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VOL. XIII. TRIES TO KILL GUARD Egbert the Harney County murderer Gets Bad SALEM, OREGONTUESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1903. Attacks One of Guards With . a Sledge Hammer, While at Austin's Station Baker City, Or., Dec 15. Egbert, the condemned murderer of Attorney Saxton, passed through this city last night on his way to Salem, in change of Sheriff Tom Allen ami Deputv Buoy, of Harney county. Egbert was sentenced by Judge Clifford at Burng last week, to bo executed at Salem, January 19th. The officers are aware of the das perato character of thotr prisoner, and yet ho camo within an aco of adding another imirdor to those already ac cretJUGd to him yesterday morning. SL AfUn Statlon. on the stage route from Burns to Whitney, while at breakfast, the shackles were re moved from his hands so ho coutd eaat. A heavy sledge hammer was ly ing on the floor of the room, which Egbert seized and turned upon Deputy Sheriff Buoy. Sheriff Allon sprang for ward, and solz6d tho slodgo from be hind. Just as Egbert was bringing it down upon the deputy. A desperate struggle onsued for tho possession of the sledge. Egbert was soon over powered, ami hU linn.tu ,,. i. shackled. The man has romalned heavily Ironed since his last attempt at mur der, and will rnninln In Mint nn,iuinn , until he arrives at the penitentiary. uu'j uiuiu luuving uurns Egbert tried to knock his brains out against tho side of his cell. In Russia's Grab Bag. Berlin, Dae. IB. The Tngeblatt ro ports bloody conflicts along tho Cau casian and Persian frontion. In a sc ries of battles tho Caucasians wore routed, the Porsion army pursuing them fnr Into Persia. Tho Tagoblatt says It will furnish Russia a pretext for tightening her grip on Persia. Paid Some Money. New York. Doc 15. Speyer & Co. bid in the Consolidated Superior Com. pany nt auction nt noon today for $1.-500,00( hWfrfHfrBOHH) e $ i o e 1 004-8 -KVK;-M)-$-fr-8--M-n A CREDIT MERCHANT !! n Games Two Stocks of Goods I i Cknm In 4hm . U m.U. ...ll.-.J ,-1 ... . .. $- - " -,.. miw uinBi wmicrcq among nis creau custom- V crs. j i Carrying customers on tho books Increases the coat of doing 1 1 business. It's one of the things that compel merchant to get Man : : prices from those who pay. iu Why don't you pay cash and be Independent Trade whre '. prices arc ugurea on a spot casn oasis. J Is 8alem' Cheapest One-Price Cash Store. Quality Is always the T first consideration with us. Reliable merchandise sold 15 to 25 per X cent cheaper than at "regular stones" keeps ub growing. ' 9, Have you seen our line of Holiday; Novelties? We sell them on the same margin of profit as regular lines. Don't put off your holiday shopping till the last day. The assort- , ' J ment Is bettor now and the prices will never be lower. ' J Two rooms full of goods suitable for practical presents If you 1 1 prefer them to the fancy novelties. ( ( E. T.BARNES, Proprietor!! 8)44frOttgrOIO-(9teit3IS44H-0--r44-t&ff)6H4-i i SWIPED THREE MILLIONS no. sm. KNOX TALKS WELL Denver men Work'Attorney General the Colorado Fuel Company Have Been in Collision for Years and Put the Com pany Up Against It Hard Denver TW. IK. Thm-n l n ..,... that tho four men recently discharged j uiu. uiuruuo ruoi iron worKs, nt I'llolllo hntl linnn In nnllimlnn ,.- years past, and that tho company iucus a j.wu.uuu Biiortngo. The com pany is expected to glvo out Its state ment at thn nnnnnl rniuitlnn- tMo n. ening. Tho dismissed men arc undor iij uuiiuoi tin u ii uiiiiiv. nm Rinirninnv placed. Wakes Argument in Securities Case JAPS w if m T Negroes Draw Color Line. DCIlVQr.N Colo., npn 1Rlf niinniH that Colorado In tn Imvn nn pnlnrml contingent in hor nation! guard. Two ' companies of colored men hnd been' enlisted, nnd were at the armory last nignt to no mustered in. Colonol Blum wns nresent. wlion "Mninr" rimi-ina Jones, a colored man to whose efforts tne formation of tho companies was largely due," announced that he had 1 learned that Governor Peabody in tondod to ofllcor tho comimnlos with ' white men. Tho colored recruits at onco refused to cntor tho Borvlce. He Has to Answer. Victor II. Heath, who Is now held In Heppner on a chargo of obtaining monoy under falso protenses In Sno homish county, Washington, will have to fnco'nlfl accusers, Governor Cham borlaln granting a requisition today. Wi One More Brick Maker. F. D. Taylor, sheriff of Umatilla COUntV. arrived In thn cltr fhln mnrn. Ing with Joromo Moraln, who was con victed of obtaining monoy under false yruiuuaui, tie wm acrvo one year in tho pen, in w . . Burned to Death. J Braldwood, III., Dec. 15. Mrs. J. M. Smith, her daughtor and Frank Smith were burned to death In n flro this morning, which destroyed tho resi dency and store of J. Somon. . u N One More Ship. Norfolk, Vn., De. 15. Tho Olympla Is coaling today and sails to join the Carriboan squadron Wednosdny, whore sho will bo Coghlan's flagship. o Will 8how Boer Life. Now Yor, Doc. 15. Tho Boer g?noi al, VHJoen, arrived ou-tho Umbrla to day, to arrnngo a spectacular oxhlbit of Boer life at the St. Louis oxposl-tlun. Calls the Promoters "Empire Builders and Oriental Dreamers" a Large Crowd jn Courtroom Vahlngton, Doc. 15. Another large nna tustingulshcd nudlonco wns at tho supremo court today, and oven standing room was occupied by thoso wishing to honr Knox In behalf of tho govornmont. In tho Northorn Securl poarance In persons ince ho wns ap tloa qaso. It was Knox's first ap pointed to the cabinet nnd thero wns much Interest whn the undersized, smoothfaced, youthful looking man began his address at noon. It provod to bo brilliant. Thore wns no attempt at oratory, but his clear, lncislvo tones were amllliln thrnnplunit dm nmitnis,) chnmber. which Is noted for Its bad! acoustics. ii rnrojy indulged In gos tulntlon, although ho sometimes sharp ly brought his fingers together on the palm. Ho chlled the promotors of the Northorn ornrlHp nnmlra luillilars nnd Oriental dreamers, and snld the roal plan was to secure an absolutely undofentable monopoly of nil the tt asportation facilities over the ter rltory traversed. Hrt said: "Tho gentlemen on Uie other side hnve referred to themselves ns criminals, nnd expected tho court to be horrified at such appellation. Wo liaVO not Vt rnfnrrml In vnn na nrlm. Inals, hut bb dofondanta In equity, nnd i that's- what you are. If Is tlmo onough io ovoko mo Binci construction or tne Bfntuto whan you shall hnvo been ac tually nrralgned chnrged with n crime." Ho declared tho stntuto un dor which the coso was brought to bo remedial, rathor than ponnl, nnd quoted tl.o decision of tho trans-Mis-Bourl nnd Joint trnfflc cases to show tho nnnlfcabllltv to tho Romr-lHna rnav Ho doclared tho government's case could ba put Into ono tersojtentoncfii "Is thero combination, nnd does It re strain Interstate commorco?" To prove that securities Is a trust, ho ?cad from the testimony of Morcnn. Hill. Clouch nnd others. Ho snld Hill and Morgan nro tho men who are rosponslblo for this organization, which Is strictly pro hibited by law. To dony that It Is such n combination challenges com mon Intelligence, to deny that It Is In tho restraint of tho court challenges tho authority of this court. Their Pay Cut Down. New York, Dee 15 The statomont vu made today by a leading ofllclnl of the United States Steel Corpora tion that, beginning January 1. 1004, about 90 per cent of the employes of KILL KOREANS tho corporation will suffer a wage re duction ranging from 6 to 20 per cent. This reductton will affect about 150 000 workmon In the various grades of the subsidiary companies. Tho ro- malnlng 10 per cent of tho employs are members of the Amalgamated A soclatlon of Iron, Steel and Tlnwork ors. whoso wage schedule runs to July 1, 1901. The finance committee of the steel corporation has. It Is understood, under consideration the dismissal of ninny high-salaried employos, In ad dition to those already discharged, but no stntoment on this point wns forthcoming today. It was asserted that, barrlug smne unforsflen techni calities, employes of tho cornoratlon who participated in the profit-sharing plan will. In the coming month, re ceive a $5 dividend on the prefrred stock, to which they subscribed $88.50. 