Newspaper Page Text
II, DAILY e APIT AL HI JOURNAL tfU XIV. SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 1904. NO. 143. RUMOR THAT RUSSIANS WIN BIG VICTORY (.Petersburg Report Says Right rlank of Japanese Army Suffered St. Petersburg, June 23. A rumor torrent this evening that the ad- We guard of the Russian army, un e Count Heller, has defeated the fcnese right flank in the direction Feng Husang Cheng. Japan's New General. MJo, June 23. Marquis Oyama been appointed' to the -supreme ksand of the Japanese armies in e field. Attacked Port Arthur. (le Foo, June 23. It is reported that the Japanese made a determined land and Eea attack on Port Arthur on Wednesday. Armies Are Together. Toklo, June 23. The advance guards of the armies of Generals Oku and Nodsu have effected a con Junction near Kal Ping. Kuropatkln In Charge. Ldao Yang, June 23. General Kuro patkln today assumed personal charge of the Russian army here. fILL COMPILE LIST h York Policemen Canvas Districtfor Names of . Missing lw York, June 23. The great bulk ill Slocum dead- have been found, i fte discovering of bodies, pro fftijmore slowly. Up to 9 o'clock i morning the total was 883, of 570 were identified. Over 100 oen today began to canvas the district in an endeavor to cplle a more accurate list of the Mug. President Receives News. IMiington, June 23. President taevelt received the news of his Jlcatlon while at luncheon with J family on the south portico of the pte House. The weather was beau- 1 clear and pleasant, and, in- 111 of lunching as usual in the prl- i dining room, the President had Jtible tot on the veranda. He was t half through his meal when Sec- lT Loeb rushed out to him with Wlletin announcing his nomina- , as furnished by the Scripps News special loop to tho White House, over which the President had been receiving tho bulletins since the first of the convention. o Fooled Train Robbers. Portland, Or., Juno 23. The North ern Pacific, through a source that Is kept secret, received word that the overland express which left here at 1 o'clock this morning would1 be held up between Goble and Portland. They quietly filled tho cars with officers armed with Winchesters. The fail ure of the attempt to materialize leads to tho belief that the robbers had confederates in tho Portland sta tion, who, through unknown means, is3ued a warning. o North Carolina Democrats. Greensboro, N. C, Juno 23. The Democratic state convention was called to order hero at noon today for the purpose of nominating candidates for governor and other state officers and to select delegates at large and alternates to the national convention at St. Louis. Indications point to an uninstructed delegation to the St. Louis convention, though a strong Parker sentiment is manifested. ROOSEVELT AND FAIRBANKS Republican National Convention Unanimously Names Stand- atd Beaes Enthusiastic Sessions Correspondent Reported Shot New York, June 23. The World to day received from Shan Halkwan a cablegram that its Far Eastern corre spondent, Edward Emerson, was re ported to have been shot by a Russian miner. ) SHOES I With Goodyear Welt Soles Mean OMFORTi QWQJi WHITE HOUSE JSHOES " avwaSAv v - irtai m Wher with our extremely low The Insole Is smooth, and en tirely freo from nails and thread Thoy are more floxlblo than tho ordinary "sowed soles," and gives bettor service. If you want to know moro about a welt shoe, let us show you one that la sawed in two to show how they aro made inside. Wo can supply you with Goodyear Welts, in Patent Colt, Vlcl Kid, Volur Calf, Box Calf) and Genuine Kangaroo, in great va riety of now and stylish lasts. Tho quality of our shoes, to prlcos makes our business grow. 9 The New York Racket m DRY GOODS, CLOTHING : ' Ok "and Men's furnishings. Salem's cheapest ono-prico cash ttore. ' Chicago, June 23. The last and greatest day of the Republican na tional convention was the apothesls of the big show, the climax to which tho events of the past two days have been the Introduction. Today Theodore Roosevelt was nominated to succeed himself as President, and Charles W. Fairbanks, senator from Indiana, was named as vice-president. With tho candllates of the party selected' tho convention adjourned, tho delegations dispersing1 to spread into every re mote section of the country a conta gion of enthusiastic fever which has been enthused into them at this great gathering by the leaders of the grand old party of protection. This was a day of oratorical pyro technics. Somo of the finest speakers In the Republican organization were heard in common chorus in praise of the men who aro to lead the hosts to battle. Elated by tho ovents and the speeches of the last two days, and eagerly anticipating -the intellectual treat in store today, tho delegates be gan to assemble in tho convention hall early this morning. Becauso of im portant workin hand