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Hjy-vri.rsjCT'.- Ti5??" CHEAPEST Associated Press Daily News paper Published on the Pacific Coast. $3.00 a Year. ONE CENT DAILY! 85 eta.' a Meat by Matt Prepaid ia Advance. No Paper Seat W1m Time is Oat. CAPITAL JOURNAL. VOL. 6. DAILY EDITION. SALEM. OTIEGON, TUESDAY, OCTOBER a, 1893. DAILY EDITION. - NT). 1333. F WE CAN'T DRAW Pictures, but our new all wool suits at $6.50 draw trade like a house afire. Draw in and feel of em. Gr. W. JOHNSON & SON. y. a- V - LADIES CLOAKS REMODELED, A SPECIALTY. BOSTON moR1NG m G mm Ladies' and Gent'emens' Clothing Cleaned, Dyed, Repaired and Ptessed. Cleaning and Pressing Gent's Kuit $2.00 to $2.50. ' " Ladies' " 1.50 to 2.00. Dying, 60cents to $100 extra. Work neatly done on short notice, at moderate prices. State St., 1 door below Smith & Stelner's drug store, Salem. I. GOLD & CO. Ed. C. Cross, K. Meeker & Co,, Hop Exporters OFFICE, Oberheim Block, up stairs, Salem. W. A. TEMPLETON, Ocn'l Agent. Dress Suit for 1100. J. RUBENSTEIN, - 308 Commercial Street, Salem. Suits made to order and cleaned or repaired. THE LEADING REPUBLICAN PAPER OF THE VALLEY. CHEAPEST mm. W OREGON Receiving all the Associated Press Dispatches. DAILY BY MAIL, PER YEiR, WLWIV ff q T 1 YAMU.I These low hard times rafs enable every fawnir hia daily paper and know the slate of the maiket and news of tho world. . . , ! Editorial comment is fearless and independent by its publishers to secure good government for the iLl- i.r.1..l :..! ,! folrlv with all. Complete Telegraphic, State, Capital, For eign, Market and Crop News. Choice Weats Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats of allKinds 95 Court and 110 State Streets. Here la a chance of a life-time, Why S; shabby wuen you can noveun for -ONE DOLLAR? INDEPENDENT J, a n to have all the Edited people, $3.00 nn h ft nm naner VICTORY ORDEiTH Democratic Ultimatum on Repeal OF SILVER PURCHASE CLAUSE. Chairman Springer of House Coinage Committee, NO TARIFF LEGISLATION POSSIBLE Unless tho Senate Conies to Time on Repeal. Washington, Oct. 3. House. The committee on judiciary reported favoi ably on the Rawlins bill, providing for the disposition of the property iu the hands of the receiver of the church of Jesus Christ, Latter Day Baiuts, valued at $450,000 and authorizing Its applica tion to charitable purposes in said church. North way opened the debate in op position to tho election laws repeal bill. Senate. When the senate met this morning there were only a few Repub licans in the chamber and not a Demo crat. After a delay of fifteen minutts, a quorum was obtained. Morgan offered an amendment to house bill No. 1, the Wilson repeal bill, declaring the act of January 18, '37, to be in force. The bill to repeal tho Sherman law was then laid before the senate. Senator Dolph took the lloor uutl continued, the speech begun yesterdoy iu support of the repeal bill. Hequoted from the message of President Glevo laud of '85 urging the discontinuance of the purchase and coinage of silver under the Bland-Allison act. He de clares the success of the Democratic party, with such a candidate and such a platform abundant evidence of the fact that the American people did not desire to continue the coinage of silver under the existing conditions. When the Democratic party was in a minority. It could afford to favor free colnage.but now that It had a majority, It had nec essarily become conservative on this subject. Springer's Ultimatum. Washington, Oct. 3. W. M. Springer of Illinois, Chairman of tho House Committee in Coinage, says there will bo no compromise on sliver repeal. If the senate does not pass the repeal bill there will be no repeal of the federal election laws and no tariff legislation. The vote on uncon ditional repeal cannot be delayed and the bill will pass. MANDEUSON DON'T COUNT. and the bill will pass. Manderaon of Nebraska on tho other baud says there will bo a compromise. It may not come for two or three weeks, but it will come. A Daily Occurence. Eabton, Pa., Oct 3. Two engines ran together this morning at Catasaqua a result of wrong signals by watchman Thomas Bias, causing a bad wreck. John Ray, flreman was killed, and Engineer Herbert James, crippled for life. Bias seeing the result of bis mis take went home and shot himself. Piano Failure. New Yohk. Oct, B.-mronian, Peck & Co., piano dealers, failed, statement of assets of liabilities. No YOUNG WIVES We offer jou remedy which, if need am directed, insures stetr to life of both mother tad child. "MOTHER'S FRIEND" KoU eonflMment of Iu ur. Iloaaoa sod liuK, nuwjr testify. "Mr wife need only two bottU of Mother Frlioi rsbiwS eeSly nod quickly rU.vJi U P.W i.g jjtfgfck,,, Mk)W, k. C Bent by erpnu,ehimvmli. J "'.