Newspaper Page Text
'JURWWW DAILY- CAPITAL JOURNAL. v S5 3feKJk.OrS 35 ASSOCIATED PRESS TDA.ILV. Jixaa affUMUwifVPtVlf i 4$ '' rf r fi i 'i.j m 1 l ' 2 VOL . Kraussb VJJ 3., l 'ft Happy And Later Tliey Will Talk About SHOES GRAY BROS., HAWAII, WAGONS AND CARTS Road Machinery and Ag icultural Implements, Latest Improved Goods and Lowest Prices. NW Corner State nnd Liberty streets, : : : : SALEM, OR NO .Holiday Goods to sell at cost, all sold out, wliicli shows that the prices are just right for the times. Now we have evry thing else to sell at the same LOW PRICES. Tk 27-4L eomrriercial St.. COLLEGE OF MOSIC of the Willamette University. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENX- Modern methods. Up to date. Same as tn the eastern and European Conservatories None but the best is cood enough for beginners oh well as for mere advanced pupils, . V. C. HAWLEY. President It. A HfcRITAGE Vocal Director EMILL WINKLER, Instrumental Director. Chattel Mortgage THE) ENTIRE STOCK OFj G. W. JOHNSON & SON Will Be It must go, and if the price has anything to do with it, the sale will not last long. Their loss is your gain, Remember, any suit or overcoat in the store, goes for $10, Mackintoshes, $6,50, A-massive line of gents' neckwear. underclotninglCQiiarsIuu.i,..u liandkorchlefs, etc., suitable for senslblo holiday presents, aro all markec SoWnSoMt. Come earlyrbeforo the assortment is broken. JurL v Neu) Y?ap ' Fair Sacrificed, Sale. neckwear, underclothing, cottars, cuffs, hats Agnt of Mortgagee, SALEM, OIULGOIS", WEDNESDAY JANUARY J, M mm. An Invasion in South . Africa, Revolution Caused by Taxation, British Government Must Face It, The Germans Call It English Greed, Will Take Steps Protect Herself, to London, Jan. 1. News from Pre toria, tho Transvaal republic, today tends to confirm tho gravity or tho slttmtlon, there growing out of In vasion of Boer Territory by an tinned forco of the British South Africa com pany.numborlng about 100 men with 0 Maxim guns led by Dr. Jamison, British Commissioner of the Trans vaal. President Krugcrhnscallcd up on the burghers to defend their coun try and a serious conflict Is antici pated lti spite of the fact that the col onial secretary, Hon. Joseph Chamber lain, has telegraphed Dr. Jamison to withdraw Into British territory nnd urged President Krugcr to do his utmost to prevent blood shed. Afternoon newspapers comment at some length upon this fresh troublo which tho British government has to farce. They recognize that the In vasion of tho Transvaal, although mado upon urgent requests of thousands of Englishmen and others who complain thoy have to pay tho wholo rovenuo of tho country, while being denied representation, is liable to give particular offense to Ger many. CALL IT ENCJLIBH ORUKD. BEitLiN, Jan. 1. News of tho Invasion In tho Transvaal republic by armed British forces has created a decided sensation here. Tho Kreuz Zoltung says: Everywhere thoro Is tho same greed nnd bad faith. Today It Is In Africa, yesterday it was In South America. Tho Invasion of tho Transvaal by Dr. Jamison and tho, forces of tho British South Africa company, nil tho nowspapors declare, constitutes a serious an unjustifiable break of tho peace, against which Germany must protect herself NEWYEAR'S DAY. Washington, Jan. 1. Now Year's day was celebrated hero In a good old fashioned way. All officials received. It was an ideal day. Tho Interest was centered in the president's reception. AT SALEM. At tho Capital of Oregon all county, city and state offices and banks were closed and business houses closed In tho afternoon. Thero was no Now Year's day calling of a formal char acter. SHIPWRECK IN ALASKA. Seattle, Jan. 1. Tho steamer Elwood, Capt. E. E. Wyman, Is at a total wreck in Alaska. One sailor was drowned and tho remainder of tho ztcw only reached tho shore after ono of tho bravest UghtH against tho elements fchat has been recorded in the annalsof tho northwest coast. "8feW"YOKK LEGISLATURE. Albany, N. Y Jan. 1. Hon. Ham ilton Fish, Republican, was elected speaker of tho houso today, receiving 08 votes to 40 for