, as our sales lately
has been surprising.
Pongee Bilk Waists
Dotted 8wiss "
Plain " "
Sateen "
French Flannel '
OuUne " "
To be worn with the; waists we show
Windsor t es. m
307 Commercial Street.
- IF -
Too are foisflo traHd or make any Med of
Unprorcatat. esH oa Ue nacersieoed tor
nutoUL We hsve a complete stock, and are
ready to supply any prepared contract, sewer
work, rrsdlnc, c-
Salem Improvement Co.
Tuesday, 18tb. Ci'y conneil meets,
So. m.
Tuesday, IStb. Hnag steamer excur
s'on to Portland, 6 a. m.
Wednesday,19th.-MorningsIde picnic
afternoon and evening.
Saturday, Aug. 5. State Dairymen's
convention, court bouse, 10 a. m.
Meetjxo of School Directors.
The board of school directors met at
theirfficeat2 P. M. today. Among
other business transacted Prof. G. A.
Peebles was elected principal of North
Balem school, in place of Mr. Barnard
who was to bare succeeded Prof. Bell
wood but has resigned. Misses Anna
Fkber and Lena G. Butler were elected
as teachers to fill vacancies caused by
Prorate. Orders were granted yes
terday to the guardian of Mary T. and
Albert Lv, minor heirs of Lorenzo P.
Eisenbart, deceased, permitting bim
to sell the real property of the estate.
Inventory of the John Blery estate
filed shows the real property to be val
ued at (1,560, and the personal property
at 1330.10, making a. total of (1500.10.
Branching Out. The Y. M. C. A.
not only furnishes a free gymnasium,
reading ball, bicycle club, ball club,
amusement parlors, shower, sponge
and tub baths, but has now begun pub
lishing a local monthly and advertise
ment sheet, called "Push.1 It Is typi
cal of the Yankee enterprise of the gen
eral secretary, air, v.etneroee.
Btatk vs. Willis. The suit of the
state board of school land commission-
ere va. Willis, attorney for the board
In Douglass county some years
ago,' was beard today before the su
preme court. Attorney Geueral Cham
berlain appearing. It is over the re
covery of a sum that was lost to the
state by Willis. It has been decided
against Willis several times.
Insane. U. T. Massard, of Wood
burn, was brought to Balem today to be
examined as to bis sanity. He has In
somnia and blsjdoctor told him he had
something on bis mind that was grow,
lag. Helso believe some one wauts
to kill him. He was examined before
the county court by Dr. Cartwright.
Ths Excursions. The two excur
sion steamers El wood and Hoag left
tbe wbarf this morning at 0:30 witb
good loads of passengers to see tbe war
ahlp Monterey. A good many people
have a great big silver dollar to spare
for the round trip in spite of hard times.
Commuted. Tbe sentence of R. O.
Carter ofMt. Vernon, Mo., has been
commuted to 25 years imprisonment
He was arrested at East Portland un
der the name of Hose las t spring for
murder of one Crockett In Missouri In
Police Court. Jo. Kurtz was
fined 10 aud costs frr assaulting Urun
bo Shatter at tbe B. P. depot yesterday
afternoon. He went to Jail One
vagrant got five days forgoing to sleep
1b a box car,
Canada Thistles. Rslph Sbepard
mt Brooks report tbat a patch is grow
lag adjoining his place aud was today
appointed commissioner to exterminate
i, by order of the county court.
Don't Buffer. Don't tutler with
1mm4 wHeu you can gel one of those
light eoabJ and vesta and thin uuder
wear la all sits, at the Woolen Mill
ttN. WW
A(l choice house to sell on easy
Utw. WW UH& carpenter work lo
partpayMMt, G. M, Heeler. tr.
FokUkkt. Uotweof8roonia, newt
taw Tiisit, hard finish, apply at premises
Jffa, 57 JWvWoa atrL 7 2S
the most complete and choicest line of
September 1st
Xearly everyone who leaves town
for the mountains or the ocean orders
theOxECEXT Dailt. One month
by mail 25 cents. Four months 122
days for $1.00.
Bi. Geer and daughter. Miss Mesa,
of Salem, are visiting friends and rela
tives In Baker City.
