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"iTf-."'! M' t DAILY A1TOAL JOTTTJTVAT. VOL. XIII. '"" ' ' ' """ " ''' ' " ' '"" " "" -" "iji" i iiiiii ........ , . ; SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1903. NO. 284. 9 DIVES SELL MORE LABOR RIOTS COUGAR ABROAD NEARBY WILL BE TO A FINISff Yo'e MakSag Fancy Wok j for MILK B Chrbtma.? t Spokane. Joint Evades Law by Peddling Soft Drinks Then you should see our lino of Silks and Satins, Velvet nnd Velveteens, Cushion tops, Cushion cords, Embroidery eilk, Knitting silk, Ribbons. Fine luces for handkerchief trim ming. Pine lintn by tho yard for handkerchief centers. Everything for fancy work. Fleischers Shetland Flots Yarn 90c per pound. Rubbor ddll heads and steel doll heads They look like bisque but'tho children can't break them. Our full line of Chicago Workmen Get ; Angry at a Train Crew Holiday Goods Act Passed to Keep Women From Places Where In toxicants Are Sold, Is Evaded i is now ready l)ollf, games, picture books, toilet cases, collar and cuff boxes, smoking sets, handkerchiefs, mufflers, neckwear, tahlo linens, uupkius, stand covers, and everything you want in reg ular linos for practical presents, shoe, clothing, overcoats, hatd, comforts and blanket, Wo sell Holiday goods on the same margin of profits as reg ular lines, that's why Holiday shoppers trade with Salem's chonpost cash store. Xfrrf44H4lP0aiIHB4444fg4-l-0lICtl9iei0'free4e rn n n i m ww E. T. BARNES, Proprietor 44afrg3HhQM-Otlll!M44qlla-lt A Rothschild Dead. London, Dec. 10. A dispatch from Monto Carlo cnnouncc.t tho death of Baron Arthur Do Rothschild -jjj.m,'.'Jil.JCga?.i'-maiH!t Fired Her Coachman. London, Doc. 10, Countess Russell was today granted a dlvorco from her coachman-husband, Drown. saswasBjBJear Only temperance drinks nro ou salo at the Comlque variety theater, a no torious dlvo, which for 12 years has : boon known as tne lowost box-rustllnr j resort in Spokane. Tho object of sell- ( ing soft drinks Is .to defeat tho rccont . order of tho chief of police. Tho or der prohibits box-ruRtlinB In any place where Intoxicating liquor Is soldi. I Tho ordor is based on what is known as tho state barmaids' act, and, Iwhllo generally believed to bo a pollt- 'icnl play. Is nevertheless effective Tho order was promulgated seven days ago, nnd all the varloty theaters, eon- jcerl halls and saloons discharged their 'female solicitors, who havo been fol- ! lowing the business since the momory of man in Spokane. The managers of the Comiquo theater hit upon the torn- peranco plan to heat the Statute, ns I the law Is aimed to prohibit the com mingling of sexes In any saloon. Tonight old habitues of tho Comiquo wore met with solicitations of the girls, who pload with patrons to buy milk, at 2G cents per glass, oyster cocktails at 1 per bottlo nnd circus lomonado, two drinks for a half. And the house did a rushing business. Tho girls get a 20 por cont commis sion as of old, when all kinds of booze was sold. Tho pollco nro non-plusBod I ovor tho latest move. , Thcro is ap parently no law undor which prosecu tion can be brought for It. Beat the Conductor and Motorman, Smash Car Windows and Finally Battle With Police Qhlcaso, Dec. 10. Angored because the,, train crow on tho HalsteaU-street railway, on which they woro riding, did mot wear union buttons, a score of workmen loft tho car this morning, threatened to throw the motormnn nnd conductor into tho river, smashed nil tho windows on the train, nnd forced tho crew to run for tholr livoa. Tho motormnn, being lleet of foot, escaped. Followed Several Per sons and Mischief Feared nftir being ohaiod a mile, nnd re poa edly hit with stones. Tho con duo or was on the verge of collapse, fou blocks away, when a policeman canto to his roe cue, dragged him Into n house, and held the mob nt bay with a drawn rovolvor. A riot call wns sent In, and the battle was of short dura tion, ns the squad of police, angered by tho show of resistance, charged mercilessly, striking right and left with their clubs, until tho mob flnnlly ; disponed. Nono woro sorlously hurt, although bloody bonds wero common. Tho frlghtonod conductor was oseort- j ed to tho barns. Doth motormnn and tho conductor woro bndly boaton. Whllo tho pollco woro dispersing the mob surrounding tho conductor, nn other contingent nearly demolished tho abandoned trnln, tare out the seats and smashed tho woodwork with sticks. i u A Hunt Proposed to Cap ttire the Monster Brute Tlut Is Following Peo ple at Night Considerable Interest and excite ment Is rlfo In tho Knlsor school house neighborhood over tho prosonco of a mammoth cougar In that region, Ho wns soon many tlmos during tho sum mor nnd fall, but no great danger hat boon apprehended, until recently. It is known that ho has feasted chlolly on gophers nnd other rodents, and nn stock t nny kind Is known 'to havo boen disturbed. Employers Have Or-, ganized Under Parry's Plan The Fight Between Organized Capital and Organized Labor, May Prove National Calamity San ' Francisco, Dee. 10. Chairman Jonas, of tho Restaurant Kecpon1' As sociation, which