Newspaper Page Text
tJ.fkfi,..,,,, sajajjuHav AX DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL Jfc NO 153. :$m KS YOJJ. X a em Home Made Goods, Specials: A v$y Select line of Boy's Knee Pant Suits of our own goods made up in New York. Get one for your boy! All sizes of Boy's Black Hose, the very best to be had: Ask for them. WOOaE$ WU SYORt i t IT i " -H'"' i LACY'S " " " v v SLAUGHTER GREAT Per On 20 Wc are not we SAY KILLING THE DEAD. wIBo'do t making Low Prices on Dead Stock, and blowing about it as n marvel, but we are SLAUGHTERING THE LiVING! Hewing down a clean, live stock, level wltli tho dirt which is associated wltli cheap prices. NEW UP-TO-DATE STYLES! Kvery.Shoo in the house subject to tho 20 ier cent reduction, (ioods marked in plain i res. k (ZzgbCWA' .wWWW.-.--. . U. lw Columbia Model 57 $5 o. The fines "chain wheel ever turned out of a factory, Hartfords, stricty h:gh grade, S35, Videttes, fully guaranteed, $25 and S26, SROAT Sl WILSON. F. W. IIOI.LIH. II. I.. IIAM.IXHl'll. Have you II 11 WE? If not do so. See our Wall Paper, and Get our Prices. F. f . DOLUS AND iffM, 808 CQ3IMRHCIAL ST. GRAY Cor. State and Liberty Sis. Salem, Ore. wooen The .areest assortment of Men's Pants: Regular sizes, extra sizes and extra longs. No matter what size you call for we have them. A special drive on them. The finest line of Crash Hats for Afen and Boys to be found, in Patterns and Styles. Red Cross Shoes Our hospital and nurse Shoes, also Oxfords, have arrived. Try a pair if you want soild com fort. Our big Shoe sale is still on--we are cutting prices right and left we buy our goods 10 per cent, cheaper than inexper ienced opposition, hence can and do easily undersell them. FREE SHINE Krausse Brothers 275 Commercial St. h" " "i 1 C- SHOE SALE. Cent. Reduction All Shoes, Originator or Low Prices. CWoShlno thorn Free. NEW 01 SHOE STOH H, STATU STUEKT. Wt tv lw W.W WWW. w K. M. WHICH. called at the Carpenter's Tools. Blacksmith's Tools, Fine Tools For Every Trade at BROS illslroin mm Around the World Items. Dreyfus Will Be Tried By Artillerymen. Flying Fox Wins This Years Derby .'Yale Harvard Regatta. Ilr Aaaoclnfttl I'rcai to the Jonrnnl. Rennks, Juno 29. The olllcial Hat of theconipositson of tho Dreyfus court martial, which is to assemble in the army service building for the retrial of tho last prisoner, as follews: President, Colonel Jouqucst; Major Bronganiast, nrtlllorv; Major Debrcoii, artillery; Major Prolllot, artillery ; Malor Merle, artillerv; Captain Parfalt, artillery; Captain IJeauvais, artillery. All tho members of the court-martial have passed through tho polytechnic school. IU:NK8,Juno 29. The house occupied ny .nine, ureyius was gunmen uv genii urines all night. No ono was allowed to enter without permission of Madame Dreyfus. London. June 28. Tho princess of ales stakes, valued at ten thousand soveriims Were won at Xowninrknt. to. day, by tho Duko of Westminister's colt, i-lying tux, tho winner of this year's derby. Xkw London, Conn., June 21). The day of the Vale-Harvard regotta opened somewhat rainy and with a northwest wind blowing. Up tolliIH) there was little or no public letting on races, which were to be rowed late this after noon, owing to the storm, Harvard Won. Xi:w London, Conn., June 2t). Har vard wins four oared race. London, Juno 2i. Tlie Johannesburg correspondent of tho Standard miyHt President Krucuor. it Ih understood liero, peraiil8 in his demand for arbitra tion as an essential condition of nnv sot tlcmcnt. In tlio meantime, tho Trans vaal continues buying provisions and war material, and it lias arranged with tho Hinterland Railway Company to liavo absolute control of the railway lines in the Orange Free State in tho event of war. P.inis, Juno 10. The Venezuela arbi tration coinmisKiou was again in session today and tho leading counsel for Great Britain Sir Riclmnl Wobstor continued the presentation of his side of tho case. London, Juno 21). The Times, in a rattier