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pour BAILY SAP ITAL JOURNAL, 8ALEU0RH, THURSDAY, DECEMBER V, 1903. W. f UK i ."- v.- wSGKZf&ttfLWA fjW .MHMDSvn Mi i)'1 IM" iiiBSSSSSSI . -'- irV'7P .Hbsssssssssssh VgtWl Absolutely Pure Tfffler S A0 SUBSTITUTE , Helpful Thought for Every Day. Monday. ."Behold, how good and how pleasant It is for brothora to dwell together In unity! It is II ko tho precious ointment upon "tho head; as tho dow of Hormon, and as tho dew that descendod upon the mountains of ZIon." To dwell togethor In unity! No Btrlfe, no antagonism, no Impatience-. "While thero may be, and naturally 'will bo, d Iff orotic of opinion, thore nocd not be Btrlfe, quarreling. It would bo monotonous Indeed if per sons living under tho same roof had no difforlng views. A roost violent tompor would be preferable to being a piece of putty. Wbero thero is true companionship there is no monotony. Thoro must bo a corialn amount of contrast botweon two nnturos and yet they must "blend" If we would havo unity and companionship. Even though nature are congenial, each one must learn the art of adaptability. No one can havo his own way all tho time. Peaco is II ko precious ointment A ' peaceful homo Is a heaven on earth. I A really lino nature Is llko a sen--sltlve plant and It can not thriyo in an atmcaphcro of fault-finding, of lr- f rltablllty, o. constant moaning and t groaning, wow is roirosmng. a peaceful homo has a rcfrosl Jng atmos phere thnt is felt by all who outer it. Tuesday . "Thoro hath no tempt ation taken you but such as Is common to a man; but God is faithful, who will ' not sulfor you to bo tompted above that yo nr- able, but will, with tempt-'-atlort also mako a way to escape, that 00 may bo able to bear It." To understand this fully one must understand what "Humnn Nature" te and what tho purposo of existence Is. Our exjwrlcncos are tho probloms given us in th school of oxlstonce. S f& V ' vjut neev Promotes Christmas Ckeet Families who like, to have a cone of bright, sparkling, beer at home, whloh will give a seat to tholr food and tone to their system, will have a cose of our"8 now. It is a line beer. Call up phono S13U Salem Brewery Association Main Office 174 Com'l St Salem, Oregon. MW99 999 Q 999 Wo have tho power of dominion and wo mint prove It. If wo are not over como of ovil, but If wo overcome evil with good, wo havo solved the problem and havo gained tho victory. Every problem tnust bo solved and if we fall in one instanco wc shall meet again and continue to meet it until It is solved. Wo aro always attacked on our vulnorable side. So what is hard for ono to endure would be com paratively easy for anothor. What right have wo to say wo would do bettor than our neighbor if we were In his place? Existence Is the op portunity for making manifest the latent good in ourselves. The facili ties, powers, nnd capabilities of our 'being" nre not fully developed and nover will bo unless demand is made upon thorn. 'Every one Is conscious at tlmtu of two voices within blmseir. When any question of importance ar ises there is a strong debate carried on between those two "solves." One will lead to victory, tho othor to de feat Defeat brings trials and trib ulations; victory brings strength and poaco. Bccauso man has power of dominion over all things, ho Is not tempted abovo that he Is able. Thore Is always a way of escape, but wo do not always see It. Wednesday. "Curso not tho king, no, not In thy thought; and curse not tho rich in thy bedchamber; for a bird of tho nlr shall carry the voice, and that which hath wings shall toll the mattor." Thero arc those who eunao those in higher ranks of socloty, and they curso the rich. This Is based on selflshnuis. onvy, nnd Jealously. Thoy desire the things for which they are cursing others. Thoy desire richB and to have tholr names classed with people of renown. It is natural to wish to be com fortablo The needs of one are great er than of another. If we cunie nn other oven In our thoughts. It shall be rovoalod. Divine law penetrates our Inmost thoughts nnd every vio lation of that law bringn its punish ment If we think that our thoughts aro hidden wo deceive ourwelves, and when our punishment comes we can not understand why "we" should suffer theso things. We feel wo are being unjustly dealt with; that we do not deserve eo much sorrow and misery. God Is love, and God's law is not un just Success is founded on wisdom. Wis dom is not intellectuality. There have been many highly successful men who wore not what tho world calls intellectual. Curso no one; envy no one. Got wisdom, and with all thy get ting get understanding. We loso time In watching other pcoplo whllo we stand Idly by. Thursday. "Boloved. let us love on another; for lovo