the convention was called to assemble at 10 o'clock. Half hour before the floor presented an animated scene. Many delegates brought flags with them to assist in the demonstration which they were prepared to make when Roosevelt was placed in nomination. An increased interest in the convention was also shown In the galleries, which began to fill ns soon as tho doors opened at 9 o'clock. By tho time Chairman Can non called tho assembly to order near ly every seat was occupied, and short ly after standing room was at a pre mium. There was a larger proportion of ladies present than at either of the previous sessions, and their summer costumes lent a touch of color to the otherwise sombro rows of black coats. The first outburst of applause was ovoked by Margaret Elizabeth Plum mer, national organizer of the Ameri can Flag Asosciation, who was dressed in a stunning gown of cream colored silk, who surprised Chairman Cannori' by presenting him with a great bunch of calla lilies, after mak ing a graceful little speech. Secretary Cortelyjpu was on the platform. As soon riS he mado his appearance many prominent leaders pressed forward to shake hands and assure him of their loyalty and assistance in the great work he is about to undertake as chairman of the national committee. Every membor of tho New York delegation, under instructions from Senators Plat tand Depow, was sup plied with fine silk flags, and their eritranco was greeted with loud ap plause Everybody arose while the band played "America." Tho convention hall filled rapidly at an early hour, and every seat was filled when Chairman called it to or der at 10 o'clock. Rev. Thaddius E. Snlvely opened the convention with prayer. Alabama yielded to New York on the call of states. Chairman Cannon then introduced ex-Governor Black amid great applause. At 10:41 a. m. tho clerk called tho roll of states for the presentation of the names of candidates. When ex-Governor Black finished speaking there was great applause, and the delegates were on their feet. Chairman Cannon stood on tho plat form with a tattered battloflag. The bands were playing, delegates were on their feet, and a massive picture of Theodore Roosevelt shown on tho platform brought forth renewed ap plause. The delegates of New York made a circuit of the hall, while the band played tho Star Spangled Banner. Chairman Cannon lead in singing the Star Spangled Banner, and the. band played "A Hot Time in tho Old Town Tonight." Senator Boveridge, of Indiana, sec onded Roosevelt's nomination with a stirring speech, and the enthusiasm is on tho Increase. Chairman Cannon was compellod to use tho gavel a number of times to bring the convention to order. The entire audience is slpging "Tho Star Spangled Banner," and' there are no signs of order. Delegations with red, white and blue umbrellas are making a circuit of the hall. Tho convention was still shouting for Roosevelt when Chairman Cannon again appeared on the platform with tho tattered flag, which brought forth renewed cheers, and tho convention was in an uproar, and pandemonium reigned for somo time. Geo. A. Knight, of California, sec onded Roosevelt's nomination on be half of the coast states. Harry Stilwell Edwards, of Georgia, seconded the nomination with a bril liant speech. Ex-Governor Bradley, of Kentucky, made a seconding speech. Hary S. Cummlngs, tho colored ora tor of Maryland, and Jos. B. Cotton, of Minnesota, followed with short speeches seconding the nomination. When New Jersey was reached they asked for unanimous consent for tho convention to dispense with furth er roll call and nominate Roosevelt by acclamation, but the Idea did not moot with favor. When tho roll call was ended no namo had been mentioned but that of Roosovelt, and ho received tho total 994 votes of tho convention. In his characteristic stylo Senator Dolllver, of Iowa, placed Fairbanks in nomination'. He paid a glowing tribute to tho policies of tho Republi can party, and to the leaders respon sible for tho exposition of these poli cies. Gradually hut adroitly he led up to his eulogy of tho Indiana statesman. Dolliver's peroration was In the following werdB: "While ho has not sought to con strain tho Judgment of tho conven tion, directly or indirectly, he lias kept himself free from affectation which undervalues tho dignity of the second ofilco within the gift of tho American people, and I do not doubt that his heart has been touched' by tho volunteer expression of universal good will, which already has choson him a one of tho standard bearers for tho Republican party of tho United States. Tho ofilco has sought tho man, and ho will bring to the office the conmnding personality jot a states man equal to any of Jth'e groat1 respon sibilities which belong to our public affairs. "A leader of the senate and a cham plon of all great policies which constl tute tho