Newspaper Page Text
r EIGHT DAILY CAPITAL JOURNAL: SALEM;' OREGON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER? 17, -1903. fl A V The Universal Providers Stockton OtwU, About January 1st we will combine our dry good stock at our cor ner atorc, and our clothing and furnishings, end Bhoca will bo com bined at our store lit 298-300 Commercial street until our new building Is completed. Until then wo will laughter Prices More Than Ever LIKE THIRTY CENTS , Ladies and Children's Jackets 1'2 Price Plenty of good styles to select from. SHAW KNIT HOSE FOR BOY8 AND MI88ES. 18c pr. Rogular 25c values. Boo our Reducod prices on Portiers Drnporlos, etc.. Court window. street GREAT SLAUGHTER OF MEN'S 8UIT8 Hop Prices Are Stif fening Steadily and Surely Dealers Are Talking About Thirty Cent Figures to Be Reached After New Years prune bin, and, while stooping to pass under the shaft, hi clothing was, caught on a knucklo of the swiftly turning rod, and the next instant h'e was whirled through the air, his body being seriously bruised by contact with the,dried fruit, against which he was constantly thrown, After scrornl revolutions his clothing broke, releas ing him, and he was thrown across the warehouse, falling In such a man ner as to escape injury. His life was saved by the fact that his clothing was old for, had it been otherwise, tho chances are that ho would have been killed before tho shaft could be stopped. Comrade, Attend the Funeral Of Jacob Seng, private, Company E, Ninth Regiment Cavalry, Missouri volunteers, from Rlgdon'B parlors on Court street, at 10:30 a. m.. December 18, 1903. SAMUEL CLEFFMAN, Commander Sedgwick Post, No. 10, G. A.R. OPERA HOUSE JOHN F. CORDRAY, Mgr." GRAND Our prices aro lower than those quoted by other firms. BEAUTIFUL COLLAR8 FOR LADIE8 AT GREAT REDUCTIONS lllilllf GREAT COMBINATION 8ALE8 AT BOTH STORES. Sale Prices on Toys and Dolls OUR STORE OPEN NIGHT8 UNTIL CHRISTMAS. aacaflaAM.'raoB OPENS THURSDAY First Annual Exhibition of tho 8ALEM POULTRY AND PET 8TOCK ASSOCIATION. Mako your engagements so yoU can attend. Threo days and three nights. A flno exhibit of bloodod stock. D008, CAT8 AND POULTRY. You cannot afford to miss It. , The local hop market is quiet, and few sales are being recorded, owing to the fact that the present holders of stocks are tlff, and will await a high er market Dealers are quoting hops from 13 to 22 cents, but at these fig ures, even at tho highest named, the growers who are still holding their crops do not feel inclined to s,ell. It Is predicted that the hop market will soon advance, and after the first of the year many dealers expect to see the market touch 30 cents for choice growths, as the world's supply Is (scarce up to tho requirements before (the next crop can poislbly came in, mm iiruwer win uc vuiDpunuu to re new their stocks from the somewhat small visible supply. The Eugene Guard yesterday. In dis cussing the hop situation thero, eays: "Hops are having a stroncr. steady upward tendency, and it Is predicted ( that by January 1st there will be less man ow;u unies in me growers' hand. The hop market Is stronger and more excited than It has been for months past. Growors are now holding for 25 cents. Yesterdny AS bales wore sold In Polk county at 23 cent?. It Is reported that a sale was made at Ole qua, Washington, of 70 bales at 2! cents, but this has not boon vorlfled." The Watervllle (N. Y.) Tlmos, of the Htli Inst.. In dlscuMine the hon situation, says: I "A fett moro sales of the fow hops Beats the Legislature. I remaining In