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Daily capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1896-1899, May 05, 1896, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Oregon Libraries; Eugene, OR

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn99063955/1896-05-05/ed-1/seq-3/

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Of 111 health, despondency and despair,
gives way to the sunshine of hope,
happiness and health, upon taking
II uaV Pareapniiila, bccatifio it gives
renewed Hfo and vitality to the blood,
dud through thnt imparti
i mtc strcn J gth, igor
mid energy ,to tho whole
body. Head this letter:
'ilood'uSac WH sapor 1 11a
helped me woudorfnliy)-
changed slclcnesa to health, gloom to sun
shine. No noil can describe what I auf
t red. 1 wm deathly trick, had nick head
aches every tow days and those terrible
tired, despondent letting, with heart
trollies po that 1 could not go up and
down ntn'.H without clajijlnsr inv hand
over in heart and resting. In fact, It
would al.llopl tako my breath away. I suf
fered so I did not care to lire, yet I had
much to llvo for. There la no nlrasnrn In
life if deprived of health, for life bocomes
a burden. Hood's Sarsaparllla docs far
more thiui advertised. After taking ono
bottle, it i3 sufucloiit to recommend
itself." Mrs. J. E. Burnt, Uelolt, Iowa.
Is tho One True Wood Purifier. Alldnif;glsU.9L
Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Low ell, Mass.
m,i rilllcouren'1 liver Ills, bilious
nOOCl S r'lllSness.l.fndAclie. 28ccntt.
Interesting Correspondence From a Polk
County Man.
McCoy, Or., April .lOj 1800.
Editoh Jeurnal: In your dally of
. tho 23d lust, you say that If Tongue
win auuere 10 uio views ucrctoioro
K expressed on tho silver1 Issue and will
I' support the liberal Interpretation of
the state plntform finance plank you
can support him.
On Thursday tho 23d inst. atBall-
t: hum, iui. xuiiiiu uuiiiu uuu uuiiJiiubit;
and explicit In favor of the gold
standard and for use of what silver
;'' could be maintained at parity on gold
, And why should ho not so declare?
f. The very logic of tho situation forces
,' him to that position. Tho objection
to Hermann was that he Voted for
; silver nt 10 to 1. It was admitted
i that if n silver man was to be elected
rdlormann was entirely satisfactory.
rThercforo his competitor for the
nomination must be a gold standard
I'nian. Mr. Tongue litis now thrown off
Pttho mask and fully declared himself
r n gold standard candidate.
Thcro can now no longer beany
Udoubt about Mr. Tongue's position on
hthis question. Hermann was the
'logical representative of free silver
before tho Albany convention. Tonguo
I.' was necessarily the representative of
i; tlio goia standard and as such rcpro-
lBpnhit.lvfi lir linn nmv en rllQt.fni.Mv iln.
l t n 1
In the second district Ellis was the
logical representative of free silver
and was sustained by the convention,
and now the opposition have put up
Northup ns a gold standard ropre'
' sentntlve. The difference in tho two
L districts is this: In tho second dls
trlct Republicans will decide for gold
I standard or free silver at tho polls Jn
( June; whllo In tlio first district that
r matter was decided In convention.
, Had there been a representative can
didate for tho gold standard in tho
. second district there, would have been
t no additional candidate brought out,
fbut ns Bennct, Ellis and Quinn arc all
for free silver tho only way tho gold
'standard voters In that district could
rcast their votes was to put up a candi
date representing tho principle. Now,
In tho llrst district tho Republican
candidate, Mr.Tonguc.Is a gold stand
f ard adyocatc, while his opponent, Mr.
pVanderburg is a free silver 10 to 1 ad
Ij.vocato and henco free silver Rcpubll
Jeans and Mitchell Republicans can
j,vow for free silver by voting for Mr.
