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Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, September 25, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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Mtrt pt.iiiWn I- -wt1
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Associated Press Daily News
paper Published on the
Pacific Coast.
$300 a Year. '
SScUu a aoatk by Wail
Prepaid In Advaace
Wo Papers Seat Wise
Timo la Out.
VOL. 6.
NO. 226.
JA" . Hmn W
"eh -- Mnk "
The New
State Insurance
Will save you 10 to 25 per cent, on staple goods, such as boots
and shoes of all kinds, tor ladies', gents' and children's storm
rubbers and sandals ; fur, wool and crush hats, (these are
marked very low, quality considered.) Underwear of all kinds.
White shirts, neglige and 'work shirts; pants, overalls, jackets,
ribbons, lace3, embroideries. Linen and Turkey red damask,
Linen tablecloths, towels, table oilcloths, lace curtains, tablets,
pencils and notions of all kinds.
Because all goods are bought for cash from cash houses, and
all marked at close profits for cash without calculating for
losses from bad accounts, giving the customer all the advant
age of the per centage saved, you can plainly see" why we can
sell goods of good quality at low prices.
General Insurance Agency.
Representing the following well-bnown and reliable Cempanies:
BTATE INSURANCE CO., jEtaa Insurance Co.,
Traders' Insurance Co., Sun Insurance Co..
National Insurance Co., Westonester Klre Ins. Co.,
l.lon Klre Insurance Co., Imperial Klre Irisuranco Co.,
London s Lancashire Fire Ins. Soa, London Assurance Corporation,
Alliance Axsuranco Co., Norwich Union Fire Ins.Suc.
Oldest and Leading Firm in the City Devoted Exclusively to Insurance.
BOSTON ffl0RING m s mw WI&
Ladies' and Gent'emens' Clothing Cleaned, Dyed, Repaired and
Pressed. Work neatly done on Bbort notice, at moderate prices.
State tit., 1 door below Smith & Stelner's drug store, Salem. I. GOLD & CO.
Ed; C. Cross,
E. Meeker & Co.,
Hop Exporters
OFFICE, Oberheim Block, up stairs, Salem.
W. A. TEMPLET02T, Qcn'l Agent.
QAQ (nmmarlgl Rivnnt.
Suits made on payment of $1.00 per
a membership.
The West Printing Co.BSK
Special attention to mall orders.
SG3 Commercial Bt.,
Insurance - Agents,
245 Commercial Street.
American Fire Insurance Co., Phila.
Home Insurance Co , New York.
Norwich-Union Ins. Co.. Liverpool.
Palatine Insurance Co,. Manchester.
Over One Million Dollar Deposited With State Treasurer of Oregon for
Protection of Policy Holders in Oregon only.
All Loe. Adjostednd Paid Through Salem Agency or i Policies Written
' In Marion, Polk, Yamhill and Linn Count es.
AUo Write Life andAccirteut Insurance in Best Companies in the World.
York Racket
Block, 333 Com! St.
Wholesale and Retail
Dealer in Frcsli, Salt and
Smoked SIcnts of allliiuds
OS Court and
110 State Streets.
- Sttl' III.
week, for Co-operative Suit Club,
First class work.
Reasonable prices.
Halem, Orteon.
Western Assurance, Toronto, Canada.
Lancashire. Manchester, Eng.
IJamburg-Madeburg. Germany.
Home Mutual, Bau Francisco, Cal.
Stewart Arraigns Him
Before the Seriate.
France Sends Pen mptory Orders
to Siara.
A. Russian Steamer Goes Down
with Sixty Lives.
The President Arraigned.
Washington, Sept. 25. The first
thing in the souate today, after the
routine morning business, was the con
sideration of Stewart's resolution offer
ed Saturday to arraign the president
for attempting to coerce congress Into
passing the silver repeal bill, thereby
impairing the independence of the co
ordinate branch of the government, In
violation of the constitution, and de
structive to the government.
Stewart began by referring to the re
cent centeuuial anniversary of the
laybg of the corner stone of
the capltol, wbeu, be said,
the president, with more than
a hundred thousand high paid gov
ernment ofllces to bestow, with the veto
power designed only for extraordinary
occasions, backed by the concentrated
capital and "Venal Press," turning to
ibe senate wing, declared in menacing
tones, that if the representatives there
assembled "legislated in passion or
prejudice or on behalf of sectional or
selfish Interests, the time when the
cornerstone was laid, or the circum
stances surrounding It, were not worth
commemorating.'' This sentiment,
cheered by the thoughtless multitude,
was construed by the venal press as u
rebuke from the president to the guilty
venal senate.