Stansfleld, democrat. NEWSPAPER TRAIN WRECK. Denver, Jan. 1. Tho Rocky Mountain News special, carrying tho Now Years edition of that paper, nnd Intended to break all records for mountain travel, was wrecked this nornlng at Melta, five miles this sldo ofLcadvllle. EnirlneerS. G. Baker and fireman H. Hartraan wore killed, FORTY-CENT WHEAT. SALES MADE IN I'ENDLKTON at that vnicn. Pendleton, Or., Jan. 1. Up to 5 o'clock Monday afternoon, tho best price offered for wheat lit Pendleton was 38 cents. Between that hour and 0 p. in. nearly 300,000 bushels were sold at 40 cents net, and sales havo continued today. At tho closo of business this afternoon, nt least 400, 000 bushels in all had been sold at 40 cents. Tho Flrt National bank sold 150,000; the Savings bank, f0,000;G. A. Hnrtman, 15,000;thc Orcgou Mortgage company, 15,000; the elevator com pany bought fjrom 00,000 to 75,000, held as collateral for advances, nnd ninny smaller lpts went at tho same figure. I On most of th) total, advances had been made of from 20 to 25 cents, lot ting a largo amount of money go Into active circulation hero. Inquiry Is still active, and.Targo sales aro antici pated tomorrow Reports have becu current of more .than 40 cents offered tonight. Soniof "holders assort they can unload at from 42 to 43 cents, but buyers deny tills. Louis Estcs iwas held beforo tho United States grand Jury, by Commis sioner Bean, oi a crime of counter feiting. The evidence is quite dam aging. Estcs nrfd E. A. Crawford will im taken to Portland to await tho grand Jury. Last year a largo amount of spurious coin' gold nnd silver, was circulated In Eastern Oregon, and tho authorities aro inclined to bollcvo It was mado somewhere near here. This Is the fourth ffrrcst within a few months on thlshargo. "THE WAY OUT." London, Jan. 1. Tho Westminister Gazotto In a leading article, headed "Tho Way Out, 'Wb: "While tho question Intrinsically is not important, Jncidentally It Is of great importance. Great Britain can not retreat fromitho position sho has taken, and tho United States will not rotrcat from thefrs. The only method ofcscnpo from llils dead o :1c which shall Impose nelfhor humiliation nor retreat on clthci sldo to find some thing which Is tiot arbitration, but which Is as Ilk as possible." Tho Gazotto suggests that both countries ngreo upon a board of con ciliation, not binding themselves, as in thb case of arbitration, to accopt Its decisions, but on tho chunco of conciliators being able to suggest a compromise acceptable to both coun tries. In conclusion, tho Westmin ister Gazette remarks: "Wo firmly bollove a couple of sensible, impartial men, say the chief Justices of tho two countries, could easily scttlo tho mat ter by this method. Tho afternoon newspapers all regard tho utterances of Senator Sherman on President Cleveland's message to con gress on tho Venezuela question ns a plain warning that danger has not yet passed. Tho stock exchange opened dull and Inactive, but later tho tone of the market improved. Two firms involved in American se curities were declared defaulters to day on tho Liverpool stock exchange. DEATH OF MRS. D. A. O'BRIEN. ONE OV TUB OLDEST ltESIDENTH OF WOODUUUN. Woodbuhn, Or., Jan. 1. Mrs. D. A. O'Brien died of heart disease, after a very short Illness. She was ono of the oldest residents in this city, having loented here with her husband In 18(10. Sho was born in Ireland In 1838, and, while ll cll,1(1 n,0VC(1 with ,ier parents to Australia, where sho mar rled D. A. O'Brien who survives her. In 1807 they moved to California. From whore they came to Oregon nnd settled nt Woodbitrn, which was at that time a wilderness. Sho left six children, all girls, of whom flvo aro sisters f charity. Tho oldest daughter Sister Alfred, is tho druggist at St. Vincents' hospital; Sister Mary Roso Is directress of Mount Angel academy; Sister Marga- ret Is teaching at tho Grand Rondo rcscrvatlonsSlstcrGcrtrudehascburgo of tho Catholic school at North Ya kima, Wash., and Sister Genevieve Is teaching in Portlnnd. LUHo had re mained at home with her parents. It was tho wish of Mrs. O'Brien that all of her