growers' hands havo been "Word was received In EtiKcno last ! maae Wl"n ttic past few unyj, among BEAUTIFUL HOLIDAY HANDKER- CHIEFS A1 SALE PRICES. DIED. BROWN. At the family home, near Oak Grove, Wednesday, December 1C, 1903 Bessie, the Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Brown, of pneumonia, aged 1 year and 4 months. NEW TODAY SATURDAY, DEC. 19. , Special Return Engagement Of last season's laughing success: Goodhue & Kelloggs splendid com pany of players, Including Mr. John Daly Murphy and Miss Pauline Htckler. In the Jolly comedy HELLO BILL! HELLO BILL! HELLO BILL1 America's funniest comedy. Tho same splendid company that has delighted all California, and is proclaimed by press and public tho very jolllest and laughlcst ever. Prices 76c. GOc and 35c Seats on sale at box office Saturday at 9 a. m. Misses; and Children's "N Cloaks At For Sale. At a bargain. wanting a good business largo store and house cembined: good chance to carry on a general merchandise business on one of Sa lem's best streets. Address ."I.," caro of Journal. 12-16-lm MARRIED. HUBBARD GRADER. At tho home of the brldgo's parents In Yew Park, Wednesday evening, December 16, 1903, at 8 o'cleck A.lss Dollle Hub bard to Mr. Joseph Graber, Rev. Cllffo officiating. The bride is the daughter of Judge tiuuuara ana .Mrs. w. u. iiuuuaru, ol this city, wullo tho groom Is a well- For anyone known young business man of this location, city, being a member of tho firm of Roth & Graber, grocers, on State street night that brought gladness to Eu geno stockholders of tho "Miscellane ous" claim In the Bohemia district Yosterday a body of vory flno oro was uncovered on tho Jowor levor. Tho striko exceeded' all expectations Eugcno holders In tho Fnirvlow group aro Attornoy L. T. Harris, Wm. Fabor, Alf Walker, Stocks & Harlow, Herbert Leigh, John Brund and others Oregon Fitc Relief Association Oreffon'a Great Mutiil Insurance Co. $15,440,588 Insurance at risk. Safe, economical Insurance for the people. Head office. Mcttlnville. Or. H.A JOHNSON, Apent for Marlon Co Salens. Oregon- them being Simmons Bros.', of Knox boro, 11 bales at 25c; Wm. Kimball, 9 at 29c; Mr. Edgorton. 11 nt 28c; A. J. Marsh, 6 at 2Sc; W. P. Brlggs, 23 at 30c; JoJhn Bryant, 7 at 30Vlc; Pat rick Clary. i3G at 27c; Brogan & Dunn. 29 at 2Gc; E. G. Locke and his ten anb Mr. McHugo, sold 33 bales at prlvato terms, but Mr. Locke got 20 conts for 10 bales of a 28-bale lot' on another farm. Tho medium? bring from 27 to 28c, and the best 29 to 3Dc." The New York Journal & Bulletin. of tho 11th Inst., says of tho market: 'Stronger advices were recelvod For Sale. Now house and lot, ono block from school house; $500 if sold before January lsL J. F. Blanchard, Salem Postofllce. 12-17-3t Girl Wanted For gonoral housework, In a small family, with no children. Call at 319 Liberty stroet 12-173t 0 Horse Strayed. A chestnut bay, bald faced goldlng. wolghlng botweon 1400 and 1600 pounds, with halter on; strayed from place Saturday ev ening. Reward for his return to Joseph A. DIttor, Aumsvllle, Ore gon, R. F. D 12-16-lt Flno assortment of Indies and gents' gold watches and chains, for the holiday trade, for salo cheap, at W. Calvet's. Practical watchmakor, 158 Stato street. ood Entray. A bay mare, three years old. white star In forehead, hind feet white, old shocu on foro feet; had halter on with rope tied about neck. Left Salem, December 12th. Take her up and notify S. B. Howard, Salem. 