Newspaper Page Text
AILY VOL. XIII. lANRON NAMES THEM oes NotConsultGeo- graphy in Selecting Chairman tew York Gets There, Illi nois Tnree, Iowa Three and Indiana and Ohio Each Two Washington, Doa 5. Cannon. In ho house, today announced the com- nlttccs for tho 58 congress, all but ho ways and meana and rules' and alleage, which wero announced early, oxpedlto tho business of tho sno. Eial session. Tho list contains no sur prises. Important chairmanships fol- pi: ton elections, one, Mann, of Illl- Kbls; two, Olmstead, of Ponnsylva- Jn; three, Driscoll, of New York; ppropriatlons, Hommenway. of Indi ana; judiciary, Jenkins, of Wiscensin: Banking and currency, Fowler, of Now Rersoy; Interstate and forolgn corn- fierce, Hepburn of Iewa: rivers and harbors, Durton, of Ohio; merchant narlno and flshorios. Qrosvonor. of 5hlo; agriculture, Wadsworth. of Now fork; foreign affairs, Hltt. of Illineis: Military affairs, Hull, of Iowa; naval, Foss, of Illinois; postofllce and post aus, overstrcet, of Indiana; public nds. Lacy, of Iowa; Indian affairs, herman, of New York. Tho commlttco on appropriations, hlch is considered tho most impor- ,nnt of Uioso of thoso announced, has o westerners in its momborslilnn. akcr, of Now York, anti-pass mem- or, is assigned to Pacific railways Icarst secured tho coveted placo on tho labor bureau, but gets no othor pmmlttoo assignment Hunter, tho 5ew member from Kentucky, who tol- egrapneu on mo aay or his victory, Esklng Cannon not to overlook hlra 08 on tho Invalid ponslon commit- eo. Prlnco Cupid on Hawaiian nost fflcca and post roads. LIttauor, who iaincd notoriety In tho glovo con- cts, regains his important placo on o appropriations commlttoc. Liver- sh failed to land on tho labor com- Ittce, but gets a placo on naturalli tion and immigration. Lorimor, the icngo boss, goes on rivers and hnr- ors. Richardson, former Democrat- esh Naval Ganges emond 10c toen lOil b State St Phone 1971 Main. &La n-Mfrfr.gtaifrjei)Hiiiiiciatinete)aiiotfef( BOP OBI rf? (jj M ooliday ieitiiei4tH)tiateai k9 Dolls, Games, Toilet Cases, Shaving, Sets Stamped Linonj, Cushion Tofts, Fauoy Sliawls, Table Linons, Etc. Remember that our extremely low prices hj ply to Holiday Goods as well as to all regular lines. If you prefer to give i Practical Presents 9 we cau supply you with Clothing, Shoes, Hats. Underwear, Blankets, Comforts. Neckties and everything in Ladies' and Mon's Furnishings Saltan's Cheapest One Price Casn Store. Till Ml EM ta4tWlBIW9toM1& I e leader, is not yet an any Important vuumuuee places, and remain. only on that of library. Floor Leader Wil liams, of Mississippi, is on tho waya and means, and rules. Territories, Hamiltcm, of Michigan; Insular affairs, Cooper, of Wisconsin; railway and rnnntn ni,i.,., . J Wisconsin; manufacturois, Sibley, of i Ponnsvlvnnlnr mlnna n .... . .ioiu, jjuuiic uuiiuings and grounds, GlllcUo, of New York; Pacific rail ways, Wm. Smith, of Michigan; labor, Gardner, of New York; militia, Dick, of Ohio; .in valid pensions, Sullowny, of New Hampshire; ponsionu, Loudon, of New Jorsoy; claims, Qraffo, of Il linois; private land claims, George Smith, of Illinois; roform In civil son vice, Gillette, of Mnssurinicntio. ntn- .tion of prosldont, vice-prealdont and rupresoniauves, Egan, of West Vir ginia; liquor traffic. Snnrrv nt rnn. necticut; irrigation nnd arid lands, iuonuau, or Wyoming; Immigration ana naturalization, Howell, of New Jersey; accounts, Hlldobrandt, of Ohio; census, Crumpackor, of