Newspaper Page Text
AILY VOL. XIII. fj-AJL Jt I " A I j ;ion 8ALEM, OREGON. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1903. JOURNAL --' ' M"nmiivi ..!. . -y - IS IN iDowlo and attorneys for the rponivorn land creditors, It Is safe to assort the belief that Dowie, If pronor business methods are pursued, can par all debts. SOAK NO. 277. . lowie is in Debt Oyer Three Million Dollars Creditors Have Attached, and Dowie Asks His Follower's to Put up All They Have Chicago, Dec. 2. Recolvors In bankruptcy today took actual charge pf Dowle's property In Zion City, fpowlo assorts ho Is solvent, although His liabilities exceed $3,000,000. Aftor an all-night consultation with jnla lawyers, Dowlo this morning is phis morning trying to borrow ?1 000, 5&0, ponding the results of tho receiv ership. Tho court has issued an or- Jigr restraining creditors from proso- Salem Student Injured. San , Francisco, Dec. 2. Honry En nis Savage, a Junior student In neol ogy nnd mining at Stanford, who reg isters from Salem, Oregon, was seri ously Injured in a bicycle acdidont on tho campus yesterday. Savage was riding a wheel to his boarding house- on College Terrace, and took the wrong side of the road. Ho mot an other bldycle rider coming on tho same side, and both turned out to ward the center of the road at tho same moment. In the collision Savage was thrown. Having only one arm, and bolng un able to savo himself, he struck heav ily on his head, and It is feared that tho bono Just abovo tho temple Is fractured. Savage was removed to tho Student Guild Hospital, and later takon to n sanltorium at Watsonvlllo. The Injured boy Is tho son of Henry H. Savage, of this city, and has many friends hore. PLATT ODEIL DUNN Three Meet in,New! York and Agree Politically This Beings the Case They Declare There 'Is No " Friction In the Re publican Paity Now York, Dec. a. Piatt, Odell and State Chairman Dunn lunched to gether today. Odell dictated tho an nouncement that all had arrived at a satisfactory conclusion, and there is no friction In tho Republican party In the state of Now York. of the rioters wos reported. The gov ernor Issued ordors to quell the dls turbancc. and started to take personal charge of the troops when I.oewondat. twhp was BtandlnE by. interfered. They withdrew to another room for a (conference, at tho close of which Van Ilaaben countormanaod his pre vious orders, ana miule no attempt to quoll tho disturbance. ' ' It is stated that Von Ilaaben Is now to bo-made tho scapogoat In the trial a ;protrrs at Klshlnef, 'And that 'oQwendal has disappeared. To Prison for Voting Twice. UurW. Dec. 2. Dr. Joeeph Hen celdt, a Social Democratic membor tot tha Reichstag from Rostock, Meok- Ienburg. was condemned to a short tin of Imprisonment in Berlin to day for voting twice nt tho recent election. Bates Makes Report. Washington, Doc. 2 Under date of November 20th, Gonorai Bates, who I4 e44M4etvi-a-t-t--fei-9e&o-f co-mh-ch-9q FRED A. ERIXON, i Candidate for Alderman from the fourth ward, on the Citizens years. He doesn't believe In mixing up politics with the city busl- 5 ness, and wears nobody's collrr. If elected he will be his own boss. He Is the worklngmen's candidate, because he Is a worklngman himself, and an employer of woklngmen. Why are our worklngmen not entitled to representation In the city council? He Is the business men's candidate, because he has made an evl able record as a successful and honorable business man. We need such men In the council. l-frO-M-frfref44-g-Kg4 0-frO-H-g4-eC-i-frK I tot Of M-gH6Ct?4 utlng suits for debts. A monster eeting of the Dowleltes is to be hold n Shlloh tabernaclo tonight. Posters 'announcing It, aro scattered all over Zion and portions of Chicago today. owlo will appeal to tho faithful to givo all they possess to save tho city from creditors. Among tho stories current is ono that when his wlfo do parted for Australia sho carried with ior 17,000,000 of nogotlablo 6ef:uri- Tho Dowloltos admit great ills- nppolntmont that tho $300,000 crusade to Now York failed to dovelop a now reasury. It appears to have been Dowlo's Waterloo. Dowio owes $300.4 pjOO, due January 1st. Chicago, Dec. 2. As a result of tho formal Inspection of Zion City, Its re- ourccfl, factories and pledges from tftlAH w. was sent to Colorado, to Investigate the strlko situation, reports to the war dopartmont that a state of Insur rection exists at Tellurido and Crip, pic Crook, inasmuch ob business 1b susponded by intimidation, tho civil officers