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' DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1003. THREE I The Kind Yon Have Always Bought, nml which has been. . in uao far pvor 30 ycnrs, has horno tho sisnntnro of V3r sVa " nntl bccu ,nnrto iler his pcr- QZajtrffflufcZjlr 8onftl Bupcrvlslon sinco its infancy. 7W AUow no ono tQ dccc,vo you ,n thfc AH Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-na-good" nro hut Experiments that tritto with and oudnnjrcr tho health of Infinite and Children-Experience i gainst Experiment. What is CASTORIA au tla is a harmless luhstituto for Castor OH, Porc gorr Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. Ifc contiu n neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Ita ago is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms and allays Feverishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constlpatiou' and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and uaturol slcop. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Boars tho Signature 2 Boars tho Signature of The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THf OtNTAUII COMPANY, TT MUKKAT STRICT. NCW YORK COV. HSHBHHfDI-aBBaSHBB0Ba594HllBKant a Ifl BjnsBdp BbbbV SHbbH &&SP bebbbbbbbHt HE9 BflH9BBB9 bBK? 5 WHAT IS IT? a & & .5 II s tt a o u o a a S o a i w o a o o a a o 8 nt o H Cut Glass should bo a high grade quality of glass with a porfect artistic cut and highly polished to Been re Brilliancy We aro proud to say that this is the kind of Cut GUbs wo carry. It ia F tj s Cut Recr gnized as the best in the United States. "Wo do not only havs a few pieces but a largo assortment of tho lutest cuts and prices that will uttouish you. Come and see our line and compare it with any othere on the market. Remomber the four poiuts LATEST CUT, PERFECTNESS, BRILLIANCY AND PRICE A Combination of great importance, especially tho ono of price. w Several 8 -inch BOWLS feeatitif iilly cut, at $4.75 each . w e ifi., 4- I Fresh Roasted Coffee and Fine leas a opcwiy L . Yokohama Tea, Store Phone 24U Black. lB'-nB,rB1"TT,BTT"lr ' m I Free Delivery J WILL EAT AND TALK Young Republicans Wili Haye a Dinner Next Friday Will Discuss the Bill of Fare Politics Republicanism and the Coming Election The executive committee of the Younic Men's Republican club met In i Juitlce Morgan's office laet night anil discussed plans for the future of the; organisation It wns determined to celebrate the victory In the recent city campaign by a banquet at the Willamette hotel next Friday even ing, when a "four-bit" dinner, alilillnr to the famous "ilollnr dinner" of the Bret Hrynn campaign, will bo given. The time fixed for the dinner was 8 o'clock next Friday evening, and tickets concern at Grant's Pas l Is liitilor stood that he urges In his defense that his connection with tho IkMrth-Kolly Lumber Company Is simply that Of n stockholder, his brother being the ntamtger of the business, "The late Congressman Tongue was largely Instrumental In having Mr. IiMth appointed. Mswspaptvr Attack on Booth. "The Roseburx Plalndealer has made a hard fight against Henry Booth, and It is supposed that this Is probably the cause of Secretary Hitchcock's investigation. The Plain dealer made statements, which. If they could be verified. It does not seem possible that an olllclftl could do nnd hold his posltlou. 'The Plalndealer made many broad assertions, and stated that the Booth Kelly Lumber Company. In Douglas county, are Democrats; that county ofllclals had private keys to the land ofllco, and w?re often examining pub He rocoids during the midnight hours, whan the land ofllee records were sup posed to be locked up. "If these allegations are true, It does not seem possible that Mr Booth can liohl on to his position." No home Is completely furnished until It contains a handsome clock. Wo, have kinds onough to suit 'any fancy. At W. Calvel's. prnotlcnl watchmaker, No. 168 State streot. cod Tho Two Sisters. Tho present tour of "Tho Two SIb- are now on sale In the hands . tern" will extend from New York to ,1JLAJM4mi9l9fl"TT rjrrvrvTvrv - The Entire Stock nf