Newspaper Page Text
8IXwt i DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL, 3AUEM, OREM, ' THURSDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1903. 1 n , , , f i'jfr.l ; 91 MM Ull B 1 1 j at'' - J frn t? - J 49 State Street tt The time which wo advertised to continue this sale is very short. Only a few weeks, and wo do just as we adver tised cjop -this sale. You, missing opportunities topurcnose gpoaswat win uuk pruuauijr comoto ypp again. You can now get $15 Overcoats for SIO.OO Overcoats Worth $7.50 for S5.00 Salts worth $15 for $10.00 Salts worth $10 for $7 50 Pints worth $4 and; 5 for $ 3.50 Pant -north $1 50 for $ 1.00 Sweaters worth $1 50 for$ 1.00 Sweaters worth 75c for 50c A god lino of Hots left and Gents' Furnishing Goods that will pleaso tbo most critical. A few Bargains left in Quilts and Blankets. Trimmings and Fringes in Jet and Silk, Great bargains at small prices. Rope silk and Embroidery silk at lc per Skein. 100 yard spool silk at 6c A small line of dry goods to bo cut in prices in order fp close If you want to got bargains Good goods, Money placed in your pocket come to 140 State street and invest before Jan. 1. S. FRIEDMAN WIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllll J ;M4tlft lQHf$llllllHHgHllHIOj I Closing iSale at the Everything, Including genoral racket storo goods of every descrip tion; alio the largest stock of toys and holiday goods in Salem. MORE Than all other houses In Salem X realizing that, while It will bo a loss be sold within two woeks. Dusinoss elsewhere demands my attention, and everything must be closod out. Do not miss tho great opportunity to got your holi day goods and winter supplies. Tho Fair Store, 274 Commercial St O. P. DABNEY, Proprietor. i STORE OPEN EVENING8. i tHHg8lHSiWIieill0IOIial8lKIHH4. New York Uki 50,000 Xmas Trees. Now York, Dec, 17. According to estimates glvon by a numbor of lead ing dealers 50.000 Christmas trees will bo used In Now York this season. Tho priccu ran go from 76c to $25. Nearly all of tho trees como form tho Vaino forests. There Is a good de mand also for evergreen ropo and mlstlotoo and holly, which Is bolng ' 3 2 'Daily Through Trains to the Beautiful Twin Cities 2 Minneapolis, and St. Paul 1 x Transcontinental Train Daily 1 ... Northern Pacific Burlington Route ... Denver; Lincoln. Neb.; Omaha, Neb., St. Joseph, Mo ; Kansas City; St. Louis and all points Bast and Southeast. Only Direct Line to the Famous Yellowstone National Park Your Baggage Can Be Checked Through to Destination. TRY THE I North ELECTRIC LIGHTS The Oack a HJn -M 1 1 fl i ItUI HI 18 1 1 1 18 1 H I ? Jl I ale it who are not buying now are J i T Out Faif Stone DOLLS ! combined. I mean business, and. X to mo, It will bo your gain. Must sent to tho metropolis In large quanti ties from points as far distant as Tonnessess, W. Calvet, practical -watchmaker, 158 Stato street, keeps repairs for all kinds of Instruments: Violins, gui tars, mandolins and banjos, at rock- bottom prices. Trans-Continental Trains VIA THE if M I UBoy Coast Limited' ELECTRIC Train Of The Northwest r. mi A DT TVMU Assistant General Passenger 255 Morrison St., Cor. Third, Portland, liJUST A HUNDRED YEARS Louisiana Purchase Centennial Begins Tomorrow New Orleans in Gala Dress Surpassing Even the Most Notable ef Her Mar- diGras " yjuvouo, i.. wV-. .. " Aalnnnd La.. Dqc. 17. The presence or the warships of three'"'' "'. V,. """" 'ji vZ n. nations and the attendance of scores ' S'nv.-Ih high mw and a To Deum of prominent visitors from various "h"lS?f,: 'fL'Ji! h j parts of the country give promise hour when the actual transfer took lu-r.t.1 ii.,.i Ir fh. T.J,.ien Place, there will be an oration from Purchase centennial which begins to- .,. .i.,,.,v. .,-. ,in .iii .,. in n nn.i hriiiinncv ihP most sanguine expectations of its pro-. motors. Visitors are already arriv ing in large numbers and the crowded streets and public places resemble the Mardl Gras throngs Now Orleans is particularly pleased over the presonco of the Spanish man- B'nu tonight with tho annual Cabinet of-war Rio de la Plata- which Is the dinner. The list of stato dinners and first Spanish wnr vessel to visit this receptions to follow tonight's function country since tho Spnnlsh-Amorlcan indicates that President Rooscvolt in war. The new French man-of-war tends to maintnln his