Newspaper Page Text
pt"" -flfl "Jfl ft VOL. XIV. NO. 145- SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 21, 1904. w vtgpt v iiiii.-ii I. . . . . ,,,- NATIONAL REPUBLICAN CONVENTION Fairbanks for Vice President Is Now a Foregone Conclusion Opening and Organization of the Great Roosevelt Ratification Meeting Root Wildly Cheered Chicago, Juno 21. If there was doubt about the nomination of Fair banks, of Indiana, for vlco-presldent, We developments have set It at rest When Pennsylvania and New York fell Into line, the other boomlets did tot have a leg to stand on. Cannon's forceful and picturesque expressions on the subject of his own candidacy. I settled the matter, so far as the New York scheme to nominate him was concerned. Roosevelt kept his hands out of the fight, but Cornelius Bliss, ho represented "the President, was consulted, and acquiesced in the pro gram. There will be no fight in tho con?entlon, although there may be complimentary votes for a number of others, whose enthusiastic friends refuse to permit tho withdrawal of their names. Rebellious talk against the selection of.Cortolyou for the na tional chairmanship has almost en tirely iubsided, nor Is there longer tilt c a compromise, looking either to Oortolyou's .selection, his .subse quent resignation, to accept the post master-generalship or looking to" the selection of Cortelyou as chairman, of tie executive committee and choico of some one else to preside on the na tional committee Itself. Cortelyou is detained in New York on account of the Slocurm disaster, but is expected tere Wednesday. His coming, how erer, U11 have" little effect on the sit- tatlon. The, hopes' of tho tariff re idjusters for a revision plank in tho platform are doomed to disappoint ment, but little talk being heard fore shadowing the slightest concessions on the part of the "stand-patters." But Western delegates continue tho sjitation against an anti-polygamy Pbnk, a matter In which delegates from Utah, Idaho, Colorado, Wyoming ud other intermountain common wealths are standing together. Anoth er fruitful topic for Westerners is" the .statehood question, the last two con gresses having refused to carry out tho platform pledges looking to tho admission 'of Oklahoma, Arizona and New Mexico. The statehood boomers have not lost hope, and tho struggle will bo renewed before tho commit tee on resolutions. Roosevelt In the Saddle. Chicago, June 21. It is a Roosevelt convention now. Tho change has come with the arrival of tho great mass of the delegates, and thousands of hustling Republicans. Roosevelt badges galore adorn the coats of men to be seen on tho streets, men not reg Istered among the leaders and in the parlor conferences. Until Monday the anti-leaders held sway. They were tho old guard of the machine organi zation, whose own great purpose was to perpetuate their rule, some of whom' were antl Roosevelt, and In whoso eyes tho President Is a politic al accident, and who bad1 to be given a renomination by force of circum stances. They threw cold1 water wherever Roosevelt sentiment ap peared, ignoring tho President in the convention arrangements, and had not thought of him in planning the decor ations. Most important of all, they decided, that one of their own selec tion should bo the new chairman of the committee, andi national leader of the party. Then it was that the Pres ident's friends on the ground made a determined stand, Insisting "that Cor telyou should have tho place. These Roosevelt men held their guns until tho army of delegates began flocking In Sunday night. Chicago, June 21. Tho Republican national convention was called to or- 0 99 9 shoes With Goodyear Welt Soles Mean ' COMFORT i i i J W&vwS4 ; WHITE HOUSE i t i i i i i i i It ECther with our extrnmnlv ii I I I I M&ffl cHrPc yf?zr fn limn 1 Jjt sxruJiimir The Insole is smooth, and1 en tirely free from nails and thread They are moro flexible than the ordinary "sewed soles," and gives better service. If you want to know more about a welt shoe, let us show you one that Is sawed in two to show how they are made Inside. Wo can supply you with Goodyear Welts, in Patent Colt, Vici Kid, Velur Calf, Box Calf) and Genuine Kangaroo, In great va riety of new and stylish lasts. Tho quality of our shoes, to low prices makes our business grow. '9 9 9 S 9 9 9 The New York Racket ;DRY GOODS, CLOTHING ulles 'and Men's furnishings. P to:e. Salem's cheapest ono-prlco cash 9 9 9 9 9 9 dor at 12:14 and the secrotaryof tho national committee read tho call. When Hanna's namo was read as signing the call there was an outburst of applause. Rev. J. P Frost, pastor of the nm Methodist Episcopal church, of Evan ston, 111., delivered thp following prayer: "Almighty God, our holp in ages past, our hope for years to come, we thank Thee for Thy goodness to too people of this land. Our sins have been many, but Thy mercies' have been great. Thou hast poured out Thy gifts without measure. The opening years