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DAJLYC AFTTAL JOTTRN A T, I VOL. XIII. ' : -'" ' ' - ' ' - . ' ' yn n. SALEM, ORECOH. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1903. N0 275, IMMENSE DAMAGE SUITS Two Yeung: Chicago Women the Plaintiffs WILL ATTEMPT RELEASE TRUE BILLS FOR YOUNG BANDITS FAMOUS J THEATRE BURNS Of Men Who Enjoyed Their Conffdpnce Only to Betray Their Victims Chicago, Nov. 30. Two sensational damage suits wero Instituted hero to day. Bessie Morrison, an 18-year-old actress, sues Daniel Vanbrunt, a wealthy young clubman, for $100,000. She alleges that he gave her doped champaign after a theatro dlnnor, and avers her appearancoa caused great mental and physlcl suffering, nd tho loss of her engagement with "Tho In vaders" company. A second plaintiff. Katlo Sebost, a governess, 22 years old, suea John Churan, a millionaire real estate dealer, for $15,000, for a breach of promise Of Carbarn Bandits' Grand Jury Takes From Chicago Jail They Have Desperado Friends in Idaho Among the Famous Hole in the Wall Gang Fact Express Train Wrecked. Parkersburg, W, Va., Nov. 30. The Baltimore & Ohio fait express was wrecked in tho Belpre yards, ncrose tho river from hero, today, by an open switch. It struck a freight train, and tho entire passongor 'train Is re ported overturned. Engineer Whortor is dead beneath his ongine, and five r others are reported dead and sovoral injured. u Th vyagos of 20,000 cotton textile operatives was reduced today, making a total number whoso pay has been cut in this city 40,000 to date, with no protest of operatives. Chicago, Nov. 30.Four of tho car barn bandits wore placed under ex tra guards at tho Harrloon-streot sta tion tills morning, to prevent a jail dellvory. There Is an armed patrol through tho corridors, and only Im mediate rolatlves are allowed en trance. The bandits nro being treat ed as though thoy wero undor a dealth watch. Evory visitor is searched, A speedy trial, onvlctlon nnd oxecutlon is expected. Vandlne's sweetheart, Mamie Dunn, Is exploiting horself In a museum to gain funds for his de fense. Vandlno admits that he was a mom ber of the Kid Curry gang of Idaho desperadoes, and he has friends and accomplices In the Holo-In-tho-Wnll. Roeekt, who Is least given to boasting of tho quartet, says Vandlno will bo roBcued by his frlonds from tho far West, If a chance offers. Rooskl was the first of the bandits to wcakon. Ho passed the morning wcoplug in his cell. Tho pollco give sufficient cre dence to possible nttomnts to roscuc to organize a patrol of Jail guards, whoso rounds aro around tho outer walls, to provent posBlblo attempts at dynamiting. Quick Action in Their Cases Cognizance Not Taken in In- diana Crimes - Thugs Operated Separately in Several Instances YOUNG REPUBLICANS DEMAND WILSON FOR ALDERMAN 1 I Strong Organisation Request His Nominzation At the Re publican Primaiy Tuesday There will bo a hot contest at the Republican primaries In tho third ward Tuesday, whan the tie between Otto Wilson, tho progressive young bicycle dealer nnd automoblllBt, and Hon. Alonzo Gesnor, former state sen ator, and old-lino Republican poli tician, will be voted off. Tho direct primary permits a square contest between the two aspirants for the Republican nomination Mr. Wil son has been endorsed by tho Citi zens', bu . as that gentleman was first brought out by the Republicans, he must naturally prefer the Republican nomination, and if nominated will stand as the Republican candidate. It ts stated that a representative of the Young Republicans appeared be fore tho city Republican committee, and suggested that Mr. Oeener with draw, but that he decllnod to do so. asking that the matter of a candidate be submitted to another primary. To this Mr. Wilton's friends consented, and the voters of that ward will havo to doclde tho matter Tuesday from 3 to 7 p. m. The primary nil! bo held at Simpsons new livery stable. Chicago, Nov. 30 Indictments wore votod by tho grand Jury against Harvoy Van Doln, Potor Noldor motor and Emll Rooskl, tho throe young bandits. An Indictment was also voted against Gustav Marx, who murdered Officer Qulnn, and was with the others in a majority of their crlmos. Cognizance cannot bo taken In Illi nois of tho murder of Brakerann Sovoa In Indiana Friday, nor tho I shooting of Detectives Drlscoll nnd Zlmmor in Indiana. The Intention of State