Newspaper Page Text
5, - rt " ''" .1 .&aF''Z.J& .':3H$ - ' v DAILY CApiblggBNJ.JBA'LEM, OREQON; THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1903. THREE ,. f m BsV bbbbbshSbW a Bn SbH bbsY Abssb ill Ban HI aMr Wm 1 91 HHHH7 A Ve. HH IS bbsS 01 W JH bbsv A ? ia hso for oror go years, Los borno tho ntfrnntnro of yr yfKi"""' " and Jma boon nutdo under his per CfotXfflJZttfTv. 8nal supervision ulnco its Infancy. Mt ' AlloTTnoono to deceive youln this. AllOoanterfolta, Imitation and " Jnst-as-good' aro bats Experiments that trifle with and endanger tho health of ' Infants and Children-Experience against Experiment What is CASTORIA Cai Tla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paro gori Drops and Soothing Sjrrupa. It is Pleasant. It contanus neither Opium, Morphlno nor other Narcotic) substance. Its ago is its guarantee It destroys "Worms and allays Fevcrlshncss. It cures Diarrlicca and Wind Colic. It relieves Teethlngr Troubles, cures Constipation naid Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Boars tho Signature yO Bears tho SIgnaturo of The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THC OCimUII CCMMNY. MUBT .TIM IT, NtW VOHH OITV, ItfHB-fBBHBIHB-i-BIiBHIM-BBaH-l-EH-BaSIH-B-fBIBt m t,k rr, 5 we rvi. ruK S MaiiT Express f Freight o Wagon I i ! i i i i . ' CO I CL ; s j ' UI 1 CO ! I 2 I I Id I J I j o r u i ft i !. We have experienced packers who can pack any kind of China, Cut Glass, or any kind, of piece. Last year only ono report was made of breakage; two years ago none. Out Store is Open Late Evenings Until Xmas We have a well-lighted store, and plenty of accommo dating and experienced clerko to wait on you promptly. Remember goodsare marked In plain figures. The stock Is bigger than ever before, and the big rush we have wlil tell that our prices are right rn Fresh Roasted Coffee and Fine Teas a Specialty Yokohama Tea Store Phone 2411 Black. Free Delivery MM9! To Cultivate Berseem i matters, tho real gsnoral, Booing by tho papore that he vms to be honored, also mado his way to tho samo town In tlmo for tho ontortnlnment. Suffice to romark that all sorts of complications are forced to arls. and as "Hollo UI11" is rendered, It Is easy tho most humorous fnrco comedy on tho road. Arrangements nro now undor way to extend over larco ureas In h ln, tVunh. cu lvnU" b,cr- Standing Committee Meeting. bn "HnmSJSi tP'ain hlcU hnr Th0 StandlnB commlttoo of the ami fiS b? thw0 "Sf?1 0re8n- WwhlDRton and California fettllltv nf tLh. inn lnoxhaU8t,bl0 Eldership of the Churches of God met lTnrtVm?niS?iP , . 'Pursuant to the call of tho chairman undiminished crons have boon I rnu,, , . - . RE LJ nt r1?Cfn.t,UrJ3 irom t0R m- A niembors were present &?iJS n8..ML5pt.,lhat U h1 beo" except Blder R Porter. SInstng and prayor by Bldor J. P. Shoch, after following actions wero Elder J. F Schoch wos chosen to uvuvtvu uiuu receuy, ovon oy sci- nrayor by entinc men. that the secret lay In the which the wvu uKiicuiiurai vaiuo ot wile slit, fnkon i.-T.iiiiimi iiivusvisaiion conuuciea oy tho UnltCKl Statos covernmont ihn r.t.1 l.W.. A- " .. .... . "-"" "II 1 "w ',. """r.-.1" oor raiiacr. tor's withdrawal from tho Eldership nkvM n rT; mii i ,. , A brothorn presont woro mado ad S.Ld ?' r111.1' . asrlcultural ox- vlaory membore. -1 " ' Y.mwl ainl08!.. r-i Whereas, Elder A. Wilson failed to fcu.u wo OKI- una mrmer 11 inc n perpetually ronowdd alluvium, whore aa uio fact Is that tho N'llo Bell Is so lacking In nitrogen that In most places two good crops of Indian corn cannot bo raised In successive years off tlie samo field." Searching thoroforo, for the roal railed. wici. oi cgypi-s agricultural re sources, the romarknblo discovery was mado that tho plant known as berseem has the power to roclalm barren, alkaline lands and maintain them In a productive stnte. This appear before the standing committee to answor to certain charge against him, on motion he was suspended from tho Gospel Minister)' until tho meet ing of the Orogon, Washington and California EUlcruhlp at Mouutalnvlew, Washington In 1004. Motion