It was Charlie Long of Silverton who
worked eo hard to make the recent
-rait Growere meeting a success at
Salem instead of J. M. Long as ?re bad
All the latest styles of Crane's,
Hurd'a and Hurst's stationery in all
tints and sixes at F. Dearborn's book
f-store, 253 Commercial street. 7-18 2t
Hceh Lamoureux Is & shrewd ad
Abe Lawrence and Joe Brady, of
Portland, were placed in the peniten
tiary last night for larceny.
Andrew Dresser, of Portland, & man
who is not altogether clear on hla finan
cial views, has been sent to the asylum.
To go with brook trout you want the
choicest fruits and other table delica
cies, sold only at Van Eaton's grocery.
Nothing ever added so much to the
bill of fare of our beet people as bring
ing Little Nestucca cheese to this mar
ket. Clark & Eppley are always doing
such things at thelrcourt street grocery.
An Albany paper says: The O. P.
will be extended to the Deschutes this
year. Remember the fact.
Bharpe'a Jersey dairy has fresh pas
tures and have fine milk and cream.
Her children are the "Pride of Ore
gon" and if families will use that brand
of the Balem Flouring Mills that is
what they will be.
Ex-Mayor D'Arcy is at Portland on
,ega, business before the U. & court.
TheS. P. paycar was in the city to-
day. It has more coolies nuiulistof
.employes than whites.
F K. Lovell went to Portland today
Rev. J. 8. White, of HL Joseph's, la
off for tbe sea coast at Newport for a
few days.
Attorney J as. Hamilton and Attor
ney A. M. Crawford, of Roseburg, re
turned today.
F. T.Hart,tbe Uilor.is at Albany and
will take in Newport before returning.
Private (secretary Munley, of the
governor's ofllce, took bis family to
Newport today.
Mrs. C. Frszer and daughter, Miss
Katie Frazer, arrived today from Mich
igan. They will make their borne witb
C. G. Sargeant, at Sunny aide No. eight.
Rev. F. II. Gwynne Hynodical mis
sionary of the Presbyterian church, is
in tbe city.
Board of Education Meets to Elect
a New Superintendent.
The state board of education met at
2 p. m. to consider matter of selecting a
new man to succeed Supt, Smith, i
There are complaints of a lack ofdis-l
clpllne and unless a change cau be bad
there will be a new mau; but a new , bave pure w and ,he w to
man was virtually decided upon today. ; have pure blood is to take Hood's Bar
Boys bave been allowed too much ; saparilla, the best blood puilfier and
freedom In Idleness aud have repeatedly Wh i!d: "j J.f ,!JD ?f
uetm reiurneu iroin meir Homes aou .
jails, wbera they bave been let go quite ,
frequently and freely. i
Work Is a panacea for all tbe evil of,
discipline among children at home,
and It is a good thing In school. It Is1
still better in a state reform school, andf
that Is what the board
will enforce In
What's the use of reeling languid,
Jlopy. dull and bluer
Cleanse the blood aud give 11 viger:
Mala lb old man new.
UowT I'll tell you.
To the drur store
uotbl very day-
Buy a medicine Ui banish
Ail vottr Ills away-
And that medicine is Dr. Pierce's Gold
eu Medical Discovery, tbe very best
blood-purlller on earth. It builds up
and strengthens the system because it
clean the blood, aou that's what the
ytetu must have lo be strong and!
healthy. There' nothing that equals'
It. Absolutely sold on trial I Your r
money bacc, If It doesn't benefit or cure .
you. 1
Whit the Water Company la Dola;
to Keep up Pressure.
The Salem Water On. I having a
bard time to keep up preuure for ordi
nary service the past few dsys of warm
weather. The Irrigation rules require
that water be used on lawns and gar
dens from 6 to 8 o'clock a. oi. and 6 to
9 p.m. A great man; people here as
in other cities disregard this and allow
water to waste all day and ail night.
Several were raspended from uing the
dty water altogether yesterday and
more will be today as fust as they can
be reported to President Wallace, if
violators persist there are going to be
prosecutions to protect the company
and the fire department, as well'as peo
ple who require pressure. The names
of tbe; e who aba e the rules would form
a very interesting black list of people
who disregard the rights of others.
The company propose to push this mat
ter. There is more catarrh lo this section
of the country than all other diseases
put together, and until tbe last few
years was supposed to be incurable.