daughters should become sis ters. She was herself a good Samari tan to all who were sick or in distress. Sho will bo burled at Gcrvals tomor row. NEW YORK MERCHANTS. New York, Jan. 1. At tho meet ing of tho chamber of commerce mi...,iA. nnvt lir Antrim! tfjiA nil fonlmmeSa will submit a rjport on tho Venezuela question, and ad daucpnthewWccbwillboroadobyiWX.n. ini-i ,i,i .i.o eminent; speakers I8SG, T.n V MATTin OVEItMAN'8 STORY Die. Brown. Anotrr HE FORGOT THE INJUNCTION. "Be Yi: Therefore Spirtually ' Minded Always." San Francisco, Jan. 1. At the residence or Rev. Dr. C. O. Brown, and In tho prosenco of Mrs. Brown, Miss Mattle Overman told her story of the chargos made by Mrs. Mary Abbot Davidson, alleging a criminal intimacy with Dr. Brown. MISS OVERMAN'S STORY. "I have iwon a toohln tho hands of a dlslgntng woman, sho said. "My relations with Mrs. Davidson wore of such a friendly nature that I regarded her as a mother. Indeed, sho trentod mo as a daughter, greeting mo with kisses every tltno wo met, and seem ingly taking a mother's Interest In my welfare. What an Insult to my Intelligence and perception to bo forced to tho avowal that sho de ceived mo and used mo as a tool for tho furtherance other nefarious plans. Mrs. Davidson is an artful, plauslblo woman. I have discovered that now. Sho says sho was uhawaro of my ar rival In this city rroin Tacoma last August and that she was amazed to seo mo. Tno ract is, siio wroto to mo to come, Baying that she would find mo employment as n stenographer. Wo wore to llvo together like mother nnd daughter, sho agreeing to pay my ex penses, I consenting to aid her by doing sowing on Saturdays." Mr. Overman referred to tho state ment that Dr. Brown was contribut ing $35 a tionth to her support. "I novcj'know this money Vas paid to Mrs'' Davidson," remarked she. "Is it rcasonablo to bcllovo that 1 would havo fjowcil for Mrs. Davidson had 1 1con guilty of relations with Dr. Brown relations which forced him tq' contribute to my support? Had I Wn guilty, as Mrs. Davidson says, 'l "Vvotild havo rccolvcd this monoy -pronally from Dr. Brown, nnd spent It without Mrs. Davidson's aid. Tho fnot Is, I know nothing about this alleged money transaction, but licllovciV, as Mrs. Davidson told me, that this money had been sent to her by friends In tho East. In fnct, Dr. Brown was not even mentioned to mo after my arrival from Tacoma." "How is It that you called upon Mr. Simpson, of tho Chronicle, and offered to sell him n sensational story for $1,000?" "That Is the only ugly fnct to this ugly business that I will bo compelled to face," answered Miss Overman. "I will tell tho truth, however, no mnttor what Interpretation Is placed upon my statomont by tho public." "Sho convinced mo that it was all right, and sho asked mo to go to tho Chronlclo otllco and ascertain If bucIi a story would bo acceptable. Ask $1000 for It,' sho remarked, 'becauso It Is worth It.' "Well, after repeated requests on tho part of Mrs. Davidson to go to the Chronlclo office, I went thero nnd saw Mr. Simpson, tho city editor. Ho did not appear to relish my proposal, and began to question mo so that I lecanio nervous, and to escaiw more cnslly, I agreed to call again. I did not admit to Mr. Simpson, as Is reported, that I was the woman wronged. If ho made that statement ho Is mistaken." "Dr. Brown made the horrid rove Jntlon," said she, "in tho presence of Mrs. DiiVHilson, We lioth confronted hor with her perfidy, but sho would alllrm or dtfny nothing. I becamo very angry and demnnded that sho should return tho $500 of which sho had robbed Dr. Brown. Sho answered that sho had given it to Mrs. Baddln. T grasped her by tho arm and shook hor, and as I did ro I heard monoy rattle In her dress. "Mrs. Davidson says you mado a confession to her," suggested tho re porter. "It'sn Ho," exclaimed Miss Over man, excitedly. "I mado no confes sion to hor, for I had nono to make. I uover told her that I accompanied Dr. Brown to any room, or that our re lations were anything olso than lion- orablo. I nover said ho had given mo ergot, or that I was 111 because of