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'vjwr1 TfT EA1L Y 0 A PTT A t , VOL. XIII. wi Journal aALCM,meoN. Tuesday, December 8, 1903. NO. 282. .wf" PRETTY BEULAH THOMAS KILLED THREE ITALIANS TROUBLE WITH TURKEY TEDDY LOST HIS TEMPER i Youe Making Fancy Wok f 1 iot V- ) x Christinas? $ Then you should seo our lino nf Sill nnrl fii;B vi..i. ; ! and Velyetecna, Cushion tops, Cushion core's, Embroidery silk, J! Knitting silk, Ribbons. Pine lnces for handkorchief trim ! ! ming-. Fine linen by the yard for handkerchief centers. Everything for fancy work. Flriacliera Shetland Floes Yarn 00c per pound. Rubber doll heads and si! .inll hAa J They look like bisque but the children can't break them. uur Mill jinc ot o ii' !! it ! ! !! it it ii Holiday Goods!! is now ready Doll?, gntue, picture book?, toilet ensep, collar and ouff !! . . boxes, smoking sets, handkerchiefs, mulllcra. neckwoar. tnblo ! ! linens, napkins, stand covers, and ovorvthing you want in ree- ! ular lines for practical presents, shoe, clothing, overcoats, hatd, i ' i . ii ' eomiorts anu uiariKots. X We sell Holiday goods on the earao margin of profits as reg- X ular lines, that's why Holiday shoppers trade with Salem's ; ; I cheapest casti store. i r ' n T II MHfrfr4te4 i o i v m ii i ii IE Iff MIME Is KidHapped by a Neighborto Prevent Her Testifying Kept Two Weeks in an Up stairs Room, but Was Treated With Great est Kindness Guard at Colorado Coal Mines Fire on Strikers One Deal Twj Dying and a Fourth Wounded and in Jail, The Rer suit Lincoln, Nob., Doc. 8. Boulali Thomas, tho pretty lG-year-old daugh ter of a York county fanner, who dis appeared from her homo two weeks ago, was found last night In tho houso of Jqjm Blair, a neighbor ot thti Thomas family, whoro sho had boon! hold a captlvo, kidnaped by John , Blair, against whom In a criminal caso alio had been tho principal wit-, nosa for tho prosecution. Blnlr was suspected when tho girl disappeared, but bloodhounds failed to locate tho girl. Nolghbors told tho shorlfT thole suspicions, and lost night he, with a posse, forced an ontrnnce to tho houso and found tho girl In an up-stnlrs room. Tho girl says sho was kindly treated, but kept In the closest cap tivity. Blair was Immediately arrostr ed and taken to 'the" York Jail. The farmers throaton to lynch tho prisoner. E. T. BARNES, Proprietor t iia4-a-e-foii9ieii-M)iaiH!)ioiciiBiia8e-iK I Jessie Carr Dying. J San Francisco, Dea 8. Josslo D. Carr, ono of tho beet-known citizens of California, who celebrated hlB 89th birthday last Juno, suddenly col lapsed last night, nnd Is reported as sinking rapidly, with no hopes ot ro- covory. He Is semi-conscious and 1b aroused with difficulty. Mr. Carr was ono of tho ploneor -star routo con tractors wost of tho Mississippi. Ho has largo land Interests In California and Oregon. Denver. Dec. 8. One report, glvlnn dotalls ot tho fight which took place, last night botweon tho Colorado Fuel Company's guards and tho striking Italians at Soguno. shows tho guards woro patrolling tho plant, whon tho strlkors rushed toward them, firing a volley. Tho guards roturnod tho tire, bringing down throe of tholr assail ants, ono of whom died at 10 o'clock this morning, and tho othor two aro dying. A fourth man, who was cap tured and jailed, was shot through tho wrist Tho wounded man says there were but seven strlkors In the fight, Instead of 30. as at first report ed;' thoy also claim the fight wao sturted by the guards, without prov ocatlon, and that the latter did all