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Daily capital journal. (Salem, Oregon) 1903-1919, June 20, 1908, Image 3

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t '.Vlf""pifr.'r-' '
tub rniGia wi? pay.
ftvimt l'"-' Celebration of tlic Fourtli
Coots Annually in Life nnri Uu
iiiiiii Usefulness.
fKrom Mrs. Isaac L. Wee's "Our
Dnruuun x'uuim nit uuiib vn
Tho fitting celebration of Inde
pendence day 13 n q-ieBtlon on
i!MMi ntitrlotlc Americans nro son-
arnted into two widely divergent
uartles, one claiming tlint It ought
to be observed n8 noisily ns possible,
tho other believing that our national
birthday Is too glorloitB nn occasion
!a ii mnrred by din and disorder.
:of course, wo k'now that oven among
those wiio uivur u uuiaiuruus ou
gervnnco there aro many who cannot
tolerate it momseivcs, anu eacane
to the country In order to avoid tho
tortures or tno "awnu iourtn"; jun
. wo know that a large proportion
; 0f the nolsemakers, Including the
groall boy and tho big boy, too, is
heedless, If not Ignorant, of all that
our holltlny standi for, and thinks
nt It only as n tlmo when clomor
may reign unrestrained.
The figures which muicaie mo
price that wo pny for each of our
vmHv celebrations are so appalling
thnt one would Btipposo a knowledgo
of them womici no mo most poweriui
deterrent to our annual massacre,
This, unfortunately, Is not tho case.
For the past five years tho "Journal
'of the American Medical Asoscla
tlon" has endeavored to collect stu
ttitlcs Betting forth whnt tho cele
bration of tho Fourth costs In life
and human usefulness; and al
though they aro admittedly Incom
plete compiled, as tnoy are, al
most entirely from newspaper re
nortP Instead of from records of hos-
pltn's, dlsponBarlo and physicians
they form tho gravest possible ar
raignment of tno recklessness which
Is willing to pav such n pr'co for n
"Jollv day." They show that dur
ing the celebration of five national
blrtlulnys from 1903 to 1907 In
clusive. 1,1153 persons were killed
and 22.R20 woro Injured 1 Of tho
Injured, SO aufforcd total, and 3S9
partial blindness; 3S0 persons loit
arms, legi or hnnds, and 1,070 lost
oir or moro fingers, nut those fig
ure1, starMIng m they aro, convey
on'.v n faint Idea of tho suffering,
both uhyslcnl and mental, wh'cli
went to swell tho total con of thso
five lio'ldnys; In tills wo must uls
Include the weeks and oftsn months
cf anguish of tho Inlurcd, tho bip
enfe of entire faml'Ies while the
fate of some loved one hung In the
balnnc, tho horror of n future of
sightless years, tho pinching pov
erty now tho lot of many because of
the death or maiming of the bread
winner. The Perfect Public Servnnt.
Tnft so described by Presldint
Roo-evtlt, who admired his patriot
lm nnd unselfishness.
WTIInm II. Tnft Is a big mnn
rhysicnlly; not merely fat, but big.
He Is ns big of heart ns he is of
body. Ills friends lovo I3II1 Toft.
And they thought when the Presi
dent first mentioned him for the
presidency thnt tho people would ac
(ept him for his own sako's sake;
with affectation. Soronc; sure; Just;
absolutely unselfish nnd, therefore,
ftarlcBs; not merely courageous,
mark you, but careless of personal
consequences, Mr. Taft Ib n rnro
combination of "tho good fellow"
and "'he good man for ofllco" thnt
we Amerlcnns have sighed for so
'odk Why hnven't tho neople tnkon
to him with onthu'nsm?
At the closo of his Philippine ad
mln'Btrntlon, tho President de
scribed Tnft a j tho "perfect public
servant." Sneaking of nnother man,
he P: sldent said that he Ib able,
brave, expert and absolutely trust
wort'iv thnt ho doPB hist duty up to
the handle, but ho does it to bo pro
moted "And I ropect ambition ns
Words of Praico
For th jevcral Ingrcdlonts oi which Dr.