ironical leading editorial on tho woman's congress. iys : "Wo cannot liultevu that tho ucnornl attitude of tho congress is either wise or representative, or that tho proceedings are likely to further tho real interests of womankind. It would ho lamentable if thoBO indiscreet and oxainroratcd do inaudH should foster a reaction against me process ol gradual dcveio)ineut wnoreiiy women nave already gained ho much. NOT A CANDIDATE Roosevelt Declares He is a Candidate for President. not lly Aaaoclntril I'rcaa l (he Journal. Ai.iianv, Juno 20. Governor Ik80 volt deolared this afturnoon that ho was not a uaudidato for the prusidenoy but advocntos the ronomiuntlou of '.fcKlu ley. MARION: COUNTY MATTERS. Business Being Transacted at the Court House. tlllCUITfOlHT. In (li'iwrtimnit No. 2 Judgo U)kt) huld a short session Wedwwday and made the following entries on tho decket: T. T. Geer, governor, et al., vs. John G, Wright et al foreclosure; motion to Mit aside decross overruled. II. II. Mattisou vs. 1'. K Castlemau, foreclosure ; ordered that plaintiff have leave to tile un; amendel complaint making II. C. Iluddulhon, administra tor of the estate of I. J. Castlemau, de ceased, u party dufeudent. I.tnnie J. Howell vs. Maggie Folsom et al., forccloguru; upjdieatioii for Iwave to answer y .inggio rawnn w ie mwi tolay. I )KI!DS HUH), S. L. Ieonanl and husband to Libbfo f fntfw.i. )tt .Am III till. 1iU'tl nf II. IWIUUIII .Ml. IHJIU ... Ill" ".. i. Woodlmrn, $600. Italelch A. Moore and wife to Sarah M. liodfey, lot 1, blk 10, bmKii west add to Salem, f 10. L. K. Illaek and wife to David Mehee, 1 acre in twi. 18, t 6 a r 1 wtwt, f 700. Adam Ohmartetux to Lnima Niott (H,76 aeres, k. 10, s r w w d, l,800 I'UOBATK. The reixrt of Thos. Coleman. John M. McKav ami Aluhonso liiiywjriu, aiiiirais- ers of the usUite of Francis S. fiiiiitli, deeeaewl, has Ut-n fllwl. '11 10 total vnl- nutlon Is given as iusto. In tlie matter 01 uie esiuieoi a. 11. Hammer, deeeaswl, citation lias Lewi iwiwl directing John Hughes, wlndnia trator of tlie Hammer etrtute, ami M. L. ClwinlwrlaiH and David Eimpeon to file a detailed statement of Um reiatleiw of the Hammer eiwl itiadon ttatas. Aug 8Ibt Is fixed as the day for rMNtttioji of eatd riort. Patronlic Home Industry. Ywf u reeVUi 4i4ei Yuh wHl Nn Ui luTHkh eHojeHt repltUnKt el Satym awl Ms re m at Uy nttrwg imu vmm SALEM, OREGON THUBSDAT JUNE 20 1800. A Biking Ooat. llnmiv.r,i,L. U'n.t t11 goal, Grovor Cleveland cot Into serious troublo with roublo with a reporter the other day, Tho ropor tur threw his blko airlessly on Its sldo and in his absence tho goat jumped uio wneei ana ucgnn to ticmoiisii it witn all his might and was wltli much dif ficulty taken off and Jack has a hill for a bike staring hint in the face BACK FROM BLUEFIELDS. Cruiser Detroit Returned From Nicarrgua Where American Interests Were at Stake. Ilr Andiflnted I'rea In Hie Journnl. Xkw Yoiik, Juno i.i. The cruiser De troit has arrived from lllueflclds, where she has been looking after after Ameri can interests which were endangered bv the unsettled state of Nicaraguan poll tics. Tho Detroit brought from Mana gua the body of General Daniel Me- Auley, of Indiana, who died some time ago at .Managua. THE GRAVEL BAR. On Which the Salem Water Company Plant is Located. Decided to Be an Accretion to Minto's Island Kefereo'a Final Report Filed. Schuyler C. Spencer, of Portland, who was apiK)luted referee 111 the Minto-Sav-ago contest, involving a part of Minto island, in the Willamette river, has lllcd ins rejiori witn tlie Htato Ijind Jionnl at Salem. The report states as (hidings of fact that prior to 1887 a body of land began to form on the north bank of Minto's island, and that some ten years later the owner, by contract, granted tho Balom Water Company tho privilege of laying its main pipes across tho lower end of tho island and taking from tho island sand and gravel ngcossary to construct n reservoir or crib in tho river on tho north side