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wPW wppwn y "w wmir DAILY VOL. XIII. CAPITAL JOTTRTSr AT. ASHORE IN THE STORM SALEM, Ofl&SON. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1903. CHICAGO'S CAR-BARN BANDITS Torpedo BoatMoccasin Police Discover a Hnn- on the Beach at Curratuck Adder Towed Into Port by Peoria- Crews of Both Boats Were Saved Washington, Doc. .4. Itear-Admlral Harrington, commanding at Norfolk, (sent a cablegram to tho navy depart, ment this morning that tho submarine boat Moccasin Is on tho beach five miles BoutU of Carratuck station. N(j lives were lost. Tho Yankton haj gone there, and tho woathor Is now moderating. near-Admiral WIbo tele graphB from Hampton Roads that tho Peoria ha3 arrived with- tho Adder, band all of the crows were saved. xnei uif saving station at Carratuck this morning wlroe that the Moccasin Is aground, but with nobody aboard. The boat Is In good condition. Norfolk, Deci 4, Investigation of tho stranded vosscl Moccasin today I shows sho did not ship a drop of Iwatoi, and is completely Intact, dos- plto tho torrlflc bnttorlng of tho wavos and bolng hurled high on the beach. dredPoundsof Dynamite Fear 'It Is Caijcer. Borlln, Dec. 4. A report Is pub lished today that Prlncesr. Charlotte, tho oldest slstor of the kalsor. Is ' suffering from a cancerous tumor on tho Jaw. Apprchonslon regarding the kaiser Is intensified today by publica tion In tho official newspaper, Prcus elscho Corre'spondonz, that the kais er's condition is far from satisfactory. Ho cannot talk, whlspors but a fow words, and ubob a slate for convcrsa "tlon. Ho looks aged. Under Martial Law. Dccvor. Cold., Dec. 4 Tho gover nor has declared Tailor county to be In a state- of Insurrection. This is practically a declaration of martial law, although troops have not boon ordered out. Will Take a Rest. New York, Dec. 4. Tim McCarthy, walking dolegato and associate of Sam Parks, was this morning sentenced to jono year in tho pen. Fesh Naval Granges hemond iQc Doen inn's 7 154 9tate 81 Phona 1971 Miln Think They Belong to a Big Gang, That Will Try to Set Them at Liberty Chicago, Doc. 4. A hundred pounds of dynamlto, stored away by tho car barn bandits, was found In a houso In tho northwestern part of tho city this morning by tho police, after a search lasting several days. Tho police are now convinced that tho four arrested have accomplices still at lnrgo, who may nttompt to llborato their com rados. Twenty hold tips within the past few days, and the murder of Law yer Fullerwelder aro attributed to the gang, .who are bellovod to bo making dosporato efforts in bohalf of tho pris oners. All efforts to sweat Informa tion from tho latter aro unavailing. The police dragnet was out last night In tho dljtrict whoro tho bandits for merly loitered, and it rosulted In 40 arrosts. The guard ovor Noidermelor tills morning Informed tho chief that Noldormelor had oSored him $25,000 cash for his Uboratlon. Ho did not eny whero ho would get tho monoy, but assured the guard that It would be handed to him tho mlnuto ho stood outside tho prison walls. On hearing this, and discovering tho dynamlto, tho ofllcors arrived at a firm conclu sion tho prisoners aro moroly part of a big organized gang, of desporadoes, and have again doubled tho guard, both inside and oututdo of tho prison whoro the criminals aro con fl noil. They aro now kept In soparato cells, and widely soparatod from each other. Union Guilty of Contempt. Chicago, Doc. 4. Judgo Soldon to day decided that tho union of pross feedors wns guilty of violating an In junction Issued by tho court to pro vent vlolonco In tho rccont strlko, not as Individuals, but as an organization. He will tomorrow dotormlno tho amount of fine which Is to bo Imposed on the president and secretary of tho local Frnnklln union. Tho minimum Is $1-00, the maximum 5000. The de cision Is considered important by tho union men. WILL CONTEST DIVORCE Lieutenant Burbank Will Not Have Such Easy Sailing Officers Who Marry Filipino Damsels Will Find the Marriage Contract Follows the Flag Leavonworth, Kan., Dec. 4. Judge