Rants and Shoes and Rubbers We have purchased of Jacob Vogtmust ;; be sold at a sacrifice, Come eany ana ; ; get the bargains. P MANFRED Successor to Jacob Vogt. 265 Commercial Street of members of tho executive commit tee, to bo placed in the hands of mem bers of the club and the republicans generally. VA number of prominent young Republicans from various parts of the country are expected to be In attendance and following the fpast of good things to be prepared by Landlord Conner, there will be a pro pi sm of short musical numbers and short speeches by leading workers In the party. The dining room, which Till accom modate about 150 persons, will be "laborately decorated for the occa sion, and everything will be done to make the affair one of the most en Joable political gatherings In the his. lory of the Republican party of Salem Covers for 160 will lie laid and all arrangements for the success of the affair will be looked after by a com mlttee of menfbers of the executive committee, consisting ofMh D. Patton, R. U Stinson, J. 0. Graham and J. C Goodale. Ji., from whom tickets can be purchased at 50 cents. This promises to he the beginning of a new era In Republicanism In Sa lem, as the purposo of tho dlnnor Is not so much to celebrate the victory tho pnst month, as to unthuso tho membership for tho future and -especially to thus early create an Intorost In tho ensuing state and county cam palgn, when. It Is determined Marlon county shall glvo a majority for ovory Republican candidate named nt tho convention. The purposo Is to thor oughly enthuso tho members of tho pnrty. and to bo prepared to present a united front to tho opposition noxt spring. Plans for Future. At last night s meeting the members of the committee discussed tho future action of the club, and adoptod a res. olutlon. that It was "the sonso of tho executive committee that ondorscmont and support of the club be withheld from anv nerson seelflne nnnolntment or patronage at the hands of tho now city administration." The purpose Is to keep the club nnd committee free from the charge of spoils or graft. Halifax, thenco wost to the Pacific const and return to New York, visit ing all Important cities onrouto. Over twenty thousand miles will be trav ersed nnd to n person who wants to see tho country this will be quite an object Issson as every state and terri tory will be visited. On previous seasons an arrangement like this was Impossible on account of the long runs the play enjoyed In the principal cities, notably New York. Boston. Chicago, and San 1'mnclsco and It was ngalnst the managerial imllcy to put out what It railed a number two company. When you see "The Two Sisters" you sec the real and only company that plays It and the present arrangement of tour does not provide for runs of over two weeks In n place and this only In four cities. The usunt bookings, will run from one day to a week Managers all ' over America have wrlttten to the manage ment's New York ofllee for It. Many communities have never seen It and In n scnto are clamoring for It. so with a vlow to giving nil America a chanco to admire and applaud It, tho prewunt tour has been arranged. Tho distinguished author, Donmnn Thorn son has carefully rehearsed tho pros. ont company nnd equipment, nnd sit porvlsod nil dotalls, so that tho public may reasonably look for a porfect per formance of "Tho Tw'o Slstors" to night. Curtain at 8:15. THE PET STOCK t SHOW; DISCRIMINATING LAOIC8. All Kinds otPetsBar- ringOnly the "Gurs of Low Degree" Kittens and Cats Puppies Dogs Chickens and the Proud Owners Are All on Exhibition Enjoy Urine Ittrplclde s Aceoant or Ita niKtlartlTrnrna. Tho ladles who have ut Newbro' , HMTfcuift gpwik ef It in the Mhwt i terms, for its qulofc not In rieiuulng the scalp of dandruff and also for Its x- I cetlenee as a canernl hMr-lrwmlnir. It , makes tho sonlp fwl fresh and It alter that Itching which Onmtruff will enttse. Nawbro's ITerptcldo effectively eures dandruff, ns It destroys the porm that causes It. The ramo icerm caums hair to ! fall out. and later baldness; In killing It, llorplclilo stops falling hair