of the island. Tho subsequent growth of tho land at the ioint of junction with tho mainland, with its extended length down tho river and out from the Island, created un eddy or reverse current to such an ex tent as to effect tho water supply of the city of Salem. To remedy tho trouble the company obtained tno consent of Mr. Minto to cut a ditch at tlie point of Junction witli the mainland, in 181)4, which has been recut year after year in consequence of the winter filling. The ditch is nbout 20 feet in length and sev eral feet deep, so that steamers may pass through it in ordinary high water and land at the wharves at Salem. Tho report continues, in substance: That tho mado land was extcntion of the island in tho direction of tlie 1 'oik county side of the river, in which direction tho Island as well as the main channel of the river is and lias Ik'oii for inanv vears gradually moving. That at tho time of tho tUlitii; of the application to purchase this land there was no law authorizing its sale, if it had been the property of tho state. That the application of Mark II. Sav age, though in form tho application of un individual, is the application of a company or uirtncrship. and ihade in tho interest of and for tho bouollt of the company or partnership. Based uou the (hidings of fact, Hef- eree Hpincor round that John .Minto is tho owner of Minto Island, and the land In question is a propcriiccrotiou therete: that tho state Is not the owner of the land dci;crllHd in the application, and that it is not subfect to tlie control and sale of the state loard of land commis sioners, as contended ; that the applica tion to purchase said land is void, and should be dismissed, for the reason that, at tho time of filing of said application, there was no law authorizing the sale thereof by this bounl; that tho applica tion to purchase is void, and should lie dismissed, for the reason that said ap plication was made by and (or the tone ilt of a company or partnership, and not by an Individual Hirson for his own use or benefit. THE WILLMAN RECITAL. Program for Friday Evening June 30, a t Reeds Opera House. Mrs. Ktta Audors-Wlllman, Salem manager of the Inter-State Conservatory, has prepared tho following program lor her annual commencement recital to be held at Heeds opera house Friday even ing. The public is cordially invited. Concert free. I'AKT 1. Quartettu, IUkoozv Marsoh LiH.t Grace Savage, Mrs. Otto Krausrto, Mrs. F. it. Anson, Mr. K. M. Sorber. Solo. "Silver HhIiob in tho lake"... Hol lander Marie Ilofur Solo ,. .. . Hollander a. "Fairy tale-" b, "Maroliediidrupvnn" 0. "Birds In tho woods" Althoa Moored. Solo, Halc'on days Soiss Cora Tulkliigton. Diwtt. "Itondo Urllllanto" Mohr Alta HeudriokH, Uraco Savage. Solo ...Ilitothowii a. Allegretto Op 10, No 2. I). Presto Claudia ChlliW. Solo "Martha" Sydney Smith Alta Hendrleks. Solo, Concert March Hollander Mao Itoisc. Solo, "Alice where art tlwu" .. Aher Cirace Savage. I'AUT 11. Dott. Jubol Overture ...Von Webber MImi lleeknor, MlfM Hubbard, Solo, Concert Study UoMln-ck Frel It. Waters. Solo. Bal Poudre Itafaeol Joffy Bertha Hublurd. Solo, a. Noetniue, Job Fttdd, b Faust ValMJ, ttouno'l, d, "Feuer Zaii Iwr, msjie 'ire, scone from Wulklne, Itiehard Wagner, Nettle L. Ikckuor. AddretM, Dr. Sott, prwident of Inter state L'liUorslty System. Double Quartet, 10 bauds, iirande Polanaise Meyerbeer, MVw Beekner, Miss Hubbitnl, Mrs, John Kramwe, Mli lire wan, MIm ClilbUrs. Mm. F. It. Anton, Mr, Jos. Allmrt, MttH HltolUHi. Jersey Cream, Frsm Mr dairy norvtxl with frh alrayi' Ugrm at Strang's UUnranU MB ALIVE V1 ll :jb Letter From Him is , Found. Waslipd Ashore in a Sealed : Bottle, The Letter Bears the Date of May 4th ami From Lat. 47 North. Ily Aaaotlntnl I'rcaa to the Journnl. San FJiAM'isiM. .limn mi 11. .1. Baron, formerly nn eastern nowspniHir man has 'written tho following to the Associated Press from Wrangel, Alaska, under date of Juno 21: Information has lsen received hen. several