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I I OUR SOCIAL AND OCT PLANTERS FEMALE. IEGUL.ATOR PERSONAL DEPARTMENT rSS FOR WOMEN 5?? 5 The Press will be thankful for items for this department, either For sale at B. Schubert's. by telephone, mail or in person. Telephone Nov 24. . m m wm .jva k n w i iw i i mi n i U M ft. u"' i I ft fi V n 1 ni v3jj wvm m v rt . j a lea so m lj k' n JttM U I f fc,J f I BJ El bi tl Im IK wi M S3 mi' I hu -s v v & fjwy IM? ?9&&Vft 9 Governor Hooper will speal in Morgan" County, at Wartburg, October 7th. Turn out and hear the Governor. Don't forget the Box Supper At the High School Building Given by the Musio Club 05 , Saturday night, October 7, 191(5. Push Wartburg Don't knock it. Dr Love's new residence is being pushed forward at a rapid rate. The Rose Kiliau Shows will ex hibit at Wartburg Oct. 12. Come. 'Mr Tanner is putting down a welt this week for Sir Peter Henry mile south of town. One of " ohi xjorrespondents asks how do Editors employ their leis lire hours In work. . If you are in need of stationery send your order to the Morgan County Press and get the best. If you have anyting to sell ad vertise it in the Morgan County Press and you will get quick re turns. " The Music Club will give a Box Supper at ' the High School on Sat i invuy night.- Everybody come and bring i box. J N Johnson,' County. Supt; of School s ,wus i Wartb.urg Satu r day and Monday on business connected-with the duties of his office. Mr and Mrs Oscar Ott of New - Paris, Iud., who have been in our city a couple of weeks visiting the family of his brother, Mr Tiffin Ott, left for thier home Friday morning. Don't forget, when you are ii. Wartburg, to drop in to the Pres office and hand in your dollar, 11c I. COALFIELD NEWS NOTES I Prof. J, A Love Was a visitor at Wartburg Saturday. Mr and Mrs Smith were shop ping in Oliver Springs Saturday. Ab Sisson of Windrock, was down this week working on his arm. Miss Mable Ruffner has been suffering from an attack of appen dicitis. Mr and Mrs S IT Jestes of Wart- burg, were visiting at Coalfield Sunday. . , Mrs 'Johnson of Kingston, is visiting her brother, J R Wilgon this waek. Ben Summer, James Sweeden and Frank Duncan motored out to Knoxvilio Sunday. Esquires P II Adcock and J B Webster attended County Court at Wartburg this week. Misses Laura and Minnie Whed- ec of Oliver Springs, were Sun- diiy .visitors at Coalfield. Henry . Russell and family of Caryville, were visiting relatives here Saturday and Sunday. Mr and Mrs Dave East ridge of Missouri are visiting Mrs East- ridge's sister, Mrs P R Estes. Mrs Brown of Poplar Creek, and Mrs Tucker" of Petros. loined their fhisbandr at the revival Sunday Rev. Osborne - of ' Walnut Hill, preached to the Elsa Rebekahs and Odd Fellows at the Hall Sunday considerably jnjuring the buggy. No one M'as seriously hurt. The rovival at the Pleasant Grove Baptist Church closed Sun day, There were 43 conversions and 31 baptized and joined the ohuroh. It is estimated that there were fully 1500 people at the Sun day service. The preaching was )y Revs. Brown, Tucker and James. ,.- Squire Adcock's court was the scene Tuesday of a very exciting lawsuit, which as to nature is per haps not duplicated in the court procedure of the county. Harry Gouge, who lives near here, was arraigned on the charge of a very grave statutory offence. The al leged victim and accuser was little miss Gertrude McDaniel, aged 13 years. The crime is said to havi been committed Saturday evening week near the Prudental mines. Gouge was arrested by Constable: W H Ward and brought before Esquires Adcock and Webster, Avh after hearing the evidence of the little girl and Gouge's father, com mitted the accused to jail until the next term of Circuit Court at Wartburg. The State was repre sented by Harvey Ward, and the defendant by J M Davis and C C Jackson. I have Just Received a new line of Dry Goods and Millinery bought DON'T GET SOARED AT HIGH PRICES my Goods Right and will Sell 'Them light BRUNO SCHUBERT 4 1 n K IB' 10 If PETROS, TENN. t-tr III - tt , WE ALSO CARRY A FINE LINE OF NOTIONS TOBACCO AND CIGARS. -GIVE ME f CfLL- 1 Mm m OURHQNOR BOLL These hames ave Jaeiadded tt.