"VI i rjii'irtiiii.twiM ummmUif lyfMjME n j liH KMAffl I. 'bw "r1 OIIANQK IN niI,L OF FAIIK. MKATB i With oofToo, tea or milk; alio potatoes, bread nnd dairy butter. Wrloln Steak Mution Chop ........ !Wo TotYc Sausage...---- " Veal Cullot, plain . Mo Ham and Kgg 20" )tioon nnd Kga 20o Hamburg Btcak 25o Hlrloln Btoak And KgjfH.-.;.- ...2)0 Hlrloln Btcak with Onions. 36o Hlrloln Bttak BpanUll 25o " lMlone Hlrloln So Veal Outlets, breaded ... .... 25o PERSONALS. JmlgoO. K. Wolverton enmo home lUis nftoruooii. V. F. Dugan took lu Portland today ob a bUHlni'83 trip. Mrs. W. E. Calkins returned to-day from a visit at Eugene. Doll Dlnsmoro wont to Portland this morning to bo absont sovoral days. Mrs. Dr. Byrd and family wont to 1'orest Grove to-day for a homo visit. Mrs. M. A Portor and Miss Lenu Button returned last nixht from Port land. Professor J. T. Matthews and family ' mtnrnnd todav from seven weeks at Newport. Hon. G. O. Rinoarson, tuo bright Oregon City lawyer, was in the city last night. The Bard of not Avon but Aums vllle was Ih town today. Ho has built a hophouso. Miss Ella Pohle went to Albauy to day to attend the Peacock-Vance nup tials In that city. Mrs. Al. Burton, of East Btato street, with her two boys left today for a few days' visit at Turner. n. L. Jones and wlfo of Mornlnzsldo, left today for Newport, to pay their first visit to the calm Paolllo. Assistant Postmaster and Mrs. J. A. Belwood went to Turner today for a short visit with Mr. Earl's family. Jos. Hlraohborg, of Independence, camo over last night and went to Portland this morning on tho local. Oliver Arell, of Gorvals, was In town, today. He says ho has a touoh of rheumatism, but none of populism. Mrs, 0, H. Laughead, who has boon spending a month with her people in and about Balem, returned to Albany today. Ed Keene, the hustling salesman at Gray Bros., returned today from a week's outing at Waterloo and othor points. Gov. Lord returned to Beal Rooks where he will remain with his latully until Monday, when they expect to return home. Senator I. L. Patterson and family returned today from the season at Newport. They report that over a hundred visitors left thore today, but that many are still coming In. Dr. Contrlsand "Turf'Muehlhaupt, who have been taking in Ban Francis co, Oakland, Ban Joeo, Banta Cruz, Berkeley and other California points on their wheels, arrived this morning via Btoamer at Yuqulna and landod at Balem on tho afternoon train. They had a rich rip. A BlIA'KR Man. Bllver all oyer, Insldo and out, Is Beth Hammer, the Balom lawyer. Now ho is a sliver knight and wears a shimmering silver suit. Upon examination It proves to be a boautlful check of tho 11 nest wool made by Lauo, tho tailor. PnoMATK, J. J. Shaw administra tor of tho estate of W. J, Herron today petitioned tho county county court for an order to sell proporty of tho estato at Astoria at prlvato salo, to socuro funds for exponsea of administration. At 8ai.em. The finest fruits ever grown In tho world aro this year raised In aud about Balem, Bonne raanu'a grocery, 124 State street, Is headquarters for the beat' ENLARGED AND IN0REA8ED. We have enlarged our Dross Goods department and Increased tho Stock, Note the bargains: 25o a yd. All-wool Fronoh Novelty Dress Goods. 350 a yd. 80-1 nob all-wool Ladles' Cloth. fiOo a yd. 60-1 n o h all-wool Ladles' Cloth, a model oloth for winter wear. Come in aud eeo our lines of Bilk Flulshed Henriettas, Fine French Herges, Blaok Bolells, High Novelty Dread Goods. GLOVE3. New, fresh stock of Foster's kid StovwJiMt received. The 'William" J-kook-fl por pair; tho "Fowler" 6. A 150 black bilk drew pattern to be given away it) our Drww Goods depart went, WVJowUg-ftwuu-. ofladlea', meu's aud children's shoes. OlotklUK. hata and fumWhlug goods. WlLLIs'iHOA A CO. Taw aU Dry .Gootte, Cletblnar Mid itatfHou. i M.rmi Wheat Is Going SHU Lower in " , Price. TOE GOVERNMENT CROP REPORT. Fruit and Wool Mnrkot Oilier Quotations. CJIIIOACIO WHEAT. September, opened 