12-16-tf MODEL OYSTER PARLORS 140 Court Street. Oyttersany style Mid short orders. Oyitrr Loaves, Chicken mtnnlei, Shell Flab, Etc. In traton, Special chicken dinner, Sundays, 25c Potatoes, Potatoes, POTATOES Call and see us before yoo sell yoor Crop James M. Kyle & Co i 75 CommercialSt. Ffesn NAVAL ORANGES Today AT ieacfe Edward Bills. 144 State 8t ' Stockholders. Lawrence T. HarrlB left on tho mid nlplif trnln fnr Cnilnfn flmvi nml trill go directly to tho mine. Intending to'frora,tnc coast, and during the past make a thorough investigation forhlm-,lu" "aB Ul "as oeen consumable self. .activity In the trading, it being un it Is hoped that tho roports aro not I tood that ,n the neighborhood of oxaggorntod, and that Mr. Harris will 2000 UI'GB changed hands In Oregon find tho roportB to be true. Eugene nml California, principally nt about 20 Guard. WHEAT MARKETS. Chicago Dec. 17. Wheat, 78 79. Gold Dust-Flour Mde by THE SIDNEY POWER COMPANY, 8ldney, Oregon. Made for family uso. Ask your rocer for It. Bran and shorts al ways on hand. L T. Wain, Agt. tTtEBB8KBB8BStrflfiBBKHBrnvBgnrH M , , s next issue g of the Delinquent 8 Bulletin will be out g about January 1st. g Get one free of charge 3 by letting us do your g collecting. g Van Alatlne Cordon & Co. 2S7HCom'ISt. Phone 801 A. R Morgan & Co. Mgrs. BttaSXfflBS?''3o-..6;c-S8U conts for medium grades. Cholco se lections aro quoted up to 23 centa Ad vlcos from up the state quotod strong er mnrkots. The principal English buyer has reappeared In tho market and has paid 3031c for choice se lections; offerings were roported light, reflecting the small remaining stocks. The local market was firm, but quiet. Tho English markot was reported stronger." Cut an Artery. L. W. Powell, the telegraph opera tor at Turner, met with n serious ac cident yesterday, while attempting to enter the office nt his station. The young man had locked his osric leav ing the key Inside. Hearing his call on the Instrument, he forced his way ,inio me omee by breaking the glass I In the door with his hand. In doing I so he accidentally cut the rafilal artory at the base of the thumb, and all at tempts to stop the flow of blood proved unavailing. Mr. Powell came to this city to receive medical assist aace. Turkey Shoot About fifty first-class turkeys shot offff at J. H. Elgin place, eight miles South of Salem Monday, Dec. 21st Lunch served free. 12-14-lw IMMMIIIMMMHmMWg HOLIDAY SPECIAL s 3 lbs Fancy Dates. 2 lbs Mixed Nuts, hBBWHfBHIHHBVK&KBHflltHBfK Timely Suggestions iot 1 Cfifistmas Presents Took a Few Turns. Oral Rlee, a young man oiuployed In tho warehouse of the Willamette Val loy Prune Association, mot with an accident yesterday while going about Ills duties In the warehouse, and It wns by the merest chance that he es caped serious Injuries. He had tc pasa a swiftly revolving shaft over a 25 Cents Fancy Dates. 35 Cents Walnuts or Almonds. 35 Cents Mixed Nuts. , 35 Cents 2 lbs cans Solid Pineapple. 50 Cents 1 Bushel o Good Apples. 5 Cents 1 Packago Barnum Animals. 10 Cents 1 Package- Noah's Ark. Fuller & Douglas s Electric Hand Lamps Another lot by today's oxpross. A wonderful convenience for thoso who must bo out at night Ask to soo them, and If you want to glvj ono a night's trial, say tho word and you may. Mud guards and mud splashers for your wheol. Wo fit thorn. You feel bettor whon you dismount from your wheel, If you know you aro not streaked with mud from your head to your hcola. Blko capes, too, for men and boys. And carbide, plenty of It 2 pounds for 25c, In packagco. You furnish the can. Anil sowing machine oil, tho sort that won't gum, Nye's sperm oil. And needles, too Excelsior or Howard's Needles, best In tho werld: 25c a dozen; four for 10c. In fact, wo ropalr machines ,and guarantee our work. N. H. Burloy dooa oil of this work, and ho has hod years i or exporlcnco. Bring in your chine. 