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' 'WV.f$mm''W'r ' , AILY Ivou XI 1 1, f)APW;M, .TflTTRM T ' f i , .' vy 7' " -m-swh. A.m w Am , , a . .a ;,. ILLS OF CONGRESS GRINDING ODse Wants Papers in the Recent Pos tal Frauds BALSM, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1903 tesolution Calling For Them Is Introduced-Will Be Thoroughly Investigated I Washington, Dec. 18. Senator Par ana, of California, prosldcd over tho cnato today during Fryo's nbsenco DolUvcr presented a petition refers ring to ho Isle of Pines. UponLodgo's objection that it should be presented in secret session, It was withdrawn. In tho house about 60 wero present when tho session open.d. Wognor, of Pennsylvania, offored a Drlvllocn rn olution calling upon Postmaster-Gen. eral Payno to transmit to tho commit too on postal expenditures all the pa pers and reports In tho postofflco in vestlBaUon. Williams objected, and asked tlmo to debate and offer amend, ments to tho resolution. Wagner re fused to commit himself, and said tho papers properly belonged to the pos tal committee, as It was authorized by tho rules of Uio houso to pass upon all accounts, and, report all atmso of ap propriations, Wagner's resolution was adopted by a vote of 109 to 100. Tho bulk of the papers are clready In tho hands of the committee on poatofflces. In the Senate. Washington, Dec. 18. Senator Pen- (Continued on oigth pago.) ;TATE WILL PROCEED WITH PORTAGE KJovemor Chamberlain Replies to Dilatory Pleas of the United States Engineers. , Governor Chamborlaln Is Hi receipt f a letter from Major Lnngfltt, corps K engineers, regarding tho richt of vny at Tho Dalles, suggesting that 10 stato should provldo tho required light of way for tho government pro- Beet Yesterday afternoon Govornor and roleaso from damages, but It is presumed that, as tho ,vork Is located In tho stato of Oregon, this would nat urally dovolvo upon that stato, or at least the officials of that stato would bo tho ones to look after tho matter. "Should this view bo correct, and any official of tho stato bo proporly toamborlaln mado reply to tho letter, designated to tako tho matter In hand. Major Langlltt'a letter Ib as follews: Major Langfltt's Letter. "Dear Sir: I havo to inform you that tho board of engineers, author zed by tho river and harbor act ap proved Juno 13, 1902, and continued toy par. C, S. O. No; 19, 1902, hoadquar- iters corps of engineers, submitted Its report of modification of project for improving Columbia river between 'tho foot of Tho Dalles rapids and tho rfheau; of Celllo falls., Oregon and "Wash- pngton. This board recommended that Ijtfno work .should bo begun until tho right of way and rolenso from darn rages had been convoyed to tho United States free of cost.' "This recommendation was con- Icurrcd In by tho chief of engineers, and io acting secretary of war, undor Sato of November G, 1903, approved I should bo glad to cc-opornto in any manner possible with thorn in desig nating tho rights of way needed, and facilitate their work as far as may be possible.'' The Governor's Reply. Tho governor's reply to this letter, Bont out last night; ib as follews: "Tho legislature at lte last session passed an act providing for tho 'crea tion of a board of portagu coramlslon ore, and providing for tho acquire ment of a right of way and tho con struction of a portago railway around tho point referred to In your letter, and mado an appropriation for that s) eel fie purpose, and much as I .fool Interested la seeing tho United States tako chargoW thla Important work, I havo ,no powor to do anything In the promises, nor has the board referred o Toport 'subject to tho condition to authority, undor tho act creating at no work shall bo begun until the them, to appropriate any monoy for ght of way and roleaso from damag- any other purpose than that specific have been convoyed to tho Unltod ally mentioned in the act. tntcs free of chargo.' "I regret this exceedingly, but until "Nothing Is said as to who should further legislation wo are compelled ecuro and convoy this right of way, to prdceed In the mattor of acquiring a right of way and constructing n ortago railroad. In the vory nature of thlngi Oint can only be a temper nry expedient, whilst a government ca nal would be pennanont, and would do more than it Is poselblo for the stato to do to relieve conditions in Eaatorn Oregon and Washington, and I slncoroly hopo that the gotioral gov ernment may yot, through its proper authorities, see ita way to tako the In itiative, both la the matter of secur ing tho title to n right of way, and In the work of construction of a canal." 