Attornoy Dlneen is to bring the men to trial as quickly as possibles It may take two trials, as all four of the men worked togethor, but It happened when the greater crimes wero com mitted that one of the number was ab sent. Rooskl was not at the robbery of the car barns, nnd had no pnrt In tho murder committed at Hint tlmo, Marx was alone when ho killed Officer Qulnn. nnd was In Jail yostorday when tho murders were committed In Indi ana. Rlthor one of hoso two, horo foro, will probably havo a separate trial, unless a gonornl plea of guilty is mndo by all four mon. Confessed Other Crimes. I'otor Noldormolor confosscd to night that he had been guilty of rob bing trains in addition to his other crlmos. He admitted that ho was tho luador of a gang that hold up and robbed the Dnltlmore & Ohio pas songor train near Mlllor, Indlann, about two yoars ago. Tho robbory was committed near tho spot whora tho threo men wero discovered yes terdny by tho pollco and Noldermole? said tonight tho dugout In which ho nnd his companions wore found yes terday was the oxact spot whore he and his partners In tho train robbery had hid before holding up tho train. CONFESS , EIGHTEEN MURDERS Remarkable Record of a Crim inal Now Under Sentence of Death H&MJH&l&P4t4Gili9l&-t1) iHig $ h Prices Chicago. Nov. 30. Chief O'Neill hns received a copy of a confession mndo by Charles Kruger, under sentence at death' at Greensburg, Pa., whleh ad mit of 18 murders, lacludlng two po licemen at Chicago, whose deaths have long been a mystery. Aro generally the result of extravagant huunoss inanngomont nnu me unavoiuauie meson At Credit Stores Tho price doesn't make Hie quality S the m nnwm ; So III That Her Theatre Com ;;' pany Is Compelled to Dis band ::i n ;; !- Salem'd cheapest one price cash store. Their great volume of businets enables them to buy at their Jowost quantity price. Their expenses aro very light. They don't charge you for Poods vour neighbor got and failed to pay for. Our two rooms uroful'l of reliable up-to-date merchandise. Wo can tit out the whole family. Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hosiery and Underwear Big line of OVERCOATS for men and boys. Our prices i are much lower for the tame quality than you'll find at regular stores. CIM Shetland Floss Yam 90c pet By ta all !! colors. ; Have yob seen or prices on tine Wool Blanfais? i! E. T. BARNES, Proprietor J1,,,,, I.IIIIIHWWUMtWW W NIECE OF PRESIDENT M'KINLEY 1 I Owensboro, Ky.. Nov. .- Mnbel McKlnley, a alee or the late Preet 'dent Is to dangerously III here that J I the vaudeville eoMiMRjAof which site was the bead has dlebasdcd ami left for New York. 1 1 : !!t 1 iil Preparations for a Hotair Banquet go up in Smoke Where Beecher Preached, Wendell Phillips Orated and Old Abe Lincoln Spoke Now, York, Nov. 30. Tho famous old Acndomy of Music, In Brooklyn, was destroyed by fire this morning, duo to a doff ctlVo fluo. Tho flro broko out from wlros In tho fllos of tho stage. Thoro wore oxtonslve decora tions for a political banquet tonight, which caused tho fire to Bpread rapid ly, nnd It was raging; until noon, when only a portion of tho walls was left staudlng. Tho loss Is over a qunrtor of a million nnd uninsured. It was built in 1SG0, arid was first prominent u n meeting plaoo far the Unionists beforo tho Civil War. Deocher used It aB an auditorium. Abraham Lincoln spoke hero, as did other groat abo lition lender,. It was ono of Ameri ca's historical playhouses. STREET CAR SCOLUDE. Sheriff and State Mllltla Begin Evle tlon of Miners In Utah. Salt I.nljo Nov. 30. By a collision of two Btreet cars three prominent citizens woro Injured badly here to day. Tho nccldent occurred on Stnto strcot, nnO was duo to slippery tracks. Injured: W,' II Worthlngton, Dr. lliinfnril W Wnlitnnhnlm I Deputlos Rhorlff. nldod by state mllltla, commonced evictions of tho striking coal diggers In tho Utah Fuol .Company's camps today. UNDER GROUND JtAILWAY Has Two Fires in Rap" id Succession in Paris- CLEVER COUNTERFEITER STRIKES EASTERN OREGON (Ontario Argus. Nov. 27th.) A clover counterfeiter struck On tario last Tek, and scooped up a few dollars In ahang for his bogus inonoy. So far as learned hs got $10 from the It. J. Gtone Drug Company, $10 from Mrs. I. B. Oliver and $10 from the Midway saloon The shover of the queer tried his game on Iko Blaynoy, who mixos fan cy bevorageti at Carter's