00c; closed 69jc. December, opened 02J Jc; closed 02Jo. May, opened OOjc; oloaed GGjo. Tho Liverpool markot opened with Spot wheat easy, Fnturea dull. No chango in llgures since yesterday's close. Tllero Is no now feature in the mar ket today. Tho gold syndicate still seems to be bearing. TUB QBAIN MAIIKET. Tho Salem mills dropped to 40 cents Tuosdayaud have been paying that today, Tho Southern Pacific's low rato on oats is cuuslug Boaio shipments to Cali fornia. Salem browery Is paying 35 to 40 cents for barley. THE KllUIT MAltlCUT continues to bo firm. The Oregon Fruit & Produce Co., ships only on consignment and uonds two carloads of silver prunes aud pears least tonight. Tho flrst carload of pears was shipped this week from Shaw Btution, Thir teen Goodell rofrlgorator cars of fruit will go oast this week from Balem. O. F. fc P. Co., send eight and E. H. Rhodes ehlps five cars of Wallace orchard poors. Melon shipments from California continue. The flrst two cars of pears shipped from tho Wallace farm wont direct to Loudon consuming 17 days from the tlmo of shlpmont from Balem to Eur lanJ. Only first-class fruit can stand that sea voyage. Those pears loft here August 24 and should bo In London Boptembor 10. Fruit now crosses the Atlantic In six to seven dayB. This lot's arrival will bo anxiously awaited. THH HONEY MAIIKUT Is quite easy. A groat deal of money is being put out on hops by Balem buuks, ono bank loaning $160,000 to 1200.000. Bankers llguro that at tho lowoat hops will bring 0 to 7 conts and poeelblo 0 to 10 cents. Thero in no trouble in men ot good standing get ting money to roako their crop with. 8AI.EM pHODCOH MAllKET. Live beeves sell for, 2 to 2 conts; Bheop for mutton $1.60 por head; live hogs, 31 cents; calves aro scarce, worth 4 cts dressed with hldo on; horses, no markot. Baoon at wholcsalo Is worth 8 cents; hams 11 cents; lard 8; shoul. ders 0). Tallow Is worth 6 cents, tried out. OKKCION WOOL IN BOSTON. From the American Wool Roportor wo tako the following quotations of Oregon wools at Bosten: Eastern Oro gon 12 to 13o; do average 10 to Ho; do heavy 0 to lOoj valley No. 1 12 to 13o; do No. 2 14 to 15o; do No. 3 15o; lambs 12 to 13o. WE8TEUN OKKCION. Weather: Light sprinkles of rain occurred on the 20th aud 21st, in moat places not being mora than a few drops; It was not su illclou t to do any damago, nor to even lay the dust. The winu blew from tho south for Boveral days, which, together with the rain falling over the forest flres of Western Wash ington, decreasing thore the supply of smoke, the smoky donditlou of the atmosphere has Leon much rellovtd during the weok, but the past few days it has been Increasing again, especially In the southern counties, and within a few days deuso smoke will again prevail over tho entire portion or Western Orogan,except along tho immediate coast. The temperature was lower than during the preceding week; this Is especially true of the maximum temperature which averaged from 0 to 60 degrees, as agalst 70 to 00 degrees of the preceding week; the minimum tomperaturo rauged from 40 to 00 degrees. The season of high Ur. Prlc Crura Baking I'owdor $VU'a rk tlM?t Awart temperature for any length oft!ols now about over for this year, and for several weekB longer temperatures such as have been experienced during the nast week mav bo oxnectcd. General or destructive frosts do not, us n rule, occur much before Octobor 16th, except on the higher elevations', where frost may occur, to do damage, from and after September 20. The general move ments of the atmosphere, 1. o., tho course of tho storm era, Indicate the near approach of the commencement of the rainy season. As a general thing rains do not become heavy and general untlll the latter part of October, but It Is probablo that Boptembor will havo more than tho, average rainfall. Creps: Harvest of cereals Is over and threshing Is now being completed. There will bo llttlo threshing to be done after tho close of the current week. Though