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Daily capital journal. (Salem, Oregon) 1903-1919, December 13, 1907, Image 1

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I Jtottrartf
NO.. 2JMt
ill Gets Mad andReads Riot Act to Lumbermen
Lis victor heciln he
United Pi-obb Leased Wlro.)
ittlo, Wash., Doc. 13. James
111 la going ito rotallato on tho
lermen of tho Pacific coast, es-
illy In tho Northwest, on account
be rnto question, which Is now
threshed out In Wnahfngton.
.morning Victor II. Booxman,
lary of tho Pnclilc Const Lum-
an's Association, now In Wash-
Soattlo; B. D. Kinsley, of Brldnl Veil,
Or.; Mr. lluckor, of Everett, and
mysolf that ho would put many lum
borinon In tho hands of receivers be
fore tho rr.to question is settled, and
that tho lumbormen would havo nm
plo ttmo to cool their heels boforo
tho commission rendered Its final do
clolon. Our cano will bo concluded
Wednesday of next week. Plvo Pa
cific coaot lumber and shlnglo manu
facturnrs aro hero to tCBtlfy In favor
of tho railroads. Sixty traffic man
ngoro km also hero. Tho testimony
co far has been practically in our
favor, and tho yroapccU for a fovor
nblo decision nro good. (Signed)
Victor H. Beckmnn."
Among th'o flvo lumbormon to tes
tify for tho rnllroadn oro said to bo
D. M. dough, of tho Clark-NIckor-son
mill at Evorott, and Poulson, of
tho Poulson Lumber Company, of
Merchants' National to Open.
(Unltod Press Lensod Wlro.)
Washington, Doc. 13. Frank Wat
son, prosMent of tho Merchants' Na
tional Bank, of Portland, Is hero
discussing the reopening of tho bank
with tho comptroller, Ridgloy says
hl otlur qualities, Is nlso human,
nryj It Is only human to prefer ele
phants to titmice. As yot llenoy Imb
not purchased a tlokot or reserved
accommodations for Portland, and
everyono In Portland will bo vory
much surprised If thoy hear thnt ho
hns done so.
Aa yet tho congressional delega
tion has not mndo any recommenda
tions an to a successor to Bristol, buc
tho wires betweon tho metropolis of
urocon and tuo cnuiuu nro Humming i
with applications, ondorsomouta nnd
domands. Senator Fulton will have
tho final say In tho matter, and his
friends nro being assiduously court
ed by tho Jobless and tho hungry.
PORTLAND BAR INDIVIDUALLY j Tho federal Job Is a gllt-odgod meal
,.,.... ,,, ...., ..,.'UCKt w'1 honorary trimmings on
UNANIMOUS IN THE OPINION j tho Mq Md thcr(J Jro ft munbor of
THAT "HE" IS THE MAN TO MRht young Oregon nttornoya who
hollove with on abiding faith that tho
(United Press Leased Wlro.)
Portland, Dec. 13. United StnUs
District Attorney C. W. Bristol, who
was hailed as tho successor of Fran-
cIb J. Honoy in tho land fraud proso-
thnt) ovory asBlutnnco will bo rou-!cutlon In tho Northwest, scarcely a
dored Ynton. Tho Impression about ,yoar ago, and wIiobo summary dis
tlio troaiiry department; Is that .missal from onico Wednesday, Is still
attending tho advanced rnto tho bank will soon reopen as It id. tho political sonsatlon of Oregon, In
Hooping vory still nnd saying noth
Wnshlngion ing.
ag caso uoioro mo lntomnio
acrco CotniniBsion, wired as fol-
faohlngton, D. C, Dec. 13.
h II. Allen, Soattlo, Wash.
Sent Hill, of tho Great North-
odny told Charloa E. Patten, of
regarded as solvent.
Watson will leavo
position was mndo for them in heav
en. They nro wooing It with nil tho
forvor of an alllnlty hunting a mnr
rlcd man.
Bristol's nppolntmout lioltls until
Juno, but can bo terminated at any
tlmo. Whon Bristol Is finally suc
cessfully sovorod from olllco a utato
ment Is oxpectod from him. Whon it
does conto hlo friends Bay ho will not
mlncb tho terms and fodurnl condi
tions In Oregon may bo given a rnk-
;ing ovor that they havo not hnd slnco
Honey convicted Sonntor Mitchell.
this nftornoon for Now York, whoro
ho will confer with bank correspond
ents thoro. That tho national bank
Christmas Goods Now on
Display and Ready for
Your Inspection
comprise the latest and newest goods obtainable
will be sold at prices that will insure quick sales.
your choke from the following list:
Today ho stopped down from his To Regulate Immigration.
sphlnx-llko pedestal long enough to (United ProsB Leased Wlro.)