Stewart then quoted from the history
of England as to the parliamentary
struggle with the Stuarts. Coming to
the present time, be charged that the
president, in disregard of the oath of
office, allowed the secretary of treasury
to violate the act which made the pur
chase of four and a half million ounces
of silver per month mandatory, by
exercising unlawful discretion and pur
chasing a smaller amount. Was it not
time to sound the alarm ? If constitu
tional liberty was of any value all
should stand up and say to the presi
dent "You have overstepped the mark.
We cannot afford to have the laws of
congress disregarded."!
Stewart then read from the Cincin
nati Times Star on Interview with
the president, in which be said: "Re
peal of the silver purchasing act could
not be effected by this." "The people
are with rno and my policy, but I fear
I shall not bd able to command action
from congress. It Is useless to op, eal
to them now.
"The assumption of the president
that he knew best, said Stewart, and
that those who bad studied the subject
all their lives were wrong, Is remark
able. Where and when did be have an
opportunity to famijlarlze himself with
the wants and needs of the American
people, and with the science of money
and economy ?
Where and wlnn did ho ftudy It,
and in what reboot? I believe, tald
Stewart, the president is the only presl
dent who has ever presided at the
white house who did did not possess a
liberal education, either iu some college
or on a farm, where he communicated
with nature and learned nature's laws.
The three greatest presidents we eyer
had received that liberal education
which nature affords. Coming in con.
tact with people and taking wider
ylewsofthp laws of man and nature
than can be obtained In a law ofllce or
nrifoverf me of a severe Blood trouble
It has also caused my hair to grow out
again, as it had been falling out by the
handful. After trying many physicians
In vain, I am so happy to find a cure in
S.S.S. O. H. Elbert, Galveston, Tex.
SC 1 1 0 13 C Dt fordo out rermi of dls-
O grit t entirely TtgeUbls sad harmtfM.
S TrestlM on Blood ud Skin msQVl fit.
O niniBTwwvv-u't.
l...,.,,... L. .m
iu u nuviiui iiuiu", ur iu luu oulCO Ol n
mayor, or any other contracted place
whore the great book of nature Is
He cited Washington, Jackton and
L'Rfnln as great oximples of great
pros'donts, as a result or a liberal educa
tion. Unfortu lately the u resent presi
dent denied both college education and
that grand and better education that
cma from communion with the great
producing closses of the country,
Stewart said the President had no
exalted opinion either of tho sonate or
house, as was shown by a recent letter
In which be said he expected soon to
have a "Session of congress on his
nands.'' Without concluding Stowort
yielded to Cameron, of Pennsylvania,
who spoke against the repeal bill.
Oorbett Will Fight.
New York, Sept. 25. Jamea J,
Corbett signed the formal articles of
agreement at Ash bury Park this morn
lug to tight Charles Mitchell before the
Coney Island Atheletio club some ttmo
In December. Mitchell has already
signed the article?.
Slam Must Comply.
Paris, Sept. 25. The Qaulols news
paper annouucea that Franco has sent
additional warships to Slam to enforce
Immediate compliance with France's
demands. No further diplomatic do
lays will be.peruilttid.
A Heavy Firo.
St.Joskpii, Mo., Sept. 85--A lire
started lu Townseud & Wyatt'sdry
sjoods store tbls morning aud consufned
j five story building of the Itegnler &
dhoupe Cropkery Co., tho Commercial
Ounk, and other small buildings. Tho
loss will be near half a million. Au un
confirmed report says three firemen
were killed.
Victoria, Sept. 25. A Northern
Pacific steamer brings word of the
burulug of tho Itiinslan steamer
Alphouse Socveoko, with u loss of sixty,
Balboa Honored.
Chicago, Ills.. Sept. 25. Tbe'threo
states bordering the Pacific coast, Cali
fornia, Wushlngtou and Oregon, joined
today at the fair in tho celebration of
the unuiversury of Balboa's discovery
of the Pacific ocean. Tho new Liberty
bell was rung, speeches were made and
the memory of tho great explorer was
South American Robels.
