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DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREftON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1003. ' I' "? ,' . TWO lllll ! mill I 1 1HHIII III IIIUI MM IIMlll HimiaiiiiiK iipumim iiinii ii i I nil mi i iiuim til- 11 i . i.i i i i i j .. i .jl, ; " ; 7. TT - Hyg, ' ft On December 28 we shall commence taking our annual inventory We have lots of stock on hand that we do not want to inventory. Rather close it out and count the money. We never carry over goods from one season to another, when Low Prices Cut Prices Cost Prices or any other kind of prices will sell them. So we will now commence a GREAT INVENTORY SALE and continue until that date, Of course you can stay from this sale, if you want to, but you will lose money if you do, Note a few of our prices. Everything CUT, $ J 0.00 Suits o Overcoats reduced 2.50 " " 5 n u it $ 7.00 8.00 JO $ i 7.50 Suits and Overcoats reduced to $12.50 15 16,50 20 25 ii ii ii ii . ii ii f Remember you have the largest stock in Salem to select from. Don't miss this opportunity. '1 257 Commercial Street THE DIMLY JOURNAL Hcrlpps News Association Telegrams. 3 and S O'clock Editions. BY HOFER DROTHER8. Dally One Year, 14.00 In Advance. Daily Thro Months, $1.00 In Advance. Dally by Carrier, 60 Cents Per Month. Weekly One Year, $1.00 In Avance. JOURNAL SPECIAL DELIVERY. Oue Week 10 One Month 35 Throo Months) 1.00 At Journal office. At Daue'a Grocery, 8outh Salem. At Bewertox Grocery, Yew Park. Asylum Avenue Grocery Store. Electric Grocery, East State 8L nintn nmnniHnit IIIIIIIHIIHI 1 tlHH-ll- OREGON COMING EVENT8. Dairymen's association, Conralils, Daoomber 15-16. Poultry nnd pet stock show, Salem, Docomber 17-19. Special session of tho legislature, Snlora, Dooerabor 21. National. livestock., convention, Portland, January 12-1G. Angora goat show, Dallas, Janu ary HIS. The Weather. Tonight and Wednesday, cloudy, with occasional rain. SPECIAL SESSION WILL DE WARM Thouo who vroro praying that the special Boaalon of tho legislature- bo a very brief affair, and conflno Itself to amending tho tax law, aro liable to bo disappointed. Trouumdoua internets are struggling for advantages In Oregon. That au daaiouit and long-sufforlnK person known as tho ordinary business man, may be heard from. While the governor has primarily called tho law-making body together to remedy a defect In tho tax laws, other Ubli are frying. Gigantic inlrU will seek to ro peal tho srnte lvortnge law, will Beek to repeal the new tax law, will seek otlier special advantages. In this they will overreach, and tho producers and the shippers may' be heard from. The time In past when a fw hired lobbyists can run the vhol law-making iower of the state, aa a kind of sideshow to their "bull nH." THE COURT STREET IMPROVE MENT. Property owuera on Court street are figuring ou au asphalt or vitrified brlok eUtwt pavement. If they would arrange their oemeiit vnlki ttud parktut on each side no aa to UUe about M feet, altow Ave feet for a cement eurb nud brick gutter, they ootihl afford to lay dowa a -1Q-foot asphalt street. At an expense of Ave dollars per front foot, distributing the paymentB over ten years, the nsaeesmeut would be about thirty dollar por lot each year for ten yearn Pranerly on an asphalt street would rent at an increased figure of double that amount. Hence the Investment wade would be Immediate profit The owner of huslneee and renting nrotwty wuuld be Immensely beaeut tad. lteuldewte on such a street would ejijoy freedom from dual and mud, and a great deal of moral satisfaction. A LESSON IN STREETS. Durlug the past week the principal business streets of Salem were "cleaned," ns well as that Is posslbla under the circumstances. Now a week of rain makes them as sloppy and as muddy as before. It Is mud, mud, mud, slop, slop, slop, and ever will so remain Until the streets are built upon a different plan, and of different mate rial. The grinding of the unassorted gravel producos mud, mud, muih In two wooks they will be roady to he cleanad ngnin. Hundreds of wngon loads of pulverized gravol and sand and mud can bo removed. This Is tueful to give soma ono em ployment. To give some ono""choap lining for their vacant lots, to uso up public taxos, otc. Dot will the enlightened readers pleaso tell us for what othor purpose It can he commended. It would tax his thinking apparatus.. Can Salem people learn from the past? Does It pay to build any public street In a city, but a permanent ono? REPUBLICANS GOING s'LOW. It Is understood' that the Republi can mayor and city council will not taKe olllce until required to do so by law that Is in January. In taking this position they will have the benefit of more time to poet themselves about their duties, nnd to formulate plans of action. Hy waiting, they will know .better whether the city will have, revenues on the assessment of 1003. Great property Interests will still seek to de feat