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Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, July 22, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn99063954/1893-07-22/ed-1/seq-1/

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BookCoupon f A PTT A 1 A
ct ATT7TIT) A V . L .Jbm-L. .A. M, . A.. . , W isti
NO. 172.
Is tint the wuv you have been buying your goods ? Wo
have tried it for a year and a half in our business and it has
provad a decided success.
Try this same method for yourself once. Buy from a cash
store. Save the usual per centage added for bad accounts at a
credit store, and you will be happily surprised at the result.
The New York Racket
Offers you genuine bargains in BOOTS and SHOES, HATS,
general line of notions.
Bring your cash and get full
E. T. barne:
General Insurance Agency.
Representing tke following well-known and reliable Cempanies:
BTATK INSURANCE CO., JElnn Insurance Co.,
Traders' Insurance Co., Bun Insurance Co.,
National Insurance Co., Westonester Ptre Ins. Co.,'
Lion Klre Insurance Co., Imperial Fire Insurance Co.,.JfllJT?
London dc Lancashire Fire Ins. Boo., London Vsaurance Corporation,
Alliance Aisuranoo Co., Norwich Union Fire Ins.Suc.
Oldest and Leading Firm in the City Davotod Exclusively to Insurance,
Recovers and repalra upholstered furniture. Long Experience In tho trade
enables me to turn out first-class work. Samples of coverings. No trouble to
jrive estimates. State Insurance block, Cbenieketa street.
Ed. C.
CHURCHILL Spraying outfits,
B 103
BURROUGHS State Street.
Lamoureux's Stables,
At the Commercial street bridge near Willamette Hotel. New stock and ve
hicles being added constantly. Only the best service rendered. No shabby
rigs nor poor horBts. H. L. LAMOUREUX, Proprietor.
West Printing
First-class Work.
803 Commercial St.,
South Commercial Ht. Salem.
AH kind Frcali.BaUand Smoked Meat
value for it.
Ins. Block.
Wholesale ami Retail
Dealer in Fresh, Salt and
Smoked Meats of allKinds
95 Court and
110 State Streets.
Book -and Job
Reasonable Prices.
Balcui, Oregon.
Tie Mler Wood Saw
And bo dnen1 barn up hair yonr wood, in
fuel, when bo ui It. ! yourenatracU
wilb blm personally orlf re orotr at Vcalcb
clear atorJuaaiborn'a book Ur,M Uamintt
ctmt,or44ram brasaiL MW
Triple Tragedy.
Metropolis, Ills., July 22. Tho
community wan shocked Friday even
ing by tho most dreadful tragi dy ever
known in this section, Richard Shoe
maker killing Richard Lukens, Jr.,
George Lukeus, his brothor, and after
seriously wounding tho fathor of tho
two dead men, putting n bujlot Into his
own body with a fatal result. All the
parties are men of high social standing
and are well known throughout South
ern Illinois and a large portion of Ken
tucky. Richard Lukens, Jr., married Shoe
maker's step-daughter, MIbs Lillian
Jones, about three years ago. Shoema
ker had been her guardian and after the
marriage was called upon for an ac
counting of the estate. Seemingly he
bad run through the largo sum lefi the
girl by her father. Protraoted litigation
followed and much bitter feeling was
the result.
About 0:20 o'clook Shoemaker walked
up to Luken's residence armed with
two revolvers and, entering tho yard,
opened Are upon Dick and George who
were standing there, the former with
his babe in his arms. BotU fell dead In
an Instant. Their father, Richard Lu
kens, 8r., ran out and met the murderer
who was firing shot after shot into the
bodies. He fired a bullet into the old
man's thigh and then turned and ran
down the street two squares where be
tent a bullet Into his own abdomen and
died in a short time.
Frico ef Cordage.
New York, July 22. The World
says: John Good has made a statement
that John Good company and National
Cordage company have agreed as to
basis of prices for binding twine, sisal
and Manilla rope, and other lines of
cordage. Under the agreement prices
will be much higher than at present.
These new prices, however, were not to
go into effect until the reorganization
of National Cordage Is complete. So
far no other outside company has agreed
to the new rates.
tOrime at Eugene.
Eugene City, July 22 Special.
Dr. Patterson Wallace was bound over
in $300 bonds to await the action of the
grand jury for practicing medicine
without first regleteriug. Bhe gave
bonds. The same lady was sued by
the wife of Deputy fiber ifl Croner for
Ave thousand dollars for damages in
giving her an overdose of Creosote.
Murder and Suicide.
Seattle, July 22. Au unknown
man and woman were drowned in lake
Washington Friday afternoon under
circumstances which indicate the doub-
lo crime of murder and suicide.
They were out rowing- about a mile
and a quarter from shore and were
seen by those aboard the eteam launch
Aquilla to be struggling in the boat.