Kllpatrlck today recolvcd a cablegram from General Wildo. In tho Philip pines, regarding Mrs. Conception Vasquoz, and thoreupon granted hor an oxtonalon of tlmo to answer in tho divorce suit brought by Lieutenant Burbank. Tho lattor calculated on getting a dlvorco by dofault, as Mrs. Vasquoz could not possibly answer within tho 50 days' limit, provided by the statute. NO. 270. HANNA WILL NOT ACT Still After Llge. Chicago, Dec. 4. An nddltlonnl claim of $15,000 was Died against Dowlo this morning. Tho rocolvor and custodian now bollovcs Dowlo will bo ablo to pay his dobts. Sovonty-flvo thousand dollars aro duo In tithes bo foro January 1st. Refuses to Accept Chairmanship of the NationalCommittee this Undoubtedly Means That He Desires to Be .In Position to Accept the Nomination TO LET THEM FIGHT Liverna'sh of Cali fornia Introduces a Revolution Washington, Dec. 4. It Is reported thnHIanna has definitely decided not to accept tho chairmanship of tho na tional committee for arifjthor tortn, and will so Inform the Presldont this evening. At a meeting thin ovonlng tho President and Hanna aro expect ed to agroo on somo ono for tho chair manshlp. It Is gonornlly bellovod that Hanna will .insist on Hoath's retontlon as secretary of the com initio until tho olose of his torm, which will be at tho national convention Smuggling Chinese. Buffalo, Dec. 4. In nn nllogod at tompt to smuggle 11 Chlnose ncroes tho line from Canhdn this morning a covered rig broke loose, ran Into tho canal and drowned. Tho survivors wore arrested, and are being held for Investigation. It Force Congress to Declare Its Position Between Colombia and Panama Washington, Dec, 4i Llvcrnash, of California, union labor ropreaonta tlvo, Introduced a resolution today, reultlng that tho present revolution has endangered transit across' iiina. ma, In violation of treaty obligations. It resolves, thoroforo, first: It la tho duty of tho United States to demand that tho governments of Panama and Colombia, In their relations to oneh othor, retrain from Intortorlng with tho froedom of tho Isthmian tranBlt. Secend: Tho United States hereby disclaims any Intontton to Impair or limit tho Bovorolgnty of Colombia, dis claims any Intention to support tho ropubllo of Panama against Colombia, or to intorforo with their relations to each other, further than It shall ha nocaswiry for tho protection of Its rights and tho dlschnrgo of Its duty. TYPICAL OF THE COUNTRY Yielding to Decay the Roof of a Cathe dral Falls One of the Grande t Build ings in Spain, and Four teen Hundred Years Old Madrid, Dee. 4. Tho roof of tho To ledo cathedral, tho most niagnlflcnnt of Its kind In Spain, fell today. It was founded In year 687 A. D., and was 400 feet long and 200 foit wide. They Met and Adjourned. j Washington, Doc. 4. -Tho houco mot, Bworo In Hunter, of Konttioky, and Novln, of Ohio, and adjourned tin- I til tomorrow noon. In tho senate pe titions against Smoot woro received from Now York, Illinois, Toxas and Connecticut; It adjourned until tomorrow. Typhoid at Butler. I Ilutlor. Pa.. Dee. 4. Vow death 'last night and this morning, making 'a total of 40. Competent I'stlmatos show that tho city needs 1100.000 to fight the epidemic. - I III! Ill I . . I - .. Tl"-rT------ llll-TI . , I I Irl4 m The Holiday Goods Store 4J o&JtieiieM$$ The Good ' Goods Store to bring down thochiuniey. It's, uvmlo . puzzlepuzzle think think think my, what a worry Christmas is, when you don't know what to huv. Tho b-st way to smooth out tho wrinkles of perploxity is to corao to this great store whoro id displayed tho hroadestand richoat collection of gift things to bo found in this city. Gifts for evoryono from grandparouta down to' baby. Good ThingsTFo Santa The Canal Saved Them. Schonoctady, N. Y.. Doc. 4. Owing to an accident, the city has boon with out water the post 24 hours. A fire this morning; totally dostroyod the Now York Control frolght warohouse and 76 ears with their frolght, Tho loos Is $300,000, and a general confla gration was. averted only becauso the freight house was on tho bank of the canal, from which tho engines pumped water. I Holiday Goods 1 iteieitiei)Tvnri i - w .....