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Daily capital journal. (Salem, Oregon) 1903-1919, January 25, 1904, Image 1

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-Ljk I 1J 1
f u r
NO. 21.
'tissian Marines Accompanied By Theit Offi
cers Attack Japanese In Valdivostok All
Japs Will Leave Siberia Btitisla Ships
Keep Steam Up
London, Jan. 25. Special dlspntchos
torn Toklo, published yesterday, re-
art that tho Japanese minister of
banco has had a conferohco with tho
leading Japanoso hankers, and has do-
lldod to Ibsuo a loan of 100,000,000 yen
Tho Japaneso nowspapors assert
hat at tho Now Year's reception tho
Ezar romlndcd Minister Kurlno that
ho Japanoso ought to romombor that
Russia is a great power.
Tho Dally Telegraph says it loarns
Irom a Russian that Viceroy Alorlort
recently advised tho moblllzatlon of
bo Siberian troops. To this Minister
pf War Kuropatkln dissented, but th
Dzar,. after considering tho matter,
toncurred with Viceroy Aloxleff, and
tho necessary orders were issued.
Outrages by Russian Marines.
London, Jan. 25. Tho Toklo corro
pondont of tho Times saya lettors
received there from Vladivostok do
claro that a party of Russian marines
,landod at Vladivostok January 9th,
and subjected tho Japanese residents
to great violence Thoy wrecked 24
housos, maltreated women and inflict
ed woundB upon aged persons and
Tho rioters woro accompanied by
heir officers, according to tho lettors
rom Vladivostok, and were not ro
.strained by tho civil authorities.
Tho Japanoso newspapers advocate
tho withdrawal of all Japancso from
Liberia, and ask what may bo ox
poeted In tho event of hostilities, if
uch things occur during peace.
Special dispatches from Seoul,
'published In London this morning, re
port tho resignation of Yi Yong Gik
from tho army. Tho namo dispatches
say Yo kun Sang has boon appointed
Coroan minister at Washington.
AD'T twy
Pennsylvania Coal Mine tlie Scene of a Terri
ble Disaster 180 Miners Entombed and
Thee is Little Hope That Any of
Tfiem A e Alive
Try a box of that
elegant stuffed fruit
liiri s
154 State 8t
Phone 1071 Main
Mortality Among Russian Troops.
London, Jan. 25. Dispatches this
morning from- tho Express St. Peters
burg correspondent stato that the
ozar Is recoiving confidential reports
from tho Russian troops In tho 'Far
East, and that tho nature of theso re
ports" Is most distressing to him. The
reports, according to tho Express cor
respondent, aro to tho effect that the
mortality among tho Russian soldiers
In and around Manchuria is largo;
that thoro is no organization among
tho offlcors to provent tho outbreak of
disease, and that tho number of med
ical officers Is altogether inadequate
Tho food of tho troops, it Is stated,
consists almost altogether of black
bread and cabbage.
English Fleet Ready for Action.
Tocamo, Jan. 25. "Tho English
fleet at Hong Kong Is bolng kept in
readiness to sail at a moment's notice.
No Bailor is allowod on shoro leave
over night Tho ships aro all coalod,
and steam is up, bo that within five
minutes after receipt of ordors the
ontlro fleet would bo ready to move."
So states an officer of tho Northorn
Pacific liner Victoria, which arrived
from tho Orient today.
. Tho Victoria reports that tho Jap
ancso government has confiscated all
tho ships of tho Nippon Yuson Kalshn
lino, and will ubo them as transports
for hor soldiers to Corea.
Tho Victoria brings a largo consign
ment of silk to this country, which
will bo shipped to points In tho United
Statoa from Tacoma.
Banks Must Show Up.
Washington, Jan. 25. Tho comp
troller of tho ourroncy this morning
issued a call for a statement from the
national banks at tho closo of busi
ness on Friday, tho 22d.
Two Fools and a Woman.
Chemnitz, Saxony, Jan. 25. Two
army offlcors fought a duel today, and
Liout, Scheubert was killed. The
quarrol was ovor a woman.
, T , -
New Spring Silks f
Our groat success with silks Inst year induced us to pur
chase a very oxtensive line for this spring.
Wo have nil the novelty weaves, and you will positively
find our prices 25 to 30 per cent cheaper than "regular stores"
asl; for the same quality.
Silk Gauze Crepe, New and Dainty.
Coth of Gold, A very rich new weave.
Black SUk Grenadine, 42 inches wide, in beautiful
new designs.
Embroidered Jap Silk, Waisl patterns in red, black and
green dots.
Crystal Cord Silk, The very best quality in dozens of
new patterns.
Fancy Figured Pongee,
Genuine Imported Plain Pongee, In several qualities.
The kind that's, almost everlasting.
Peau de Sole. Taffeta, Crepe de Chine, Silk Organdie, Satlas. Velvets,
and Velveteens.
The New York Racket
Salem's Cheapest One Pice
Cast Store.
E. T. BARNES, Prop. j
(FromJ tho Stockton Record )
Tho Increasing influonco of tho af
ternoon papor and tho corresponding
decreaso of tho advantngo so long hold
by Its morning contemporary is on a
of tho notable facts of current period
ical history. All over tho country the
afternoon papers aro forging ahead.
The fact that they aro tho family pa
pers Increases their vnluo to adver
tisers, and that thoy aro read In thd
family cTrclo In tho evening, when
all are at lolsuro, Insures to thorn a
moro careful perusal than is accorded
tho morning journals. Tho facilities
for rapid work, Improved mediums for
news-gathorlng and tho fact that lira
ltcd tlmo spurs their makers to activ
ity insures spicier and moro rcndablc
results. Tho aftornon papers of the
Pacific coast havo an especial ad
vantage in that thoy aro sovoral hours
behind tho Eastern part of our own
country. This means that tho tolo
graph sorvico covers tho news of the
world for tho day, and that tho morn
ing papors aro largoly a "rehash."