If Is It consistent or politic to vote
;: Tonguo. a gold standard man, to one
branch of congress, and at tho same
tlmo tho courageous advocate of free
silver, 10 to 1, Senator-Mitchell to the
eenato ? Mr. Editor there Is now no
longer arty room for speculation or
l doubt on this question aodleliall look
to seo The Journaij rise above parti
sanship loyal and patriotic to princi
ple, duty and country and openly sup
port for congress a man who is In "ac
cord with and who can vfork and vote
In harmony with our distinguished
senator, John H. Mitchell.
Mr. Edltor,ln The Journal of July
MORB hi tMrartr
tlio world, awu
,,.m1-,j1o Mtrwl -au ..m
jinjr nPVr pmtm r
Uia grfttt, Brand
et and most euc
ecaaf nl cm to? -
ui ii mliim sad
skecoaminc iawtp
tterfut dUtovrvt fa
will be sent to auf-
1asr men fctxlwil fnte. Vu.lt sijuiIt vtoor
trmanently rmtoiwL ataM totonrfis.
FPa 0"
'I JvR.
y IrrTir
t , ;' jrt n
19, 1894, youdeQned the - issue thus:
jJ'Cohtlmfc tof.horrnw cmlrl hv iftaulncr
Jgolubonds and rua the-countty in
debt and keep it under the thumb of
the goldbugs, or Issue treasury notes
and coin silver." .Now Mr. Editor,
.Vandcrburg 'and 'Senator Mitchell
stand for the principle and policy of
Issuing treasury notes and coining
silver. Mr. Tongue and Dolph oppose
it. Will The Journal rlbe to tho
Importance of the occasion and tho
duty of the hour, throw off partisan
ship and bo consistent, loyal and
patriotic to our country's Interests
and our people's needs ?
James K. Sears.
We have not yet heard Mr. Tonguo
speak, nor seen any of his campaign
speeches fully reported. The Journal
Is not advocating tho nomination or
clccttoh'of gold monomctalists or free
traders. We still ndhcro to the na
tlonal Republican platform of 1892,
which declared for blmetallstu and
for use of gold and silver as standard
money, etc. Tho Republican party
has never yet declared for the slnglo
gold standard. Neither has the Dem
ocratic. Tlio platform In Oregon
this year Is construed by the goldltes
to be a bimetallic platform, though
thoy construed It two years ago as
meaning sound money and Mr. Dolph.
Tills year Mr. Dolph as the repre
sentative of the gold standard ele
ment threw off tho mask and intro
duced a single gold standard resolu
tion In the Republican state conven
tion against the finance plank that
was adopted. That platform Is
bimetallic. If Mr. Tongue stands
squarely on that platform he Is a
Republican and entitled to the Re
publican vote. Mr. Scars wants The
Journal to come out and take the
Bldoof the people. The Journal
has always fought for the true Inter
ests of the people and shall continue
to do so.
Wo have considered Mr. Tongue as
a friend of silver, though we do not
ngrco with the plan of maintaining
silver at a parity with gold by making
It redeemable in gold. Tho.sllvcr dol
lar is a dollar on Its own account or it
is nothing. The more silver that Is
carried on tho gold redemption plan,
on that plan of maintaining an arti
ficial parity, tho more demand we
create for gold to maintain it with,
tho higher wo drive -gold up and the
more we enhance its purchasing
power. Wo do not want more sliver
purchased by tlio government and
coined into money if it is only
to result in compelling tho govern
ment to buy more gold to float It with
and mako It money.
Silver must take its place with
nickels and coppers as mere subs!
dary coin, or It must tako Its place
where It belongs, under the constitu
tion, ns primary metallic coin of tho
realm on equal terms with 'gold.
Every ounce of silver bought by the
government in twonty years, cost more
than a dollar in gold, and why the
silver dollar Isn't ns good as tho gold
dollar why It should be called a C0-
ccnt dollar and havotobo redeemed
In gold Is a mystery that tho gold
advocates will novcr get through tho
heads of the common people.