The woman also signalled to the launch
for help. When the launch came along
side she was seen to bo much disturbed
and weeping but declined to say wheth
er she wanted to get aboard the launch,
which was waved off by tho man. After
the launch got ashore and reported the
Incident a row boat was sent 'after the
mau and woman, but before it reached
them the man threw his companion
overboard and then jumped into the
water. Tho names cannot be Iearaed.
The lake Is 600 feet deep where tbey
went overboard and the bodies of
drowned persons seldom il& to the
surface. Both were young and well
No Fistic Boats.
Valparaiso, Ind., July 22. Judge
Gilbert, of the circuit court, has written
a letter to Governor Matthews concern
log the prize fights, at Roby, Iud., say
ing under uo circumstances would the
Corbett-Mitchell fight bo allowed to
take place thero and he proposed to act
without the co-operation of the govern
or. ' CURES
Rising Breast
fered child-bearing woman. I bar baaa a
old-wife lor many yean, and la sack caaa
wuere "MoUwr Friend" baa been ud 1
bat accomplished wonderland rclfcrad much
f aSering. Ii to the bttt remedy for tUtm !
tt braaat known, and worth tba prtc for
tbat alone. Uw.X.M.KaiwTr
Monlgomtrj, Ala.
Sent by exprcM, charge prepaid, on receipt
at prtce, 1LM per bottle.
Said by all Draagfeu. Atlanta, at.
LjavaffcjgjWiUe Fart nrt Uoeayooa
Cohgjgss May Not Obey
Impending Over the Sherman
Senator Carlisle and Silver Pur
France Will Enforce Demands
Against Siam and German
Xen-of-Wnr Sail for
the Scone.
Strugglo Over Silver.
New York, July 22. Tho Bend
Buyer prints the follewing: President
Cleveland baa made, by one of the most
competent o'fflcera of the government,
a thorough canvass of both hous a ou
tho silver question. Conclusions reached
point to a long, exciting nud bitter con
test In bo'th branches of congress. The
eventual repeal of the bill may be
brought about, but not promptly. Ex
tra session will doubtless run Into re
gular session without agreement on
this disturbing question.
Buns in Milwaukee.
Milwaukee, Wis., July 22. The
Milwaukee National bank' failed (o
open Its doors this morning. A run Is
now in progress on all leadiug banks of
the city. The South Sido Savings bank
closed its doors at 10:40.
Stocks Weaker.
N,ew Youk, July 22. Ren owed de
pression In stocks this morningat open
ing. In early trading declines 11 to 1 j.
Carlisle and Silver.
Washington, July 22. Secretary
Curllsle this morning authorized (be
Associated Press to state-that he fully
approves the polloy pursued in bis ab
sence, by Acting Mint Director Pres
ton in purchasing silver and that the
same policy will govern silver pur
chases In the Immediate future. It U
not ex pec tod total of 4,600,000 ounces
will be purchased this month. But
this Is not worrying treasury officials as
Secretary Carlisle holds, with Preston
that the law does not require the treas
ury to purchase that amount In case It
Is not oflered within market price,
France Will Enforce.
Paius, July 22. Tho Slameeo minis
ter to France called on the French for
eign minister this morning and asked
for extension of time for a reply to the
French ultimatum. The request was
refused and tho Siamese minister in
formed If not acceded to in the time
specified France would proceed at once
to enforce demands.
Reported to Eckels.
Washington, July 22 In addition
to heavy failure of a government de
pository bank ut Louisville, three fail
ures of national banks are reported to
Comptroller Eckels this morning, i State
and First National banks of Vernon,
Tex., capital, $100,000 and 180,000 re
spectively, and State National bank of
Knoxvllle, Tenn., capital ? 100,000, all
small Institutions. Deposits In each
are in tho nrighr-orhfftd of $100,000.
Beer Burned.
MiLWAUKKE,JuJv 22. A Are today In
bottling department of Pabst Brewlug
Co., Inflicted loss of $76,000.
San Fbanciboo, July 22, Wheat
December $1,201.
Chicago, July 22. Wheat 63f; Sep
tetuber 06J.
Portland, July 122, Wheat valley,
7J$U0, Wall Wa'llft2$.
New York Short Again.
New Yohk, July 22. The weekly
bank statement shows that tho banks
now hold $l,25050 lcti than required
by law. This has been tho caso sev
eral limes tho past week.
A Keatucky Bank.
Loui8ViLt,E,July22. Tho Kentucky
National bank, with a capital of $1,
000,000, has failed. No statement and
no excitement. Other banks are con
sidered all right.
Milwaukee Later.
Milwaukee, July 22. Tho situa
tion seems better this afternoon, lho
run on tho Merchants Excbange,whicb
was the heaviest, Is subsiding In conso-
quence of posting guarantee notice of
leading citizens. Other banks where
runs are heavy, aie tho Second Ward
National in which are mostly small
German depositors, but It has tho back
ing of tho big brewers and no danger
Is apprehended.