Mother and Son.
Seattle, Jan. 25. Miss AHco Roopor,
tho notorious countorfoltcr, who has
worked In many coast towns, was
sontoncod to flvo yoars In San Quen
tin this morning. Hor son, Charles
Johnson, got on,o year. Ho was given
a light scntonco becnuso ho pleaded
guilty, and tried to tako all tho blame
for his mother's misdoings.
Short Job Briefly Told.
Seattle, Jan. 25. While on a pro
tracted spreo, Potor Degraff, a bar
tender, wont homo this morning, took
down a life-sized plcturo of hlmsolf
from tho wall, kicked It full of holes,
placed a revolver to his head, and, re
marking, "Horo goos nothing," plew
out his brains.
Pittsburg, Jan. 25. At 8:30 this
morning thoro was an explosion in
tho shaft of tho Warwick coal mine,
near Choswlck, and 125 man woro Im
prisoned in tho mine. Tho superin
tendent at 10 o'clock sont to Choswlck
and Sprlngdalo for physicians, al
though none of the mon, up to that
hour, had boon rescued.
Sovoral hundred man nro 'working
at 11 o'clock trying to mako an en
trance to tho mines whoro tho en
tombed men nro. It is bolloved many
wore killed outright or suffocated, ICa
capo was completely shut off, ns th
explosion was so groat it filled the
shafts with debris. ,
Tho mine, which is locntod a mile
from Choswlck, was openod two years
ago. anl was always gaseous. Thsro
are two shafts, 100 feet apart, and 200
foot deop. Tho latest roports from
tho company's roll shows that between
150 and 180 mon arc entombed, In
cluding the flro and pit bosses. , Throe
Injured tlpplo mon wero. takon to'tha
hospital at Alloghanoy, whoro onj
dlod. Soon all mon posslblo to work
woro struggling in frantic hnlf-houc
shifts to reach tho ontomber, as all
would bo smothered unless speedily
glvou frosh air.
Ponding tho arrival of tho mlno In
spector, furthor offort to ontor tho
(Continued on lourtn Fag.)
We Advertise what We Have -We Sell What We Advertise
' i " "Ml
Wheat Fluctuations.
Chicago, Jan. 25 Wheat, 92 fl
89c. Attempts of the bulls, Includ
ing Armour, to unload a portion of
their wheat, caused a fast break In the
maikot, which for a timo threatonod
a stanipedo. The bulls finally came
to the rescuo and checked tho fall.
We are always planning for your convenience and comfort at this store. Just now extensive alter,
atlons are taking place on our second floor which will enable us to more fully meet your needs and re
quirements. This has been and will continue to "be, the cleanest and most up-to-date shopping place In the
city where every department Is run by system and not In a hap-hazard way thus insuring the best of at
tention and the most prompt service
Floods Stiff Increasing.
Parkersburg, W. Va., Jan. 26. The
Ohio river is still rising. At 8 o'clocli
this morning tho gaugo showed 41
feet, six Inches. Tho lower business
districts are submerged, and railways
aro at a standstill.
Another Hoosler Fire.
Brazil, Ind.. Jan. 25. A flro this
morning In the business section de
stroyed 150,000 worth of property, Be
fore It was under control an entire
block was consumed; tho water mains
Dtess Goods
Some, short longths and broken
lines la tho latest fabrics in swell
After our clearance solo wo find
we havo somo odd lots and brokon
lines of Ladles' and Misses wool
hose. Rogular 35c grades,
J9c .
Brokon lines In boys' and misses'
ribbed hoso. Regular 25c grade.
17c pair, 3 pair for 60c
Somo brokon linos from our
clonranco sale of men's high grade
hats, which wo will dlsposo of at
an unheard of price. The lino In.
eludes late styles In both stiff and
soft hats In tho lata and popular
shados, also block. Tho lot In
cludes 2.00, $2.50 and $3.00 values.
Indianapolis Car Darns.
Indianapolis, Jan. 25. In a flro In
tho Capltal-avonuo barns of tho Indi
anapolis Terminal Traction Co., a
long, string of now cars, was de
stroyed, with a loss of 100,000.
Qeneral Shatter Hurt
Bakorsflold, Cal., Jan. 25. Genoral
Wm. R, Shatter was seriously Injured
by being thrown to bis knees by a
horse which ho was leading. Ho Is In
the caro of a physician at a ranch
hero, and injury to tho bono Is (eared.
Mrs. Luko Goodrich and MIsa Car1
tie Paine, of Eugene, aro guests of
Mrs J. Frank Hughes.
Somo broken linos of a few sizes
in ladles' underwear at greatly
under prices. '
65c fleece lined underwear
43c Garment
50c wool underwear
39c Garment
75c Ribbed Jersey Underwear
53c Garment
91.50 Odd lot broken size
75c Garment.
Wednesday Only
Our rogular weekly special salo
No. 1C0. For this 'day only wo
offer flno Gloria Silk, Stoel Rod,
Bulb Runners, Fancy and Natural
wood handled umbrellas of regular
$1.25 and $1.50 values.
Brokon lino and sizes in roon's
stiff bosom, fancy colored shirts;
rogular 51.50 and $1.75 values,
Now outing flannol night uhlrts
for boys and youtha. Assortod
11 1

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