is of God, and overy one that loveth is born of God and knowoth God. Ho that lovoth not knowttth not God; for God te love. He that dwollcth in God, and God in him." "Thero Is no fear In lovo, but per fect love costeth out fear, because fear hath torment He that feareth is not made, perfect in lpe. He who loveth God loveth.. his mother also." God created man in his linage, after his likeness. Thvro.fdre, Iqvb is one of the attributes' c-jt man's nature. The more lovo ono manifests the rooro God-like he "becomes. This tove is divine. The mother-love Is the nearest to It In quality, The mother lovo has no element of fear, or of dpubt. in It It Is pure and sees only the good. Love workoth no 111 to his neighbor. We Bhould not hato any thing or anybody. There Is a greater bond of sympathy between some per sons than between others, but when thero seems to be a lack of sympathy it doco not follow that thoy should hato each that her warfare Is accom plished, and that her Iniquity Is por doned; for sho hath received of the Lord's hand double for all her sins." Thore comes a timo In the progress of the soul when warfare censes, and Its iniquity is pardoned. Those who aro "stiff-necked and rebellious" must suffor double for all tholr sine. It is hotter to walk with Divine law than contrary to. i No Money Taken. Brownsville, Or., Dec. 17. Tho Southern Pacific Depot was broken In to hero Tuesday night by two men. They drilled a hole in the safe, and re moved the combination, but, for some unknown cause, they abandoned their work at this stage, and departed with out any booty. Two strangers, fairly well dressed, who visited tho various saloons here yesterday and Bpent considerable mom ey are suspected of tho crime. Today they were tracked toward Sllverton. D Regents Appointed. Governor Chamberlain this after noon appointed three regents of the Orogoa Agricultural college, at Corval lie. as follews: W. W. Cotton, of Pertland: J. M. Chase, of La Grande, and J. D. Olwell, of Central Point Tho two laBt named are reappoint ments. She Never Will Be Missed. Madrid, Dec. 17. The cabinet today .tu.l.ln..l . nn1 Afllftlnl . rtf I f lf 1 1 rT 1 1 America that Spain won't participate' in tho St Louis exposition. The al leged reason is shortage of funds. The real reafcon is tho Spainlsh merchants' hatred of Amorica. May Yet Go To War. Toklo. Japan, Dec. 17. It Is gener ally believed that tho Eastern situa tion takes a graver aspect. The meet ing of the older statesmen yesterday was unnble to como to any conclusion, as Russia's proposal was not acceptable. m SBflk I 1 1 111 ' m .' of the best fic tionthe most interesting de scriptive arti clesthe finest illustrations, and. all. on the finest of paper, will be found ' in the It Grows Monotonous. New York, Dec. 17. Steele. Mor gan's right-hand man, was a witness In the Shipbuilding Company case to day. He said 2,G00,000 of each kind of stock had been received by Morgan & Co. Burned to Death. Toledo, tec 17. Mr. and Mrs. Her man Nolhnus, wealthy and prominent, were cremated In a fire at tholr homo this morning. One. Kind of Fun. Hazing Isn't in It with the frosh-man-Sopohomore war at the Washing ton State University, at Seattle The trouble has boen going on for four or five days, and last night a band of freshmen were fired on, while sur rounding a house in which one of the sophomore. Ormund. who played right end on tho 'varsity team, llvod, under the supposition that they were burglars. Later Ormund, bound hand and foot, was thrown into Lake Union, and was rescued with difficul ty. Miles Ielaer, another sophomoro, was thrown into the lake with his hands bound. He was seized with a cramp, and was rescued by a fresh man, Herbort Gaston, who swam out and carried him to shore. Probate Matters. In tho probato court this afternoon, tho petition of Mrs. Hattle Brown, for tho romoval of Mrs. Elvira Matheney, as guardian pf petitioner, and to causo tho said guardian to file a report and pay ov ir tho amount of tho estate of tho lato J. Honry Brown to petitioner, Is up for hearing. To Brlna Back Parker, Governor Cbamborlain this morning Issued a requisition op tho governor of Montana, for tho delivery to Joseph Day. agent of tho stato of Oregon, of T. W Parker, wanted in Portland for forging checks. Detective Day is. al ready at Helena, Montana, whore Park er Is under arrest FIETROPOLITM MAGAZINE for December R. H. RUSSELL, Publisher 1 6 full-page illustrations of Pretty Women of the Stage over 8o illustrations in all g'es in Color 132 Pa M'(B28 v!ffi2K38kS33'K3s THE PURPtE SHOW. Salem Talent Assists Albany In an Amateur Eentertainment The Elks' purple show, an amafeur performance at tho Albany grand op-i era house, by tho Elks' lodge of that city. Is reported to have been an