tho use of that drug. My changed ap pearance was caused by tho grip, which nttacked mo nt Tacoma. I will tell all tho world that Dr. Brown Is an injured icsn, aud I" "Ye3," Interrupted Mrs. Brown,"ho nnd Miss Overman havo been mal- lncd bitterly But I will novor bcllovo tho charges, for I know thorn - . . ...!.. l ! t i V i iMmntowit had gone to llvo nt Dr. Brown's house nt the request of Mrs. Brown herself, believing thnt would bo tho bot course to pursue. "Wo aro very friendly," sho added, "for we havo known each other for four years. At no time did Dr. Brown make an avowal of love to ino or I to him. 1 was surprised to hear that people spoke harshly of mo at Tacoma." Mrs. Davidson says Maltlo and Brown consulted together, and deter mined to arrest her; then alio told all sho knew. Mrs. t Davidson further ndded it was notorious in tho First Congregational church that Dr. Brown had contracted an unholly connection with tho mistress of ono of the rich members of his church, and, to avoid cntnuglemcnt, was forced to pay $000. Mrs. Davld'sob promises toireveal many more nnines of guilty members nt her trial. Sho says sho Is confident of her own vlndl- catlon. DR. 11ROWN TALKS. Dr. Brown tonight gave his version of tho story that has been current for several days with regard tohlsaetlims with another woman. Tho doctor said that, ono night about a year and a half ago, ho was summoned to tho bedside of Mrs. Stockton. Tho woth an was said to bo dying, nnd wished spiritual consolation. Dr. BroWn visited tho woman's homo nild was ushered Into a dark bedroom. To tho minister's surprise, ns ho says, tho woman, who was lying on tho bed with all her clothes on, arose nnd, throwing her arms about his neck, kissed him. Brown robuked tho wom nn and wont home. A few days after ward, ho says, Mrs. Stockton said sho had bcon insulted, and demanded $000. Brown refused to pay tho money, and consulted a prominent resident of this city, who know the woman. Brown says this man went to Mrs. Stockton, nnd Induced her to withdraw hor demand for monoy. OREGON NEWS. Tho thorniomotor registered 13 dog. below zero ono night recently In Lake vlow. Tho Burns Times says tho Jordan boys, who escaped from tho Hnmoy county jail, havo gone to tho Owyhee country. Ono hundred nnd ilfty-flvo conver sions aro reported as tho result of Row Emma Barrett's revival work In Grant county slnco November 30. Tho Salvation Army has fitted up headquarters In Eugcno, and tho branch of tho sorvlco thoro will bo under tho command of Captain II. P Nelson, Elk appear to bo quite plentiful In tho Looking Glass country this sea son, several having bcon killed thoro recently, Frank Ensly nnd W. II. Gibson lwlng among thoso who have bcon successful. A. G. MoEaohcrn, of Mitchell, re cently traded to Rums McGrow 37 head of rango horses for eighty acres of land In Columbia county, near St. Ilolens. Both pnrtlcs to tho transac tion seem well pleased. Junction City people think thnt a creamery for that town is now as sured. Tho plant will cost about $2000, and will bo ablo to work up tho milk from 1000 cows. Tho product of 215 cows has already bcon promised. Thero is no trace of murderer Snm Brown, who escaped from tho Rose- burg Jail Monday morning. Statk ov Ohio, City op Toledo, I Lucas County J Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he it the lentor nattner of the frnn of F. J. Cheney & Ci, doing buttneM In ihe City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will nay the sum of ONI? IIUNDKUD DOL LARS for each and every cane of Caturrh that cannot lo cured I I by the use ol Ilall'r Catarrh Cure. Frank J. Ciikney and subterlled In my of December, A. V A.YV. ClKASON. Snorn to before me pretence, tills 6th day I88G. iKM. Notary I'ublic Hall' Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally and acts directly on tho blood and musouu surface. of the system, bena lor icjiiniunii. imc. F.J. Cheney &Co.,Toledj, O tjySold by Drucct'i 75c Rhaumatiam Hums Slot. When them Is lactic acid In the blood. Liniment and lotion will be of no permanent benefit A euro can be accomplished only by