In an editorial headed "A Total
Misconception," tho Oregonlun of
Monday says:
"Mr. Tonguo, in his speech at East
Portland on Friday night, said:
Tho Republican party always dealt
with silver In a friendly spirit, and
endeavored to get our own product in
circulation, either in coined silver or
in paper representing It. If restored
to power, it will put In circulation
every dollar of silver that it can
maintain at par with gold, and it will
not put in circulation ono dollar more,
and ought not to do so. It will not
sustain the present policy of contrac
tion, nor do I believe It will permit
the enormous circulation of small
"These remarks show total misap
prehension of the monetarysltuatlon.
There is In them an Intimation that
not enough legal-tenderllver has yet
been Issued, and that the Republican
party, on its restoration to power, will
resume coinage of silver, to the extent
at least, of coining our own product,
or the purchase and warehousing of
our silver product and the issue of
bills upon it. The idea is held out
that an indefinite further sum of sil
ver, or of silver paper, can be main
tained at par with gold, than which
no awuaiDtlon could be more mis
chievous and erroneous.,,
People Ahe All Right When
tliov nrn urpll fpii Tlmr'a trhv tIA
patrons of Strong's restaurant are all
so Jolly and complacent. Try It
yourself awhile. J '
The representatives ot the Republicans of
the stale of Oiegon in convention assembled
Call lltenttnn ,n , rvnrltl!nrt nf tn.lu.trw
' throughout the country, as a proof of the
necessity oi returning to the policy of the Ke.
publican party under which there was general
prosperity during thirty years.
r Wo reaffirm the principles of (he Republi
can national platform ot 1892, and assort that
1 the results that have follow td the change de
creed by the election of that year have justl.
fied our protest against the national policy
1 adopted by the Democratic party.
I Wc believe that the government should
, have an ample revenue, with a sufficient sur
plus over ordinary expenditures to provide for
coast defences, for the steady buildlnc up of
the navy, and for the constant reduction of
the public debt. We believe that the present
tariff, with its lowered rates and its destruc
tive and dishonest system of undeivaluatlons
and discriminations as to localities, should be
replaced by one framed on protective princi
ples similar to that of the McKlnley bill and
arranged to give amnio protection to Aineii-
I can wages and American industry, and to re
store me reciprocity policy ot james u.
We have always given protection to our
shipbuilders. In late years we havo neglected
to protect our shipowners. We believe the
time has come to restore o the policy of
wasnington ana Hamilton, wntcn, by dis
criminating duties in fuvor of American bot
toms, secured 90 per cent of our carrying
trade to American ships, and which, if now
restored, would again revive our shipping and
cause American freights to be paid to Ameri.
The American people, from tradition and
interest, favor bimetalism, and the Republi
can party demands the use of both gold and
silver as standard money with such icstrlct
ions and under such provWIons to be determ
ined by legislation, as will secure the main
tenance of the parity of values of the two
metals, so that the purchasing and debt-pay.
Ing power of the dollar, whether of sliver,
gold or paper, shall be at all times equal.
Tho interest of the producers of the country
its farmers and its workingmen demand
that every dollar, paper or coin, issued by
the government shall be as good as any other
Resolved, That wc earnestly endorse the
proposed amendment to the constitution of
the United States, providing for the election
of United Slates senators by popular vote,
recently reported from the committee on
privileges and elections by Senator Mitchell
and now pending consideration in the United
State penates.
Resolved, That the application of the Ore
gon delegation In congress to the president of
the United States and now pending before
him. praying a mollification of bis procla.
nation creating the Cascade forest reserve, is
hereby earnestly approved, and we appeal to
the president to grant the prayer of our dele
gation in congress.
We realize the importance and magnitude
of the fishing industry on the Columbia river
and would recommend that some provisions
be made for a state hatchery for artificial
propagation, and that the laws regulating the
closed season be rigidly enforced.
That we endorse the efforts ol our repre
sentatives in congress to secure repayment to
the settlers of Oregon of the excess of $1.25
per acre wrongfully collected by the governt
ment on lands located in the limits of the
unearned Northern Pacific railroad land gran
no w forfeited.
The construction ol the Nicaragua canal is
of the highest importance -to the American
people, both as a measure of national defense
and to build up and maintain American com
merce. It is moreover of special importance
to our Pacific states and we demand its
completion as speedly as possible by the
Government of the United states.