Indi ana; library, McLeary, of Minnesota; printing, Lnndls, of Indinna; indus trial arts nnd oxnosltlons. Tnwnrv. nf Minnesota. Big Forest Fires. Los Angels, Dec. 5. Roports from tho region of tho forest flro in tho mountains of San Dornardlno say the Brooking lumbor mills nro saved, but that tho Gurnsoy mills will bo wined out. as the flghtors aro In dangor of tholr lives In that section. Squirrel Inn Is nlso In dangor, and 40 miles of tlmbor nro already gono. Tho flamoa roach tho pines and shoot high In tho air. Two hundrod mon havo loft San Dornardlno to fight tho fire, making 500 in all. P0LLTAX COLLECTION ABANDONED In the Three New Wards the City By Both the County and City of Tho county comralsisonera court has, been considering tho advisability of placing road supervisors at tho polling places of tho throe now wards of tho city, but this aftornoon decided not to do so. Thq court, concluded that not as much would bo collected as It would coat to havo tho men thoro So no poll tax collectors will probab ly, appear at tho election in wards 6, C and 7. Tho city has alroady ob tained an opinion that It has no Juris diction to collect In tho'se wards. A Fine Quartet. Sheriff Drown, of Dakor county, ar rived In Snloru this morning, bringing down four prisoners to servo torms in the penltontlarn The four mon and their terms nro as follews: A. A. Hot wig, burglary In a dwelling at night, six years; Wm. Jameson, forgory. two yoars; W. K. Hitchcock, obtain ing money under falso proteoses, two years; Wm. Johnson, Iarcony, two years. Good Hlle)leH'HfMCIiaiH'ie4 irn f U E. T. BARNES, Proprietor i CAPvtikl ' ' I . SALEM, OREGON. TROUBLE EASY FOUND Dowie Creditor Makes Receivers Put up Bonds Claims He Is Solvent, and Wants His Hundred Thous and Dollars Pro tected Chicago, Dec. 5. Receivers In the Dowlo litigation aro Involved In trouble with tho othor creditors, who claim that Dowie Is solvent Samuol Stevenson, who holds Dowlcs' notes for 1100,000 appeared In court thld morning, and compolled tho rccolvors, representing throo of tho creditors, to fllo an Indemnifying bond for $100.- 000. This movo Is In Dowlo's favor, because, if ho can provo his solvoncy. ho may bo ablo to rocovor damages from thoso who brought him Into the trouble. Kaiser Not Well. Dorlln, Dee. 5. Lokalanzolgor re ports tho kalsor's health procarlous. and tho doctors Insist that ho must spend tho wlntor In the South frjy 3S3J AU Invited To Out Mtisicale Tonight 7 p. fa. to 9:30 p. m. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1903. - (AkU CHANGES HIS PLEA PIPJlflQ N(f (InUiv 1 AUaUO nui UUUIJ I All the Charges Against Him He.Yas First One Arrested and His Confessions Caused the Arrest of the Others Chicago, Dea 5. Gustav Marx, one ,ot tho car barn murderers, was hold by tho coroner's Inquest today for tho murder of Detective Qulnn. Ho was arraigned In the criminal court Imme diately, whoro ho withdrew his ter mor plea of guilty, and pleaded not guilty to all tho charges, dosplto the fact that ho was tho one who was first arrostod and made confessions, which resulted In the capture of tho other members of the gang. Aftor Marx was nrralgnod tho coro ner's vardlct in tho Sergeant Driscoll caso hold Netdermler guilty, with Valid In o nnd Itooskl as nocoesorles. Will Not Lead to War. Madrid, Doc. 5. Dr. Adolph Dan zlger, United States vliVconmil at Madrid, is Involved In a legnl fight meMSS fifrak vraPHHriiiijfcMr ?Ky HURRAH FOR JrlJtxld r GRAND PRIZES FOR QIRLS We have