invincible record of the Re publican party during tho last 10 years, his namo will become a towor of strength to our cause, not only in his own state, but ovorywhoro throughout tho country. A man of af fairs, the wholo business community shares tho confidence which his polit ical associates have reposed in him from the beginning of his public life. Quiet, undemonstrative, and popular opinion, which has given tho Republi can party a platform upon which all Republicans stand, with no dissent ing voice hero or anywhere, has long since anticipated1 tho action of this convention in adding to tho national Republican ticket tho namo of Bona tor Chns. w! Fairbanks, of Indiana, and I take pleasure in presenting this namo honored everywhere throughout tho United States as our candidato for vice-president." Fairbanks was nominated by unan imous voto aftor tho announcement of tho withdrawal of the other candi dates. A resolution was passed1 naming Jos. G. Cannon as chairman of tho committee to nptify Theodore Rooso velt of his nomination on July 27th,. and Elihu Root chairman of tho com mittee to notify Senator Fairbanks of" his nomination for vice-president on August 3d. Convention adjourned sine die at 2:35 p. m. Republican Platform. Fifty years-ago the Ropuhlicarr party came into existence dedicatod, among other purposes to tho great task of arresting tho extension of human slavery. In 18G0 it elected its first president. During 24 of tho 44 years which have elapsed since tho election of Lincoln, tho Republican party has hold complete control of tho government. This long tenure is not (Continued on Fourth Page.) HAMMOCKS 0. "9V&J- . & Skiffts A rack filll of bright, new, this season's styles, skirts reduced J -2 and I -3 :s a nice ono for Don't vou want m that shady corner. Wo have nn elegant lino from M 68c to $3.25 Twenty-First Friday Economic Sale Our Friday specials of celling good merchandise at the very lowest prices Is our great specialty. The gratifying response to each day6 announ cement only spurs us on to greater deeds of bargain giving In every department .the marvelous value giving in seasonable merchandise of every day description continues to attract throngs of enthusiastic buyers. Store news that you are interested In follows. E. T. BARNES, Proprietor. J SPECIAL NO. 1. An exceptional offer of CLOTH OF GOLD 3C inches wide, an exceptional val ue at $1.50 but for Friday only wo offer it at FIRST FLOOR SPECIAL NO. 2. A great array of fancy BASKETS Wo havo them In two shapes, oval and oblong with good corners. Fancy tops and sides. Regular 20c values 3c SECOND FLOOR SPECIAL NO. 3. Pure linen crah TOWELING Such as other stores sell regularly at 10c per yard is offered for this sale at tho low price of 6 -4c FIR8T FLOOR SPECIAL NO. 4. A special lino of the celebrated PETTICOATS McGee, black morcorlzed Regular$1.50 and $1.75 values for this special tale at this price SECOND FLOOR St Lottis Fai Contest One voto with every 25c purchase, two with a 50c purchase and so on. No June votes counted after C p. m., Thursday, Juno 30, 04. Bring in your duplicates beforo tho timo expires for voting. Following Is tho voto up to 5 p. m. yesterday. TOTAL NUMBER OF VOTES CAST 24,761 TOTAL NUMBER PERSONS VOTED FOR 60 Miss Sholton, Music -...8674 Miss Mellcn, East 8470 Miss Thomas, Park 1502 Miss Cosper, East 1328 MIsb Buslraoll, Park ........1150 Miss Kramer, East 532 Miss Knight, Musics 45 1 Miss Prunk, Elocution 35G Miss Patrick. O. H. S 321 Miss Gordon, North 233 Ladies' Suits All aro of this season's best stylos made up in the latest and most fashionable fabrics. An opportun ity you cannot afford to ovorlook. Tho prices asked do not cover cost of manufacture. Half Price Necfc wea FOR LADIES' New styles for summer wear. So broad is tho scopo of this season's styles that it will bo practically an easy mattor for every woman to soloct from, our oxcollont dis plays Just that ploco which espec ially appeals to hor as being most becoming and effective. Don't fall to see these now beauties. You'll bo pleased. MEN Do you want to know how to buy ono of our bright now J20.00 suits for 15.00? Watch' our ad of tomorrow and wo'Il explain in detalL MHMHMflHHHHHHMHMHHNMHMtfHBiHHMflHIMMMHMH SPECIAL NO. 5. Heavy weight guaranteed BLACK TAFFET 2C Inches wide, and is a groat bar gain at ?1 50 per yard. Spoclal sale for Friday only at this prlco. FIR8T FLOOR SPECIAL NO. 6. A big assortment of oriental and floral pattern RUGS of fino grado Smyrna and Axmlii Istor. Rugs such ns you pay '$1.25 for offered for 88c SECOND FLOOR SPECIAL NO. 7. A lino of this season's newest WASH GOODS radically reduced for Friday's soil ing FIR8T FLOOR SPECIAL NO. 8. A lino of bright now muslin NIGHT DRESSES Trimmed with laco insortlon yoko, cut full, full length. Good value at 75o for Friday only 48c 8ECOND FLOOR ''I Vo ' vii " 51 m 1 1 ri :1 i '