We hereby endorse the action of our sens,
tors and representatives in congress in their
endeavor to secure grants of pensions to
Indian war veterans.
We pledge the Republican party to a rigid
oconemy in the expenditure of public money;
to the reduction of excessive salaries; and the
abolishment of the fee system whenever
possible, and ofalluseloss commissions,; and
believe that no appropriation should be made
to any school or charitable institution not
under the control of the state; and oppose the
incorporation into the general appropriation
bill of items for the expenditure of public
money not auinorucu uy i .
We demand the enactment of rigid restrict
ions on foreign Immigration, both for protection
of our country against illiterate and vicious
classes from foreign lands and for protection
of our labor and preservation to our own
people ot the remainder of our national
We commend the policy of the Republican
party in relation to internal improve
ments, and in particular in opening our
waterways to commerce, and we denounce the
ilUberality ot Democratic patty in these m
port ant matters.
Respectfully submitted,
T. G. Fell, SolIIirscii,
Secretary. Chairman
Let The Whole World
Know The Good
Dr.Miles' Heart Cure Does
HEART DISEABE, bos lU victim at a
disadvantage Always taught that
heart dltcaso islucurable, when the
symptoms bocoruo woll deflnod, the patient
becomes alarmed and a nervous panic takes
place. Hut when a euro remedy l found
and a euro effected, after years of suffarlnc,
thcro If great rejoli Inc and desire to "let
the wholo world kouir." Mm. Laura Wine
Inter, of flklrl; Kansas, writes; "I desire
to let tho whole world know what Dr. Miles'
Tt MHpc1 HsairtQure bos done for
1)1, i'ilICi ,oe portcnyeamlhad
Heart Clirfi paiu in my heart, ebort
" ' ue of breath, palplta-
ReStOreS uoa. pain mmv leftside.
tlooltti oppressed recline in my
ncallll....... cheat, weuk and hungry
spells, bad dreams, could not tie on either
aide, was numb and suffeird terribly. I tool;
Dr. Ml If 4' Heart Citro and before I finished
tho second tattle I fell ila cood effects, I feel
now that I am fully rHwrrd, awd that Dr.
Mltca' Heart euros; ml a7 Utc-
Dr. Miles' Heart Pure y )& en juaran tee
that first bottle beocUu, or money refunded.
for infants
ICIRTY yer otiierratlcm
Bdlliaaa ef ytneai, yenalt
It i WHqaftationft'bly thi teat remedy for IafAata bjsA CkUtlra
t&e worli h ctcp known. It la iuumleae. Children Mate It. It
gives) tkem health. It will aavo their Htm. la It Methere have
eotaethlg which 1 absolutely aafo aatt praotlcallr perfect a a
ehlld'a medicine.
Cftitoria deatroyg 'WiorTBi.
Caaterla allay Feverlshaem.
Caatorla provoati vomiting Soar Card.
Caatcria oaroa XHnrrhtna aad "Wind Cella
Caatorla rallevoa Tonthlast Troahlea.
Caatorla cnroi CoaatlpatloH aad FlataleaoT.
Caatorla MnatraUaoa the offoeta of oarhoala aclA gas or piLxmow air,
Caatorla floon Hot contain saorphlae, oalam, er other aarootlo property.
Caatorla aalUate the food, regalatea the ateasaoh and howcla.
glriag healthy and natural aloep.
Caatorla la pat ap la one-ahta hottlee only. It la Hot aold la Balk.
Don't allow asay one to aell yog anything elm ea the plea er promise
that it t "Jast a good" and "will anawer every pnrpose."
See that yon pet C-A-S-T-0-RI-A.
The fac-aimlle
Jgnatare of
Children Cry for
2 No Trouble to Show You Through and Give Prices. ZC
Hardware, Tinware, Barbed Wire
TXTT .Blacksmith Supplies, Stoves and Machinery at
Examine our large and complete stock. Always prompt and
courteous treatment,
The Willamette Hotel.