-j bur eufesfiription list since our JaM issue ana we ar able to truthully I tw now claim tne largest ircuiaK)n or any newspaper in Morgan tf-rOaWTRY PRODUCE. - METALS. -SHEET MOSS. ROOTS Dealer in General JTercliandise Mr and Mrs Herbert Adkinson nd Miss Maggie Adkinson of Dayton, Ohio, are visiting friends nid relatives here this week. Mr Vanus Davis, Misses Majorie more nor 110 less, for a years sub- nrebster and Stella Morgan motor. oscriptin to the Morgan County Press. J E Tanner has just completed putting down a well for C W Sum mer on the lot where he is. putting up a new residence? An inexhaus tible supply of fine water was reached at 40 feet. Oneda, the little six year old daughter of Mr and Mrs Otto Sehubert had the misfortune to fall on a sharp axe Wednesday and cut her arm nearly severing it at tin! wrist. She was brought into town by Dr Byrd, who with the aid of Dr Love, sewed the arters and leaders together with the hope of caving the hand. It is to be hoped the operation will be successful. The many tokens of apprecia tion nd encouragement in the form of personal mention, through the mails and in subscriptions lead us to the belief that the Press is, appreciated by th public at large and this encourages us to strive to ich succeeding number bet- I one before, and in our ef- we ask , the support and f. of our correspondents and the fuy friends of the paper that we Comity Press one of the best news papers in Eastern Tennessee. ed down to Swan Pond to visit the family of John Adkison. Edger Ruffner and Edgar Hop per left Monday for Morristown where they expeet to attach them selves to somekindof ajob. Rev Robert James conducted devotional exercises at the. High School Wednesday morning and gave the school an interesting talk. The High School teachers here will attend the East Tennessoe Fair at Knoxville Friday, the 1 Board of Education having grant ed permission. ' ; Our hustling constable Jlorace Ward rounded up two "down and oufdrunkon th'd church grounds Sunday. Esq. Webster promptly applied the remedy, fO and the costs. V- The Republican Club met at the Hall Tuesday evening and held a rousing meeting. Hon S II Jester nd others made speeches. The lub now numbers nearly 200 members. Mrs C A Peters had a serioiu nnaway a few days ago. A youiij. -rse hitched to a Hmggy beeain .Vfgliteiiod and ran away throwin, t ie occupants from the buggy and Dr T W Storrie Thoma9 Ryon JA Taylor , Sam Caldwell J J Nitezsche ' Floyd' Hurst A M Bishop A W Neil M Moody Miss Jimie E Adams J S Greer Win Ketchersid A Shadow D A England August Miller Wm Adsmond II II Pitman A G Waddell E m Aclkins C II Hearon John Wood John W Powell N L Duncan R PZumstein A I) Bowmer W R Davidson G Patching James Jarrett Martin Gordon - A B Potcrs W M Duncan Sam C Jones Mrs James JcuiesJ J Dorscheid J C Alley J W Beusler Miss L G Stone C I) Hurst D tffcoper :. Globe Nurseries Co. T W Nash S I) .sh1)orn V M Purvis LewiLee Sohuiioii Construction Co. Daily Paul. - -AND HERBS ':"V;-r:,UDERTflKER We a'riy'arliarge Line Undertaker and Funeral Supplies. " H PETROS, TENN. ' Dealer in . General Merchandise We are the oldest business establishment in Petros You know me and know that I will ijive arive vou the best of nriccs and aroods. Also an automobile to any place you want to go reasonable BEN J. BRAS EL, Wartburg, Tenn FRED A. BRASEL, Rockwood, Tenn. J - BRASEL & SON DEALERS IN General Merchandise. WARTBURG. TENN All Kinds of Produce at Market Prices. The Lowest Price Store in Town GIVE US A CALL,