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DAILY CAPITAL JOTTRTV A T, VOL. XIII. 7 k- .itvir if , , i , . , iwr-rr- r., .H ...,,.. . IM .... u. Si. SALEM, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1903. NO. 285 s4 ;i A Credit Merchant !! ' I; Cat ries Two Stocks of Goods scat ered among his One in the stere: The other i credit customers. Carrying customers on the books increases th j; co it of doing business. Is't one of the things that cnv !! pel merchants to get high prices from those who pay. Why Don't You Hay Cash And Bs Independent. ? Trade where prices are figured on a spot cavh basis. ALL ARGUMENTS AGAINST STATE PORTAG I FADING HI TOR TJ T s a i 11 s.i i MM I Is isalem s cheapest one price cash store. Qualitv is aiTTujf.nik.iuoi k-uuoiuciutiuii wiui u. ivsiiaDiej ivicr- ;; chindise sold 15 to 25 per cent cheaper than at "r-gu- ;; lar stores" keeps us growing. i !! nave you seen our line f ; ; Holiday Novelties We will sell them on the same margin of profit as ;; regular lines. uvii i jjui ,u your nuuuay snuppiiig uu tnc last j ; J ay. The assortment is better now and the prices will ; ; never be lower. Two rooms full of goods suitable for practical pres' ? ents if you prefer therr to the fancy novelties. o Thee Is Now No Obstacle to Building Portage Road Right of "Way Available and Even the O. R. & N. Does Not Control Necessary Gr otmd jThe Canal Can J3e Dag LaterMajor Langfitt Says th Two Rootcs Do Not Seriously Interfere With Each Other Business Men Faror Quick Action Loolcoat for Secret Opposition. HAVE LANDED TROOPS Reports From Colon Show Colombians Are Busy SPECIAL SESSION OVER !! i i E. T. BARNES, Proprietor i 9iciaaii-iiatii8,igniM'fftT'iteiiM- Tho big corporation Influences nro still fighting to delay the llttlo portage railroad. There aro many wnyB In which this can bo dono, and tho ap parent friendliness of tho Orogonlnn la that of nn onoray In disguise. But tho business mon of Portland Boom to be allvo to the dangers of the situation, xnd aro not nlmlng to bo 'tricked out of that club over tho trtuiB. Iportatlon monopoly on tho Colnmbla. A break in tho railroad blockade on the great connnorco of tho Columbia means tho making of Portland, the average buslnuBS man "knows It, nnd will not llston to Intorostefl Bophls- tries and "Greek gifts" from a corporation-controlled "newspaper. Strong and sincere support has, como to tho stato portage by Major Langflt, and the engineering corps at Portland. They seem toieoncedo that the portargo and tho camtl can both be built .-alongside of the O. IU & "N., anil they "will not 'crowd, except at tmo or two jiolnts. the portage can be built In tlmo to handle tho fall crop of 1904. Tho broadsldos of Tho Journal, which wero sont ot all members of the legislature, nnd to the buslnoss men of Eostorn Oregon, at Its own ox peiiBc, have aroused public sentiment, nnd, as It now appears, swept away every apparent obstacle to Immediate construction of tho state portage. Kv ery argument rnlwd against the atnte Department Has Ordered Vessels From Cuba and Will Have Large Fleet at Panama Washington, Dec 11. A dispatch from Admiral Olass, commanding In Isthmian wators, says thoro Is a well deflnod rumor on tho Isthmus that a small boat of Colombian troops had been landed nt tho mouth of the Arnto river. Howard Amos, who last year mndo a long report on tho health oondltlon of Colon, and n trip up tho Arato rlvor, whore It Is rumored tho Colom bians landed, was at tho bureau ot navigation this morning, closeted with Admiral Taylor for a long tlrao. Thoro Is no doubt both army and navy Is aroused to unusual activity, presumably upon express ordenl from Iloosovelt, nnd that oxtreme Montana Legislature Adjourns Sine Die Today - ...i -j m Fair Trial Bill Most Import ant Passed-Thought it Will Prevent Further? Trouble Helena. Mont. Doc llr-Tho extra session ot tho legislature ndjoiirnod, slno'dto today. Th.o fair-trial bill, which provldoa for changes of rev- onuo and ravlow by tho supremo court In civil cnscB, was tho moat Important bill passed, ob It provont n recurronco ot Industrial trouble porrnge nas proven to bo false, nnd i measures will bo Immediately adopt was thrown oufby concealod nnd cun-d to forestall any movemont of Co lombia. Hear-Admlral Sands, with "Washington, Dec 11. Tho house was In committee of tho whole this morning, and considered the pension appropriation!. , .