For a great many years doctors pro
nounced it a local disease, and pre
set i bed local remedies, and by constant
ly failing loeurewitn local treatment,
pronounced it incurable. Science has
proven catarrh to be a constitutional
disease, and therefore requires consti
tutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney
& Co.. Toledo, Ohio, is the only consti
tutional cure on tbe market. It is
taken internally in doses from 10 drops
to a teasDoonfaL It acts directly on
tbe blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. They ofler one hundred dol
lars for any case it fails to core. Send
for circulars and testimonials. A'd
dress. F.' J. Cheney fc Co., Toledo,
JE"riold by druggists, 75c.
Opinion of Business ' Hen on tbe
Bawdy House Extension.
Tbe best business men of tbe city are
unanimous in demanding tbat tbe ex
tension of bawdy bouses into one of tbr
best blocks on Commercial street should
be stopped. Tbe city conneil at Its ses
sion tonight should take steps to con
fine booses of ill fame to already in
fected districts.
"Owners of property should be given
to understand tbat they owe some
thing to the decency and respectability
and business interestooftbe communi
ty." These are tbe words of a foremost
public man, who is not an extremist or
Tbe council will nndoubtedly take up
this matter and save tbe good name of
our city and the business interests of
Commercial and State street from the
fatal eflects of tbe social evil, which are
always to drive trade to other parte of
tbe city.
They Never PaiL
J. N. Harris, 3 Fulton Market, New
York City, says:
"I have been using Brandrelb's Pills
for the last fifteen years. There is
nothing equal to them as Blood Purifi
ers and Liver Regulators. But I wish
to stale bow remarkably they cure
rheumatism, and bow easily; I was af
fected by rheumatism in the legs. My
business (wholesale fish dealer) natur
ally leads me Into damp places. I
could not walk, and at night I snfiered
terribly, I tried Balms, Sareaparillas
and all kinds of tinctures, but tbey did
me no good and I was afraid of belug a
cripple. I finally commenced using
Brandreth's Pills. I took two every
night for ten night, then I begau to
improve. I continued taking them for
forty days knd I cot entirely well.
i Now, whenever sick, I take Brandreth's
Fills. They never fall."
Supreme Justice.
Washington, July IS. It Is learned
from Inside sources that Attorney-General
Olney will be appointed to the su
preme bench, to succeed the late Jus
tice Blatcbford.
B.F. Dowall and N. A.Dowall vs.
D. W. Applegale, et al, appeal from
Douglass, argued aud submitted, (On
C. H. Bitting, vs. DougUs county,
et at.; argued and submitted.
Don't You Enow
... ,,,,.., ,,.. ..
nior-. . ., thB ,. .in,, builda im
V1.Wt M MM U14 Mil Ulllf UU
tbe whole system and gives nerve
Hood,8 PiU a" h4(1 by maU for
SScuof CI. Hood i Co., Lowell, Mass,
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Pow.ler.No Ammonia; No Alaa.
Ud in Millions of Horaes40 Years tli Staadut
Hax Francisco, Jnly 17. A telegram
received bere states tbat tbe steamer
Emily ' was wrecked and Is a total loss
at Coos Bay. This steamer was used
to carry passengers and freight between
San Francisco and Coos Bay.
San Francisco, July 13. The will
of Senator Stanford was admitted to
probate by Judge Cofley. The widow (
will serve as executrix without bonds, i
as provided for lntbe last will and,
testament of Senator Stanford.
San .Francisco, July 18. An im
portant discovery-regarding the comet
has beeif made at the Lick observatory.
Photographic plates reveal the fact tbat
tbe celestial visitant has a companion.
The second comet- Is enveloped In tbe
tail of the first one, and shows dimly J
in the plate, though perfectly distinct '
as a nebulous-like condenealK n. I's
tail also merges into, tbat of 'be other.
Director Holden and astronomers are
much elated over the disvery. It.
was revealed by the photograph of the J
comet taken Thursday night by Profes
sor Hnrsey, and cannot be seen through
tbe telescope. It appears to move in
tbe tame orbit as tbe main one, or an
orbit exactly parallel, and at tbe same
rate of speed.
, Baker 'City, July 18. A fabulously
richi bed of gold discovered. It was
found at tbe bottom of a 350 foot shaft
in tbe Virtue mine near this city, The
water was all pnmped out, and an al
most solid streak of gold eight inches
i wide was revealed. Two miners took
out two sacks of ore worth 110,000. One
specimen weighing eight pounds, con
tains $300.