Pierce's mutUclues arc cotnposcu, 48 ctlv i
br leadf h In nil tho soveral bcnnoL of
Ovd.cno, should have far luom w-ljUl i
thunany amvuntof no-profeional tt I
tlmon.al3. Dr. Plorco's Favorlio l-rocr.p
Hon has the bxuqe of iio.next on aw-ty
botile-wrapper, In a full list of all its in
pedionts printed lu plain English.
If you are an Invalid woman and suffer
froa frequent headache, backache, gnaw
logdlstr.'i in Ftomach, periodical paint,
oUagreo&Wc, catarrhal, pelvic drain,
toes'ifedown distress In lower abdomen
5' pelv, perhaps dark spots or speck
r.Cj8 before tho eyes, faint spells and
Mndfol symptoms caused by female weak
cess, ctpthrif derangement of tho femlnlno
organs, Wican not do better than ttke
C ft rJi.'fi Vnvr.rlta PrescrlDtlon.
The hital, surgeon's knife and opera
ln8tV.luyLo avoided by tho tlBi.T.'.' 'je,g thaa gx "foature
we of Xfcvorlti. Prescription" In such "2 " Porhaos "be most Into-
C4S, ThfAhv thft ohnolou" (XBrr'n.
tt'TS anTi'.VVT ir('iM"nti of th farr '
Cn " A'i c ii i,p.vo"Mei andn "thn'-n.-iyij
s"r i s" 'cssfnrtreittiTH'nt carnal 'J3
11TJ U!LLrtr'IltlL' 'jome ' favorite
rlv ... I. n ' T! ,.,Ttxmnrt rl thft VPfV DOi
-f-. -.
"Jtrtprted.clnal roots known to roed cti
cjen e for the euro of woman's peculiar
JHmrnts, ccntalns no alcohol and no
Mrafm or habit-forming drugs.
n Do not expect too much from Favorlta
'rs-riptlon; - it will not perform mira- oi ,U"V", hAiftirkiihir In ita hlgh
!s ), will not dlsolvo or euro tumors, of pictorial V, 0Pn,i niLanre In six
nsK-cinewlll. It will do as much w Ut st-nso win And P,eM"'f1J.l ' "J
u vigorous Ii
?atli n most ea"
peculiarly Incident to
omtn as eny medicine can. It must be
Kwen a f; r cncr.ee by perJevcrancc In M
use for n roasonablo length bf time.
LT'I Cin'i MfrrH tn r.r 1 cPrrp! ' W
likin uS u. . nstltntn fnr ihh rrTrmY n
! U'nmnn pfa lnltirl trt fnT1C1llt Df.
fierce, by Utter, free. All corn!;
?ce Is gacrded as sacredly BM-ret anfi
--WM.ta.. MV IIIMHU v..-w.- ---
pmanly0 conHdences aro protect W
JlfWtlvo and regulator of the "tywtton of Photographic Soc e
7T lnvlswrau etoaach, liver nntf ' j pe5t amateur nboto
ig 0e a laxative; two or thr- i nnhle organization in America.
"UWUc. Xa& , to taita us candy. grapnic orBuu
n inniliM t e. ..
that Tnf 8 ,n.n8, But he "W
Rflf rnn..V,r mi" I'"UUSm ttllU
o ' ' l-, I 'er '- a thought
"" " ins ncnui "Hint's whv
we wated him at home. We put tK
other man out In the service. "Taft
every day " ! X W"nt t0 Seo h,m
This Judgment, spoken with feel-
"b, uiiu repented nfterwnrd, with
rpnrtni-in nmp,m of services
Irtored.nU roun(l th world this
sentiment accounts for the Presi
dents wish to have Taft, the dlsln-
...--iu, succeeu to the presidency.
Lincoln Steffons, in the June Ev
erybody's. Tho June number of tho Political
science titinrterly (Glnn & Com-
u.ij, uosion) contains nrtlcles on
Marxism Verflus SoclallBm," by V.
Q. Slmkhovltch; "Protection and tho
Formation of Cnpltiil," by Alvln S.