days ago, which conllms the story that Andree, tho Arctic explorer Is not dead. A Norwegian who was a passenger on n Seattle Ismt, bound for Sknguay, showed a letter which was sui possod to have been written bv Anreo. The letter was In a sealed Imttlo that had been Mashed ashore, off the Nor wegian const and was dated May 4. The latitude gtfen as 74 degrees north nnd the balloon was somewhere to the west ward of Iceland. ."I am leaving the balloon and pro visions. Andree," were tho words written t The fiesldem cnloys 11 goxl cigar. You have a liek privilege. When you lire about to give your order remember to ask for" La Cor onas. FOUND DEAD IN BED. Well-Known Salemite and Oregon Pion eer No Longer With Us. Thos. Townsend was found dead in lied this morning nt his home, corner of Fifteenth and Lee streets. Ho had been out hoeing in tlie garden Wednesday morning when ho was taken with a chill and came hi ami went to bed. He tried to get up several times and walk almut, but did not have the strength. His daughter, Rose, wanted to sit un with htm, but he told her to go to bed and those were his last words. Thos. Townsend was lorn Juno it, 18115, 11 native of Georgia, and came to Oregon in 18-10 with lila parents, James M. and Mary Townsend. In 1858. J10 was married to KII111. daughter of Frederick Wayntlre. and iiiwm her death to Sarah Shaw in 18(17. Tlie children all survive the parents, but one, and are George K llortlm .May, Aiary June, 1 nomas uuarles, 11 private at Manila, ami Itosa Nell. The deceased leaves IiIh homo In this oily and 11 farm on the Luckiamute. The old Townsend donation laud claim is now known as tlie Ixivi place, south of this city, Tho deceased was for several terms street commissioner of this city and held other minor olllcea, Ho was a "lifelong Republican, but was not a member of any lodge or church. Tho funeral will bo held nt the Inline of tho deceased on Friday at 'I p. m. Rev. John Parsons has Ihhiii asked to oiiiciate. Burial at Rural CCIll- elery. KENTUCKY DEMOCRATS, Full Ticket Nominated, Con vention Adjourned South Dakota Republicans. Ilr Aaaorlnled 1'rraa (11 Hie Journal I.0UIHVII.1.K, Juno 20. The Demo emtio state convention adjourned last night, nftor nominating tlie following ticket: llovernor, William (ioolcl, of Ken Ken eon: lieutenant-governor, J. ('. W. Beckham, of Nuuon county; secretary of state, Breok Hill, of Clay county : ut toruey.geueral, Jiiilge R. (J. llrcckiu ridge, of Boylo county; auditor, (ins Coulter, of Graves county; treasurer. Judge 8. W. llnvgur, of Boyd county, commissioner of agriculture, I. B. Hull, of Ioulsvllle; commissioner of public instruction, II. V. McChcsuoy of Liv ingston county. AiiiiiiiiH.v, H. I)., June 20. The Re publican state convention for the nomi nation of three supreme court judges Bushels of Eyes Would not Is) nl any use if they were not in order Are your eyes all right? (ilasseo iim or may not bo net eeary. The young are subject to de fect of viaion as well as the old. The varlterXU l treated tho greater the cluiHtts of a iKjrmanent euro. We teat eye) (rue of rharge. Wo can (Hrnlah ywi anything in the eetaele nnd eyeglam line. BARR'S JEWELRY STORE, 111) STATU BTHDHT. ' was no laroclv attended, but was on thusiastic and very harmonious. Judges v iiipuii, i-uiiiT uihi uuiiey were reuomi uated. The resolutions adopted tin. qtiallledty indorsed President McKlnlov and his administration and foreign ik)(- icy in Cuban and Philippine affairs ; re- ntllmetl the declaration of the St. Ixmls platform as to the money question, and declared strongly for the fundamental principle of tho party. UPHOLDS M'KINLEY The olitical Situation Michigan Stands By the Administration. in Ily Aamiclnlcil l'rraa to thr Jonrnnl. Washinuton, Juno 211. Senator Bur rows of .Miehlimn was ainonir tho nresl- dent's callers todnv. lliwn leaving the whito house, llurrows says tho Michigan situation has not been mentioned "von can say, howopor," he said, "that Mich