President Noyes, of the Milwaukee
National, has given a, statement for
publication In wbioh he says the bank
is perfectly solvent with assets of half a
million above liabilities, but In the
present strained oondition of affairs It
was thought best to close the doors.
Small Fire.
Lima, O., July 22. Tho business
portion of Edgerton, a town of 1200 In
habitants, ' burned laat night. Loss
$100,000 insured two. thirds.
Charged With Bigamy.
Saobamrnto, Cal., July 22. Judge
Prewett this morning discharged G. B,
Jefleries the locomotive engineer, who
has been on trial In Superior1 court the
past two weeks charged with bigamy,
on the ground that the court bad no
jurisdiction. Tho alleged marriage con
stituting the crime of bigamy having
taken place in Ban Francisco.
Powder Expleaion.
Anqels Camp, Cal., July 22. Two
tons of giant powder in a warehouse
belonging to Garland and Manuel at
Murphy's near here exploded last night
and set flro to tho town. Livery stable,
butcher shop, saloon and. Native Sons'
hall were destroyed. Mitchell's hotel
was badly damaged by fulling plaster
and burning olnders. No lives lost as
far as known.
Savage France.
Bangkok. July 22,-Palvo, theFrencb
minister resident, when he banded tho
ultimatum to Princo Devawongw, the
Siamese minister of foreign ail airs, Fri
day announced that in caso France's
demand should be refused bo would at
once leavo Bangkok to board a gun
boat. A blockade ot the Siamese coast,
be added, would bo declared at onco.
The opinion is general here that Slam
will pay In full the lndomnlty demand
ed by France. It Is doubtful, however,
If the French claims of the territory
will be allowed.
The Liverpool Cup.
LiVEBi'OOL, July 22. The Liverpool
cup was won by Colonel Fortb'sSlraon
Ian, J. H. Houldsworth'a Busbey Park
second, R. Greeubalgh's Roy Nell
third. Distance a mllo and three fur
longs. Merchant Falls.
London, July 22. A. H, Constanlln
Idl, merchant, has fulled; liabilities,
00,284, assets, 7027.
United Brethren Dedication.
The United Brethren church house
in University park la completed and
will be dedicated tomorrow. The ded
icatory sermon will be preached by
Bishop William Dillon, D. D., of Day
ton, Ohio. Bishop Dillon Is the newly
elected bishop to the Pacific coast and
he expects to make Salem his home in
the near future. The services tomor
row will be a love feast at 10 a. in., ded
icatory sermon at 11 a. in. aad a ser
mon lu the evening at 7:30. Prenldlug
Elder Barkley of the Salem district will
be present to assist la the exercises.
Miss Lulu Bargeant will be In charge of
the music. The members of the U. B.
society here congratulate themselves on
the pleasant site they have been fortu
nate in procuring for a church and ap
preciate the neat little chapel which
has been erected so promptly. They
expect to be able in these new quarters
to balk! up a good society and make
more permanent the organisation al
ready affected.
Bupt, R. II. Ryan is making a sacri
fice of time and means to beln the tem
perance caujw, here in Salem and also
out in th country,
Highest of all In Leavening Power. -Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
Discnssing Affairs of Franco
. and Siam.
About Everybody Bankrupt in
To Protect Her Residents in Siam
Land Discussing Siam.
London, July 22. Iu tho commons
the parliamentary secretary of foreign
affairs said tho terms of the ultimatum
sent by France to Slam, as contained In
the telegram from Bangkok, agreed
with thouo communicated to Great
Britain by France, though moro in de
tail. He could not at preeout say in
what sense or with what geographical
limitations tho French demand wub
made. It Is expected early Informa
tion from Lord Dufl'erlu, ambassador
to France, will soon come. Tho gov
ernment could npt at present announce
auy definite uteps to bo taken in tho
matter, but was most desirous of a
filendly settlement of tho dispute.
ABhmead-Bartlott pressed tho govern
ment to obtain an extension of the
period granted In France's ultimatum.
The secretary said be did' not think
such interferences would conduce to u
friendly settlement. Cries of "Hear,
bear." Bartlett suggested tbat
France's threat might become au ac
complished fact before Great Britain
received France's answer. Tho secre
tary replied that Great Britain wuh
ouly interested in the territorial ar
rangements, and on this tho govern
ment was atlll In communication with
France. No geographical limitations
are yet laid down.
Silver in India.
Calcutta, July 22. Exchange
banks have for tbo present refused the
offer of the Indlau government to pur
chase silver tondered after the closure
of tho mints to freo coinage. It Is un
derstood the banks will dispatch a do
legato to Simla to present their caso to
the government and ask that the offer
bo left opon. Tbo Ploueor, always a
steady supporter of the government,
commenting upon tho financial polloy
regarding tho sale of cousoIb and drafts,
says It was not Imbecility that prompt
ed tho course taken; It wasan efTecta
tlon of imbecility for tho purposo of
concealing a motive tbat cannot bo con
Canada's Wheat Crop.
