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vW -m! rvw5"''"'"' " W 'jf $;pfri?wR'Ps - pqBTfT-' "J DONT HIRE A; DETECTIVE --vGIME THE JOB TO A -WANT ;AD. 111 THE pAILY CARITAL, JOURffat $ ' t V .ii. . , inn mil VOL. XVIII , SALEM. OREGON, tYCriflbAY TOY 7, 1008 J 1 , T" ! " ' '' j - . ' '" i ' ' ji". ii fmfflmmM ' i ' " ' ' - , , T i . . h . i iV U .1. i-es " " 5 KHUN TBI 1 HI BB BBI BB J BB flfl BB BB BBi BBnBHai J m? " W BB flW BB W BE HI tJ 1 BB BB f BBBBBV V ibWt .bbl Ablb .bbL Am i bbt B bV IbbbbbT r i j' T , -t ., ,.- i J. - , Tfa J V , ,,,.,', 1 .11 I p. , I I ,1. 1 , 1 1 1 I ; I t I . I m' TAMMANY BIG FLEET AIWA IS ARRIED 1 AT LAST I - I DEMOCRAT no. io . IR DELIBERATIONS ATLANTIC SQUADRON TODAY figfNS CRUISE TO THE ORIENT OPENING OF DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION SPRINGS A SURPRISE BIG FLEET LEAVING -BAY CITY HEAD-IS ' CRUSHED BY WHEELS BEGUN IN DENVER URGES RADICALISM THIS AFTERNOON CItOWDS RESEIGE DOORS LONG BEFORE AUDITORIUM OPENS ADJOURNS UNTIL TOMOR. KOW IN' CLEVELAND'S HONOR. Cfultofl l'rcits Lonecd Wire.) The Auditorium, Denver, Colo., July 7. The Democracy of the East and West today Joined hands within the shadow of the snow-clad rtoekcs to namo candidates for President and VIce-Prealdent, and to formu'nto a set of policies upon which fo appeal to the voters of the EfctlOJl. Fl.ut Wostcfij Victory." : For tho first time In Its history thu patty had recognized tho claim of tho far West In tho selection of a meeting place. Denver, Justly proud of the honor conferred upon her, bed provided a brand new nudltor lum , the best equipped of Its kind In America. The building cost the taxpayers of tho c'.ty $600,000. In addition, they subscribed to a -fun of $100,000 for tho entertainment of the delegates and other vlsltdr who' have boon pouring Into the city by the thousands In the past three day, Long before noon, the hour set for the Initial se-slon of the twenty- econd quadrennial Democratic con tention, tho streets In the vicinity pf the b!g, gold-domed building woro jiammed with people waiting for the doors to be thrown open. Trim, arefu)y groomed Easterners clad In long coats, "plug" hats and der bies, knocked elbows with less punc tiliously dressed representatives of 'he mountain and Pacific Coaat . . . nates. Tho "Merry "Widows" of tho Denver women and tbo "Merry Cow toys" of the Western delegates lent ptcturesquoness to tho scene. In order to prevent confusion pfcoiit the entrances, the police hod fped off all of the thoroughfares fad!rsg to the. structure, Signs over pie doorways Indicated the direc tion which each holder' of the much p'lied cards of admission should fce Mayor Speer had assumed a rsonal chaVge of the handling of fce crowds outside, and a small army '' policemen was detailed to pre- ervo order, their work making the k of the ticket-takers coraparn- wy ea y, Durlns the assembling and seat- "B of the delegates and spectators te fmous "cowboy band" of Pueb 9 and Alarao-a, perched up next the ot in the rear of the hall rendered ttlxed program of patriotic, class ed and "rag-time" airs. PaHaronw of Color. As the audience edged Its way In- o the building it was greeted wltfc kaleidoscopic panorama of qolor. e decorations were probably the t elaborate as well as the most rtUtlc ever attempted for a. similar action. Uti above the Etaee of the "rman, dropped from a steel raf- er. was a magnificent oil painting i George Washlnston. framed In Ht and measuring eight by ten Draped behind It were two n8e American gags, while festoon- OOUt It were varili tinon v&rda of Colored bunting. To the right " s'mllarly draped picture of VIMIOLDS GOMPER ATs'TMNJUNC- NEI1RARKA DKLAi'EI) 111' SMALI3- I TION PLANK HOLD PLUSUIS TO PACIFIC COASTWANT A vREAL PARCEL POST. (United I'rens I.cnse-3 Wire.) Denver, July 7. Tammany hnll haB out-Dryaned Bryan. The braves have decided to present to tho com- mltteo on resolutions of tho Demo cratic national convention tho most; radical platform over RUggo-Hcd from the east. Tho Bub-cQmmlttCo of tho New York stato delegation named to POX FJLEBX ITINERARY NOT A SHIP TO 1113. LEFT ON PAGHJIO COAST. C (Uultfld VtttM Utintd Wlrr.) , San Francisco, July 7. (ByyH..L.. Clotworthy, Staff Correspondent Uni ted Press ,on Bord tho Battleship Georgia, for World CruiBe.) The bnttlcahlps in the bay aro astir