reputation as Graviore is aho here, while tho United "U'o dinner-giving prosidont." States Navy is represented by the A review of the dinner and lunch cruiser Minneapolis and several small- eon given at the White House during nr- vnuii the last two years shows that Mr. I During the three days of the cele- bration there will be civic, military and religious ceremonies, a colonial ball, a colonial exhibit and naval pa- rade. Though there will be several parados and other spectacular fca- tures, tho program In 1U entirety has been so arranged as to appeal more to the student of history than to the ordinary sightseer. Condition are favorable to this arrangement, as all the old building connectod with the transfer aro still standing In very much the same condition as they were a contury ago. Thus the main ceremonies will take place In the Cabildo, the Govern- mont houso undor the SpanJUh and """ transients 01 mo capital ana or French regimes now the Suprome supplying theeo names on bloc to tho Court building. It has boon furnished official addrossor and fillor-in of In exactly as It was on the day of the vltatlons. innafM 11.. n v .1 est f o n, ...111 ln.1itA Allll fmTTl fill Ifl fl Inn Innfi (hft TIM. uuuoivi, iu VAUibiaca nan iiiuiuuu tho reading of tho original transfer, and Lou&sat, Claiborne, Wilkinson and other commissioners will be ropre- sented by promlnont citizens In tho' costumes of the times. ' t ThrJKIou8 ceremonies In the St, Louis Cathedral will be Idontlcal with those of a hundred years ago. and the salute will be fired from Jackson Squaro (formerly the Place d'Arms) an5Jrom .a c,anno ,altc1entl"'?r 0,d- , open for a month In tho Archleplsco- jiiu vuiuuiui uxuiuu will remain Daily-3 The Old Reliable Pioneer Dining Car Line Excellent Through Car Seivice 3 Union Depot Connections. FANS Azent Oregon Ctjry I pal palace, formerly the Ursullne Convent, the oldest public building in the MIssIppI Valley. The exhibit will include a large number of interesting relics which have been prouerved by the Creole families of New Orleans. The program as finally completed will be opened tomorrow evening with a reception and ball in the Cabltdo. The c:lebrated beauties of New Or leans will dance the minuet In cos tumes duplicating those of colonial days, and an old fashioned New Or leans supper will lntorrput the danc ing at midnight This event is in charge of the ladies of the Historical society. Its patronesses representing the best and oldast families of New Orleans. Saturday morning the commemo rative exorcises will be held In the Cabildo at which there will bo ad dresses by Governor Heard and the French and Spanish Ambassadors followed by a military parade and a naval review before the city. In tho evoning the guests of tho city will at tend a special gala performance at the French Opera House. Sunday whkh will be the real con ,. ,i. .., it, .1-.. ...Ill ?, aJfonny f 'ISj ni$S national colors will be raised amid booming of cannon in Jackson iuare' Gay White House Season. Washington, D. C. Dec. 17. The of ficial programme of this season's en- tertalnmont at the White House be- Roosevelt has In that comparatively short tlmo entertained more people " has any president In his entire official career not excepting those those who have enjoyed two terms, Besides the prescribed State; leveoq and banquets, President Roosevelt has Riven private dinners galore and last Winter he was host at numerous mualcales at which three hundred guests were Invited at a time. Indeed White House hospitality grew to be 8 lavish toward tho end of the saon that Mrs. Roosevelt's private secretary was accused of compiling alphabetical lists of thousands of more r ls distinguished Washlngtonlans -- ....-...... uv ,,. u .. sent Winter will eclipse tho two Just V passea in extravagance or executive hospitality. Climatic Cures, The lnfluenco ot climatic conditions . .. 