deny tho chnrgo that ho was guilty Soattlo, Wash., Dec. 13. Tho Jap-
will reopen Is regarded as a practical of noglect in tho proscwitlon of 2T nneto Kojcui Lveguu of Soattlo Inst
cortnlnt here jlndlctmontn, which ho porBonally se- nlht gave dellnlto ovidonco of Its
cured against tho land grabbers, (attitude on OMnntnl Immigration by
jTheBo canes ho declnrcd hnvo bcon-londcralng a memorial to congress
pushed na rapidly n possible. Thon fvRieS excepts morchnnts. ntudent
ho resumed his nttitudo na tho "si-nnd trnvolera from tho proposod ex
tent mnn," nnd continued to mnko elusion law. Tho exclusion loaguo
nolsoa generally nccredltod to tho j whon flrftt organized, and for soma
oystor. jtlmo nfterward, was bofore tho pub-
But tho speculation as to tho real lie in tho nttitudo of advocating tho
rouBon'a for Bristol's ourt dismissal absoluto prohibition of Oriental im
In the dopartmont of Justices rec-j migration. Latoly tho loudors of tho
(ommondatlon that hlB nomination for organization havo boen ondonvarlng
roappolntmont bo withdrawn is still to formulate monauroa that will rog-
rifo In tho country whoro rolls thejulato Instoad of prohibit immigration
'Orogon. Yesterday U. 8. Senator )0f ABintlo races. Tho petition to
Fulton wna pjosonted with a formal 'congress will bo clrwjlntod all over
statement from Attornoy-Genoral tho const.
(Bonaparte In relation to Bristol's
dismissal. Two charges wore mado
n gainst Honey's succoesor. Ono woa
j clothing
of Other Articles.
tho delny In tho prosocutlon of the
Innd frauds. Tho other was based
on tho "terms, of n cortnln tologram
addroesod by him to tho nttornoy
gonoral of tho department of Jus-
Burglara Blow the Hnfo.
(United Pross LonBod Wlro.)
Couloo City, WnBh., Doc. 13.
Two burglars early yesterday morn
ing nrackod tho safo in George II.
McDonald & Company's ntoro with
nltro glyoorlno, but wore frightened
mm i
'iHfl Ma
m w i
Mii Ik
Irtrt XtTfint irt An. am 9 4 til
ii ' "lv " ,w,, " , away bofore thoy could aoeuro their
dUpateh wore both Bonaparte and Jdor T p,,, ,nd nI.
Bristol rofu.0 to make public a thli th h ft M bo , ,t
tlmo. It ta currently bel ovod to bt d t h t b
a copy of his statement to a Port- kQn wpioilon completely
land owning paper te week J!wreoko1 tho Uoni ., n th.
wheh Bristol d.olared that the
statament mado by the dopartmont i. PB Qftrtt fta .. niin . . ..
' 9 IttBtlAA nt Via timl Kaaii nrnfoii. I
i t jum.u v iiuu ww ! " Corj(i nftor tj10 crnokamon had
uiuuuuy cuiuiuwuu wuii nvvvrui i
,tho defendants In tho land
fraud cose prior to bU aaaumnilon
of ofllco was a "malicious Blander."
This strenuous wielding of thq Eng
lish language may excite admiration
gan. Th olllc flxtoir&H woro bad
ly damaged. Tho fugitives ran a
quator of a mils east of town where
'they mouutod horaoa and rodo to
'Adrian, on tho Great Northern, to
n the dnrtmant of Just oo whlof JmJf ft hnnir amed nfln
tho oxpreaeloM omanate from the
White Houso , hut coming from d
subordinate fadtral attornoy Ir a
comparatively unimportant dUtrltt.
tlioy arouse emotioM of an ontlrfly
dlfforont nature.
For a short tltna
Tho Wojiwtn in (iio Cie.
(United Prea Leasod Wire.)
PorUand, Dc. 13. A motlvo for
I the mysterloud murder of William
this week it Dupuis by John Wynne, which hap-
was appnront that th dpartmoiit'lMd early Thursday morning, nt
of fustlco atil ontertalnd a bHiy.ain oannya saloon nero. was sup.
(United Prosa Leased Wlro.)