with action' preparatory to the departure of tho white men-of-war on tho sec ond leg of .thefr round-the-world confer, as to tho planks the Empho j cruise, yUexactly 29' riock hw area practically an nnornooir ma jgnar "inr-ancirorfc" (Cobubima o page ive,) istato desires, favor of tho suggestions made by the American Federation of Labor affect ing labor, especially those bearing on the anti-injunction question. Ilrynn Men Furious. Bryan's friendB aro furiouB. They openly assert that Tammany Is try ing to embarrass 'him. Ho did not deslro to go so far as to absolutely prohibit tho uo of tho injunction in labor disputes. All he wanted wan to regulate not prohibit. But Tam many deolares it has only taken the' peorleBs ono at his word. Ho 'was reported to havo said labor's de- inunds were Justified, and that ho wanted no ambiguous language used. Ono of tho Tammany men let the cat out of tho bag in discussing tho question early today. "Wo will havo a city election in New York ono year from thrs mil ho said. "We need tho Jabor vote. If Bryan and his friends oppose us wo will put tho responsibility direct ly up to him and if ho forces a con eervatlvo platform God' help' his chances, as the west and east will resent It." PqoJflc Const Plank. Tho Tommany platform will also pleaso the Paolflo slope. It Insists on tho exclusion of Asiatics and favors an increased American navv. Tammany does not want a decla ration of the lafeguarding and guar anteeing of national bank deposits, as suggested by Oklahoma, and does not mention the matter at all. It aho dodges tho plan to recommend the truing of physical valuation of. railroads. Parcels Post. Jn the strongest of terms, Tam many, however, demands a real par' eels post which it declares Is neces sary for tho wolfare of the country. Oompers Hopeful. Although Samuel Gompers li hopeful that he may come to satis factory terms with the Democratic national convention there Is at pres ent a considerable discrepancy be tween what the representatives of or ganized labor are demanding, and what the Bryan managers are wiping to concede. The fundamental difference be tween the Gompers demands and what the Bryan managers are will ing to concede, lies in a clause which has been added to the Nebraska plank, making it possible for injunc tions to issue when there is a threat "of lrresparable injury to property," or menace to life. The labor Bea aseert that this clause opens the door to interference by injunction in labor strikes, slbJ leaves the situation sub stantially &t it. ta to4ay. will flutter from tho mast of 'tho Con. ncctitut and tho ships will flic out tho golden gate. It is not. believed thb Nebmka will start today. Ten cases of scarlet fevor woro discover ed on board tho wnrBhlp yesterday afternoon and sho was immediately sent to California City to quaran tine. Up to a lato hour this morn ing, sho had not camo out of quar- tlno. Provost Gunid Ruby, Thoro was plenty of work for the provost guard lost night. Orders had been given that all men were to report for duty on board ship by V o'clock, but many sailors yielded to tho temptations of the city nnd had to bo arrested and put In tho brig. Itinerary Fleet. 'The announced Itinerary of tho crulio t,o Australia and Asiatic waters extends to Manila and is as follews: Leave San Francisco, July 7, 190S. Arrlvo Honolulu, Hawaii, July 16: depart, July 23, 1908. Arrlvo Auckland, New Zealand, Aug. 9; depart, Aug. 15, 1908. Arrive Sidney, Australia, Aug. 20, depart, Aug. 27, 1908. Arrive Melbourne Australia, Aug 29; depart, Sept. 5, 1.908. Arrlvo Albany Australia, Sept. 11; dopart, Sept. 17, 19Q8. Arrive Manila, P. I., Oct. 1; de part, Oct. JO, 1908. Arrlvo Yokohama, Japan, Oct. 17, depart, Oct. 24,1908. Arrlvo Ainoy,"ch!na, second squad ron, Oct. 29; depart, No. 4, 1908. Arrive Manila, P. I., first squadron Oct. 31, 1908. Arrive, Manila, P ,I second squad ron, Nov. 7, 1908. Rig Gathering. By October 1 thoro will be 22 bat tleships, lfftarmored cruisers, 4 pro tected cruisers of high speed, flotilla of torpedo craft, a screen of scout ships and a balancing complement of naval auxiliaries, flying the Amer, lean flag in foreign waters. No such extensive movement of it fighting ships to foreign stations has ever beforo been attempted by a na val power. Under the present order- there will not bo a single effective