Buenos Ayres, Sept. 25. Ex.Prehl
dent Pelligriul has arrived at Tucuman
and telegraphs that ho expects the reb
els soon to surrender. Other advices
buvo It that tho foreign colonists of
Santa Fe and the neighborhood are
joining the rebellion, and that a bloody
engagement between tho rebels and tho
Government Is expected hourly.
Failuro in Bt. Paul.
St. Paul, Sept. 25. The Merrill
Company, one of the largest firms deal
ing in school books and stationery, as
signed today. No statement Is made
but a heavy lues Is expeoted.
Puyallap Cemmerce: There Is noth
ing new in bap circles. Picking in
some of the smaller yards have been
completed, and the grower is either
filling a contract, or qultoly waiting
the market. E. Meeker and Co', havo
not commenojil picking In their Puyal
lup yards jet, and may not for another
week. There Is not enough of lice to
cause auy trouble, find iu a few more
days a good weather will add greatly
to the value of the hops.
The follow lug shipments have been
made the past week; 84 bales to New
York by John Lally; 50 bales to New
York by Meeker and Co; and 125 bales
to London by Meeker and Co.
Cleveland on Deportation.
Washington, D. tt, Sept. 25. Tho
position occupied by the administration
regarding the execution of the Geary
exclusion luw Is definitely fettled by a
communication today urut to the house.
The letter contains copies of Instruc
tions cent to collectors of customs by
tbe treasury department under date of
May 4. They are Instructed to lake no
steptt looking to the enforcement of the
deportation act until further notice.
A copy Is included of a (e egram lo
Attorn y General Olney dated Septem
ber, instructing th district attorney at
Htu Fraucl'co, m view of tbe fact that
n.. ....Itiwfj AVI.I il fTVtltt ftllt itlftf
law, to bavn such Chinese held Halle
to deportation to be discharged from
cuntody until such i.vMo madr.
You cannot do tilrctlve work without
a clear head, and for this lake Simmons
Liver Regulator,
A Sailor's Home in 'Frisco Blown to
Atoms Tho Nicaragua Oanal.
San Francisco, Sept. 25. Ouo of
the most fiendish deeds In the crim
inal history of tho city was perpetrated
Saturday night Boon after tmdnlghr
a dynamite bomb was exploded in a
water-front toardlng house filled with
non-union sailors, resulting in the In
stant death of three inmates and tho
probable fatal Injury of seven mora,
while many sutalned less serious in
juries. The terrifio explosion occurred
in a bouse on Main street between
Howard and Folsom, kept by John
Curtain. Tho house was filled with
non-union sailors, and it was Curtain's
custom to secure berths for his patrons
on ships employing non union men.
In this way he naturally Incurred tho
enmity of the sailors' union. Less than
a week ago bla place was entered by a
crowd of unlou men, led by a man
named John Terrell. Curtain was
threatened, and upon leaving his house,
the men told him ho had only a short
time to live.
At night all the inmates had retired,
as usual, and the house was qulet,when
tho explosion occurred, shaking tho city
for blookB. The on tiro front of the
boarding uouae was torn away, carry
ing the front of tho adjacent structure
with It. The men were thrown from
their beds across the street. A large
holo was blown through tho sidewalk
Into tho basement, Into which numbers
of men were thrown. Main street was
filled with debris, among which wore
the dead aud dying. Au ambulance
was qulokly on tho sceue, and taking
three soverely wounded, started for tho
hospital, but ono of them died before
it was reached. As tho work of rescue
progressed it was found that mon had
limbs torn from their bodies,
John Curtln and Charles Bernard,
two of the victims of Saturday ulght's
explosion, nro still alive, though thoro
Is hardly a chanco for Bernard's recov
ery. Tlireo men buvo been arrested for
the crime. They aro John Tyrrell,
James Woods aud Torrenco Traoy.
They were formerly members of the
Coast Seamen's union, but were
dropped somo timo ago .for non-pay
ment of dues. Tracy Is a deep sea sail
or, and has never belonged to tho union.
Chief of Pollco Crowley bolloves the
Coast Seamen's union Is responsible for
the deed and this morning ordered tho
arrest of Secretary Fureseth of the un
ion, and bo was taken into custody.