F. W. Gallin was banged at Canyon
; City Friday afternoon at 2:40. He im
plored rornlvenesa or the whole world
and be fell while uttering a prayer in
German. No confession was made on
the gallows but be made a statement
the day before, confessing the crime.
He- said Mrs. Sbaw beat ber husband
on tbe bead witb a hammer after he
bad killed bim, and assisted jn dispos
ing of tbe body. He stated tbat Sbaw
and bis wife were quarreling and be
was brongbt in, and that Sbaw drew a
pistol and threatened to kill tbe pair
when be bit Sbaw on the head with
tbe hammer, killing bim instantly.
Gallin was pronounced dead in ten
minutes and forty seconds.
San Francisco, July IS. A curious
case came np in tbe United States cir
cuit court of appeals from tbe state of
Washington. The question was as to
tbe title to 100 bales of bops in controv
ersy between the Merchant's "Exchange
bank of Milwaukee and John H. Mcr
Graw, now chief executive of the state
of Washington. The case came up on
au appeal from the United States cir
cuit court. The point Involved is.
wbetner or not tne transfer oi a oui oi
ladiogcan transfer special property un
til after the indorsement and deliverery
of tbe bilL Plaintiff in error claims
tbat in December, 1890, it obtained title
to the goods by virtue of an agreement
to guarantee tbe payment of a draft
paid by the First National bank of Se
attle. Tne bank relied on tbe guaranty,
not on tbe bill of lading, and tbe ques
tion now is whether the bank In Mil
waukee can be said to bave title prior
to tbe time it obtained possession of tbe
bill of lading. The case was argued by
Cbas. H. Fisbback and Cbas. R. Shep
herd, both of Seattle,
Anaoobtbs, Wash., July 18. The
bank of Auacortes failed to open its
doors but instead posted a notice saying
tbat on account of tbe financial situa
tion and its failure to realize on securi
ties it was compelled to suspend. Lia
bilitiesare (29.300; assets conservatively
placed at T7,897. Depositors have
every assurance of belng'pald dollar for
ddllar. Tbe bank of Anacortea was the
oldest in tbe city, having been estab
lished by John M. Piatt,
San Francisco, July 18. A syndi
cate of Portland and New York capital
lata are negotiating for the purchase of
50.000 acres of timber land In tbe neigh
borhood ofMedford, Oregon, belonging
to tbe Southern Pacific railroad. It Is
understood that tbe purchase price is
to be $500,000. The railroad has made
tbe figure of (10 an acre, but tbe eyndl
cate is endeavoring to secure a lower
figure C. H. Leadbetter, acting for
tbe syndicate, has offered $7.50 per acre
but Mr. Huntington has refused to go
below $10. W. H. Mills, acting on in
structions from New York, left for
Portland on business connected witb
the proposed sale.
COOLEY. In North Salem, July 17,
1893, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cooley,
a son.
i -1
f iwr h
I pfus. B
Eiek neolteb tad rtkr H U U-ooblts tod
dest to a Mtkre stt of tae jta. taah as
DizxiaeM. NftSKS. Drcrwrinw, Diitrrw tlvrt
Mtlir. Vila la tbe Bide. &c WbO tbrir mart
ttmirluUt ncoen bu ta ibova to cotiot
Hetdicb. jtC Cixtkb's Littu Ltrxa Pnu
ar eqtutlr rateable la CocsUpation. caring
aad preTestinc Ul' amriB complaint, white
tier alio correct ail Oitorim of the ttomach.
ctfcnoUte U llrer aad rezoUte the bowels.
Erea U tbrr c&T cored
.tbt tbT woold b almost priceless to tho
who suffer from thi distretsinr cemplaint:
but fortnaatclr Uir Roodoes doe' not od
bere, and those who oace tr theo will find
these UKte ptna rateable In o roanr war that
thrr win sot be wffiing to do without them.
Bat after aO atek head
U the bane of so manr Ures that here ii where
we make oar great boa it, Our pilii core ft
while others do cot.
Cam's LrrrL Lmx Pols are wt small
asd Terr easy to take. One or two pOls make
a dose. They are strirtlr Tesetableand do
not crlpe or porre, but by their EnUe action
clean all woo nse them. In rials at 25 cents:
firs for $1. Sokl eTerrwhere, or ent by mail.