pro- dlscqvrty Is of world wldo Importance. Mr. raircmia In tho No dolta Nf WM4"! The Entire Stock of Roots and Shoes and Rubbers We have purchased of Jacob Vogtmust ;; 44 . ! ( rune eariv aiiu ;. be solo ax a sw-u. i?et the bargains, P.MANFRED Successor to Jacob Yogt. 205 -.. VlI0reas Elder E. Portor has with drawn from tho Oregon, Washington and California Eldership, wo wlth hold his certificate at ordination until tho mooting of the Eldership at Moun talnvlews Washington, In October, 1901 Eldor J. U McClanahan roportod, Eldor J. P. Schoch moved that we pray God's blowing on tho brother In his work In tho gospel Mlnlstory. Mo tion prevailed. Bldor C Hayes, reported through Eldor J W. Korco, his roport was re ceived and llconuo renewed. Ad- aAIUUGU8, Clork. i visited basins of alkaline lands that nnu been thoroughly reclalmid by growing borseom Uiere. Ho saw cattle and hor8 grnilng on luxurious nems or borseom fields thnt two years before were, ho saw. "as linr- ren of vegetation as a bathing beach." journod Furthermore, tho roots of borsoom, storel such a vast amount of nltrogon I in me son reclaimed that on the till ru year tho land wo able to tiro- RAihm nivAt KinwniKF duce a crop of cotton. - Berseem Is a species of Trlfollum Rich Pay Q ravel Struck on the Tan- which ha the jwwer, as Indicated.! ana River. not only to consume salino nnd nl- Tho news comes trom Dawinin that kallne properties In tho land, but atao a gold-bearing pay streak equal to th to enrich It with nitrates. Some- ramoue KlontHKe has been imnKM on thing of n composite of alfalfa and ' Tanana River near Fairbanks clover. It Is In every way more dell- Tho gold In the new camp Is not con- cnto In flavor and succulent than fined to narrow streaks like that of either. In Egypt It is the food of the Klondike region nnd Is therefore horses, cameli, cnttlo nnd donkeys, not of such great rlchnens to the Even the peasants or follaheon find It huckot. More territory will havi to bo a pnlntable dtshi workod to secure oqual values In gold, Uerseom Is remarkably fattening; , lt It Is belloved that with the Intro- The Department of Agrlculturo pro-' ductlon of proper machinery tho out- noiincos It to bo ono of tho most nu-lit will bo very largo. Tho worK or trltlom groon foods known. ! development thus far has been done iV further remarkablo fact In rounrd hy poor men with llttlo other equip to tho plant, and ono which will rc'ment than ashovo! nnd pan. commond it widely. Is that It has wintor travel uoiween uawson nnu tho powor to kill most kind of weeds. Fairbanks Is oponlng with something For miles In Egypt tho American ox-.Mo a rush, and many prospectors will ports rodo along Holds of borseom Ko In. during tho winter. A shortago In which scarcely a wood was to bo ' of supplies will dlscourago a groat in seen. I flux until noxt summer, howovor, when It Is tho purposo to tost this plant a reguIor-Btampedo Is expected. Irt Toxas, Arizona. Oregon, Washing- According to advices tho pay streaks ton and otlior section or tho North-Jaro 32 ,n,l0B ,onS. located on creoku west. In tho Southwest It will bo propor. and oxcIuhIvo of bonch claims trlod in rotation with cotten: in Art-1 many of which havo boon found vory ona and California, whoro Irrigation inch. Tho width of tho pay stroaks Is is practiced, borseom will bo used as not laon mio consideration, aiwiuuBii a wintor cilllng and foddor crop; and somo of, thorn havo boon found to ox In tho Northwost, whoro It will bo tend over tho width of throo American planted after danger of frost haw claims. Tho following la given as a paBsod and harvostod before tho summary of tho location of pay streaks neaUKi term, it w 1 bo tried In rota-. on mo various itotob Wants 16 Gel Another Ear The grafting of an ear to tho head of a western millionaire In n Phila delphia hospital has had a unique se quel. Though tho man who sold his aural appendago to tho millionaire foe $5000 made the sacrifice willingly, now that tho car Is gono ho misses It. and Is seeking for another ear to re place that which ho sold. That Is