the season has much dryer than usual, yet thero Is a fair degree of satisfaction expressed by tho correspondents ovor'the goucral results) of tho year's labor. Tho corn Is doing very well. It would bo materially benefitted by rainfall. Peaches and pears aro ripening rapidly. The weuther Is moderately favorable to them, yet u greater amount of sunshine would be boneflcial. Prunes are ripening and within tho uoxt ten days prunedrylng will bo In active operation. Hops contlnuo to bo lu a fair Btato. Tho weather Is in their favor; warm, sultry weather produces greater activity among tho lice, and there has been an ubsenco of them tlilt year; lice aro presont, however, yot most of tho hop- yards aro In good condition. Active preparations aro now in progress for the picking of tho hops, which will commonce within the next' ton days. Owing to tho long period of dry weather tho grass has dried up, more so than usual, and as a result the dairy Interests aro allected qulto materially. Several correspondents report a de creased milk ou p ply from tho cows. STATE HOUSE NEWS. Govornor Lord Will Bo Moro Strict With Bills. Weather forecast for Thursday, fair; Btatlonary. Governor Lord Is oil" for a llttlo more vacation with his family, at Seal Rock. J. A. Rumble, Joseph, Or.; E. J. Cowllshald, Goo. W. Hoyt, Portland, and J. A. McCall, Ashland, woro today appointed notaries. An expenslvo bill of $110, presented at tho executive offlco yesterday tor the arrest and roturn from Walla Walla of a man wanted at Tho Dalles, was allowed by Governor Lord with much hesltanoy. The governor expressed himself as intonding to scrut!n!z,moro closely than over, all bills against tho stato in connection with requisitions, and will particularly object to allowing the railroad fare and othor expenses of an otllcor lu vlsltlhu Salem to eecuro a requisition, because tho mattor can havo as ;aroful and prompt attention by mall, at almost no expense. Stricter rules for procuring requisitions will, It Is understood, soon bo adopted. There will bo no variation from this course, except in very Important coses. Married. DOWE-SEARS. Frodorlok J. Dowe and Mlns Maude Isabella Sears, of Marlon county, wwro married today In at. l'aurs JSpiscopui onurou, by tho Rev. Laurence Sinclair. A select company mot to witness tho ceremony among whom wore the parents of the bribe who was given away by her mother. Hanokd Himself. August Duller, a patient of the Insane Asylum, hanged himself by a small rope ou the baok of a chair. Ho mado a noose, put It around his neck, laid down and strangled himself. Tho ooronor's Jury acquitted the asylum authorities of all blame. Vkky Productive. A. W. Veaoh, of Euglowood, yesterday seut The Journal the flueat limb of plums of tho season. It has two branches not over a foot.loug, and contains over GO big plums. It broko oft from Its own weight. New WAUC.-Hon. J. Q. Wilson uas begun worK putting aown a cement walk on the south and west sides of his residence. This wll) be a good Improvement, and, by the way, Liberty Btreot Is sottlug the pace on cemeut walks this year. ALono Ride. J. W. Duutouand family, consisting of a wife and four children, loft today by team to Veu tura, California, where thoy will make their futuro home. They will Lo Joined at Eugene by Henry Rogers. Sturgeon Doty's ketr Court street mar- Children Cry for PItohtr's Cattorlia wt ii VALLEY LOCAL NEWS. North Howell Prairio. Rev. Rojal, of Brcoks, was a caller lu'lho neighborhood Inst But urduy. Eddie BartoHCh, of Portland, Is visit ing relatives and will Hpend the hop picking season hire. J. Cutsforth burned ono of his feet quite seriously lout week by stepping on the ground over u root to a burning stump, lie sank in ovur hiioo top uuu his shoo tilled with hot usbis and dltt. TheMoPoland threshing outfit nro doing some satisfactory work and at present are on thu funu ot Geo. Weeks, the rustling dairymen. The Stevens and Waltmau crow uro now on Webster Smith's place and have threshed tho