Klk saloon, and no soon as tho bill was plaeed on the oountor Iko eeplod It. and said: "I know nil about Brunswick billiard tnblos, but bank notes of that nnmo aro a mystery to mo. I am not from Missouri, but from n stnto that tricks onto Missouri, and don't wish to bo shown. -Tako a drink with mo." That and tho stranger mndo him nolf scarce. His gtmo Is the snmo that has bton worked In Sonttle, Tncoma and Port land, nnd nil along the coast towns, nud the cla of spurious monoy hns been advertised In all tho pnpers. It Is nn old Issue from n New Brunswick plato, which buenmt de funct sevarnl yoars ago. The platos were thought to have been dostrovod, but a gang got hold of them, or at (least ono of them, and havo been Is suing largo amounts within tho Inst year. They havo but ono plato, how ever, and by taking two Impressions from thU and pasting them togothor mnko a vory poor Imitation. Many havo bon fooled all ovor tho coun try, howovor, by tho schoino. nnd promlnont business mon havo keen among tho number duped. Ho was about 20 years old, clean sbavon nnd woro a dark shirt and dnrk clothes. One Thousand Workmen Had a Hairsbreath Escape in an Under-ground Tunnel Paris, Nov. 30. A flro this morning In, tho Metropolitan underground rail road causod great excitement Tho llrst roported casualties woro nlmllar to Inst suimsr'B disaster. None vorn Injured, howovor. At noon a second accident, almost Identical with tho first, happened to a car In whtoh woro 200 pnsBongera. Tho cur was ahlnxo, nnd nil Bprnug to tho tracks and rushed for an opon point. Nono woro Injured, as tho fumes escaped through the opening. Tho first train had 3000 worltmon, who owo their escnplng to the fact that tho car took flro Just beneath on opening. Dr. Albert Itohln, or Paris, n ills tlngulshod specialist, has boon called to Potsdam for consultation with the kaiser's physician, lloliln nttended the Gorman emperor's father. Made Today Chocolato Caranohi, Guocelaja Chews, Chocolato Wafers, Popper mints, Chocolato Wafor Wlntorgreons, Walnut Top Chocolato Creams, Wg. center Chocolato Oreae, Peppermint Wafors, Wlntorgroea Wafers, lK Cabin Creams, at Z i nn ' s 104 Stats 8t Phone 1971 Main, H e . J,MM.JMJJM. JM-. , I Ladles Suits $437 Formerly 18.75 Ladles Suits $J085 Formerly $27 50 Ladies Skirts $-300 Formerly $4 fiO Ladles Skirts $ 15 00 Fprmerly $25 Ladles Waists c vJ Choosing Citizens' Mayor Candidate. I The eownittee of the Citizens' par ty, at the bead of which Is W. r. Dootbby, are try!? to agree on a candidal for mayor, to be submitted to tbe city convention tonight. A BHmber of gentlemen are being eoseldered. and a wmber, who have heretofore acted wftb tbe Ottteeoa. have declined tbe Jwmer. At tbe boer of going to ereee bo bolee bad beea made ton tbe Ha. Vat W. T. Slater Is moat talked of, aed will probably be soiBtaated. Formerly Sa Ladies Waists Formerly $12.60 And so ob tbrouzb our entire eteck of ready -to wear rarmtHti". Ibv t Irate OpcD'ng of Toyland and Dolldom Rcnily for tho children now nd old (oiks, too, Sitntu Clftiia nnd Christ lima nro only ft fow wcoka uwny stand on your tintoea und you cau almost boo them. Aud wo'ro procured ns novor boforo with tho finost und largest etook of toys nnd dollfl over shown in Salem. Hundreds of Chriatmas presonta of tho kind, and all at tho lowest prioos. Beautiful Dolls Doll Houses Doll Dishes Doll Carriages Doll Furniture Doll Jewelry Tea Sets Laundry Sets Tops Horns ( Blocks ABC Blosks Wagons Veloolpedes Tricycles Mulcaf Toys Lifelike Wooly Animals Interesting Oamts Rattles MsqIc Lanterns Drums Locomotives t Steam Engines Fire Engines Hook and Ladders Automobiles Beats Ouns Tool Chests Mechanical Toys You're welcome to eowe In and briRK ike HUle oaea. Let them revel Im tbe beautlea and fullness of 11m display; let them show their preferenea now. eeond floor. Tak elnrator Wednesday only, 11.75 McOee Petticoats. bow Second floor. Take elevator MM t sal fe'sWJei 9& fS4sl if Wyf(.. IM t, WI Tlic Great Coat Here's an overcoat called a "flroat Coat" by Ike maker, Hart, gouaffper & iinrx. When you .see It, (bat's what yowll eall It; you'll say; TUbc (a eertalnly a great seat." It la, In faet as well as Ih name; bit,, nximy, double breasted; for wintry days ami iilahtaa great mmC Mare style thw aa ubxr. Hotter tbe rat(HU--It's Kreot. All tbe ewet styles are shown here at prleea rsnjHug from $10.00 $22.50