Newspaper Page Text
DlttY f --r ' n. . r i rft . .w. VOL. XIII. CAPITAL JOURNAL UAN CHUSER ROBBERS ieet With Overwhel ming Defeat by the Russians ussians Loss Was Only Fourteen but the Brigands Were Almost Animated I Port Arthur, Manchuria, Dec. 7. A liapatch today reports n flerco on- punter between 600 Russians and sov- ral hundred Huan Chauser robbers, Manchurlav Tho brigands suffered overwhelming defeat, and enor- ftoiis loss, whllo tho Russians lost but killed and wounded. SALEM, OREGON. MONDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1903. 16.000 the previous year. Alabama had tho greatest numbor, New York and Arizona had onjy two cases, No vada and Porto Rice thrco each. New Mexico four, Alaska six, Hawaii sev. en, and Wyoming olevon. The report says the law, In times of financial de pression will do 'much to prevent a panic. NO. 231. Germany Wants Trusts. Dresden, Dec. 7. Loaguo Saxton, the Industrial capitalists, are holding a meeting horo today to consider moans of defense ngalnBt American commercial competition. Millionaire Potschow, In his speech, declared Germnny would soon bo completely beneath the yoke of American capital, largely due to the magnificent organ ization of the Amorlcan consular sor vice, which spies out everything profitable, and issues trade bulletins, which thoroughly inform American manufacturers of foreign demands. Ho declared tho only method of fight ing would be the formation of' im mense Gorman trusts on American lines. EXCITING MUNICIPAL CONTEST Polltax Restriction Attempted in Most Wards at the City Election Killed His Wife. San Francisco, Dec. 7. George De cs, a linoman from Los Angoles, hot and mortally wounded his wife, ad then put a bullet in his own neck. Kit is not fatally injured. Mrs. Do les left her husband two months ago Los Angeles, and camo horo. Do tes followoJ, and discovered tho wo- Ban tills morning. Ho besought her return, and, on hor refusal, shot Her. Bankruptcy Laws. 1 Washington, Dea 7. Edwin Dran lenborg, who is In chargo of tho bank- jptcy affairs of the department of wstlco, has submitted his report for e year ending Soptoraber 30th. He smphnslzes tho valuo of tho law to both debtor and creditors. Tho num ber of voluntary petitions In bank ruptcy Is approximately 14,000 against tesh Naval Oranges emond J 0c oen ino s Takes Some Money. Washington, Do. 7. The book of estimates for appropriations for tho fiscal year ondlug June, 1905, pro pared by tho secretary of tho treasury, want to congress today. Tho total la $624,502,146, as against $589,189,11.' for tho yoar ondlng Juno 30, 1904. It Is divided approximately as follews: Legislation, $5,250,000; oxecutlve, $30 000,000; Judicial, $900,000; foreign Interior, $2,250,000; military, $77, 800,000; naval, $00,964,000; Indians.. $7,600,000; pensions, $138,000,000; public works, $67,300,000; postal, $8, 500,000. The balanco Is miscellaneous nnd pormnnont annual appropriations. Princess a Murderess. Borlln, Doc. 7. Tho actress, Clara Zolgler, who was shot by Princess Elizabeth, died today. Tho prlncoss will probnbly bo compolled to stand trial, as sho sacrificed all hor privi leges when she married Prince Otto, in opposition to tho wishes of her Im perial grandfather, Emperor Franz Joseph. (54 State 8L Phone 1971 Main. New York Hotel Bums. Now York, Dec. 7. Firo this morn Ing destroyed tho Wynnoko hotol on 9th and Fifty-third streets. It was occupied by 50 families, but none arc bollovod killed. The firemen made sovoral thrilling roscuos. Recognize Panama. Washington, Dec. 7. Count Casslni has formally notified tho stato depart ment today that Russia has recognized tho now republic of Panama. E8"HM-aiiiH8toeig)igii-a-KHicfit moioietett You'te Making Fancy Woak iot if Sl IuaS Then you should ceo our lino of Silks and Satins, Velvets and Volyetoens, Cushion tops, Cushion corJfl, Embroidery 6i'k, Kaittiiifj silk, Hibboui. Fine laces for handkorehief trim ming Fine linen by the yard for handkerchief