-S fJH.iL.1- 953ZSER7! !KH Tho property ownors over whose Washington, Dec 11. A cable from 'land thu stato portage Is to bo fcullt rtoar-Adralral Baker, from Guantana- are almost a unit to allow tho stato to (mo, saysr "Took formal .possession Iproccd -wlthont litigation, and with of thlB port .at noon.' lout condemnation proceedings, so that ijrtti! nlng onomlos of the proposition, who. when drlvon from cover, admit that thoy had no n-nl reason tor their op position. Of coarse. It Is to be assumed Hint tho big corporation Influences will, from ambush, fight for delay, and try to put the -construction of tho state portage ovor another year. But tho vigilance of Governor Chamberlain and the other state officials, will guard against deceptions or dilatory tactics on the part of tho railroad monopoly that has Eastern Orogon by tho thront Read tho latest confession of friend ship In tho Oregonlnn, to which It has been driven by public sentiment: JfUIA'l'.'UK,. .' ea .Tsr (Continued on Third Page) tho flagship Tomb, and a torpedo fleet, has boon ordorod to sail for Key West on tho 17th. This forms an Ideal fleet for Isthmian wators, whom, In evont of troublo, boats ot great apcod and shallow draft will bo re quired. Thoro aro nix vessels In tho fleet Acquitted nnd Arrested. ' Now York, Dec 11. Danlol Myers; tried on a chnrgo of grand larceny from tho Manhattan Plro Insurance Company, wbh today acquitted by tho Jury. He was promptly rearrested on another ohargo, alleging the larceny of J87.000. Ho gavo a bond ot JBOOO. Hops Movlnp. Hop shipments aro numorotis, and about two carloads aro being carried dally by tho Southern Pacific Tint car shortago conditions nro Improv ing somowhnt. i . jl'hiuiw. JU'u.'jnajm Among His Peers. Washington, 11. A lnrgo batch of petitions against Bmoot wero present cd In tho sonato today, Piatt, of Now York, introduced a communication from Uio Arbuckles and others, re monstrating against tho anti-Mormon agitation. Ftfesh Naval' Oianges Lemottdf iQc y Doeti Zinris "'! " 1M State St Phone 1171 Main. Let Tflis Be Yoti Christmas Stone Icm&seauBXMM Holiday Goods for Old and Yoang Im. Complete Readiness iot a Big Christmas Season iLet this be your Christmas slore. quality. Choosing presents In a safe place like this Is really a pleasure when you have such Jt complete and varied stock to select from, and every o'ft from this superior Qods store Is a gift of CRAVEN ETTES. The ones you have lon waltine for just arrived In all tho popular shadna, including Ta&s. Greys. Iliads, etc., also the new Herring bone Stripe Cravonette. These colebcated eoods are becoming moro and moro popular aa people como to know more about them. They art the finest materials for your lor,s rain coat, wrafl, otc W arc sole itlstrlbutcre for Salem. NEW PASTEL CLOTH. Tho prettiest goods from -which to mako your new opera or party capo or wrap. Horo you will Und it In Just th shade ycu neod. A treat variety from which to solect. Gifeat Reactions In READY-TO-WEAR DEPARTMENT Every garment In this depart ment Is being sacrificed ut nnusu i.lly low prices. This groat snle 's of ib greatMt importance to the octMtonilcally inclined, as It plaoes tbv latest wreatlons In wo rnorV iUe far bolow the regu lar priced. Call, cxamlno and soe bow cmr -aiuea compare with oth ers; well aand by your verdict. Wonderful Toys The bo)-s will want to see the trains of oars and the tratk with the wondorful switches, wonderfu I and no end of fun for ambitious boy There are all sorts of mechanical toys, such as (Ire atiRlae. auie mobiles and tho like. Here are Happy Hooligan, Gloomy Oua, Policemen, Poey Oraadpa and all the Jolly caricature friends of tho comic papers. Hut, oh. dear, there Is no end lo the story; for It really hasn't be gun, and you're probably moro tired of reading thut we are of writ Ing. Come to the store today, and see It all. That's ten times as much fun. See the things you want to write Santa Claus about. QUEE QUALITY , QUEEN QUALITY Having regard sololy for the three great ossontlnls of fit, style and thorough workmanship, no better shoo can bo produced for this popular price. Thero are a Krcat many shoes on the market Unlay sailing along on the full tide if popularity, commanding the price of 4.00 and mare, that art tot even so good as Queen Quali ty Hhooti Our wlniur line Just received, embracing all the late lasts and stylos always $3.00 Men's Neckwea If you are In doubt about what to get "him" for Christmas, buy a necktie. No matter how many ties a man has, one moro In al ways welenme. Yeur taste, as well his, can be imtlsned by looking over and -making your selection of entire line ef fmiMn-tiands. TECKB AOCOTQ IMPERIALS ENGLISH SQUARES, ETC. Eidtaotdinaty Clothing-Extffaodinaiy Prices WE SELL CLOTHING TOO d advancement at your hands for the past 26 years, and thoroughly appreciate the same. Today we Inaugurate a great clothing sale, whleh we feel eonfldent that you will ap We have enjoyed a continued prosperity an eM )n p(.ee than t other pacefc We w, any advertised prlcee quoted on legitimate merchandise. Bring your quotations to us. All Suits and Overcoats At Gteakly Reduced Prices $8.50 values in suits or overcoats $ 6.00 sin no values in suits or overcoats """ $ 6.75 $15.00 values in suits or overcoats " $ 9.50 $18.50 values in suits or overcoats ied to $13.00 $20.00 values in suits or overcoats Reduced to $1450 $22.50 values in suits or overcoats Reduced to $ 15.50 This is certainly a great treat for the men. An opportunity you can't afford to miss. V