bolng unable to maintain or der. Ho says, federal troops, however, will nqt bo required, as there hriB been no Intorforenco with tho malls, nnd tho state militia affords amplo protection. adc Today Chocolate Caramels, Chocolate Chows, Chocolate "Wafers, Pepper- mints, Chocolate Wafer "vTlntergrecns, Walnut Top Chocolato Creams, Fig Kentor Chocolate Creams, Peppermint BVafora, Wlntergreen Wafers, Log KJobln Creams, at Many uses ofTyphoid Dutler, Pa., Dee. 2. Sixty nursos arrived on a spocial car from Phlla delphla this morning. Nearly 100 physicians are here now. Tho typhoid has been traced to Beaver river, from which the city taken its supply Health bulletins have been eent to all towns down the river. Physicians say there will probably bo not lees than 3000 cases before tho epidemic ends. New Version of Massacre. Berlin, Dec. 2. Reports from pro vincial newspapers toll a peculiar story of tho happonlngs nt Klshlnof prior to tho massacre of the Jews there last summon It states that about three months prior to tho commencement of the massacre Baron von Pithy dispatched to KIrJi inef Baron Loewendal, head of the army secret service. Tho lattor was In Klshlnef when the massacre broke out, according to report, and wan with Governor Raaben when the work Rome Feara a Flood. Rome, Dec. 2. Tho Tiber has risen alarmingly, nnd it Is feared that tho lower parts of the town will bo flood ed. . Much snow hns fallen In tho north, and thoro has boon an ox tromoly heavy rain In other parts of tho peninsula. WILL RATIFY TREATY President and Senate Arrive At 4n Understanding Senate Will Take upthc Mat ter as Soon as Treaty Is Returned 10 Washington British Squadron Not Going. London, Dec. 2. The admlrallty of flaials liore deny the stntomsnt cabled yostorday from Port of Spain, Trlnb dad, that the Brltleh West Indian squadron was to leavo there Thurs day far La Gimyra, Yeneauela. Chllsburg. Ky.. Dec. 2 Henry Gray and Ivouls Skaggs had a duel' on tho streets this morning. Gray was In stantly killed and Skaggs was mor tally wounded. Washington, Dee. 2. Senator (Jul ten, chairman of tho commltteo on foreign affairs, aftor a long consulta tion with Roosovolt, said ho believed tho sennto would take up tho Panama treaty immediately when it was rq eolved Monday or Tuesday, and ratify it without delay. Considers Sale of Battleships. Sontlago do Chile. Doc, 2.Tho Chilean government hat not made any decision as to the sale of tho liaitnthlp Ubertnd, which Is now un dtrgalng speed trials on the Clyde, and of tho battleship Constitution, which Is now In courso of construc tion there. It Is understood that of fers for these ships have been re ceived from the governments of Jn pan. Rusela and Turkey. Tho highest bid made for both vessoU has been J9.000.000, though It Is not announced by whom this bid was made. Exoects Britain to Get Thibet. Toln Tsln, bee. 2. High Chinese of ficials hero attach groat Importance to the British expedition to Thibet, and even oxproea tho opinion that the ultlraato outcome will he tho handing over of tho whole of Thlbot to Great Britain. The Panama Farce. Panama, Dee. 2. The Junta this" morning signed tho Panama: treaty without amendment. There Is groat satisfaction among tho people, and the treaty will bo returned to Wash ington Immediately, whore it should arrive Monday. Ottawa Has a Fire r Holiday Suggestions AH Over The Store mr m x-v j jff Ml B . nt ar- Am A JS. yak. BB vw'- A&. If QtSGHJ? JB JS IL&JfS mAZffMS Jritr S m f Jff A9?fmWrrfSll3mWSmMmwBmm njr itijr? Vffii? vJrfjji 7fsIJM JftYSP yr -jrnX GCmX TKtXJjSmmmmmmmr P!S Ottawa, Ont., Dee. 2. Tho Ottawa University was completely destroyed by tiro this morning. It was a Roman Catholic institution, valued at a quar tor of a million. Although many stu dentH jumped from the fifth story. nono woro Injured. Father Boyon waa probably fatally Injured, In Jumping from the fifth story. Ho fell on tho vernuda. Kathor Pullinm lnhdod out side of tho firemen's net, In a Jump from tho- fourth story, nnd wns rerl ously Injured. An aged servant was badly hurt In Jumping from the fifth floor, and nnothor domestic, Miss Du puis, wns badly burned. Greatest Economic Possibilities In Gift Buying Are Here, Holiday Shopping It ought to fee a pleasure; it Is a pleasure to those who shop carlyfceforc the crowds come and the fine rare things go-for go they do every year before some people see them. The assortments of carefully selected novelties are now at their best, and It Is now that the rarest and best