1 1 To Annex 8an Domlnoo. Washington, Doc. 15. Only two score members were present whon tho houso met at noon today owing to tho exodus of the Western m mbersfor sldorntlon of the pension appropriation Seoul, Korea. IJec. 15.-Tufo wcrr bill. Senator Hoiburn presented ay?u,re rlow nt MOkpho yoaterflny, A. Joint resolution providtng that tho ia,m"?so moh wounded 17 Koreans. President acquire, by nnuoxntlon or'"'' "or!ftn ofilclnls nro Btronuousty oinorwiFe. tne Island of San Domingo, and Its dopendonclcs, which wns re ferred to tho committee on foreign ro- lnl I nt m lUilUllOt Between Russia and Japan Her Path Is Rocky Government Is Moribund,, and the-Race Has About Run to Its Finish Morgan offerod . another resolution on tho Isthmian canal, calling for In formation ns to whether Knox hnd ne gotiated for tho purchnso of tho new cnnnl company, and whether the French government pnrtlclpnted In such purchase. It wont over. Whou tho Cuban reciprocity bill wns taken up It was agreed tho time should be equally divined between tho oppo-! nenui ami advocates endeavoring to auell all dtsordora. Russia hasn't Interposed, although hor Intluonce still provnlls over tho Kor ean govornmont. Tho American mm? Istor, Allen,, demanded n reply from Korea regarding tho opening of the plrt at NIJu. American resldonto how, fearing disorder, deslro a warnhlp. City Will Make All De Vaccinated. New York, Dee. 15. Vigorous moaav ure are being taken by tho board of henlth to prevent nn outbreak of smnllpox In New York, and to that Perkins. ,of oni1 nn iPl'olntwl 64 now Inspectors, California, llevotod tho greater nart'ivna wl" foopornto with tho largo of his nigument to answering hlff col- ;orc ot TOMtar Inspeetors In svarch leagua Bard, who a few days ago con- ,n ir iwraons who have not beau tniutnii Hiu mii wniii.i o.ioiiiu Oni, ' vnccbiaUtl. Muuv cases of ttmnllnox deat a severe blow to the California nn" ,'Mn reported lately In largo cities citrus Industry. ntar here, and tho authorities nro de termined to forestall tho disease' lis New York. All schools tottemont lioimeo. de partment store and nlmllnr placet where people congregate, are Io ho visited by Uio Inspectors, ami effort will not bo relaxed until tho donnrt- ment Is reasonably certain that every Will Sue for Daunhter'a Right. Whatcom. Wash.. Dec. 15. W. A.I Utter, formerly tho owner of several hundred acres of what Is now tho thickest sottlod rosldonco portion of tho city, has returned horo with tho avowed intention of Instituting n suit to establish his minor daughter's right , !""' woman and child In tho city ha to a portion of his formor ostato. i lmm vncclnnt0( i . which ho lost on foreclosure proceed-; lugs, following tho 18U3 pnnlc. The1 Funeral Today, property In question hns becomo vory I Washington, Dee. 15. Tho funeral valuable I of John Proctor, president of tho civil At tho time of tho mortgaging of sorvlco .commission, who died Bntur tho proporty, Mr. Utter wob a widow- day. was hold this morning., er with an Infant dnughter. It Is Iloosevelt, accompanied by his wlfo Clalmod that tho daughtor has booif,!'' "on. nttonded. also Mr, and Mrs. 'deprived of her share of tho ostato ' Lodgo. Hitchcock nnclnJnrKO repro through hor mothor'a sldo, to which soulatlon from omclal clrclaa. sho was entitled under the community I property laws of tho state. Railway Men Arrested. ' Loo Angeles, Dec. 15. Howard 13. Huntington, son of Honry 13., John J. Akin. M P. Clark and S. U. Mcln- nogan, .nil railway magnates, woro ar I rested this morning for falling to sprlnklo thotr tracks, according to or dinance Tho nrrests nro tho result of tho "rtecords" cnisade against their clouds of dust. Tho magnate, will plead Saturday, and will fight the or dlnnnce. Poultry, dogs and rata this wwk. iKA ,.. e One admission to soo nil 15 cnti ' ,M B,,, Bl' From now on Special pHccs on Candies lot Xmas Trees, Etc. &Lr J inns Phone 1071 Malit is&zi2imz3timEizBttj V I ferffc