fighting ship on the home stations this fall, SHs:ect Cleared. Roy Bateman, a second class. fire man of the battleship Virginia, sailr ed with the Atlantic fleet today 4 free man after 48 hours of solitary confinement, under suspicion that he wa Guy Prescott, murderer of Josta Gray at Evansville, lad. Whea R, E. Leaf, of faata Cruz, and G. T. Boehae, of Evansville. old OREGON - wvfi t MAN IN THE EAST WITlOUT STYLE Of HE4W WAGON TAtKS Of CITIES two 0Tii:ns only present at f VMTED I1Y REG CEREJJONV 1STRA ABSENT. GOULD FAMILY 'United l'reu Lented Wire.) Londofij July 7, Madam Anna JOHN RRANNON OF WEST SALEM KO. O. WILL TELLS OF HIS KILLED WHEN DRAKE STAFF ;. GIVES WAY LEAVES RIG FAMILY. . 111 Jno. W. Brannon, a fnrmcr, while lives three milee est of Salerw wulte Gould wjm marrled,-to. Prince Hello driving down a hill with a load of do SagaiJ. cousin of tho Amorlcou wood nt 4 0.clock yC8tcrdl.y after heiress aad divorced husband, Count !noon( wnB thrown from tho wngou Boni detatstellane, horo today !m- Rnd instantly killed, raedlatolyjnfter tho expiration of the. Brannon was sitting on the .front 24 hoursPrequ!red to elapse aftor no- of n loni hoidng (he brako staff. Be tlflcatlonMjf a wedding is given. foro the foot of tho hill was reached 4 rThey p married nt tho roglstry jho stnff broke throwing him tor pfflce in tho Strand1- by -Registrar ftftrd to the -groun'd, the wfict.firdr Graddock nt 11:40 o'clock and im-'uio heavy vehicle posBlng over, hit mediately drove to the French Pr i,cn(I terribly mutilatlnK him. lo'inm cnurcn in sono square wnerej nrannon leaves a father, mother, tho religious ceremony was per- wfo ami flvo children In WeFt Salem, formed. . u0' wn-, burled nt 3 o'clock this Tlio wedding of a costermonger nftornoon from the undertaking par and his "gel" could not havo been Jors ot coroner Cough, Rev. Bab less pretentious than that of tho cock officiating. Interment was made French prlnco and his American nt city View cemetery, onuo. . Tiioro vere no attendants nt either ceremony, the only TRIP TO THE ATLANTIC COAST FOUND THE MEANING OF THAT-WORD HUMIDITY. wltnovi being Baron do Fontenllll nnd Mon sieur Don. Chauvy, Jntlmato friend of do Sagan. NELSON AND GANS TO MEET IN GOLDFIEI I) 1 United PrfM l.fnied Wlrf.i San FrnnclBco, July 7. Battling After tho ceremony, tho llttlo par- Nelson has settled all talk of his hi. ty attended a wedding breakfast at 1 tontion of remaining in the prlre tho Savoy. Tho absence 'of the Goo. ring by signing papers agreeing to Gould fnmljy from tho . ceremony meet Joo Gans at Ely, Nev., on Labor created a 6ensatio'n. I Dny If the colored lighter will nllow Although no attempt was mado at, tho champion to tnke f 25,000 of the tecrecy the reporters did not rencn tho registry's offlco until tho com- mony was in progress and were not admitted. Neither were they allowed to enter tho church. tered their cab to drive to tho Savoy for the wedding breakfast do Sagan was smiling contentedly. Ho re fused tqjalk to the reporters. 0 FIREMEN RESCUED THIRTEEN RADLY RURNED JAPS (United r.-m Leaied Wire.) San Francisco, July 7. Caught In a fire trap, fierce flames licking tholr 130,000 pure offered by Tex Rich ard. A conference today will decide whether or not tho matrh Is made. Gans' mannger, Benny Solig, met Willie Britt, who Is managing Nel- Geo. C. Will of thla city, who hat tnado a great success' of irthe musical instrument and sowing machine busi ness, thought a few months "ago. that ho was entitled to a' layoff arid so took a couple of months to se 'tho largo cltie of the east. He went clear through to the Atlantic, took 1 Now York and Boston, wound up with, threo days at Washington, D. 0.7'which heT!c!Hrerirthcnnet:'drv ' rthem all and anyono who goes ther anu does not spend two or three weeks, make a mistake, He only got In threo days, and says he is go ing back. But ho will not have to teaso Mrs. Will very long, as all the larilei like tho national capital. Denver tho ReM. . Ho liked Denver best of nny weat. ern city. "Tho houses nro nil or brick, except ono, and thnt is 40 years old, and they talk of pulling 't down. Tho business pooplo of Don ver nro tho finest In tho wholo coun try. Thpy are all fair In tholr deal ings, and nobody that 1 rnn acroj tried to beat me what you can't say everywhere. Wo rode all ovor Don ver In nutos. Tho