and prevents IwUdnftes. It Is also rvn Ideal hair dress Ing, for It lmla an aristocratic olinrm to tho hair that Is quite distinctive. Fold 1 by lending drucRlsts, Send 10c. In stamp for sample to Tho Herplsldo Co De troit. Mich. Daulel J. Pry, Special Agent. The pet stock and bench show, to be held this veek at the targe store the larger of Uie two halls, and th r sat down to au elaborate sjreal and In the tfetussloti of the gonO thing prorMed a most lmppy hour was spent. The officers of the lodge w if provided with a siteclal tatlt at rooms In the Kilnser bulldtuK. oh wttich Mrs, Amanda Annerson. miiv or State street, promises to ban un- hoftor of Viola Lodge, presided, and qualified success, ns the eptrles for a good deal of merriment was created the show already exceed anything of the kind ovor hoped for by the most Afraid to Drop Out. "Hello, Sonator Hannn' How do you feel nftor )our strenuous campaign In Olilo?"'usl(ol n Wow torn mombor of congress In Washington tho other dnY "I am foellng nil right, excopt a lit tlo tired and run downa sort of re action aftor the battle," replied Uio senator. "Why don't you go away for a week's rest?" "I can't, I nm like the chop who was out one night playing iokr, and when he got home the next morning Ills wlfo noticed stains on ins waist- punt Sim rmk(wl what thev wont, nnd It was also dwldetl to appoint a U wild he Miumosed thev must be to- committee to correspond with young 'bncco Juice." Republicans throughout the county.. "iiut enn't you turn ur henil whon and take steps toward organising I you expectornt" ! Inquired game witn replied " Yoimk Men's Republican Clubs In ev- .... .. - ery lwrtlou or tne county oeiore wit next campaign. The committee named to take this work In hand consists of Bills Uichacdson, J. W. Reynolds anu J C. Goodale Jr. 0 i Albany Gambling Shut Off. The "moral wave" has struck Al bany. as the following dispatch of De cember 12th indicates: "The gambling games opened up' last night. The Bureau saloon opened with a poker game, but It was short iivl. Chlswell & Dullls. the proprle tor of the game, were "testing" tho new city administration, but soon found that open gambling would nut b tolerated. The rooms are rented by the proprietors of the saloon. Collin' & Mc-Alpla. and embraces several bark rooms, together with an upstair entrance The saloon nev-r close hre bartender being employed On Sunday the bar U moved upstairs Into a side room and. under the one gov ernraent aud city llcenso, two bars dispense liquor to the thirsty Cam tiling has received a severe setback In Albany, and .; is doubtful If ay games will be running during the winter. A nuinbtr of people are ready and will Ing to swear out warrants against the green cloth men." Booth Must Co. The Washington correspondent of tho Oregonian News bureau on D cewber llth. says: -The Oregon senators are likely to be, called open to recommend a naw man for receiver of the Ilceeburg land office In place of James II. Hoolh whose reappointment, as well as that of Register Bridges they requested .un tima tuto. A careful and thor ough Investigation has been made Into I the rec oros at own nm nw ""(""T" Is Not while sitting In the that i rowd of Mm he Tho I.yre enthusiastic promoters and support era of tho proposed show. All kinds, class os and conditions of pot stock will bo on dlsplny there, and especially will tho poultry department be n most valuable nnd Interesting portion of tho show. Cats will be entered by tho score, ninny of them of the finest breeds, nnd they will at tract their portion of tho Interest? Hut tho most Important of the shuw piom ises to be tho collection of dogs, The Bnlem ICenuel Club. In connection with the Poultry nnd Pet Stock Assoc I a Hon, will glvo n bench show that has nlrendy Interested the owners of fine dogs everywhere. Some Idea of the Interest taken can be had when Jt If known that tho Portland owners of fine dogs will attend nnd have tholr dogs on exhibition here. The Oregon Inn, In speaking of the bench show, says: "The owners of all Uie Portland dogs expect to be In Snlein to see their re spective dogs