the firing. All roads leading to the Se- guna cjoke ovens are now heavily guarded, as more trouble Is fen rod. Tho dead, and wounded are said to have been members of tho gnng whloh fired on four strike-breakers from an nmbuscado, shooting ono In tho foot. Tho otrlke-breakors wero bolng con voyed to I'rlmero. A eawod-off shot gun was found on tho spot, whera ono of tho strlkors fell. American Consul At tacked by Turk ish Police Turks Claim Davis Struck the Police and Guards and Smashed Jail Windows- Constantinople, Dec 8. -Tho Amor lean consul, Davis, has loft his post at Beirut, and caused tho American flajj at Aloxandrctta to bo lowered, In con Bcqucnco of being Insulted and as saulted by Turkish police. Minister Lolshmau hat) made earnost protostn lions to tho porte, nnd it is bollovcd whon a more completo roport has been received the United Statos will demand the fullest reparation. Tho affair has grown out of (tho arrest of tho Armenian A'trlan. a nnturnllzod American, who was Imprisonexl at the Alopho, but reloased on condition that ho Immedlatoly leave tho countryH Davis was escorting him, when thu pollco attackod nnd assaulted Davie and rearrested Attrlan. Davis then lowered the flag and broko off rela tlons with tho authorities. 1-ntcr r mob of Moslems mndo demonstrations ngainit tho consulate nnd Christians genorally. Tho Turks claims Davli struck tho pollco nnd guards, and broke tho prison windows. Attrlan hnd 2000 In his pockets when arrest ori Tho Turks claim they believed him-to bo a revolutionist. General Reyes Calls. on the President and Angers Him Told to Transact Business With the Secretary and Not to Visit White Houso Washington, Dec, 8.- Clan, ltoycst spealal roprosantatlvo of Colombia.; called at tho Whlta Houso todny, and It was given out later that, for fiver minutes, tho Intorvlow was oxtrorao ly pleasant Lator Information, which Is porfoctly rollnblo. Indicates thorn was no pleasure in It for Royes, who ovldontly mado mtino remark which aroused tho Hoosovolt fighting blood. Tho latter wont for him rough-shod; and his angry words woro heard in tho adjoining rooms. Tho President con cluded his denunciation with the- statement that If Reyes had any tnoro bualnoes to trnnsaot with America It would have to bo with tho seorotary of state, and ho wan told not to enter the White Houso again. I tfcT 9KS99E 2T8 EC Ambassador Recalled. Paris, Dec. 8. Tho Russian am bassador to Paris has boon recalled thlB roaming. Ho presented tho op dors for his return to Prosldont Lou-bot. wgffwrvs S3SC95S S!" BEE Family Durned to Death. Clarksburg, N. Ji, Dec. 8. Flvo por sons wero burned to death In a flr6 this morning, which destroyed tho resldonco ot Clayton Flowor. Tht dead nro Flowor and his wlfo and thioo children; ono son oscaped. WMmn!-T'siiJnm.'jnitfMi' m . i Fesh Naval Oranges Lemonci JOc Doen Zinn's 154 State at. Phone 1871 Mfllrv i rjasownnens' Oflly t4 Shopping Days Before Christmas Mid during these days we muot sell to almost every family In and around 8alem the Christmas presents which may be required. For much more conspicuously than 'ever before Is this great institution this wonderful exposition of beautiful thlnnt the recognized and acknowl edged headquarters of Christmas goods. , EXTRAORDINARY OPPORTUNITIES for money sovlng In our roady-to- wear department. Tho weather at prosont in fact most any winter weathor calls for tho convenient suits with skirts thnt escape the ground. And now you may buy vory hand some sultu at unusually low prices vSfvvttr