igan is uuqualfllcdly lor tlie administra tion and that anv man who is onnosed to the administration directly or indi rectly, will go down in that state." BASEBALL GOES. Manilas vs. Chemawa's at Salem July 4, Many Wide Awake Attractions Com ing to the Front. Chairman ' Judah today announces that tho Chemawa base ball nine will have a contest game with the "Manilas" at Salem 011 July L The latter nine is made up of tho best plovers In our city, and composed of the following men : J. (1. Lithrmaii, Will Kvans, Chas. Williams, Jay McCormlck, Harry Olinger, Albert Disquo, Jerry King, Fred Fontnln r::d Fred Ross. It will 1m a clone contest for tho ffit) priso. Tho Salem lire department with all its englies, hose carts, wagons, etc., will turn out. in Its best stylo, with decora tions ami colors that will make a mag hillccut showing. There will also bo a volunteer turn-out with the old pioneer Hand engine which is curiosity that all old timers will be glad to see. Chief Marshal K. A. Pierce. Is ore- paring to place at the head of the pro cession a new feature in tho form of a "colorguurd" which will add spirit to tho occasion, lie has appointed the following aides to assist in handling tlie vast processien: Doug Minto, F. W. Durbin, Wulter Lyon, Dr. IJiiloy, Dr. J. D. Shaw, K. K. Conner. A. A. Cunningham, C. M. Idle- man. W. 11. Downing, Jefferson Hunt, l' T. Wrlghtman, Dr. T. C. Smith, Henry Young, MIR. Myers, Dr. A. A. lessiip. Kiglit young woiumen will be re quired to act as godosscs on the car of peace and other tloats. So far Misses 1.011a Payne, Murphy, Myra Murphy, Annie Maun, Nina Wailsworth and Alice Davenport have consented to act. These young ladles and such others as may Im apolntcd are re quested to meet with Mrs, Kuglaud at the city recorder's olllco at !l o'clock p. 111., Friday." Excursion to 'Frisco, Dr. C. W. Barr, of Lebanon, who has had wide experience as an excursion manager, exacts early in August to perfect nil excursion to San Francisco for tlie iHiuellt of such as would enjoy that (ora summer outing, lie exects to secure a rate below one regular fare for the round trip, and all who wish to avohl themselves of the opportunity should correspond with him at an early date for full particulars. 27-tf o Contradicted, Was is'(iton, June 21). The president today contradicted the rojsirts that he had abandoned the Idea of going WeH this summer. SlHIlllllalllllllllHIIlllllMlllllIIHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllliliiiiiiiiiiiHlllM, sjos. Meyers & Somo Selout Styles in Broken Sizes At ovyry Attruuttvn Prices. Phuit.x On Sale Monday. New Wash Blond Ties UHt received also swell I'utle with sticks to mutch, 50c, 75c and ffl. I'lquo Crash and Linen Petticoats Some of thoHcrvlccublo, ap i weurublc kinds. $ up to $4.50 79 cents Pulr for many left. Valises Traveling OulliU thOHO 11.00 values. Not ! r3 278-280 Commercial St, The Old IIHHHIIllHlillllMMIMHHIIIIIIIRIllIllllHIIIHMiMMHr Royal BSOCUTEIYJPuitC Mokes the food more luna ALASKA Tl FRAUDS , People Lured to the North. By Barefaced LIos By Trans portation Companies. "MNlnrt; a. . . 1500 Men Pacing Starvation in Kot zebu Sound. Ilr Aaaoelaletl lrean lu ttin Journal. San Fiiancisco, June 21). Tho Associ ated Press 1ms received a letter from Dr. J. S. Stono.formerly a well-known phys ician ol tills city telling of the stuatioii in the Kotxobue Sound country Dr. Stone says that 1,601) men each paid f 200 passage money to the Kot zebuo Sound besides buying their pro visions eic, un tno Btrongtn 01 circu lars Issued by certain trnimportntlon. companies, announcing "thu richest gold Holds In Alaska and offering other iiiuiicemeiiui to secure travel on tlielr linos." "The circulars," writes Dr. Stone, "were lies mid 110 gold has been found 011 tho Kotzebue sound In anything like paying ciuantitios. A thousand holes were buiik with no Iwd rock or color being struck, Alwut November l tho rush was started for the Alasliook. 