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BMLY CAPITAL JOTTRAL VOL. XIII. ,ii. . - - 8ALEM, OREGON. TUE8DAY, DECEMDER 1, 1903. NO. 276. IERCE ALICE WANTS OREGONIAN TAKES ANOTHER TURN FIGHT IN LUZON DIVORCE Little Band of Whites Surrounded by Savages i Fight Their Way Out Killing Ninety of Their Enemies, and Losing but Two Men Claims Her Noble Hus band Used to Chas tise Her Washington, Doc. 1. The war do- Ipartment this morning, by mall, ro helved news of a fight between the jconstabulary and the head-hunters i)( tho Gallnga trlbo, In Nueva Via- Kaya, In Central Luzon, which took Rlaco on October Cth, 7th and 8th, and Bvas nearly as Important as Wood's battle, which was promptly cabled. rTwenty-elght white constabularies voro holding n seemingly friendly conference with tho natives, when Dhey wero suddenly attacked and hem- Eied In by vastly superior forces. Thoy fought tholr way to tho hills with pis bis, whero thoy used carblnos so ef fectively that, though the enemy wore .armed with Remingtons, Krags and miausers, tney wore compelled to vlthdraW. October 7th there was a running fight of two and a half hours vith COO Qalingas. The lnttor again retreated, leaving 30 killed and pounded. Octobor 8th they wore again attacked by a force of 300 head- hunters, whom thoy whipped off, with loss of nine Killed nnd seven wound ed. From October Cth to 10th tho con stabularies wero without food. Tho lighting was so closo at ono tlmo that Lieutenant Vnlasqucs, who was com- Imnndlng, engaged in a hand-to-hand (fight with soven headsmen, by whom She Is Indignant at Stories of Her Elopement Which She Lays to Her Royal Consort Berlin, Dec. l.Prlncess Alice has instituted divorce proceedings against Prince Frederick, at Dresden, indig nant over the story of hor elopement with her coachman. She says tho re port was circulated by hor husband, because she refused any longer to pay his debts. She threatens to bring suit against him for slander. In Its Efforts to Sidetrack t&e State Postage Ra!Ioad Appro priation Bill State Board, It Thinks, Should Have tie Option to Build the Portage OR BUY THE RIGHT OF WAY FOR THE CANAL State Portage Railroad Project Meets Strong Support-Change of Law Opposed-, Jrortland Chamber of Commerce Committees Pass Resolutions--Construction Would Hasten Government Wort Rather Than Retard-Relief Sought Is Worth More Than $ J 65,000. Are Warring With Smoot. Washington, Dec. 1. Tho national congress of mothers' club assembles In convention today for tho avowed purpoio of making a bitter fight against Smoot's soatlng In tho sonato The first action will probably bo a memorial petitioning congress not to seat tho Mormon senator, not on ac count of his religion, but because he is a polygamlst. It will bo handed to Burrows, of Michigan, who Is chair man of tho commltteo on privileges and oloctions. Mrs. Schorr, of Philn. itelphla, provident, will proslde. Rev. Paddon, Proabytorlan dlvlno of Salt Lake, has signified his Intention of being prosont and taking active part. o Refuse to De Fried. Xo wYork, Dec. 1. Through prom- Inont bankers this morning financiers whoso lntorosts aro associated in the recent railway mercers nnd tnmtH. 10 was surrounded. Ho killed six with! havo let it beconm known ihni if his rovolvor, nnd finished tho seventh " Roosovelt "is renominated, they won't .vlth a head axo, which he seized from contribute to tho campaign fund un- 5bno of tho fallen. Tho total fighting . less some word Is exacted from Room. resulted in 00 Gallngas and two con- volt that ho will go slow In tho Inves- Btabuliirles killed. Tho men capturod tlgatlons of combinations of caultnl. and destroyed great quantities of am- ( Rliss this morning declined to dls munition, 130 head axes and a pile of cuss the