tax levies on this year's assess ment. They will soek to defeat tho new tnx laws that have been adopted by the Inst legislature. The groat financial Institutions always profit by disorder ing the state and local rovonuos. All Jhe big banking fntorosts of tho state wero socrotly averse to calling a special session. So wero tho great corporations. The Republicans by waiting will be hotter able to do what Is right undor tho circumstances than by going Into olllco before tholr time. TROUBLES OF THE REPUBLICANS The problems of tho Watora admin istration have only begun. Thero aro a groat many demands for placos more, than can be filled. The Republicans have been out of ofllco for five years, and many of tho party workers have fared protty slim, politically speaking. The Young Men's Republican Club has noted wisely In refusing to on dorse applicants far places In the city government. livery Republican has a right to apply for any oftlce he thinks he bj fitted for under the Incoming adminis tration. This Is not saying that competent men In any department, may not be retained In otllce. If the Republican administration see fit to do so. No oue will pretend that because a mau U a Republican he is not as well qualified for any otHc as the same man would he If he held some other political belief. Hut merely being a Republican doee ao qualify a man to make a . food pollceiHHU or street eontmlaeloHer. The RftmibUraH city administration will not lower the tauda.N of plHeleu ey for party' rewards. I HONEST WEIGHTS AND MEAS URES. There haa beett a great deal of com plaint oh account of buyers of fuel getting short measure. The. Greater Salem Charter contains this, us among the enumerated powers of the city ceuncil: n. To provide for measuring and weighing hay, wood and othor com modtties bought and sold .in the city. If there is no ordinance on this sub ject, there should be one enacted; The people wno buy met nave a right to have one hundred cents worth for a dollar. The Incoming city admlulstratloo should Investigate this, and give thq ' AnnBiimora nil ftio lAti.aflf tt thla nra tectlon. An effort also should be made to as certain' If tho milk sold to the people of this city is puro. In most cities, whero thero is no milk inspection, there is a groat deal of water and other adultorants used. All municipal vlco is not confined to tho gamblers in this wicked world. British Railway Accidents. Tho English Bureau of Commorco hns published a report covering tho railway accidents of tho United King dom which shows that 1171 porsons woro killed and 17,814 injured in 1002. As compared with 1001, tho killed and Injured wore as follows:' Of ovory 9,211,002 passengars ono was killed In 1002, against ono in 9.G84.414 InlOOl; ono was lnjurod of ovory 46G.700 pas-, songora in 1902, against ono in ovory 5IG.511 In 1001. Tho total mileage of the railways of the United Kingdom at the close of 1902 was 22,152 miles. Most of the roads have doublo and triple tracks. Philadelphia Record. Climatic Cure. Tho Infiuonco of climatic conditions In tho euro of consumption is very much overdrawn. Tho poor patient, and tho rich patient, too, can do much hottor at homo by pro por attention to food dlgostlon, and a regular course of Gorman Syrup. Freo expectoration in tho morning is mado certain by Gorman Syrup, bo Is a good night's roflt and tho absence of that weak ening cough and debilitating night sweat Restless nights and the ex haustion duo to coughing, the groat ost danger and dread of the consump tive, can bo prevented or stopped by taking German Syrup liberally and regularly. Should you be able to go to a warmer clime you will find that of tho thousands of consumptives there, the few who tro benoflttod and regain strength aro thoao who use German Syrup. Trial bottle, 2Ec; reg ular alze, 76c, At all druggists. At Dr. Stone's drug stored. 1 JOURNAL X-RAYS I o300r)s90ooA09e Marvelous Escape. "The fact that I am a good musi cian." said the lady from a country village, "was tho means of saving my life during a flood In our town a fow years ago." "How was that?" asked the yonug lady who sang. "When the water struck our house, my husband got on the folding bed and floated down the stream until he was rescued." "And what did you do?" "Well, I accompanied him on the plana" i n Social Forecast, The wedding bells are due to chime la this vicinity e'er the new year ush ers Ir. aad one of the trio of good "oW boys" will have a helpmate to milk the cows and make the butler weU Leaf River (IIJ) Mirror. 