011 the ronorts of gold king found therein enormous quantities. The prosjKHitors, after journeying 1(1 days, reached Hoavor City, only to Hud tlie reportH absolutely false. J ho report was started by a merchant who hud supplies to sell ami by a recorder of claims. This country nrodiicos slninlv nothlmt to sustain life. Of the men who are here not llfty huve means to get away and unless tno government sends trans jHirt or relief, they w ill dlo of cold or staravtlon. Stone wished the fact of tho nocesslty of governmental aid impressed iiihxi the people, until the necessary aid Is sent to tlie dlslnissed Americans, who wero hoodwinked to their certain distructlnn by transportation companies. Br'ght and Clean. Thu biirliershop at 241 Comiuoruial street operated by C, K. Jinnee, has neon newly painted, jHited. papered and car- Refreshing. For the best dinner and all llcacies of the season uo to thu de Strongs' Restaurant. Salem's Greatest ; Jtjk.AnJAjA THIS STORE Keeps faith with The People, and so it Grows and Prospers. A Columbia Given Away July 3d, b Baking Powwer delrdous and wholesome aowDt a co.. tw voaa. Iiawley Re-elected, The trustees of Willamette have re elected N . C. Haw ley president of Wil lamette. Next Wednesday tho rest of tho places will lie lllcd. The recommendation lliniln Kit lluiif.I.lA.. i If .1 .. Ilt iiiuiiv uf j. lumueni unwicy will IMS car- m and a committee apointcd to readjust the several professorships and to select adeau for tho woman's cnllirn iui,,. ftivnntn.1 mlttoe to report at an adjourned meet ngof tho. board next Wednesday. It Is thought by members of the 'board that the clabsen may bo so arranged that the number of members comprising the faculty can Imj reduced and the compen sation of thoMi remaining ln Increased. Batn Burned. C. Dillmnn's bam, in North Salem, was burned this forenoon. The cauwj 01 tno lira is not known but is supposed 10 nnvu iiuuii 11 comoiuaiion 01 ciilluron Dcoii n comoiuaiion 01 children clics. It was an old' building ; allied nothing of much valiio.4 inlooftons of straw. The ili-''' ami matcucs. and contained hut a com surtincc of f 40 will probably cover the loss. 1 Fresh candy, homo made, at Kills A' Zlun, 151 State Rtrcct. Sawmill Durntd. Yesterday forunoon a sawmill belong iuu to John Stene. was dcntmvmt ) lire out on Howell pralrlo. It was located about nine miles from Salem mid a mile north of the road that goes to Knger. Are You Ewer D&presmeU? aaran I aaaaaaa aaa aar S And la It nitdui In nertoui rttuu tlmiV llnw iuu joii luve i'iun vli"C. kiinutlu wltli haJiUolia, uvr out 1-luatMlluu, Mid ital iU)alil W'.ilM jf')ii llkn U) Im) rid of M (lHirmnluniir iplilUT UkliK nuwr JiriauioTiuiriuackut. 111 tlrcnwita llirauiof ymir mlfer hiK, Ihhuii It Inilnirltlrs JnimjiMirhlml. J 1. 00. Alt (irujrgiili. 1 kii-p In Rtmil lyaUh you moat lv (itrjHOI uuilon iif the Nmoln. Ainr'a Till cum miiMlratlou anil liAlniiiiintM. vu. nlxii. Virttn to our Doatarm. Writ uiliitial ih t'.1tulr In Tour nitff. A'luir... iin . U. AKU. 1jh.hI I, M4 wtsrax" """""" WHKAT MARKET. CiitHAdo, Juno 20. Jiily 72. Cash ml 7I9(. Sas Fiiancisco, June, 20. Cash 1.10 Sons, Store. ff re 1 im execution by tlie qoard when right men for the plaro can lw obtained. I ho resignations of Prof. T. W. Noon rtlt.a lltail 1lia&Kl. I'I..1 111111 .iiisn.uiiiiuu x'riL'Kcv with Aper's kiparia m - --- "V 1 I f Short Lengths Of India Linen. Gingham, etc . at 1.2 original prices. New lines of IMquea. Summer Underwear1- In all stylos sleeveless, quarter alcoves, long sleeves, low neck, high neck, gauze und lino ribbed, cotton, llslu and KlllC. 5c to 85c Skirts The looked for line ut Crush and Covert Skirts aro now on riUpluy. ValuoH 50 to $2.50 Crash Hats yeeui to be thoproiwr headgear, and wo are selling lots of them Why! be ouuae wo have tho line, 25c to 75c Straw Hats At ii original prices, tho line bo closed. New Swimming Trunks for uiec and boys. 25c must White Corner, .. lr BaBJUBiilHHHHBaHpaJPHH 1 i" t??!- m .Ny -a -js -i $ t