Johnson; "The Early EnglUh Colon
'al Movement," by George Louis
Ucor; 'Sennrntlon of nhitrnii nmi
Stato in France," by Othon Guer-
iac; anu "Turkey In Europe," by
Wm. M. Sloane. Tho nunlber con
tains also reviews of new books and
the usunl seml-nnnual record of po
lltlral events.
The Amrrlcnn Mngnzlne.
The Juno number of Tho Ameri
can Mngnzlne Is up to tho high
standard of exccllene? now main
tained by this pp-lodlcnl. It con
tain humor, stories, and an abun
dance of Interesting nnd Important
Information. "Mr. Dooley," who Is
writing for nobody but the Ameri
can Magazine, contributes nn ar
ticle on Diplomacy. WIIMam J.
Locke, author of "The Belovd Vag
abond," is Just beginning his now
scr'al, "Simple Septimus." Lincoln
Steffons contributes "An Apology
for Graft." liny Stannnrd P,akr
writes of "Tho Nogro In Politics."
The Craftsman.
"Is thoro a S?x Distinction In
Art?" 1- the Importnn leading arti
cle In Tho Craftsman for Juno. U
Is a duscusslon by Olio Edgortou
of the queatlon of womon's exhib'ts
and tho ntltudo of tho art critic
toward the woman nrtlsts. Tho
writer asknowlodg03 n box distinc
tion In kind of work, but not In
quality. The Miptrntlons nro tnlcen
from tho mo.t lmportnnt work of a
recent womon's exhibit. Whnt a
return to small farming would mean
to the nation nt large Is told by
Edgnr J..IIolllstcr in "Getting flack
'o Our Dnse of Supplies," In tin
Juno Craftsman. Mr. Nolllster
treats his subject with a slmplo di
rectness thnt h tho remit of tho
tudy nnd work of n lifetime, and
his theory Is advanced ub n possible
oVnlon of n part of our menacing
Industrial problem. A uollgntriil
talk on "Gateways, Old and New,"
In Tho Craftsman for Juno, Is of
timely Interest. In "Tho Envlron
men of n Country Home," E. Dru
llle Ford tell' of tho pleasuro nnd
contentment that Is nchloved by
following th? dictates of Nnturo tn
planning and building n homo In tho
country and by letting ono's sur
roundings be tho outgrowth of Na
ture's EUggcBttonB. "Tho Tribute
Silver," bv Elizabeth Cnrr McMakln,
and "The Wedding Gift," by Emery
Pottle, nre two stories of definite
human Interest. The prize essny In
Tho Craft-man competition for e
snys on "Tho Arts nnd Crafts Move
ment In America," nppenrs In tho
Juno n'imbr. Th's Ibbuo also con.
tnlns tho Introductory article of n
series of eight ItssonB In dyeing by
P-of. PlmM"- E. Pellow, of Colum
b'a university, whoso purpose In
thes" nrtl'es Is to outline clenrlv
the Imuortanco of the recent dlscov
erlee In dyostuffs nnd to point out
the advantage- of the new "coal
tnr" ir filling dyes over tho old veg
otpt.i pnlorlncs.-both ns to beauty
nnd faetne-s to light and washlnp.
500 Plrtures of Itoosevelt.
Th nost marvelous photograph
f- mndp.. showing 500 dlfferont
,.!-,.. 0f proeldnt Roosevelt n sem
bled In on b'g picture, form tho
double nge fetre of the June Wo
mon's Hnin cnmnaninu. inesu
n jr,,jg f rhotoitr-h. tnken In
, , ..crv ,taje territory l.i
the Union, show our atron'ious Pres
ident In all periods of h's public
life n cowboy, rou-b rider, gov
ernor, speaking, lecturing, on horso
back. etc. Whether we admire Mr.
Roosevelt or not. we cannot but
marvel nt the greet colkctlon of
photographs of this human dynamo
which have beon brousht together
hero In one picture. It is the most
remarkable picture evsr mado.