2 Primo hops are going close to the 25 cent mark again. If that cougar gots Into the limits of Grcator Salem he will bo liable for a 3.00 road poll tax. Tho tltlo of tho" I'lay tonight Is "Tho Two Sisters." Thero couldn't woll bo loss than two. Tho Young Men's Republican Club will glvo a very Democratic dlnnor 50 conts a plato, and nil pay for tholr own plato. . Considering that thoy are such a bad lot of people In the oyes of the Clltzens' managors, It is a surprise that tho Citizens' council should have beon so anxious to swear in tho Re publicans, and bo in any rush to force their wickedness on the unfortunate tnxpnyors of this. city. A writer about the city election he walls the defeat of the Citizens' ticket. He says the reason they were cleaned out was because so many of their voters sold their votes to the Repub licans. If thaLJs true, the question of responsibility arises, and we nre all reminded of what a distinguished Polk county politician said) on a sim ilar occasien: "It is not half so great a crlmo to buy an ofllco as to sell one." ONCE GIVEN TO SPAIN. Export Excess. From 1S07 to 190. inclusive, the total axceee of exports amounts to the almost incomprehensible sum of ?3, 119.000.000, aa average of the somo $810,000,000 a ybar. Province of Louisiana Made a Gift by Louis XV. of France. Uudor authority of M. Delcasse, Minister of Forolgn Affairs, E. Spon cor Pratt, ox-United States Minister to Poraia, who la now residing hero, Is making oxtonslvo rosoarches In the archlvoa of tho Foreign Offlco rolatlvo to tho transfer of tho Provlnco of Louisiana by Franco to the United States. Tho investigations havo brought to light all tho clrcumstancos and do tails of the transaction, including tho confidential letters of tho Fronch Minister at Washington advising his governmont as to the various stagos of tho negotiations and tho letters and docuinonts signed by President Jefferson and Secretary of Stato Madi son. Many or those hitherto have boon unavailable, owing to tho rules of tho Forolgn Offlco which havo pro vontod tho copying of documents in tho archlvoa. In speaking of his In vestigations to tho Associated Press. I Mr. Pratt says: I "One of the most curious documents I found in an autograph letter of Louie XV, giving away the vast Louisiana territory to hl3 cousin, then King of Spain, ns a present. The fact of this I gift has heretofore been known only In a general way, but the text of the letter discloses the casual nature of the gift, and also the fact that Louis ,XV previously offered Louisiana to (Great Dritalu, which refused to ac- 'otut it' I The text of the letter relating of the gift is a follews: "I have caused the Marquis de Grim aldi, subject to Your Majeaty pleas ure, to sign a concession of New Or leans and Louisiana to Spain. I had offered It to Kugtand in place of Flori da, but they refuted it I would have 1 ceded them other. Twaeeaetoas to have spared. Spain having to cede thU tatter one. but I fear that any cession In the Gulf of Mexico might lead to serious consequences. , "I feel that Louisiana but poorly compensates Your Majesty for the Ayer's Hair Vigor A splendid dressing for the hairt keeping it soft and glossy. It prevents splitting at the ends, and cures dandruff. iSit'iS!;: lossess you have sustained, but In ceding you this country, I consider less its value than the good accom plished in uniting the Spanlsch and the Fronch nations. Union is aliko necessary for our subjects and our house." The letter of the Kink of Spain, accoptlng tho prosont, said Mr. Piatt, refers to the further strengthening of the union of tho two nations by n number of royal lntormarrlagos. Later documents show tho re-cesslon of Louisiana by Spain to Franco and give mlnuto details of tho salo by Nnpolcon of the province to tho United States. W. Calvct, practical watchmaker, 158 State street, keeps repairs for i kinds of Instruments: Violins, g tars, mandolins and banjos, at rock bottom prices. When You Want Something to cat, Just try tho "Whlt( House. Thoy can servo you at uj hour of tho day or night (Witba o .a. a o? o n. x jsl , The Kind vwi Haw NtmnksH j ins una n 1-ieJII LJA Y b;UUUH that are useful as well as ornamental, Um brellas, gloria silk, black or colors, handles neatly mounted with sterling silver. Look like $5 value j, our price SL75 to $3,00 Shawls 25c each that are worth 50c, we have others ranging price up to g2 50. Atillinery late style and good quality 40 percent reduction A 2 Hat costing only $1.20. A $3 Hat costing you only $1.80, ' A $4 Hat costing you only $2.40. 50c batins only 25c per yard, bright co'ors. I Rostein & Greenbaum 302 Commercial Street E. C. RS S Meats and Provisions PHONB 291 Established 1884 Ml Signs of Renewed Activity 1 In the real estate -world IndlcsU i creasing building oporatloni W Spring, an prompt tta to remind jw that our faclllUeB for aupplying and soft wood, lumber, lath, sahyJ and other building materials art ceDtlonallv cood. Wo will be ple to furnish estimates on contrtf large or small A car of Mill 0 shingles received. Phone 651. OOODALE LUMBER CO- . Near 8. P. P D,P" WWHHHHiWtWWWft ::::::::A G E N C Y KJ A BALFOUR, GUTHRIE & CO.; GRAIN BUYERS AND SHIPPERS OF GR AlNl Oats For Sale. HOP GROWERS SUPPLIES. Crnde and stick Sulchor. f J. G. Grata, Agent, 207 Commercial St., Salem, On J BtaiMiaatttotfrasieitttaiBEsiEiatttiagaigtstfrfrPT7' ,JU. -wvW W fcWrt