Boise, Idaho, Dec. 13. After toll
ing of hla arrest at Caldwell, hla Im
prisonment In tho penitentiary nnd
his confoBHlon to Detective McPar
Innd, Harry Orchard, chlof witness for
tho Btnto In tho Pottlbouo trial, was
turned ovor to tho dofonso for cross
oxnmlnntlou. Orchard said that hlu
nrrost camo tho day after tho mur
der of Stounonborg, hut ho was al
lowed to remain under guard nt tho
hotol until tho following day, whon
ho wna taken to tho county Jail. Ho
ttald that after hln arrest, and boforo
ho wnB takon to tho county Jail, ho
destroyed all itho pnpora .la his nos-
soonlon, Including lettera from Jack'1
SlmpkliiB nnd UttUilliqnp. ,.U.,was
alvown-the copy ofa Sottor which Iio
rocolved whllo Jii JalL niul?11'1 at
It had buon -wrlrton by etllbouoj
Tho letter waa npf Introduced nt'that
tlmo. Ho also told .of rocolvlug n
tologram from Fred Miller nt Spo
knno, in which tho attorney auld ho
would coino to defend him. Orchard
said ha hud sont no communication U)
Mlllor. A lottor which Orchard suld
ho wroto to hla wlfo nnd givun to
Marlon Mooro to mall In Alaska was
Introduced, aa was n letter written
by Haywood to Mrs. Orchard, In
which ho Hfild ho undoratood Orohar.1
had gono to AluoUu.
Orohnrxl was asked If ho had any
personal fooling against any of the
men that ho hnd killed or trlud to
kill, nnd he said that ho had not, and
that ho only know a fow of thorn.
Heck and MoCormlok, ho said
ho know wvll, and had thought n
groat deal of thorn. Darrow began
hla croHs-exiiinliiaUon at 11:90. He
flrvt (liiofttfoned Orchard concerning
his autobiography recently published
In n magazine, Orchard said that he
began writing tho story of his lifo m
June, 1000, nnd gavo the manuscript
to tho publisher last spring, boforo
tho Haywood trial. Darrow thon
asked him about bis eurly llfo, nnd
the wltnasH oonfeaHed that boforo h
left Canada he had burnod his
ohoos factory to oolloct InaurantM.
May Wlthdmw TriHH's
(Unltod ProBa Leased VJlrfr.)
dohtnold, Nov., Dee. Iff. 'Aikstr
a two-hours Interview with Gunciat
Funaton last night ho InforHwOC mm
that .tho, troopa would probably
orderod withdrawn from Oo&MM
In th ovory near future," nald? C 1L
MacKinnon, prouldent of tho- mtimv
local union this morning. "Tho-
oral was greatly pleased wltU th
quiet manner In which tho lmr
havo been conducting thomaoIvOK, tmi:
mndo no attompt to conceal tha ftst
I bollovo that In hla report to "Wash
ington ho will Htnto that the contin
ual presence of tho troops hore m
not nccomnry. It hna been stMe
that na soon aa tho sold lent Icckw tHe
minora will commit overt acta. Till
will avail thorn nothing', an lk
troopa couKl bo ordered back In fla
day's notice. Tho Western Federa
tion Is going to win its battlcn nlmft
olenn llnoa, or not nt ftH."
Funstou nnld ha will remain uatHt
aftor he federal commisHfon nrriv.
Tho notion of tho mlno owners l
reducing tho wages of unloir men ta
having its offect In nearly nil DraiH
oh of labor In Gold fluid, and it la -Moved
thnt many aympathotlti atrfkwc
will rosult. At n special mooting tr
the trades labor council lnt ntRh. .
resolution wna passed condentRlinc
tho nctlon of tho mlno ovynoro. Tfcv
olcctrlclntiH and enrponture hurtt
walked out, nnd It Is bqllovod tat
othor trades will follow until there
Is n gonornl tlo-up. Tho Gold
morchnnta pnsM n busy day. FM
morning thoy wcro nurnmonetl to
ponr boforo Gonornl Fnumlpn-, '
'gathorcd tholr Ideas regarding tJt
FutlH'r" of County Troinutw JlkJi-.
urtlwm'Pnfnk'H Avny at t)M)Io4n ,
of IIIm Hon In This CI V-
A. J. Rlchnrduon, fnthor of Caun-v.
ty Tronati ror Richardson, died nt Dm
homo of hlu son, In thtH city, lhk
foronoon at tho ago of about tovnn-ty-threo
yonra. Ho wna a pioneer of
tho Wlllamotto valloy, having cr'oawil '
tho plnlun In tho Immigration ot
1861, and located n few mllea from
whoro Solo now atauds. In tho ser
ontlos ho bocamo a roatdont of Maria
county, locating at Stayton, whom
for mnny yoars ho conducted a haluB
nnd llvory biiBlnoss. Ho Iorvcs;
threo chlldron, Mra. Wlloy, of givat
tlo; W. Y. Richardson, of (hla c!ty
and Warren Richardson, of Htaytoa.