Photo. Rrn.
o eiimmar issue the Juno num
ber of Photo-Era Is unlnuo. for It
.i i. "nilmnsM of Cowboy Llf
In Texas." by Goargo Pnttulo, ac
companied by 22 nlltistratlons by
Erwln E. Smith, n former cowpunch
er now studying art In the school
of tho Boton Art Mueeum. Ab cow
hov llfo is ft bepoin'nK extinct
thew Buporb nhotograuhs bo full of
ho athosnhoro of tho ranrheB nre
:.."' ,t1 intaraat. TllO lover
fniKpage reprwiuoiuus m " "
"u v$rfiSv vandervelde, former
nerEldent ot me urmiu i" -7
club..one of the best organ.-
r. . i Hn.i tn Amr'cn
appreciation of this work has been
rovlded bv Eleanor W. WiUard a
Ke friend and fellow erlit.
Shose work and persona liy are
hlehly estenu m .-
sharply, '"i Is m?G..enllltex,,,ln,n,jCons'dablo spaco Is devoted each
thnt -r.. .i:.18 ."ne'. B,lt le said month to item nf Inform Z.
ing ttlC (InlllL's nf tllla Unn.l.nl
I body. 15 cent? a copy of any news
I Or tinntn.eiirM.li. .1 '-
-. ,... aUfii,t u.uii;r.
$1(100.00 In r. Izps for Stories and
The Rohemjan Magaz'ne, Deposit,
N. Y Is In the field with nn offer
that surely must bring forth good
Action and pictorial material. The
editors aro offering a total of $1000
for good fiction. Tho offer, which
will bo found In detail In the June
number of The Bohemian, includp?
$500 ns a first prize, $175 ob a sec
ond prize, and substantial amount
for tho third, fourth and fifth
prizes. Manuscripts which do nut
win a prize, but which prove avail
able, wll. bo bought at attractive
prlcos. Every manuscript offered In
th.9 prize competition must be ac
companied by the coupon printed In
tho Juno Bohemian and to be print
ed In every Issue of Tho Bohemian
during tho summer.
In addition to theso prizes for
stories Tha Bohemian hns taken a
new step by offering $100 in prizes
to amateurs in photography. In tho
June Bohemian will bo found Ave
well-known quotations which tho
photographers must Illustrate This
unique contest will doubtless arouse
Interest nmong photographers every
where, Inasmuch as thero Is abso
lutely no limit to the ingenuity
which a photographer mny use In
Illustrating the lines.
Tho Gray Goose, another maga
zine under tho Bnmo editorial man
agement, Is offering a total of $500
In cash prizes for good stories. This
amount will bo divided nmong tho
seven, ho-t short stories the best
story to rocolvo $100, thero being
no vrlzoB loss thnn $50.
Altogether, these prize offers con
stitute nn oxcollont chance for a'lth-o-i
to prove what they can do The
editors state thnt they want good
Btorles, regardless of tho reputation
of tho writer, nnd that tho best storv
will win. Indeed, they nre rathe''
anxloitB thnt theso stories will strike
n new noto In fiction, dopnrtlng from
the convonttonnl types.
Tho Outing Mngnzlne.
.Tint ns tho llttlo city of Pough
keopslo on tho Hudson River Is
nbout to omcrgo Into tho nntlonal
spot light, Tho Outing Mngnzlno for
Juno prints a timely article entitled
"Poughkeopslo's Great Day." Pough
keonslo'H groat day Is tho Intercol
legiate bont rnces In June, nn oc
cnslton thnt Is without doubt tho
most pIcturo'qMO athletic event In
Amor'cn. Mr. Ruhl hns skillful')
mastered tho dlulculty of blending
the color, tho cnthuslnsm, tho rnm
pant collcgo spirit nnd the rnco It
self In hlB nrtlcle. Like every otlur
article in tho number, it is 111ns
trntd by mnny photographs.
In his "View-Point," Mr. CnBunr
Whltnoy, tho editor, spenks of Mr.