$ nulled free. BMADrieLO neOULATOH CO.. Bold t7 M PfttfjUU. AlUTA, 0 A. Ohuen Moy Rescued. Portland, Oct. 3. Mrs. Clarkson, matron of the Chinese Mission Home, accompanied by Attorney Nathan D. Simon and City Jailer Moore, Saturday visited a Chinese Iioubo of ill-repute on First street near Abu, to gain possession of a Chinese girl held in durance there under protest The application for her deliveranco was made by an alleged member of her family resident in Ban Francisco, who, ostensibly, wishes to furnish her a respectable home there. The girl's namo is Cbuen Moy; she Is above 20 years old, and has a very pretty face. She had formerly been an inmate of the Home' there, and when she saw Mrs. Clarkson sho manifested much delight, feeling that she was to be removed from a career evidently re pugnant to hor. Intuitively recogniz ing the purpose of Mrs. Clarkson's visit, Cbuen hurriedly gathered together her few belongings scattered about tho room, and in a short time she, with her face wreathed In a very pretty smile of pleasure, accompanied the matron. Arrested for Insanity. Albany, Oct. S.Conslderablo ex citement was occasioued ou First street by a tall geutleman rushing down tbo street with a revolver iu his hand look ing after a la-vyer. Going up stairs over the Oregon Bunk be ran uoross a doctor and insisted ou being allowed to enter an adjoining ofllce; but was told the lawyer was In another block. The man was finally steered to tho sheriff's office, where he was taken in oharge, and on complaint was arrested for insanity. His name Is Perry Mo Quean aud his home Sweet Home. Ho had bad no trouble at all with his own lawyer for whom he was looking, but said he was ready for another ope, out of the city. He Imagined a libel suit had been brought agatust blm, and his illB goucrally seemed to be Imaginary ones. Tho revolver was loaded and would not be a safe toy In a crowd In tho bauds of a mini at least full of pe cullur notions. Fan-American Bi-Metalists. St. Louis, Oct. 3. Tbo Pan-American bl-uietulllo league assembled here this morning. About a hundred dele gales' were present. Psesldeut A. C. Flsko of Denver, called tbo convention to order. The delegates were welcomed in bohalf of the city by ex-Congress-man, Nuthau Frank, and on behalf of the state by ex Governor Stone. A PAILUMS. GovernororG. P. Tillman of South Carolina was chosen temporary chair man. In an address tho'goveruor took occasion to charge reduction In antici pated numbers of delegates due to pow er of the press. Suit to Have Dlvorco Set Aside. Tacosia, Oct. 3. Mrs. Evelyn P. Ferry, in an amended complaint in her divorce suit agalost Col. C. P. Ferry, "Duke of Tacorna," asks that tbo de cree or divorce grumeu oy mo uistrict court of Washington territory to Col Ferry be set aside. She claims he rep resented his estute to be worth f 160,000 when It was really worth (750,000 and she accepted (59,000 us hor share. She now wants u reapportionment, She denies all unfaithfulness to her mar riage yows while In Paris In 1889. Three Chinamen Killed. Santa Rosa, Cat., Oot. 3. A report Just received from 8ebantopol says three Chinese were killed there. Several Chluamen became Involved In a quar rel and three were shot, two being kill ed Instantly and the other dying later. The Chinese who did (be shooting aro supposad to have taken to the brush. Friends of the dead men refute to divulge the particular of the shooting, or cause of the trouble. Two Confidence Men. Dknvku, Col. Cot. 8, President Wheutcrolt and Heoretary Prledlauder of National Rem fit Truitt Association, iritanized last spflug uuder laws of Col orado, with capital of a million dollars, are under arrent charged with obtaining money by a confidence game. Its orospectus connects names of large numbers of prominent rwoph of Deu vxrKtul ehwwbere as being ornclally connected lib It, US To Be Extended for Six Months. TOE TERMS OF A NEW BILL. Geary Denounces it as a Make shift. WILL FIGHT TOOTH AND TOENAIL. Big Storm at Moblle-Coftco Will Be Cheaper. New Ohinoso Bill. Washington, Oot. 3. Tho committee o i foreign affairs has decided to report favorably the McCreary substitute Tor tbo Everett bill. As agreed on it ex tends tho Chinese registration period Blx months from passage of tho act. It strikes out the word "white," from tho Geary act, bo as to permit testimony of any