of a new century have been freighted with wealth for hand and mind and heart. Best of all Thou are giving Thyself In a per petual offering of Thy life for tho life of man. We do not forget that in tho hour of deep sorrow when the heart of the nation, was darkened by the murder of the nation's1 chief there was no break in tho march of Thy purpose, tho orderly admlnis stratlon of our government or the faith of the people in their God. Under the guidance of Thy Holy Spirit we were brought by our na tional woe3 nearer to Thee. Surely Thou wilt never forsake this people May no dominance of greed, no riot of passion, no weakening of re ligious conviction or enthronement of matter over spirit cause tho peo ple to forsake Thro. May the heritage of honor coming to us from the fathers in memories of nobler sacrifices and valiant deeds be at once our glad possession and our sacred trust. Whilo we are grateful for tho past may wo re member that today is bettor than yesterday, and so act that tomorrow shall bo greater than today. Whor ever our country's flag floats as the symbol of government, oven unto the Isles of the sea, may we cleave to the righteousness, that exalteth a natloni, and cast out the sin that is a reproach to any people. Savo our nation, w beseech The, from; all the evil things which defile tho home, impair civil liberty, corrupt politics or undermine the integrity of commercial life. Bring to naught tho schemes of men who would de bauch or oppress human life for the gratification of lust or for personal enrichment or power. May exalta tion come only to men who despise the gain of oppressions and shake tho hands from holding of bribes. May all sections and races, all creeds and sentiments, all occupations and interests become united through tho Spirit of the Highest Into a citizen ship with a passion for righteous ness", whereini each individual shall look up to God" asi tho Father of all arid upon every man as a brother. We pray Thee to overrule tho de liberations, conclusion and Issues of- this convention for the good of tho American people and tho wel fare of mankind. Bless Thy servant, tho chief magistrate of our nation. May he and all others' clothed with authority by tho sovereign people be protected by the powers of Thy kingdom and contribute to its ulti mate triumph and consummation in all tho earth. A411 nations are Thy children. Guide and keep them by Thy gracious providence, and hasten the coming of the day when love Bhall have con quered hate, and wars shall have ceased, and all peoples shall dwell together in unity. For Thin Is the kingdom and tho power and the glory forever. Amen. At the conclusion of tho prayer, Scott, of West? Virginia, presented Chairman. Payne a gavel on behalf of tho Chicago committee. Payne re turned thanks. John Mulley, of Ohio, reading clerk, read tho call for tho convention. Four Women Delegates. Chicago, Juno 21. Four women aTO among those at the convention hall who occupy the green chairs reserved for the select. They come from West ern, states, to sit as alternates in the convention. Mrs. J. B West, at the Idaho headquarters, in point of expe rience, was one of tho representatives from Idaho at the Republican conven tion of 1900. Mrs. Jennio Nelson, of Utah, another alternate, is tho wife of Charles Nelson, a prominent business man. Two women are national delegates, ono from Utah, Mrs. O. E. LeFevre, and Mrs. A A. Eldridge, from Colo rado. The latter Is entitled to a seat as delegate, as Judge Nixon, for whom sh is an alternate, Is unable to come. ., A Short Session. Tentative efforts ax made by tho Now York delegates this morning to rush? 3he progranv-of tho conventlbnr so as to complete all tho business to morrow night Many delegates believe that, with the ticket settled in. ad vance, with no situation to clear up, it is fruitless to drag th convention over two toys. The question of an early adjournment rests entirely with In tho discretion 6f tho convention. Chairman Payne, of tho national com mittee, it is said, has further an- (Continued on fifth page.) CONVENTION SCENES DEPICTED '- 'i. l'r How the Republican Leaders and Delegations Made Their Appearance The National Colors and Pictures of Roosevelt Were Everywhere Dis-.: played Great Enthusiasm Chicago, Juno 21. The convention hall presenteJ a brilliant mass of col or this morning. Hanging as a sort of canopy above tho single gallery was a long festooned strip of red and blue bunting, stretched from end to end on each side of the vast amphi theatre. Fromi each point where the bunting was caught up was suspended a largo basket of graceful ferns. Above overy second ono there was tasteful ly arranged a group of five American flags, In the bosom of whose folds re posed the picture of Roosevelt. Be tween these stands of flags boughs of trees wore placed with green foliage, affording a pleasant relief to tho eye. Foliage and Pictures. The steel girders on tho way to the roof wore