Clarcnco II. Mnckay's admlrablo ex
ample In saving trees; of the curious
way In which the ancient Blenheim
spaniel blood Is kept pure; of the.
need of knowing whnt to do In tho
ense of drowning nccldcnts; accom
panying this nro somo valuable l!'e
saving rules which should bo mas
tered by overyono. Tho health ar
tldo thU month is by Dr. W. R. C.
Lntson, who writes nrnctlcally about
"How to Correct Protruding Col'ar
Vnrntlnn "Horrent Ion,"
Tho curront n'imber of tho popu
lar outdoor magatlno Rgoreatlon, Is
a fiaclal vacation number if
doublo t,i nnd full to tho brim w'th
good things for peoplo who tnko
vncnHon, whother thoy havo much
or llttlo to spond.
The covor Is n fine reproduction In
full colors of a photogrnnh of a
deer swimming ncross a river. Sov
oral forms of thh vacation numbr
nro printed In nrt tone Inks In col
ors, which bring out tho fine lllu
trntlont In an unusually attractive
A few of tho spoclnl articles In
this great vacntlon numbor nro "Rec
nation Trlin on Horsebnck," "An
rintini' in Vnvn. Rrotln." "Two Weeks
In n Wngon." "Down the St. Law
rence In n Small Kioon." "unnoe
CtMlBlng In tho Adlrondncks," "Liv
ing In n Tent." "How to Make a
Fieeroatlon Lunch Basket," "Now
Feature In Cnmn Equlnmonf." snd
a i'"zon mor full as attrnotl-. In
ifl p.) on' who h at all intero tel
Id vscat'on mnM1 should "ilea bsv
Ins a cony of this snlondlil l&euc.
All newsdal" carry Recreation
and tho attention of the public l
sneclally callel to our complete in
formation bureau which is ooen to
all without charge Rooroatlon, 1
West 22nd St.. Now York.
The Goldfli'M Womnii MiJ"t Ilavo
Her Auto,
The Motor-car Is bb noceesary to
her aa a sewlng-mnchlne wns to
hor mothor. Goldflold Is developing
a new fomlno type. There n woman
"does up her broakfnat dhhee "
looks hsr door and pulls rjt for the
mines In hor own motor-car se -automobiles
aro now a necessary ad
junct In tho comulotii llfo of a min
ing woman, say Mary Richards
Grav in th New Ida Woman's Mag
azlne for July. Sho coves one as her
mothor. who might have been a p'o
neer In some Wetorn town, coveted
n oAwlne-mnohlno. or hor grand
mother n spltinlnsj-wheel. If she has
ten minutes to spare sue may iuv
Hnln otrflrtt illRnilRB the 1atOt
camp news with a milliner, and buy
a hat, paying a pneu ihi ""
Artiinfi In pffrontery thf fashlonablo
hat builders along Fifth Avenue.
And she may come in rrom me iimir
in ir,tr to dron into the Woman s
club or attend a session of the
Daughters of uie American evm
tlon She makes her calls uraully
by passing the tlmo of day with
whomsoever the happens to meet
She goMlpa about other peoples
SATURDAY, JUNE i!0, 1008
chnnces of success; she tells them
how to spend tho money they have
made, and she has a rulqck envy of
the suddenly prosperous nbout her.
i 4
u. McClur-i's New Cover.
The June number of McCluro's
magazine appears In a new cover of
"ormnl design which it lg proposed
to" mpo as a permnnent standard.
'Tho function of a Magazine cover
U nresumnbly to hold together nnd
facilitate the handling of tho pagos;
but. this fact eeoms to have been
very largelv lost sight of in tho over
development of cover decorntlon
which has taken place during tho
onst ten years. The use of color and
of pictorial effects as become liu
crenslnglv extrnvauant with a view
to attrnctlne attention on the news
stands: until In the midst of the
riot thin created, nobody can bo
For mnnv venrs Mr. McClure hns
"ough't n design for n covor of h's
mngnzlno which wcild have tho dig.
nlty and distinction requisite to per
mnnnt, us, and nftor frequent (lis
anointments, has met with whnt
ho bpllpvcs to be n ruccossful cover
In ho dp-lgn of Mr. T. M, Clolnnd,
of ,pw York, who hns mndo nn ex
hnitstlvq stiidv o' ,thlB pnrtlculnr
noblnm. It wnB necessnv that tho
des'Kii Hhhttld havo something of tho
clnsslcnl distinction and formnllty
of fine nrchltecturo, that it might bo
-aid of this cover thnt It l tho houso
In which McCluro's mngnzlne dwells.