tho story which has devel oped from tho visit to Dr. C. V. Steb- bens, of Ironwood. Mlohlgan, of Hungarian minor from Hurley, Wis., who has received a loiter from the East offering hi in $1000 for an ear to replaco that which was taken Trom 1U owner In tho hospital. The Hun's namo Is kept secrot by tho doctor, who says that tho call mado upon him was professional, tho Hun wanting to know If tho oporntlon would bo Bafo Incidentally tho man who sold lit; oar to tho mining man will havo mado $4000 by his two weeks In tho hospi tal, nnd will still hav an oar. Tho Hungarian won applied to. It la un derstood, bccnu8o ho was ono of thoso who responded to the original New York advertlseraont offering $CO0O for an oar. T QOT HIS HAIR BACK. Wm IVrfectly Ilntd Vkm lie fUnritH, to Un Kcirbro'ft Kcrplride . Predtrlek Manuell, Maryland Nook, llutte, MttntAhft, bought a bottlo of New bro's Urpliae. April 6, , nnd began to uo It for entlro baldness. The hair fol licles In Ms senlp woro not dead nnd In SO day ho had hair nil over his head. On JulrS ho writes, "and today my hair I na thick and luxuriant na any ono oould Wish." Nowbro's Herptoldo workh on an old principle nod with a new die covery destroy the cauxe and you re move tho effect Ilerplcldo destroys tho term thnt causes dandruff, falling hair, and finally baldness, no that with tho onuio irone the effect cannot remain. Stops falling hair at oneo and a now growth starts. Bold by lending drucslsts. Send 10a In stamps for sample. ' to Tho Ilerplcldo Co., Detroit Mich. uuuici o. rij, opccisi akuuu Now Imported French harjis. In any key, fqr salo very cheap, at W. Cat vet'B, praatlcal watchmaker, 168 Btnto street. cfld Branson A Ragan. Keep nil kinds of groceries, and thoy nro tho host that can bo found In tho city. You don't 'know It until I you, havo tried th'ctn. When You Want Something' to ent, Just try thoAVhlio1 Houso. Thoy can servo you nt 'any hour of Uio day or night ' nn!wBnfum. I HARPER rW!ISKY j $WJW m TmEHH Phyelclane prescribe It ; for their most delicate I i patients. B OLD and PURE. I rFor Bale by 1 A, 8CHnEIBen, Salem. I 169 Stats St I ; ITAnMfn'A HOME. B the ,? "i Kind Yw Ht Ahvap Eg!j tlon with wheat. HELLO! BILL Gold Stream Pay located flvo J mile. Full oxtent of prospecting done. Gllmore Throe miles of pay In sight. At thre efuet holbw Uio sur face pay Is uncovered 1000 feet wide laud the limit not yet reached. The offering at the Opera Houso, Podro Prospected for five mile. noxt Saturday Is Goodhuo & Kellogg's and not a blank has been struck, successful farcical comedy "Hello I Twin A tributary; has one mile of 13111." "Hello Dill" m tho title would pay whllo tho side claims aro very ciif.tatt la nnt n en.on1lul "alnn.atlnk" rlrfi comedy, but Is a laughable farce con- Cleary Four mlln have been pros- a I I IA .1 .. 1 .. A mi. t..inl.lnt ' ,.-i.l fit. It,. iiaiinl aunl t rtrvi1 laiiunK inerii anu piuu iiie uwwnii'i iiuviuu, wuit mw ihhiui iwu, nuvu which Is In three acts. Is tho work of pay everywhere. Willis Maxwell Goodhue, a humorous Jiedrock One mile; Chatham, one writer of note. It tolta the etory of a nnd ono-lmlf mllee and Wolf, two man, who on the ove of his mnrrlage miles of pay !b In sl&it. These streams to a beautiful young widow, went out are all tributaries of Cleary. to have what Ib commonly known as : Fairbanks Eight miles of pay In a good time, and had tho ill fortune to sight, with pay also on throe trlbu- be caught In a gambling bouse wiiicn innea I'ny na who oeen ioiiuu ou was raided. Ho discovered, as' he the left limit side claims. supposed, that nothing would savo him The miners already In the district from serving a sentence oi sixty aays nave gone to wie xpn m mrm in iaii nmi in order to keen his bride man to carry a weekly mall from In Ignorance of his disgrace, he took advantage of the circumstances the morning followlB the raid, tne papers announced that a gentleman bearing his name had beon appointed to the Colonelcy of a volunteer regiment which bad been ordered to Join the United Stat force then engaged In the Spanish-American war. lie showed the paragraph to his bride, pretending that he was the man ap pointed, and bidding her a fond faro well hastened away, aa she supposed to Cuba, ami aa he supposed, to serve a sentence In prison, lie tucapeti. howevor with a fine, but having na'd the flue, he found It noeaary to re main in obscurity until his name sake returned from Cuba, In order to bride blind Circle and 200 miles. the camp, a distance of 44HH4M4H4M4KM-MM I Hard $ M e- -w- a , i ; ; Only $i.i5 per sack; ! TI. . 