body except Chinamen to bo ad duced to prove that "Chluamen aro en titled o register. It defines tho term Chinese laborer. Geary declares the bill a make-shift in keeping with the courso of tbo administration and that he will tight It tooth and toenail. Extent of Loss at Mobile. Mobile, Ala., Oct. 3. Yesterday's storm left a complete wreck. Damage can only be conjectured, but It Is Bofo to say It is nearly a million dollars. So farsevoral deaths aro reported. It is belloved many lives aro lost. Tho home of Stephen Walter was swept away, aud Walter's wife and nelco wero car ried away and wero drowned; only one wire out of tho city; no street cars are running. At Grand Bay, on thq lower coast, four churches wore destroyed; at Soranton five churches, and homes have been scattered, crops ruined and desolation appears on every hand, Peace in Brazil. New Yoitic,Oct. 3. It Is reported on Coilee Exchange today that the trouble Brazil is at an end. Coffee Is very weak In consequence. Four Person's Drowned. Maiisiivield, Oct. 8. Four people were drowned near North Slough Sand point by tho capsizing of a sail boat. Their names are B, M. Delouney and his two ohlldron and John Wlkland. Delouney, his wife and three children, Miss Bettle Benson and John Wlkland comprised the party who had been picking berries at the Baud hills. They embarked for home early In the after noon. When they were about sixty yards from sboro a gust of wind came up and caused the sail to gibe, which knocked Wlkland out of tho boat and capsized it, throwing all the occupants Into the water, They held on to the boat, however, aud Delouney started to swim to the shore with his 6-ycar-old boy. Ho had not gone far until they sank and wero drowned. Wlkland also started to swim ashore but succumbed in a few minutes. Miss Benson laid the sail flat across the boat to prevent It from turning over and in this way paddled to shore. In the meantime the little girl fell oft and was drowned. The bodies of Delouney and his son were recovered yesterday. Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications as they cauuot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There Is only one way to cure deafness, aud that Is by constitutional remedies. Deafness Is caused by an Inflamed con dition nf the mucous lining of the Rus tacblan tube. When this lube Is in flamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect heariuir, and when It U en tirely closed, deafness Is the result, and unless the luflsmatlon can betaken out and IbU tube restored tolls normal condition, bearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but au In flamed condition of the mucous sur- fatYO. We will give one hundred dollars for any rase ofdeafoesa (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure, Bend for circulars; free. . V. J. Ch bnby fc Co., Toledo.O. iQrBold by Druggists, 76o. Highest of all in Leavening Power. -Latest U. S. Gov't Report A ABSOLUTELY PURE THE DESTROYING STORM That Swept Alabama With Death and Disaster. WIND BLOWING 75 MH.ES AN HOUR Fifty Miles ofRailronilnro Under Water. MoniLK, Ala., Oot. 3. A terrlQogalo struck this sootlou of country, coming from tho southeast, before daylight, Monday morning and afternoon it was still blowing over flfty miles an hour. Water was blown from the gulf unUl the river reached Royal street, four blocks from It aud an elevation of about fifteen feet from tho main river height, There is no way of estimating tbo monoy damage tonight; All tho whole sale and a largo portion of the retail district of the city is four feet under water and thousands of dollars worth of goods are damaged. Bovoral tug boats and other small crafts were driven ashore aud it is reported that three dredges working on the channel bavo been lost. It Is also reported that tlftv miles of tho Louisville & Nashville road along the coast aro under water and that the Blloxl brldgo has been swept away. Nothing bos boon heard from the gardeners In tho marshes cost of the city and tho worst h feared. Telegraph communication Is cut oil In almost every direction and from the present outlook everything In the way of wires will be gone before late at night. Two men are known to have been drowned. Tho storm reached its height at about 3 p. m. when tho wind reached a ve locity of seventy-fivo miles au hour, Rain wus falling In torrents durlug the entire day and tonight the city Is in darkness, not an electrlo light of any kind burulng. Nearly every bath bouso along tho western shore was blown down and at Morgan's an at tendant