Un qualified success, and the antlered llP'tl oi thnt Mtv Is nrnml nf tha ra. suit It was not only a success from! a social standpoint but financially as well, for It is reported that It was a $126 house, and that interest did not lag from beginning to ond Among the most nomilar nerformors were some of Salem's own for Mrs. Halllei Parrlsh-Hlnges, E. Cooko Patton and! othors as woll-known, took part Mrs. Hinges fairly charmed tho largo audlenco with a rendition of "My Dreams," and as an encore she sang "Violets," both favorltos of this gifted singer. She was enthusiastically ap-, plauded, and Albany can now realize I tho beauty of the "Orogon NlghUn- gaios- voice, nir. ration aougntcd tho audlenco with his black art, and his work was tho best ever witnessed in that city. Ono of tho leading performers was C. H. Burggraf, formerly of this city, and now managor of the Albany opora house. Ho Is ono of tho ablest ama teur performers in the state, and his work lost night was excellent Tho Albany Herald of this morning, in speaking of the entertainment, says, in part: "Mrs. Hnlllo Parrlsh-Hlnges pleased the audience In two songs charmingly given. Others from abroad appeared. Great expectations were realized in the farce, "Cob Corker." translated from the original tongues, with local allusions, by a H. Burggraf. Tbl esteemed player-manager sustained tho star part with marked ability." a A Strong Petition. Governor Chamberlain Is in recolpt of a potition for tho pardon of Frank McCanu, serving a nine-year term in tho penitentiary, from Josephine coun ty, for assault with a dangerous weapon. McCann was received at the penitentiary January 20. 1902. and was convicted for tho crime of attempting to take tho life of a mining partnor, with whom he had a quarrel over a mining claim. Tho petitioners aro largely from California, and lncludo somo of tho most prominent people of that stato, among them the Justices of tho supreme court, and high of ficials of tho Southern Pacific, and they urgo that the prisoner has been sufficiently punished, in viow of tho fact that no injury resulted from his attempt on his partner's life, an at tempt made in the heat of a quorrol, and without premedUntlon The petition is the strtngect ! presented to Governor CharaberliiiJ and few have ever been plat "d befonl an Oregon governor that haJ as mit;J signatures of promlneut m n Bought a Beautiful Piano. W. P. George, the entcrprWu State-street restaurant man. bough his wife a beautiful style 17 Ludwll piano for a Christmas present It it an exact duplicate of thp pianos tW carried off the honors at the Paris potition in 1900. Mn George Is a conservative b noss man. and boucht onh after mu I'ing a thorough examination of tK different makes carried by the (Ufa ent piano firms of this 'city He w satisfied that ho cot more for U J money in tho Ludwlg than in UJ l othor. Tho Ludwlg is carried dt a len & Gllbort-Raymaker Co., 299 Cos merclal street One More Insane. Charles Seecat was arrested M Phlnf rT Pollnn nihmn Inst, nlcht 0S1 . -vw v a va,. waurvM . w w cbarco of insanity, and he was . mornlnir nintnlnnd hefore ConWl 'Judco Scfttt bv Dr. Richardson, adjudged Insane nnd was committed tl the asylum. Sheriff Colbath taking al out; ho Is a strangor here. g-tH ill IIHrWrmvr, -it-H-t- llltllllll H--fW-H-H I I I I I I I I iTTll H II II I I t W-W-HTfft tTFTiTt-M-1 MIC I i ill I I I ill M 1 I I I Ml IN I 1 t i V. , , n . . , i n I 1 Hjl $ WE CAN SAVE YOU 50 CENTS A PAIR ON YOUR SHOES AT OUR SPECIAL HOLIDAY SALE I 4S". v . Misses' and chllan'a red felt slippers $.40 Children's red felt, fur-trimmed Juliets 65 Children's red, felt, fur-trimmed Juliets 1,00 Mlsus red felt Juliets 1.36 Bargains In children's and misses' red felt slipper, 6 to 8 .85 8', to tOVi 90 It to 12 1.15 Infants' seft shoe, shoe for the i... e dears 50 Ladles' red felt slippers, a. bar. gain .50 Ladles' blaok felt Juliets, fur trimmed 1.50 Ladles' brown felt Juliet, black, v furtrlmmed 1.50 La velvet Juliet, fur-trimmed, silk bow 1.75 La kid Juliet, velvet top, fur trlmmed 2.00 Men's pat. kid blucher, seal top, Elk toe 4.00 Ladies' blue felt slippers, a snap .50 Ladles' red felt Daniel Green make 1.50 La wine colored felt Juliet, blaok fur trimmed 1.50 La kid JJuliet, black quilted top fur-trimmed 2.00 La green felt Juliet gray ion trimming - 2.00 Men's Walkover shoes, exclusive agents for Salem 3.50 Men's black dongola everett slippers 125 Men's black dongola Hamlet white stitched 130 Men's black Columbia, pat inlaid 1.75 Men's black opera, kid lined 1-75 Men's tan opera, white stitched leather lined 1-75 Men's red seal, white kid lined 2.00 4 Men's tan seal, white kid lined, patent leather Inlaid 2.00 I OREGON SHOE COMPANY, 275 Commercial St, aiamiaii 'iMLlSLJiSaiM