articles are to be found. The store service is organised to make your Christmas buying the most satisfying and safe prompt-pleasant-convenient-comfortablc. inns (M54 State SL Phone 1071 Mala A Tiresome 8u.bJecL Paris, Dec. 2. The council of re vision, which will consider arguments favoring the reversal of tho sontonce against Dreyfus, held a sitting thin afternoon with closed doors. M4WtetKHW4qllIOIteieVeiitliaiICIelia8 . fc 1 id H 12 t JL s r feJ? Are generally the result of pxlrnvngant bufiii;o8 lunnHgt-ment uuJ theinavoi(ablu lowo At Credit Stotes Tlio price dooeu't make Hie quality Sale Prices ti if mk racht E$ Tos'nlnm'd pliinnn(it nnA nrina fash store. Their creat volume of business enables them to buy at their lowott quantity price Their expenses ro very light. They don't elmrgo joti for goods your neiebbor got and failed to ry for. Our two rooros are fu'l of reliable upto-date merobaudise. We can fit out tbe whole family. Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hosiery and Underwear Bic line of OVI5RCOATS for men and boys. Our price are ' much lower for tin Bame quality tban you'll flud at regular stores. Fleischer's Shetland Floss Yarn j90c per tb,, in all colors. Have you seen our prices on fine Wool Blankets? E. T. BARNES, Proprietor i Prevail on al Ladles' gar ments. A price event sure to please. Hero io a sample of what we are doing. Navy blue chovlot, Louis XIV style, iiHfly ir'iTiini-d with bliii'tv ino bun lro -kui uhIUdk length -an (i.ttep ! hI vmIuo at $ 1 6.20 1)1 it k i In Kit fuit, hip length coi; .--il khtiuliHTH regulation MlKiig Joiigtli skirt. viiy laio sty If, a butgum at $ J 3.50 Ox fold gruy Miit, fancy trim med with black braid, finished with garnet velvet, capod shoul ders, cord and taesels, regulation walking length skirt, well worth $30. $22.35 Holiday Novelties For All Mankind Suitable presents may be to Uoted here lor baby tu woll as grand ixuoiit. Tho Christmas spirit has takoH bold of this store and there ie great intorest being mauiftfbted by oustomers in the many article displayed at Ibis lime. In order to help you over (bo obslaoiea as to "whftl to get" we offer tbese suggestions. For Baby Drees pins, warm Moques, pretty hoods, baby coat, baby comb, baby brush, doll carriage or go-cart, baby dulla-all kinds raltlos, wooly animals. For Girls Dolls, bead chains, bend work looms, picturcH, jH-rfuine, pursos and bags, sets fins, oloaks, doll go-carts, doll hoiuof, doll fur niture, doll shoos, doll diehcR, tricyoles. For Boys ToyguiiH, tool ohosts, wagons, sweaters, gloves, inulllers, caps, bandkorchief8, steam engines, iiingio lanturns, voloscipodes, whoelbarrows, marbles, tops, drums, bonis, hobby horsey, mechanical toys. For Men Housocoat, smoking jacket, bath rubf, lunoy veal, handker chiofaiu'ekwear, muflUr, bos icry, u mbrol Ins, u it oae, house slippers, pictuYes, iuilury liruuhee, gluvia. FOR THE LADV limhroldered sofa eatblon, urn brolderj' silk, wrltt ImHS. Iiatteu burR Jiatterti, fan. bead chain belt ur girdle, perfume, imrte, how supiHirter, cushion covert, balr ctirlem. shoe bora, umbrella, lace collar, fancy belt, belt bucklet, card case, slipper, silk waist, statuette, picture. W. D. CORSETS 50c to 83.00 Y"9U 1 1 eV V I 1 gsz isr i eAmlI Pr jfaiffWnffrllBTrYi3 ijsff --v ' ' 'ft . sBPtsr BKtfH BCSJtHHkSSsfllrrLMBflV " '-ZrtlTj'3l!!ltr'jr'jl lU il?lS?llBtw 38m 191 lsk rair anBqjmtmaimMsKgMainmBmimw0i3Bimms!mBagammmmMxmatmmmmTnn Ui4Sti U Mux IUfJTl4fJ MEN'S NECKWEAR Thri Hiithlnk about a man's drft that ratchet tho eyu nf oltwtrv Ink women ot iieltkly at the lie. We're Just received our holiday neck wr Uie handeemett and most Mix urtoHt wtiortwwt of four-lBliONd. no eu awl waUe-up sJwpe we've ever offerwl at Wo to 11.00 MEN'S HATS The eejebrated Itoelef and CJonlon, the aeJWMtwledlied ! ef liaWot. HARMONY IN 0OTHE8 One of tbe chief eharucUrt- tlen of our Hart, Scharfner & Max talU Is Ike nrtUtle way la whit a tbe colon of fabrtee, trlHtmltitF. dr.. are roUl In addition to kIvImk Uitir ekrthee ttyle awl eaperlM- (ittalliy. the maker ei thee wk4 ert d tUy Hire a let of altentlea te the bartnooloue coikJIHobb, You amy think the buttons on a wit tee small a mailer ta wi uny tbetiskt ea: bet yuall and that even the seleetlon of the right button is earefally done la thwte faiaout elothee. You should should tee the real art In thete 11. 8. ft M. saok vulla. They're rlst la every rwipect $0.00 to $25.00 eitiaii9iitiaiiitntitiHftv mi i sin isiiiiiii iimiMiiiiiHiiiiinrniiiiiiTrnriiniiiiii wmm