1-....... . .... .. ..11. J V i ne milium uucAtcucu Peacock Brand of flour. T ! The finest flour ever sold I ! in the city. kTry it once. 2 " .. ... ,i . we win sen 10 you again. , a : D. A. Wfcite & Son Fecdmen and Seedsmen ! 301 Coin'l 8t, Salem, Oregon, IMf t8IMtMtH?!M' aii8iiiBitainBf taieat8tf inf For the Most Complete Stock of Chafing ! Catfvetf s. Dishes and Nicfcle Plate Wane at reasonable prices, see WADE & CO. sWHM-tlM4oata & It's Up to You (M Clure's.) The advantaxtu of a fr cotintry? are conditional upon the aiMinptlon of the reKHMlbllUie of a free country. It comes back after all. to you and to roe, personally, Individually. If you want to be rid of the lloee In your city, you have got to go to the pri maries and the election booth and protest nnd vote and protest again. If you, at a workltwinan, want hon est and efllclont unionism, you have got to go to tho union meetings and make UiliiB right, and If you as a keop his bride blind as u Hie true siocHiiwuer, wi " .- condition of affairs. When the an- puMneiw noneeiy i jr iw u nouncewent of the expected return of In your corporation you ay got the Colonel, (now a Oeoetal and a to look after the thins younwir. o hero) was made through the news- one says It Is easy; good thing never iianom. a recenuon wm nrran,j iur uu .-v i. the bogus general by his friend in the quiet llttlo seaside town whero his bride awaited him, ami to complicate o A t)ltt l-ge0 1 l I 4-M JO. MILLER. JO. BECK PETER HOC!!. German Market Just opened, next Joor to liar ritt b. Lawrence grocery "tore, a clean, new market, where all kinds of meat can be had. Low prices and prompt delivery our Kotte. ' We sake, a tpeoiaUy of fine Genaaa sausage ot all kinds. Olve us a call 0fl)fgg4AjfllffilBttfr fled Tim I take a pleasant herb drink, the noxt morning I feel bright and my com plexion Is better. My doctor says It acts gently on the s-otaachB, liter and Kidneys, and ts a plcaaant laxstlve. It Is made of herbs and Is prepared as easily aa tea. It Is called Laae'a mod Idas. All drugxlsts sell rt at We and M cent. Lane's Faml.y Medlelnes moves the bowels each day. If you cannot get It, send for free sample. Address, Orator Woodward, Lello, N. Y. . Talking Machines. Buy a talking machine of flee. O. Will for your folks' Christmas pre eat ne ha a targe stock of Victors. Cotambla and ZeaofHe Machine on hand. H-1 . . JS. 4 3C C3 3PL X A. T 6&yfffflfa stp in ftnd for yourMl1, Hen: Main 2053. WORK DELIVERED WHEN PROMISED 193 Commtttlal St. Ottr Th Journal. DID YOU FOfiOST OR WERE YOU TOO BUSY? You did not no ml me thut order for printing last month. Ya hud Iwtler do It now. There' Is no better time to gat a fresh supply of sta tionery thun just before the now year. If you j order It soou It will be ready for you. Elliott, the Job Printer. itHmnnnrmtsmnwu Willamette Univctsity John II. Colkman, PiuaiiDKhT, Saijim, College of Liberal Arts, Law, Art, Medicine, Music, OllUOON. Oratory, Theology. PREPARATORY DEPARTMET-Open lo students corupItlliiB elrhth rdt d MrtraeBt-IOwergMdeslnpreparalorydtnrlBitBt. Besides afford tr professional tralnlnjr, tbe University seels to live a Ikorotsn piaeUcal edocatlon for all who are aware of tne value of trained train. THE NORMAL DEPARTENT-Offeraa:tDorouhteure In lie tneory and practice of teacblnr. Meets all tneriaulremeniB of state school law. Its teachers are In constant demand. Catalogue Upon Application Harritt & Lawrence : Sell sore Groceries sd tetter Groceries than ANYBODY There's where you get GOOD treatment and GOOD goods CLD P. O. AROCKnY. wwwwwww w44eT MlgW