USZS2 KE13XX CO, Srr 1st
MR Ml, Mft&
Get Out Your Basket.
Take your family for the picnic by
tbe ladies of St. Paul's church Wednes
day, 3 to 10 p. m. Music by tbe Sec
ond Regiment band.
Economize in Paper.
Clean newspapers, tied in bundles of
100, not cut, tor sale at this office at
fifteen cents a bundle. A heavy straw
wrapping paper, large sheets, two cents
a .pound. Next door to the postofflce.
Best at Momingside.
Come to "Momingside" next Wednesday-afternoon
and evenirjg, July
19ih, and be entertained by the ladies
of St, Paul's Episcopal church The
band will discourse music throughout
the evening, sandwiches, coffee, ice
cream and cake will be served, and tbe
grounds will be well lighted. 7-lS-2t
In bulk, all good shipping varieties
of cherries in the Willamette valley
Oregon Fruit fe Produce Co., Salem.
6-18 dw
Two sheep. Owner call and pay ex
penses. W. H. Hunt, North Salem,
Meat Market. 7-13 tf
The Trask River Toll Road, with fur
nished hotel and farm, at its western
gate, in Tillamook county, title deal
and renting for $600 to $1000 a year
can be secured now, in exenange for
productive city property, or a good
farm in the Willamette valley. In
quire of N. W. G. at residence of B. C
Ward, 13th street, near Court, Salem,
Oregon. 7-7-dw lm
To Builders and Contractors.
Salem, Or., July 12. Sealed propos
als will be received at the office of tbe
smetary of state for tbe erection of an
addition to the State Reform School
building. Bids to bo opened at 12
o'clock m., on Wednesday, July 26th,
1693. Plans and specifications cau be
seen at the office of McNally fe Knlch
ton, architects, Salem, Oregon, begin
ning Tuesday, J uly istn. Bidders will
be required to accompany their bids
with a certified check of $250.00 as evi
dence of good faith. The right is re
served to reject any and all bids.
G. W. McBridp.
E. B. McElrov,
7-12-td Board of Trustees.
Before Going to the Woild's Fair
Enquire About
The Limited Express trains of the Chi
cago, Milwaukee fc St. Paul Railway
betweeu St, Paul and Chicago aud
Omaha and Chicago.
These trains are vestlbuled, electric
lighted and steam heated, with the flu
eat Dluing and Sleeping Car Service in
tbe world,
The Electric reading light in each
berth is the successful novelty of this
progressive age, and is highly appreciat
ed by all regular patrons of this line.
We wish others to know its merits, as
tne i-nicago .Miiwauuee & bt. ram Hall
way is the ouly line iu tbe west enjoy
ing the exclusive use of this patent.
for lurtner iniormation apply to
nearest coupon ticket agent, or address
C. J. Eddy, General Agent,
J. W. Casey, Tra v. Pass. AgU
-a stars ei., rortiana, ur. tr
The Union Pacific now leads with re.
duoed ratea to eastern points, and their
through car arrangements, magnific
ently equipped Pullman and Tourist
sleepers, free reclining chair car and
fast time, make it the best time to trav
el. Two trains leave from Portland
dally at 8. a. m, aud 7:30 p. m. The
ratea are now within reach of all, and
everybody . should take advantage of
ttiem to visit tbe world's fair and their
menus in tbe east. Send for ratea and
schedules of trains, aud do not purchase
tickets until after consulting Boise 4
Barker, agents, Salem. Or.
. , r, .. W HCRLBURT,
Ass't Gen'l Rasa, Agent, U. P.,
Portland, Or.
A BAllOAlN-iao acre with Improvements
over hair uod-r cultivation, rwst pasture. ad
cvua umner, itrms vey eay. Ad-,
MMnvdw Wheatland. Or. I
Not necessary at all. You
can get Summer ConU and
Vests in all styles and s zes
and Balbriggan' underwear
To Keep You Cool
San Francisco, Ju1j 18. Wheat
December $1.17.
CaiCAOO, July 18. Wheat 63; Sep
tember 95.
Portland, July 18. Wheat valley,
7jtl.10, Walla Walla $1 00 1.0
$1. 02
Drowned at Astoria.