on tho bench. This Is the first bench show to be given by the Salem Kennel Club, which was only recently organised, nnd lucal flinders are anxious to lend every as slsntnce to the enthusiasts Ip ths Capital City. Tho show will lie gov erned by Pacific Kennel Iengue rules, nnd' will stimulate Interest among the vnlloy dog fanciers that will tend to swell the entry list nt the 'bench shows to bo hold In this city by the Portland Konnol Club In April" I iitVian ttMk it tlii vAiatMititt tt tJirf Trtiitrrr facetiously remarked that If tln lady at the head of the tnblo wuro taken out of the group, "whnt a flue picture of a rogue's gallery It would mnke." but the good brother was promptly squelched, nnd the only effect of hi remark was that the fun of the occa sion was only Increased, It was a urnst enjoyable evening, nnd all thu&p present will lent; romembur t)io p.Onur tne gooT fellowship manifested. , 44M-4ee4-&M444 1 I Wkeat i Fiotir 0 ii i! 1 1 .. Only $J.J5 per sack ; 9 I I1C lillllUUS llllt.'.M CIICU A Pleasant Meeting. A most onjoynblo and entertaining time was had by tho momburs of Vnl loy I-odgo. No. 18. Ai O. U. W.. and VIoln Lodgo. No. 88. Degreu of Honor, In tho Holmnn halls last night, tho occasion being n bnuquot to tho o(Tl corn of tho first named lodge. Aftc tho usunl lodgo work of tho evening BiaiaiBUHaiaffHsHeXf-fr tho mombora of tho two ordors mot In ' J Peacock Brand of flour. J The finest flour ever sold ? in the city. Try it once. We will sell to you again, j; $ I D. A. White & Son i Fppdmen and Seedsmen S ,nh. A ! ! ! 301 Oom'l St, Salem, Oregon. J; I I V HOXM i9llliilKMHH4f illg i. For thcMojst Complete Stock oi CatvetSf Chafing II Dishes and Nicfcie Plate Wae at reasonable prices, see Bteiag)lllItHMHOeteioeOI)'fr--fr-B-HH' DID YOU F0R0ET OR e luknwm R. M. WAUL !i H IsMaE II H il 111! a mrnmrwrA i i m && wkn ii Q wQ. V IflBI I Mont-Main 2953. I m BgggB DELIVERED kFBlT JwSKRM ' VIIEN ig: .IHH PROMISED m Phvalclsns prescribe It I H 8 for thirir most deliests I I m natients. H OLD and PURE. & CO. II I For 8sl by A. 8CHREIDER Saistn 153 State 3t FARMER'8 HOME, LiiijAtte4ftiialeHm' "'' w w ------ - JO. MILLEH, JU. BECK. PETER II0CII, German Market f Jtwt epeed. next doer to Har rltt & LawreaeeM grocery store. a elean. new market, where all Iiooth 1 1 binds af meet can be had. ixtw T bu slreo4y served j year jtad a half ; ; M(J pnm9l dMry eur worn w rF-"--7T. .T..j. - I ,ir- .u . .niiltv of Only a otooKnuiuor. uuiw. fyo wr- , - n - BJiilui nuxniMlllBl' ' . ... Tne tsuwmum -.. - , . - nermsn sausage ei a. 00 j Hry koolti. regWer at Ilos- o kinds. (Xve us a eaU. IS"!- tLSZiZ S ! in -ol-l l ItridKM. but IkMth is X shown to be a prominent ofllcer la ths Booth-Kelly Lumber Company. aa4 his 9 relations wit Uat cowimny, has been extensively operatlag In Urn Uads la Southera Oregoa and Northera California leato geeretary Hitchcock U believe that Booth .k..M B hold a. HoverBment and private office elaHltaaewHly 193 Commircial St Our Tit Journal. WERE YOU TOO BUSY? You did not send me that order for iriiitlng IuhI month. You hail better do It now, 'J'hwol is no Iwtter time to get it fresh supply of sta tionery than jimt before the new year. If you I unler It soon It will be reedy for you. Elliott, the Job Printer. 'mwttssw'riK Willamette University John II. Colkman, 1'iihhidknt, Salkm, Ohkoow. College of Literal Arts, Law, Art, Medicine, Music, Oratory, Theology. fREinATonYDEPARTMET-OttDlosiuacuistomtlcllnrelflilhrridtiJ jariment-iower Krl In preparatory derarttnent Besides afforoifk" profewlonal tralnlnjf. !be Unlverallv iees to lvc a ttorocgb tiactlfaiv education for all who are aware of the value of trained train. THE M0RMAL DEPARTMENT- Offers altborouihccurie In tte tttoiy nt practice of teacblojf. Meets all tpenqulrenients of aiate school Uk. Its teachers are In constant demand, Catalogue Upon Application arritt & Lawrence Sell norc OroeerUs asd Utter Groceries t&ao AriYBOOY There's where you get GOOD treatment and GOOD gsoos Btop in aud for yourself. ceo p. o. GROCinfl ..J.niit.,na.aisl) !r, h. ... fonnected with a lumber HMHHHHIIOtTw-rwTrrw.-