His wife Hiirvlvoa him, and llvo with
her Bon at Stayton. DoceiaeT waw
a llfolong and consistent mombor of
tho Chrlstlun church, nnd hfi death
will bo dooply niotirnod by imtiiy old
friends nud ploueor rialdon(a or
Woatem Oregon. Ho Jonveo thro
lirothura, Dr. J. A. Rlchurdorr. or
Halom; B. T. Richardson, of Spo
kane; John W. RIchardBon, of Bcfo;
Wad d all Rlohnrdson, of Moro, Wa
oo oosinty. Tho funeral will bo IieloT
at 11 a. m. Sunday at Btnyfon, Fu
naral aorvlcoa at tho roaldonco pf WL
Y. Rlahftrdion on Chomokotn nnd:
If you want the best voluea on
'Hlo Pacific Coast In Ladlea' Coata
and Salts, come to the Chicago J
Impression that It still might be abla
to wean Franola J. Henoy away
from his happy hunting grounds for
fatted grafters In Sa Franelsco and
California and bring him back 'o
the fog boh. to handle b(a old land
frad rasoa. Whn Haey had iha
question put up to him squarely In
San Franclaoo yeetwday he salJ
nothing. Bnt ho smiled. Honey u
not of that oollber of eltlzen that
will use pop sans when twelve Inch
guns are handy, and the enorgetla
special proseoutor of Patrick Calhoun
Tlrey L. Ford. Bugene B. Sobmitz
'and perhaps WJHiam A. Herron and
the entire soumern raoinc ring, ia
not very likely to drop this ohaaoe
for real big game to ohaso back to
Oregon for the mornful satisfaction
of encaging in a long and tedlou
plfd today whn n Hpeolal from Pen
dleton, Or., tho formor homo of tho
murdered man and hla slayer, was
received, stating that the oauso of
the trouble betwoen Dupuis and
Wynne originated In an alleged Inti
macy between Mrs. Wynne and Du
puis. Yestorday a coroner's jury
found that Wynno was tho person
responsible for Dupuis' death, but
refused to comply with tho earnost
efforts of the district attornoy and
insert tho words "with murderous
Intent" Jn tho decision. Mrs. Wynne
stands by ber' husband In this crisis,
and declares that ho will bo acquit
ted. Dipul had a reputation of be
Ing a bad man when drunk.
For any of the ordinary diseases
of the all in Chamberlain's Balro Is
conflict with ex-Congreaaman BlngerJ excellent. It not only allaya the
Hermann and one Jme District At-, Itching and smart but effect a cure
torney John Hall, Heney, among For iaJ at Dr, Stone'a drug atojra.
Kdttlu'll ll(ut ThonuiH,
(United Pross Leased Wlro.)
San Pranclaao. Dee. 13. -Stanley
KU-bell. of liuUo, Mont., was glvon iTwelfth BtrMts. Snlom, Saturday nt
I Iki flulfilmi nut nlvlit nvnv .Iiiii , V " III
TUomaa. of this clt ;: the end or
20 rounds of Miisattondl niid bloody
fighting. Ketohell earned tho ver
dict by his ngjroasIveuoM, hla oJoaner
hitting and more foruaful punches.
The man fought every Inch of th
way from start to finish aid liter
ally cut each other's faaoa to ribbons
before the Hna gong sounded. Each
mau Kccrod two kuook-dowua during
the contoat. A driving rain broke
through the canvaiwsovored roof of
Reereatlon Park during the tonth
tound, and both fighters and spea
tatom were thoroughly drenched
beforo tho fight ended. Bo von thou
sand pooplo witnessed tho exhibition.
o -., .
Wunhlngtou Is Ilrxtko.
(United Press Leased Wlro.)
Seattle, Waah., Dec. 13. A apo
dal from Olympna to the Star says
Tho state Is broke today, and began
Issuing "no fund" Interest-bearing
warrant on Us general fund. It has
about $400,000 cash on band In state
depository banks, but thla money la
in special funda and cannot b di
O l ... n .
Cortolyou Hnyu IIh u Lie.
(United Prosa Leased Wlro.)
Washington, Dee. 13t. The rumor
that was ourrent this morning in
Washington that Secretary Cortelyou
had resigned was ptinoturod at noon
at noon by a threo-word Intervfovr
with tho aearetary.
"That's anothor Ho," ho wild, nnd!
with tho,t dismissed tho whole anb
J oct. Since Roosovelt'a latent r
nouncemont that he will not bir u
candidate for u third term, tho Dtoukr
of Cortelyou hna wotlooubly rfon.
Tho bollof Is spreading that the ad
ministration, bollovlng that the TIt
boom boa flattened out, are now con
centrating their strength upon th
oecrotary of tho treasury.
TuroniA School RtiHdiHi; oh Ffrov
(Unltod Presa Leased Wlre.
Tacoma, Dec 13 The big Frank-,
lln school building caught Are thin
nftornoon The children all march
out quietly, and the fire was soon con
trolled without ccrloui lo,
.- (3
' A. . Ml I

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