matter. bolos. Tho constabularies made their No ono with Intolllgonco enough to road between tho linos can doubt that tho Orngonlan is the mouthploco of tho Tran-Atlantlc corporations who do not want a portngo railroad built at the Dalles. The Oregonlan staited In to have tho act of 1902 dellborntely repealed, but could not stem tho tldo of con trary opinion raised against that nnd then hedged nnd advocated that the $105,000 be used to buy tho right of way for tho Oovornmont cnnnl. A storm of objection was rnised to that but tho discussion rovoaled tho unusual omission in tho net of cong ress that provides money to bogln tho cnnul. There is no provision to buy or condonm right of way. Now tho Oregonlan tnkos nnothor turn and wants tho law amonded so that It will bo optional with tho state Ilonnl of Portngo Rail road Cominls jslonora whether they build the road or buy tho right of way for tho cnnnl. An African In the Fuel Heap. Thla plauslblo proposition 1b now insinuated into tho mouths of mom bors of tho legislature n fast ns thoy show up nt Portland, and is the last trap set for (lie unwary by the cor porntlon push at Portland. "Glvo tho stnto board of portngo railroad commissioners tho option 'and lot thorn build tho rond or buy tho right of way for tho canal." That Is tho plauslblo ory now sent forth by tho Oregonlan. Rut it Is a trick anil for this rensnn: Tho low ai It stnnds is mandatory and the alnU portngo board raUBt build tho portngo railway. Thoy must open th Columbia basin by taking th farmers' grain nnd products and freight for murchantn around Tho Dalles of the Columbia nt cost. The state portngo road must de (Continued onpagoslx") Let The Big Get Yo Ready For Winter Days That'll Soon Be Here MJ c&JTletieM&& This la To Be A Christmas This Year. TheXmaa Novelties are Coming Fast. final escapo unmolested. Now Run Down In a Fog. Mnhone City, Pa., Dec, 1. A spe- The Yacht Is Safe. clal onglno and private car, carrying Orleans, Dec. 1. John Gates' . Philadelphia & Reading oQlcIals. this Steam yacht, Roxano, which it was Reared had boon lost, with all aboard, Has arrived safely at Port Arthur. Made Today Chocolato C&ramolB, Chocolate Chews, Chocolate Wafers, Popper mints, Chocolato Wafer Wlntergrecns, EValnut Top Chocolate Creams, rig Rontor Chocolato Creams, Peppermint BVafora, Wlutorgroen Wafers, Log Cabin Creams, nt aftornoon, In a fog, mowed through a gang of track mon, near Gllberton, killing one, and fatally Injuring two The special brought tho injured to the hospital hero. inns MM 8Ute St Phone 1971 Mala The Tuqs Collided. New York, Dec. 1. Tho tugs Hen culos and Idlewlld collided at 5 o'clock this morning, off Liberty Island. The Idlewlld was cut In two and sank, drowning vthree of the crow. The Eighth victim. Chicago Dec. 1 Sergeant Driscoll, who wns wounded In the bnttlo Friday with the carbarn bandits, died this morning, making tho eighth victim of the murderous trio. Christmas Buying Has begun at.d Is Increasing dally. With the experience of former years In their minds, many people are more than ever desirous of getting their shopping for Christmas practically done before the last few weeks, when thestore will be Inevitably crowded. The great assortments are In splendid condition; and In all of the lines the stocks are thoroughly ready now for the Holiday shopping as they will be later. Now Is the very best time for the careful, leisurely and enjoyable selection of Christmas gifts. woeefro-i(neiiieic 4eee8 f? TJ" a Jtllg. n rricesi Aro generally the result of extravagant businoss management ami the unavoidable losses At Credit Stores Tho price doesn't muko the quality m wm a m AX EtWMRJlIX nm I j Is Salem' cheapest ono prioo cash store. Thwr great volume of business enablos them to buy at their lowest quantity price. Their expenses are very light. Thoy don't obarge jou for goods your neiirhbor got and failed to pay for. Our two rooms are full of reliable up-to-date merchandise. Wo can lit out the whole family. Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hosiery and Underwear Big line of OVERCOATS for men and boys. Our prices are much lower for the tamo quality than you'll find at regular stores. Fleischer's Shetland Floss Yarn j90c per lb,, in all colors. Have yot seen our prices on fine Wool Blankets? E. T. BARNES, Proprietor Geat Sale Tin t ii rn 'oiko aionfor tho htiie t fctw"i of the year. HaiuUtfimt, splendid ly made ffniiuerHft of every description oifewl very much below iheir r e a 1 worth. Ladies Suits $4.37 to $ 9.85 Koinwly $8 7u t 87.60 Ladles Skirts $3.00 to $5.00 Formerly $4.50 tu $26 Ladles Waists 73c to $8.85 Fortaeny 86c to $12.50 Only Wednesday Our 152nd weekly Surptiso Salo. For tomorrow wo offer high grado McGoe patent yolco potticouta ol inorceiizod black sateon, thoy aro vory full pettl coats, trimmed very nicely and are the most practical yoke petticoat ovor shown. Tomor row only those regular $1.7C values IV t Furs Tho greatest varieties. Tho choicest' novelties. Widest range of prices. Most attract ivo values. Those four pointi illustrate tno unequalou uuvan tages offered in our prcoent im menee, vory complete assort ments, containing everything new and desirable. a lino oi imitation Diack boar fur boas, throe yards loug, vory fluffy and an excellent value at 0.50. Whilo thoy last Dess Goods New Black Dress Goods "Nothing i r-Mir or more dressy than black in a remark wo so often henr, and'Vtntitblo, too, for fo rrany "rftasioiiH," is tho completion of the first re mark, hut is usually aid by a secend parson wlioao ideas in regard u blark sucm to coin oTe exactly with those of hor friend. Putting the matter as oxprciiu-d bv a iiiember of tho "DUlrict School Hoard ," "Tliein'soureeiitimoiits.l'Thiitfl why we show fo many beauti ful Mack fabriiH An elegant line from which to inako your seUctioiiH. The bo basL-ets aro rapidly be ing ol caned up. so if you have not secured yours wo would ad vise prompt teleotion. Not many left at Half Price $4,98 Meyers Shoes For Men Hero (il'ihii wo wish to nil )ourattoutioii to our shoos lor men. Our stock is entirely complete with all tholatosbanes and Btyles and our lino 1b be coming more popu'ar through tho fact that they uru reliable liable aud up-to-dnte combin ing dtuability uud dressiness ut loaM viiuu uu pay elsewhere. The VISCOLIED SOLliS aro the reigning favorite in this ruiny woathor lor they are Au- BOLUTKLV ' WATKIil'HOOr, tliUB guaranteeing you dry feet t all times at M " - lltflSchtffnu I Mm jL uiu$mFiHllmw& " 5$& jJ!i-"Mmtiri7i XVtfrtirtf JjTiJtfKMrXVrl'Umu- mmmmimM' $3.50 Ask to be shown No. 417 winner. il'rfu Umbrellas Now that the wet weather has set inyou will ueod an umbrella Is your old ono good enough to last the season through? How about a new one? Wo havo hundreds of varieties to choose from at prices from 39c to $2.50 Can you afford to carry tho old one when you can get ono at such prices. G,flM IKt 1, Uut k4w ilui Youths and Men's Clothing The clothing (but IimjKs Juit Ilk oil other rlotalriK lack InillvlduaMty. M.'H ttk tharwter In tlmlr elotbfti. W gir It u tbin-Ui liljjhwt Kill- wIhjC chmctir. You cn hm It In rv ry ciaelo suit. In tack wail Uwwfb ont th Uck- No HUttUM- how UUWt In trie. tlirr'c Ullorlni; lntolltMr WrMd In vry mm; lhn' rut attv ntnliw vMmt in rmt line thw' praetieal nrlM4il) tuuM (mt la rry ilstall A grand owortiflNt from wlilcli t wnke jrotir sdktayea. $J0.00 $25.00 A full lla of overoflau for youlha ami mw. iBcludlBK l& K(mlB Cravumtte." at rlM that you eaa afford 3 Himeiio'l""lllf"Baw