Reduced ratcH. Management liberal.
and points 01 interest, apcciai rates will ue
Onlvgood hor used. 'Satisfaction umrantec.l.
pjmwm i$,p
Pullman SleepinCars -
Elegant Dinin Cars
Tourist Sleeping Car
To St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, rargo,
JUund Forks, Crookston, Winnipeg,
Helena and Ilutte.
TrmniffiH tickets
To Chicago, Washington, 1'hlladelphia, New
1 OIK, iiiawa, hi bii 1 uiuij
East and South
For information, time cards, maps and
tickets, call on or write
265 Commercial street, Salem, Or.
A. D. Charlton, Asst. Gen'l. Pass. Act.,
Morrison St.. corner Third Portland, Or.
n u m a noo.lcnoo
.uMr for uanorrlu
WkliM. uunalurai dl,.
iMt, Satrmatarrhoa,
I cturun. or fur lofiaiumv
' Uoa, IrrlUtlou or ulcer
tiua vt uumuf Hiifi.
lTHiuuCHr!i Pa "o.. No-u(Btui.
keeiTi.c "?'" r .r..r Jr.
11,00. or a botik. aw.
Qhtvltr Mat ea ttauttt,
jm auruw sj
rmrm cm u iuuvu;.
jsssssst " ,m
and Children.
ef Caatsrist wltk the gstJresMtc of
we to speak ftf It wltheat txwetar-
m la en every
Pitcher's Castorla.
Electric ears leave hole! lor all public buildings
given to permanent patrons.
Stable back of , 'State Insurance block
Through Tickets
Union Pacific System.
F Through PullmanPaiace Sleepers. Touris
Sieepera and Freo .Reclining Chairs dally
Our trains are heated byjsteam and 11 r
lighted by Pintsch light.
Time to Chicago, 3 la days
Time to New York. 4 !a davs.
Which is many hours quickerjhan com
petitor. For rates, time table and fullinform ton
apply to
Agents, Salem, Oi.
General Agent, Dist, I'aii. Agent
13$ Third Street, Portland,
docs not do n lottery business to swell
Its circulation; bub in addition to
giving valuo received, It gives Its sub
scribers valuable premiums.
Now is tbo tlmo to ordor your read
ing matter, and it will pay you to no
ttco tho following special offers.
Any ono of tho following llvo pcrU
odlcnls free, ono year, to any sub
scriber of THE JOURNAL who pays
$1.50 in ndvnnco for tho dally, by car
rier, three months, (50 cents a month)
or by mall six months, (25o a month)
or tho weekly 18 months, ($1 a year.
tlio best 10 pngo Illustrated fashion
magazine of Now York free for ono
year. Tho nbovo prices are net cash,
and tho cheapest combination ovor of
fered. Tho "Queen" Is n hlgh-clnss
practical, homo magazine.
Tie Child Garden
Tho delightful Chicago children's
magazine Just tlio thing to read to
tho Uttlo ones of tho homo circle. It
brings tho kindergarten Into tho
home. Song, games and story, Beau
tifully Illustrated, $1 a year, Pub
lished by tho Kindergarten Literature
Till! FARM
A practical farm papor, edited by a
staff of experienced agricultural
writers, contributed to by tho best
known agriculturists of tho country,
It contains what tho farmer wants.
A,handsomc, attractive, honiopa
por, to which ovory woman will glvo
a hearty welcome.
That great national newspaper,
whilst Is knownjto ovcrybody
Of any of thcsel-publlcatlons 'can bo
had by calling at THE JCUKNAL
ofllco or dropping us a postal card.
Any two of tho abovo periodicals
can lw secured by paying W and tak
Ing THE JOURNAL twlco nB long as
required to securo ono.
Whan tho extremely low Jprlco of
THE JOURNAL is considered, this
will bo found tho most liberal offer
mado by any papor on tho const.
A book by E. Hofer, on tho rotten
nriniury system, priea 25 cents. Can bo
had Instead of any of tho ubovo prem
iums. EDITORS,
Salem, - Oregon.
Shasta Route.