entwined with green foliage and each girder bore another portrait of tho President. At tho south end of tho hall, on a temporary stand, tho First Regiment band held forth. At tho north end was strung a large placard, announcing that "Under this banner both 1rarrfsbrfJjin!d'"McKInloy wer twice nominated." An immense oil pointing of the lato Mark Hanna, lighted from above by electricity and draped1 with flags, was susponded di rectly over tho speaker's platform, whoso furniture "was of Flemish oak, with tho exception of tho chair and desk of tho presiding officer, which waa mahogany. Vice-Chairman Payne was supplied two gavels, ono great mallet, threo inches in diameter, six inches long, "a storm gavol," tho otl! er for ordinary conditions, a bsBit some llttlo affair of rosewood. Before the Convention. Chicago, Juno 21. Tho officers of tho convention mad their appearance on the platform at 10:30, -while vcrr few peo'plo were In tho hall, About 11 o'clock the Coliseum began to fill,. tho earliest arrivals being tho four women alternates from Idaho, Utaht and Colorado. Half an, hour later not moro than GO delegates woro In tlielr scats. Tho first full delegation to arj- pear was Delaware, under AddlcVa; leadership. Oklahoma mom -wittt sombreros camo next. Tho first ap plause pt tho day from th gallerioss camo with tho advent of a party oT Iowans with Senator Allison at tto head. Senators Depew and Culioaar woro recipients of applause, -wlilch double a few minutes later, -wlwsr Unci Joe Cannon entered1 with Cor nelius Bliss. At 11:45 Postmaster General Payno, th presiding officer mad his way to tho pjatfornr, scco panled by Temporary Chairman Reet and overy on in. tho hall Joined" in tie? greeting. Delegates now camo fa droves, and in 20 minutes nearly all woro present, but the gallorlos war; not half full. Few ladles woro presv ont, compared with previous conrron tions. Tho first real enthusiasm camo when Fairbanks, with tho Indiana del egation, entored th halh Th peo- (Continued on olgth page E. T. BARNES, Proprietor. Hammocks A most splendid line to choose from1 and at prices that are tho lowest In town. 68c to $3.25 Tfjj? eae44&i Go-Carts Big variety for your choosing, of tho best make of carts for the llttlo one. $2.95 to $20.00 ALMOST EVERYBODY is tlied of the promising proposition of the man who promises of tho store that promlHcs. Both are capable of wearing tho Vatlenco oat. It is the paying one that is in demand. The paying store ia bent on giving you your full money's worth every time; is desirous that yent shall bo pleased exactly with what you buy, and pays you your money back if you are not satisfied with your purchase. The paying store la always tho painstaking store. You cannot separate the two. J Tailor T Suits Half -v Price Make th most of this splendid Bavlng opportunity whilo you may. Every suit is of this season's stylo and prices asked does not cover cost of manufacture. Got In early bofore the assortment Is too badly broken. Bathing Stfits It's tlmo you wero thinking of your bathing suit. Soon you'll be hieing away to tho beach wel coming tho opportunity to plungo Into the serf, When, you pack your trunk don't forgot bathing suits, New line just In. $3.50 to $6.00 St Louis, Fait Contest Ono vote with every 25c purchase, two with a 50c purchase, and eo on No Juno votes counted after C p. m. Thursday, Juno 30, 1904. Bo 6ur to vote during this month. TOTAL NUMBER OF VOTES CAST 23,366 TOTAL NUMBER PERSONS VOTED FOR 59 Miss Shetton, Music 8048 Miss Mellon, East 7840 Miss Thomas, Park 1515 Mis$ Cosper, Eat 1328 Mi as BuBonell, Park 1107 Miss Kramor, East 532 Miss Knight, Musio 451 Miss Prunki, Elocution 350 Miss Patrick, O. E. S 308 Miss Gordon, North 233 Tomofftfow Only Our regular Wednesday Special Sale No. 181. For tomorrow's selling w offer you a high-grado black lac lisle hose; now stock, now designs and patterns; this grade of hot- always sella for 50c per pair, but for tomorrow only 33c pair Bettor do your shopping early to got best results Wash Goods Dam Fashion says tans, linens and champagnes, and of course you'll And thorn in profusion at this storo. It's a delight to see a stock like ours complete with distinctly fresh' fabrics and en tirely nowi weaves. Theso aro merely ink and paper descrip tions. Seo our Court fctreet' win dows for display of lino wearable materials for the warm weather. Many newt things to chow you, Better investigate mm ii i em WW I II Hart? Schartnrt Clothe Men's Suits $10 to $25 It's about tlmo you wero piopur lng for your summer outing. If you aro going to tho coast or tho mountains wo have the proper clothing foi yow. Bettor let us fit you out. MEN'S HATS It's getting warm again, Tnis time you'll need a straw hat. For four months you'll want tho cool est thing on your head you can got. Wo havo cool straw hats at prices that wilt not hurt rev loan pockotbook. .s a iffl tft :4 & ri .a i i 1 S$jjj m j?a sal 31 A '! 41 M 5c to $3.50