Up In Toyl&nct house begins to show the variety as shown here- A wonderfully attractive play ground for the children, and also wonder funyNlnterttlng to the grown ups. It takes you back to childhood's days again to roam about the broad aisle that are surrounded on all sides, by thousands of the latest novelties known to Toyland. No other local In fact we start where others leave off, Ladies' Handkerchiefs Thero are 6o many pretty novel ties In hnndkorcfclofs that thoy ore ospoclally doa-irabjo for gift purposes. The handsome patterns anl flno qualities appeal to ovary woman, and the roady-touse hand kerchiefs as sold In store naw-a-das aro equal to thos roads by hand and the utility Is just ns good. Let us suggest that you make your Chnstnlaa purchase now, for tho line are all com ploto, and you will not appreciate thtm so much when they have all boon picked over. An elegant line of embroidered nandkcrchlofs of regular SOc val ue for EACH First Floor Tomorrow Only pa Wednesday of each week it ha been our custom to conduct & SPECIAL SALE for this day only and it haa frown to such, popular . hat cM'omar often ask "What Is to bo your noxt Wodnesday Special?" Tomorrow marks our 164 Wodnesday SIe and on this day we offer fine Stamped Cushion Tops and Backs, These tops are stamped 'n the colore to be used In embroidering them nnd are very beautiful In design. A large variety to select from and are us ually sold, at all stores, lor 50c. Our price for this day only 29c Remember . Wednesday CiffTf 17SW.7 txa I, a.TT, VffJtfU: Store Open Evenings EVENING Until Christmas usaMntfRtKXti- MBH3sar"mjstfr.w,wi, ' mkkb& Toys Galote Tne big attraction on our second floor i TOYS TOYS tor everyo You never saw to many toys before. Wagons, horses, go-arts, units, carriages, gmtiei, blocks, animals, mechanical toys, etc. Only FUNNY ANIMALS. Including dogs, eats, Uuebs, cows. horses, sho.p and various wild animals. Wool covered lambs ....10c to $5 Ca.s that will mew 25c to SOc Fur or flannel dogs . . . .25c to $2.90 DOLLS AND ANIMALS for tho bsliy. Including rattles, all kinds of animals and doll fables In gray rubbe 15c to $1.00 CHINA TEA AND DINNER SETS Our assortment Is larger ttiun ever this year, and miwy are copies of hanibiome, large stc. A very fV tractive set of pieces, with pretty floml design at 25c to f4.50 DOLLS, OO-CARTS, CARRIAGES About fifty difforeat styles: some are fjphotetered In Mteettfiulsliod In up-to-date style with parasol and strap from 26c to $7.50 ' Glove Certificate This certificate presented at our Clove Counter, entitles the holder to a pair of gloves or the value shown by the above coupon bearing W num ber of this card. Call at any time within CO days from date, and be correctly fitted. JOS. MEYERS & SONS. No, 1. Glove DepL Out , Clotning Sale Our recent special offavs Imve proved very atfsfufttary fur those who have been qdlek to appreci ate the value or bargain giving, they kept us busy. The fabrics are In, this season newest patterns and weaves! the trimmings mh first class, and the tailoring Is the best. IJvery Hull ami Oweoet In our lmmRse stock is reduced In price so you ess eertelnly affurri to buy yourself a Christmas pres ent which you will appreoJst. CHRISTMAS NECKWEAR. Our Gkfietrans sttrak ill Neckwear 1 crisp asrtl fresh bright with the new est deslgo and eelerluge. Nowhere else can be found wieii n broad vw riety such exnluslve doslitns Neekweur fixtures today glvo iui enJ of suggestions to anyone thliihlng of pksslng a mustfullse mind with neckwear gift. They are handsome new patterns in light and dark grounds lu a variety of shapes. HOUSE COATS AND OATH ROOEK. New effects comfort and elegascti fiBWUged-lust the thing fef l-ortlon lar me. $10.00 Suitor p.vercoat $ 6.50 12.50 " ": " 7.S0 15.00 ' 9.50 18.50 " " " 13.00 20.00 14.50 22.50 ' 15.00 25.00 ' . 16.00 GLOVE CERTIFICATES very often you do not know the oxaet slue or ! to buy fer your friwd so we have Issued glove certificates to lielB you out Below we give o foe slmiMe of tbese certlfleatee. Try one. To be had nt the gla counter.