moat of tho grain In that part of the praiile. John Johnson, of thts place will be gin picking hopn next weok UHlng the Bame crow that will pick for P. K. Johnson, his father, who owns a yard near Mt. Angel. Tho.Enworth Lencuo will rIvu a benefit soolal ou Thursday eyonlng of this week. Ice urora aud cake with watermelons will bo surved y the young ladles who aro also preparing a musical and literary progrum. Aumsvlllo. The JounNAX agent uud correspond ent struck Aumsvllle la;t week. Wo told him that, we would subscrlbo for The Journal. If he would rtmoye tho present correspondent, which he immediately promised to do. Threshing is llulshed lu this immedi ate vlolnlty, the yield has been Butls. factory. All got more grain than they oxpoctod. All they want now Is for silver to inoroaae In price bo that they can get a good price for their whoat as they believe that tho moon regulate tho quanlty of wheat and sliver the value. Mr. Crum has moved from Aums vlllo to "Kloa" addition to Aums vllle. Wo aro going to hovo a blcyclo ordinance in Aunnvlllo. It will for bid any ono carrying a light or boll on tho bloyolo, for people, whenever thoy soo a light, or hear a bell, always jump In front of liloyclf a. Tho Aumsvllle riders aro intelligent btlngs and can guide n blcyclo lu ttufuty provldlug people uro not frightened by a light or bell to Jump 111 tho way. Most people who visit Salem on a bicycle, furnish themselves with a bell and light. This thlug should be made Rather Soapy For a good article in Laundry Soap, fcry our Savon. It is good and tho price is 10 bars for 25c. Unequalledl was tho remark made by ono of our customers after using our famous long bar toilet This is a scented article. Price 6c por bar. Machinists, black smithb, and any one wishing a soap that will romovo groaso and oil, all stay by Orandpa's Wonder Soap. Price 10c; 3 for 25c. HARRITT & LAWRENCE. P. 0. Grocery. clear for people have not the monoy to spare to pay fines with nor tlmo to sparo to go to Jail. Last week wo saw a track in the dust, which looked as if mado by a loug snake. Following it up It proved to bo Bert Heath on a bicycle doing some fanoy work. Thomas Johnson looks natural lu tho mill again, Charlie Cole lost something last week. The Aumsvlllo mill Is payiug 40cents per bushel for wheat and tho Btayton mill 48 cents per bushel. A largo amount of wheat has been taken in. People visiting Aumsvllle will re member that they can get flrst-clasa meals and accomodations at the Bouth. ern Pacific hotel, John Porter was In town last week. The Santiam Mines. W. P. O'Donnell, who Is Interested with Manager W. B. Lawler in tho Bautiam mines, returned to the work today on his way back from Portland, where ho had beeu to get some assay ing. A new 30-lnoh ledge of very rloh ore was recently struck In the Red Bull mlae,whloh makes a satisfactory assay. The machinery for the forty stamp mill arrived at Albany today aud will be hauled to the mines from Mill City, as the bridge on the road from Gates Is in bad shape. Sixty men are uow at work and ou Bept. 2 the crew will be increased to 75 men. Good mliiera can securo employment mere uow, xue mill will be in operation by Nov, 1 Many visitors ajid prospectors are iu that country uow, aud it is ex pen tod that when the work of this company becomes kuown many local enterprises will take hold ot mining lu this eeo tlon. Salmon Doty's Court street market, tAfamto THE JOURNAL AND YATMAU Let's oh; lost time Yatnian got $1,600. How much will hentrlke the town for theB-,coud time? We are very sorry to have to call Brother Heifer down on tho abovo fltutement. It Is uot correct, and we think that when Mr. Hofer finds It nut ho will make the ueceesary cor- reo(jou After Mr. Yatmnn left Balem the Iluanco commllleo who had tho mutter lu charge mp.de a report and had it published In the BtatcBUian. From that leport we make the follow ing extract: far riillrrmri nnd nlnptilmr car faro from Ban Francisco to Salem ?32 60 Eleven das boaid at Hotel Wll lamotto 33 SO Total 106 80 In addition to tho abovo there wero threo free will oflorlngs given Mr. Yot- man. What theso amounted to no one knows, but It Is certain thoy did not exceed (16a collection. That, then, would aggregate soy $45. Now $45 added to tho (05.80 would make tho whole expenso of Mr. Yatman's meet ings amount to (110 80. 