Astoria, July IS. There was a
heartrending scene at tbe mouth of
the river Monday, wben five men,
without a minute's warning, were
dragged into tbe breakers and drowned.
At a little after 9 o'clock a thick fog
came up over the river and tbe westerly
wind changed tbe smooth water into a
dangerous choppy sea. Nearly 400 boats
were out around tbe jetty and Republic
spit, and only a few of tbem came in at
tbe first signs ot danger. About an
hour afterwards, when the fog lifted,
thfi lookout at Fort Canby saw time
overturned boats and the signal gun
immediately called out the life-saving
crew. Tbey went out at once and
found that five men bad gone d wn
and that a dozen boats bad been over
turned. Tbe Monmouth State Norma1..
During the past year the Stalo Nor
mal school at Monmouth has reached
an enrollment of over 400, the largest
in its history. Tbe professional course
has been much strengthened by tbe ad
dition of tbe model training depart
ment in which students are given prac
tical experience in tbe application of
methods, under tbe supervision of spe
cial critic teachers. Miss Edith Casea
vant, a graduate of tbe MiHersville, Pa.,
state normal, nas been added to tbe
department for the next year's work.
In tbe academic course, tbe work in
all tbe departments has been revised
and strengthened. Tbe school has a
bright prospect for future growth and
Baby cried,
Mother sighed.
Doctor prescribed : Castoria
The Rustler Wood Saw
And he doesn't barn cp half your wood. Id
fael. when he taws II. Mak TmrnminMi
Itb Dim personally or If iTe ar-'tn m Vealen
cwrnnre ixsroorn' nour morv.us summer
street, or address me j- mall. 6-H-u
Steamer Hwuc
rrom U. P. Dock at o'clock a. m. every Wed
nesday and Saturday.
trom the Central dock at foot ot Waahlrgton
street every Sunday and Thursday.
for Albany every Monday and Tuesday, re
j turning same days.
I Concerning freight and passenger business,
call on the agent, AITmeRRKnT
Hardware, Wagons, Carts, Road Machinery
Latest Improved Goods and Lowest Price.
. W. W. Cor. State and Liberty St. SALEM. OREGON
Jackets at Cost
To close out we are showing elegant Hues of
Outing Flannels,
All Wool Challiea,
Cotton Challies,
Lawns, Dimities,
Ponsree Silts
aUowpt prices?
Fla liBsaof mens aad boya sulta.
jyw.A v
r' ry
ci . -
U ham .11 1h .l.ld tfrTMArThlctt
Lfhlth In fini, inrt n ftfn Ttarur snd pn
kail tbe most aitidions. W e have over!
laO it vle to Klect from. Our prlc ranp-
iromac np. ji joa omy cera a sman
mount oi paper come ana see bow muco
e can elre too for Ore. cent dorlnc these
aou times.
Patton Bros.,
Booksellers 'and Statlonere,!
"TTrAirrKDA. Am da elrl to do boas
11 irork Corner n Inter and F1T17.
mHI3 PAPER U kept on file at E. C, Dtte'i
I Advertising Apency. 6t and 63 Merchant
Exchange. Ban Ftandsso, California, where
contrae for advertising can be made for It.
GHRI3TLAN C1ENCE Literature of all
kind! on sale at S Liberty street. 4-5-:r
ATTETIOX. Cash money paid tor rift,
tx-tucs.old iron and all kinds of metali,
a.tobldw, at old Court Hosse, Hal em.
1-K-ly 1. TOLPOLAB.
Regular Seventh Day Advent st serried at
old Unitarian Hall opposite o era br.tue. Sa
lem. Hatnr ay. S&boalh school at la, m,
followed by Bible reading and other serrlres.
Prayer meeting Wednesday 733 p. m. 6-S
Thursday My 20
Altemoon and'Ight
Leon W. Wasliburn'.s
Great Furopeai? . . .
Three BUg Ci no, KojiU wigusa Xecie,
ATUry, Museum and Aquarium. RtalUtle
Wild West, and Bomaa Ulppodr me.
10 am. Open Cens of Wfd Brvi. .
bteaxa Piano, Marvelous EUam Hoise-Jj.
the Monster War Elephant "Cupid," J
Doors open at 1 and 7 p. to. rei lorowtei
one hour later.
AdroissJon to Children, Half Pt'.ce.
hats, trunks and valise and furnublBj
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