Oroy Cheviot will tailored, syllsh. well finished worth $15.00. for $8.50 Brown Cheviot, an elegant bar gain at the ujual price of HM During this pal a at $J2 A fine suit of tan MeHo. finely flnjshett and tailored, nicely An lshed skirt, well worth IS8.W. Now $ J 6.50 IN TOYLAND If Dolly's apartments aro not particularly well furnished after Christmas', It will not bo the fault of tho big toy store. Thoro Is an Incentlvo to attend to Dolly's wants at once. Hero you will find everything pertaining to dolls, such as Doll Houses Doll Furniture Doll Dishes Doll Shoos Doll Jewelry Doll Go-Carte Doll Heads Dressed Dolls Undressed Dolls Kid-body Dolls Cloth Doll Btfl, B!e. A great variety of dolls in all suc . TOMORROW ONLY For 'our 163d Wednesday Sur prise Salo we are to havo an ETRA SPECIAL by offering throo groat speolals Instead of ono as usual. During Uils salo you may select from a line of Fascinators, colors blaok, blue, pink and whfto, rogular 50c value INDIAN RODE8. We think that a Pendleton In dian Hebo Is not only ornamental about the home, but almost a nee essary article, for it fills so many long felt wants. A limited supply reached us yes terday by express, and are cer- talnly beauties of the weavers' art. Jcto$tO tee n we TREE ORNAMENTS Never before hare the people of thla elty or vIclMly bad h a variety astf eowpletena tk to select from, as we are show lug at'th preet lime, TlwwJ In all rtapee awl lgths, blowa gkiM noveHlae. btewn ai ballt, elBgly or In eirlags; Is fact. all tke deeorattoM that so so far toward maklg 7wr tree kk bwndfvl 28c each Rbben In a great variety of hade suah ai you use ovary day, regular SOo value 28c yattf lielts In the new shajiee and styles, In blaok only, regular 10c value 28c each $4 75 To r3Sa5.VEWH PICTURES. Wm In &m idvtt a pleiHre. Yoh'II never afain have etieh a cttaitet to buy p4tre at Mih low tuiam. Many will aatMpata thi purchase of th4r JmlWay gj(ft it will be a wise plan. Pletirea la tested for holWay gifts will be heM. and delivered when desire, wtthwjt xtra charge. THURSDAY NIOHT. We again Ittrlte you bn1 ymn Irleads to meet with us, and spqiul an eiijeyable evewlig luoklnx about, and miofluf tho wutaleal (trogram. which we bare mmwti for your benefit. Com and Mk youreolvee at home, for we like to see you have a good time. lord euer." Kltrh- MEN'S HATS. A moving pan orama. The hundreds ot h.-.ts coming nnd going koep everything now and frosh, and In such a wide variety that ovory man may be fitted and pleased. A fine assort ment placed at your disposal from which to make your, se lection We ca surely plea? )(Hi In your' bat want Ask for the Concept Thursday Night Dec JO , 7 p m. to 930 p mi men's snorts, TWe Is a shoe store fur the eo Hie. A place where wfbwly Is nml welcome, and tratel nicely. It Ii ettoe store for the pent, for folk Uist fwy at Uiey m. who wait all Uwr ta Ht tor their Htoey, and will take a Ultle Urn to Nod the rtKht store, whkh "la ue." W)ioo yoti feel you must get the beet a Utile mfiMgr will buy. there Is no place like Meyers'. Al ways. V" ;v JHBsHK''i.v PrHsHv HinSduffMi 9R Nkw hi I u Mm Bmm Vm I iUndTuieftj Jrm ml I 0.(7l4kl if kr B"l XlMfUM HI oycpcoAT ELEOANCE. Keed not be overcoat Uva)ule, for bo MHittor at what prl ym bny a cum of M it will bf mado up la tbj latest ttylo, Slh and wurkmaniMp (paraoloiC That's why our overeoal at what ever prtee. have a tUetiriettve ! about thetn uit erdloary eonu A st $10.00 To oO m wiiwwww"ww","'l"w,',,a'':' . ' iii.i inni'iw j )imiiniwniiweiHi""'W w"