Tho reproduction of pictures In
color will continue to bo a regular
feature: v.l it is. honed that by con
flning this work to the InBldo ot tho
mncrnzlnp unon nnner of a moro suit
nblo texturo, finer results will bo
The Clever Mnn Needs n Wife With
A wife with this sift well devel
oped 1p Indeed the cleverest of wo
wti, Tho problem ns to whother a
e'pver mnn needB a clover w'fo retn
unnn brontl llns. nnd Is, after nil.
verv ensv of solution, says Kntor
ino' Cecil Ti'irMon, In tho July Do-tlnento-.
WHhout doubt n clover
mnn should bnve n clover wife, If
he ronl desired to be n successful
mnrrlngo, but "clover" mirt not be
tnken ns vnonyinoua with the words
"work-irorl'tcinti" or "nmhltlous."'
Tho qunlltv nccoarv to the wife
of n eieve" man Is Hie essent'nlly
feminine eleverns of tnct nnd In
tuition the subtlo womn'n's gift
hnt nn stimulate without Irrltnt
lg. can comnrehend without quo-',
tlonlnc. nnd under nil clrcumRtnneos
Pnn or nnnenr to -nbordlnnto her
own interests, br own nrsonnlltv
to 'he mnp v'vld, dom'tintlm? mas
culine qualities of her husband.
A Hook on Wrestling.
There hnB Just been Issued from
tho press of Richard K. Fox, Frank
lin Squnro, New York, ono of tho
moBt valuable and comprehonslvo
treatises on wrestllug over publish
ed. World's champion wrestler
Frank Gotch has written n book
about tho art, which contains every
thing thnt is of Interest to enthus
iasts. A special chapter Is devoted
to training and another to tho ca
reer of tho conqueror oi mhckuii
schmldt. It contains fifty excellent
hnlf-tono Illustrations, showing all
his principal holds, Including tho
famous toe hold. Portraits aro
shown of the best known mnt art
ists. It is No. 20 of Fox's Athletic
Library, and will bo sont to any ad
dress for 10 conts; poatngo 3 conta
July 10 Story Hook.
July 10 Story Book Is now on tho
Nowstnnds, and In It Is found a de
lightful afternoon's entertainment.
Tho 1'suo aboundB In short, clovsr,
Bnappy tnleB the kind that koop tho
reader on the alert.
"Malslo from Near Now ork,
by Will Oago Carey, leads the maga
zlne. and in It Maslo loads hop
would-bo admirer a merry chase.
How Hiram Jeffards Tickled His
Wife," by Benjamin Franklin Nap
hys, is a humorous bit of work de
tailing tho exporloncos of n man, o
woman and a cat, n rather unusual
trlo--but It Is nn .unusual story
There havo been all kinds of Ju'ts
nnd all sorts of Jags, and, In "Pro
hibition Pete nnd Ills Disappearing
Indian," Elbrldga Snbin offers an
entirely new variety. ''Irds and
LnJlos of the Summer Tlmo " li
Stuart R. Stono. la n clover little tale
of tho oxperlencei of a protty type
writ ?r sort. It rings truo. Don
Mrk .Lemon contributes "Tho A
wskening of Mrs. Banks." In which
n doting husband rollos on tho lm'-HBln-hutlng
propensity to urouso
hU wife's interest In everyday nf-
Other 'torle in this numb?r are
Her Dream Hero." by Crlttonden
Ma-rlott. "Oa Dear Stuuld Old
Blunderer." by G. P. Str Ing, "A
Silk Purse of n Sow's Ear." bySnl
dc Gerard IVigb'-'. f'l "J'r M" j
or's Boquost," by Nellie Crovey Olll-
Th'o selected mssterplecu for tho
month Is Tho Record of Biirtaua
Herodsfoot. and. to quoto a writer
of eontoniporary faaio, "It stands an
everlasting monninent to the un
conquerabio lldellty nnd loalty of
woman." VHvoHitlon." by Langdon
Smith, Is the favprlte pom offering
And, complptlng the lewie. com
the knock, knock, knock of Jnrn
Stsnloton Cowlrv-Brewn n hli Up
iwrtment, 'Reading & Rot."