centers. Everything for fancy work. Freischors Shetland FIois Yarn 90c per pound. Rubber doll heads and steel doll heada They look like bisque but the children can't break them. Our full line of Holiday Gooctsjj is now ready n-n o ! hnnVs. toilet cases, collar and cuff !! boxes, smoking seta, handkerchiefs, mufflers, neckwear, table .. linens, uapkini, stand covers, ana overjimng you .a , ,- . . ular Hues for praotical presents, shoe, olothing, ojrerco-tK hats, . . comtorts aim Dianiceie. , , iir-x n vtv.A nnniU mi the same margin of profits as ieg- ; ; ularlineB, that's why Holiday shoppora trade with Saltm's ;; cheapest cash store. Many Legal Votccs Being Shot Oat From Voting by the unconstitutional UULtens Charter If the Rcpab- 'Hcans Win the Opposition May Question the Legality of the Election and Try to Count Them Out on Technical Grounds A vory oxcltlng city election is closing at 4 o'clock todny. Tho cam paign was carried on sonio on Sunday oven, the Republican press committee (totting out a scorching cnmpalgn ox tra, charging that all the saloon inon In the city had gone solidly to tho sup port of P. S. Knight for mayor. Dill Anderson had the usual amount of fro advertising In tho "Bxtrn." This was scattered all over the city by carriers, and created a sonsatlou, as It was road on all tho street cars and by people going home from church. Tho church feduratlon re. doubled tholr efforts to counteract Its 'offoct, nnd nearly every pulpit poured forth distressing sermons about the need or moral purification of tho city. I At the Flrt M. B. church Ilov. Heppe discoursed on "Tho Gambling Bvil of Our City Shall It Continue?" Ho charged that tho prosont elty po lice editor dared not onforco tha I laws, nnd, therefore woro violators themselves, or were ignorant of tho I laws and Utolr duties, or woro moral cowards, nnd Indifferent to tholr du ty. Most of the pulpit rang with de nunciations of vlco. and pictured Sa lem as another Sonttln No Poll Tax Restriction Wag tolerated In the seventh ward", ono of the Gltlsens' judges Joining with tho Republican Judge, and allow ing nil legal voters to voto undor tho constitutional provision. Tho Repub licans woro out In full forco and olect ed Alex. Daue Judge of olcctlon, to fill the vacancy caused by the Illness of V 11. Simpson. Two county road supervisors woro present by order of the city officials, but mnde no effort to Intorforo with any ono voting. Fourth Ward. Hart a hot fight prevailed over tha poll tnx restriction, ninny being turned nway from tho polls for not having pnld the tnx. The Republican judgo protested, but wnti overruled by tho two Citizens, who, with Jos. Albert ns chnllonger, drew tho list furnished by tho street commissioner, on ovory voter who had not paid. It yns Bttuul' nnd dollvor, or not voto. A small voto will bo pollod thoro. In the Third Ward. A man who has lived In Salem SO years appeared to voto but, as ho had movod from some other wnrd to tho third only 15 days boforo, was dented tho right to voto for mayor, boeausa he hnd "lost his rosldoneo." In the Fifth Ward. No offort wnn mndo nt enforcing thu poll tnx restriction, and thnra was gen eral protest at tho plnn of hnvlng tho county snpervliors como into tho city and determine who should vote nt nn eloctlon undor n city chnrtor. In the sixth ward tho eamo was true, no chal lenges being ontortnlned on Uio MOST NOBLE . SUCKER Countess Russel Wants to Shake Her Coachman Husband. . Drew Two Blanks in tntf Marital Lottery and Pines for Freedom Again (Continued on Fourth Page.) Londou, Dec. 7. Oountess Russell today applied for a dlvorco from hor coachman husbnnd, William Ilrown;. nlioglng cruelty and misconduct, Tho hearing will bo held Thursday. Tho countess, marital oxporlenco has been vory unsatisfactory. Sho was di vorced from Kiul RurboU, after emitt ing his punlshmont for nn alleged blg anions tnarrlngo with an American Shortly nftorward she mot Ilrown, who wan masquerading as Prlnco Athobald