Tokonto, Out., July 22. Canada's
total wheat crop this year will be about
10,000,000 bushels larger than last year
Manitoba will yield 25,000,000 agulust
20,000,000 last ycur, and Ontario this
year will have about 80,000,000 bushels
It Is estimated that there are yet In the
country upward of 10,000,000 bushels of
the crop of last year. Tho hay crop Is
uuprecedently heavy. Hundreds of
tons aro being sold dally for export to
England at from 110.60 to i per
France's Ultimatum.
Lonpon, July 22, Tho Bangkok cor
respondent of the Times says concern
ing France's ultimatum; "Europe
and especially Great Britain should
know tnat the Freuch territorial de
mand represents 05,000 square miles.
It Includes the province tbat Buriuuh
ceded to Siam on condition that It
would never be ceded to any other
power, and 60,000 square miles of
Northeastern Slam, Into which the
French have never advanced. In fact
Frauoe demauda tho dismemberment
and ruin of Slam. The Krench de
mands confirm what I stated from tba
outset, uauiely: Frauw's attack on
Slain is In reality directed against Eug-
land, although that country hitherto
I has been loyal and friendly to bvrtu
Hkuaese affairs."
John Bull Will Wait.
London, July 22. Important com
munications passed between the foreign
office and British Minister Jones In
Bangkok. Vice Admiral Frecmantle,
commander of the Chinese division of
the fleet Is hastening to Singapore with
the greatest part of his equadron. Great
Brltian Informed Siam she could not
recognize any obligation to ansiat her.
In her territorial arrangements, bow
ever, England will buvo a vote.
Ooing to Siam.
Aloikrs, July 22. Five hundred of
the foreign legion of the French urmy
havo sailed for Slam.
San Fiianoisco, July 22. Among
the paBsongore on tho steamer New
born, which arrived irom Pauama and
way ports this morning, was J. A. K.
Jones, of London, who, with his wife
and family, Is on bis way to Vancouver,
B. C, from Topolobampo. Jonc-B says
that tbo colony Is In a worse condition
than It ever was. Everybody Is bank
rupt, and people aro leaving at every
opportunity. Owens, the projector,
himself Is as badjy off as tbo other?,
und is almost starving, Jones, who
wus at Topolobampo for fifteen inouthn,
sunk between f20,000 and $25,000 there
and saved Just about enougn to carry
him to Vuncouver.
' Germany Acts.
Berlin, Ju'y 22 Tho German eov-
ernmout will nend several men-of-war
to Slam to protect German residents
and Interests.
Tkaoheub' Notjok. Those desiring
further assistance In preparing for
August quarterly examination will
learn something to their Interest bv
calling on E. A. Anderson. 600 Che.
meketa street.
Juny Trial. Tho caso of James
Neal vs. A, R. Itlckard, a suit over
poesesslon of some land of Mrs. Ellen
Savage's that Neal subleased to Elckard
Is ou trial this afternoon before a Jury,
In Judgo Batchelor's court.
Weak the Belt. During a recent
uurserymenB' meeting, Bartlett it
Bhollhamer were visited by a delega
tion of tbat enterprising faculty. After
numoroua promenades overabout forty
acres of nursery stock, all arrived at a
complimentary conclusion, that the
firm of Bartlett & Sheljhamer, should
wear the Willamette Vulley belt.
Thanks, gontlemeii.
It. Noland, a lawyer of Tillamook,
and his sister, were passengers over by
stage, Thursday. They took the even
ing's train down and are bound for Sa
lem on a week's visit. Forest Grove
Joe.Flsbburn and his oldest son Aus
tin came down from Salem hut Sun
day, upon their new hickory wheels,
Joe. is a brothor of our towusman, J.
W. FlHbburn. They returned home
tbo same day, after visiting about Ave
hours with J. W. and family. Dayton
Master Ellsha Gwynne, aged twelve
years, will address tho U. B, Sabbath
Bobool tomorrow morning, at 0:30 a, ra.
Ho Id a son of Itev. It. Gwyuue, of the
Oregon conference, of the uulteu Breth
ren in Christ. Inasmuch aa young Mr.
Gwynne bus a natural talent for relig
ious exorcise, together with a practical
knowledge of the Sunday school and
Its work, bis bearers may expect some
thine of Interest from nim. He will
speak In tbo new U, B, Church, in
university x-arK.
luia, outalto, aJ aU Wm way Urwwa,
JT1 1 JrCIIlO Reer
Thligr,lTqinrancrls;i "'"
T'ilSlw Mb

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