2 Pitfce This is an opportunity of the year to get a late styje garment at less than whole sale cost. ' See window display. J F. A. Wiggins' Implement House. 255-257 Liberty St Farm Machinery, Bicycles, Automo biles, Sewing Machines and Supplies. N. H.BURLEY, Sewing Machine Repairing. Don't Let It Escape When you have at last seized ncs a gdod opportunity of having jtmr lauhdrv work donn In such onfect ma condition, and of such an Irroproech- ablo color and finish as you will nnl everything that leaves our establish mono. We hnvo aimed to make the work done at tho Salem Steam Lam dry perfect, and to keep it at tho to? notch of porfectlon, and wo have tut coeded in gratifying our patrons be yond our fondest hopes. Drop us i postal card or telephone, and the wagon will stop. Salem Steam Latmdry Phone 411 230 Liberty 8t. 142 State Grocers Phone 2261 2 tt9aaaett oaaeG H!MKlsHtfB4afrHBt-B BaHBHHfttHBHBaH DON'T FORGET Thnt THE FAIR STORE is located nt No. 274 Commercial J, h Street, and that wo carry the largest stock of toys and holiday J h goods in Salem, nt prices that can't be beat. Wo have express J 5 wagoiis, hobby horses, wheol barrows, doll carriages, children's m : rocking chairs, toy trunks, drums. hornH. ton?, hanks, tool $ chests, air guns, boats, toy furniture, doll houses, Christmas I j tree ornaments and, in fact, evervthinir in tbnt line. Sb We have the best values in dolls ever seen in Salem. THE FAIR STORE S 274 Commercial Street BHBMB-frl-aBBBIWBa)feta mtaaf pa98ugi-aganiatantoteieo i . ..?& them. D'amond Rlnjjs from $10.00 to WOO. Ladles' Watches from $6.50 to $50. Gents Watches from $4.50 to $50.00. Boys' Watches from $1.50 to $8.00. Solid Qold Rlnos from $1.00 to $20.00. Diamond Brooches from $10.00 and up. Diamond Cuff Links from $3.50 to $25, Diamond 8tuds from $11.50 to $200... Watch Chains from $1.50 to $15.00. Oper Glasses from $6.50 to $18.50. Gold Pens and Pearl Handles $1.50 to $2.00. Stick Pins, beauties from $1 to $1.50. Match Boxes from $1,5Qto $5,00. unavino Muge from $3.50 to $6.50, i i i M f? , nnJ evo-ojassea selected fori Xmasfereentwtll'be rfii the holiday. Your secUnsJald aside .until, youwapt 2 C&ase EL Hinges, ! I Holiday Perfumes J We can show you more different lines of perfume than any other f drug store In Salem. QUALITY, not quantity, we sell. Sec our window Jeweler and Optician, 88 State Street. ! MtiHa-HM-BHra-tM lH-B44&HlltttaaaHtitetll&8ftji Catioll's Candies Always Ftesk IPaiaey'iiaHfiaaol Phone, Main 2541 118 State St, Salem. Oregon.? !! 1 1 i i il f (i e it (mcffiOiSTmE PEOPXJES BARGAIN MiOlfSJB- Holiday Goods Now on Exhibition Our store Is filled from the floor to ths celling -wtth the choicest line of dry goods shown In Salem. We are not looking for fancy profits, we 'are satisfied, with quarter the profits made by other houses. We. are In a position to do business on these up-to-date and popular liner, all on account of the small expenses we are under. It will pay you well to visit our store and look through the different departments. We know you wjll find" suitable presents for your friends, father, mother, sisters and little folks. .. The Cheapest Store in the Northwest M'Eyoy Brothers, Court St.,Salem ,i!smisUPiJflJH aiiwijMjUii'iii1 '"" i xm&xMmH- t-'"t-'- ' !- , iiMriMlimi1irMltMlilllBIIBllTBWlBMBsMm