Fureseth denies all knowledge of tho
crime. Governor Markham has offered
a reward of 11000 for the arrest and
conviction of the men responsible for
the crime. Bernard and Curtln, the
wounded men, wero still alive at noon.
The Nicaragua Canal.
Managua, Nicaragua, Sept. 25.
The government will be asked In con
gress regarding the condition of the
canal and tho precise condition of the
company. Although work on the
canal Is within the letter of the con
tract, It Is claimed that the spirit of the
law has Leou violated. It is also
claimed that the company has not
given a sufficient guarantee. Icqulry
will be made Into the solvency of the
company and Usability to tarry utlta
contract within tho timo sllpu'aled.
"No Uld, No Fre."
1'No rido, no faro," ia becoming a
general cry in all citioa. When
street car ByBtems become paralyzed
and cannot carry their paeengors to
their destinations, thoy should return
tho farce. Baltimore American.
The Development of the GlrL
When a girl of sweet 10 appears on the
etreot, she has a cute, pert way of walk
ing and testing her head as though she
owned the earth and was going to the
ralddlo of tho next block to get it. After
she is 18 the world she owns is about as
far away as the World's fair Is to most
of us, and at 20 sho gives up all hope of
getting It at all. By tho time she is 24,
poor thing, sho has a faint, vague sus
picion that there is a great deal of Insin
cerity in the world, and the thing for
her to do is to get a position and do
something useful. After awhile she gets
married to a man who Is not at all the
sort of a man she dreamed of. Then she
concludes she would bo better off In
heaven. Wabpetou (N. D.) Globe,
Economize in Payer.
Clean newspapers, tied lo bundles of
100, not cut, for sale at this ortlco at
fifteen cents a bundle. A heavy straw
wrapping paper, large sheet, two cots
a pound. Next door to tbe postoWoe.
Highest of all in Leavening PowerLatest U. S. Gov't Report
Survey B 3lng-. Made to Connect
Oregon Pacific East.
Tho Oregonlan sayo that a eurvoying
party has Just 'arrived at Tho Dalles
after a seveu-weeks trln through East
ern Oregon, their obj. ct belug to flud a
feaslblo route for a railroad from that
point through tho Interior to tbe line of
tho Oregon Paciflo In Lake county.
Just who Is behind the project It Is im
possible at preaout to state, but officials
ot both tho Northorn Paciflo and Union
Paciflo disclaim auy connection with
the enterprise. Tho surveyors followed
tho Lieutenant Norton Burvey from The
Dalles to the Desohutes, which was
found to bo the most difficult part of
the proposed road, but the averogo
grade will not exceed fifty feet to tbe
mile. Striking that river at the
agonoy ferry, they followed up tho
stream to tho mouth of Crookod river,
ttfllstunco of twenty miles, the attitude
of the former placo being 1000 feet and
of the latter 1125 feet, mnklug an aver
ago of about sovon feet to tho mile.
There would be no dilficu t w rk In
follnwlug this stream, and the roadbed
could be easily made. From this point
they went to Frlneville, In Crook coun
ty, 45 miles distant. Tho first 0 miles
has no grado to exceed GO feet, and
from that dlstanob to tbo town men
tioned tho laud la comparatively level.
After leaving Prlnovlllo they found tbo
ground much uioro ieaalble for a rail
road, tho streams flowing over a lovol
country, und only passing through can
yons whero they empty their waters
Into lakes or larger rtvorc At tho head
of Sliver creek, 125 miles from Prluo
ville, they reached tbo surveyed routo
of the Oregon Pacific, and for tho en
tire distance tho grade would bo very
light. This creek spread out and
down It would be a natural roadbed.
The route, If adopted, wlllopou a fire
agricultural belt aud tbe laud, which 'a
well watered and tho soil Is very fertile.
There aro settlements nearly the wholo
distance of this proposed road.und after
a railroad Is built to furnish an avail
able market for produce, tho region
should contain 10 times tho population
It now does. The construction of tho
lino of road, it is said, would not bo ex
pensive, anil would not cost nearly so
much as many now in operation.