neutralising this acid and for this purpose Hood's Sarsaparllla Is Hie best roememe i. cause llood.i Sar.spnrllU Is the only true blood purifier prominently In tho public eye, Hood's nils become me lavorite cathartic with every one who trie them. 35 cents. Higkwt of all in Learning Power. M AmMHJOTXMX N0P 3TO.WI SOLDIERS AND Hid FlOItT a Bloody Sikzurk ov PATTL15 Bi::r. Oven DISF.OUUED. DOT FlUH'irNi.. Tiif.y Finally Succeed in GKTYUfti tiik Lacur, Bridcjwort, Conn.. J.u. I v battle iHJtwccn soldiers and jjpVj. occurred In Saddler linll last nW About thirty men were serimisk In. Jurcd. Tho soldiers were defeated and twenty were locked up. A raiding party went to Saddler hall whom tin Kosciusko guard military organization wcro noiuing a dance, to execute a wnrrant for a Folzuro of beer. Thej soldiers drew their sabres nnd Am tho officers from tho hall. A reinforcement of lo policemen was tvtllcd. They attempted to enter the hall but tho guards bcat:th?m back with their sabres. Tho police wcro badly cut nnd slashed and several were seriously injured. Tho cantnlu of tho guards Is hardly rccoenlznblo from tho bumps nnd cuts on his fuee.j All tho prisoners bear marks of tho fight. Thoy were spattered with blood and their uniforms me ithrctls. The Fiddlers Jumped onto the police. scratched their faces and tore their hair out by iiandfuils. After a light llvo other halls wcro visited and about 100 kegs of beer seized. A FRENCH VIEW. London, Jnn. l.-Tho Pall Mall Gazette published an artlclo from tho pen of M. Flourens, formerly French minister of foreign affairs, upon tho Venezuelan controversy. Comment ing upon It, the Fall Mall Gazotto says. "Wo want to hear what Frenchmen thought of Secretary Oluey 's cxtontlon of tho Monroa doctrluc;but ho scarcely touches upon that nnd Improves tlw occasion by giving us somo homo truths. He accuses us of hulylngjuid breaking faith," M. Flourens says. "Tho French do not bollove In the probability of .war, as both Great Britain nnd the United titntcs aro prone to weigh profit and loss. More over, vo aro accustomed to cool pru dence of England, which will tncrcaso in proportion ns tho youthful Impetu osity of tho United States gives ItsoK frco course. Franco Is far more dis posed to accept tho Monroe doctrine than you In England arc, but wo re serve anterior rights ami do not agree with President Cleveland's conception of arbitration. Wo aro great advo cates of arbitration, and would gladly seo it applied to all International dis putes. Notably, we liellcvo that dif ficulties such as may arise betweeu American republics aud European states aro all of a nature to Ira settled by arbitration, to tho great advantage of tho parties Interested. To this effect, wo should llko to seo a perma nent tribunal of arbitration erected: "Bjitlsh diplomacy still retain? n violent procedure, which Isrout of place in our epoch. Unless sho alloves sho Is faco to faco with a t ronger powor thaij herself, her wea ns of discussion tiro ultimatums. Tills un bridle manner docs enormous harm to hor reputation, whether It Imposes hor will on the people whoso weakness obliges them to submit In humilia tion, or whether she gives way, as hha will havo to do in tho quarrel with Vcnczuoln.beforo unforseon resistance. Her moral authority was r-orlously im paired, for instance by Lord Sullsburys menacing langiiago to tho sultan. A European concert in regnrd to the East, Far East or America docs noti exist, becnuso no one wishes to bo addrt'wl- 1th England's diplomatic arrogance or exjiosed to tho dangers of her breaches of faith." MlLUAkl IN' VENEl'KU, Nu Youk, Jan. I.r-Tbe special ty tli World fiom Caracas saynj Active military preparation are going on. (icneial GarcU Gointt baa been appointed to command tk troops organised In the federal distiicts. Us has ordered iliM sU males between 18 amla who luve been enrolled be drilled immedi ately. A retired oftiter of the French artillery is dally inotrucilmjc the national tioop JsT the me of the modem guns, Target practice is Imd very afternoon. Latest U.S. Gov't Ktjrt Baking Rwder 261 Commercial st. 4 t 4k- lfc