A Grand Family Medicine.
"Ii gjvag me ploaapre to speak a
good word for Electric Bitters.''
writes Mr. Frank Conlan of No. 430
Houston St.. New York. "It's a
grand family medicine for dypsps'u
nnd liver complications; while for
lame back and weak kidneys U can
not be too highly recommended.
Electric Bitters regulate the diges
tive functions purifies the blood, and
imtarts renewed vigor and vitality to
the weak and debilitated of both
j-exes. Sold under guarantee at J
O. Perry's drug store. 50c.
.l I I.I.I. Ill WIH Ill I 11,1 IIWV.TCTM H
For 3ga-(Jjk
the Summer's
No kitchen appliance gives
such actual satisfaction and
real homo comfoit as tho New
Perfection Wick Blue Flame
Oil Cook-Stove.
Kitchen work, this commc
summer, will bo better and quicker done, with greater
personal comfort for tho worker If ln.ru.l t k ..m:
beat of a coal fire, you cook by tho
Wick Blue name OH Cook-Stove
Delivers heat where you want ifcnevef where you'tidti't
want it -thus It keeps the kitchen cool. Burns fer
hours on one filling. Instantly WRukted for lbw.
medium or intense heat. Has sufficiem capacity for
all household needs.
Thrco size if
nearest agency.
When You Are Dry
A pure and wholesomo boverag" that Is sold In all tho cltlos
of Western Oregon and Northern California.
Made of the Choicest Malt and Hops
Grown in Marion County
Made of Filtered Water and strictly in accordance with the
Puro Food Law Salem Beer Is tho best mild bovorago offered the
Mndo by scientific processes and guaranteed pure and whole
some. No adulteration. No drugs or chomlcnla nnd under the most
porect snnltnry conditions. Address nil orders to
Salem Prewery Association' I
rWeLaun Ladici' Shirt Waists and White
Skirts Just Right.'
Wo giuarnntoo to. All of our shirtwaists aro care
fully washed with n special noutral soap, starched just
where they should bo starched and ironed by experts
who havo mado shirtwaist Ironing a special Bbudy.
Wo are pleasing tho most careful dressers In tho city with our
shlrtwnlst work and nre sure we can please you. May wo havo a
To!. 26
mmmmmammmmMHupu HiHiim t
nj IstfLB xaw(33
Strawberry Boxes and Crates
Just received a carload of folding
bnljocks, Untups and crate. Bee ul
lor prices in large and small lots.
.v.; vsssvsiSE i T'Twif-p.
1 F l m
cwtntraUd flame of the
not at your dealer's, write our
, , 7 . a wonderful light giver. Solidly
made, beautifully nickeled. Your living-room will be
pleatantcr with a Rayo Lamp.
If not with your dealer, write our nearest agency;
13C-100 B. Llborty St.
Spring Shoes
A good stock of Men's, Ladles',
Goya' and Girls' shoes in all colors
nnd leuthere,
. Tun nnd black Oxfords, also light
canvas shoes. Ladles' and Misses'
pumps. Conio In and soo my stock
am statu STHinrr
Up the river or down the hay Iho
llfo of n party is tho iniisk, and tho
muslolan U certainly ono popular
person. We soil musical Instru
ments oxeollant onw Just tho
kind you should buy. bteauwi tho
price la right. Do not go ulsowhorw
until you so onr sompletg Una -wo
have Just wkat ou wo'V. as c havo
tlim nil ihat Is. ull tho good kind.
'Uhsh1 to inuiit you.
j 17 COHiiiirrcliil HlriM'f,
Corner Trade and High S's.

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