placed In one of our windows a mammoth pumpkin. Th gJrl upder It years of age Bueenlng the near est to the exact number of soedii In this pumpkin will re col ve FREE a beautiful Doll Go-Cart VALUED AT $J5.0G Tho only roqulremuNi plaewl on competitor for litl tl Is that Uiey Must icm In pvi'Ssn nud rcgleter tbvlr uwm nnd CmteM clotoaThuraday, I- mlor U. at booh. OIVMN AWAY ClIUITMAi IV, at k So p. m. In erHt of two or more tlelSK on the nmrml tu su we linvt- r plan l de- !t0 the til' -V I . mimmmmmmmmmmmmmm II i I i 1 M HiM- with his landlady, who claims ho owos her huBbatul $50 ront. Danilger pre tests that It is an ovorehargo. Ho at tempted to rcmovo his effects when his landlady called tho police who Insisted the disputants sottlo the mnt ter In court. Danzlgnor Is woll-known In California. Ho resided several yars In California, whore ho collab- i-a!01 w"h Ambrose Ulcrco tho book U, "Monk and Hangman's Dauchtor." Ho Is an erudite scholar, conducted Jewt IbIi service and lectured Southorr. California. through! May Caute a Strike. San Francleeo. Doc. 5. Tho failure of tho mtaurnnt keepers' aisoclatlon to meet tho committee from t ho cooks nnd waiters this morning, may bo tho beginning of a genoral strike. Thoatatomont Ismndo that tho twtnu rant proprietors will cIobo tholr places tomorrow, unless thuy can maka terms satisfactory. Tho restaurant kcopors aro members of Uio employ era' association, nnd nro scouring tho Btato for non-union fomalo holp. Tho Tlvoll and Central restaurants this af ternoon locked out tholr waltors. Hanna'e Successor. Washington, Dec. 5. It is reported this afternoon that tho Republican managers havo docldod to elect Mur ray Crnno, of Massachusette, chairman of tho national committee, In caso Hanna decllnod to rotnln tho onico. Hanna positively refusoa to discuss tho statement that ho proposes to re tire. Typhoid at Butler. Butler. Pa., Dec. 6. Tho death list today ronchod 43, and new cases aro being constantly reported. MUSICAL CONCERT Tonig&t From 7 p. m to 9:30 p. m. Snrr TMAS QRAND PRIZE FOR DOY8 We havo plaaed In one of our window a mammoth pumpkin. The boy undor 14 yoars of ag RueMlng tho noar Mt to tho uxact number of seeds In this pumpkin will re ceive FREE a beautiful Police Patrol VALUED AT $10.00 The only requirement placed on eofHfwtltoni for this gift U that .they ramt tome In person and recUter their name nnd HHeee, Ctmlmt cliMHwTliumlay, Pe comlhur H. at MWR. (MS'ISN AWAY 0IIHI8TMAB HVK. nt 8:30 p. fa. In event of two or rnoro doing on the neur-t gu ma we hnro n plan to de c-Mo the. tie. lieiSRKnUBarVil i iHI mJ )c&jjtleied&$a !.. NO. sax. MILITIA IN FULL CHANGE Cripple Creek Running unaer warms Law Newspaper In Charge of Censor. Who Kills its Editorials for a Starter Crlpplo Creek, Colo,, Dee. B-Th military authorities nro now In ftita control of Crlppto Crook, but up fo noon no wholesale arrests had beom made, although many wero threat ened. Tho Victor Record, which pub lished tho union minors' statements., is under charge of a censor, who had! tho editorial matter thrown out last night by military authorities, Boldlorm. aro looking for tho secretary of Uiw district tradofl assembly, CloeXjr, who Ik tho author of tho union statements In tho Record. Moccasin a Good One. Norfolk, Vn Dee. A. A report frotnt Carratuck Bays tho Moccasin Is stllB uninjured. Bho shipped no water, a! though tho heavy iifui pouuded hur ulD jilght and morning. j$t t I tgrrtintm 1 I' I w Ww msmm tsr'w1 wr I J 1 H II m I