-- Dolls? Games, Toilet I ;; Cases, Shaving, Sets j ! Stamped Linens, Cushion Tops, Fancy Shawls, j Table Linens, Jta Remember that our extremely low prices p , , ply to Holiday Goods as well as to all regular ; ; Hues. If you prefer to give ;; Practical Presents J wo can supply you with Clothing. Shoe Ilato. ;; Underwear, Blankets, Comforts. Neckties and .. everything in Ladies and Men's furnishings J Salem's Cheapest One Price jj Cash Store. II -.?.--.- Mi7erfWwi,',','''ww" . w "k a ri t ir ai w Ull i J&g Eyery ' WW a Ifi-i 'fk AAA Reduced I In price. Lowest ever known on flrat-chiM garments, A splendid op portunity to buy every kind ef stylish garment at unmatched price. Here are a few bargains worth your time to Investigate. Gray mixed Homeeimn, plaited Jacket 27 Inches long, patent leather belt, plaited skirt, walking length. If TORI RACK E. T. BARNES, Proprietor j J $J665 Mrw Cheviot, oollarlM eUalslit front M ifte JeWt, rHltIfi walk Ins leewtk eklrt $1 50 Cray Mixed wit, with 96 fMk eol larlM Mralgbt front Jaeket, sttk Mned rKita.UoR walklBK lesgtk eklrt I $f785 HOLIDAY HINTS Don't wnato tlmo and monoy looking around. Don't shop nt tho exponee of strength and comfort. We make ChrUlmaH buying not only pleoiiurablo but profitable to our customors, Thounande of ' dollars worth of tho beet and choicest holi day merchandise gathered to gether, embracing everything wanted for this Joyful soason, things that will dwllght the Jit tlo folks, and thing that will mako tho elders happy at prions that will bring them within reach of all. FOR DABY Rubber dolls Jaok-ln-box Holl chime A H C Illtfcks Cut-up Plotures , Oloth Animals Wooly AHlmals FOR BROTHER. Hook and Ladder. Iiulldlng IlkMke. Steam Hnglnee. Steam Launeti, Tops. TransparNt 8llde, Magic Lantern. FOR 8I8TER. Toy Hange. Dressed DolL ' Wrist Ilflg. Work IlMkoC Doll Trunk. Doll Dishes. Oo-OarL TROUSERS, New Patterns. Extra Well Made. Perfect Fitting. Thoy'ro right In Btylo, and they're right In price. None hot ter for tho monoy. livery man wears out about two pairs of trousers to ono suit, hence, to meet tho oxtra demand we have procurod an extra line of trousers. Trousers to fit any ono. In or out of town, at prices low enough to fit any pocket-book NEW THINQ8 IN MEN'S NECK DRE88INQ. All the pretty patterns and doil oato colorings that give a stylish appearance to the wearer aro here in ti most tempting arroy of Hoi Iday Neckwer ever shownall shapoe reasonable prises. They are Ileversable Four-ln Hands, Tocke, Hiring Tie Hows. Hngllsh. Squares, -etc K there's oythlM new In neckwisu you'll find It here Anotbr Rice and aeceplabk) gift to man r wohmh Is a nlee niniirll. We Jtaire as) elssjsat assortmssit froM vMrh M let. at jMires we kiww are tiftht Tke Nne earn prieee all Um ne-w faseien U KanJI and flaMuM. 39c to $250 IbbssssssbIbss!sbsE) SbsssssssssssW sssssssVL T JbbssbsssssssssssssssssssB UKMK0I rsssSV j, rfl.fEIM-A- -A BBS lstsflBBSSsl 1 1 MSWSkf f jfl&l.3KTi ssKstt7tBBflBsifl AiliBiBHiiHHllHSKT PBHsisBssssssssssW jfsBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSBBSSSsVRlh i" h iSBBSaBBBBBBBBBBBSBBraBUB m 'mpi - If i I JPiS lljtSu(fl:r WgFr D ijr Mix lHW fa I SOCKS. Don't iuttr imuh how you spell It, bHt It tiiMKi matter a grtwt deal the kind yew boy. Here' you will And a tone sortmoAt Is a great variety of tat' loras. Speclul ni(Htlo has tM HiveH to Holiday Trade In this de partment, and yu will flnd our assertBMHit the fineet Is the Wll lamette Vklly. Slippers for the Men In a great variety of designs and patterns. Just the thing for fa'h r Dressy Overcoats Hetwoon the extremss of nlyle In uvorcosu comes this "lingular" stylo; Its called that, we suppose, Mteause wearers never tire of It. You ste how Hart, tUbfiffiier & Marx mnke It; very dreeey, and Just as siylluk tho long, loosbaekei sbepe. or Out form rtMlng kind. You can't make na uvoreeat nils take hero; there Isn't a wiohk pao lu tho store, and there are a good waajt right one lUHUr pay ait II. B. 4 M. price, and got your full mean's worth. 10 to sZDU 1 II i l4 r