01 this Mr. Yatmun actually received no moro than $45 probably not that much. This Ib a very different thing from $1500. Mr. Yattnan Is an excellent mau and a powerful preucher, and while hero did a vast amount of good. Our peo ple will bo glad to welcomo him baok to Salem, Thoy will glvo him a rous ing and enthusiastic reception. Ho will speak but on ono occasion Tues day, tho 17th of September. If Mr. Hofer has any doubts about his popu larity in Balem, all ho will havo to do will be to attend tho meeting when this grand 'evangelist arrives. Salem Post. Wo cladly ucceut aud publish the abovo correction from our rospeoted contemporary. It was our Impression that Mr. Yatmun sold books aud took a good deal more monoy out of tin community. With so many of u regular churches poorly supp irted, anrl tho Y. M. C. A., certainly a'so a verj worthy Institution, being almost aban doned becoiiso tho rent and fecrctnrj cannot bo paid, It is certainly tlmo ic epend less on the wandering eyangc- llBts like Mills and Yutmtu whocomo a fow days, creato a great deal of ex cltement, aud go away leaving the churches not perceptibly stronger, and tho community but little improved by their labors. No moro money should be Invested ou such sensationalists until tho legitimate existing organlz tions and institutions cau be better supported than they ure. Brof. S.E. Weimor. late of tho Rati conservatory, Frank fort ou tho.Mttlu, has opoced a class In dnlem for Instructions ou the piano, organ, violin, mandolin, thorough-bass and harmony. Terms reasonable. Call at Will's muslo store near post office 6-21tf "A New Teacher." Wo have In our city now a flrst class German teaoher In muslo, both In Instrumental and vocal tralnlug. Make a call and you will have her for a teacher lu your home. Terms aro reasonable. Hho stays at tho home of Mrs. M. Blglln, 662 17th and Ferry streets. Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Medal, Midwinter Fair. w CREAM BAKING POWDER tMost Perfect Made 4oYtrUM&tBdri. . . GET POSTED Every economical ho f-owifo should call on ua boforo pur. chasing anything in tho dry goods lino nnd if. wo cannot miit yon wo can at lens: post you in rogard to prices. 0- Capes and Jackets Elegant New SATURDAY Special Sale of Underwear. Grand clearing ont of all summer goods in this lino. must go. S. M.& 115 E. STATE BARR & PETZEL, Hop Stores and Pipe. WOOD AND IRON PUMPS. Plumbing and' Tinning. See us before ordering. 214 Commercial Streot. GRAY i i rim wagons u Road Machinery and Agricultural Implements. Lbti-Bl Improvod Goods uud Lowest Prices. W. Cor. Sla'e and Lllertv SU. SALEM OREGON IT, COBURG TWEI FTH STREET, NEALl DEPOT, All grades and dlmetiHlons of Buldlug Lumber.; ILargont stock and Lowest prl(v EXCELSIOR - STABLES- B. C, HANSEN, MANAGED. Only good horses used. Satisfaction guaranteed, back of Stato Insuranco block. Tho Northern Route Are you going East? Havo you de cided whloh routo you will tako? Do you know the Northern Paclilo la the only lino runniug Upholstered Tourist Bleepors direct from Portland to tho East without chango or delay ? Do you know this Is the only lino running elegant dinlug cars from Portland to tho East? Do you kuow that theso extra accommodations are given pas Beugers without any higher rates than via inferior lines? Do you know that you do uot have to jump out at 6 or 0 o'clock In tho morning on this lluo for breakfast and only have 11 f teen or twenty minutes lu which to gulp It down? Do you kuow tho Northern Paclflo Is tho scenlo tranncontluental lino of America? Do you know you can travel as cheaply yla this lino as via inferior routes? Call on or write us for additional in formation, which will bo cheerfully given you. Thos. Watt & Co., EGO Commercial St.. Balem Oregon. When Babjr wm etclr, we garo her CostorU. When h u a Child, chs cried for CastorU. When the became Miss, (he clung to CastorU. ; ih had Children, "die cavo them CastorU, How's This! We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any cBe of Catarrh that cannot be cured by nail' Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO. Props., Toledo, O. We the undersigned, have Lnown F. T. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business trans, actions and financially able to carrv out anv obligations made by their firm, VV & T.. XIU-1 ,. TV .. rr l ..v.iw UUU, MUU1C3UIC LirUggWS, iOJCUO, 0 Waldlng, Kinnsn & Marvin. Wholesale UruggistB, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken tntemallv. actincr directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price, 75c. per bottle. """ "t ui"ti;iiw. tcsiiuiuuiaisircc, Did You Ever Think That you cannot be well unless you have pure, rich blood? If you are weak, tired, languid and all run doun, it is because your blood Is impoverished and lacks vitality These troubles may be overcome by Hood's Sarsaparilla because Hood's Sarsnparilla makes pare, rich blood. It is, in truth the great blood purifier. Hood's Pills cure liver ills, constapation, biliousness, ianndlce, sickheadache, Indices, tlon. HUbut-IWafrurtatwetmkcM& . I " -.! 11 IP 'I Dr.Prlc'8Cr(Mm Baking Powder AsmhM (Mi Ma.)KwMr Fair, 8a VavxU - i in- Endless Variety. Line in Linens. 'J hey H. STOCK STREET. BROS,, U1V11 SATURDAY D A C. GOODALE, LUMBER YARD, J K. harhk. niHrmuwr Stables JOHN HUGHES. Dealer in Groceries, Paints, Oils, Window Glass, Vnrnlsliea nnd the most complete stock of Krushes of all Kinds in tlio Stato. Artists' Mater ials.Llnic, Ilnlr.Cemcnt uud Shingles and finest duality of GRASS SEEDS NLW ADVERTISEMENTS). HOP llOXKn-Iteady Tor Immediate dellv try; accurately cut lrom select dry white II r, light and strong. .Prices to suit the timet. OiplUl l.umberlUK Co. 2H-SI WANTfiD-ln lioneot, active gentleman or TT lady to travel for establlsbed, reliable house, Ualasyt7b0, payable SIS weekly and expenses. Hltuailon permanent. Heterenees, Knclote belf-uddrcused stumped envelope. Toe Ho iilnlo 1 Compauy, 318 Omulia building. Chicago. 8-n-Iia BUcINK&i OHKNlhO-I'arty wanted to atart and run. livery and reed stable la town without mich buelueas. Corner lot will uedopnted. Inquire at tuts office, 8t7-la' AM 1 KU Aoilve man to cuuvuhTou umij for Hie cheapest and most popular newt; puper for the people. Apply ut tbu office at once. ONE MAN IuodnVrow'n.Tnr luuu with iiu.hundacommou education oa do as wolt and only work 8 hou a por dr. We wonk a representation In every school flit trlet and town In tue state, Address Box Jl, Hilem. ' 7 sun Li: 1H11KU, M ewspaper Advertising Agent, . 31 Mercnauta' Exchange, San KraneUoo. is our autherised: agent. This paper Is kept tin mo in iMHoniofl. TJSUUA rtllKHMA.N Typewriting and commercial stenography. Orace, rww Iray block. Tho best of work done at ru inaoie ratea. ' " JAPJilto.-i'orUuua, nacramento, cwi Taooma and Ban Francisco papers oa nu Hopfa I'omomra hlook M Marsh. N00.1 i'ost Office block. UHiaTlAN BClENUB-Lltruture of all V kinds on sale and Christian Bolenee tt vloea at XM Wberty street, corner Cheiurttu. CTK (( to JIM 10 a month paid to J wlO.UUone to repreeut us. Vjors uuuuoi easy enough for a child to ar!;i, V7. Mlxou, llolseuit; oneweeK. Wary 13 iu a i. iv ia xureo eo davt Ilev. Wm. caru". Aberdeen ti Uuk.iiiadefUULho0rstdayJu capital or experience nooeary. Term. pamphlets tree. Addrestiatimoe.abepP'SU'. MM OPentuut ut . t'UUadelphla- tn Miisic Teaching. l'lano slnglnK In the Italian metujU and harmony taught. Keguhtr course Inmwj given by Ur. turlu. Will d lu Halem uw days each week. Limited number efpupj" received, treasons iflveu at homes or PUP"? tiEJO ourpremlusa utter of two epleif Idlct magazine for the family, T A.ArtMt