C. H. Gest, attorney of the Oregon
Paciflo, in speaking of tbe affairs of the
road, eays that the main object of tho
sale ordored; by Judge Fullertou is to
determlno tho relative rights of the dif
ferent creditors who will participate In
any fund that may be cheated by tho
This was done so that al' creditors,
material, men und labors, might have
all matters settled and adjudicated
without waiting until after the fund Is
created, and then having It donoat
their own expense. Those matters will
be determined at the earliest possible
moment, and then tho oourt will order
tbe Bale of the road and tho chances
are that tt will take place before De
cember . Mr. Gost says that Inter
mediate orders f all sorts aro mixed,
and Judge Fullerton wants to got one
record of the company's allalra and
everything In shape for the supreme
court, should tho case bo appealed,
The certificate Indebtedness amounts to
(800,600, and there Is an indebteduees
of (400,000 uot represent d by any par
ticular utkuowled ment. The rank of
this Ind-bitdnesi will bedetermluod
by the oourt.
How's Tail!
We offer One Hundred Dollars re
ward for auy case of Catarrli that can
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
V. J. Gjiknky & Co., ;Toledo, O,
We, the undersigned, have known F.
J, Cheney for tbe last 16 yean, and be-
lleve uun perrestiy nonoraoie in uu
business tiausactlons und financially
able to carry out any obligations made
by their firm.
Wwrr A 'Ihuax. Wholesale Drug
gists, Toledo. O WAUJINO, KiNNAN
& Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Tole
do, O.
Hall's Catarrh Pure i taken Intern
ally, acting directly upou tho blood
and mucous surfaces of the system.
Testimonials sent Ufa, Price 76o per
bottle. Bold by all Druggists.
1 y Wuvl
San Francisco, eept. a.
December $1.02.
Chicago, Sept. 25. Cash, 05 De
cember 00j.
Portland, Pept. 25. Wheat valle',
?.07J; Walla Walla 7i.
Simmons Liver Regulator, bear In
mind, Is not an experiment. Ik Is en
dorsed by thousands.
Editor Jeurnal: I am told by
some uelghbors iere that tho Indepen
dent at Salem reported the death of
Heury Ro'jens was caused by lbs hand
of his brother John, In short that tbey
quarreled and that John dealt his broth
er tho fatal blow. It is well known
that before Henry died he exbouorated
all persons whatever from responslbil
Ity for his fall, atating that it was
wholly bis own fault. It Is toolBevera
a charge to mako In print that a man
killed his own brother, especially when
tho reporter has no knowledge of the
facts. Please correct this false charge,"
In Justice to a respected young man,
andgreatly obllgj A Neighbor.
For Bdttsr Meat.
New York, Sep'. 25. William
Ho8ea Ballou, who for two years has
been investigating the foreign steam
ship companies edgaged In the trans
portation of livestock, has sent a report
to President Cleveland In accordance
with tho desires of tbe previous admin
istration. Iu tho report Ballou suggests
that arrangements bo made for an In
ternational quarantluo commission, to
rocommond now regulations to replace
thoao which now require tho cruel
slaughter of our cattle abroad in quar
antine; to agrro upon tho proper con
struction of vessels for nitnais lo
transit; to recommend international
laws for tbe punishment of navigation
companies, officers and employes for
cruelty and to mako them liable la
damages to shippers for tho destruction
or injury to animals in transit, and to
suggest ways and means by which Ihe
lives of some millions of dollars worth
of aultnula now annually destroyed at
sea may bo savod.
Fighters Fined.
Portland, Or., Bept. 25. Frank
Kolley, Dud Evans, Lees Cobn and
Mark Shire, recently convicted of en
gaging In a prize fight, were fined one
thousand dollars each today. The case
will bo appealed to tho supreme court
the miod dial
makes the mm!9
eald Watta, but modern ethics
deny this, and give the credit
to tho tailor. It is question
able, however, if ekher are
bas siiiic claims
in this respect,therebre those
parents who would buikl up
the physique of their children
pay strict attention to theh
dlet. Children aro all foud of
pastry; for thb to foe health
ftwy pWfiared,
mast be mud as a sewrtealeg.
Consult your physician
on its heslthfuh.
Hfod Un eenw ta (teas to K. X.
mitank QcLcWayo. Sar tun.
unu OoUokn OuoJc JfooV.oeeMu.
Imt U hundred recto, rl n Sy
nine vmlueuieaUonliM en aosktae,
OHtoleM I sold by sH immh,
HcAin JI sulaUtutes.
Mad only h?
T. uow mm

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