Btrcets are Movel and tho nlr Is puro and fine. ' Finest Residence. "Toledo, Ohio, has the finest aw age of 'residences. Thcro nro miles of Btreets where tho houe 'will not differ $r00 in value, and all are tho discuss tho proposed fight. Sellg protested ogalnst his fighter taking such short ends but Br'tt was ob durate. -o 1 INTERSTATE COMMISSION DECISION UPHOLDS RAILROADS tHoltrd I'rfM Lenird Wire.) Washington, July 7. In a deci sion rendered today tho interstate commerce commission upholds the When the prlnco nnd princes? en-'son, and Tex Rickard lost night to somo dlstnnco back from the street.' Thnt town Is hit bad by tho flnnncial strlngency. Wo did not see nny Black times In the factories oxcept that somo lines of manufacture have fall en bohlnd the times and Jmvo to until down to get Into lines of progtenu. Chlriitfo and New York. "I liked Chicago much bettor than New York, oxcept tho wOnthor Is very hot whon the wind IiIowb from tho landslde. You havo to Hit by thu open window all night to cool off or sleep on tho carpet, and that 1h not what wo nro used to in Oregon. 1 did not talk with a traveling man clothing, and their faces massos of 1 present regulations of tho railroads, blisters from the Intense heat, ten Japanese were rescued by flrcmon hero early today aftor havfng givon up a! hope of escaping from tho death trap of tho lodging home which had been their home. Three of the 13 inmates of the place became despaired before tho arrivals of the rescuers and Jumped from a second sfory window (0 the pavement receiving serious Injuries. When the fire broke out in n laun dry on the ground floor of the lodg ing house, the Japanese were asleep. Before they could make their escape. the stairs had been undermined by flames. 1 requiring lumber shippers to stake and pack their own shipments when forwarding In open cars, declaring tho practice economical and not un- "", " ' ,n 7." "" , . T just. -This decision grew out of a' ) ' J " b JL. "" .?!T mimliBi. nt xMnnlnlnls fllo.t li. tYin "v """ "' mvll National Wholesale Lumber Dealers asioclatrnn and tho Pacific Coast Manufacturers ateoclation against several of the large railroad systems. Tho lumbor men contended that the present regulations were unjust and discriminatory. o fCoatiBaed oa hk Pour.) Cliarged With Atu!t Harry Townsend of this city, chargeil with assaulting E. T. Tegor- "jtrancl with a dangerous weapon last Saturday, was bound over to Sheriff Mlnto this rnorning to await th. action of the grand Jury. Townsenrf got into a drunken row ir, Neus baura's ealooa on Commercial street, and hurled a stone weighing two or three pounds at Tegerttrand, strlki lug him in the face and badly brui log him. Tegerstrand swore out the warrant this moralng while Town end was stiU Ja Jail, nil, and the general opinion b thnt Oregon will not hold the people who want to como horo ae Boon as tho financial pinch will lot' thoin got nway. New York haB moro poor peo ple than Chicago, and while Nov I York has tho largest mass of rloji that c'ty oho has the most distress ' irmni numtiA. nt a.i?..i.m PERSIAN GOVERNOR APOLOGIES ,' ZulTuV , T a 1,,,,';w in with tho rich. 80 much poverty IN UNIFORM TO BRITISH BBd destitution spoils all the enjoy. (United Prf Leed wir.) J ment to anyone not used to BeolnR Toheran, July 7. Dressed in full poverty on every hand, uniform the Persian governor ap-' lloloii Stre'tw Orooked. peared at BrtUh legation hero today "T,,at 0,d Port has the worst lot and made humble apolgy for the ot crooked streets Imaginable. You action of cossacks Jast night who caa ,oso yourself anywhere, and the surrounded the legation, where wPnu"w is how people find their way mnnv neroiB "hnft tnkfin rofiiir , around. Even tho subways aro built , When 60 cosiacks took a position crooked, It looked to mo w If the near tho legation apparently watch-,town was mSl0 Pf b'reen soft wua In lor refuges they knew to be flHd thea dr,e1 too fast and all housed within, the British charge d' wned out of shapo. The streeU affaires, made bitter protests to the,are "rrow and Just packed solid rerslan government and dfmanded wlth teams, Btreotscars, anl oao an apology, The trooj were lana'e- , struggling mase of humanity. I dlatly withdrawn and the apology cou.W uot NU you U the Jrwtoai w4 today. 1 (Conu94 on page Ire.) II I V I f E Ii M .. 1 I T r 4