11M . .,.i- i. ln tho curo of consumption Is very much ovordrawn. The poor patient, and the rich patient, too, can do much bettor at homo by proper attention to food Ration, and a regular course of Gorman Syrup. Freo expectoration Jin tho morning is made cortaln by .German Syrup, so Is a good night's rest and tho absence of that weak ening cough and debilitating night sweat. Restless nights and the ex haustion due to coughing, tho great est danger and dread of the consump tive, can bo prevented or stopped by .taking German Syrup liberally and regularly. Should you be able to go to a warmer clime you will find that of tho thousands of consumptives there, the few who are benefitted and regain strength aro those who use German Syrup. Trial bottle, 26c; reg ular size, 75c. At all drulsts. At Dr. Stone s drug stores. Love Begins at Age of Three. Worcestor. Mass., telegram to tho New York Tribune: Professor Sanford Bell, a follow In Clark university and until recently Instructor of psychol ogy at the North Indiana Normal school. Valparaiso Ind has compiled a table of the ages of love In men and women. He has reached tho conclu slcn that neither sex Is safe from Cu pirt's darts after It has reached the age of three years. In fact, from In fancy to old ago no on Is love proof. In fifteon years h has Investigated S00 cased himself, and bases his sta tistics on returna secured by a sylla bus circulated among 1.700 pupils and alumni of tho Normal school. The syllabus was a printed list of ques tions. the answer to wblch prove that the maturity of a woman's heart Is reachsd at 22 and a man's at 24. Proper Husband! Returning voyagers, from England bring back this story, told by H. Clay Evans, consul-general at Londen: . An Amorlcan from Buffalo went abroad. He visited Paris and after ward fell on London, where he boast ed of his knowledge of Parisian cus toms, meals, wines, pictures and ev erything else the traveler sees and sots. "Of course," said Evans, "you en joyed some nominee do terra ln Paris?" "Not at allnot at all," replied the man from Buffalo. "My wife Is trav eling with me." New York Sun. A London eaUng house is to be opened near tho bank, at which the waitresses will be octoroons of the genuine cbocolato croam tint, specially imported from the Southern states. k o.a.s'fom.. 3MntU WKh itaa tivm BajT Biguten af fr Of Fast Heart Lasted 160 Hours. Doctors Didn't Know What To Da. Dr. Miles Heart Cure and Nervine Cured Me. "For even rein I have been troubled with what the doctors called a 'fast heart,' coing at once front the tuual beat to twice as fast, which in a short mne would exhaust me terribly and only after treatment by a physi cian ft would get back to normal speed. These attacks increased in frequency and severity until December, 1901, when they came on once a week. Each attack would lay me up a day or more. The attack becin Dine January nth, 1901, lasted J60 hours (almost a week) my heart beat almost one hundred atid fifty per minute and some times more- Dunne this week ray physician consulted with fourother doctors, but all to no purpose. My heart finally slowed up, and it was then a serious question with my family what to do next: as tor me, I was too far gone to care much what happened. Dr. Miles' al manac said, "write for advice" and my son wrote, receivings nice reply. A neighbor told us he had used your uedies with great ben efit. I took courage, 1 antheuseofDr.Miles' New Heart Cure ana RestoratWe Nervine until L had taken eleven bottles of the Heart Cure and seven bottles of the Restorative Nervine. I had two slight attacks after I began the use of your medicine the last one lasting only thirty minutes. For more than three months my heart has run without a flurry. I am cured, and Dr. Miles' Remedies did the work. I have been postmaster here for more than ten Tears." M.T. Cantrkix, P. M-, Fredonia, Kansas. All druggists sell and guarantee first bot- tie Dr. Miles' Remedies. Send for free book on Nervous and Heart Diseases. Address Dr. Miles' Medical Co, Elkhart. lad. S. C. STONE, M. D. ....PROPRIETOR OF.... STONE'S DRUG STORES 8ALEM, OREGON. The stores (two 'n number) are k cated at No. 235 and 297 Commercial street, and ere well stocked with complete line of drugs and medicines toilet articles, perfumery, brash m etc. Has had some 26 years experience U the practice of medicine, and no makes no charges tar consultation, ex amlnatlon or prescription Your Stepmother Is still here, and as busy suil a ere, and as busy as ever. When your clothes an worn and dirty, or the buttons osT. Ukothem to nor, at the Salem Dyeing and Cleaning Works. Repairing and rallnlng; new velvet collars pnt oa overcoats; also four suits a mont for $1. Called tor and returned. MRS. C. H. WALKER, Prop. 1S5 Commercial Street PCHicHrsncrrs trtc EftEWRGYAL sHicHrsncrrs cncuibh M jr.v Vrirlvtl and Uitlr Ual. P;-'."Srt?S .!! lile, ul OntttH m niinir.llisill) luruuSU 5 ! fctW.iimiuu u Imit X Fr n1r f'"' L4Im,"m tttr, ), r- Sold In Salem by 8. C Stone. Call for Free Simple. Wis & Eastern!) R. TIME CARD NO. 24. No. 2 for Yaqulna: Leavee Albany ........ .12.M5 p.m. Leaves Corvallls 2:00 p.m. Arrives Yaqulna 0:20 p.m. No. 1 Returning: Loaves Yaqulna 6:46 a.m. Leaves Corvallls 11:30 a.m Arrives Albany 12:15 p. m. No. 3for Derelt: Leaves Albany 7:00a.m. Arrlvee Dotrol 12:20 p m. No. 4 From Detreit: Leaves Detroit 1:00 p.m. Arrives Albany 5; 65 p. m. Train No. 1 arivee in Albany ln time to connect with the S. P. touth bound train, as well as giving two or throe hours In Albany before depar ture of S. P. northbound train. Train No. 2 connects with the 8. P. traloa at Corvallls and Albany idr- Jng direct service to Newport and ad jacent beaches Train No. 3 for Detroit, Breltenbuah and other mountain resorts leavee Albany at 7:00 a. m., reaching De troit about noon, giving ample time to reach the Springs same day. For further Information apply to EDWIN 8TONE. Manager. T COCKRELL, Agent, Albany. n. H. CRONISK, Arent, CorralUs, i PILES RU" suppository I g Qn4 UlU, Suut rtllt, X, C , vriut IiuhtI m Uuj 4a til clUa f tkna. Di III lrm, mBtr Iitrtw "TU7flratli.r.U ui Ifl fj brtlM. Dr II I U.UIU, CluUUrt. !.-. wr nf M ' 'mi "I SI jiyi. I ' l4 a mm lb C' T1 . ' " TtKt, V Cim, IiaipiM FlM. kH B ii l''"' W JPY. CJMCm1Tirt. PA. H snUfiioHPicmo 3 TRAINS TO THE EA8T DAILY, DEPART TOR TimB SCHEDULES rrom Portland, Or, AMm ntOM vmctvto Portland SKI, a vtaHonv lDtoon Bait Lake, Dourer, Ft, Worth, Omaha, Kanui Cltr, Bt. Loo It. Cblcato SNn, SOU Mil, Atlantic JCzprew 806 jp,m, Tlallunt intton 3all Lake, Denter n. Worlb. Omaha. Kanui City. 8U LooU, Chicago and Eait. . euPanl FXt Mali 7 45 p. m. via Bpokane WalU Walla. Lewliton, uvajv, UNWlVi S UU- man, Mlnneapolli 81 PauL Dulnth.atUwaokM a a Ohtcaso, and Eaat. 70 " HUUK5 PORTLAND TO CHICAGO No Cbaice of Can OCEAN AND RIVER SCHEDULE nvui rvruatci- 4lltalUnR date tubject to change For an Frauclfoo Sail erery B dayt I p.m. P.B Dtllr eiwpt Bonuay 8 p. m Batnrdaj COI.nMBIA K1VHR ToAitorla anl Wit Landlns tcta X. 80D. WILLAMETTE RIVER Steamer Ruth leaves Salem fa? Portland and way landings on Toe days, Thursdays and Saturdays, abonl 10 a. mi. M. P. BALDWIN, For Corvallls Mondays, Wedne days and Fridays about 5:30 p. m. A, L, CRAIG, AgtO.R.&N. Salea. Gon. Pass. Agt. Portland, Or. Offers a choice of THREE gateni KANSAS CITY, ST. JOSEPH: & OMAHA, to Chicago and points EmL Through Standard and Tesiut sleeping cars dally between San Fn clsco and Chicago via Los Anftl and El Paso. Through Tourist Sleeper eftck TUESDAY from Portland to Calais via Salt Lakq and Colorado Sprln&x Through Standard Sleeping Can dally between Ogden and Chicago. Lowest rate In effect always anil' ablo via "Rock Island System." Reduced ROUND TRIP RATES to effect on July 12, 13, 15 and 16, aa4 August 18, 19, 25 and 26; 90 dayi re turn limit Bo sure that your ticket reads rU the Great Rock Island Route. The boat and most reasonable din ing car service. For Information, GEO. W. BAINTER, T. P. A. L. B. GORHAM, Gen Agt, 260 Ald street. Portland Oro. Quick Time East From Tacoma, Seattle, tho PWt Sound country and Spokane to Mis souri river points and tho Southeast tho Burlington offers quick sorrlc Through trains Seattlo to Kant" City equipped with big, free chair cri standard Pullman sleepers, and wt but not least, tourist Bloopers, cltan, comfortable and cheap. Why not take tho Southeast special via Billings and tho Burlington? Tod cant do better, and you might do worse. an r. w. oncuun, uencrai nyt f lOO THIRD 70, GrpT?Tfl"RT. V PORTLAND. O. C. T. CO.'S PASSENGER STEAMERS POMONA and Altona leaf for. rorllaed, MondtJ, Wcdnekday and Friday at 10 a, tn, Tuesday, Thuradiy and Saturdiy at 7 m: Kor Conrallli, Toeaday, Tnnrdy and Saturday at p m For Independence dally except Sunday at p. u. Deck: Foot of Trada trM. M..P. BALDWIN, Agt Capital Normal School First National Bank Bulldlnir. Salea- The fall term of twelve weeks ope Sectember 28. Address. J. J. KRAPS. Salca. ur J. Brownstein & Son. 54 State street. Hlelcst cash price caid for Bides, felts. Wool. Tallow aadfare: also general dealer la M Ireii Rofelerasd Metato. if fTmsHfmmuifh, H:lr"tE&&" Vl 4 s-."1-'