Stuart Do Modona, Whoa exposed Rite hnd htm wont to Jail. Tliiy were reunited but n Bhort tlmo ago. The Qas Exploded. Madrid, Dec. 7. ICIuvon were Killed ami four Injured by a gas explosion nt tho Mlore coal mine todny. MM4WBEBaragyiCTSOTnmHBa mwm&a) an wagaw&wn vetmnv: The Holiday Goods Store t:j? GreatCest 1 EXTRAORDINARY . , OPPORTUNITIES for monoy saving In our ready-to-wear department. ' Tho weather at proeent In fact most any winter weathor calls for tho convenient suits with skirts that escape the ground And now you may buy very hand Borne suits at unusually low prices Queen -Doll Holds Sway Over tho llttlegirli whovlMtonr doll depigment on tha rpcond lloor. Kx prentlont oldfllpht ttmhsard on evary td. DelUof every desoriptlon from tm on. to lo Urge lift like one lo Hit targe life like kind. We can trutiily I a yon lit th s do-psrtintnl. Orey well for Ch'- ' flnirhi 1 wr't -Mit ailnriHl, syllah w.Mh $16.00 F .,.,.v-M(M4HgllimiClia W W W " ..-er -arirvaj X mTni vmnr JlD I tkr It t nfiflfiff IUMMUMH it E.T.BARNES, Proprietor;! Drown Cheviot, m " t Uar- gall at til Ma( -rir 9t &JM IwriHg tbU ! ai A flna suit of taa Melton, finely finished and lalUnml, nicely fin lebed skirt, well worth M. Now 16.50 TOYS ' of evary dwurlptlon and from all parts of the globe. In this depart ment wo show more toys than all the local houiea combined and our variety and aaaortment Is the llneet over collected In the Wll lamtlta valley. Toys for baby. Tey for sister. Toya for brother. Tlmo for hailtatlon is itt. With Christmas hardly more than two wMka away, you'va a lot to do And soma thlnga wont wait Bainx-lally (haaa iplesdlttly eom pnhenirtva aaaortmaata of holiday novtrUo. Tha unalterable law of trad la "first eom. 11 rat served." A mw energy has rsHBht tka paoplai. Half-heart) Intareat haa gtvan away to eurneat tmylng. "Thafaa a Christmas feeling In the ain" This week wo raaiteml wltk inoroftaod aaloa foreo at many cooator. Helpful service awatta you, and Blocks are at their beat H's.un to you. "v t TREE ORNAMENTS The finest and mot romploU aaaertraoat of tree daeoratlona we have ovor shown. The atock ti y glitters In it WrllManey, and will m a groat way toward m&k ing yer CtarUtmas troo look tho fiuoat yet Alt tylall prJeoa Who Knovs but tho boyUia toy that "turn" and domonatratoa aoina prlnolplo of applied actoHca may unfold the natural ben I, of your boy's mind Watt, for want of maehanleal toys, ployed with the twkottle anil fouwl tho steam angina. The tHilf of aaytti!a olutatei fot hotter or woravand want aoaitia owly iwtatioM) oftun laaOa to lm "tfoa" or nay tool to work with l portaNl dUcovertoa. Any toy that good. Hnvo you looked ovor iHir Una of moehaiilectl toj7 Your tty iHay ftiul hla kloal horo MEN'S QUITS. Uustnfistfi siiltu-requlrn. earn In de sign and making to give tho good service domandod- of them. In perfection of fit, In correctness of stylo up to tho requirements of the minute -In thdrnugh-glng work mnnshlp Invisible ns well ns visible in reliability bt materials tho ilnrl, Schaffner & Mnrx clothing fur men Is Impossible to bettor I-nrge ntwortmoiit from whtoh to chooso. $f 0 to $25 A Magnificeiit Line Of Cup awl Saaaoffg lg ail front the vr leaa lo Oto ktrio ootfoAti, ttlao a fail Ms of fanay ula'aa, yam of Austrian ware, IJohemlan sun, Royal Vienna, Redwood, roraotaln. ete., ate. Do not fall to vMt thla dfn'artawst when on the aocond door. Jvsjj jsaanwRv. MiniT7n BBIBBBBBf BSBBBaVriv ISBB Jf V VMBBBBBJBBaBBBBjrBiH'' -jHtJy ft W afE'lfrli'l li l SM St Oil r'1 lam '"IBl Vmrm' f af StKM "1 bsbSsbbbbiiiisbbi Ciii bum 9m tokm m m IhnSduffM ( Mux Uni'XukxxA MEN'S OVERCOATS. Satisfaction la wfeat you gat ivhjtt you buy an overcoat her Tl word ottWHrtaos latosi Urte boat wutartels porfaot fit Muaranteod duraMIUy raosonablo prtco and Milid eomftwt What iHrt eoiikl you ejtpwt from nn ovaraoat Hull and aompWa llaa, inaludlng the gonulne "Oravenetta." $JO to $22,50 ; Lwwwiiiiiwwwmi HUIIIUHIHIlt- .-rar KHaggJEiCiS