Is nlllcii with tho Cit izens' Alliance, n secret employers or gantzntlon, says If tho cooks nnd wait era don't roturn to work In the open shop ho will order all the provision trndos to renHO soiling to restaurants not In Uio association, thus closing all thoso rostaurontsi Yesterday a eltlo inont seemed near, but todny indlcn A n.. nt Wtt.1nv D.lnrmnn nnrn onw ! tlonH BrO tllO BmployOB BrO WOll Organ- him playing In a clover Hold, with a!101'- nml Prbparotl for a hitter fight, in wuicn uio puuiir win ue inn griiu est sufferers. Thoro Is one suro way to extirpate vice that Is to wlpo out the slnnjsr. w ' Thanks for 8mall Favors. Mnnchostor, Rug, Dec. 10. The nnardlnn today Bays Ilrynn Is writing a small volume giving his Impressions In England. ,11. .H II UKI'ntW gopher he had captured. Ho also fal lowed a man to the sawmill, and kept htm thero ovor night, nnd It is- report ed that ho followed Mr. Spong, n brother of Cnpt. Spong. who lives on the tatter's fnrm. It Is reported that an effort will bo made to organUe n lot of oltlzenB of that .section, and Btart a hunt to oxtormlnato this mon ster anlmnl. Party Qo on Chase. On being Informed that the cougar had boon seen within about a mile of tho city. Just bolow tho poor fnrm, a numbor of huntors mot at Uio Mhuror guiiBtoro, nnd a pnrty will bo orgnn- I red to glva tho bruto a chase. Lute Sayago, with his pack of hounds; Mark Dayloy, who has been In many a cougar hunt In Tillamook county; Drocso Gibson, nnd other riflemen, will he In tho hunt Tho crow will bo niado up nt Mauror's gunstoro tomon row nlghti Tho cougar Is getting al together too familiar, and his proxlnv Ity to O renter Salem Is resented. tmiiiiiafsstx. t ' The Red Ferment A. W. Thornton a young man who had too much liquor ou board, last night created a' disturbance In tho Japanoso restaurant on Commercial street, nnd wan arrested. Ho was fined Vi by Ilecordur Judah today, and allowed to go. Fesh Naval Oranges Lemoadi JOc 1S4 Stats 8L Phone 171 Main, sbsk The Jolly Christmas Stofe - - II II -! mmmmm-" I Komuvgmaum "Mote Attractive Feat?es Each Day HANDKERCHIEFS For all a great profusion of Chrlmas handkerchiefs, hem stitched. cc!irp"d, all linen, con vent or.. Hi-!-. ril pure Irish llnon h m- vcb'.iJ. all widths hem; flno cmbrc Jfrt- hnndkor chlofs, la iwt ail dcilgna and olzos. Yru rwiy .c 1 reasonably Buro that you c-n flr-d Juit exactly what you wact new that tho holl day Bupply bai a.rlw'd. All gradas 3c to $5.00 FLANNELETTES. A largo shlpmont of 34-lnch flan nelette of all kinds. Tho lino em braces all the newest offocts In col orlngs, Including tho popular Por slnn pattorns. This grado sails ovory whord nt 18 cents, per yard, hut buying a great quantity we aro ablo to offur them to you at the absurd ly low prlco of Z-2C Yard Tali Is a remarkablo offering, and uull fcnve to hurr tob In oa UiB . I, ' JUST ARRIVED. An elegant new llnu of Spathtel Pioccs, In nil manner of pretty de signs, from the small dollies to the large dresser scarf. All flnely fin ished, nnd nro oertalnly works of art. , 15c to $2.00 PLAIDS. Hero the word bargain Is oxem pllfled with a vengonnce. Fine worsted plaids, with their custom ary brilliant colorings, tempered down by the Introduction of dark shade. Just the thing for school drosses, etc. 12c to 23c Yard Tomoawow Friday Is Remnant Day All remnants from the dlffwont departmonts all placed on a table by themselves, In order to save you the bother of going from one department to nnother to look up the different bargains In rampants. Remnants of ' DRESS GOODS. WAISTINQS. FLANNELETTES. FLANNELS. CALICOES. DRAPERIES. SILAKLINES. CURTAININQS, ETC. One-Halt Price CRAVENETTEO. The ones you have been waiting for Just arrived In all tho popular shades. Including Tans, drey. UlackH, eto., also the new Herring bone Btrlpo Oravenettos. These celebrated goods are becoming mor and moro popular as people come to know more about them. They are the finest materials for your long rain coat, wraps, oto. We are sols distributors for Salem. NEW PASTEL CLOTH. The prUiit goods" from whlrh to mako your new upon or party cap or wrap. Here you will flml It In Just the shade you need. A ureal variety from whlah to select. TABLE- ("&.-& s fff&lriJi T i - i jAuua Tabic ggF'Made LlHEH Ready REMNANTS OF TABLE LINEN. The result of our enormous sulo of TbnnhtKivinK linens. They are all ill short leflHtk. sullahle for t tUtlAK room tablttNH two nllkk acd all of high grade linens. The are botag sold at grcwtly Reduced Prices predate xbaofdbiafy Clothing Exttaotdinaty Prices WE SELL CLOTHING TOO i . ... .,!, Tcdav wb Insuaurate a exeat clothlno sale, which w feel confident that you will f AH Sits and Overcoats At Greatly Reduced Vttces $8.50 values in suits or overcoats "$ 6.00 $10.00 values in suits or overcoats r$ 6.75 $15.00 values in suits or overcoats $ 9.50 $18.50 values in suits or overcoats wbio$ 13.00 $20.00 values in suits or overcoats Reduced to $ 14.50 $22.50 values in suits or overcoats $ 15.50 This is certainly a great treat for the men. An opportunity you can't afford to miss. 5 fl I JH I