Southern Pacific Co,
California Express Train Run daily between
Portland and San Francisco.
8:lo n.ni
6oa, m.
7:00 p. m .
Itioop. m.
10:45 '"
Portland at.
Salem lv,
San Fran, lv.
Above trains ston ar I-lanf Prtrtlan n.r.n
Ctty, Wordbura, Salem, Turner, 'Marlon,
lefTerson, Albany, Albany'Junction, Tangent,
oneuus, iiaisey, iiamsourg, junction City,
Eugene, Creswell, Drain, and all station
from Roseburg to Ashland, inclusire.
11:00 a.m.
5:20 p.m.
lv. Portland nr.
lv. Salem lv.
4:40 p.m.
a 2:20 p.m.
8:00 a.m.
ar. Hosob'g lv.
sai.km PA8SBNOKH.
4:00 p.m.
0:15 p.m.
lv. Portland nr.
ar. Salem lv.
10:15 n.m.
8:00 a.m.
and second-class sleeping cats attached to all
through trains.
Between Portland and Corvallis, dally (ex
cept Sunday.)
7130 a.m.
ia 15 p.m.
i.v. Portland,
Ar. Corvallis.
6;a p. m.
"35 p. ra.
At Albany and Corvallis connect with,
trains of Oregon Central & Eastern Railroad,
Express train dally except Sunday.
4145 p. m
7iS P. rn.
Lv. Portland Ar.
Ar. McMlnvllle Lv
8135 a.m,
5:50 a.m.
to all points in the Eastern States, Canada
and Europe can tie obtained at lowest ratei
from W.W. SKINNER, Agent, Salem,
E. P, ROGERS, Asm. G. V. ft P. A
Portland, Or.
R. KOEHLER, Manager.
& Si. Paul Ry,
Of the "Chicago, "Milwaukee and St. Paul
Railway and note its connection with all
transcontinental lines at St. Paul and Omaha,
and remembor when going east that its trains
are lighted with electricity and heated by
steam, Its equipment It .superb. Elegant
Uuffct, library, smoking and sleeping can,
with free reclining chairs. Each sleeping
car beithhas an electric reading lamp, and
Its dining cars arc tho best In the world.
Other lines are longer than this, but none
are shorter, and no other offers the above lux.
urlous accommodations, These am sufficient
reasons for the popularity of "Th Mliwau
kee," Coupon ticket agents in every rail,
road office will giro yon further information,
or address
C. I. EDDY. General Agent,
J. W. CASEY, Trav. Foss. Agent.
Portland 1
0. R. & N. CO.
Two Transcontinental
Via Spokane Minneapolis Stjl'aul tad Den.
ver Omaha and Kansas Clly.. Low rata to
eastern cities.
Portland San Fjancisco. f-
((Steamers leave Alnsworth dock. Poitlan
March 33 and a8, and April a, 7, 12, 17, a
and 38th at e p, m.
Fare Cabin, 51 steerage, i.$o.
Riven Stcamem -Rudi and Elmore (or
Portland, Monday, Tuesday. Wednesday and
Friday at Mil? a. m., arrinntr at 6 p.m..
and on Thursday and Saturday 7 a. ra. ar
riving bi 3130 p. m, imurning leavoiort
land everyday except Sunday at 6 a.m.,
arriving in Salem at 3130 .m. For Corvallis,
Monday, Tuesday, Tbur yand Saturday
at 3:300, m., arriving at Judependencfl at 5
B, m,, Albany at 9 p.m., Corvallis It p.m.
ock foot of Trade street,
For full details call on lJoho & Darker,
agents, Salem, Oregon, or address,
Gen'l Pas. Agt. PMtlad, Or.
For full detalu call on or aiidwa
c. m, rowrifts,
ludest. Loc4 Awit.
HsW YaKI $n
tba new Posmki fvrr Boxf H U &r
frta with each b or Par. XtktfrtH.
Chicago, Milwaukee,
J O W 'A v xnB
4Nw iimi r . H
ifesas, jtfrr jtff
O 1

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