'torn now on special prices on Candies for Xmas 'tees, Etc. mns 954 State 8t Phone 1971 Main K4HH--MH-Pt4W4HtttlIOM4e-l-t Have you seen the ctowds I of Holiday Shoppers at the WOMEN FATALLY INJURED PanicStricken at a Fire They Jump From Fifth Story Elevator Man Loses His Head and Life --None Were in Immediate Dan- ger NOj291. Dayton, Ohio, Dec. 18. Pour yo-. men, employed In a dressmaking es tablishment In tho Canby building, wero panlc-Btrlckcn In a Arc this morning, and Jumped from tho fifth story. Minnie Troxoll, two Lovicou sisters, and Mrs. Frank Hughes nro probably fatally hurf. , Ellas Uoeder, tho olovator man, be came excited, lost control of his car. and fell five floom Ho Is fatally hurt. Ellas Saundars foil three storlon from n flro escape, and -Is seriously In jured. All could havo oaenpod easily, as the lire was confined In the storioa In the basement. Smoko filling the build ing caused tho panic. STRIKE OF LIVERY DRIVERS Stops Funerals in the ? Windy Street Cabs Deserted Undertakers Ask for Police Protection to Protect Drivers of Funeral Cortege Chicago, Dec. 18. Fiftoeu hundred llvory drivers struck today. Tho busi ness is tied up. At noon 400 stable mon quit in sympathy. Tho drivers demand $14 a week for J 2 hours a dayi A funornl at St, Procopius church this morning was interrupted, whon tho mombors of tho Coupe and Cab 'Drivers' Union, who hnd been Impressed to drlvo by tho liverymen, wero called out by their business agent, whllo tho coromonles In tho church wore progressing. The pall boarors. who started to place tho body In the hearse, wore notified that thoro wero no drivers, as all refused to pro coed to tho cemetery. Tho body wrb finally convoyed to tho cometory In a light undertaker's wagon, while Rev. Neurel and. the mourners proceeded in street cars. Another funeral, to havo taken ploco thlo morning, was postponed, and tho body will bo taken to the cemetery today In an express wagon. This afternoon many liverymen are agreeing to tho scale. Tho union pre dicts an early victory. An undertaker this afternoon, who succeeded In getting non-union drlv ore, called upon tho police to protect tho funeral. A detail of officers ac companied tho carriages and hearse, and stood guard around tho church whllo tho Borvlces were being hold. SWACKENHAMER, COLORED DIVINE Has Trouble at a Junction City Church and U Abuted by the Pastor. Eugene, Dec. 18. (Special) Rev. Swackonhamop, tho colored preacher, In now having somo troublo down at Junction, claiming ho has been abused. Ho statba that a prominent minister at Junction Invited him to hold re vlvnl sorvlcca, and when ho camo to start tho revival tbo pastor rofuso.1 Rov, Swackonhamcr admission, and called hist colored brother a liar, Im postor, a robber and everything but a Christian. POPULAR FEELING IN JAPAH Toward Russia Is at the Boiling Point" War Talk Declaration Would Come at Once if Left to Popular Vote-- Government Steady Toklo, Japan, Doc. 18. Tho popular feeling toward Rusdta today Is at the hlghojt point. It Is believed, If put tor a popular voto, Japan would almost Immediately declare wan Tho gov ernment l showing great steadfast' ness, although tho pressure Ib onor moiis. Tho cabinet ham't yet eont n reply to Russia's communication. An 'Armenian Revolution, Vlonna, Doc. 18. Reports received horo show that largo quantities of arms and ammunition have been sue coMfully smuggled into the Armenian dlstrlotB In