was swept away with Ave bath houses and drowned. Magnolia & Coo- ley's warehouses were blown down and two unknown negroes drowned In tho cotton yard. Houses all over the city were unroofed and fences blown down. New Ouleak8, Oot; 8. During a high wind and rain storm Sunday night and Monday tho Louisville & Nashville suffered the most disastrous washout in the hlfttory of tho road. The line Is Impassable east of Chemen- teur, eighteen miles from New Orleans, for a distance of fifteen miles and from statements by trainmen it is learned tbo entire lino to Mobile has suffered groitly. THK NUU11KK KILLKI). Bo far as can be learned, twenty-four or more persons In this vlolnlty have been killed and probably three times aa mauy wounded, some fatally, besides destroying a large amount if property at New Orleans.- The wind re acne 4 a velocity of 48 miles an hour at 8 o'clock, when the weather bureau Instrument was destroyed, The crash of sheds aud buildings blown down, treei torn up and houses unroofed, caused Intense alarm, and most of the popu'atlon of the city stayed up all night, eipeotlog their hous s to be blown down. Amo g the. buildings destroy d was a 'arge market, which crushed several build ings in Its Ml. The Burdett-Strw t MUslon church, the cotton yards of the Northwestern railroads, the Colo man boiler shop aud the Pythian hall were also wrecked. A number of other I Baking Powder bulldlugs weie unroortd. Below the city resuth of the storm are woe. In Pla quemtne parish the wind reached a ve locity ol 100 mlloa an hour, In Justice parish, at Pointo la Hachlp, a town of 2 KM) Inhabitants, not on3 ho'i3e escaped Injury by tho storm. Four grown per i ons and several olildron were Mlled. Among the kll'cd aro M'sj L on A. Franche and Mrs. E. La Vanders, two of thj most prominent ladlo? in the city. In the Immediate vlolnlty ether deaths are reported, and still thirteen others In the country below. When the news from the gulf coast is received it Is feared tho mortality list will be greatly Increased. Tho loss' to the orange Industry la estimated at over 850,000. Tho loss Is very heavy In oth a crops and properly, but the news is too vague to yet form estlmatej as to the amount. A Napa Girl. Portlanp, Oct. 8. Mr. G. Sblndler, the Swlse vlce-consel for Oregon and Washington, Is in receipt of the follow ing letter from Mr. D. b. Kyser, a mer chant of Napa, Cal., which bears date of September 27: "About five weeks ago there was a man named John Lamberger, who was killed here in Napa county by the ex plosion of a boiler connected with a steam threshing machine. Lamberger's widow's father and mother live in Port land, Or, , so I am told, but no ono here knows their names. Lamberger belongs to the Auutro-Huugary consulate of San Francisco, or at least they know of blm. Ho has loft unprovided fqr a child about 8 years of age. Now If you can only give; me any olue to them I shall be very glad. lam doing all I can for the comfort of the child, and do not wish to place it in the Orphans' Home If I can help It. As public ad ministrator and coroner of Napa county I wish to ascertain If you know of any one connected with Lamberger," Tbo loiter Is published In the hope that the relations of Lamberger's child may bo made acquainted with the cir cumstances undor which it Is provided for. Mr. Kyser fulls, howeyor, to men tion in bis letter where tho mother of the child Is. If she Is still alive she could easily throw light on the subject as to tbo name and present whereabouts of her parents. If the grandparents should see this letter thoy will confer a great favor by communicating with Mr. Kysoratouc. 0U what a comfort it ia to havo ready at hand a romedy that novor fails to roltovo Constipation, and that, without pain or discomfort; and almost immediately cures head aches, and dispela ovory symptom of Dyspepsia. Such a remedy ia found in Simmons Livor Itogu lator not a sweotened compound to nauseate, or on intoxicating Ixivorngo j cultivate an alcohoha ..ppetito, but a medicine pleasant to tho tasto, and perfectly harmless when given to tho smallest child. 8. L. R. novor disappoints. It possesses tho virtues and porfec tiona of a roliublo remedy of tho kind endorsed by eminent physicians, H Mfojdi ws pUmuuis loaiM arUU moay to Hiom jrm receive uunully i reference to your vlulU tnWtMU I eooeldtr Mmtaoiie Liver UulUr tfc? Ltl ftuntljr medicine on the w'W. t tuive prescribed It with excellent nMwHe." -W. r. lit, H, P., Trwy City, Tea. m n -a 5-.iAljia HfHHHHMijfl!HSjgyyfpBHaHcvS.ite4t tMfti'ieHMfci-a.