Southeastern Kuaela by the Armenians, and nil Is now In rend InoBs for a goneral Insurrection In the CaucuBus In the spring Without Foundation. Galveston, Tox., Doc. 18. The" re port that ovldancus of a plot against President Roosevelt wore found In tho possession of Charles l'lorron, a latnl anarchltt, who wan arrcBted yesterday for making an Intemptrnto Bpeeeh, Ib without foundation. Judge Tuck will give a public oxhl bltlon of dog judging tonight at the ehow. Everybody come; 8 p. m. Grand Prize for Boys Police Patrol Valued at $10.00 jQc&JfIeifefiS&&i M Mr A Grand Prfce for Girls Doll Go. Cart Valued at $15.00 Christmas Is Rejuvenating Time We all feel as children and enter Into the jplrlt of "Peace, godd will" to the bottom pf our hearts. The little folks enjoy Christmas shopping. M much as you older folks. Bring them to marvel on tho many wonderful things here. Christmas buying In the pleasantest buying oftho yearv There are so many pretty things and o easy to buy, Come to tho BIO STORE where you will be able to find everything you will need for this gala seaton. m .aBB2 iTfae New Yotkl aefcet? l R I They all know where to trad when they have cath to ipend. We have a splendid assortment or Holiday Goods Every Item Is marked on a "epot cash" margin of profit Dolls, Picture Books, Dress Cases, Shaving SeU, Collar and Cuff Boxes, Handkerchief., Perfumery, Slippers and all kind, of merchandise suitable 'or Christmas Presents. Salem's Cheapest One Ptice Cast Store. Great Sale of Ladies' Suits and Jackets We have taken all ef our La dles Suite aad Jwk?tj and marked them a: r nrlcs to ctoee them out speedily There are all sizes In seme itlot, and nil styles In some lp coat. Jack' or blou e suit with drees or walking akirts. Then are all kind of good cloth zlboMiWM. cheviots, serge. Scotch mixtures, with all kinds of trimming. You can't fall to find something to twit you. $18.50 Uluo Cheviot fcjult beat of workmanship, fine quality. Ope n State VENINGS Until Christmas ""Zr- Vtt?QBIlBlHJKJBWyv TV Wheelbarrows Here Ib a great favorito with the ambitious younter built very strong, painted In bright colors, road" for well a play thing. ' Btrong steel wheel, steel supports, iron around bed, woei dies. , 75c to 95c $8.85 $10.00 lllaok Cheviot Suit an elegant awU. splendid Value 9 $5.00 $26.00 Black VoneUaa. flneot trimming ao up In elegant style. tPl "felocipedes For the) little boy and lrt. Fraraea made of steel, nteol wheels direct! spoken, eiraple In construe Ion, made to to'd hard uee urally givea to a toy of this kind. Q real variety fo select trota. Seae with rubber tires. 4See-Saw,f Many nu. hour can b" spent by On younKtero playing on this jxipiila. and l;uorentluK appliance. No ilang" of falling from Uir.ay lieiKhts, but inn eo used by the woe liable a wt-il ai Uie larKor children. W have them in two sizes. Made very strong. thorouKhly braced, i In led and finish m) in vory attractive manner Must bo teen to be appreciated. $2.75 to $3.50 JT JV iitmij ryri!EysM mp 'j f J"' fay "f J Wagons What boy doe not want o wagon 7 They re all alike and ean use them to Kreat advantage. Think of the nu merous errands they can perform- with prornytnww and dtapeUh. Our utock of wnjiona u the most complete you will find ia the aity, corapfUlng all ! from the swall onee to the largeet. Sale of Men's Wea Oh! chilly man, be wise! I.t net Krini rheumatism or wick ml rongwtlon claim you. This is ovreuat weather Are you overionted? Are yeu pre pared to Krapplw Uh winter' wrath ful weatJierT "Delay have daK't ends." We Invite you tu eerne to Hil Here and ItiveetlKOte the jtreat bar MHlrw In HulU and' Overt wits that await you. Never before havo you bad an opportunity to net MrUtly up- tu-dat4HJethlnK t weh lew prise It la to your advantage la make your sulsetlons new. $10.00 Quit or Overcoat $6.50 $15.00 bult or Overcoat $9.50 $?0XO 8ult or Overeest, $4.50 $24.00 Suit or Overcoat 1 I :l I i'l 1 i H -I 1 $ t. 75 to $3.85 $.t0 to $3.50 $16.00 E. T. BARNES, Prop. $5.00 wwwrtwtWttwwi EHfrWlllIP'IB'ttfr